Patton ‘Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. FE. WiLL Greer, Editor, CHURCH NOTICES. Erpaorat-Rev. IM, Cann, feos at 3 o'cloek p.m. every 3 day schist at 10a. om, CATHOLIC Father Bosehins, pastor. Maes every Sunday at 8 and 0 a. mm, Spray wehraol at 2p, mand Yespers att pom, LUTHERAN Bey, 8 Dise, pastor. i on alternate Sundays at WE oa. om 13 m. Nonday whood al #8 a YIPs © Fat 63 p.m each Sanday. METHaDIST Erpscorat-Hev. FH, Witman, tor, Rervices at 1090 am. and T0350 pom, Eonday school at 4 pre. Epworth Lengue €30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Want rene day evening at TH onsen pio goes Kory. Sone WALT, day, ard rh IBS NERA AAAI : From L. A, W. Huiletin, fh ir have goods and wish tose! "a And the sre wed that fils can't wineid oer, Why wonhin't you bow busines tat Were vou to advertise the Get? There's this about a boarding hotise We onght nod to rget, Cate wend oF wie, fch mem! we Know Fast what we're wotng ts ged, Hodgkin's Niece Cool Soda Water and Root Beer. The Carrolitown fair next. School commences Monday Septem. ber 19th. Read the large new ads in the Cou- RigR this week. Clarence Edmiston visited friends at _ Philipsburg last weeks Councilman Alex Monteith spent Labor Day at Houtedale, QP. Deifer and wife, of Williams- port, spent Saturday in town. William Simmers and son, of Fru- gality, spent Sunday in Patton. BR. 8. Toser, the jeweler, attended the Patchinville camp meeting Sunday. Miss Laura Hammond, of Johnstown, | is visiting friends in Patton this week. Miss Jessie Campbell, of Carrollitown, is visiting friends in Patton this week. Mise Bessie Reager, of Hawk Ran, is the guest of Miss Mary Gregg this week. Watch for the new line of fall and winter millinery at Mrs. Anna Dartt’s store, Work is steadily progressing on the ereition of the new Catholic church of Patton. J. R. Lewis, a traveling salesman of Pitasburg, called on trade in Patton Monday. ~ Garland and Jewel Ranges. Fully warranted. AtJ. E. Kirk Hardware company’s. Thursday was the hottest September ist recorded by weather bureaus in Gl. W. Murray of Punxsutawney, waa the guest of his brother, Dr. V. A. Muor- ray, Baturday. Tne finest line of fashionable milli. mery and fancy goods at Mrs. Anna’ Dartt’'s millinery store. = _ The fierce wind of Sunday made the large fron liberty pole in the school yard sway considerably. J. 8 Hamilton, a commercial sales- , man of Chicago, was looking after : trade in Patton Monday. Farmers report an sbundance of pears this year, more than have ever been for the past five years. re Miss Tenie Little and Miss Clara | viiting frends in Patton this week. Special atténtion is directed to the » advertisement of Wolf & Thompson _ elsywhere in the COURIER this week. |W. H. Brainard, son of the editor of ~ thk Curwensville Review, made the nd COURIER office a pleasant call Saturday. The Ouh Grocery is offering bar- ; member te Episcopal Sun- £5 Mrs. George Sprout and son of Pitts. wp and Mrs. Jas. L. Randall, of : _ Chest Springs, are guests of Mrs. Ed. A. Mellon this week. ~ A. Crandall, representing H. E. ~ Bucklin & Co., wholesale medicine | nme on a hotel register of a nearby firm of Chicago, was looking after | : ‘business in Patton Tuesday. Don’t miss Clearfield’s biggest fair. It will exceed all others. Best horse races ever seen in this section. Oc- i tober 4th, 5th, and 6th; possibly 7th. ~ Baloon ascension every day, bicycle races, base ball. $2,000 in premiums. i Geo. TL Thoumpeon, President; Wm. H. Preach. | mm. and : Dog days have gone. Now is coon hunting time. The golden rod is in fail bloom. E. McHugh, came over from Hast ings Monday. Blair Stevens came up from West over Satnrday. Rev. A. Palmer, of Houtzdale, Pa, spent Sonday in Patton. | A. and M. Yeager, of Hastings, | spent Labor Day in Patton, The emploves of the Patton | company were paid on Thursday. Postmaster H. J. VanDusen, of Hast ings, was seen on our streets Friday, Jas. A. McClain and John J. Me Cormick, of Spangler, spent Sunday in Patton. Go to J. E. Kirk Hariware Co. special prices for haps, carpets, mat. tingx, ete. The people of this section are anx. jonsly awaiting to attend the already. booked Carrolltown fair. . Mrs. A. Mirkin and son Samuel are | yisiting Mrs. Mirkin’s parents at To | ronto, Canada this week. | Miss Rd Rorabaugh, of Irvona, Pa., ‘is the guest of Mr. and Mm J. E. | Parnell on Palmer avenne this week. | Misses Jessie and May Gearheart, of Clearfield, Pa, were guests of their | mister, Mrs. HH. D. Hasson, over Sunday. A. H. Brideson, a popular young man ‘of this place, left for Pittsburg Monday ‘where he sxpects to make his faotare "home. Coal A. Comerford, one of Lorstto’s lead. ing citizens, made our town Tuesday in the interests of Patton real estate, H. T. Emerson, of Pittsburg, special agent for the Casualty Insurance Co, of New York, spent Taesday in Patton. M B. Cowher, of the firm of Parnell & Cowher, insurance agents, is in Blair eonnty this week looking after business interests. A. E. Patton, of Curwensville, Mrs Edith B. Dill and Hon. Jaa Kerr, of Clearfield, were visitors to Patton Wednesday. Rev. N. O. Patterson, formerly of this place, but now of Jersey Shore, | was a pleasant caller at this office one day iast week. The familiar face of Frank E Taylor, the genial traveling salesman of Philipsburg, was seen on our streets one day last week. Rev. Cann, pastor of the Episcopal church of Patton, has been confined to his home at Spangler during the past few days by illness. Mrs. Thos Stevens and little daogh- ter, of Fittsburg, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gouid on east Magee avenuoe, Monday, September 12th, is the last day for paying your Borough and Kchool tax in order to get the benefit of the five per cent. rebate, ’ visit P. Harris bri nema Harry P. Dowler and J two very prominent young men of Tyrone, Pa, were visitors to our town 2: dias The Lindsey Press says that 81 miles of the Pittsburg & Eastern has been Jet from Glen Campbell to Bessimer, to Brown & Son, of Philadelphia Prof. T. J. Fulton returned home Saturday from a few ayy visit AmGag friends al Steril He nadie shi prirasant = Fly ORE FET TY a - 2 Foy Of 8 Gave, ¥ . Fa LT Tha 4 Bplay FH Sen ied TIEN RII, bait al Tévw siting friends in dung Me past (WG WERK, $arnedl Ly Ber Done we enlileain The © fair will be Leld Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 20, 11, and I. A bigger time than ever this year arvolitous 3 — . 8 Smith. of the firm of Smith & Lent, is spending a few days at the Sizerville ( Camberon Co., Pa, mineral springs for the benefit of his health Harry Cooney, Samuel Swab, Wm. ‘Evans, Chas V. Lehman and Dennis Nolan, attended the blip labor Day ‘ celebration at Williamsport, Monday Monday was a lively day for Patton, especially in the number of common drunks seen on our streets. A Tow fights occurred, but not of nu serious nature. (Glance at the large head-line on the first page of the CoURiER where you will observe the specially low offer in suits made by the Keystone Clothing company. Albert Yeckley, son of John Lo Yeckley, proprietor of the Central hotel, left ‘Sunday for Ind iana, Pa. WwW. L Thompson and R. 8. Tozer have improved their large store room in the Good building by having the floor treated to a fresh coat of floor oil specially prepared for that purpose. As a traveling man was writing his ‘town, a bed bug crawled leisurely ‘across the page. The traveling man paused for a moment and then re marked: “I've been snapped by Hast- ings fleas, bitten by Barnesboro spiders and gnawed by Spangler greybacks but this is my first experience in a hotel where the bed bugs looked over the register for the number of the i | victim's room." Exchange. THE PATTON COURIER, SEPTEMBER 8, 1808. “Ben Eddy, Shrozer and Pat Morgan broke jail at Somerset Satorday night and escaped to the woods. They have not been captured. James Palmer, son of Supt Falmer, of the Heecl Creek railroad, residing at Jersey Shore, spent Monday in Pat tan and while here made this office a pleasant call. H. Dill and Walter Dale “took in’ the ball game at Mariposa Park on Labor Day between Gazzam and the Monarchs of Altoona. The Mon. archa won in a score of 11 to 4 Lt Again the furniture department of the J E. Kirk Hrrdware Co. in repre. sented in the COURIER with a large ad annonncing bargains in furniture. You shenlkt not fail to look it np. it iw reported that Prof W. P. Bride, formerly of this place, but has been living at Bradford, Pa., dur the past five months, was wedded to a damsal of that city. Wonder if it's trae. Mra M. J leonard and son, of Hastings, are visiting Mr. and Mrs Albert Curvin on Fifth avenne this week. She will leave for a visit to Pittaburg, ber former home, in a few days. Me who Howard Jones, a pleasant young gentleman who is in the office of Paale, Peacock & Kerr, bituminous coal mer. chants of Philadelphia, was a pleasant visitor to our town the first of the wow, Mise Rachael Anderson, a former pupil! of the Patton public schools, hax twin chosen as one of the teachers in the South Fork public schools and left for that place to enter upon her duties one day last week. Paymaster Richards, Creek mines at Spangler, died at his home in that place on Sunday of typhoid fever. He was aged about 30 years and leaves a wife and one child Larraiitown News. The Cambrian Tribune says that typhoid fever is said to be very preva lent at Vintondale. This is the asual fate of new towns, where the sanitary arrangements are poor and the water supply generally deficient. Postmaster Ed. A. Mellon is at High- land Take, Lycoming county, this week, looking after the interests of several acres of very valuable real estate near that resort which be purchased some time since. of the Beech Frank Byers, telegraph operator st Ebensburg, and James Swab, operator at Patton, drove to this place Satarday night and spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mre B F. Byers Coaiport Standard The Clearfield fair including the fluent races had Pentral Pennweyl vania in years, will surpass any former efforts by far. From what we learn of Re program and inside efforts, wiil rtainly be good to be there id arwenaville, Patton Satarday. He Bix home from he had won yee race, Thumday, re- as a recompense a fine gold a. » ~ 5% 55% Laas Ceaving watch. The picnic and dance he Mary's vatholic church grove labor Day was the centre of attraction for this whole section of North Cambria, It was largely al : «fa ences financially teriedd anda Dro BT a ies ¥ il by the Nt iy Shorts RR ww Went Litwiet Morris, who has been spec ity of clerk at r ¥ Lape acting the Corner during the past vear has Lori position in drug wtare at Me K en Bocks, a suburb of Pittabury. He expecta wi a schon! of pharmacy at Pittsburg this The CorriER wishes Mr Morris success in his pew position Sa § FB LP #354 ¥ ay 2 i arse A th fibkery wy Fg Fas rE Robert Lees captured a large hoot owl in the sand hill wodds north of Patton Monday which was presented to Councilman McCormick, who has addest the midnight howler to his already large collection of birds, such an peacocks, roosters, old hens and possibly an eagle, if he can pet Jack Lowes to procure iL Miss Mabel MeKinley rendered a vocal soln, “We Shall See Him Face to Face,” at the morning servis in the Franklin Street M. FE. church Sanday. It was the same selection she sang in the M. BE church at Somerset, Saaday, Angust 3% when ber uncle, President McKinley, was in audience. - Johnstown Democrat. the Whet They Write the Presiiten:, The State Department has given over to the Ladies’ Home Journal for pub lication its “Royal letters’ addressed to the President of the United States by Napoleon I, Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales, Napoleon (Il, and Emperor William I, of Germany. Na. poleon announces such events as his marriage to Marie Louise; the birth of his son, the King of Rome; his return to the throne of France from Elba; Victoria announces her accession to the throne of England in 1536; her marriage to Prince Albert; the birth of the Prin w of Wales: the death of the Prince Consort; and the famons letter thanking President McKinley for his congratalations on her Diamond Jab flee will also be given. The whole coliection, in facsimile, will be pre- sented in the October number of the ; magazine. Harry Zoerfoss, Russell i Miller, Patton; DICKERS IN DIRT, Deeds Beonrded at Fhonshorg ap to Pete Friday, September ¥, William Springer et ox to Charles sonsideration, £1,000, to Conemangh Allegheny, $2.