: 5 Vinlr © {tig and Shu 1 Bulidiog, a1 Main Entrance, AIRY AN Ir ELEGANT ROOM, PATTON HTEAM LAUNDRY. : Bn. XE: Sepals, Prog'e. ALICE A. AKHEROPT, i Opposite Oommerinl Hotel, Patton. NW ILSON, ‘DR. s W. Worrell, PREY InN AND HURGEON w a, | wa A MELLOR, Park, 9, 12, 1%, i; First ein ane Sa tion plied 7 on, % ih Ha : 108 3 101, wil EYir Baad hee MATHER ATRORIN. (hater , WINES ang LiIgUoRs at Lhe oe. jer, = CENTRAL - vores, Une JOHN RB. CORDELL, Prop'r. RATES $1. 25 PER DAY. npr wit | i and the balance in two payments as! MARAIPEY HONE "| six and twelve monthe, to be ie Mahattey, Clemrtieid Oo Pa i by bond and | mortgage of J : non he ar Phin I x of Linnors GRORGE PRRGUSON, R SoxERvILLE, Attorney. Props. Notion of Dissclotion 3 Notice is heveby given Ww he public a ar tami able. Revel Somerville, : between G. Cand F. C. Yoier in the Attorney-at-Law, butcher and meat market husivess in | on Song Jae boas dimotved by ; Partoxn, Pa! mutual consent, G. C. Yeager retiring, ; und the business will hereafter be con- Ofc in he Gout Building. : idol Nip | mm ducted by F. 0. Yeager ut the old place : : oe wl ! a he | OF business. All accounts will be set- | Ww. H. SECHLER, ! ald oo Loni | C&M Division. Be ed by P. ©. Yeager. AI partion Attorney - at - Law, Matt" rr rece prs coe "knowing these ives indebiid to suid ERENSBURG a Ln em om . : fem are requented to cal fod etl 4 oo. 7 Bo pations. AL WHE BO. We, . G.C YEauEe. Cambria County, Pa. F.C Yrauen i ~ Peb. 1, 1897. -10t3 CW DAVIS, r—- re, Attorney and Counselor al Law, QUINN S, Enexsnona, PA. 34-1 136 ¢ Clinton Hit AB egal bred nme prossptly attendnt 4 i Lille in Ares pvt Mele u » Lan 8 BAN a ria nestor: 4 Pea Wig! i gid NL x ie 0 Cv , tole Co Hu Fie Th ame Sanya RE set “pret = A Weems giveyou a « many goods paste tor : lta Ln ve for 35 cunts a8 ou nsually pay $1: TOBACCO and OIGARS Pittsbur r & Ea pacer 4 1 Sa I for. Bee Of WASLINE Bt. dest joe in Puiton at : J a Tm N or iar whim you ca save it TG 1. FITZPATRICK'S ; I é ; s a 4 Pe i Re in ~~ Restaniaot on Magee sven, near | at alae rea . RR depot, ed oe a Tred v3 poneerts aE onetield I MEALS AT ALL HOURS, | ion Stating (Mana Terk. atti te oe. : bhonits tail notion Wo : i Matin . WARES than £. He ami JF g EESEAuTERAS) Fon mining Sak »” Ndward i 2 LETERBERENE AT Gb oe 0 A EAS ay Sure cure for all | ECE np - hore Himmbie. | “plied for thenmie | Jo 00 i pelt : fe. Nod Shorts nT ! Harun Tae -y orale by all desbers in niedicines ta all] mek. Fiery baiithie paarantend of suatey ve . Bustiward mw Lewes SE EEE dmg el al nl Kd vd E a oe iz 5 He Mo 4 E Easy ; $y Fe RE a Get Your EEMBNCEREARTERUsESE E + brevis BEDI won James Mellon, J. P. Wien: Cronk Junetheth iio Wlation (Mattes WA EER ERRuzEgREGE ERSKEVEREXE Hasse es Good and reliable com- Foor of i panies, : | Often corner of FAA and Magen Aves. ,
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