a RRA AI HO Sag vis OE | tian tr wenn world are Err I delare] od a in oof narrow ois | Tw veers | 140 re the of ro ol . 4 Aer ein a broath of wir, wha? ; night fu Bot low ditehion ter in oeder © avoid iy die the lcoessity for o | tose of mules and horses vir r Dariress. ed to deni the great borax Iden wag- wif denihg than that ; one a the aiias vehi: rx i # shysiy 4 drag. in this iy ia ll s fie ie, ath of Shae they either Be £ | inhuling the desis ust of the desert ora thven erasy by the fri; itnl hat. : i ae y : 3 o that intersects a hip Held, you sen bare wines in whalever directics * yon a pa £3 Senirhoe of seraugy want of Yomentir i spent " Malling, an an- 1 bout 20 miles from being o of t he | : form white tints 2 jo hop pickers, Hike the encamprent my for Fr ninet know that . the hop plokers are 1 ® residents of the borhood. They rome from distances by § on, 8 large pgportion of them from Lowden. And, $e it known, the "| jority of the hop pickers are wretrh- jedly peor. The pay for hop picking is | Af #0 very Jittle that cmly by the anited flere of a family of three or four workers 1¢ the result of the day's Inbor Iworth the «fort. Last year, for exam: ipl the pay for picking was » shilling | for seven Bashois 8 that 8 worker Buel © 11 complete seven bushels before thn shilling war darned. This year com flone ars & Hitle better, but at the lost bop picking in only profitable when tao fads has six oF ght pairs of exept hands to stnip the Yue swiftly, Some of fhe women have ridaded this picking to an art, the efe fue: hey with whol Ivor even Bat this exastitads - for beats uf ar : Cghes, fiy a field wm bot out § as, m0 many Billets pdos Brags B | ; with ae the fan BY rherefot, #3 * foo walk dim the path and there nt fixed distances apart the | | 1 different independent gronps of ploiine, itheir canvas Danx with wide, fisting | measthe, all of regular sles, streteln J ; poles aud wot on erompleres the long! 3 i# In section, aod while the man cai thin vines nx thivd of the way up the pole amd pulls wp the poles to canty 10 tw 1 bin mde this women and childret noes. : | santly witkivam 6 am to 7 p wm, {sive only for the Ful! hour at noon for, téinner. And what ux wighs it fs! At the very odge of the field where I spent most time rears, rugged and tall, the {ivy draped tower of Bt. Leonards, said | the to be the very firey, and therefore the | oldest, of the Norman towers, the pie: raios of which so interest the "intelligent visitor fo rural England. - This tows wan bail by Granduit, bishop — This abbey, by the: way, ‘has been re- + | stored and ia once nore u home of Bunk LAL the foot of this old tower yesterday 1 polled snd tmnbied » wore of grimy, half naked, tatterdigualion children, of : ages running from the infant that should | 1 have ben in arose 10 8 pair of 4. year old twins, in patched, dirty rod dreswes, | and with boge brow earrings hiding the Jobes of shieir unciesy little earn. Thus © did halt barbarous young modesty kick | {up ite slovenly little legs in contempt of | | that sil} grim though dismantled tower, 1bmilt eight centorios ago to repel the burning | Mesults of those savages who wer fore- ; ranoens of the present day Englishman. And smog the vines yonder were the 4 motley groups of persons to whom these | little human blots sppertained. Not by ‘any means as pictaresque snd Tancisat- | _ | ing sa Italian grape pickers; nothing of | {the rich, dark beauty of the southern | types, but & different sort of intereat at. : wily ignorant, half vagrant creatures, who Bave come to {the picking—by donkey cart, by train, _ | on fost—Dbearing with them their mis Peing | ble utensils for cooking and faring, “4 Lin their rags and thelr tatters, the fh "lof which they are not ashamed, sloep- | ing by night in tens if they are so for tanate, behind hedges and ander rade wigwams of Booghs, if they must, work- "ling from day dawt