- James HH. coal & coke 158 Ellen A Conrad st al to Conemangh coal & coke company, Allegheny, $1. Ba] Max Frick ot ux to Harhison Walker company, Reade, $015. George Marenko to Henry Hagan, Ciallitzin township, $93, Patrick Burns ot ux to Henry Hagan, CGiallitzin township, £300 Edward Hopfer et ax to M. D tell, Snsquehanna, $25. MD Kittell ot ux to Willlam D. Bigler, Barr, $25. W. D. Bigler ot ax to Joseph A (iray ot al, Barr, $1 CC. B Conrad et nx Conrad ot al, Allegheny Jarob Martz et nx to Charles Weston, Onrroll, $25. Jennie Dinsmore to Conemaugh conl & coke company, Cambria, $139. Elizabeth Kenny et vir et al to Car. man Buteh, Cresson, $2060 James H. Maloney to Johnson, Clearfield, $380 James H. Maloney to Robert Maloney company, & Kit- tev Magdalen Anne COC John son, Clearfield, 81.050 H T OFriei to Sarah Munster, $75 Henry MeAnuity to Thomns Barpes et al, Barr, 8850 James Sherman Glass ot ox to John Latterner, Munster, £310 John P. Bradley to Charles J. Adams, (reason, SBN Margaret Rickard 10 Reade, 8500, MoVey, Carn Hollen, {vey to the Pation Fesd and Buckwheat Milla for your flowe, corn meal, ete Wel rye For fine cakes and ples go to Dans’ bakery. Parte Ries Faw birda No Snakes. No monkeys Length, 90 miles Area, 3.670 miles. No birds of prey. Population, 800,000. Honses have flat roofs ft contains 300,000 negroes, One-fourth as large as Cuba. In 1865 cholera killed 30,000, It has 470 milem of telegraph. Cork fighting in the chiaf sport. Disccversd by Columbus in 1493 Exports, $15 000 000 worth a year. Fonr timen as large a8 Rhode Inland Prodooex the flomst coffee in the world. Annaal pounds tobacco oat po t. 1.000 0060 Finest Havana cigars are made of ita tohsoon More de nsley neotiont &% populated than is Con. Ome handed and thirty seven miles af railway in of connotes Three times it has repelied the tacks of the British Among the anmber of whites, minles exeerd that of females, ST it bangin: $2,000,000 at- he annaal of bananas iw of cocOanuis procdoet ven al M0 000 000 and ia 3 0 GOGO A cotton, remarkable for ils of fibre, tenacity and whiteness is pro. danced, and enltare might advantage be largnly exceeded fength ita with Pare rye or corn chop at the Patton Feed and Buckwheat Midis 2600 kis at Daan sakes made a yelu All LRP of fi wy 13 bake ry. OMAHA EXPOSITION CT Pawhit Pay Personally .Condueted Tour vis Pesnsvivinias Ratirond The Pennsylvania Railroad company has arranged for a special elghtday personally conducted tonr to the Trans. Missippi and International Exposition at Omaha on October 1, ring four foil days at the Exposition Remsd. trip tickets, incinding transportation and Pallman berth in each direction, meals in dining car going and return. ing, hotel acdommadations and neals at Omaha, the fair, and carriage drive and hotel accommiosiat. ions at Chicago, will be sold at rate of $100 from New York; #8 from Phila. delphia; #85 from Washimgion Baltimore, $81 from Williamsport and Harrisburg, $80 from Pittsburg, and proportionate rates from other points The party will be accompanied by a Tourist agent and Chaperon, and will travel special Pullman slesping CATS. For the benefit of those who may de- sire to remain longer in Omaha, tickets will be made good to return on regular trains until November 15 inchmive Qpeh tickets include railway transsortation returning, with redoet- jon of $15 from above rates from all points For farther information ticket agents, Tourist Agent, 1198 Rroadway, New York, or Geo W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, A GREAT GAME! alley admission tn and mn only apply to Wa are not “play customers, We ithe and alert the intersats and wants of nur trade. Their wants That they get them al margin of profit iw Playing Hore ing hoarse” with our ATS aw to Are Our wishes the narrowest anmuired, You Cannot Do Better 3s » & (ory: EY ak i CAINE ii imspecting our in HITTING CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHINHS, SHOES, ETC. WOLF & THOMPTON. PATTON, PA 