an We can save you 1 Suit in 3 1if you come to us {forthe 3. | We are selling a good | all-wool servicea e Suit Suits for 2.00, | orth about $3.00. Some handsome things iro show you in Childs’ years, 12 00, 3.00 and $4.00. we have but ne ¢ fixed price and hat the lowest, it extravagant to pay $14 for a suit of our Chahes when $13 wil t somewhere else. He radia that the $13 suit won't Jast y well. tog) means no hing. The only v Clothing 1s to sell ¢ Wie buy the best and fitting sats in pred {market. We can sell an all-wool suit at 5.00, 15 = 00, $10.00 and no other honsecan =~ | beat the price which is 9% No juggling of prices here with us, we treat all Club House g4-in-Hand, Tecks and Imperiils—25 and and most exclusi ve stock! lof Men's and Ladies Shoes nj, he winners
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers