$roo PER Y EAR. aper orth here for 15 given ‘back A Check | purc hase. with ea and sold every- and 2c. ch Paton Pharmacy Opposite Schoo! Building See their cook stoves o ranges, and heating : stoves. Also a full line of hardware. Chamber suits, side hoards, couches, rockers, mirrors, cupbords, high and low back sink and a full line of to suit purchaser. d. E Kirk Hdw. & Fur't Co, >C iron beds Very Respectfully, TRENINGER, Mgr. NOTICE : REPUBLIC ‘ble as a candidate chief; 5 Nelson, Bell, noaster of records; Sidney Roun ; ehamberiain; Edmiston, first guardsman; Thraball, second guardsman; John R Anderson, Fred Mitchell, officers as follows: templar; Mr Bogan, + Mrs Crowell, ; lon, prophetesa, Mrs. Kinkead, Che Khris Gleaned Here and There by the ‘Courter’! Reporter. NS. ee Che Primary Eiection WHE be Had Satie Aux, fan. Tih, 1000, The Republican Primary Election of = Patton Boroogh will be held on SAT. Five hundred Novels mm, at the regular polling place, to nom. URDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1900, be tween the hours of and 7 o’chwk p. inate candidates for the various Borough offices, By order of the Republican Borough Commitee. E. MONTEITH, Chalraman. Extract of Rales Governing Primar jew Rule 7- Any person shall be eligi- for Republican Nomination who has handed his name to the (‘bairman of the Borough Com. mittee on or before Satarday, Janoary 20, 1900, and paid bis assessment pre. scribed by the rules, which amount to go towards defraying the expenses of holding Primary. The fees of Candidates shall be AN elbows: Juoative of the Peace #2. © Tax Collector 42. . Ansewsor $1, Barges $1.50. Councilman $1. School Director $1. Judge of Election Shcts. Inspector S0ata. Auditor —30cta High Constable -50cts. Patton Pa., Jan. 11, 1900, GOLDEN EAGLE OFFICERS PE : Bath Lodges Mave Made The Selection for the Broming Trrm, Al the last regular meeting of Patton Castle No. 502, K. 6, E. the following {officers were elected for the ensuing term of six months: Frederick Mitch. punt chief; Geo. Baufield, William Eins vies chief, John ("harles F, HH ell, Hf. Anderson, high priest; venerable hermit; W. ley, clerk of exchequer; LL. 8. Bell keeper of exchequer; Cust. Anderson, wir herald: OC. Winslow, warthy bard; Abram Hulohison; sign; George St. Clair, squire; Hamel or Samuel Ed miston, trustees; Fred Mitchell, rope | penentative to the Grand Castle The Pride of Patton Temple, No. #8, Ladies of the Golden Eagle, elected Mra. Lees, past noble templar: vice-templar; Me Dik Mra Janes, priestess guardian of records; Mra. Priestley, guardian of findnoe; Mrs Beckworth, guardian of ex chequer; Mrs. Willis, marshal of cere. montes: Mrs. Priestley, guardiau af music; Mrs Jenkins, guardian of inner portal; Mrs Ardery, guardian of outer ‘portal; Mrs. Willis, Mrs Sperry, Mrs Crooks, trustees; Mrs. Kinkead rep resentative to Grand Temple irae Ire. C. Ernest Chia, who conducting dentist parlors in building for the past lwo moved his effects 10 week. where he expwots to eRgRge in the same business. Mr. Ulase popular young wan, a gos «1 work and made 8 large circke of 1 Patton during bid business career, COURIER joins with bis Bins mincle suCvess iu Hea wved fe has heen the Goud Nar, Pes iy; Borg logrtieat jasl The BA LTA here in wishing Cleartial « Faken ta a Philadephia Hoops Ars 108 of Phil 4 former resident of Patton, was LaRen to the Gynecian hospital at phin Monday to tw opeeated upon Mrs, Lansberry is a sufferer from an ia ward tomor and ber hasband has a tend upon the “dviee of two prroninent physicians. Tha tady has many friends in Patton FECOVErY. Land ry. PRI, who bape Wek Noor Spang Fight cars and wrecked by the parting of Spangler on the Canibria & Clearfield ania railroad gps tne division of the Penmsviy Friday ovening The {ater came togethers with te prific No one was injured, although a brake- man had a narrow escape. two faroe. Among thd stockholders of each year sine 1901 ton, president; A president; damer Kerr, Brown, W. H. Sandford, directors. notite Hubbard, Blair, MeCormiek, Andermm, minutes of specind meeliog sary Bh were read and Approved Henry Northnagle, worthy | Thaonias : The work train erew of this place was called out, & GREAT RECORD hep anmal Growl The annoal mecting of the stock- hodders of the First National Hank of For the Third Mont h BE nd Patton was held at the Banking hots week, Janoary Sth, present wera; A FE Patten, A Ce Palmer, Hon Jan. Kerr, Gieo. 8 Good, BE. C. Brown, {han Anna, John Mannion and WwW. OH. Sand. ford The respite of last year's business Taoesday of last of this institation were very satisfactory to the stockholders, and gratifying showing marked increase in the busi. news of (he bank during the year, The growth of he business of thin bank has been [tthe lew than phenomi. nal and mertainly speaks volumes for the Dusitgess ability of ihe manage. ment. The bunk was established Oc tober 1th, 1588, with & capital of $50. It now has a surplus fund equal to the capital. A comparison of the balance sheet nehisnve, wid Live a WE en of te Ens wilh an 2 developmeit gee Shy % 5 Hieed The ample resources of the bank consequent ability to accom addate the business interests of this section, the Ceourtesy of the officials and eareft and prompt altention given io the Hosiness of ita patrons are the prime factors in bringing about these wonderful resuits : of direct. E. Pat The oid officers and boar are ween selected toowit: A ti. Palmer, Sandford, cashier, i. Palmer, (wa. R (wed EL. viee Wm ; HH AE Patton, A. The probabilities are that the capital Hf the bank will be increased to $100, O00 in the near future, making this one of the strongest and most soccesstil financial iostitutivns in this section of the Htate MEETING OF BOROUGH DADS Cosnel Tresamriod Basioess Mamba y Nighi Revommionnda on Tablod following members present. President Winfow, Cordell and Campbeil The edd Jin A communication was received from the Patton Board of Trade reconumend- ing that the Patton Clay Manufsctoring company be exonerated {rom tax for tions of Campbell and Lisslersein, if was earthed any the table sizhigeat five years: of Bo seoopilesd by hal same be add to vali A communatinon was recrived Irom WT Hobinsen asking for an order of $35.00 Ww be gragted on the account of contrast on Fifth amd Besoh avenjes, on motion of MeCormick and secotiled by Winslow, same wis carried. The hidls of Abe Hutehinnan for 81.235 and Geo. Ayers for $1508, were pend an motion of MeCormick and Liy Apiersnn, same were and servsoiidend carried On mistion of Winslow and seconded by MeCormick iL was carried by a vote $2105 0 tar of polipemman to show appreciating gf of 5 to 3, that they pay sipit his soryices, Coannil adjourned axl regular meeting Monday, Janoary 22 2 pw al Safina: Tearhi: Resigned a Bert tend rer ad tie Prabaog., who has beets the {arroll teow nship se Boot sitaated a few steps off the tings road, lust aoross tae fine, handed io his resignation Mr Fuarshbangh bas acvepted 2 positioo birough Peaoeatiy howd -Bewper far 8 cuss TEES af rahi - WE 3 3 STE Rea $i wl Will pemove os IG Ge make Wns Car hw mel as Ih arrangemeiina Ran- Fairy for bal Aled 3 3 x ® Wiel EE Ly § HE 62 LITE TE. hn cavity, Wan ey ba % Bae ured fe dative Miia 4 Ths {ast Pes spring slectaons Febrnary 20th, min fling nominations borough officers is Tor Be Fabry st day SHELLY THEW AEN Mi gbdaetions to pilin i can be filed, or sy 1% withdras s wt file amy Kinkead, iat t tha day for tilen bt’ ampheall instaliod the newly vie ted the lodge at that place. a member of Pride of 1 parted Aa where she officers of Mrs Kinked is Patton Temple. Firut Nathoomel anh Bl Patten shan ow Han Bessie Atkinson, Dats : Kirk, Agnes Johnson, Blanch Yocum, Patton borough pouncil met in regia. jar session Monday evening with the Mishel * Jannary sth. 405 PUPILS ENROLLED. Ast Faercgae of one vey Eas Month Per Cont of Attendunon 0% First Privapey : Number enrolled, 78; average attend. ance, 64: per cent. of attendance. 3% Perfect in attendance: Ray Delaney, Walter Tryin, Edward John, Charley Johnson, Orval Keongh, Richard Mor. gan, Gerad McNamara doe Novick, John Hogers, James White, James Whiteford, Ralph Winslow, Agnes Cponks Tillie Hanson, Esther Johnson, © Jeanie Robison, Delia Thomas, vinia Williams {na Drogerr, Teacher medial Primary Number snrsdied, 87 average attend ance, Hl. per cent. of Attendanos, 56 Perfect in attendance: George Rad. cliffs. Tom Noonan, Wille Guynn, Ed. ward Girenninger, Raphael John, Don. | ald Brady, Jax Morgan, Mike Peigghtal, Francis Bruneau, leland Dart, Belle Atkinson, Minnie Gore, Della Holes, Margureite Morey, Dense Shun kk wiler, Fva Redridge. Helen Beil, Madeline Gaglinrdl, Maggie Powell, lillie An. statt, Mary Zirom : ANNIE V. Eariey, Teacher Thi Piimary, Number enrolled, 57; ance, $8: per cent. of Parfact in sitendance; Andeew Shekn, Nesbit average attend. sffenance, Xx Jobin Poweil, Pape, Earl Black, George Jones, Perry Waiters, | Roy Beers, Ray Hoohison, James Hodg- : ‘car in kink Dora Crooks Ida Chapman, Mary Gore, Justina Bhady, Amanda Qoion Rien 0 Resper, Teacher Fowets Pelmary WN anaber snrolied, Td; average attend. ance, #4: per cent. of attendance, #5. Perfint in attendance: Alles Blair, Ruth London, Lillian Florones Holes, Gertie Thomas, Fithel Yingling, Rosella Miles, Lillian Keogh, Cerna leonard, Clair Brown, Daniel Morgan, Willie Whiteford, John Cor reeling. Wilkie letseh, (bas Jackson, Fred Meuillen, Chas Bauman, Willie Powell HH Prra WW Hosa ss Teacher Firat Toto rowed ints Nambu enroibed, ats, 37. per oenl Pervert in attendunge {4 re Ant ry. 54: average attend. of attendance, Bl Willie Ast Edwin Barkey, Clark 4 awlher, ron Bury, Agustin Hurke Citame. Fritz Hanson, Joseph Cea) lineal, Wittie Meehan, Ulsire Anni Jones. Lizzie Montieth, Elizabeth Net. ssn, Clara Short, Efe Procman, May: ple Whiteford, Ellen Washurg, Marg: Lome Mera ie, E Puisnmie Teacher we eiand Bale soantind: Number snrodied, 3 average allst st5cd per cent Perelsot in attendance with, Rotlida Biller, Marie Dietrick, tds Forsberg, Hope Irvin, Mildred fowia J vile Mull Hay Shank Annie Sheka, r. Bruce Vin. Fred af attendance, 91, Minnie Beek Ride WA Anne Montie Ramme: % Te. Fame Witking, Mary Woome Bell, Roger Lucas, Paul Brown, Bortman, Howard Brady Nad Crompton, Joba Tebanat, Basey May, Harry Pat Ki fie Pi thar Fern wiles, Peter Samitohs. JEANETTE STOVER Cenk Ligne feria, Third Intemmeilhicr SF RRTLeG, atieflanes te Bpanenl { Fup PER Mar ye Tra ERR. Waiter Wild Alexander Nelo FI1IZABETH BHOEMARSE Kn Ee 58 teacher ul $rioa i Ao : ge tdding ( terman -B Grade— Number enroiled, 17; aver. ba. tendance, WH Drunesn Bandford. Netty Wallace, minth A Grade Namber enrollind, 21; aver. age attendance, 15; per cunt of attend. ance. 89 Perfect in attendance: Mil ie Yeokley, Enid Lewis Phoprson, Sophomore Grade Nipaber enroll ad, 12. average attendance, 13; sont of attendance, 97. Perfect in ale fendancd: Anastasia Biller, Donnelly, Annabel Gutisalios, Mellon, Rachel Witman, Jerry Noonan, Willie Harper. Juniors Number snrolied, 8; aver age attendances, 8; per cent of at tnndance, 98 Perfect in attendance: Agnes Honter, Mamie Joties, Florence May. Senior Number enridled, 4 ag attendance, 3; pay cent of ate Perfect in attendunee: Corneal Sumaiary Whole number enrolied #5 averse alfemviance, 407: average during term, 435; attended every day during month, 212; attended every day dorfug term, Sper cent. of attendance during month, 92, per cent. during term, 38 Haosioe Fant. For highest ARCH percentage of attend. Ment, Sophomore class, 95; 2d, Junior clas 98: Sed. Benior class, 95 BL Myymi Principal Pur Congrismen in a New Bale JE Parsons, whi was recently gamed for appointment in the Census Burean, was anfortonaie enough, when he seached Washington, to have the which his honsehold sliver. ste, were stormed broken open and all the silver and a quantity of finen stolen. The artivles possussend double value, becalise wime of the pleces had been presented to the mother of Mr, Parsons when she ‘was married, and by her presented to Mrs, Parsons apon the occasion of ber mar rings. Mr. Thropp was waited npon at cure and advised of the misfortnne amd immediately communicated with the police suthorities, and on Saturday evening they sent a spedinl messenger to Mr. Thropp's home, with the cotapli- ments of the chief of pailies, to inform him that the thieves hid been arrested in Philadelphia, and acarly all of the . bask guanine secured Fivessian Serfaty Taga, aad accent farway, Two As Pearnyl- varia local was on te way from Cres. Pireman Peank Urook, who is a mnie man, Wastaover, Jan 16.A asecnred this morning al milen above his piace MEY iy sone ger fell from the engine and was hor ribly cut and birttined abort the head and face. Hew immediately cot brought y Bim pemovind bi was Brought to this place Dr. Park the station and had i bis office wheres every possible is being done for his comfort. De Rice, if Hastings, waa mere but said be could do nothing more fo aleviate the suflering man than whit fad by Ir. Park. Both Aoetors entertain but Hitle bapes of his timate recovery. Fle { ‘posse thin 153 pL $a WE thang been done will ba haste: Man Dhoost. Kirkpatrick, mown citizens of the north part his Tuesday Hapry ane of he bd RK pisiclense in VERN, age of 88 vesrsi Dee wify and three af the eounnty, died a2 pgrss LAITON tow nsing, geeed bs sarvivisd by a bei ohpeiy : fiom, whe lives ab tha old homestead in Carroll township, at home. He wn Arohibedd, off Sha aod Blade, ane Heetiier, and Tiwi sinter, arse wast y Presi of 4 Theseatl, Fran & i fe Fil Took place Fd anid after Heernguinet ai interes 1 Puapori anf © hoeagee 0 oad Sep bee new timetable will take effect on i dint riot Nani “ x FH R" LH Y ATE RRS Peel Panasy vast bond at $00 SPREE Pe e34RE ard thirty prim ipsd i cappaanaliate pant will bee as fdowy Mab : po herieid, 3p, om; Philipsburg, 500 po oi Mil ih. A; } ive at Willia preport al 40 pony phi a sleeper open at Williams £ a easy 13%. Arn Phikude port at $00 pom, {¥her HSE trains are prac ealty unchanjped. | | Margaret Jones, Mabel Wharton, Mary Semple, TO INCREASE - Anna Donnelly, Emma Haden, Maggie Lowe, Howard Bloom, Robert Mo. por xI00 fest, Hyer goods, of silver height BURG tan. ordervd & sent fo age attendance, 14; per ont of attend. 1 ance, 95 Perfect in attendance: James Jones, Daniel Jones, Peter Ker, Car | . rie Holter, Edith Holter, Anna Jenkiow | Patton Clay Mfg. Co Expend $18.000. Will E oUt PUT. Tie Tesprovensent Wil Add 1 the Pas Holl About L080. ‘fhe wave of prosperity has certainly Angas struiek the Patton Ciay Manufactoring Apna Bandi, Blanner company has the foundation pearly company's plant in Patton, as the caomjiletedd for a thres-story sddition 39 which will increase the plEnt’s output aboot 70 per cent, An adifitional dry and wet pas will bei added) and several new kine erected, and the Improvement will increase the pity rolis about §ro000, Superintendent Prindible informed Hie writop that (he compen= oi nae Borth every effort possible to have the addition completed by the first of | April. during Ag hii plant now stanfla jt can torn oat from four to five cary of sewer pipe per duy. or from 20,000 to 35,000 brick per day With the improvement seven Sirs Or 35,000 bricks per day csm be manuals :tored. The Improvements all totaled will sost the company in the neighborhood af $15,000. LOREITO'S NEW CHURCH. The ¥v. Td Renseeriing the Od Fdifles has Commenced. Mr Johys A. Behwab, of Loretto, who will have charge of the work of erectinyr the new church presented to the laretto congregation by his son, Ahan M. Schwab, has begun tearing down the oid chareh in that place. It hus been decided to erect the new church practically on the site of the old ne, although it will be somewhat jarger. The plans have been prepared by a Plisburg firm of architects, and Ihe entimated cost will be $40,000. The plans include a winter chapel besides ihe main choareh, and the sealing on pacity will be about twelve hundred. ‘The sew church will be built of white brick, and will have a spire 57 feel in The walle will be 23 inches in thickispss, and will contain sbout 00, 000 brick. Mr. Schwab says it will cost about one thomand dollars to remove the old ehnret, besides being a very dangerous Bat litte, if any, of the material can be used in the new build- ing, sven the steam heating pint, tering in a very poor condition. So far as possible the labor 04 the new church, as well an the material in it, will be se- cured in the vicinity, this being in aevordance with Mr. Schwab's practice in ths many improvements be bas already made in the place. Since it is always safe to add 25 per cent. io the estimates of an architect, Mr. Schwab's princely gift will cost about 850.000, and will be the most costly charch in Cambria county, with the siagle exception of 86 Jobu's in Johnstown, which cost about $86,000, During the erection of the Sew building services will be held in the hall. which Father probable view to such prected several years arge Kittrell, with a an sins piroch ind rgeney, Bg 1 Hastings itpera Honse. January 27th, the musiond “hittle Trixie,” will be present at the Hastings Upers House, with Mav Smith Robbins and her big sompany of talented artists. The play brilliant settitig of amusing incidents, starting ol itis if i contains rama, on and special Mav Smith the attrac. i vocalist aed hiv vers ar personates characters. The is Pong and in- autors Satinrday, melodrama, fam 3 touhing starry inland ini xed and harrnonous muse, dre from the Dat The Lesnents of 4 Hein Phe fH bane with TREES tiem of a taro aly by ihe wie widely different SOPEOYLINGE ON pans ivpabos severed idabie Big Cas! Land rent, arent deal in coal lands in Cen « by Jonn Altoona Cond & Coke Cradliten alli ambriy Goniy Is the sale the of certain jand un ar the handsome of GC amraivead branch yamihy, sober for munages parry i Lhe CREPE JEM writing Morris, Cincinnati, 1 strated catalogue dois postage.
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