5 : 0 after tutti with susm in 211 dney. ters of the phy crane here for tre purpas of ¥oing fates pages, pins. | taipad wor) : : oot : he i #1 3 go ander boas ary fap pha HE ct pf enitn and thy of an 13 : a rt te iy mre wf wih Sibi volumes £25 bf | bats 3 she sy PAE Ce Ber | know at femet several : § s Feud be off Far sued vice Tutt silts Pome Love poosnaie ane Hien foe i of mine baer at 2 if & ¥ pele ity od dpe o, that Ben dkny dint ite range wid pre Fait Are hee amtage. . 14 terisitie the mie of the pre. if isd Libis he threw tha prorhuetion 1 ¢ 8 eepparstivily aay ToRliey, Fava, dw tional owkE. with the pew invisgmueiily o rons | | pamage. | secorately the iwitial ve rocrave to Wend Bot shuable §nvention | jertile, sod Bag ent Ww “ oe jos, wd} x h stand Dustdle 0 on hg al In in poet aeaking, avd ever ction thelr Lomongh to Tint Randy Fook when 1 2 " ot 4 ba in gresn, Blue, sired rack bee Bray 1 Ind in wort! tus he very and | EUS Are being feeted may me bow HE ] LLY other “euler, Fat the seals | par Tani hast r Toty done hy part. the pu anle cd : neat seigrers all over the fom. k pemtors, printed ver tae | Whar IO ein tadnm Ringaemn, we ain sald to be only] Two open frapms mo | 150 feet | atk of the face in diferent eid-{ in New York Ladwer. | theve prose iving who bpow the me apust i Reomit cf the gun. Wires woo Hitherto t feted thein, Thr a Ct epetaf fH ke, ad theo hel presen strated HEX wrth acre thes hit! 3 THE FIRST LIGHTHOU! BES. | baw never ben Yeqrally protected amd nil frames, yosking « soreen thrinigh Which fe po res pO obliged to 1 pango these seas | it % pmmibers vith acid Theet | They Were sn Ontgrowth of the Heneon | tHE ¥ { is feiss to imitate the extreme | the shot post tuum. The wins in oh | jake the #5 Hy ruined the peroll work | Fives on Hendlands ir thin, bat tisr tial IF 0 yarns snd wor | eeYecn forms & complete elecitie cponit, yu pad trend yorlsiil colors, leaving 8 Lieutenant Jobn M Ellicott, U1, & dertiliy strong amd dorable, paper ff which includes alio ehebtie buttery the second vane, os id N., writes for ft Nicholas a piper om the best Oxiori Bibles if they ony and an eioctro paps. The projeitile, 15 ne The Beg rtm ees, entitled, © The Lights That | Kuen ", al il the weld bes hitherts after Joaviny the gon, files tprmpy the | tls were Guide In the Night." Lientenant E13 | quite failed to ids) wire in the first screen, intenaptisg the 5i hist. mi : coil] oot says: Tess 2 18 tisemy, bul perfect cireait snd releasing the Armatnme of wding ph he worth: phy opens menses possibil- When abips are citing upon thi ocean Ir opoene saad BO itreng that & strip | the magret In » spies of tisha wo wrnall | proshing bie mGory a haat of clever Wen. Given the Hghts of beaven are their ghides, of it re fro bd we bibs Fas proved to be | 88 tes be hardly copriivable tlw projec. dap od to his purine. ; they { Even in the dark ages, when ths eon | Opa # gratalving aqusrier of a bon tile ban covered the distance between | the two. 2 ye prac €x- | pass god sextant were wrknowri instra- Aredweiuht. Owe 160 works and edi. | the two frames and phereced the wire a ent a Pe the seemingly motieniem ole teas woe Lave pei aided on this pair. the second, intérrapling ita electric sore o i star bung like a beacon light in the Faw spotiis IETHER LO s very Torgely rept and relessing the armature of i281 4 he | porthern bravies, snd the rishsg wv helpec Chxfedg toon faim the hadiog pe magnet, a8 in the fret cose, Lhe Teter p ¢ of the sun spd stark Aisin. | sition which it atigin sally gabmad by Le val between the drop of {bess tE0 av- | ished the east from the west. When, | ing nearly the fret, Mf mot quite the ret, matures represents the thee spent by | sever, ships come near the Jand, the printer of Loss in the kingdom sed by the projectile in traveling 150 feet. Fo of heaven are not sufficiently the prestige of its nape Chambers’ This pial ju indivated by the chrome safe to guide them. Rocks lie in thelr Jomirpeal, graph in the Intoratory mone by. Wires enscen in the might, reifs sad at. ran from exh seresn to the lsborsory, paths, ad n : Feonriettn Maria. which is Gtted sp with hattaies and of or : Mhenls a fhe water: while, a avy of wy n adexs ever hese of switebbrards. 5) : fetta Marin? Sie win to be a The smatore of {he first elentro mog- eraft all blindly spon these dumers pepelur peraonage with soll schont- | pet ia an Srem vod abost 8 fad 1. evertheless, ships werd sail 8 ong | bes u, vio Liing back fragments of Ley ich is suspended vertioally. 8 Jen, : CORNEA So SunaTes ho fees dromstic antoblogeapliy every be diay | galls when the second Florio mognet is attoally in plain stems of marking Junge | lor the Wlitatin of ticir famines | | placed little below the Sint asd when | held in the ne ren and ® i | have inquired ber trigin frum leured Lie gu yelemeed #0 acts as a knife, sd, geod to Texhaostion in the, wes bald and reelitn TORUS | folks st aii NE esas tt Hl weriking the side of the falibeg r 3 ty # ; ty ae han bait pirates. wh iy | Tie soyibioR sieterically interesting | pales & slight mark. Tho distance of bulky ¢ gb a id sdigriidiie abet Ber, cut our oid fassily ervact | oni ent or mark fron the md of the rod | ated 1 find con ave cotabe boot ters ool] being tought the 7h 0 08 | Gndicates the distance firough which lished lights snd Jandmurks om them |g, o Sop ero talifre vilinge in ber og | the rod haw dropped while the projectile { had they cored 10 do wo The tude be} oo Ferothey: re, cull 4 froma the mesh- | ig : In grief nd terror § “apt? Prom orm screen: Bo mndther. EE Bark of oe range aes 08. | pinning, thew, of axyster of liglthouses \ Ed ee passing Te ote im the a ais hiv aa say of thru Little bps: This forms the unit for ti eniculation { st in dry, naristing thet as. Gupte oil the reckless maripers traded in those Ee of the projeetile’s velocity in feat per | light shaking rode 10 Ce ah RE ka den aaith Blith power oc. ir sham, = J sgn built beacons pest the barter lr Bo 6 WE | second: d. New explosives aud High power | 4 Sean Tya : | mouths to guide the ships into port by} fii claps om Lon for, fitink ve ures of rut grand. day nud lighted fires for their guidance Sloteri want smd, of projectiles wenderfally in thw lms Ly the elegant | oo night. As gach a harbor gui hud to Sb ang ol few yours. Projectiles muy be expelled | tasty compounds of modern ly, o gore landmark in the daylime oo 9 3 £15 ut | pow with a force thet will make them | sigey. The essentisls of the former | 1 hs by night, it soon took Gi a + Tie £1 wan nak | eftective at a range far beyond orllisary dues are now given in the farms of tie od shape-—a tower on which could ve | re Yana wn sin 1 fee, : eyesight. — New York Sen ah in eg | puilt At. and such a tower es assal Bite Mombind right throngh. ted form. Single rome. 7 This method of gelding ships into And uttered grost gra eg | b special indications take the ports which they sought wis sarce- THE shai distor 241 yam, old ie samed. Om the aoaphe oak day, 1d fashioned shotgun MIS- | 1, yiablished before Butnan wickedness Wiha sized his iad | which the astrologer has sriccied, there | EE vat Bn means os a” the came ee bi a i tra s By 3 that we the | tiasby's i tt chomy of taste, ROW | pg Ar i hide] Bemeiebin Marie, ee , oi in sogRr gouted ATOT. | ghermcives somewhere Dear the haven | {Repent 54 Ubitem. Landon Gen- | 54 oanadh denies the pong a sickly laden Yamel, and, towomss. | | eCUnIOmY | 5 : : : : Fler Trost In Signes the name: ! callt water: bet if a dry eal An effeiont bat illiterate domestic] The limits of the cluion are deter- bedi that would delignt the MEYADE WUE jmengin into sevice but suined by the dey of ol the week nom | Eiienroe Yisameil, wiuaTs vee boiling | happily sot final danger by ber undue which he was born, Burmese aston | oe, New: York ok Commereial. : EAT SURE . Satin confidence in the pind i system of divides the letters of the alphabet poe py Be the “ ike woman, being unable among the days of the weak and = wuld dash | his Youu] 10 4 ; bon | 80 read Sud Jog been second io child born cn Monday inne tmanive 2 : discriminate betyoren the different va pane initialed by one of We Tethers Le | f | vietien of canged vegetables which ber Jonging to that day. wappiied ped by the pames Ka. the. gn gha. sin Toniola 1 cn Lhe labels, buy by the pic. Su. te A A rr: nich tise hem Thin plan served | oo Loin ing of a jingle which 3% 1{ well enceigh for kitchen needs, od it} ese ciidd lemrre, Ws yOB I | was only when she tried 8 combine i ea uraese a a ath. eptember. The | with ker belief in the homnopathin doe. Avril, Forse sud November." | trime of like cures lke that tromlle ve | Achild born on Taninia {Meonfnyy in {sulted The vranan suffered from thee. ha op + so | mation, sed owe reiny dey, wheo Bon ae : ve u wag a begining with, Fy ppies Dee : her schis wore cepecialiy severe, she at to % thos wien 1m ts oid} wrk guse a I tha Hed aed, and | aime JH i Sater 315 a of dehy Anfang or rather its marie cod or in awhile the little fel iow would | few written we aud 8 JEIBL < o: shad f shoe, ie dotermived by the toy of Hn to Haklorts py TAA TORN re | pt we on mt irs, i |S Mion oc ach mote. have the — sate 5% plating oe CL 2 5 protection. er snbiecs No toe fury of | (aint bevivage, contiwied “ho wade : coe day hen bo approached the cage, | le pouumte Twa doctors many pe Yhe tige? nile Menduss mi foster fl fasts = Sophia : 4 Bi 2 = a Borman tors oa Mowday will wnatie of Thy coo greg instend of growling, she slowed sigea del pump seved the NO BH ree to Grutor i comelle shinped Hike a) and he achieved his i . W - ; CC Foe tiger and fashioned of worl or of sol. | Was, ia bie awn words, “0 ineorpers iA rocosraged, wud tice the Ee ow Yom Cnn hee {low wax. Toesday bebusgn to the king | Into one pedy the tom sud sea i in To the Ee eL w ey ote forever. —Rew 3633 finn of beats. Wedntmtay is thas tusked o'p- | Humbe cf cos ancient ud inte merle was expecting to see the rar . yuper TC ederetottitin. § phant’s, Thursday is sacred to the rat | tons by sen. He dechaced phy | yilled, the loves stretch Sl The Janene ave making nedeniots and Friday 1 the ig pig. The drag | abd chronelogy 80 be the sig S52 HET €-| age paw and gently drew tho dog in. | 78 © het flucly crimped of grated | OW Comic 102 Sitar SU Senday io} the Hight eye sud Go WH 6 wi, i ol little follow was delighted with bis pape. dedicwted to maior a sreature, | BOTY. raphickt J i ‘aud be sougghtd fut hex After the pooper bs «x bern eat to a pus | ball bind, hall! font —-Yqnth's Conse ST warm fur sud has remaived with her | HTH the « HiPurenit parts are sewsd to. | panicn. . : ever since. The curios thing i that gether . smd he ml, and the fe = Wanted 1 5 Meat. rh | the lioness will have nothin to do with w the Byttonkoles are are "it . » Whos Ley ny : Tou F gant a rus story: the. puppica I a 16 the are strip wt ¥ pd . irk pala or nen aa 2] ga Ie a i wie - Q i ol Tate bet ot Ely vied 0 Os wetting ve ono of thei ago 10 wis how their litths brother in] 1 staff i very strony, and af Cie}, ; — ae EEE oe fandeiine ta 2 wuft in New York. At first ech man | gett ug slong, she growls at them in| Firaiini Basi, alist 2 ga gare ia seeds hoi tex at : : ‘| wan doubtful abort the policy of goibg, once #0 loud uti acmaciug that they | TtRt bua bus Fo = 0 avs le will] L, & hi cematite ate, The papers as | hight i ered intn ; * ut hen it besune ovident that they are frightened off. Meaawhile tie intertere with the tuipiration of the, a ~ oo] Be som 4 pathersd AE | 0 up a quartet party 101 adopted puppy is treated by the Honesa {| RET 0 TOF thai Go LATCHES IRRGE] |. 4 there Ban I aan PE ok Beran 0 Lp Lt th rate hw thes deys i acoder th of fabric. 4 ; th 4 : as if he oers uv uo of Her own. 1% he mee 1 of alfaire Eas Sengrd. Just A 3 The wed | is Bot SA Cn AAA Hp feedt, now 16 it inp Eo recs 2 wasshoresas ate my Ft frvere {cab ¢ ise, pow eit mer || her Joproey tae would all ih Ibe In taking down the steeple of the oid ie pi : eR 8 gr 3 i ATE snl a sain 0p / Heve they planned to play whist or sae Methodist church in Water we xy ne 14 pa elys ut ; 2 : Sob} ey it pa was given tL . de stich game ui) the way from Chicago to} A ea to teat it by und. 3% PE Lo thie and ne by bared t! asd sleep the Young Men's Catheliv po shim tg | almost oe 1a how TE 10 atid bes Ciotham, rg the oiling seep remodeling for its wee, the i sin eld Pekin wed bor uw aiiog Poves——Lovdiat |, Dew 1 ing tire. It wok a dedightfol outlook. RTs k ca top of the 2 3 at a. bol] for making grovesesbazs y = HEE 1 wat a deg w hezcock 8 top ot ali Hl 2 had to swisha pe wis of beams siajd: “3 Sion LabE Ee C30 | feet —fleney C Je i | when they assembled, lo, they for ai F hed iy and copper t RH, with Brerivel Agnin. for & moots 58 takes has a] nr hones hn yu ob i, do Bey Sou a power he iy: Pp p al i “AR? Bassi w= wg wiki Holras % $5 “ guary oF Denne TE Diner a ae fo roy ] As Exsenuaiing EARL. £1 tion over a diffrent raliroad, ml hieaRy BO ave boan made by Paul SoNere | agen om the corner of : oe editor's link, funrily re [on ure a 1, of Times Herald, : ‘sehen aboot 30 years © dd, Fiz sald that WY ny , 3 Ee pga, deal ul. of B77 Eo 2 | le a, tive shang ol Vie eee culled £3 Feta 13d Re % SF rhe En WC BE eed Sait IRAE plete, ; gg : itr isp 3 on FER Aa gt yrorived a wy : : oR “ (5% AE LN * & re aha Ba ‘ 3 i i pis F geiaghipe p ser pusalia Lact main A : the weatberooek wi as £ rig aly plac es bh | from a yous woman in a Jawrer's of Prone the Poo | Hud pliant Reipect. in 1755, on the oid oixh L 0g | ge + ? .: : Fad Haku Veo a Tal : o “don't like that young ma," said shat jo Semalh be 5 ey . hs “How can yor tend *-akied the wdi- AE Jd ie? Mabel's father. ‘He forms ingiie A to | ome dispute about fs owas rabitp, the | tor, “Us you moeguiap the typewr A int leppan Tu Biri ae Colleniay La ads be fmpertinent, Unitariuns aialmiog that de aR ET niy | — - Fat hg gre ne “WY host i $l Oh r ar ure he he as Hx 4 gre ate £1 Joaned to the Me thodists whey the lat | sxe. Don't yon sve, the oring ds vied hae Visitor —— Collioting stagupl foot The wiles wus ous fuily boiled ™ ter built their chureh in 1847, while 10a 4.0 TE yy BAH Why what beowreng in that? CL Cheveiand Flan Mesder, Methodists ol that t alt bi a ms wi ove koet? That J Tg Mv AR Bh ; awe of you,” k claim that they bought 3m the Foe Ww cwied it Apd in we Cronbiezaas La Striper Roti: ; “How co yon know? bo town, Ho will probably te | Low JT (hr ie Yaa ase wed tape | 18 dey said 1 omit 10 LEE ES hia Her Pwr. 1 He ‘aeked me if 1 didn't think it presented to the Watertown Historical SE ini PP 1 canceled nes onle ie bonadd Coat It is ul hat a nen’ 5 sonnsel ones would be a good “ide a for him to wear | S0CIetY. —Baston Transeript. fr ror pepe HTCES ake gave as 3 on v to Lin denghter, who | bis football clothes when be called to —_— ig The mor wonderful statoe Im toe pe : married a year Taspister, hiv Briefs ; BoE me. Ny whl glen Slur.» ? To Rid the Houne of Riaek Ants. ¥ dd Xe Lohr, is hi & seated Epa pist yr el plamaind wii and interest nm a chanvery a, wisely Se You may extirminate llack ants by | image of the gosh Dia-Uutsun, aml it3 | charcoal, br un w bh phen s, amid a be himself bad iuberited Hom nis fae Z To Polish Brass Kettles first keeping out of thuir resch all | hoight is 635, feet. Thee total weight of little posters chanel lft hottiis St lish baass kettles or anything sweets, Stand your cale snd sugar ithisgreat so is 430 tous, 300 prands I ture will ¢ Postnaliv e Fah - vewery much tamished, first boxes in a pan of water, then around | of whic hd pure gold, : ADY TnpeasRnt oor. Sweet Thi I bad h ¢ wiih solution of oxalioncid and) the shelves put either lavinder, ground meen ; sb ing a proposal Lusk xy aud polish with rotten stoue cloves, or, better, camphor. —Ladies’ Thy Hass $ Faglish Werk OR AUROERy Huge sty leg wars ol lr wer ade Deuvest Girl—30 you are to be me ; Re i or very fine emiry dust. 1 Home Journal. wan by Thomas Vesey, in 1548. ty than Take ~ Oven FX th we yied bi Detros Free Prom. ASSN Hh os nin Spa a &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers