| 13 { § [Ed 3 i upwew 1 am mneh obliged to] to howe bili ansieal, Jester. | wae mo meh | wished *(eond ad tn particular by e a ; days, that last | ee Boknig longth- | He Duserved It. ean ton omens a7 Lever} A small boy dushed breathless oto sl : merchant ‘a office. Hh the gon'nor ne 1 Xe What do you want?’ ht “Must ses him mysell. Mou pstiek: en 3 + Bat you can’t. He's engaged. : Mustaee him hmmejis Mont per- | nivder i influence. | hetbren from Wiecomin niverny, th jueker.” - i in Egypt,” be swerts, | copper colored visitors received & great fin rel take at vite 1 oe ou he sche, Tee | GF of toon a bs of th are ies ony | yeubined to Su that When traveling on long jour- | JUNE YT» rs ‘yor want a urtlice buy, eh?” {nat ih ¥ e’n renmes | A group of the girls surrounded one : 3. | aitravel night and day withoat | the swarthy athletes having We vh gut : Jimi in Saas The’ dttver | ae him eset, bog 1 rom go Xe ou in ly ofr. He's just bin ron iow a triangu, Rie mo, nL. eel me,’’ remarked ope gushing, Boy engaged. — London Answers. cigar radiant crenture, “why do you ted peo-| Righ Loft Sides | a ! sbaerve sor iy J nteriad in che sob of sie | pio paint your faces when you 0 on the a inawm. : : . od amar rie ngs. i ole i the swe fashion fol a he I cine the rigiit wide of the body moms cons || Eo || Rebounds oniching ember | 1, swing ot tos os » grt ov nT foi Lime LL } ie |S, SE RETR ttt ms Ee pea SE | Er, Et curt | § pails Axa throne ite 50s | glaty, * quietly replied the Tudins.— | NEES CLE Toy and if the habit of Sree or away.’ | Chicago Times Herald, ima the left log as | reaclily as the right in formed in child | - : a he Ere bod the physica strength will notonly | © 2 0 kee | open A mas Tus a keep his eyes open to! eanaliad. bat i | 3 br a politician nowadays," remarked : be | contd at fellow sudent to go into eo Give statesman. Tears When Other | auditoringg and Listou to him while he| “Possibly that is correct as a general] Ey rt "a sermon. The preacher fa | principle, replica the other, “hut if von Until a few years ago the wholesale fe eiiyo began. His mbject w as "Light." | had looked around at your colleagues price of ivory wis 83 a pound. in con- | th the right | while you vers miuking that last speech sequence of the opening up of new dis- | arm, he yours you would have hud your) fHICSe in Africa to colonisation (he dla smi ! , value bas fallen to $2 Au srtiaary : arm, he youred, * vat Ch elephant yields about 130 ponds of | that i the! Than with a com! nnd gesture made up A Restorative. ‘merchantable ivory, Vos of both arms. he bellowed, “Blot out| Supplicsot—I'm faint from lack of : 000 the stars!” But it was enough. The | food. L | Cheese cannes much illness in Eng- 0.0001 sogitor arose 10 Jeave with a hoarse, | Rich Lady ( nerousty How drend-{ 1am Chee poison is called tyrotoxi- | ¥ (Re y % RE el whisper, “Torn off the gus!”—| fal! Here, smell my vinaigretto. —New| investigations have shown that | New York Mail sud Expres. York Journal : | mis pi frm Sr 1 Easy oi Murderers. Marshes of Pnmark. Austrin i+ the country most lenient to | From 1875 to the present time over} — mcrderery. In fen years over 800 per. | 100,000 avyes annually have been Te | Tvoew are 33 allusic 1 wers fond guilty of murder, of | ¢laimed from mursh snd sea by the POO | the ast wind, 1 : Hom uly 23 wire pat 10 death. Ple of Denark. 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers