VOL. HINO 1. 0 PATTON. CAMBRIA CO. PA. THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1506. : | $100PER YEAR. IT COOK, SALMOND & COWDEN'S STO : Patti Koorkers Pele Natmeiow The above teams played (wo em | : Pomona Orange of Cnmlaa douant Ls a ¥ yo ie ity 5 x fo ‘ Gleaned Here a1} hie Te iy on the Patton grontis on (Sstoarday, Vi : FIG De LUArTIed held hear aaanl menthly piceting July 11, 1898, each Ww inn tae, & x thee Ball of Banner Giravgee, in i aay x ary 3 ANE SN y 4 . 5 the "Couner Reporter. iy : PAIS ais DCI. s The foatnres of the games for Patton township. on Monday sight of last aA Ar A BELO EER bo wena : : awe § TE ail rie Panay S ” : : 4 wg ** N $ 2 9 i ve AE ¥ i a i - OF INTEREST To ALL Ta Loa 3g = 4 gas + SOME ROADS ARE 0. Pluses Wire hres dees onic morning, ¥ ICE - PRES. CHOSEN. 1 Pl batting of Arptrong, Clin Ww. a afternoon and evening Mepnbers : P Pmetaliism, Gidd Standard, Freo Cotangs | rate ssi 1 Praje. = wit brs The Foolowing Article {a Toker Froim the fs wn ot rye Cian gos weir met ty ann. A egnians Five silver ¥ ey Adapted and 16 to 1. several of the IL. A. W. Bulletin and Gond Romi vevanees at Bradiey Funesion, fro0t Standard Not “la BS The question every day ix asked, pes for Dheflanes eps the A WB ft bnoswen riitirnad ofMeinl’ i sanveved to the hall, where dinner and At the Demoeratic Nationa Cons Wk E person who buys What are meant by the terms, “Rime. ; i. Ayers, the G0 {in a Bost Sanday § RI OIRET WE woed, and al cention held at Chicago lust week Wm, tallism, Gold Standard, Free Comage hurting of Peat Pha don Mart saying. “the saint ity defined nH remained niakt veer taken J Bryas, of Linootn Nebraska, was and 18 to 17 Bimetallism is the nse sted, and the datehing © [oes chat constitalé P baggage, any ¢ Ly the sly fa) ber mena b 248 : sindard hearer of the of the two chief precious metals sliver aq, varbere ii thi court rofings are he So oe, iinet : i the campaign for and goldooas 8 denbie-standard cor be pile a pres temps | CY Clas mentioned Tha statment i bok ni bar Tassiniss of r vy of the United States rency. The gold dollar anid the giver of wh wh . : ; ted Government. and thus, hy the action poo oh Ie SA of the Government, made nf sept ’ % . : : i vale regard isms of the variance in the : ie hint i : - : i? che | Made : asirt . a ’ ix Md Boral an : the pret ram ; ire he bs x ail GRE wrk ¥ Rr ? ¥ ¥en , + g dollar are made legal tender by He egal standard x different ? cok in, 3 : ED : worth of Goods in Ct pi chases at the EF tha sd ! Intrinsir VRIES ef They Dey bi oak 3 i % ; 3 a hw a “PRN ogden gue 18 5 #3 aca : i 4 4 4 4 PEER § Va il bd Ome silver goiiar os intrinaieaily Cp 3 Cone i ; i ; iawn Faw Bai isha Elan i dip 4 ; \ ; Gt wn Yt Some i? eh emai SR LHe Sale Wile RGOW Fonda AR Ak oo BRET LLG : AY Fond whieh sIRPRBG se ebanpRany IG WIR PROT A Olsen worth to-day about Aft these cents, fre: tila but it fa made worth one Som he the fiat of the Government, and the jaw requires that the Giovernment shall maintain the pqual value of the Iwo coins. so that the Loves jeally compelled to rede silver doliar in gold when : madd. By this Governimen will receive FREE Yistiy are maintaining the dosby choice of such fine pctoral to-day. volumes as : The (old Standard of money B pol i, lng mie the arom a uf tha wheels were taken . sid mas : ; B arc EE A ning Wehsters Dictionary, Hills Manual, (inskeil's gold to be redeemed in gid, ¢ Bo AT To : : ax Com pengin: Talmage Life of fore, equivalent to gold in vadue The 2 ; a a a ; i oe : er : Thrist, The Magic Uni Si rd Kk Se jot 2 : , # Lag Ro malere deste ration, insnrurate : ; : i Tnited States mam : i] ; : City, Peoples History of the United a | States, The New : i ae "Puen : : Beautiful Story, Story of cent silver dotiars practically in gold 2 oid Les Faved eta a : ; a 16 at Man, Around the when demanded, and redeems Zl its 0 lest ; te bes rE Pd . Fa am Ty hy : yf ¥ gon XH 3 of gi 3 pi 3 5 Ea . % FEE Lek v. 3 1 SRN he FRlahbgry ar ag BART PH FUER He atten four EAT aa 3d anti 13 World) Pathway of Life, Health, paper of every shade and kind in g Gd : ; : He attends hi oil until 13 Happiness, The Home Book, : ; Portfolio of the gations in gold when requieed Sis Ee itm = TK is ; : World's Photographs, Story of Wild Pree Coinage, ax defined by a di : Ean isis nh saat 3 2 at tres af — art ny, a Jack fov that reanires ail other money Than : ‘s : . : . ‘ . i ; ” 5 : \ ats on a i Rav a 3 “ EPs iPS arn poia Eaud Bn 3 kof penne Hee ti Ke vidigt ty i ES ELES Fe RY fhe pein $2318 Jennings Broan, of Lineoln, Qtandard. and redesms its Bfty-thees © Td bid Ck ak : Fs Te and pays all ite bonis and Ole tang : ae os : wa \ il . i i : ? iy VACA 3 ’ : Ls HE Hews MN oirov Rn AEE : Rs i+ 37 rR §8 Ww Ar, Ad Mas Fatt of wl EER West. now pending in the United State ae §: Lh . : 8 , : ga ! : : vay BONE for teRdde, WianD vy sous TOSI dr Me'Williams, an allo 0 Eoatered Hlimols oollege, Jacksonville, Renate, means simply this that the RES. Sy : Liv rarcil . NG Ta Cohan 8 : : ws § ; man who prodoces or owns $53 fr} yp = eS Ee 3 a" “i of Silver bullion may deliver Luo aay Ea : fy i : : + The lace wl . 4 Vn * * ¥ 4 “ 3 ETT ¥ fw PR SRE Pes Porat wi ¥iiy v United States Mint for {ree ooinage. he Sn a 3 pt rao Lada 2 ] 3 : i ; i FE SEY PE ? po BIR Sa iE le WS PW hig WL ae Ata 3 wei EE Ge vik RE Eppa 0 INS and receive therefor ane hundred Joga. Bini a ; : i g Lo : ; ; : Seiad hat Peciet . . ! : Bian i be wi 15 pier wil Lhe Prue A ina Ate os {Thies for Two We issue a card to each customer: Call and see us. tender dollars. In other words, & ay ; Government, by Free Cosnage, wotind Soba ; lainednt Ty A i. : Sad a ne hi WHE Dol 5 fis sand ooh ey am ver sre faa tan Atl fae : Fd etal Patton Pha rmacy, be compeiied to bay all the silver pro Head rt / duced at neariy double ds ried feadgnarters or ) Lo vil M Lat is i Faia, by Is gin payment of ihe ; ’ po iy : WEY CHOR WK Jacknis same legaldender dollars Ww : 4 Drugs, Medicines, | trndealiy bat Afr the cunts, ot fu wien ta Tween! in ThE ¥ . which he Laverne ast pak Chemicals, Etc, good for ong hundred Opposite Bchoal Building. This benefits the silver prodactaors. Tha 1640-1 basis means thal Sixes ounees Hf giver shail proses som sre The sane of 46 fed Le within 3 te eatrandd fron {TA ” ths vi started noorew of A LITTLE TA LK EXonvRting Business block on b side of Magee avenio, Ew, on the subject of soft donation HOSE. 7x70 ie. - spit EEA a ex WHEN YOU SEE HERMSDORF Stamped on the Howe yon with brio can het ita VAST BLACK: ~pbat 2 Hubbard X BY hae minate cline Hp iy : y Ls hy There are others who manufacture Sires it BE Ingle Switn Xi: ob Bigs © and, Ww the proper fxinres are gro. YI9O EERE E weg an Natarday fof Lae ! Hostery, but there is only cue who oe OERLAY Bah \% Ee 1) HB, os dees i t 2 17 Fo otied wndiid De mitiel easier for train {at gh 43 chit tw IRat h #3 guarnnteds absolutely every pair nade ast president. who wis deputized | Homer PB bn 39 ait {mers than the same number nf Trinaks. Nast thbeing vaang city 9 fas pute CLOSI NG by him. the Pratrict Dhevaty, 4 £3 Fy | j WE ARE Emad EEE may REET eS Out Salle Eyeern Founsatiesd selling 25 dozen of these half iige hose at ay 3 Sh A 3 : x 3 ¥ ¢ ise + gh 13% 5 ag bay ile marie fai They are the regular ane goods in [tow inn, ils bi i a. AL i : ¥ 1 3% + bb i i i 3) wi } pat % ! hE eimai iiay L kat eo Bol Bsn pR na as a ; By fens : [ERLE Er S Lows OO ES ninety per cent. of the stores, with, 5, aad, THE LADIES’ pops ot oe i i, Workmen a s0c ones here at 3hHc-—-same minke. © nga hpash and Trees dong went Biovie deelor LRM Ine Wie 3 DRT 3 Lie aes SNES Re 2 MISSES’ the mew 3 ibe bel ween this a el Greased Aad, Wo letinny, 20 Coawdtinnd, BENE burg Bia : lain : place and Chaya ei, rd Ears Wiha BT ard .a Htehee Jet Hate Beer isis 3he ones for 25¢. to placing th Sie A rw Milian | 51: Kerrmoor, Peproseniaiih rq yy TTY poles are now sed ia XK FINE LINE of Tan Hosiery for Men Women Miss and Children. wii NE Lo the people } ALD ase Besgen i er Filey WY Fries : s g : SL ALLEL pei 1 ® ove 4 te 1 36 cu ns ! NN 3 QQ Pork Resord, ; Vata A Eb Remi mas x Oar itr 0 esl Bek Ba ix OUR MEN'S rr mous “ver” vn the Bead iii) Arfamiding Fivasipa : Shih bn Poe ‘ oi no . : v 3 hol pre voit Beis ABD : ake tng PEs HA PU pee 15¢ ones are the regular 25¢ kind. 1 RR Cornelins who is Quarter Patton Pi Be receiv io Gepar Save money on al pureh yl Master bergeant in the Bherwdan by the sevretary if thse Mehul Dosh } wm, Farmeerly of Hastiigs, nas we SUEY Bimal TWO ALONE ; piv aden DmpRYve Ten per cent. given back in coupons. Troops, i5 attending the encampment 1 Tak 1 ir Cae] 2% MREINAAY, kid priemd Rk RTOUNTY REG Hour asd Found of the National Ginapds of Peansviva th cosgl monet bee ob AR sind of store in Bi 14 w riding nig at Lewistown, Pu, lis week. Ho go ality, an sillarht certified to avenue. He bas secared 9 ‘HH. Sweeney, of Hastings, will have b Ware settlement is made. of Julius Mognls to look after hi » nd whet copnepleted wall add the appearance of tha wtp TY fapadalion Gas aipiacy heen COMME need : charge of his store during his ab- 3. HO CUREMAN, Sporetary. srest here and have of sof the Ripaus Tabules cure constipas : 1 yi i I: a § he b The Peop e's Clothier. sence. Patton, J 14, Iso it rE Ripaps Tabules cure headache
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers