i 2 oUR WAR . WITH SPAIN. A CRORE ne rme—— esssm— ee —— : INS SOUADRON DISCOVERED. SUPPLIES NOT LANDED. OEWEY MANTRAS THE BLOGKEGE on: ew The war is Costing this government Unsuceensful Attemptof an ‘un Ameriesn Steam. er to Relieve the Ine mnbonenf Nothing Dishearteuing a Yet Effects Duh TROOPS FLED. I a, PREPARED To TO FI iene mess as & Revult of the War ne cable still connects Havana with GHT. effort to and Com One cable stil ] - In a8 affont to Jand Companies E and CAPTURES A GUNBOAT. "a of the } of the First © ited States Infantry — XG Dun & Co's revi f trade a— ’ LEA Bes ew of i reports as follows for ast week: : Jus, Now at the Mercy of Admiral | The drea ain ; ot readed raining season in Cuba, The Army of Izvasion Halted at Tampa to an the shores of Pinar del Rio Friday | ne afternoon. with 06 rifles, 6.000 roandn Inhabitants are Suluritiy for Want of | [outilities have lasted i #4 long enough Sampson Battleship Towa Fired has commenced. wait the Ou The presi Ant duel a walt toome of the / g the Jhirst Shot With Effect call 1c P a dent in constdering another af ammunition, and some food supplies Provisions 1 : : Gr Volunteers, Great Naval Battle Yar the insurgents, the frst jand fght ssurgents Have Com: te kill many predictions, if b ¢ Admir : Commodore 8. y s y i — of the wi ak place ach wi mitted no Outrages. A & “Lperry ut few 0 ral Hlampson’s fleet bombarded | arnived at nk sysadren : re Tain a a f= Blave. it Bach side Sn oe 9 A hn aa European notion that 1 fortifications of San Juan at Port ih Ap Friday the long looked far and much rusts tof tha & the Spaniards j ! ing & ed Staten woud by have n at Porto No street lights are permitted to | Sie a Ch | FEMA ard the afort fo connect with That Admiral Dew ing a bad half hour. the theorist's Rico Thursiay morning. burn In Havana at night. fi hu Sed Spanish fost wa Aisrnvered the paprgents, the Americand got deo- | a perfect a ew maintaining | notion that “everyhady Knows a great he American squadron arrived oft | The Spaniards are preparing A large | " fartinique, 50 miles from Porto |, “AY He bet. of the Battle. Killing | the islands are at bist A a ae | parte must follow the outbisdl of " je, aad 1006 miles from Havana wolves or mors of the enemy, aml on @ from the report th 8 fe. evident | war,” the commercial buyers notion i port that the people have hat evershady would be ready to sell ex it} ¥ hil i Ban Juan just betore daylight, The pedition tor the Philippines. The invasion into Cuba. the pling tor thelr own mart suffering not a wound buen reduced te ip New York, the battleships ua the Weat Virginia troops have |W hich were Wall Dhder Way, was in After Aark Thursday svening the a ; . reduced te eating horsetissh, Csvarything cheap {ff war came, the and Indiana, the monitors Terror w besn mustered into the ammy. i Lia tally recom sxidered. Mi | fashioned sidewhes] steamer Gussie of | sned . eat hag ales Dodn strength. | notion that it would pay fo hoard hitrite. and the © Hd Kansas City wil furnish 001 IT was BGT thought SAvisable 16 per the Morgan Hine with the troops Te by the captured Spanish gunboat | Money until the emergence had passed, ilsnend and Montgomery pounds of meat for use in the army | mit the Am ot army to appronch | CATED mal ntion ed, started for the Cuban | ne Fou Soa hailing from the | have all been made La hable already. inte the harbor stripped. | Admiral Dewey has sent word ta Me. | C9 With Samisans fed hundreds | Coast. At sunvise Friday she fell in unt A8 Bt Jware of She i The only panic was whea money jend- P of miles guay and the “Spanish ships | etifition at Mantin, snd attempted | ¢78 Were wondering what deadly m- ab Sb I I ord had been sent ahead that the Kinley, thanking him fop Lis prone. Sala 3 ih the gunboat ¥ iekeburd, an the | ty run the hloek # haa . 4 tiorls were to be bombarded tion, | Likely preparing for a dash into Cuban | blockade off Havana Other Blockad- | suMejent to bri RRde. saw she: was possibilities the unknown might have to women and children to Supplies for 1280 men for #ix j Waters | ing vesusia came up aise. The convert. Late an an g dows her Sag in sore for them. The only hindrance and fon-combatants to quit the months wili go with the relief ships | The Spanish feet fs mode up of of rovers sutter Manning, Capt. W. M. | has lost ne grams inieate St Dewey of industry has been due to waiting of and seek such safety as a hills tor perer. | Brat-class ship, of whic Kh four are i Mune y, was detailed to convoy fhe i te Cp none of the prestige gained in Biers wha inoked for lower prices od $5 i emored cruisers and threo destroyers | Gussie and threes abreast the steam. i ne mesiorabie fight of twd waekd ago | MNaothing Jisheartening can be seen big tattieship Towa, commanded | prominent - ane 2 have anne Five Yeusals af Onspmodors Sohiley's 1 ers moved alo ne the const i a $Aat vehle he refrains from taking | the industrial situation except the : g Beb Evans, was the first army to Cuba. Beats ompany ne | dyin quudron, isd by the flagship A 3st west of Port {abanas harbar | at rae of pania he has it practically | Closing of some colloh mille owing to There was little sea on at the | Engi : Brackivn er amad out Of FAMDIOn | to on land Bored, the Manning co¥- | the baltef that The admiral expresaes ovirproduction, and the fall of print and as a result the very frst wien y himen in Cuba are confounded | Roads Friday afternoon, and after ering ih landing place with her guns | in the oft tnt Ihe Pebuig Ap hemming | clothe fo 1.73 _cante. Cotton Bas nut | she fired was dropped cleanly in- | 8 ankases and subjected to many | passing the Virginia capes teak a and the torpedo boat Wasp came up o The oy By nd But the fact ther (°F sm above 437 cents. and many stories 6 Fort, Then the battleship panish fnguits. | southerly course, going, bt fn maid tol] ager Lo asin iy A thut they huss made | reduced Acreage Are Current as - , opened fire. In a few minutes | People anxious to Jeave Havana are | & ugment Admiral Sampron’s fleet now | When they reached Ary land the® | tharos mongtration seams to disprov voir ago, but they du not weigh much, ! as reduced to a heap of paying as high as $300 for passage on In the Vigiggt ‘arto Rico. | immediately went into the Bash to form | they hy the published reports that in view of the actual receipts of 18. The fort made little effort to re- foreign steamers, Sunday the Soanish feat was locat. | | : i line. Twa horses had been led he ph ready entered Manila und | 20.00 Dales The salve of weal have and wus silenced almost jrame- AR anti-American newspaper at ad at Curacao Istand of the const of | 10 SW to 4 when suddenty a rife | rap 30 wn - Sater of biawdahed and | ein ly 1.005.008 povitide at the three Monterey. Mex. has been suppressed Vanegueln. Twn of the erulsers Were | s ae ¢ falisavad By coninuous sharp fr i Bt he best evidence af tha of. Hy as markets for twa weeks against wha great excitement in the Be Th rere: yr CEs | taking on coal A ira Bampaon's | ing en in the men that the €Nemy | oq EY ig of rhe Blackade maintain. 4) inet year and 131.216.7560 in 18ST, "and there were not enough ve- | The Span cy ta 2 | feat at the time was on (he northern | op, tin waiting Fed uy the Jnr nial and also | PUL prices are somewhat mors Sem to remove the pantie on In. eran feet. it iw mnid, gered coant of TIAL i rid | ts Wi spend with Wor small i af Sn work of 1 We insurgents in sur i ARg4 tiers {8 mars Asmand for goods to places of safely, half wa gen at Curacao, 1o carry it] The Spanish torpeds boat Terror | RUT he fannonade began #f 3151 ang the city 1s shown in the pape from the large government or. Governo r arin stuck to his post, y ound the globe Iowan Aisabied at I rE de Fra re Mar. § Anda aston J quart pi i an houy Then 3 a enna {33 The fenntotes that pro. | my The demand for boats and shoes sting that he would die before he All of the United States regulars | LDRIGUe 1 Grid ering that the American | soa lekate Xp pod tha ships clerled | which. are Scarce in tae cry of Manta | DOVITH passed al} records in recent have now left Chickamauga park and cruiser Yale alms at Ny tine | round. and. hel: 4d by Capt. Cone | Dew Bh seins 10 J ncate 0 Admiral s abated. and yet many or- Uf | nor who had come from shore, whers | , . an early surrender BY 1a ro bt ing forward. and just at i : £4 sabasla Rave i ¥ $55 ery thers ia ganeral Banke would surrender. His daughter re- gained by his side. As the tars are mobilized at Tampa. oso king ropaira, it ix believed the Ter- | the 8 ; gushed through the streets in disorder Fisherman, captured by TE Pror is lying In wait far the A re EiCAn } Hae Bhan irde wera i alos more | s anthorit! se It ca ty debi Aor d A dod ges | ships a by Aus "| ane EE a tack ne am ean ; A ra Brad in that Airaction, and twatee | a ws 3 pa) ing th off With arms - ditty ve SOANDE to another, the a taal 3 0OR- | art. 4 #! He s | at Lg et o Sitios i 3 T thd Faraety W this wlemiral’s ha ¥ are - per cent larger than last : 3 evident that the anlilers j Cana and hia Aspate Bote originally | yanr and ii per cent larger than in [+ i oo Lag, though smaller than. in other ¥ resort she urged the men to stand trados are neariy ail dead i he ote yeas of meri 2 figrie 43 ¢ A : 4 i » ga danger JE oaho oh 1S wie a thi Cumsie and fated weiter indicating that Wo oLLue s At P vomrs, Leather is rising with no active the m mines which had been isid une Spain Ascinres that the Cuban blocks ; ! i , San wan streets But ale BPpoR- ade ix pot eMactive and hopes that i } INAL Tae DEA ak fect may take x suede | th rth gig! SE is dw wii eens o-oo ) : other powers will not recognize it § 2en oas th opnder foros) draaght ban eh : 2 4 take the horses | Git B possexgion. The greaivat | jemand. and hid . | Sampson sent the following During th ica) 0 renfugos. waining that port before | nee : insurgents and make a action prevails in Washington | jyvariced and hides at Chicago have concerning the bombardment | hg ae aml ardent of Ban | it can be engaged by eilam AF carl = the good work being done and the | ef Alege tour per cent. in spite na vy department: a » if) ahell expinds=l in a #8 hao! | Seats Ar InAioring mie ta £3, GER ra oh ti paves af ths hioeRKade being Oe the fae? that cattle slaughtered at £% z : 5 & % 1% 5 Raat 2 RIN wx wi of 1 A: INT Date Sa . ¥ horton of the squadron under my jae, Killing & narimber ol ov hildren | pity oa ne smaller American Er ; ONLY $AGASTA xEMATYS maintained by Bim YRe¥ HPO eupet wv ewturn marksts this | rene Pe San Juan this morn. Three men, believed to he Spanish {blow ting Soother Coba A% MEY | ae ne T he : Meiate are making all poxsitte | ur . nid rably mare than in any No armed vesdels spies, intent on cutting toms the mines] T/me in its Way ¥ | All the Other Members of he Spanish Cadi- | Aste to rush tr sop to supplement ad- | The RY a SHE AT IA nd In the port. As soon as it in New York harbor, were captured | Admiral Sampson was kept informed | t+ Resign. mira] Dewey's forces so hat if the dl wen : pat of pig iron J34.185 tone : : ¢ : : # We i hk % ji i) 4 & yy Thy sufficiently light I commenced at- ast Monday. | bY the Navy Lupartment of the | {All the members of the Spanish ca- A vapnos doen surrender the | lil lie 3 gaias 338.50 Apt Le upon the batteries defending the The latest plans of the government P Lon 0 the Ruarish fowl Admiral | Binet have resign @ Sa former will not be dependent upon the i oN erieaily no. change. exsept are in ned 15.000 men to the kv nS pen, Be BEANE LHPOuih the Wind. § : So RAK resigned Sonor Sagusta | small prumber of marines whic h hve oR Stream af 855 tons weekly in £7 h wh Pony wang x sh + 30% 1a ¥ tiack lasted about three hours | Dewey at Manila, under the command oo ard passage, can head SY the Span. |, mmunicated the situation to the | can ily spare from his ships. but wi a wit! Beducting the ung Tesuited In much damage to the | Of eneral Mover y iards and close in on them off the Spas | auesn regent, who will entiuss Bim have the assistance of soldiers ma eh increased In Apri Z3- les and incidentally to a portion Theodore Roosevelt has arrived at] ne tan coast. 1 the feet Jig change | oo task of forming a new minist. | Polding his position and maintaining at ol REpareht Sonmumptio® i the city adjacent to the batteries San Antonio, Tex. to take charge gf | 2 course snd go bask tv Martin. : fibral cabimse rder. It lu confi tently hagead that the | ohio sy Me as 68 tons dmily. batterien replied to our fire, but hiz rough riders. known as the First { lque or procesd perth " Puerto Rien | ary ay fo abinet under Renor Bag- ity of Peking, chartered as 8 trans. | previo: Sons daily during the ( Volunteer Cavalry ivy 9 3. ata passages Rear Admiral Arn ena 3 afinrtly after the as vapet vensel will he ahils 5 clear from ; Ba, fous months The general ex the New York and seven i me seoute which have stationed | winution of Remar Canovas del Cas | San Francisens in & wary sh § foun on of axpanding demand holds - : a, ps } 4 ationed } cis : i crt time, 1H ped 5 in the squadron. Ne Pek Shi in a a 3 the City af iat, north entrance of the pREsage titi, who Wis assaminated on August | be followed In rapid sucopssion by the | prices steady for ail finished products to any ehip re 1 or I ja = wisi to ali th potion Er off the Poagst Martinique, willl = Ps By An Prailan anars int marned 1 thor hres ships engnged for A situ af trun ang atesl and wh ~instderable vr “ Xd ese ay. refused WH serve anil for the Bent Wi sha inf Ft] THY (oom ASCRTTRLR, then Min goon | ’ " sins 4 wagpemer pig, It is 19 mpson. feari sat id T 20 ats with the information | of war ws ah h LRES YH1 n Purp Mw The Peking oan “arry cents killed was Frank Wide ng torture at Manta. | and Admiral Sampson will follow | 4 R35, Fas fret appointed president of [140 men, which, With ® vo marines Piiabury, with sities quats- New York. A gunners The markmanship at the forts In i 3: 44 Rs i ned for & time the cabineX Fo $x gh Rien. o ho Hint ad TE . tions thera, at Chicago and at Phila- x 3 " ¥ 3 ¥ a ¢ i PAY a # ¢ i § ° The 7% RES 3 gf BERL ais Eal phitrite Aled as a 1 Havana bas become so exact of late | The crutser Yale bx watehing for the |... ee hanged But on Segtem- | mall will be of considerable assistance Jeiphia, practically unchanged. Gov tie ox that §* is believed German artilierista PRaTnY of He Pierre and the Be Louis | a oi nt i Greed and Renor Ragasts as | ro the admiral, bat far from (he Bum: St) St orders am heavy, and yet bombardment va San Juan occu. Rave been secured by Blanco, 12 Ea tha lookout &1 this entrance of | oy ne . SR 4 confronted | ber which he will need. The totals inl ® ut Jnme of the consumption, a i hy “ x fitom Teg 4 ie Ade ela PRI . . EE * ! FR % . # hours. For the running down of Spanish | EE nn passage. Thee ig no oiBer oo . Talmud Sul and in the Phi number of yt Tee sent will agers ere 7 go far io cause the aver pa i h Sry a irate Os Fd way rowidin ft + ort on the bombardment wien, $000 has teen appropriated fo : Tn in fae lh Ja ape Verdi feet to take | coon re a o he a first steps | pote yet dg Bil cu AAR va Mad Cen ok go af = hipyirds and plate milis, ? i $1 ciler tos ANS esatin TRISTE Lp dois Sta was to recnill . ¢ An Bp EAL a higher price , ¢ AnfOUnCes that four of strengthening Ihe mieret gor vice — } ‘hp Spaniards ST hee ne am pean | Gen Wogioe th hen captain oa Wanliey rr wel im ta command | heosueght snore haven dem eu have were killed apd several | partment of the government | parige and in that seni hae oh of | af Cuba. who wait succeeded by | Lhe expedition and subsejoently ta be | oy | implementa, an ort ry gl : Pag EE RP is we RR § AA co re 8 a ATE Lt # ian sya vk En a i » 4 FIER $ Hd 3 3 23S - i On May 3 the Spanish transport Al- I ani Befoars the blag Soay OE Rian o, a military governor, regards that § atives and curs hile a” for om phonso X11. with 500 troops on board, | KAK4 in bathe Es = The mew ministry. It fs announced. | °F the least which can maintain order | hulldings In western towns, and orders put into port at the Rarbadoes but was | IRHEAL 5S Rave heen recaived that | ot Foraurh mors vigorous war policy | in Sor 0 Manila, made up of many | for many railroml and other bridges, ardersd to leave by the authorities, Captain Cenersl Mane a, at Havans | than the nid Ex 0e:S rqant elements, Owsr ten regi- | fur canal improvements ai Chicago, Rea, ad beim pr fest marite of ate and {6 ha 1 Nr The French, in spite of Spanish pro. {s very abort of ammunition, in which §, Ministers desirous of peas at any | thy. infant ry and Sas batteries | ared for 5.000 tons stew] rails at the tents. refused to order the United ase the powerful eerie at the #8 po a alert of maorificing the national : 3 hihe ry from 1he volunteers have | ast, make dp a henvy column ; of Rinten eyuiney Mary are Trova Martin. rance of "Ha (hn harbor, of CO he 5 Soin € she men for conducts : a Ne = ed fenrentrate at Ban MM ey Is easier since the polley of Ss. f the torpedo | igue where she had gone for repairs would be deprived of a large part of | BAA A > strugiie againer ani NOUN CL a Er and the | cant action has consed and only $1,700 - thelr defensive strength. enemy infinitely superior (1 POSOUTCes it ih Ye Want, | 3p went te the interior during the wil pot be w ante " i 5 « ths Hy 4 iT he Phitip- | spiel while the pew ioans of the Ahtet ff edit ian expected that | bask averaged 33 per cant of the total their gn. | te cormmersiad interests, aguinst IL per Five hndred BYMYy Wag: JTeR for thas i This state of afair #® INRY Ye Ki 1 fo President does ¢f Cardenas, aE BLOCK viz ht in three Spanish United States government have been | sore de 3 = 7 ¢ desperals attefnpls at loc Kade : ; * “basweries Five shite uy Stugebaker Jevews, of West | running on ee pant of the Hy pantards. 1 ADING ET. § ti iy ali 17 you ig : ; ky : 1 « WE A wath A 3 EA a ram iag tad {jessy are We 15 pe ] ina ur in the Ro ais Taare. apraani- the i 4 maad Fon th Srangrt t 3 - ” 3 3 : ve week and 18 per cent two T™ camer Gussie, which some tion inte Havana. ils From Havana Batteries Explode Very | clined ad he present to enter Into | weeks ago, with rales mk i lower than days age left for Cuba With suppiles | It is believed that the supplies so Nenr to American Ships RIT neguliat.ons with General Again) sen itive recently refused. The gov- ats and ammunition has returned to Key frequently refereed to is ny : Tha RioeKade o Rial, Ree 8 surgent lender of the Phi. | ernpnent in paving god over th Want 8 ! = te al Bedng on the ria Bloekade of Cuba contigges of | Hp RA 1 3 hid an notes more : ts Wiimington and Hud- tnt. Hhe was gnabie to makes a Spanish saaadron were o # shim charac. | fective, A shore batter s of- | Hippines, reganting the setahiislument | tor larwely Decatise it needs notes More the torpedo boat Winslow en- landing. . ter athe a fond mznnlive "i LR # » sore battery at the foot of a Government under Aa Tnited Aeates | hen dn and 37000 40 odd have Been a and attacked the Bank presidents of the New England rakes it all the more applies. which Jie Bill at Ranta Clara. near Havana, ratectnrals ; iw deter: | ordered during the week a. way un . nell plerced the | const cities are becoming tired ie Hig rapes and Senior shanid sucosed In peatedly oped fre on Re gun. din thas Ra : ppd ven shall re fA awtenlia, making TRAN ardde & boiler room and disabled ear of bombardment, sped ie at Keeping Admiral f fe - - in * patroling the inmer ine of the | irs undispnited ceptenntoann of the | of which aboa? 11 ardment. and are mAKng ping pire roars frien reach i : : ; sv Fil oa0 00s has Fel 0 Another shell burst amid & group ArTABEements to transfer thelr funds ing Havana or Clenfuesss or Any part Rice ka le. The ip morning this bat- | ~ 5° Bier until me clome of the I come Foun he E i roup | arrangements 1 ing Havana sr Tenfeces pany id | very red Pwo sheils a1 the Teoummeh, 55 « the sven? that Spain abel | Friigres fur he frst wesk of May | k Ti i rite . : | in ¢ . sy 1 odin burst within M0 yards sf thee lHttle hey agnin bw RB TX na talanids fhe ; ave Teen Fo ATR ARG. against $2.985 54 a4 33 Bes oo canned roast heel ———— —— vessel amd the other was almost as ties viear any | let year and BIBT In 15 manu an 35.000 pounds wt bens will Ie RECLAINING rae PHILIPPINE sen, hut neither did any Axmages The | OF catlons with reference to ner | cactusinge FLAS against RN $49,530 oth ro fan Fransise or &t once, for oul- 8 sane battery fred an the roonmmery gn | BRS Ape tien ahall arises aw ris 1 lnimt YEAT and sealing. $1 oun Winslow: ni t relia? expedition to the | A Large Fleet Leaves Spain ts Attack Monday and on the Vicksburg on din. aE peg? With an insurgent gov. | apminst £1 2808 868 Tat voar Fallures for B Worth Bagley, of North Car- | potne islands, Dewey's Ships is the Pacife oe 3 ine whett burst 108 yards shopt | STROLL we week have Deen 46 in the United gr h Bugle Lot x Tre troops at THIoDA. ia ate mt A Span ah Feet I8 teave Cadh wan jing a fragment Into the plivt house ¢ Aconrding 1a reports, tha hehatior | SEA ion mgainet 84 Lael Year, and “4 in ; els, firema fireman, first class, left present receiving very tree attention | shortly bound tow the oo ord bu ia «xODA haa Seed injured by this shoot. nf fhe win tne the Victory of | LANALR, GENS pra t a LEE COAT id g up arid right. side uf trom the commissary department and § lands The sapedition, oy tn —— ne Spt the damage 0 ibe Yickasburg ¢ 0° mecican Seed han "Hepa vy Any eh FL ; tern open there 8 considerable 1 fealing against Eis SEIN ities 3 # heen repaired without sending the Il ron ca Ihe President has in | i ip En tat of both troops an rahi « #i a“ yy de 8 ORR AE 4" SPAIN S Losses AT MANILA Ar Fares, oiler, a Syrian, throat the war deparimaent. will go hy way of troops and rata! Pe or ) - hat —™ ¢ | Tak no cha es with ther | Misery his windpi of hell; The movement of the Pennayls aria § rhiect (x to raise the Blockade nf ay a Sa So hin pariiowier take no rhRs Jens th Their Three Hundred ‘Soldiers Killed American 3 @ ih * p uteEr Pi i el Ww be 10 ; Shik 2 Ad Rt iel’y nn vt Way pneagnteve Flay aLtY is Ging hte i a ya MOT pe le Ee re v & Loewe eR the re Fal Jee wey sn ships, if jromainle, and to | In spite of this fact nafie sf the ships | tm —— TE J. Meek, fireman, first-class, | in Mo pas aturday The eamp- | TF yey possession of the minnds show the least hesitancy in Appraaci- ; Almost Starvad ta Daas. aise, font. 20 Milled a og wounded in the groin. I wart i i it open STR Ree if that « ih fr Toe ¢ wnplinhed troops ing tt and the any dumnlisfac tion Toi pil Lowe who has heen nr Rowe Amitai Dewey B eR cook, cole » i 7 4 en landed tn sma hle Xa tsb hy the meq on the Tooamueeli 3 that German Papers PU be : 0 ge Spamian feet A die Tunnel, bin fy - The Brand jards at ¢ Her faegos, Cuba, | apninst capiure antl sme | the furmmer tugtoat does not CACTY | ura Far several years was : annihilate the Spanish feet, A si. \ : oral ON huge Liberal fram Manila ¥ Va. bod were Jed , > = bh A : : a * y shows no : fied ta believe that par in aid 1 eatin by ary ge may heavy eT gh Runs ta destroy the bat Sept al in Washington tae niher day a won 8 Tirlory at Manila. Ac crit) REY i ty se alr iwi frie #Ear a5 HH. it AAs anly $ May »_ yi went BY A wpe ial f I fader 06 anak ON MIYN LEE . Fhe gunboat they celebrated the victory with great | RRL hood Jaci Preparations At Cardenas, the other end of the that the anferiunaie | ees, comangl 4 boat Winslow Pong church fos vite, vail a Eat ts he gent to Ente three Hpanish gunboats ars 1 I aire Pap Be surrendered and A Spaniard having in bis possoseion | t Eman BREET hedng hare aetted up in Ihe harbor and the har. Aste po heen svgeuaied by out 2] Ted any k Ah the military and paval de. ala * apish lokecs wers R6 ff Kis of ®W men wounded The i HAC HE SPAN HEA 5 "Fbort tern : : Ee only, several sticky of dynamite atliempled i yi pt vpn Five ” -. Li eine he same conditions fi of at king tn blow up the government stores at | 5 I : : . : ve hats fans, sach 1 A pe vas wy ants REA Hr ag : a men wu i. Dose tac Tampa, Fis. 8 few days ago. He was | 0 under 38 officers, are aasembed points the only activity ‘2 i Jnelud- disesversd but made Ris escape, - ao Barcelona and Valencia al {13% CRE veusnla Ati r itil I es SS p- Under a flag of truce the United | this w el will be ready for embarkation | uo. y nome Be ah ao A Brave Officer's Faneral 4 not burt and ; the er om ya States will attempt ria or es 22 : we. : = : | » Ea rt aor. est of | ert Rene ph Re i b atoile fie pare amd kil the en y= American prisarers, Bow h id > i. Hiss ; DEC oe t8Y yd seem nded dd § : BEARS, Ly ¢ hoody of cay i - Fis % tates ard North # wea Semis ire Ba CE 5 e “ix sid waral CAMS : 1 i made up | ok Teen quarts road there Late & CM ila pra waskis 18 sper Siw The : A ya awn haw! a HBR fon. Havana. Two Bpanian fs captured o1 I whally of pieked Te who Rave per ved law soon as Hred on. erase have be SPE pilant na Wart elenite ith the foreign Consuls The : cpr Leow aut the Roan. | HH bow’, the frst alll kitted in EH wild and Burned the merchant : rain Narhi srvegidor laami was bee pr Ea LE% # ries ship will be sent in ex harge. rr re Several bi tories Ww 7 sveeral aitempls oo Wy +9 PEL ol 3 $i: x » ish ganbtoal= al Tarde nis. Broa s = wn Sh TERE be 4 y cal Warships to cane | PURE Rea Ameri i 8 518 $300 hi : pave died from K yi fowl } are taken dally through the ) sports will Pyespels are eager for ainders Uo 4 iF people is , Sh 2% ; go from Cadiz - / r arders 6 4 t i ¢ Peps g iNETY J Calls Ear 29,087 Troops Great. | lines. The bLedies are thrown tuseth ti; Phar oh a * 1 thing, | present ar the repniatsien, Flasign : : : : winery We are Comes From Penzaylvanis in piles, without any form of brarial - nmi ssn AT | Basiey was killed last week DY ay Se ad a = ii blockade, and are in ‘war department has fssued or- | OF the 0 buzzards 1o feed Upon. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD | ANXRICA'S PROMINENCE | Bakley wan es tram a Spanish fort | | The sable conner ra wan : i ails y : { Be ORE te ran Man aud rit ; EE assembling of 23.087 volun- The Spanish td sepeda ha Al Drast rade. ; won bisb serg It i ha 25 wile on DGArG Ihe aa $4 i vir ot so a wih 3 "i ugh. These troops! tor, tytn in wait at the Keralt of Gib | iE 1 this country sells from 305 | Raly's Great B an Talks Concerning | “1° ie | 5 . ed among the different states Faita {or Aveta nomere ann Was bey tiny x Barred ware: than it did a Fa} The Hs aijjanes oa Within Ton Du SNTEED 2 she hlown up hy r own butlers a few | MORLA Bs Sx Premier Fispe, ftaly’ ! Peace Withia Ten D nnteers - ; wf ¢ it avs i Wher 24 I Two regiments, 33 of. | nights ago She had three torpedo | tor Welman left New York last | LAGER nna of CATS Y, 0 tin nade nil oy i arimgle ind pad r Sach a Large wx amber af Val L tubes and a crew nf 55 men hired te find Andree am hast { tate convarsat.on, Ytaliking of the Brit. | the war af ee Anta MEH Have Deon Rojorte? Fromthe > GAN One regiment, 47 oir Lakelands, 30 miles west of Tampa £ Pole, nd Andree and the | ion Colonial Secretary's suggestion of ep will be ; The tarde, sumir of elections of 3] Sal, x 24 3 BLA +» BEAR i : - = . in awh 4 ¥ Raith { TREATS wa bap bry minh Le IE 1. tu is 3 Gah y Sag § : Fin. bas heen selpciad for a CAD for 5 Northwestern Miler reports the 1 Ein a ot THERE any on : at Eng fr Th 0 arm seat ome A However the volunteers ardered to Florida, Rirertor 8 Milwaukee last ie a { England, lores na A Myers eae fut Hite sight ongree 19 of $5.1 thoi ou % 3 Cys Huwever, fhe - volunien srlersd 3 Flory : wer last sy : yz os Epes ties RIOR Ry | pohbiivey ine y Shan # oe wins orl vis healer IRS Wha Bave inducted the foial count made Suminy alsppd fe : ie ; theroh: E Teres vad ina si Bae fags fol axaninalicny sag mar sagtabia of the x we 15h Lik i ohn Hetoh i 1 4 : TeRUIAT soldiers and dm officers here |} A in i iia 8 04 Sere | OARW 8 ext Hepgbilc $s con ig ing. |x GIBIART Wheh Le 8 an Wai 2 HIRTELE A Wor om or ata " of vegular | sidiers am £111 no& "dase explosion at Petos. | voce YER py RL %3 : ih 1 toy! vob Bysp vas : att at of gr refuse 4 a than tHers Were . ; » ich, last week. Cueiv : nfhvia Tran Utila vm af the 41 war 4 ne regiment, 46 officers Proposals for farnb hing the govern- ; % Pa hy a won ih vin ee oF i 3 or f : ? : - Poesy BR fag hitaad dara 4 ee a Aang 2 men with nearty 81 3 projec i les fo of : : x na acvapied Ahe ofl ¥ nr po hs ! rao 2 ih artis Be Lions ar 811 ia ELL : &y dif Are a ¥y wt 5a i» Ha ng the re- } TSETTS--O SERCORET CANILN Wee py ’ nestle op SIOME for a TREES hy means of a commercia, ! i on ortninin Kir ig SHE Be. ‘regiment. secon " moses bs Ton ened at the HEB PAPY sion high school eague of European nations, Jol cus | {hE Benfaimin King of Py itadeiphiag i 23 Ye var depart . » i rope rogiliall yj 4 thar a 1 ? . «1 Who acted AM An = n. in ¥ 3 wi rod IDE sre Ril § roma regulations and othe | sentry Lu > Tis } Af aay: Al Light battery, 4 officers ment Saturday. This probably is the Thre men were Rilled by an explo But now the torrent is Me MT. a shell One during M183 in New nn Paaney! '} jarfest amount of material of this sion of gas In the new waterworks Ria 1 the torrent is upon ux amd i An sniiitor at London to procures all { vasa, Ohl nd Ind) » 1} he i runnel at Cle eland last Wednesday ta wee hor \ f 1 overs a a i PLERLAY - ¥ oo hy i tary . EE 4 A “i . Ie “ Amevicnn mission | 348 not exceed 17 per cent, He attrib. £3 i ERAnN £ £5 ¥ wet Cartloads of recoloe? trasdons, 5 1 with the ele wom, ared large sup Fhe : : ® the lines the men ah the a A RITRY Furope must © susan future v1 § wip ¥ 14 0 bey Eysgri al ¥ x j comphicationg settied : nin regard to Wye gl bo Caras reg tions during those ¥Yeary kind for which advertisements were jssued at any one time in the history gt Johns Newfoundiand, will bel gayoure of srican Mm 3 of the government fortified ia : consequence : of the or Am met he § aE tes an it th tem at an ¢ minsian | utes the lange increase almost entirely men. ; immer relations between Greil Britain and mips eae tS . on the wast | the cigarettes habit “1 have been in- es 18 omcers Results of Weyler's Cruelty France ’ High Prices tor Food fort; oy ha on, and Gy ah : outs ? SACS Une HADETS in a number of men_ ight arti ry, 34 About Havana the gituation of the The Bisoult trust hes Aevtded to ad- : Blockade prices for food are charged | Mrs MoGrew ware an whet Jo fe. and | ses 2 ) ar the rest recruiting tnd VANIA- ven people is terrible Humdire 1s of Peco. RECS the price af fall produc ty #siltn im {len wegos. Flour seis at 25 ecenis ne were Ried 2h Lian i i as § . anil iv Aing. “and I chservys 3 Be regiments, ceniradoe rom 1.08 ¥ ig the big ro 13 fer rar Cwnls, une ci 14 This is oe Pet Do Gl, Hee conta #4 cents a Pound, Ap : 4 : at hast of Prat men who Jailed 6.860 m d men . conren rados ATTR Ls in JAVADR, Wor erie to the rise in faoar An vig want milk you must pay tage sb § jams Ne AER axamination ve BLAND--One regiment, 4 | too weak to walk sut of town and fe pe Sale ther eam the list word utters cents a quart for 1% On the a nym A Termble Svelons hearts or Mok the vitality neces To in the sirests or Avid in the suburbs | by I-vear obi Howard rt Tr ered [yams hreadfrall and intains are A telegram irom tn diis says a terrible {EL vo make a good soldier ne regiment, 46 of. | where flocks of vultures. “Weviers | kad heen crushed by a trofley wy oe plentiful at 3 sr 8 cents per pound. The cyvelone has destroyed a great part of “1 nad expected that ihe percentage ehickens” as they are now te mad in Prirshurg ast Wednesday. 2 as ou rrespopdent was shed there was frond fia, a seaport teen of the isjand oof 4 eetections would bs greater now ber of rephments. 20: total Havana, have feasted on the CHRRing. His Ourg asl . BEA) : caough in the city £i3 last wu days Rarmbhawa, Malay archipeiagn wy, 1 17180 IB 19g]. pur § odd net dream that batteries, 5: total Aumber en y : tnexperioncel Peter ! Swarts of Pires. ; a — * Eres oF Burn bi gy Are Dove : a | 2 wank he pimost shenp Ieee 28 Treat. ure =o feaded & car with iron that nt canITAL oLEANINGS with the bodies of the Husa ta & wipe | Phe sxamining physician with whom shag The town © apang. island of | i have talwed have generally told me Linas the sxiews of relecisaons ix due tO ra, 148; total nurober of men, War Talk Resslts in Marder carne unbalanced and fell hry Y 3 ANA LS foil, erashing “ g Timor, word Uae DITTICS a fury HH young men apniy- A crowd in a grocery store in the | ki tor da ath &® Tov days Ago. 38 age. ruliway employes arbitration Ny B33 O0k : ‘ark Herald correspond Che large number > Si fisp Bn fist avd wha have tC beroine - autskirts of Birmingbam. Ala, a #a iw Fina Her vi, the Heald : : at Fa pase the senals Wednesday . New : haa Desh Dmprisen (hp HINER Wars Lang “ae victims of the Cig Bits hal Baports Excesd Imports nights ago, were discussing the Cuban § isl WEE : afterne : fe E the monthly statement of the expor!s war Witlam Mitchell was Dragging | om iy Eh ; Prancigcr. TH) on disussed for three Bours and} 1 wha yr i Yu 5 BA . bn = £4, Arnie. shotoegra pen forts © ? Bian Gh a : imports of the United States du:- is, le wis AEm ing was B ix Brat appearance on the | very he v0 fra gi a | : gt ¥ 1 & 298 4 Ra - A 57 ¥ gt i $F 9 54% $5 a i 331i 1 5 5 § : ti 1 oe i on : shows ay follows: Domest toad. Mitchell was lease 4 by bop oraiat , miowpital owned and como ted Be { Inplinn eanial TE vn Bpent by th ¢ , Waleed fe Enelifane exported $98 195.393. ns He putied a pistol and fred ve nats Po ¥ ia the Mat hen oy oy i ETriest i3 iting ae 3 Fide § _ : : Yip Maingin of the OF INAD foreign nf whith 24410383 | When the poiive arrived a few © ow af Cra Atos! How : as deo §opatring ship i he Phitippine rebel ohle? Aguina ds oe dre Watching events in the Phil- from duty. As compared with | later wa dead men were picked up SoBe 4 it is andar hat br 82 + af armor plate fo new | has issued wig ii . thu Is ine. teimolE oh aunt TCR ‘the gain in exports was | trem the floor, Julius Aber wthy, a wo rs 8 sa A ve wrish ud Rig a pr 1 i ship Kentucay Ris wh & rer ark , surguits 10 ston the BUOPER RG bd asides, ie nan su tects 8 ! "Manila ) a loss In imports preacher, and Sam Smith Known as bs ave | $1 recently he 12 inch plate) TUF Ine HEURES a Lewsey, | Lave aieaty Sled claims tor da: aes 5,000,000, “rhe. export of god | “Tricky Sam.” Tom Warren was} Beh ig 2 tur probat Lo ¥ was penetrated Shiv 1. nches by al > ussian pay says hat painst ¥ United States at the April amounted to $1. 318.384 an d | wounded in the nec kK and a fourth man rl t or ee ive Date in Kivu pradeet fie om brad h gun | LORE ne. powers would not toierad rn nih pe ic ay i the Botts to nL h.6T4 was shot in the arm. Mitchell estape SAN Se ¥. AAnie Paton | having & veaaaly we] 10 STAR the Bhilippine Islands | air the conch nut © war before Be A WRAL es meg d af) I’ wiversity i onl ny Fran % Sea torw boy Cireal RBritgih ia T eye (HEPC INRRIE Li the war before ! SE i | anything (an be done nn the maltisl
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