13 % " 3 3 = 3 3 3 3 3 3 a 3 = —]T ON That THE dA You need ne but com I it 1 * ATE Lac. Men’ Cron Stair or shelf oil © Ladies’ black gloves, Lisle thread Ladies black witk gloves Don’t borrow when von ean buy 28-inch hand saw, our price No. % wash hailer, 1-quart tin bucket Miners’ squibs, per box SHOES. SH line, is the genuine bargain center. THE G. O. Brady, Prop'r, B Sm ENGRAVE MEMORY Wwe never exagerate, DO x guess that thurs Men's fill size suspenders, bradded ends, ar Ladies’ night gowns, well made, at Men's caps Macintosbes, plaid lined, at » eeilinlotid collars, good style, at loth per vard 1 gallon oil can, it will not leak, for first quality, at Don't forget that here is the place to get If vou try our shoes you will « AZAAR SALSA RSA MAAR 3 YOUR - That what ZAAR your bald we say wg » prices are right, ~ 1 fedriess, are and a compas at The Bazaar fo YES. SHOES satisfaction continue to buy them, in this Herp AMM Patton, Peun'a, Bu BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DR. C. ERNEST CHABE, Surgeon Dentist, PATTON, PENNA. in Soloman Building: apposite Testing Pith Aveeno DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYS IAN AND SURGES { Hie he 5 ny int, {Mee in fiend Building, Reom Ne § ey Sneed Surges and the Eye a Specialty AU % pratt Aativigdion DR. W. |. DOWLER, Phy LO, Office in Madlon block, Postoffioe, Patton, Pa AGE adler ier steht ae 14% Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. sry Blew Regt te PintnMee ff owlis vepemified to a7, fos acted PE rot an and Surg “id next door to pertain? ie Lee § Prat ion prompti) gine OFF iF SLE foam JAMES N Atte wo vig $n ¥ png pred 30 Bd pm NOLAN, HRY at-law, Patton, Pa. OMes in Good Building, ef Ww PDAVIR, BE RR Riz, Pa THR AL in eas erry ys i ly. |. Til Ar. Reswtanran! EE VIiNGUA DD yn i SEE AL Your Watch nay need oak ati Noi Magee avenue, R sepot IAF 34 Tam re We ¥ itin Bas tiger Thal ye past BT § hmv sagial TAR, The Patton Jeweler Business Educaton. The A dorsi Sedat of Braden Noes sa. Pa. wil give you a grsdunting airs in Hook Roeping, Shorthand, Typewitling, Penmanship and English Hraraehes for the FRICE oF OGNE- HOOK FREE SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. ARE YOU READY For wt intr Aww your heater Hive yeas wt Ende Pian’ pat ig with tress that erased y abot hem #43 a. i Tr tan 3 flav i vu Lust Cur TiN fhe Pawating Fa Tat TALRY OF Steam SIN Werk OU LD & BEEZER. PAT: Ying Be LE ifil Se a Pa CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron Kettles, staves, ove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Onur charges are reasonable, ia sasitiag HERG Mae (np BX hange APRN PTA $b 151 Reuel Somerville, 8 ding. NE ¥ i Woe 5 or . learfield Uo grad wha hiv erew rate lias wilson atl 3H Flewt od ba ached AAVRS PE andl Wi rice af he Bug Gore FRRGUSON, Prop'r Parnell . Sovher, N3URANGE. YOUR FORTUNE Rep a Head A Faroat & ant Pa are visser wid and heals ts sien ye al rest a wy CUSHMAN MENTHOL INMALKER ia: ihe fron UREN relief tn mankind in ail bead Sroghles A (OLDN, SORE THROAT, cA fn That aw ful aday ar Ea Taka WaosaterTul In a AN. a. Awtbises rn YY ONLY © Cas av J enn got Ea wey. SA Mewd a TNA BRUG o¥N, FIaETIRa, A. T. 8 A FirsiNation'| Bank PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. OF APITAL PALD UP, $56,000 00, SURPLUS, $40,000.00. Shee astidn of SOrpairREiOns, Firms, win aril Paitin foeeives Beds the Pies LarrTEm ¢ Inning Samad nes, Ford wile dilieow 4 of th oO id Wart d Alb sorreaigindetoe wil personal abe tion interest gail on Line A. E Parron, Wu H SaNbrard, President. at adividys ICI sarpndstent with safe and cciberyative 3g and lading tip eRe tw Far le tor ail the f nei pel s Che pt (SCT aT S35a% Ixy ha Peony prognpd and Jerpasile Cashier, Hastings Furniture & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS: FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ETC All calls promptly attended to. Office in Cornelius building, next to Commercial Patton Pa.. cer building, Pa. Also office building, Barnes H. C. EASLY, Manager. ho- and Spen- Hastings, mn dpiece 3 E370,
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