KERR RS akutanevssbunseriey Sn) imo v. HOR PAR PERN A YHA AEE ERE NEN EE BASRA RS oR EEN BARREN RH CHEERS oe A Phitips.... Shr a. BGR sense sr Hinoos....... Bees va ien add EMEA SERRA REN Gu J 3. MWR HR EE BREA Aw RR TOWNSHIP, Shoemmker MORIDIRREE vac wey) ah IRF SR AFAR BR MARIE SHER GHAR er A $o yen Bana be maw ASEH draw 1 RAH 1888. ERR EA SR Gn SE be he ek ey HE eA EE Ena NN FRE FoR A : Edin nw ws van aay RE ew mas Reni RAPE Ne ow ww EEN WH wa ENA EE We WRENN WE EEA How ed eR 1506 - 15M i +H i i £8 0 10 “0 er x * Ei gsez BE Eis tine ® Teese tO Ed 1 3 Be 1 1 Hilarian MecMnilen. aa bk Bk Jk St Bk 2 Mo Loa Shank Mini). ews Enh Misr... William Bn. Keith... ha John BE. Kireeh, oc CGrny & Wyland o.oo. GF RAN A Ew FR RES RF da * hn Wo b, Br wih Com Ine ny ape EGE BLACKLICK TOW NESTE, Cambria Tand fo... CAMBRIS THWNRHIP. Hits Cusmidy Joka W. Roberts... CARROLL TOW NSMLIF. Agnes Zorn Tnanc J. Weakls od Hpmnyler Imy's (o.. ds a RPA 5 RW —. B. Miller... CHET I ttny & Wyland (Min bon HA. Kiatger a Ane, 1. Gill i Min’ iy... alii CHERT SPRINGS BOBOLOI. : CLEBARFIELD TOWXKMIF, Willis McGaire......... Ha wos ikon dwn ap vk Msi eras Mr Hg ey Aaa ally... trons nein So Matin Boyer. N CIES Wm. Salkeld : CREMON TowNSRIF Mary & Dosgherty. dA DAISYTOWN BOROUGH, Lissie Thoma: ...... TT 1 B.F.lang........... (Lewis Heubaer............. John Barks... DALE BOROUGH. Adaline Hoffasan. io John BR. Crissy... PEAK TOWNEMIF. Giallicain a fer... y & Nagle... . John OM REAR A Beat TAYLOR TOWNKHIP, Eh 1. C, Bele... i Richard O'Neill... LH OK iene. Mrs. Lydia Ho ; Wm. Johns... HARES RY RE EANT CONEMAUGH BOROUGH LI. ig ichatmehy... - ds H. (ark. ERENSBURG BORO. WEST WARD. 1 1 Aan Evans. ............ ... ELDER Taw SAID. QRRLO....o.ciiii in Hastings & onl i Mbt pha Sh Ever ia oe RUA RIA 4 RCK W RA 232282.82313 28: FRANKEN BOROEGH. Tiwe. McUnbe Fat Christian Horeer GALLITZIN BOSOPGR. Aungnstine Litsinger.. John Wathine ... GALLIYEN SO. 1 Ofiver H Seatt.. 1 Au Dev a 1 Campbel]... Frames ¥ ®e Margaret Girinmen. Andrew Yeagiey Win. Reed . Johan Manafieid. C.. Midler Francis Barke. Wm Kelly Jiwwph Haviett Ir £1. Burke BAST INGE PROGR. Jub Forsk. 0.00 Jowin Gunes. J. WW. Hayl Henry heme. land & Co Edward McHugh... Franc Axton. FACE SON pn J. 8 Miller Cirint Taf. i raw. 5 b Fo vid Paul milly, nh Bisir & Cromwell... we A Traduaig Em John Ml. Rowe AB. Kathborn Eat... = John BH Leak... 0 IHNEN © (ryeisT " i Hex Rua B Sones.. Jousarows City-Sin Ww, 1 Me Comstantine Miler. IAS CITY STH W. . Willison. pr on ak Se Re WEE Bes ek ek me Ee i Behiastedn I Jerry HB. Wilhar g Peter Werte. 0 WIHNSTONR CTY Mim Ww 1 Peter Gallaeadb BR OL. tihark......... 5 VINA TOWN Cl y aT Ww, {has Yoauket... 1 Chas Witlinns 1 Bistie Winston 1 Catherine Washington 1 We Peters i 1 Lawreron Nudenbelfer... Eh 1 theorpe Myers i John Kester, 1 into Frank. 1 Duke Wilson. = AMNION CITY aati Ww, § Jummen Setann........ es § Jobin Manthe ©... FOHNETONS $1 1TH Ww HIHMSTOWN CITE 0TH Ww, John Reitlelaugh Thomas Highland E Fat. Maury Crowiey. Mrs, — Unddy. RB. Z Replogle... Albert Sack Jaeob Kern, Mr ~ 0 Neill. oa Pat. Mabaso. Maurice Lowi x Ta CIETY TRB J Bk en Wie we en RE ee i yo Eien Baker. ii IGEN TURN CITY 15TH Ww i Lawreney Vienl § Frank Nather $ Edward Thm... ae § John Brown... . FORNSTOWN CITH-1TTH Ww. 1 8B Anthan. 1 Fred Baker... .. 1 Uhas H CUssan Thea H Dee. 1 Melville Grant. i John A Hagen. : genecker. 1 Beni T. Masin. § John Mullen... A. BR Melwmatel. 0 . M. Met linn. W. Rose... Rachel Baukin........ i fi dubai £ uibusnby Joho NN. Hern... WR Hamilton. HH ¥ Wanner IW ae Cons Sehoft. oe : : : i ; Naeaks Namen t LAmplats Hodiinson CB Melamed ; pein Met Sebiand Adam Michael. Mm. Aun Menoher BA J Mangas. Adam Muted H. I. tnatsig. 3 in {3 ron, Wd Cleanpeers Noah {rweey.. ooo i FA Cromwell Jominh © dmv varegls Nap hen i gi yM. Perey. Peed Bemoher BOVINA EP i i i i ¥ i tf PF i 1 Lasse 13. Bow, i i i 3 1 i i i i i Lisorge 19 Stren Ko way 5 Ww Ms faces La Past. W a, E Asp Koa Crop Forde... We Thompson. Wl Wh NE Nee ME Va ECR Ge NCA RSE ORK SEE WE ERS wp a Ba SRE a hie ae AE am wy baweph Hamp. Law L ¥ sees. Ban ke Bo Mobi nk. ES G15 ee Ne eee ek a ee EP Pe Pn XL lomes {spect Hammond. Smeg Hus Raber fsa ) SOREN a a0 a dB ewe A Auibiny Freni fas. oar Ln shiney Bead ta. W I tn i aio Borer ii TEELN BROTH, BHC ii cha Lh ag a. Margret LE Mik RELLYL iia Ba me $ § £ i i 4 i § i ¥ § i ¥ ¥ x 3 Anan od 3 yery. RELL ELLE Ei SEs £ MURETER SAE # es amd Mary Millen Haze Martha Morgan. ios Abas ham {nario Muace. HERES TE ww PE on ee ak Wee N M Mee ¥ smiling {han Ransteac. Tharsis ots " Poawton Genes. E Tani Patton. Narn Me Nano ¥ Frank. 3, KX. Stephens Hg es seco k. (¥. Sach Kpwie (PF Kelbnd oo Pmseid D2, pilin... S— jamian Haina: o. bey i Tomeph ¥. Hel Ajtred Harrin, Prk Ser 1 BICHLANTD BIWNEMIPY. Crascent Pipe Lise Cano SUMNERRILL DOWNIRIY. Liatie Richins. Ww ho. 13 1 Pr SETH FUER NORGUGH, 1 bourias WM. Jones... ee Koswrs Bs Selo ka HR FONTS RRER ENEMY. Joba Manthe. wha Wenteramug. sey iF Tener... . HMI ment b Eitrichoo. rn 8 Ra HE. . Rives Handel ks... sewn ho ini fen Holecker. bin BO da ME ER ee WA AR ae de 2 3 ¥ 3 x ¥ CAR de Sean A ER I 4 Aare WR | RSW st Lik en Haat Cain Rie Eis, fmiai No dna a Miler. watt ’ . Be pdr SRI nian minors RAR 4 Wales nia yb men B Ussici shinny aE £99 HENS A I aR BE 3 A ¥ Fount pa Toe fa | FBI mannii ii 1 ae Mien Feathers. sn on fens mink if Summe (Won. foun, = min EE Na sh Wentaner, I. nit A ban ne & ; CBIR PE OR ee ats itn fo die MEY rns a Elisabeth Camp... Wm, Ba I Ios ARB nn ia MH. Ashman. LEANER BORGO 1.1 Bearer... Amaia Dheiske ae PF. Miter. {on Robins... TLMNERLRILL BORULGR, Pater MUNG iiss saan Marrs Mok ont come Patrick Lamar. omni Tames Devany — : SAIN Abs Mike Eyach: ct Desa Wi BE ins Mrs. Pat OF Dowd, Fat Manne... Jon. Zambarinin, Ved: Peoples B. & 1. Ass’ : Marco Manialis .ooieis Michael LYIBCR .oniiiniminiinines Ere rain Tw NSigp BY. sh | Sia Mary FT EGIL dlewy sri | ea sae Re 2 Lonoke YE a AUTAAPIAN pg Bromine teri 4 ver] Phirenteid | 2 Hi pn B Co ics ee armas anes weds 18 ar te mt es abe... ot pS Ne Ch de dea ol Hargey $e oh HA LSS rs he Fegtnt RARE cosine : Noel. Ab A tt Op fa ta Bm SAAR, San To € Fen Taran Wi aca mE Allen, A EA err Ea M smany... nib 5 phy ot it a Handl U80 wis Favion THWNSRIY, are fea WW. Bodoags oe -~ : Mas Ading HET mor ® oa Hane Van cosmic = SEER POW NRMP. i Hewett & Seiserciile. esis atl i Se ha PROPR ins sisi eb 5 Chae “Ranstend. Ee Wo Eas eel RAC i aa a Reni Pe en A h £ ha 4. Afwtemt. aS SAR SE Sanus 5 atineriae oA Eph se . WEE MORE BowstuM. i Wail Baber... —— irinid The lnrmer owners of the Above places sa Packh it eed Sumiriag to Sede hac cas 30 plying tu the County C Aloe hetaie the time af of oa pric hase By the AE Sere, et raven and at 5 oa gether eth costs of transfer of dowd snd ad) AREA Attent Jom C Gams, Clerk. : So Cow's. Ofte, Eh, P ra, 1 von tt cats Eo feo dE ed ta 0 at wher for 8. : a Beeman Teas ram we Tou tan wen argo some of maney on everthing wir El At Beer seas of the Tear £ shogrogtiet ind Carnet and vg @ bE a LT ln Ee om | else Fraighs past on Whe book sit § we woud pou? Adtitrens Bis way : P JULRIS HINES & Son s BALYINORE, ND. pon, ous troubles arising from s diserdered stom woh and targid liver. IT iss most agreeable | nse plo, sad Bs secomnended by physicians gepemily. lemember, it owres constipation, Cubby King bs sold in 35 and 0c paakages a! Buid deniers,
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