VOL. VII.—NO PATTON, CA) ISK I We can satisfy your Jesire with pipes of all kinds and shapes. Not cheap Pipes, ut good Pipes We carry the larg st line of Cigars, co, Pipes, and poker 's Artcles in tton. A glance at our window will prove it. @ ~ You know where u can buy the hnest. oods for the least Carpets, mattings, rugs, oil cloth, linoleum, window shades, curtamn yoles, and a full ine of furniture. Also the largest line of hard- ware and shelf hardware, b paints, oils, gl: 18S, Olliver plows, etc. lhe Jeading stoves, Ideal Red Cross, Capello, Dockesh Ranges. Stoves, Gv ¢ us a call and see for yours self. Very Réspectfully, ¢. C. GRENINGER, Pick Miners to Resse ‘woale until 120 o'clock when - Bossett, of Bouth Fork. somites Bad visited the stares u paid for pick mining, namely, homas Cantidoed, WAGE SEALE MO0PTED Miners and Clperators Altoona Saturday. SIGNED FOR A YEAR. Gov ctw, Ver Tin S38 vise, Hes Muehing Loaders 0h The joint committer on the wage scale met in parlor E of the Logan house at Altoona at 9 o'click Saturday morning and wrestied with the wage it ad joarned without having reached a con clusion. While the sivale was ir session, the miners held a meet ing in the Knights of Pythiss hall in the Schenk block at Hieventh avenue and Fourteenth street. Bernard Rice, of DuBois, vice presiilent of district No. #, presided The committees on constitution re. ported and suggmsted a number of amendments to the constitution, Whe majority of which were sooeptod by the convention. amended was adopted. ; Robert Cook, Eleanors; Bruce Wil liams, Barnesboro; and Wiliam Unrrie, Myro; were unanimously elected mem: bers of the auditing coinmities. Twill meet three days before the next oon. vention and audit the report of Sedre tary-Tressurer Richard of South Fork. The commitios appointed on Friday titibert, to confer with the officers and a oon. mittee of the Altoona clerks’ anion and call upon the merchants who refused | to comply with the clerks demand in regard to the early clos reported through its cha svete nl a Cries Bs ited the FYOaan, He #t refed to close at fl o'clock ao proprietors refused to recognise demand of the clerks apocepted and a commilies pointed to draft resolilions condemn. ing the action of the merchants in pefasing to comiply with the ea ing movement The meeting a ad journed to await the action of the soale commities The joint scale committe after being in session sll morning bad adjourned al. joint 1:30 o'clock after the operators had made further concession to the miners The mine members of the commitise were satisfied with the seale, but hav: ing no authority to sign it, asked to present it at a meeting of the miners. The miners went into session in the Schenk block at 2 o'clock in the aller: poon to discuss the sale. controversy apd discussion the men. bers of the scale commilles were given power to effect a settlement and sign | the scale which will govern the mutter of wages for a year. Resolutions were then adopted con demning the busines men of Alcona who would not concede to the 8 o'cliek closing hour. Maowio Adige The joint wage scale conimitter went into session in paricr E al the Logan tlement on the wage scale. The following scale was adopted: The price of pick mining cents per groms ton dr its equivalent, 5a, tents per net ton Machine loading to be 5.4 the rate for pick mining plus | cont, amounting to £0 83 5.8 cents per gros ton or is eqaiva lent, 30 cents per pel ton Machine cutting snd scraping advanced the same per cent of ine is ba et x0 per cent. Drivers now ing per day to be advanced to 82% per dd Drivers receiving $2 or aver vanosd 2 par All employed in or outside the gaged in the production op han coal to be advanced, 20 g tuding exist iE diaal WOTR. When authorized the operals make seh cotlectatns al Lae the employes may ob PACE fou tha to Bp mids fer, Ft A GRIT work day to be of Wn fiosurs Chours where ib now exists The scale wis signed bs the membre of the committee ay follows: Operaton: 1. 2 ter; James Ke ry. Lier Nnglor a, Pe Hi * 3 i 2 tonto: W. H Bw weil Hedding Phil detplaty Miners. Pulrick Gali Michael Mo Ti aargrent, Bar Ww i 3 amis, Ha Routh Fork, ; Biri: Lyenrge Richard Ring Bae Ti 3 WEY, an Tak inte Ham BW Hse pv, Bles r. spesident of distri No Mitchell national president of Mine Workers of Ameren. It was also agresd upon miners and operators « wih End bk TEda iw ‘March 12, enmmities Cornelins, it was carried that the Clerk get apart a page of minate hoor or tis The constitution As = stir Bao bof the officers, nails Preesihent 3 Cent, and later io After mood : having been ‘house at 4:30 and nn short Ume tater | {came to an amicable we duties of pursing Kim. 4 hat Bphet ould ment in | Altoona the ssoondd Thursday of March 1801, to make the teale far the ensuing M K. year reached Na aples, COUNCH PROCEEIINGS Na Applicata Yet Bevolved for the (Fon af ows Engines, Pation Borough Council met io reg ar seasion Momlay evening with ite following members prewint, Presiden? Campbell, Anderson, MeCormick, Winslow, Uordell, Harishorn ar Lor Minutes FE of nesting beid were read and Ape i Diesitis privet, Hy Winslow, Street Committee, stated that the Li pipe used in carrying waste waler accion the gireel al Sixth and filled up and water was washing strowt ab Nit the borcagh was submitted. Orn medion of Winslow, ehadrman of Paseh avons was we af th loos or inventor: a sepanded by B special book Lo keep aint inf Levels ard lomber bought thi « ag Sear. The mire any § sioner were instracted to find out w hat howe of the oft over roto jast year's strest work An agreement was submitted by Bore Robieitor Bomarviile letwenn the La & i {0 . of the firs? pars, apd tA anni lew dasa inimber ur MH any. re 2 lative to thie BWEr through said company’s land from east wid Filth avenue peek Fanning Lin made tes 10am Vi flan of Cornelios, seconded by Haris horn, it was carriod that the projee sacl {ter TR of Council, and the Burgess, fae muthiarisesd to sign and enter into said conlracl as ssibiitiend On motion of Hartshorn, scoonded by Anderson, It was carried that the election of a Borough En pines: be nid oi the table Gab an 3 peived tor said offioe Srna ET sseryest Lhd be granted On motion sdiosrmment Will Freel Fiftion Non Howes (eo. 8 Good bas part of the lumber on the ground for the erection of fifteen doohie dwelling hoes near the clay works, They will tw 48x32 feet in size, each containing four rooms and 8 sum: mer kitchen, The houses will be oeed for the employes of the clay works. They will be boilt in the rough at pres the summer camed with brick, This will be 3 great benefit to the poopie of Patton as itis almost an impossibility to rent & bode in the town at the present time. Work will commenced as soon as lhe EPIRA, tr fog Aspnlated. Robert H Conner, a hasband of only six weeks who was wo badly injured by an eleetric machine it the Barnes mines at Burpesboro last Monday, sabmitted to an amputation of his night leg mix inches above the ankle at the Memorial hospital of Johnstown, the meter broken in two places Dr. Charles 1. Hanna performed the operation, assisted by veral bocal physicians, The wife of voong Connor wha b ithfully performing the Wii remain st the hospital for several days yet wey van been § Ao Paodasivial Edda, The { last week in the share of an Falition. 1 (Clearfield Public Spirit appearsd Sindastrial hort hastory of and 8 ndnstrios Fave a = £ Spi 3) ng 1 % beautifel county review the and hosiness houses, of ead i 3 EE onion pon kg - $s finalsite W ith in ceria Rag ape, aloes] at oH CHR Was Hau $1.(8n WEE ETARRN args. wn SEO BPEL Y istry roel 3 wena Proje riy Caine at as wir yd 1D inowsneliary aroused residents of the ee alenily i bak a aiga on yh Bg Hanae cstant Necratary of the {nterior Ww oh der ravi, ihe Uambpa county boy who has bean hobaobbiog with Oem Paal Pretoria, Saturday Jtaly. on his way ih His Way ai hon, eapsed Bie lungs to tw an will bee New York, where they will points in New York state’ ent EFRORIR LEAGUE FEOGRAM ver bee Meld sm MEF Friitay Evening Ealswiniy mean) of The fourth ander the Literary Epeo ME chinreh ¥F dng sven SR Fo, al RG found the program: 1. Releetion by Epworth Chunr Prayer, {. U. Holler. Hecitatot, Miss Mamie Jovtoes Prget, Wittman, Recitation, Bong, Boys Stanver Taik, Beno Bopervil Heoitatinn, Ray Delaney Faeroiee, Juniors, Prof Myers Moe Faris Singing ¢ ongregation Pastor Ww Wo. NTRATIFY, Pres. Literary Dep’ annual entertainment, Sep artment of the given in ihe March 38, Below will fas i oe flelem {oma Sandford and Mary Viola Carnelins ang (hrs, Adkidress Rox itatoon, Benwdiot an Ware: Fumie Pomnih Warren Alexander, «om of Mr and Wom uf Fifth ant ™ arsday evening at 8 3 § 80 ds $l BIg Mrs flanter, hie “} 3 ATONE, whook o dave of poe : rhe was ages 3 vearw monihe and 11 days Last summer EF ner aE) 5s 3% {he boy Was Hie Lard By a hore and if sens that the injury be received at that Lime A FERRE i state. whieh vaned the hasty eye of tout the lines. Warren bright © BE follow fhe me rvices were hed Was & 3 greadiy relatives T funeral ivy See Baptist eharmh Sead AY afterion howe 1 ¥ Alegander, lgternent boing made Fairview Flo cot fed Le paRIe Ia Ley 1 fp alten and wii Iw frome By bress ysl Toa at 20 Rex in Cavite TY athy mw edlegnl at) 1a Mus frase was gb ji oe pie hie CU RIER stadend A Mistake Ir: the lant feed that RB €0 Lonrd, Kr tr tonites ws “Chet! bad departed for Watkin (ion, NY, rLARS future home, which was a mistake The tolivwing article taken from the Coalport, Standard will correct the bignder chaos by mesinformation: “Monday morning af 11 o'clock Bev. William Gibb, pastor of the Frosbyter jan church prosoutoed the words that anited in wedlock RB ©. Lord, of Pat- ton. and Miss May Davis, of thas place. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage in Irvona After the cere mony the happy couple took their de- partare for Rockstream, Yates county, spend mone of the groom's paws Visit other Aer visiting Mr. Lord's parents lhey will reside al Barnes, NY. for the pres The groom's many friends in Patton, slong with the UoURIER wish them haps § Cine i Tx. Pwd lpr Pat toy ohn tha hand They will tinye 8b parents %; x Dh ria doen Ard throat Life Appearance i Chastacgun, deters Mills, A of Jamestown, I: was his fiest BLASER Tait was Bes Posto, of a sotdier boy, w wind kil ¢ tha the wena of 15 8 Ta Sat THO Joi} : and sais At Lesrte # is € vw i ok Tvomlay po EN, x at 3 ae 4 u hin podienos, peed iatiog wn Whe § Arial Duan : % 3 * 5 5 ii ERA Al Wii pub pgnay BASE. a3 pear aa CRORE at wogean, and sEEVer i wy andoltes al $1 per 15 HT Peresss, M22 Patton, Pa Pus an are indorsed for 4 Brat ian Monday. E. DAVIS AS SHERIFF The furpest fonyenthon Freer Weld ju the Carin The trains Monday targest std best bom pores) erowds that attended Hepu vention in Ebensborg. Tha weather tou R fine ever Bean cantly ton was rather nasty in the early partof ° cleared | nominated for veedsction as County Chuirman, the day, hot later the i bie somewhat and tha delegates gathered bo Enos about the stireils aity the Court house, the prospective action of the «© an was discomeed and the strength of the varions candidates com parid. Coanty-Chairman CC. B Caver, Johastown, called the bey order in the aosprtroom at 30 ef ohoek LATIN a8 Lemporary secrelirien, Wen ley Allen, of the Twenty Aras Ward, Johnstown: Jobs OC Davis, of ward, Jubhnstown: and Franit Barges, of A reson The calling isd dmpeci- whew ERE VIER in of &2% of the roll we next, and it revealed that every district in the crminty Waa represented, with § ex. ception of the Fifteenth wind of Johor teowty Wiliam H Marrs, of the Fire ward, Johnstowr, was made presiding officer, are HAG permaient A comimiti £ dg REE {he SOEADOIrRTY serrelarieR Ware it consisted of laa Jones, Probert Pare of Wala od 0 aged Charles Cullen uf Forage An smendrent Wo &Pppointed of Eo wR Leroy the oomaly rues providing that the primaries in Johns town city begin at 3 pom instead of & was sohasitted, and nnder the r must Ti over for one year before it Gan Pa aatend © Nominatioas fe i GPR wR PER ue caiied for. Alvis Evans Es, of Ebene. DUrg., Was ro parsed unan mh J 1 State Senator Then came the ni Siineman, of | aninaliions for As. the chairman anscanoing that Perens Who bad quadiitied and might be voted for were Joseph 0 of Cambria towsship: 8. DL of Barr towmship, Thomas Ed Jaren Purnaker, of Bork, of Lalli. lng, Law Thomas Patterson, ravi of Ebensburg Frwnsbarg, James M Johnstowe snd FON Bn Mr Patiermon w hailor was lakes roan [1 James 88: Davie 102; Rlomaker Thomas, 71; Bark, % Davis was deviared BO i Dated » Thomas then withdrew from the con test in a peat and oval Wy eponch. pledge ing his support to the Leket nom inated which brought him thandem of ap plage. A second ballot rime ited thie Jarows, $4: Shumaker, 0 Bark, 3 The nominees for Amsembly wav therefore declared to be Messrs. ravi and Shumaker The nominal of Autos WER, by a very haavy vole The following were Alnus navi g therefore ell af threw, and oid i it BL ow 2 with the fdloann ihe two enndl med an, adhe Ess 8 sR 3 Eo Fp pated with the roles anid De. gs bles fur the poenin tion of Shen + 2 TM STA erage HY, 8 re REE ER Tm, viomal and State Administrations . ant urges the pomination of Mr. Eva: as Baie Congress and of My Bilnean bor Shade : peed tet < large gatheriog a reac GLEE WAR them Carman Manofacluriog OOBpARBY, Madders, Pa spent last Wednesday The ressiitions espesiaily rommend the spare of the Republican Coonty Dotnrmimdoners fix the prodent man sgement which has rent ited in the i zl the tax rate. A resid thon tioned a your ago, providing Hew to revise the war brought op Far & Ladd rules of the Pty andl the Dllowing wer samed. with in. stepotions to peparl one Fear hence Join . Cates, of Ebensbary; Ax ander Montieth, of Patton; John H Brows, Joloslown, Mesnrs Evans and Sunenmn were empowered to sebecl thelr awn cob terrors Aharies EL Cover, of Johnstown, Was bal be declined Tor were sod FH. Barker, of Blhensburg, was Ehime, The convention hen sdjourped, with onthnstaetic chpere for (be Stans of thar whode Republi oan tivket next fall Soop Broken. Jom Kartheim, of Mellon street had | he Sisto: tune to have his right leg [broken Frida {the Rixih L evening. Mr Karl Beinn had ore Boome sod in attempting to get off the sled he slipped on the mder, which was joy, caning bis fool bod to give way, the Hmb slipping between tie fender and sled bed. He ost his balance snd the whole weight of Wis body was thrown on the leg fant - ened cansing a comminuted fracture. My Karlbein was taken to the Boge andl Dr. Worrell and Marray wim meveel whe reduced (he fracture. Tb a Badd break snd wil no dont be seviral nusnths before Joseph is able to attend 1o kis work agan. Foaniail After Pavaeres Lod Welk Ww moansger of the of £0 sat | A paera, Patton looking after the busindss inter eta of Bisis The patent som Bimathon Teeth fab and oooh Ww Bich Toa Deets pla ed the market Le oertainty oR tse and skis, The company has just competed Lhe first anusal stalernent, wg total ameets of TEER} paty 2 234% aovel drtale Sm yAry TeSys BOWED $2000 asd a sarplus of over SRO00 Quite a remarkable showing for the Birt year's work Patton Shoadd opening ee Minneapolis clabwomen have signed a pledge 38 to weir hata at public an tertainmemts. It came about thus: The Ladiew’ Thursday muasical of that eity had arranged 10 entertain a noted guest. Ope member whe bad sofered the tor ments of an chetrucling hat on & pre L iaeE women leave their boonets in their ceeanion, suggested thal the handboxim for the prospective evening. They did so, with such happy resgits to it who sttended that an antihat pledge ait was oirenisted and revived WO signatures in a ithe time, fev rad Br Lonsterivite Vienntertein silver dollars are again being circulated and business people iB general tive warned to examioe sil the sain taken in. The money MJ oof Shas Sale of 1861 and oso perfect in the nclation Bae dete toed Brom $00 thst 1 has sonondler sg face and the markings alnil th Wf pegiiar : Eh Ary pivishad by Smad res ail e3E Boer Bid pear-eod oodlason Bg as BE dweiling, up, abot further Mes NM at tha Uasd arasery.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers