THE PATTON COURIER FEBRUARY 16, Hp “Well, Caled,’ r A Toagh Cauntract. | "NARCOTIC. ee Ww il be the Fashion In Our BIG STORE DURING FEBRUARY. ! This will especially be the case on stocks that have been found to be too heavy for the season and will include Dress Goods, Blankets and Winter.Underwear, Domestic Goods f every sort on which the lowest of figures will be placed. thin them out. There will be a great saving to all who come here to buy during February as there was in January as the advantage of reduced prices will prevail, ~ We now have a beautiful new assortment of Embroideries in all widths # in Cambric and Nonesook with insertions to match many styles, ~ There are all prices ranging from 5 to $1 per yard, Also a line of very handsome all over embroideries in many prices. - Beautiful new Spring Ginghams and Percales are now in and range at 100 and 12ic a yard. They were never prettier nor cheaper than now. Our Annual Sale of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear is now going on. ~The stock is unusually handsome and the prices very low, lower than you can bay the ie cborial and make them, skirts, drawers, chemises, corset a Come and woe om. if possible. If you cannot we shall be pleased to We make a specialty of quick delivery Mail Orders. Vrite for sample to the Big New Store, one square from the station. 22th Street, L. W. COOK, Altoona, Pa. Corner 11th Avenue and On Friday, March 3 For Adams, Conemaugh, East Taylor i Commissioners of Cambria and West Taylor Twps., and Franklin, pity will be at their office in Ebens- East Conemaugh, Rosedale and South "burg, Pa, on the following days for Fork Boros. the purpose of hearing appeals from persons assessed with Real Estate ac- | quired by them, or where changes in ' For Blacklick, Cambria, Croyle, Jack: valuations have: been made on account | son, Portage and Summerhill Twps, of improvements, ote, since the last and Ebensburg, Portage, Summerhill Assessment. Also from per. | and Wilmore Boros. sons nesessed with money at interest, The Assessors are required to be ] te, ete, taxable for State present at hearing of appeals for their purposes, and for making corrections | respective Districts, on the Military Rolls for 1899: BENJ. Jones, 2 os ABRAM Hosrprieg, : : THOMAS HOOVER, Attest: County Comrs, JOHN C. Garren, Clerk. | Commissioners’ Office, Ebg.. Pa, Jan'y 30, 1806, i On Saterday, Mureh 4 On Monday, Februar: op Alcgheny Bar, Carroll, Chest, on Yucrday. Febhrivary 28 Cresson, Gallitzin, Munster, Reade, | { With years of experience in the | aabington and White Twpa., and| ! ; i shoe business we find that for style, fit, neatness, comfort, wear and price, there is no shoe house in the U. 8. can | in any way be compared with Winch | | Bros, of Boston, Mass., for ladies’ fine | ‘shoes. If their $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 : j | shoes are not as good as you have been For Lower Yoder, Richland, Stony- | paying $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 for they ; Twps., and | will not cost you one cent. Tega ‘Hastings, Lilly, Patton, r and Tunnelbill Boros. On Wednesday, March 1 | Roxbury, and be convinced, Boros. ‘Muisws WHITE SHOE STORE. | Applications i wid Oaptain W. of | | Massachusetts yours ago, ‘what will | vou ask a day to saw wood for me? ['ve | got several cords that | want sawed in | two for the fireplace.” “1 shonld ohurge you about half a dollar a day if I had a saw,” { Caleb, ‘bat 1 ain't got none, captain, ‘#0 | don't see how | can aconmmordate ‘yon '' If that's ail that's lacking, | guess i we can manaze it, swid the caplain “Pye got a prime new one, keen as a weir, and 11 lot it tn yon reasonable Lb wonld pincpence (13; cents) a cord do for the ase of 107° Hf reckon that's a fatr price, captain ' 'H be over in the mornin’ Bright aud early that next July morn "jog Oaleh was at work, and he kept at it mo faithfaliy that he finished afore ronset, whin he went to the house to pestle “Lat's see,’ said the eaptain, ‘you wore to have half a dollar a day We'll call it a dar, althongh it ain't sundown yot That's 5% cents for you, and you were to pay me nipepence a cord for the ase of the saw There were three cords and a half in the pile That makes 433, cents due me Somehow, Caleb, you . don’t have very mach eoming to you.’ “How unforinit,’’ peratching bis bead dubdously for balf a minate, and then looking up quickly, as if a pew light bad broken in apon his for Liquor] Licenses. Notice is hereby given that the ap. | plications of the following persons for | replied | | office said Caleb, after A mind—'‘how anfortnit that vou didn't have ball a cord more, for then we'd ‘8’ come out jest square!’ —Ruccess Mustenl Family. When Andalvm was traveling in Labrador, he came, one day. opom a honse where the friendly inhabitants made much of him and his companions and where the good wife asked him if be plaved cn any instrument CL myself" she said ‘am extracr. dinarily fond of mosie and have an in. strument which has been seut away for repairs Wo miss it greatly, far we conn all play on it and when we are tired the servants use it for ne’ “Yoo must be a very musical fan ily, "smd the naturaiist = "What sort of mo yistrameent is 1? Bhe was parpioxed UOentivmen, ' ssid she, “my instro ment is large longer than broad, nnd stands on four legs Hike a table. At one end fen crooked hand, by tarsing which, fast or slow, | do assare you we make wost excellent musa “*A hand organ!’ Bh smiled delightedly. “Ah, that's 11!" sid sha band organ, 1% is a bat for the life of wn 1 eould not recalleot the pams. «Youth's Ces pan ion Imprompta Justices, The Ht James Budget toils the fd lowing somewhat uabselisvabie story gleaned from the eoluwmne of the Lou dom Tio Herr Wolf special correspondent of The Tagetintt, having an blieday same where otwesn Kino Chon and Teng Amun, went ont in quest of adventures with bis dog, Schuster, and his clark Arriving atl a cvarthonss, he found a mandarin preparing to try 12 Chinese, charged with waardering Gerinan nis Cwionaries Waving a pieces of paper, which he decinred war his warrant, he promptly took the highest seat, ordered “Herr von Schuster’ to take the next in dignity to his right, placed bis clerk co hin left, waved aside the bewiidored mandarin, who doubtless thought that this was the “mailed fist’ in person, and callsd for the prisoners, whom, without hearing evidence he promptly scquitted. He then rode off, followed by Herr vou Schuster snd the clerk, de. elariug that the order of the day wal at an and a I Sm AAR ATS Stranger Than Fiction. The limits of probability bave Iately boon puzeling a London police magi trate. The origin of his perplexity, as given by the lllgstratod London News, is this A young domestic servant tried to carh one or two forged checks sand was arrested in the attempt Hhe said a gentleman’ gave then to her—a "Mr Gilbert,” whose whereabouts nobody o oonld truce That story has boon told toa often Lo i press a JUry-—no Jurysoan likes to be made a laughing stock-—but before a verdict of guilty could te given a man fell down dead iu the strovte. Ho was recognized as "the gen tleman' Ly the secused woman, and, sure enough, in his pocket were found other forged checks similar to thoss she bad attempted to put into cironlation Even Mr. lhine Q C., may be persuaded that truth reufly is straugar than tiction Benet ol Feerage. Every cus nay not koow what the teria benefit of peerage’ toplies A peer can demand a private audience of the sovereign to represent his views on matters of public welfare, For treason or felony he can demand to be tried by his peers. He cannot be cotlawed in any civil action, nor can he be arrested un less for an indictable offense, and he is exempt from serving on Juties. He may ait with his hat on in courts of justices, and should he be Hable to the last peu alty of the law he can dewand a silken cord instead of a Bempen Tope i A PAA HS na ei Practical Remedy. Caller {with mmanascript)—Then you can't use the poem? May | ask what ails it? Editor— Well, it Jacks what might : be called the true poetic fire. Caller—Coulda’t that parted to it swe way? Editor— Well, you might try stick ing it in the stov e.—Chie cago Tribune — {rig 1 10S DE Couistry girls in Spain seldom wear hats or bonnets of any kind. It was in Spain, by the way, that the custom of a bride wearing orange blossoms in hes hair originated. A énake does not climb a tree & trash by coiling around it, but by hold- ing on with its scales pune of glass is almost helpless. A snake ou ow i Liquor Licenses have been filed in the | of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cambria County, Pa, and will be presented to the said ‘DR. S. W. Worrell, designated below, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3 Conrt for ite consideration on Monday, February 20th, 189%; Unless specially the residences of the applicants os stated in the petitions: are at the places for which application is made: ASHYILLE BOROUGH fames Hamil rf Moers bisiny BF. MoCoy, WAV SN ERRny FE Fountain Hae 31 Tmvid J Bosgher, Maple & Caroline Sia Homlger Bavwetn, Ren rem Foote om wis B brown, “iq ! fostan xB nicked Bron poy fone I Dv Ritter, Rope rid A wer, J. A. a] diols: Hoa BARE TW NsHIY H A Lather 84 Niehobas Hotel BY ACK Keone CAREOLLTOW NS Bipot ® Foo Sxigie Fraard 1 Covmtnereal Hooded CA Fambangh, Main Strat ohn Liseer, Sisr Hotel Andrew H. Haug, The Heduose blips” piius Rager, “Amertenn Hoo Vipeent Hedg and Jobin fannn:, Main sired Whistles ie Mi Reroth, sky Fawrenoe Hotel ¢ NJ RG YD eritral Hide! JB Wirtaer, Of mar Beewery CAROLE TOW Sais Kirkpmiriek, Hs fait Hetnli H Fairview Hotel CHEST WEBI Sds Bio Kelis CHANT TOW NSH Hbhoety Hide! HB Aeon {EEARFINELD TOW Karly Lievirge Harber, Ariington Hotel Miser Po Nagle, N53 Angustipe Hors CHENSON TOW NEN (1, Matthew Sistn Thum ¥ La EVE ft mbar. Now § % <1 Hes alt § a STIL Fey fatlen, Ast Jobin Me Nally, 3 Mi Nalls £5 31 Nps, teal Hot frou] Wetidemid hi. Ah Jahn Widwaid, Summit a A vnetion H Tires FY we eps Haven page devise YeE AN Tow Naif? Hictiard J. Fro, Baek Horn Hotel Wi Shiver, Trysan ERE Yan BG Fast Vani Moontain Hoan Wont Wand foie B1 Pwniinny EIEN NRE Hodge lms i a Papert f. A raver M I pier tand A EL DPR Taw sxitle Fas 3 fo NE sii be A tain Hosted tet mY reed i. PEG iil | Prortimpe Nt few Jets phege halter Mug Reondeairy de 5 Lewin Mpdege ihm iter, ML Testes M4 roe CELI NVTALIN PyW NYE ES Flats Fh istang ro Miron Lew gels Bichon Hits, Theiss Mowe I» Farnes Me Mulivn Ye Fl Ws FE AST § SS Bey (aie FL ewkwiih, dows M Demg ines, Edward Kelley P.M Kinmery, rej pe halite How fetal MM OH Nagie, Nagi HH: Total IF. Nuadieov, Posiver frog WN Bred ons Jee Fosbire A. Farks, Parks Fomine Fata Gsvarrge Motel! Me hell Baitding Heotull Frank W arg, Vinerwansy Flomiee Fodor Wontoaver, Fifth Ave Haat FAT Kes N Fors Nast Hetgit Fret Hetad Plantings Hos entrar Hot! Fira Hated sia Iii Id Wentesth Vintomdale Ing Frednid PRAY BORE RE int Fo Headly, akan Hone Fretail James Metann, H.R Street W hod em be Patrick Nef ann, Washington House Flonati Thomas J. Senakan, Brant Hous Tenght Blister mutant, Gledirge Hots Frotinil Bodwrs saith, alts Hones Flavt {0 Meier, Main Nipsed Petals FAVE ipa GH Vrglotnrt Bowmgeie, Ma i t+ es eu ¥ OV {wasiell Hota Pet i ti Mipeat VATS Boots Tovgwett. Poloner AK Fryckimel fmwainet & Un tran Jobs Hunter, Fifi: Aven Ed A Mol er, wid 4 Maith Xo eirke Wlitae Maile W. I. Nieholson Jotgre 1. Yok $roanil Hetnii EY tals Het 2 4 4 anv CEifth Av FATALE Barnet tat Fase Pow i bana, Yeo kilos Hosein FA Broening, Exchange Ho yotsa dL. bg fe {te r, Pynksl Hon 3 Frank PP. Ma : Aafia: Mend Lh rage: ee Yoek sok E SY “st i4s 1 {wg 3 b Portage 3 POET ATE £ perry Willan MH. Edwanis, dates Lobwert Fisher, Janestown BEAADE ToOWXsHIY ry, Brown, Aflingtos Hote! A Chaplain, Kpioe Hole \. I Taper He: Red Valentine J. Monahan, Bia mlb Jobin A. Nosl, Liovdas iil }im jodie Wit, In uel Haned x WwW, EL MEANT ER RBI Poetmil trie Fletad Hatin! dota) i maw fond ‘ Maln Strnad rated, ward Bowen § A. fefay, A. Hoagpud SMETANA, Westovor and J Lae, resbileney, Foie Sutits an M. Nidies, Midis 4 NE MMEBMILL pol seh teri ili i) Francis horns, Wiliam famay en i 5 SGU EIEAN NA Toi¥ ¥, J ovine FUNNELHILL Ia bo Shimane i CANES Femok fang Lang Hous Martin Lang, Paris horses D0 Brig, Cassin $reg WILMORE BORD GH {. J. Boy, 8. W. Davis, Clerk Q. Ebensburg, Pa., Jan. 31, 1889, Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, Ripaas Tabules cure nausea. % Betatl | $letmit ; Tawi og : ¢. Ine Keeioybastituty 5246F have Fitlsbur Pa THB we FirstNation’ |Bank Patton, Cambria Co, Main and Baitrosd Ste Wholesale tums given away vinced that we money. ' Reeeh Creek Railroad. N.Y. C.&H R R Co Lesser. | sma DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, font Rey Matt {Nor Nos Na® Now ‘Surgeon - Dentist, PATTON, PENN'A, Office in Solomon Bullding, opposite City Restanrant, Fifth Avena Nay, 3 Ne Patton Wondiwor Mahaffey Boreas GnEEm Kerra Now Miilpors Can Sg Nr £ ienrBold Woosd band Tugier pf ¥ Er La “ - fg rd Go a ga CREB KANs Lehn 38 2! - a TET Bp nS Ek SS kd wd le Oh Se PHYSICIAN AX SURGEON, he Win Sansa Phil ipelsieg sR I8szEQRECR i A Bg Govern Surgery fod tee Fee a Specialty on Mo | ea eae wil pevei ve prim tention Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. 2 lie Mansa Wintairay Fea diilntown Sper sho Beet: fnak ME Hall Pow Haven nsdn ie (Ways 5 ho Feri tion Ye Fey mE Willian ssp a Phil's & Reading R K iE Wilt nosey iv HY Philadelphia ar NY vin Tamaqua ar NY via Fhiln ar bio IEE ete neu we BREE Fan sR op New S95 or wr Beyal given svi and OFFICE Ein es. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoffios, Patton, Pa, All emits, diy Or nlighd, prisptd tis, o - Pah 3 41 "wy War iv # tia mart 203 pm £4 3 ¥ ¥ Ft By rll » w - BB EsS3nEnpuniuugsiny SE # mm *simity Weekdays #200 p ro Sundays HE 00 a om Sundays bh," New York pone rigvrs on veld mite Loony TSE Bom train Troan WE aro wilt ob eh, Hantingdon RS, Pri, ” fis ie Ar Wit lanseport with Pills dei phia and Heading railroad; at Jory with he Fait Brook Ry. at Mit Hail with (entral Ratlmad of Pennwylswoia: at Phitfpstarg with Penmyivanis and Altra & Philipebarg Connecting miiroad; st Climo dd with the Ba Baio, Heoelyouter and Pittsburg maiiway: al Maha and Patten with (ambrig and Cienrfiecd division of od Peoansyvania rmilroad; at Maha Penney! TARA Ane Northe'elers Tn way. A. fy. Palm F. FE Berrian, Buportea tent. tens. Pass, he sig 8 Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table Nov. 0, 188, Main Line. foave Cresson Eastward, Seq Rhore Expross, wonk dave A tonne Aveo modation, week dnyve Main Line Expross, daily Stress Arevsinvuetation, Mati Express, daily Phitladeliphis Fy - dail pprtling an Bo " entwand, Fobinstown Avon, week days Pac cif Ex press, daily C Way Passenger. daily Pittarrg Ex prow ail Fastiine, dnily a x ; Johnstown Aseom., week dave cambria and Clearfield. Beanthwant, wring teal Be Patton amd Cresson saves felon mbes £40 Mahaffey aoa om Foe NH a Hastings #18 Gar way (fr Ceowmen: 89k Bn atton Gok Janney Wr TARE hayior fw Ehenaboirgt T arPiving al reeneh ai iba Mm. A k clgatn Bar Patton amd Cresson leaves Gillen Campbeii at L# pmo Mahaffey at 2 ladon HA rer FAG Hastie J Gmrway (fay §. Wr Patton hon Bemdiey Junetion A Lak Ka avior £18 arriving af Crowson at £35 Northwant, Fa ning train leaves Cresson for Mahaffey %, Flansburg Hae Kaylor dl, Bewdley ti eS: Paltion Wedd has, for Hast roan? LEEW: Hastings (for Mahaftey: 33.30 ae Prop'r. for Mahafer. 115¢ Westover 1:4 La Jreowe PMR Mabmfey 1205 arfiving at Giep CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. Cn mephah) Tan Afernoon tein for Put. fom and ob Cimpbell aves Orosson at Bik We are prepared to do e. tineln of Bayi ha % Ebest ng fe; i Badiey Jnetion . i ty «bri Eig £18 Patton 870 tarway for § ASTITIZNG % Casting. Mc hinery, irom ke sib Hastings Hor toon Camphell TO fearway for stave fv Paars, plow pein ia plow re Ladose A ih Tm ewtover TE REFS Cr harry vim dre rogseriabilie 142 Maha! py TOY arriviog at (en Campbell i £x + Ti at OF ba For mutes] maps ole. wip, oe Helse Fg 8) ivy ar gddeves This, . Fifth avenue, oh Mk a. Pa rnell & Cowher, 4B Hatekinson, faen. Migr Rgetitn Abr LIFE AND INSURANGE Pittsburg "& Eastern ACCIDENT Table. BEAL PXTATY tun. TAKE grr NOY. 0 Nai 8, y respivisded on we eS i Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Patrrtox, Pa. Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney Patton, Pa. OMoe in Good Building. 101. wH PAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, at]. aw, sala fafly,. hor B wn YUTCOUUW EE BYLIER g33338 Enexspi mg, Pa Aid {ie Biel news protaptiy sitemded fe Sit fn Barker Hoiiding We euER¥g #83833: TOBACCO and CIGARS Tha Brows G. LF Hestanran? n Patton at ITZPATRICK’'S Muges avenue, R. R depot AT ALL HOUR M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, spatter Ten bat len Pioat of ba a Riipe tary ey £33 i MEAS Hear wy ly a ¥ (GipoRrae Fs vs HEN, xy wT far pew FA drow RON EE BEE es HET RE REN. J. BR. Worst, Coens, Pos. Agl PIIRE, Time wl Preity “nn eB NS VOVIVS EELEY CURE. 5 LIQUOR AND OPIUM An arvives a ppd ds wg ih vee: Erne the. Sripons he SNLY KEEL NT VAY wu i WHFIEES FENSRVLY Wis, Patises Pa z ¢ BUNERERRSURENSED Sd ; 3: feanve ¥y $ RENEE SnERREE =E -P * 5 ndon Station ( Mabafey Peel Ove Junetion Ms bun oy s fabativcest { of pe W etaed) Works ‘ Munderisad © Pik Livck : Parnaide | Pasinnref we. Bn Caipbeis Horta Ran f Fully Hun ew a ¥irARRSNEETenE WW Wy Bk ak wg ARR End -n- " wv i 00 BE RGR RR RG or ee bw 4 - & = fowve »u raympEusEsd’ % =. ¥ ou 3 Faller Ran . Howton Rant faben Campbell Passyore } Burnside I EIk biek 1. mespiderbend Worka © Weasel! ¢ OF PATTON. Pa. risers CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.06 SURPLUS, $47, 000. 00, | tans Firms Intividee [arathaest © ¢ tread BR vorse | MaluiTey pavem tea live Bledel mek Fanetian $i sho Matic ( Mahaffey oil thon lemuling | {Flag station, prtaei pal Connections At Dalen Station, with Peeeh Creel rained, © & € $5 Petra beans mitrond, and PF. & N. W, mib i at Whiskey Kan with Motiees & New. ton burg ralinoamil, ot MoGesn oH P. EN. W. Pil veeed Notes {nt ad Acooanta of € Brperations, abe aed Banks soeeivedd Gown th bie terme conmmiateant with wile an te tan K INE Sismrasinp Foals four Forwign Drafts jor adil of She £08 Wed Fi pairs wichenesn will 2 wid nite nition feoterost paid on Uae Jepee A. FE Parrox, Wx H SaxNDpomnd, President Cashier. ATTENTION ! Go to w CR WN ERE REE £% RA A RG a 0 cigdscussnnsreld MHA RASA BERD EESsENIBHBENENT wa be faey g <3 7 itary AYE AT EE : it farther Hotice teats will ran only between LU alon Staten | Gilets Coanphbell, AH trains daily #xevph Nan fi ~ i" Hicks, Genemi Manager, Mabaftey, Pa. Baffale, Rechextor and Pittsburg "y- ssi Jy saan § HE Pewee ly maigiiiay atic after Jan 1 198 trains will heave Cronk Pepot, Clearfield, dally exespt ax Blown ke mo INE Ray neiblas lie Loos inoshis tion, Tow i urwenwilie, Pre Beds, Falls Creek and Heys odidavil fuhsertiing al DiBols A Ride way, be he worcherry, Bradford god Roehoater, Geo. Boone ::.: Dra feita i, fed and Palio Fopress, fr Curwenaviiie, arf Falls Creel SannLiBr at fr Hidgway, Jobinsonbueg Bead. Fish Punxstuwney Ex Falls Cveek and Puns frblin ane For Dag Bebe, Hes So Poi Pew wep la ww Agent for THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA GO, Corner Lang & Filth Avenues, fur a full line of Teas, Coffees, Sploes, Rolled Oats, Fiour, Wheat, Sugars, Puck wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Coafection- ery, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Ete ER and S00 i She R ers, 8 = mid full he mation sane Dats ist ali) ress, EO Lape Corts 3, #ivaiip Pe . sa rRutd Pa ¥. AAMT Nat. Hoehester 8 ¥ R F. Notley, ‘Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be jare reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. Expensive Premiums will be given away with auf 13 ounce can of A. & P. Baking Powder, S0v. 40 cents worth of spices gets any | prize on the list. Manylother prem. ns and be con-! can save you! CALL on
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers