| MENT | FARMING NOTES If it required tan annual outlay of Spring : focaived by thi Old Soldiers in flembrs | Of Intéres! to the Farmers Who Resd the £100.00 to insve a family against any : ; | : Patton SConrier.”’ werious consequences from an attack of | and The following pension cortifloates | Farmers, gpend your #th of July in bowel complaint during the year there : Lave been issued dnce the date of Patton, are many who wonhl feal it their duty May 30: i Ina good farming community you to pay it; that thoy eotid not afford to | i i nd Re a AAI ALS pe Es AR TE Sani A Ag An 4 a 1 { and Nearby Counties. James B. Lewis O'Shanter, will always see guide hoards at Al pick their Hive apd those of thelr fam. (riginal nt learBeld conn. ) mH, Stan. | cross ronds. fly for such an ammount. Anyone can | ’ tev, Rochester Mills, Indians; Josiah The recent continued rains have got this insurance for 25 cents, that be Do not anderstand our phenorne: agijor Johnstown; Joh N. Sones, Riven the wonds a chance to get ahead, ing the price of a bottle of "hamber wm. B Osborn, | and it will now take heroie work in lain's Colie, Chilera and Digrrboea of 11 dpcerint y : ; cs a #01] deserintion can be procured at ony Store. A full and nally Low Prices or judge them by the : price standards of other stores. When [rvona, Clea Feld; : er ras we say Low Prices, we meal 1 impl » Johnstown; Whiiam Rose, Ducannon; some linealities to subdue thim. Remedy. In almost everd neighbor. that we jve the Best and Greatest Val-. Frederick Provhetor, Pleasantville, | Good Blood is all right, hat good | hood someon Tues died from an attack nes for Mach Tras Money than similar VOnango,; John Claycomb, Johnstown quarters, good feed and proper meth. of bowel somplaint bafors msdivine wortd 1 be in other plas, : : i ; : : bie dion RO I er NS Jos. J. Miller, Johnstown; Faward ods make success doubly snr in the could be procunst or a physician sum: r m 1 nN m Pp t i Ns : : : Middleton, Bedf: rd. raising of hogs monsd, One or Two denen of this ren. r | ( ) © el ! el ) S emphasize this all-important fact INJATHAN'S Increase Naman Chitester, Brook Out of the 412.842.7590 hogs in the edy will cure any srdinary case. It : ville, Jefferson; John Bills, Somerset; potintry the Department figures make never fails. Can yon afford to take Such as Linens. John Evans, Homer City, Indiana; the losses mostly by cholera in 1885 the risk for a small an amoant? For Compared with prices vou'll see quoted, | Cornelio Rice. Everett, Bedford; Mays amount to 5,440,168, or 13.7 per cont; sale by CW. Hodgkin, Patton avery one of these ix a prodigios lvar- | Frvine, Bedford. of course the high per cent. of leases Pharmacy OWS a rrows tc a Additional John Mit hell, Strongs. was in the great corn states Missouri Breen and Red Table Linen, full 2 ph l--John Mitchiell, BUEODBY | inoias rican 24 per cant Mrs RB DeYoung, Middleborgs la, 1 x : z % : 3 A % : £ Ri 23 Der oe . double width, fast cowl, B4e a yard, SOW Th NY aha. = Tam. and fowa, reaching od perf en Coepitesn 1 have usd One Mirute Congh oo wal Vine of BL SENT OXY Unbleached Table Linen, fine dn. Original widows - Mary Steckman, in one of them In the northwest the co 0 for wiv yon, both for inyself and | Fors Haid; sh BN Ith UILDERS MA. mask patterns, a2 inches wide, =f Johnstown, minors of Shinkiof Smal loss was small. ahiidron and I sotiider it the wolekcent Al, Kept eon Ey apd See ns tf finished, fic oo ley, Greensburg, Jane Swisher, Hope- Corn is the cheapest stock food | Te pas 4 SR Full Bleached German Table Linen, & Redford: Cathar Mali cow. hecanse both ite : 1 fork acting and most aantisfuctory Cough | i WTOP : ® Vern 3 VIET ¥ {¥e 3 AY uy. : | double damask, 61 inches wide, soft Te » Dewilom at arite MeGiovern, ' RIOW? i BE grain and fod poo 1 hyve ever sed COW Hol RR A y " : finished, no dressing, 75¢. Wilmore, Cambria der are ntilizged, but corn Can bes rend. kins. Patton Pharmacy TIN N\ I AN (x A \ D Pl { ] M BI ‘ ae : : : : : ie nx, Patio rE ALY i ANY ; ‘ 4%. i Halt Bleswched Table fainen, plain ar Restoration and nerease faraci ard still cheaper hy a po peat aystem 3 i i 4 i with red Bde ah 16 inches wide Brooks, Mt. Pieasant, Westmoreland, | of feeding it. If need e xoinsively, and pure nen o , uke ; Restoration and reise Daniel withont regards to the senmons, it be- Hereafter all patrons who wish a ‘ ‘ - ; Pare Linen Lanch Napkins coliprad Swisher deoeased |, Hopewell, Lecl. comeR Fx pensive, Recause (t dos more display advertisement in the PATTON | I | F ( A MM BR | A | | \ R | YW X R I CO barde ind fringed, extea large nat Voy ford, hare than good. The best rostiits COURIER, of who wish to change thelr : 4 | oe A 1l-linen per Napkins, tine Ga Priors cnirny are derived when it oe vd in ad™ now rennin ks a : cy ay Ye Cas eT oars vin FP : Perrys CTH APE GOT (videsy 11 ge Tew 1% AF LOW PIII Lo mnar hand thedy Aa a : mask, assarted patterns, $1.48 a dozen, Persamity Condueted Taare via BBC Rohn with other fouls A iar then Monday Magee Aye. : Patton, Pa. Crochet Bedspreads, Marseilles and That the poblic hax denne by pepo. mnction With other foams copy in pot ister than Monday evening . mal cher patterns, ful! Size, Cie mize the fact that thie Dope and ost Good judges pf COWS gine Oar ful of of cach week if panded m3 ator Laan : Crochet Bedspreads, arseilles pat terns, full size, 88c. Crochet Bedspreads, new patterns, 1410 participate in the in large and small designs, hemmed Railroad company’s personally -con- read Bs ¥ oar nae, Re, dhieted LOMITR, 1H evideroad by thelr re het Bedspreads, sxbrs IATR: SE Lo panned popuisrity with each sucesed- aot pay. The role now among « pore Bay : ! > and heavy weight, $1.28 enced dalrymen is 10 Reap Do DOW IPS a 10D an : Mosquitto Netting, best ganlity ali MOR Year and the namber of inquiries : : ‘ eolors, eight yards to the piece, for In regard to them, that will not produce st least oh OF PATTON 400. : 3 ila av abe Saag pennies of butter a year Such a cow ae pe De. Under this system the lowest rales Ban th Patton, Cambria Co, Pa ) 8 ) wy (wt ny 3 Lay Ten fe! ; ; ATHAN'S are obtained, both for transporation may (ost more than the average sum " : y | Bla ck Dress Go 0 ds and hotel accommodation, and none ; 4 - ] rahi : frat the bost hotels are ased. An ex- ; : i ; : . : . : : Li ; A i i The handsomest of Black Dress perienced tourist agent and chaperon PTS that period of time. | Goods DO and materially the cheapest 1, pn pany each tour 1 Inok after the A [. Wooster, 3 profunen citizen : 38-inc fr h Biack and All-wool Bubra comfort of the passengir. of Owsen, Mich, after suffering ex. besrsicing we and demana tial wine as ip Laie \W hat pant « their ges, extra fine Jina yard % The following tours have been ar crucipfingly from piles for twenty i Bl aie A aS Ltrire 4 Lydins nti apts Ap Ny, ro i : Se or inch, Hack, Plain’ and Pignred sgnged for the season of 1396: cons. was cured in a short time by ” : ny ih Shiai Fy IE ee ol 40-inch Black All-wool Fancy Weave To the north incloding Watkins peing DeWitt's Witch Hingel Crepons, ’ Chien, Nmgara Falls, Thousand Islands, abaciute cure for all skin diseases fnch Black All. wool Rain Proof Montreal, Quebec, An Sable Chants, Meare of this preparation is peed than 42-inch Black English Sicilians lakes Champlain and Licrrge, Sar all others combined. CW. Hodgkins, President. Cashier, 4 large assortmn 1 hav 750 ” “stows, and a daylight ride down Patton Pharmacy. sd ber ah 1 tiny 44-inch Black Silk Pinisned Henri theongh the Highlands of the Hodson Bi | 3 ] : : I ettas 5c. July 71 snd Aogust 15. Rate $100 for Frumsterg af Real Estate ; a inet extra fie _Hiack Rilk Warp the roand trip from Now York, Phila Hagh McNeolis to Thomas W, sd as, SPEEA, NAC. pogo delphi, Baitimore, and Washinglon, Hagan, Gallitizin borough; $1,300 40-inch Black Jacquard Briliiantine, : a . = ria high lustre, made by Priestly, lo covering all expenses Gf 4 two weeks John Kolas ot ux. io Joseph Kirk, gi trip. Patton, $300. Dealer : NAT HAN’S To Yellowstone Park. covering aX John A. Blair of 4x, te: M.D Bearer, : period of seventesn diys, 60 A spascial Ebensbarg, $1. ; John A. Hamiiton to M. K Piper, ‘ The Always B us y Store iy train + Puliman sleept Bi. con pari. ! n €s Li 4 1 0 rs ’ : roent. amd observation cars and daving Washington, $H00. - : Johnstown, Pa. car. Apgnst 27. Rate, 3200 from hew Fdward (O'Brien, guerdian, ot al. to Beer. Etc. “rg daliely I Waven’ A 1 : Mail Orders have our prompt and York, Philadelphia, | Baitimnars, une John A. Hamiiton, Wishington, ¥1 aE x ¥ . 2 a or ey : ; chi id Heal ty enougy room to dis- special attention. o¥ set inglon. Tw wis to Gettys. Baiph 1. Goff ot ux. to F wa Phoenig SrewinG Cos Beep, | Piay Laci, CUAS AEH there are many pretty things in my x burg, Lanray Caverns, Nataral Bridge, Lace vor have never seen. Just thing, beaut: ORDINANCE NO. 28 Richmond, and Washington will be Alfred Tucker et ux ef al. to yard cian’ he heat m Phila. You Selnting to the Tasming of Hand in (he TOD in the sarly Aut Thomas Barnes, Rarnssboro, $140 A End mee clerik only too glad to ha } os ing ig of Viands in the TOD IN 106 AAC Antamn. . will Ana MY COTES ONLY UKs Gill have the pleasure ot Borewgh of Patton, Ciorge W_ Speice ot ox, et al. to H fr S P ! Gee aval tA : macted and ordained by the Nutier of Specks Etusiion Thomas Brown, Barnasharo, § aS Ing y enn d. SAOWHNE THEE Joons MW aah 4 Burgess and Town Conneil of the Notiee is hereby given by the Borgess John Hoher at ax to Mary Magdalen Boro gh of Patton and it is hereby and Town qscil of the Borough of Gegy, Elder, $125 enacted by. the authority of the Patton that a special election will be Anthony Qatker to Ar I . Tievam pte Bl eiprel ard Js a. i, iA only complete line of FHeayy ana shel Flardware and all kinds of 1 ¥ before huy- . rst To Advortisers. A Special 1 WY the ag penditore. They are scomomi Motuday svening it will have to be held ¥ ronvenient method of pleasure travel . f : . . ral and pay a fair price for hole © OVER TRU Yul Bi] wire be Fry 10 pet Ponnsy ivan animal rather than to Prienr the ex. 0ohy 3 ears Paras Pon © travagance of feeding one that does nsnally paid, bat she will give more Zen int one year Than aoame cows will - CAPITAL PAID UP, 350,000.00. KURPLUR $20 000.00, sgt hevnva. FE Pah 3 Gapped dy LE BNNs Seip tii AE Parrox, % § x fa x % 2 Wa HH SasprpoRD : : Tow Cut 3 Hatten {IR : v $1 in I 3 gy . kl ie Pee BRINN dad hd baalis 11 ace; Girewne, Patton, $1 . ; ey n Fiachs Corks Jus, Ele. +} FRA te very wy £32 ER, , : ; oo : : yEhns That the Burgess and Town Council held in the Fireman's Hall in Patton Gullitsin borough, Fir Rl ; = i TE idds ia B par by , ¥ i ta Ay st ff Xi, a 5 as ? : : 5 of the Borough, with the coms nt of its Be roth wm the 1st day f Augusl, Partrick Clarke LO Jann MoNai | ; duly bad at an election bo Be 108 for (he puppies of oblaimng the Hudn, borough, $150 held for that purpose, (BOTA Haine ponent of the ehectors of the Borough : Ti debtedness to the amount of $2600 65 : ug the same being one per ont, of the : amount of the fast precede RRR sag Prk which alee mela forth dR £5 J Thomas et ig ° ; i Ha ey are A iLig fo : : waltaation « } Yer lori Mia 0 = : : ith Lis : RIAN NY ae 43 : Aid TE% 4 al $1 FETAL GIN eat walaation of the taxable property of the follows Thomas, Carrolitown, $e ; : i at tae very lowes : Borough, fier the (rps if PAYIOE First. The amount Wf the last onan, Carrollow ni, Jen 7s Ns ua present. Indebtedness snd Opening, ex. no ARE Hn tendinyand riepniring the slrents of ye wes} walnsbion of rnxable properly to John Bradiey Alleges is the Baroagh Was aa te ¥. James PF Laverty : tig the Sheriff, 2 ; : : Valentine Thomas ot ax of Patton to an incense of the Bor: Thomas, Carralitaown pin Administralar OF Churies Bradiey That s public election tbe Biddd inthe Serond. The amannt of the ¢ Xisting DB. Dufton, Busqoehans, § Fireman's tall in Patton Posie G0 obit bes id 3 Le BL o 33. Pe RIGS Wipe lik I ig, Me : ; TE : 2 ¥ 385 2 aT TMs $k SEI WG IRE i § ; 1 the 1st day of Angust, A 1, foe 1 > pl - ; € ks BAR : £¥ ok Paton to We the J of obtaining the Lonsent ne ek ty $1,171.85; Tutal, $6,171 Simgue tana, #6 of the electors of said Borough to sald third. The amount aod percentagy Jobin Lax ¢f 6 increase of debt of the proposed increase of det My = E : £3 : YEO ineresse of detsl = reartieldl, $i That the delat Tae wetiredd | 3 Ei Re G00 wy ] £4 ut ies v {ener seu % i : ; y ct k BIRR 4 ONE Te Yd OF Tee SHORE 1 4 §F ¢ in 5 . £5 ou WT interest bearing bonds at thie rate of Pe theamount Mary Fk. Adams to a Broth, A cma! : ; of the 1g Lo GR RD : 3 {ley | {Eh sea tio apd IE FOE WO sxactly the same pri p six per ce interest. redeemable inf of the (ast precediiiz asmessed valgabion {resecn. ® Made Walk x REY RPL at Lu ds FL | saci the SB Drie YOR ten Years. . : 2 x nf its taxable properts WOW Amalery ot ex (a $d i ; ; if yeni were TI IR Woarsenaker's store anrsel TF t due notice of wiki] sdecting Yuin Yours The EE) FC ms of the tire By Ciallitain rindi ® : ’ . 5 = are Eis Ph 13 i . 54% t ¥ i given by publication of the WHOWIDE oaaed Inorvase of d ike ia 4] fry, Laitan LOWE High Ba Hisderwear indy give mid & Cia abt Be © nvidia that 1 am selling the E gals RET ao HA Le Te Ire Friis n $a h 4 3 5 notice in the Parrox Courtine and he to a . wi Callitein Building & 2oR5 ASsOs HR not less than twenty printed hand hills of the exiting Hosting indebtedness ton to Thomas MoEnrue Ohl “iy the most, public prt of. the BT the open. ¢ stenuding aud repair §125 Boro at least thirty dave prior io iri of levee | ¥ ; A dee tion : said election ALEX MONTEITH, son desire anything from the Hai goods for an HELE one dR 0 vr well find in darge Gibes, ¥ A. Palinguist €8 6X Notioe of Special Elweticn, Pram kA wi son, Hastings, i Present of Lanna. Jacob Kirxpatri Grit Abels : + Ad * WALT FEA RP fare ; Notice is hereby given by the Drirgess Wb DiowNBELIY Burgess 1d . : and Town Council of the Borough of that Heder, $54) = Patton, that a special chitin will be : BW RL i ‘ Lay i held in the Fireman's Hall in Patton 4s tr GREENE irk yaa FoAReR and Peiiiatay; wi ~aAniles : 1 TR ’ Borough on the 1 day of August, Jeger 17, 1908 1808, for the purpose of obtadning the consent of the electors of thie Borough aye of Patton to an increase alt the Bors . + ta hereby given by the puders Bia rh ough Debt, which notice wets fo7th 08 Gomed view Sai i : ME, SRE GEDGRRM ah Hows: : signed viewers appointed to assess the tome obatitinate Eovneti pat is £ ” ig SWS Lex {rr AEE ta a 3 : oo First. The sInoUnt of the fast PT damages and ENN Poniribn tu ws for the 128 wigkins Parton PE grey sessed valuation of taxable property change of grade on Fifth avenoe in the Boron $260, 465. 3 Patton borough, that they Rave thas Tre Bis Boturned Bedond. we ppponnt of the exdsting day find Gio fs fa is : . debt je Bonded Debt, £3 000) i: Fic iin 3 Hind their report assessing Be i Tuesday the grang jury r Debt, $1,171.93; Total, $8171.92 : ird. The amount and persentage ner; no damages and no benefits to DD. suits entéred by [. Magee and dena- of the proposed increase of debt is A Buck, no damages and no benefits un Flinn against Alfred Reed $2,600.65, or one per vent of the ansant ou : : : Heed Dal, of the nat preceding u vy ed alt a. to dohin Ralomion; fn Jansen and no Sa rtied OW Christy J he nat soseling: dase Caitg- ; tion of its taxable property, : Fourth. The purpose of the pro wed increase of debt the payment peas Seal them from within thirty t © existing fl ating il be edness diva Frou the wate of Bung, ths wid tina were Liv pestis Of 8 Betivie An THEA fire SOLES vel. windows 1a hi er yard ‘and the opening, extending and repair. : . Sh ing of Ktreets, X o P report will ba confirmed absolutely. Lhe oy sree Cinzetie | vid ng carbon sorting and madsia wl Ligand okra, fei iy danages and no benefits to John Yah. gheny Lo returned LIne Bille in gd benefits to BR. H. Yeager; and, unless the Commerdal Luazetle, ft. wide 8 0 i $ ARE Eo n - 4 ¥ 5 % vi be Bled thereto of an ape Honston, t BE Lovke he bd ie i on SRE x Ea i x : > ‘ 4 g ia 5 yi an a ps ag i x 3 Put WHE een pely he IBnfOPHas 54 4 § ve Bbw effete Building Piper on ved &L 280 Tar abe Eiebaney WN ETwr £300 ar doors and ~~ Wosnd- Pumps $3.05 0 ¥) ALEX. MoNiginH, Jorn HH SOMERVILLE ier the Press aeesertizg bad Magee and i Hav ar Laenin Rakes, 2 Tron Fores Pumps 310.00 a : : x We ? Ee will <F Thay w (105 AEM, = A 3 ARRAN 0 : Ww. ID President of Council | Wartrer J WEAK ANG Flinn's assiatanca 00 ae Mo Riniey : : ” branes 12 1 for 35 go J. DONNELLY ol ir SE : ; - spaces Lhe, 31100 LK Attest: 0 ELLY, Burgess Geo. PITZPATRICR, campaign was dips to the receipt of ui . 81. on hi * . - INE. Thee a Wit 5 Moy § 1 as or iio gE ? ; 3 i % ) ; CIV atas B 518 Tn 4 : - E. WaL GREENE, Clerk. I8t4 Viewsrs, Sloe, whi from Mark Hanna's base Being {pg dirybranay pita Double 81 I Bl i {Mopper Bollers 8225 ~ 3 % AMA con bo and i Voi ba Tei SOI Ne UUW - ih : - - \ June 17, 15946. : June 1, 1808 satohel to carry ox the Ogal aninat i as a An Also Tabs, Wringers and Washers, ; Senator Guay 4 Bliss de n " Posed Captor R100 ‘ is on » Closing Ont Sile a a : gy i Betis CELEBRATE Pree RITES fost Poors, Sash, Glass, Paints, Pure White ¥oMkie, Baia» KLERRA LL For the next thirty days I will wtp Is the woman's favorite magazine and ATARRIE REMEDA v ’ Ra CNTEED a0 a Metallic Bottom Wash Boilers wk. io The Delineator iad o . nied the charges Ratiroad Barrows $1.5 i aad and Linseed OIL all my Ladies’ hats, laces, ribbons, adds “is lssuied by the famous fashion publish In the spring a man's fancy Ld £5 ail he i; Seip Ba En thie 4m 24 N DF iL. and ends of millinery goods nt cost. ers. The Butterick Publishing company turns to thoughts of ~DeWitt's Little sa iRiaRs Ge jrut atin Cl i D EREL A Call early and get a bargain. I have Limited: at 7 to 17 West Thirteenth Early Risers. fur they always cleance ab een and ka : 5 Ta : . 5 4 the ideal interlining for dresses which Street, New York at the remakable the liver, purify the blood, and invig- fhe }awding 3 [ates of Contrud Pon te ts ann anges from J Iie up. Guaranteed om don't 1 will sell to dressmakers and others low rate of $1.00 for a year's sab orate the system (. W. Hodgkins, Lins. wie hse need it, Uinderelia Range No.» 43 dollars. whether work is done by me or not, | feription, or 15 gents per copy. Of all Patton Pharmacy. a ER nae Pont fnreeet to call ana cons It about the building to he This is superior to fibre shamois family magazines it is the great caterer hia wai anes hace tet sb gpouted; also hiring your re werk whic] AT] 2. aa First-class dress-making turned ont | to domestic needs, and can be recom. Don’t buy a bicycle until vou have rh Sairodiene Six Visi, Spal Bg Ris 31 COLL i i work which wii be: dong promptly. Mes EE. Coongy, mended for its cheapness, usefulness, seen the “Cresent.” ff 2m Rese Sma n Bude BOG: 8 owl Wek on? Fourth avenue, | beauty, freshness and utility. oo J. UC. PATRICK, At. | na tery Aa : J M. THOMAS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers