- SE Ve : and There by * Reporter. be that | of got | la hon time. With ~ DEATHS RECORDED The Grive Bespwr Again Reaches Ont His : Fuvids, ¢ the middle of the ude ving for the com. reciires ons train crew and two sections of a hah in one section. s much time in requited in highly re of Paton, at her | hotne in thee west end of town Friday Cab 30 o'oloek aged 32 years, after an finesse of several wenke of typhoid fever. Funeral servibis were cobs dined Tuesday at 10 o ‘elosk in the Baptist chureh by Bey. Duaver, Psehich boris wax made in Fairview LeeIpetery, s Eo Mes Emigh was a daaghbter of Mr, : informed upon goot ‘and Mm Thos Cartwright, of this W..P McBride, formely “place, and beshdes her parents bn aur un Patton, is engaged vivid by a Dasband, an adopted daugh y orchestra of 16 pleces ter snd severdd brothers gind stators, of Music, ane of the The pall bisrers were members of Pate Sh of Atlantic City. Lon Towdge No ae 1 O.0 F ansician, and while [Deommscd was a loving wife many friends who will | feiondiy neighbor, slwiays willing to do more than ber share of work where ie fires and death overtook a faratiy, ed Erinn. and Ber demise wili nnle bw ¥ of Patton carne hy Ber reintive ow hat by the es Morris Emigh, apevted fad died and thot Mrs. Fmvaa Heilop. b ; Mrs. Erma Helle died o ri ow sh Poof her mother, Mrs Bun + Innes Whe tea Rvense Ratarday after ¥ oh Tel bastiae wi nf Mads cou ; g Tarkey And, {of sever; xi Feria $e Li iret aud Fajey Aap cand tery, of Dy Ee fra : Were Fiore Sah Toenday RIL ROO want ralwe SIRIBON, ail at FH Kin Pn, Fin i he Wenig Changs. k give a $1006 bill to & made in the Patton might snd only re in herby no Lil 1 Naerisiw Mis Lillian VV. dang ghter of Me amd Mm. John Tigton, Ceonmnty, died In a Neowristorwn Pa. Monday pn rs. Miss ho Had spidle Bor home | with hor deter. Mra J Fubem Parnvil tates HE of bewpital al #4 0 oluduek Yon Dave spa Tue ahont a td © whieh : : hove Be ation HET Ws ‘her. She was Hl about when death called her from this world, {The semmaing wore talon from Norrie Lpawn to Dtahville, Clearfield county, { ees fanetal services ware held. yes Mise 1 Hari ¥ Suiits was aged 2 yemrs, and survived by her parents Land seven sisters. She was a model young Jady, and while making ber i home in Patton gained a large circle {of friends Owing to the wo vers illness of ber huashand, Mrs. Farnell was yimable to dftend the bad sed rites Fv Awipataied, 1 Fravk Sonafeit, a wellknown Fond {dent of Galiitgin, Altoona hospital Monday sight to re- ceive treatment fbr serious injuries | repeived ab the station of the Pennasyl winia Railramd company thers teed for eastbound trafic. It is not known whether he wan frying to get on or off No. 10 but he was picked op minus a leg shortly after the train left Gallitzin, The member was horribly crushed and matilated. claims bis home Ww Detroit, says that he saw the accident aad that Bon- Pafeit was ip inser while try ing to board ofthe tenis. He fainted in the Gallitain tunnel, and the train crew had some { trouble bringing him to. Mr, Sonafeit rented well at the Altoona Hospital Tuesday. He ls aboot 50 years of age, qu has been in the employ of the | Pennsy fvanin railroad thers for a nom. ber of year. in Patios. amt Men 0 who i pow Visited Otto, men of Mr. — of near his place, Llceated at Phitadeiphin, visited at home and among tends in Patton th xsl two weeks, (Otto's face 5 badly jr from the resull of a gasoline iy which oooursl on 4 Lda "wre boat in that eity. HL sevans ji lage gasoline tank had jus) been cand In so doing some of ow Otto started fo pal sore bilise boat, it wi IRs Ten Bin «1 wk Tl aralit 11 line of General aa dark in She Dott had a lgleed haters, which he phi shed wo £3tto pal see 9 “he was doing. That instant a tertioe explosion resulted, setting fire to Mr (Ana's clo hes He jumped ube river thos saving his life. | happened the 17th of September and the injured man savs he is Tee ling fait i tor now than be bas for severe’ “a, 1 He depsried for Philade! Tew somites BE ui tt wt th Catholic ehioreh colsbrated the “Brand, a popalar young Inman ‘and Mey. John township, ce ediek ‘of many handsome after ment Ling whes typhoid fever hid hold of three works wood Stock company, wax admitted to the Monday, A van named West, who WEBGNS BELLS. day. Risv Fatbor Bdwin, of 86 of Pat. ton, and Miss Eva, daughter of Mr. of Clearfield Paesday morning ar 7 The attendants were Ame brose Noel a brother of the bride and Minn Tillie Noel, of Conipart, The vooang couple repaired home of the bride where a wedding dinger was served. About thirty oe cited guests were in attendance. Tha bride and groom were the recipients presents. Thay expe to take pp the duties of honse keeping in Patton in a fow week mass, which nnited for life Now, T Spanier Rll John W. Spangie and Miss Felivitus, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Enoch Shia! ware quietly united in marriage Tans. day morning at 8 o’elock. The attend. ante wers Jacob Koontz amd Miss Mut. bids hort a sister bride Both young people are in Puts ton and have a large circle of frends wha wish them bon yovage theongh af the well-known Pooh Sha < ) 4 rE thelr married die A wedillag dinner was served at the bome of tie bride, atid the conteacting parties were friends of many bavdsoms pease Mr and Mr Spangle expect to take up the doties of housekeeping in Pat ton in oa few weeks Another Contral Ofedal Hesligns Allspatelh Nov 12 sontaios the following: Bogut department of waning divieon of the New York fein Joracy hore dialed T Ha of apodber Fhe Penney sind aio of the pon Bla year ans, st {ise of { 3 ne fpr pepirent z J $i 2 dat nied pl Ferrel ¢ Barilding depart ERS spel FER TEN hig artisan. Ain waver be roade Bie iad matueday, bo decision Fiftewn years agra Me, Dray Edam bo Blas plac i fron Mlarris ; tion of maeiey Cote Dosw roel railway Hilin Ha Wi A ThE paling ot Be Bias sine hms 8 Wik in ai pretaining to tow building and repair big of tars of all description, arg was » ¢ SX prion wall liked by the men of that depart JQ Bimeax, of Corning, for meriy of this place, will auecesd Mr Prravenstads and will have chuege of the mechanic) part of the wo pi con ipectedd with position. The shop offer affairs will be managed by f hares Poi Me Simookx has beep jo Lhe RT the smploy of the company for a nun 2, ber of years, and was located hore une til the merging of the Fall Brook and Beweh Creek. Sines that ane he has Hed shurge of the repairing of passen. ger coaches and the building of engine cabs at the Corning shops. Ar the Masings Oper Hose, The coming attraction at the Hast. ings Opera House is the famous Er. which Opens & three nights’ sugagement commencing Nov. 18. On night the comedy