The Joyous Holidays Have Com: at Ls t d our Big House is a scenc of Bewildering Beauty, Our Holiday Stock has no superior in this city whi prices are lower than can be found elsewhere. On regular goods we are now making some splendid in every day ficcessities and when you come to buy iy Goods may be you will want to buy sonie of them. can save price of your car ‘are in buying a small bill, trices will surprise you. Men's and Ladies’ Underwear. flvoced cotton vests 12c wich, reduce! from 176. 1 Be fAeeced vests and drawers now 2c each. The SOc fleeced vests and drawers now $00 exch. natural wool underwear at 30¢ each. Or 75¢ per suit and worth $1 th wool underwear in §1 value at Ke per suit. t's floscdd line underwear at $1.19 each ) prives muy not occur again this season. A Drive in Basement Goods. From the thousands oi things clamoring for notice we select the following: Dewey SOrclack Tea Kettle, made of solid brass, 49¢ each. bread trays, A special at 30¢, worth 89¢ each, b¢ porcelaid dinner sets in plain white, regular price $7.95, decorited dinner regular price $6.08, now $6.49 per set French China har set, set, goid decoration, a beauty, worth §79.40, pat St : lar price $4.7 L1§3.79 niet set, regular price $4.79, to go at $3.79. to our immense line of toys, dolls, games, ote., we have a great PURE CHOICE CANDIES that seli at 10 to 25¢ per pound. ir House is now a sight worth coming a long dis- to see. We invite you to come and let us know when and we will treat you royally. All goods excanged or taken back if not satisfactory now traight to the Big Store, corner 11th Avenue ® le BUY THE ella Stoves and Ranges. It is a Great Comfort —=agiae— TO A TIDY HOUSEKEEPER TO HAVE A GOOD STOVE. Isene of the most perfect heating stoves, for household use, ever placed upon the market. All the latest and best ideas are incorporated into its construction. Frery feature to promote durability, cleanliness and economy has been well planned and developed, Produces the Greatest Heat From the Least Fuel em. ~The cold airis drawn from the floor, and discharged through the sides and top, ly heated. This method of PREVENTS CoLD FLOORS form temperature in all parts of the room. Good Points—None of the Ervors! BEFORE YOU BUY For ihe Third Month Endicg Deer wher In attendance; Edwin Grenninger, 12th, LADS. | Richard Jas. Morgan, John Powell, Pupils enroiled, 525; average attend. Richard Williasns, Mary Coleman, Ids Ance, 450; por cent. of attendance 90; Chapman, Maggie Kerry, Magdalens mew pupils admitted, 36; pupils drop- | Liard, Lizzie Leonard, Roselis Miles, ped from rolls, 27; pupils absent on Willie Ross, Eva Webb. account of sickness, 39, Ina Decxkary, Teacher. High Schon T. J. Friron, Principal, . ¥ Boi » : C. C. MircHers, Assist. Prin. Pupils enrolled. Seniors, 7. Jauiors, “ Astint. Prin #, Sophomores, 21; average attendance, Pains in the chest when a person has wont of attandance: 38. Pupils 2 told iniicwie a tonduney twa: petfect In attendance: Virginia Dule, FRegmonis Chamberiain's Pain Balm Minnie Holter, Sarah Holter, Clara and bound on Myers, Carrie Crowell, Annie Kinkead, seat : I promptly relieve the Mable Robinson, Susie Spangle, Agnes Pain and prevent the threatened attack : : ry pe of pnenmonia. This same treatenent Hamer, ie Jones, Carl Crowell, | cure a lame back in a few hours, ancan Sandford. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, . W, Bund € Grade, Hodgkins. Pupils enrolled, 9; average attend. Constipation prevents the body from ance, 50; per cent. of attendance, 90; fidding Day or waste mater. Dee ; upils admitted, 4; pupils drop- Witt's Little Early Risers will remove {ho pup the voll, i pupl P| the trouble and core sick headache, in attendance: Anna Donnelly, Agnes complexion. Donnelly, Edith Holter, Mary Hor don't gri nauer, Maggie Lowe, Anna Mellon, Hodgkins P Native! Sandford, Josephine Tl DeWitt's Witch Haz! Sale Lora Brewer, Emma Ross, | ATY | Cates Plies, Scalde, Buses. Semple, Howard Bioom, John Ed. EL : miston, Raymond Shank wiler. JomerHine WEE, Teacher. D Grade, Small, sugar coated pe Or cause naasea., CC. W, atton Pharmacy. ited chain bracelet, or Hk: arte ance, 20; per cent. of attendance, 57; RLING new pupils admitted, 3, pupils dropped from roll, 2; abwent on account of sick- ness, 1. Pupils perfect in attendance: Carrie Holter, Anna Jenkins, Enid | Lewis, lon« Sandford, LaRae Winslow, Clarence Blair, Jacob Hanter, Peter Kerrs, Jos. Lingle, Cecil Wilson, Miss CuMMines, Teacher. Third Intermediate Namber pupils enrolled 82. average attendance, 41; por cent of attendance, 85; new papils admitted, 5: pupils dropped from roll, 4; pupiis absent on | account of sickness, 2. Pupils perfect {in attendance: Mabie Iddings, Mary Lyons, Elnora Traman, Paul Barton, James Cornelius, Louis Gagliardi, Earl | Wilson, Arthur Jenkins, Jas. Kerrs, Chas. McMahon, Hubert Ross. Mpa Suri, Teacher. Second Inlermedicts. Number pupils enrolled, 56; average attendance, 50; per cent. of attendance, 90; new pupils admitted, 7; pupils dropped from roll, 2; absent on account of sickness; 3. Pupils perfect in at tendance: John Lehman, Chas. Malii- gan, Wilson Truman, Clemens Biller, Willie Blair, Emanuel! Jolly, Homer Hill, Chas. Abbott, Oscar Danielsos:, Chas. Black, Mary Jane Hewiott, Alma Blooraquist, Eva Cornelios, Hanna By. theway, Jennit Bruneau, Bertha Abbott, Mary Sommerville, Mary Yeckley, Bertha Chapman. : Braxcug Pirin, Tear ler. First latrronediste, Number pupils enrolled, 57: average | attendance, 52; per cent. of attendance, 91}; new pupils admitted, 4; pumber pupils dropped, 2; absent on account ‘of sickness, 2. Perfect in sttendance: | Tillie Fedor, Maury leonard, Xemenia re racoe sod address, for the bracelet, Ties at 10 conts each : amving vour friends, to oe, and uy youu select, i want doylies or Nrate 7, £ i public comes to hear PURCHASES. Art design and decoratio the newest. fascinations in Scarf Shirt Studs, Brooch but not least. we hav * Sterimng Stiver Nove i Papils perfect biliousness, inactive liver and clear the E AWAY F in colors, wit SILVER plated or Lod baekles, DON'T SEND MONEY, FH low Silverware leads. aking a belter What is the use of m article than your competitor when You cannot get a better price for it? Ans— As there is no difference in the price the public will bay asly the but. ter, so that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they wiil be ‘much greater in the aggregate, How cun you get the public to know that your make is the best : If both articles are brought promi. pently before the pablic both are certam to be tried amd the public will vary quickly puss jodgement on them anda ase only the better one, This explains the large saie on Cham. berlain's cough Remedy. The oe have been using it for years snd have ound that it can always be depended upon. They may ocoasionly take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but sre n to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for coughs, colds and croup there is noth- Ling Sool to Chamberlain's cough Remedy. For sale by Patton Pharm. acy, C. W. Hodgkins, Early to bed and ear) Ares 4 man for his home in the skin. ub early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. C. W. Hodgkirs, Pharmacy . Patton YEE Your choiow of either REE, magnificent SOLID GOLD» ito] adien’ elognnt . exquikitely chase GOL > 4 We wi for the garters, 10 me tshie center pisces at 20 cents each Collect the money wm receipt wo will mail yon mn your inquiry whe Is what we expect in our store when the of our HOLIDAY can go no further in n, and the styles are Our display of Flat and Hol. but we have other Pins, Sleeve Buttons. es. Ete And last. ¢ a fine assortment of ‘ities; just the thing for Christmas presents. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler - ‘Peightel, Doras Prescott, Elis Shank. - wiler, Romaine Smale, Mary Woorer, | Lula Holes, Edna Kessler, Annie May Monteith, Myrtle Mulligan, Sadie Sum. -merville, Nora Welker, Dennis Burkey, ' Bert Delozier, Willie Foresberg, Peter Nelson, Bruce Bell, Willie Iddings, Joseph Jolly, Roger Lucas, Peter So mitchs, Wilber Shunkwiler, Willie McCaffrey. : LOoRETTO PRINDIBLE, Teacher. Fourth Frisary : Number pupils enroiled, 34; averagn i ‘attendance, 48; per cenl. of attend. anbe, 92; new pupils admitted, 3; pupils dropped from roll, 2; absent on account of sickness, 7. Pupils perfect in attendance: Agnes Andrews, Mary Andrews, Rotilda Biller, May Boyce, Cora Jackson, Anna Jones, Maggie Jones, Flora Rowland, (lara Short, Maggie Whitford, Clark Cowher, Joe Gaglairdi, Willie Jenkins, Francis Mackin, William Pinchers, Howard Wagner, Fritz Hanson, ALICE MAUD Ging, Teacher, Thivd Prisnary Namber pupils euroiled, 49: Average attendance, 39; per cent. of altend. ance, ¥3; new papils admitted, 2. pupils dropped from roll, 1; absent on ac count of sickness, 16. Pupils perfect An attendance: Carl Spencer. Gusta Burkey, ‘Thomas Chapman, John Goods, James Hodgking, Willie Lissch. Joseph Makin; John Moreau, Willie Powell, Willie Whiteford, Eva Cart wright, Mary Cullen, Elizabeth Nelson, Ellen Wassberg, Inez Wilson. anche Yocum. FOU ! * » - { 1¢ market at the 1 1 ¥ : ot - 3 Have vou seen our li DRY GOOD The finest to suit vour $ ¥ purse. CATHARINE MAY, Teacher. second Primary. : Number pupils enrolled, 58: average attendance, 52; per cent. of attend. ance, 92; new pupils admitted, 1; drop- ped from roll, 1. Pupils perfect in attendance: George Jones, Erig Nolan, Earl Mitchell, Earl Black, Crawford Nelson, Andrew Sheka, Chas. Me. Cafferty, Robt. Sandbloom, David ‘Ross, Paul Shinn, Joseph Ditsky, Georgia Austin, Auna Shunkwiler, ‘Badie Jolly, Bessie Atkinson, Minnie ‘Rolland, Grace Wilkins, May Holes, | Dora Crooks, Alice Noonan, Bertha ‘Belle Atkinson, Harry Short, Liltie | Williams. Ina NEFp, Teacher. : 4 First Pronary, Total number enrolled, 69; average attendance, 53; per cent. of attend tend- ‘ance, 84; new pupils admitted, 6; pupils | dropped from roll, 7; pupils absent on When in vour headquar welcome. sort of House we k fairest of prices. That's the ceep. 1ne of A 1 this section and at prices town make our store ters. You Call and be sure of it. WOODEN MANUFACTURING Cache. A year ago | 3 i DR. ©. ERNEST CHASE, Surgeon Der FATTON, PENN’A. Office in Solomon Building, opposite City Restanrant, Fifth A: Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. fee in Arlington Bleek, Bes bey Prtion, Pa AE night calls wes Bara utd a Ee Fi¥en tevin Rite ow 3 5 OFFICE HOUR Tie 0 avd DR. W. I. DOWLER, wid pm Aer tis Physician Patton, Ps. DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in (icod Building, Room No. 3. this 9 Cemerst Sergey and the Eye 2 Specialty, All nile will iveive prompt attention. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PaTrToN, Pa Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, WM. DAVIS, - Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. -10ef, Attorney and Counselor ai Law. Esxvanvne, Pa. All legal basiness promptly attended fo. OfBew in Barker Buliding, TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest How in Patlon at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOU RR. M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahafley, Clearfield Co., Pa Asounaodations Sretolam. Best snd Wine af the bar Aabling at Grogan PFERGUAON, » rn SPRINGS FOUNDRY. CREST We % stove plow paire. Our charges are Old otal taken (nh sxehangs for new work. &iyr CHERT SPRINGER, Pa, Parnell & Cowh a for FIRE, LIFE AND ACUCIDEN T TOU REAL EXTATE AGENTS. fined Building, Patton, Pa. "Phone Na 9. FirstNation'I Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $56,000.00. SURPLUS, $40,000.00. sir an Hans eevee at vt ble terms cranststoant with ssfrnnd eonmreative i banking. A. E Parroxn, will be ; Hows, Foreign Drafts At 2 Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time: _above all where you know you are getting the best Stemmsiilp tickets for sie fr ail the | Jrabin in the prine proapt and eiliem Of the (88 Wop AH corrsaponstence will have oar persis attention. Interest paid an time deposits, Wa H. Saxprorn, President, Cashier, PATTON - : x ry > COMPANY, woe MARU BU LHe OF wit) Poon ions pee Lomber of all Kinds, Planing Mill Work, Sash and Doors of all Kinds, HP AND LUMBER GUARANTEE: Prices and terms reasonable. We have just received a car load of doors and sash to which we eall your special attention. OFFICE At Mill and in Roem No WORK MANS] - ’ of Good Wor forty years I suffered from sick Bend began asicg Celery King. i The result was gratify surprising, m. bessdac vs towing a sand surprising, my mrventh dev, but thanks Ht ane 4 | to Cotery King: I have pot in the lust ele autha. 1k | cured me wi . Keuren, 5 amd K | by 1 i ¥ i i Haugerties, N. ¥. ; King oe ihe Nerves. Snack, Liver and donlecs, Packages Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. d Surgeon. pe Mice in Mellon block, next door to ; ostoffice, : All emis, day or night, prom rpoides es. y ” prompely ay y to rise, pre. oo of Liquors Casting. M to do all kinds of Casting. Mohinery, i rou hotties, staves, er,
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