=) Rr A FAI PA lig or aA pos dap GA 1 3 § { i wilt rec ive « FREE sours ; hoice of such fine pictoral vi ; anything for al their trouble. i sd 1 Gov. Hastings sod still. {The fair will bs held on the grounds of y | different story would have: appeared in their columns. } w Kid Reilly ts twirling in his old-time | form. — re Ro ve . Pennayive:) ; : h- ‘Railroad company, Croyle wa. | plaintiff in error, vs. Rowe, defendant. iin error; In re private road in Croyle township, Genner & Co. vs Luck. | bardt; Griffith, plaintiff in error, v8. series of games with Happy Bills of | It Clack, Sefendas in error; MeDonald i : fected an entrance to the Barnesboro _ | was blown open, after an effort to burst his {it with a pick had failed. The cash e “Courier” Reporter. and There vy | | of the former, both games resiting in| «| MAY COME T TO PATTON. | An tawmonne Park Is Being 1434 Out om | round trip is phenomenally low, con Ms Kerr, 8 Oe rented in the. Affernoon. “The shove clabe played two games | Le 8, on the 3 {oaes viskoriey for our clah. To enter LX. and REF | welfare of Pation, has many friends bere wis waed be pleased i wee bith | : The Pusseivasia State Fair willbe held this year at Johnstown, September ¥ to 12 inclusive. All arrangements the association has held in many years. | | The premium list aggregates $18,000 in | sash, with numbers of special valuable prises ditional, while the ‘speed ring | n purses, snd some of i Seven ART: Ea have been made, and everything indi- | ioates one of the most successful fairs © All the boys were sorry to ee our star | player go. score being 16 to 1. They ay Carroll | t Bonne Hie ped Kose T Daht 3 Dale W ree Ta te v Wik a 4% 5 oR OF parite I. Tate h. Strack (nh Eri Hy $07 Bonrka 1, Passed Baile 1801, Triowtin 4 ey 1 Piet Pes ¢ « Pat iy Im Tipo (F Worite, 1. Triste, Tate, |iwtimey, Joven, : 5 imine apd Wikies Dawpinrad. BH lier. : Naw. Het weather for base bull Ward Hile will leave pt. Ward's familiar face will be missed at third We note from the Mountaineer that Carrolitown played there recently, the town wre a very fine set of boys. Sane might be said of Vintondale whom ‘Ebensivurg defeated so eamily. If either ‘club had been strong enongh to win | Railrond company, . Thomas ve. Provident Matoal Fireln surance company, Tavis wa. Crouse, Wallace ve Leffler of al, Miller, .| at present. He is a good hitter, which i mukes him a strong pliyyer in any | Ww. Dale has recovered hie batting ove "R Reilly continues his good work behind the bat. we Russell is the mainstay of the tesm | game, ai fSmith improves daily, and gives promise of developing iste: a star short sop, Walfe Is regaining the use of his ith arm and may fool the best of them before the season yet closes. Clymer will soon be able to take his piace on the team, after a two weeks’ lay off with an injured shoolder. Arastrong continues his good work with the stick. Mannger Somerville is arranging al eb ebay a i assoviation ve. Thomas et al, Weak. land vs. Farabangh etal, Weakiand vs ‘Luther et al, In re condemnation of | | nnd of Caron Labey, Jones ve. Wiak- and, Johnson Buck & Company va. | Gittings, Use of Sandford ve. Lehmeir, t| In re road in Summerhill and Croyle In re rule on Thomas va Dodson, committe; Hipps & Lioyd va. | : Meshing, Waters - Cambria county. Bargiurea at Work : ] Last Wednesday night burgh of longing to Adams Express company : : © To he More Secarv. A contract has been given by the | rise Boge ni to ad pi _, pointed postmaster at Nicktows, { fourth-class office in the north of Cam- | . 1 bria county. honored and pioneer farmers of North y eyes sparkic by presenting this office | change one's style of advertising after the pablic has become fully acquainied | with it. A part of the prestige is lost 40 slate in the PATTON COURIER for the | ibenefit of the Cresson: Record that uate how beets no Bryun and Sewall ris mach chance for | Altoonn. Db. > Dale stopped the ball with his frach Crock Extension. The Beech Creek rallrond engineer | wpe, in charge of Chief Engineer | ir are making npother pro- Sacto move pear Currolitown, this lepunty. Ibis surmised that sbout 20 miles of romd will be bull to connect with the Beech Creek lines ut this place. The proposed road will tap some of the richest coal lands in the bitami- | nous region. The holdings are held by {nig Philladelphin and Mew York coal ¥ 7 ¥ rit for the Prise. On Tuesday Jobn Ott, one of the Cambria, wade the Cormier devil's with a choice selection of good ripe applos and pears, which were raised on | his firm a nile west of town. Thanks “mwiully” Mr. Ott. RRS SSAA FL RR A Dg Changing the Advsribing. . © It is always un dangerous thing to and sometimes confusion follows. — —_—— a o N. FE lambourn was last week ap- Sho Has fat No Club Organima. : Parrox, Pa, Aug. 8 1596 Enrror Counmn:—I woald like you in Patton up to this Af the enthusiasts | | the purpose of connecting the city of | for the aversge vation, and the dates | thee k. | Altoona and Ashville, this county. by | of the excursions hive heen most con- iam electric raflrond nine miles in : 3 mgd h widest field for choles in thw selection | oh {conte of Altoona for the nee of May, Sex Isle City and Ocean City are | Bl rma ee Bom nb Sue sorts, and any one of thet may be { an the Altoons, Mountain Spring & | visited under this arrangement. many, A Project to Connnect Al toona and Ashville. | in easy to see. The rate of $10 for tha | the Allegheny Mowntmin. sidering the Pe al Eh A company of Altoons and Pitts | character of the servios: the limit of burg capitalists has been formed for | twelve days just fits the time set apart There also the | The company has petitioned the of the resort. Atlantic Clty, Cape and Sixtesnth streets and the choloest of the Atianti const ro- Ashville Railwiy ocovspany's road, on A spacial train f prior care sad} a Fightennth street, snd the ofber as the | day ccaches will leive Fittabiirg on the the mndidate wis at Cresson wheve {road of the Altocons Suburban Trac- | above mentioned dy at 3:5 a mand a ramber had the pleasure of tion company, on Sixteenth street. connect at Philadviphin with special | seeing the young candidate. A park Is to be Iaid out at the foot of train via the new Delawire River Af Altoona 2,000 people gathered st ¥: | the mountains, west of Altcons, near Bridge route, landing pawmengers at the jessenger station to see him paw ov | shat js known as the Buck. Horn, 308 Atlantic City in twelve hours from throigh. They sew him, bat they did as the road itself will ran through a Pittsburg: or passingors fiir Atlantic not lusr him speak. | pictarenque country and will make City may spend thy night ln Phisded. “Silver Dick” Bland made nie way | Ashville and other Cambidia SouNtY hin and proceed to destination ty to the resr of the oar snd towns moh more peseinie, it will 50 peguisr trains from Broad Street address the throng, but there ; Station or Market Styeet Whar! the cars for any bot Bryan waver Mr, Dr ‘Somerville, of Chest Springs, following day. Passengers for the Bland st last was given an aadience. wasn Patton on Monduy and in other points above named will ose mg- The train then pulled out for the east. speaking of the proposed road, said gige trains from Market Steet Whar! Among the guests of the cxmpaign that be was quite positive that it would the following day. party was Hon. Jams Kerr, x-men be built as fir ss Aubville at once and Tickets will sino be sold for regular ber of Congress from Penpsylvanis in the near fotare would De extended traing leaving Pittsburg at 30 and and ex-lerk of the House of Repre- from Ashville to Chest Springs sod 4.40 pm. from all station at which sentitives st Washington, who chart | Patton and mi all probability would gheo stop, and from stations from ered & special Pullman eur and invited contimm from here to Hasthigs, Spang which regular contiection i made with Mr. and Mr Brym, Mr. and Mm lor and Barnesbors, then. These triins have Pollak Blagil, the newspaper representatives, i The distance from Aniville to Pation sleeping oary attached and arrive in and some person i friends to be Ne via Chest Springs bs eight miles and philadelphia next morning, whence guests on the trip from Pitsbarg to the grauie very acceptable, meh more | passengers may proceed Bo the shore New York It was s kind and bappy #0 than from Altoona to Asibville. om any regular train that day. | thought on the part of Mr. Kerr, sod ~f the road is built it will be a great Tickets will be wild from the stations much appeuciated by Be gusste. ‘sonvenience for people traveling to {8 the rates named as follow: and from Altoona, especially if they | Jonastown wish to make close connection with [ore the trains on the main line of the Fhowiary. ne Penzaylvania railroad and it will bo an | Kom gn for mcr ing fn the vieinity of St Aogustine and. Filipe 0 ids. mn I *3 FARE aid th OR ations Crumb f : and Nemrdy Contes | "The following pension hae been nenied since the ante of Joly m efEasct san | Cnest Springs. | Por further in forsamtien a to Original Caaper Mott, Harvidvarg. Eri MN There is said to be plenty’ of capital ticket agents, or Mr. Thomas BE. Watt, [Inicresse—Jacch M. Moyer, Patter back of the eoterprise snd the nly District Passenger Agent, Pittsbarg. plot: Jasfata; Wor M Michael, Blasio thing in the way now is the permission Tastitates for Comite snd Otiver Commins. : from. the councils of Altoona fo jpems The dates for firmer’ Inntituten at OE HONS HL OC —- throagh the streets, and when granted various points in Punneyivania hive €) Fairview, Caomberiand: Kate Wolfley, an early beginning of the road wil be been announced from Haerisbug bY | Hurrisbare: Susan Lessick, Lewistown; commenced. ‘the D gr v. Jor {Maty A, Milter, Tyrone. | Dierense — James £ MeCaollough, Micidie Springs, Cumberland. Preath of x Carrol) Townsiiy Lady. Fowrth Anenat Meat. {Camb The Fourth Annual Race Meet of the they are as follows: Ly MO. A Wheelman, of Johnstown, Bedford -Charbwville, Fobraary ist Pa. will be held on the 18th of Angust 30d 2; Osterburg, February 3d und at the Westmont Park, x beautiful 3; Alun Bunk, Febrasyry Sth. Com. I of the Flood Clty. The five fowa— E bw or : wi 8 an 18a; mile State champlonshi Carroiitown, snsary ltricounty championship are two Indians ~ West Lebanon, January th | Wigton mines, died last Wednesday events which are attracting most of the ' and ith; Indians, January Sth and jth; evening, aged 38 years She came to crack riders of the State. An pen Uookport, January Sih asd sth. Somer Casbria county with her husband and {tandets race will be an attractive wet Friedens, September Lith; Somer faniily from Wasliington county about featarw as will also Stoddard and Wil set, November ith and Sth Meyersdule, ® yearago. A husband and five small pon. the crack New York tandem team, | | November th and Tt. Westmoreland children survice. The remains were who will attempt to break the bard | Mt Pleasant, November With; intirred in the Catholis cemetery a8 pec of 57 45. Sid Black, the cham. Ureensburg, November 174; Clariige, Csmrolltown at 9 phon trick safety rola of the world, | : November 13th: Mapor Station, Jan mairning. ; oy i has bein engaged. The prises in each DArY Eh; Latrobe, January 19th. Labor Duy Flesh. event. are full Emit allowed by L. Lets Sor Onin. © A grand picnic and dance for the AW. and we would like to wee J Wad Hile, who wo a vaisible bapefio of the Patriotic Order Sons of some of these eaptured by local riders. | soquisition to (he Patigh base bali | America will be beld In Patton on Entry blanks can be obtaiwed by ad: o club, left on Tuesday fur Barsesviile, Lalor day. Good music will be » dressing J. L. Replogle, chairman race 0 where be bas signed to piay with spicial feature. Everybody invited to comnsittee, to whom all entries stiouid | ‘that club for the remsinder of the ated. CorDuges. bo sent. Eaitries close A gE, ean ot aul ta Callie | Tr a — Handicap August 1th. altficugh be usually playwd third lbuse Did on Monday. or short stop in oar clab, It makes po Leo, the eleven months old son of difference to Wardie as lie is an all |r. and Mrs. Dennis Flysn, of Lang round Srst-clas: ball pityer. He will avenoe, died of cholera infantum on be missed by our inh. Monday night. Interment took place Prensocraiie Caumniiren, : at the Carrolitown cemetery on W. The Democrats of Candis cokiaty | nesday morning after services were! wit roid their (ounty moavention si held at the Patton St. Mary's Osth- Ebemsburg ov Tuesday, August 18 ofic thurch. Mr. and Mm Flynn 1308 when they will noniinate the fol have the heartfelt sympathy of their lywing officers: Treastiser, two a j many friends in Patton and vicinity sembiymen, two commision hioaase director wad two anditors. In order 10 close: out every WH ge le Tyran. “my shoes in the next 30 days The pay of the officers and mea of Michael Martin Fitshirria, of Gal stored the price 3 low: the National Guard while attending hitsin, has purchised from John Thomas o annul encampment is as follows: Uap Rowley the entire ouliii—furaitare § Simos shat ¥ na 180 | tains, $5.00 per day; First Lieptenant, snd fixtares—off the Ward house at .- wd a $400; Second Lieutenant $4.00; First Tyrone, and as soon as the least has | Sergeant, $3.00; under Sergeants, $1.00; been transferred will take occupancy. a Cotrpurals, 01s — Privates, $1.30. Consideration $5,000. Rat Pag To “ut Ladiowe. About one week ago two small pass A big phonic will be held at Lafose, books speaking of Dr. Meeker's medi- Pa, on Friday and Saturday, Augest. | cine. Anyone finding them and send- ‘21 and 22 Two james of ball borse, ing the same to Willismsport to H. C. tab and foot races are mnong the at-: anid J. A. Olmstead, will be well re-. fractions. A good time in anticipited. | Call to wee C. . MeKelvy's fall sod chao ever amon Jn Fation. green apple season by having We have for wie a Somplete puis UW's Colle Ad Cholera Cure in the of | “Tine Machisery, | homes. CW. Hodgkins, Patton | which will be sobd cheap. Framacy. | GRA, Hmaace. Orthod rit with sods st Patton
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