to evening close for & mere pittance—yet tot wolfish or sur- “ily. not rude—indeed, good patored when you address them, and in rough {way jocular or in tly way communica tive, Here and there, to be sure, some "i thirg more profentions, the epitome of Jower middle clas shift and tidines, but in the mains Lop picking sive gorh ns you may wits at Malling tells you what pitiful poverty awd wretoheduess are hidden from the world _{ by the purple splendor of the richest na tion spon which the carious sun looks wekanoe. Fill in imaginatively the pictures of which 1 have given but trae cutlivos Bean the hillside spcampment, wher (6- | fancy and age swarm about the evening 1 fires. Walk through the fields of vine girt poles, thal seem a compact misses as you look down upon them. Talk with these » | women and childrin stripping the yel- Jow fowers swiftly from the stems Glance at the various troops of thought 1lesaly begoii a infants rolling on the green grass or burrowing in the soft earth, anid thes, a4 you blow the froth from your pext glass of leer, refs i haw the host hops yielded by bonntiful : nature are gathered for your benefit — ; Cor. Chicago Tims Herald. Fixing rie Tdeutity. Attorney—Weil, now you say that you saw the man who did the stabbing? Withess—Y is, sor. Horney — And would you know the | enlprit again if yoo saw him? ‘Witness—Ile wasn't 10 culprit, sor; I be was a a Exetalian. Cleveland Leader. ar {itm mldiery _ jof pre, Ly Gor ; ts : pao, 060 cy for flot tioned or sent thers has cout, and this patails no end of complicated bookkestr we India, for trivianes, pips for the cloths 7% of its own troops, and ale for the | nnifo rns of ‘the men which Logland {js ipends thers. The latter item iv about £75,000 asnuaily. On the other hawd, Mehen a regiment comes home from Tne dia, that country has (0 be paid back the full valpe of the slothes they wend The government sells old sad wort pat articles to the secondhand dealers, wha, by the way, ussaily sccumminte eastoff clothes go disposed of is about ‘$140,000 yinrly. The scraps remaining after the uniforms have been ont ont uiso bring a matter of $30,000 annonl- ty. In all the aothoritics recive back about $1,500,000, thus redu gig the to. tal cost of clothing the ny $5,000,000 a year. The best aunlity of everythivg be need fn tHe manufactore of uniforme In rable wear. A huge factofy in Pimlico, Londen, makes a Inrge share of the for | mishings, bot viet guantitivs of foot and Lop peor ave bone ready made. Boots aed leguriner. for example, cet SE 65,4 Gr and I 54 The th yute oF wm mmibiione of Butided, the tops of rorton weet, the tail if yards of mew pedton, (heat si tals Pare trinaeR tidy tronsers and warm #hirta cout #75, 000 The wams pal fhe we rh Are Gye 56, 06) | & gntdrioe va | ae 1 The Bat ull this vast expen mn I less than the Prance or Ciornminy HEY man in 18 fony ppplete suitw of piiiitayy Neer Yeork Jogrnad A ZOOLCCICAL DIVERSICH. As Elepioast That Died to Flay «a Tlsver Frok sa \ aitars % The elepupt at the Jardin des | Plantes af Parke used bo play his visits | ore 8 trick which eonld not neve been hought of bot by an asimal of mach inteliigenee. His house opened apon an joelosure called the Elephants’ park, eomtaining a pond, in which he would lay himeell nodder the water, eonomsling of his trank-—a move speck that wonlkd hardly be noticed by » ranges to the animal's habits A crowd would sswmble around the inclosure, and, pot sesing $m in it, would waleh in expecistion that be would seon sense from the hone. Bur sprinkling of water wonld fail spon them, and ladhs and peoniiomen, with the ir fe bonnie and os, would ran for shelter suder the frevs, jooking up at the clour sky and wondering whenes such a shower could come Immediately afrerwand, however, they would see the elephant rising siwly | from his bath, evincing, ae it seemind, lind played. In the conrse of time his Cgmuement Leonie generally known, atid the moment the or Tagan to noe from his trunk the spectators would ake fight, at which Re spreas Pl LR ‘an be vonld to ses rhe boatio Be a -enaned Pit tetarg Phage! teh. Most Wheels Ape Oversilml Bo many bleyeiists have been Cheese suffering from clogged chunk Lal werd of advice way with pops Piety ve yopented: Oil the ehain—noti oo Fiore necessary, bof be sore pot to fave ft wet. Each link shonid te ¢ {nbricated, und then the cfah mbbed dry. Ne amount of uo oil from the paris between the Lirils, where it is needed, and pet a particinof oil 1s required on the exterior curio The drier that is the better. 10 eid, if expo, Jue k= up sud holds dust Lud addin greatly to the frietien. The vee advice applies to all cilicg. Mf so puch is put in the bearings that seni vo flows amt it 4s pot wipsd off, dost wl gather at the spot, and even in the best macs bearings wee of 3 will aloes certainly work into the balls and mak trouble. Aud even if it doos net pot so fur the Dans hen of dust so oonman lutea | detract oom the appearshee of an eter. | wise well groomed ma aine and re neler the cleaning after a ren twice as dill sult as it nest be, The fact 1s that ners wheels ars overniled thap upderoili a “Uarrying » canary,’ as the wii a dust buried bearing. Of course, al 00 two, the [aiter is preferable, but no pid: er pedd have either. — New York Post Coflnr Nandy. The collar bapds on the new gowns are one of the special points of decorae bly set in on the wige to sand up around the neck. oommencing a Br distance apart on either side of 1p front. They sre made of Rupe plaice silk, ribbon, jace or chiffon, and ous very effective trimming is liee wn vans dyke points, outlined with a tiny reohe neck. Plain velvet collars, with pias ings of ribbon set in fan shape at the | back, are very with narrow, black, pearl edged ribix edging each fold, are ahother faty.— er, | New York Sun. {ta army sll over the world. Each of the foreign poke stone, hoaeever, hus to | pay back to a oirraln extent the mmonnt which the aniforme of the troops sta fortones in a short time. The valoe of Iosn than fart, it ie ssid they are too good for du- | men, eabicn, eth, wolves, ote, el every part of Bim except the very end | What becamn of the inventir is Jad while they were gaging about § copiius “8 awkward doy at the trick that he cendingly delighted, petiing wp us fo | shear be remembervd, con popowe foe men” onl] ridizg with a dry beara | that sereechos, Is Bat Ball so envamon a tion, and frills of some sort are invaria- of entored ribbon and gathered mito the | , and collars roade |) of brag folds of light velvet or satin, [oon busi post putt al WE and fall easy viothne fo the spiders who who ride owe their luxury fo the of Ler man's genins and their own shrewdness | An Inteisting one. Hore are a fiw hy piaked haphieard from the evn. jole of inventions that failed to bereft the inventor, or, nt leas, produced | Hor him a little of what was his dos. remember when hooks wo first pul in . time in Incing the shoo at the tip This was tha brilliant iden of an invint. or to whom it should have brought a fertane. | Tt wonld have done so had ho bean a shrewd business man. Beng merely an inventor, he hadn't senes enoagh ta keep hin idea to himsalf nail the patent office padiook had soured it against thefr. Id the innocence of bis patare the inventir confided the ides to & friend swhile evesing the North river for the boat to tie op in Jursey City he fore be exensed himeelf, started bal New York and went on 8 dead rom for ides sootred for bie own daqweial Baas | fit. Another mon is koown today ox the | weentor of the late honke Fe owing a cenfiding Inventor got nothing beer botzh Athing that lwd Joong en To give some notion of the vibe eenite un porosk, and even at this er © pednetion on good (ieoft san be meds ; . This Let inventor was treated sith G50 i yeiponty gonevosily, however, bn ole | parison with the ponies who dev kW poeketbork clasp by the shape of infer locking horns with balls at the ind 3 which spapped shut with a single prose 3 5 sunk The idea wis altrward applivd to | lowes snd became yory much in favor The inventor relispuished hie prize for | the ma iovnt Riward of a Kidney fw 0 dinner and 50 entity, the latter havieg een advanced by the purchaser to pay | the inventor's expense feoan Newark to Now York. The man who soared the made a big fortune by Mis shuawdiees | known. —Exchaage. Cuplemmus Remedy. A writer on lion hunting tells how Hassan, n quick witted Somali fond his way out of & very srgons diffioairy. He had been down in Tas watitless plaine and wan ob the way homes, driv. ing some candy before him. Tr wai a ‘very dry yaar, and, althongh this wie the rainy season, be had been nnatle to fined any water to give his pony. | dery hard for tweor three duys, with Bit | tle or no water to drink, the pony sue. | {ewmbed sntively and a8 last lay down aboot 20 miles from the wells No Hasan wan fo despair. He knows thar the pony, and it seemed to hana if pothing could ba done tossve i, At them as nouch water ae they coals drink aod then harried them ob again Hiately killed the camels, cut thenipen and took the water fron tair stones The pony wis eager enough © drink it, iand aftr the draft it revived sulle Ledently to strugele on to the weil fu a fo Gays it had eompletiir ree covered, la tellin the stay 7%; aiwayn mdided thas he arm lal god re of camels, sod whether that wom wy op pot he wind, wadher have ent the throsts of 100 Liban sacrifice his brloved pony. Lomb res) fh RO, IO. Nadsie Kode When there la on choles of pond © a2 irive at a vetiain goal, 6 ie got abways the shortest waich should be abisin. The desire fir money is a glide oe, for nyeney ae key wiih npivoks ‘prsny eplentohiies Hat the ‘wavs which mes fake Gooaeauirg 6 ar 100 numerous (0 poovaet sud Tae with tovery ditforowne of larseier. VHD uo hy whatever means Hh wy think will an i Lo Phew will wr i all + Iva us Tietie for it All soch anfairness is | fomer 14 the roliped. Both are injured the coe in his property, the other so his Eire Wr--whilo the comanuuity i» Like: Wis inp swersabed. Bak dieetix yon Brigg labor vo the Seld-—honest, iwiel | Bgrns work—some real addition ae as Free nade to the wealth of the oma wennity aml tothe character, self ago ad imilopensdince of the worker = New York Ledger Main ab the Table, boiled them more than thoes mingtes? en’ s shoes in place of bola in order to forryboat, and the friend hardly waited | 8 patent lawyer in order to hye the | the mother Jode, as it were, anil sieeioly rokbery. The winner ix the robe the | fogs witly others 5 3 ess matters | fin in wait for such fine. The list of | elever men who walk today while thos It is pot neccdsary taba very oli to 8 9 . Lpothy intanit oy Een the. Fal av : weeny yolod in glistening garnieom of port white, Two days’ travel brings {one well into Alaskan waters, and by the aid of a good glass and sot infre. i Been wanted | by the tewde, sold the in| Deention for B10. 000 to aman who rang nid ite mene making valge Lhe t | parchiaser is now worth $5,000,000, all of which be wend from the patent wisp por. Ont of the goodness of his hears he ¢ | presented She oriuieal ower of patent with $30,000, so thas this hun ¥ Lgot 840.000 in ail for his 85,000,000 i 3 3 Glut Sent inet oy hve ore By paling the wielae Jord frown Bootes ore bas sored waters of Pug bt sound b patithos of (mo Br pn Biglest peaks of tho colo matiniatuy bordering the - quently with the naked eve clos ob eryer will discern the blue joo of es ie glenn creeping fen 0 0 0 Gag edges of the mow bank Lovie ond Lower thems descend as the steiner i erawls onward, patil the northernmost point on tha route is reached, wheres | ther come down to the cerian Jevel, "love, in i benutitel little Yay, dotted {with 1,000 lenborgs, some of them high- or (han the topmost mast of the slip, Carat walls of dedp blue Jeo form the shares, longs arms of thin ie bask frome - far back into the monptaine Wise ab | the evest of the raves they route, god, L splendid hones and is wealthy: The ronping narivward, fom inte o sant. : | nove chain) of glaciers that Hie tik The inventor ofl & patent stopper for | - portion of Abnka's voit law Brand Bae dred miles This Little falrelond ia bay, and th c Mn Mair a fren, pans Mair, who By ¥ hie Gaede tana Is ww ats Bloor Lgeancedr nid col UL of patent rights on this Bottle wie pet © 1 gba price came down from $1 (0 6 Al a? : ori wll i den and parented it after fronting the | inventor in the road manner vaviiioed i» ; Dthtnders ut £2 base, Hon es = {iy thie i orth Bud Fay Tr $004 {8 srsod be nila boss he sled ma ! pviry foot of Ris siden I En ne fer ae | etnpr! Hu bathes bis brow $n tee close ; ani senshel Bis feo a the soi. No Bu wun bong hos ever planiad 160k va tow C swaanit of this eonntian, aiionis var | rs atterapts have bee mime Ly hardy explora. Lriog between tie sen snd © ties base of the monntada, perhaps thine. gurters of a mile in widih, # » jel and thickle tibered pices of Joid From thin begch the monstsin ries _grwiusily fo the timber Haw, approxis The result was that, having beet: rid : % E E i amount of persuasion, or even besting, | wold got theorontars on its fogs ssi miitely 1000 feet, Here the line of pers patual suose bopioe and the slope paws got dnuily pleciar Foon the bine oo 1. #0: w gna i rsew, and a Btls Tal er wy the eine tro of the moni oe ‘ mien aban Thin jee 1X JH 10 helsing 8,40 0 fect of Une suai if, WiLore PEE prmenl ¢ P B DE RENEE BRIT de thers wers mo vesselt at the vols in which he might carry water bak to, : * eleint easily Cee asak 1 sor Bot La Gls Iast be thought of a plane ke drow the panels at top spend to tha wells, rave He found the pony whers be had jeft it, growing rapidly weaker. He imme | Wat great altitode: This me mot who Semis rossi obtnia waaith dipniny kia avcupes het soiel aw a ¥ wisteh Bou iir Gaia Joe Waki ad al Boe this peak, xo ot on Loe extianey Lon, Ep ihe pease tnd tae gules Or Tie Kae Probably culy by aerial mua void this suunbiz be reached, sisi even if thst were possibile, 1838 do uixial if ay bums being could survive the forte eobd which wound we QuoLRLI LEH held in grout estorm spd awe Ly Tie tire [ndiim tribes 1% 38 they 0 weather prophet, and by certain + al wipns thew koow when the® can : safety uncerroke the Jomrney alo ches SUennbonrit cost,’ a dargrioes ol of Water Pushes bein Luge pence porthwarn| to Yasate: bay, along wih distance fhe monusoe Birak Me 01H the wen, The entire baja of thie nly Eo sage, L1C0 mila is beucily © of with spree, boy ek pir wei bow anil pod cop IRE SVL of snow have swept down © hips and (here, gid i their tr areaks of Dmber Bave Loon Adres a8 i sickle world 8 ou guiin, AL asters Tacinn thie -shordi, reniing wos mon narposy shelves fost 4° 30 pidewatey, 7 less Brads of west spend Divo thipds of £0 of doors a thelr ravoes wi enpiy moans of travel, and w ith which they ota their livelihood fom the i wa. Throaghont the entive sireted of country fitavel hy land is ainioss macs. i wible, owing to the dene Cimber id, : waderbruih that cover the out sar. A aii Sh SARA LH tia SR Man at tho Table— Waiter, the so vgs | are hard #3 a brick. Yeu muss baw: i Waster Yin. Hrs AT has told i 8 To the! disciples’ of Tuak Walton these inkind waters and their tribune tories offi everything from the small onlichans and herring to wouster halls tat, shatlis and whales, The shores of Ripumenible bays will be found by the Kanter ty contain myrinds of ducks { Sessn and other Wis fowl; J In thet would hive before thom a vor o , asa milm : i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers