Filed ASI 5 ay | THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1898. A week ago, © When ash was low, [ dunned 8 man I'd rusted Rut he bade me wait The con ingrate- Pill be got x big bil brsted, 1 ential) today ‘os gel IY POY, When 24g wit hk inerastod, Cinve for exons, With wands profose, Fioth he and Bi were busied. : Yaw intawn Journal Welcome, veterans. Two ball games at Patton on the ith, Philipsburg may get a bicycle fac tory. : Crushed froits with soda at Patton Root beer at Patton Pnarmacy, (C W. Hodgkins. Bargains in millinery at Alice A. Asheroft's. 2714. The Patton Silver Cornel Band is rapidly improving. ‘YW. (%. Lingle and son Harvey spent Sunday at Philipsburg. Major John A. Wolfe was at Philips- burg on business Saturday. The Patton Clay Manufacturing com- pany is running at fall ime. Cocoa Cola, the finest drink ont, at Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy. Patton, as nsnal, will take the lead in the celebration on the 4th of July. Try crushed fruits with cream and moda at Hodgking' Patton Pharmacy. Kalsomine in all colors at the Cam- bria Hardware company’s store. 2041 Vitalized Air only lasts from one minute to 80 seconds at Dr. Swartz's. soda and cream at Patton Pharmacy. When you are thirsty try Hodgkins’ soda water. It is just what you want. No pain or sore gums: no injection by nse of Vitalized Air at Dr. Swarte's. m2 Everybody shonld decorate their homes and business houses tony {Thursday Miss Nettie Wallace visited her brother John Wallace at (jearfield over Sunday. A (. Fisher, the painter of this place, is doing work in St Lawrence this week fur Chas, Warner, Ladies if you want a new hat for the “4th of July and at a bargain call on Alice A. Asheroft, Patton, Pa. iid Oliver Chilled plows, also Hench & Drumgold’s riding or walking harrows for sale at the Cambria Hardware Come pany's store. -20t{ HIGH | baggagemaster on Ue In Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. If you are looking for a perfict JOB on your Watch these few facts will interest you. We know how to repair a ‘Watch. a Clock, or any piece. ch,a C , Or any piece) SRB TO Sr of Jewelry, because we have made it our study for the past 17 years. ~ We do not experiment. We do not make mistakes. We use nothing but the very best materials in our re- pairs. We are practical mm our work. we We give vou guarantees with our work. We will be glad to have you to try us and we feel certain you will be one of our perma- nent customers. Ladies Gold Filled Watches at $12.00. They are beauties, and an absolute guarantee as to time-Keeping given with each Watch. Give us a Call, ‘Next to Hodgkins’ Drug Store Have you tried crashed fruits with Ko i 2 indi or eb A HT Sarr John Clark, of Patton, is spending $ | the week in Chester Hill. Philipsburg | PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. | Record. | Bernard Kusner, of the firm of Mir kin & Kusner, spent Sunday with his | wife at Altoona. . John Bonner, ex-councilman of Pat- ton borough, who now lives at Liovd- ville, spent a few days in Patton last week. ' An Italian orchestra visited Patten one day last week. Alse 8 colored male quartette, We were well servind with music. Ladies if you want a # yiish hat for summer call on Alice A. Ashoroft right | awiy as she expecta to close out bust ness soon. 2744 The festival held in 8t. Monica's Hall, | (Chest Springs, on Decoration SVONINg wis a grand succes both socially and and financially. One swallow does not make spring, but one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure brings relief CW Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Mr. Ambrose Hogue and Miss (iraoe Fisher. both of Cresson, spent a few hemes with the latter's brother, A £. Fisher, one day this week. When you take a trip to Ebensburg | stop at the Blair house and you will be used all right. Accommodations £X- callent and rates moderate, 68-11 The next Grand Army of the Re public encampment goes to Johnstown. This will give all the old vets in this meotion an opportanity to attend next year. Rev. (has W, Wasson has been in. ited to deliver an address before the members of the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry at their annanl reunion in Patton to-day (Tharsday The railroad bridge on the new Balle. Vite and Clearfield line, which will Capos the Susquehanna river at Ful: tons, will be 317 feet high, or B fret higher than the famous Kinwaa bridge oni the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitrebinrg road. Rov. Father Denay, brolber 3 NM J. Denny, of the Measntaln house, and Mr. Ralph lake, 3 native of Ebene » % Chair, son of iste Jobin G Take, Esp tioth residence of Canton, Ohio, spent # couply of days in town tos weal Cieenbria Freeman. Fourth of July? Well, if you hd basin ak the citizin's meeting on Pius liky evening you world have thoy wer. Rigger and larger than ever works, picnic, dancing, ned eiahil viet HE fire pom panes to contest for prizes. “Patton Cor, to Spangler Rentinel Work was started last week on 8 jal telephone Ime Lo run through Crenson and Summit. The projectors sre Messrs, George Mitchell, John 5 Willis, Frank J. Bargoon and Jantes P Ceres. The eisterprise Will 6o doradit be & kpcoessful one as well 48 3 have fit toy the vicinity covered by it While shifting cars in the Cresson yard on Monday morning Blair Curry, Flensburg branch, in some manner fell off tha top of & box car and sustained savers bruises, He waa taken to Lhe Cresson Inn on a stretcher where he remained pntil Tuesday morning when he was taken fo his hone at Five Points, Clexr- | fledd county. Cresson Record. | C.W. Hodgkins, proprietor of the Patton Pharmacy on the corner of Fifth and Beech avenue, recently com: £BENSRUNG Papen, Pa, June Sth, 1548, Kepatiff, *# Messrs. Wm many visitors to Ebensburg on Thurs: day. Messrs V. Tonkin, and D. E. Notley, of Grant, Indiana, sounty, were visi. tors to the county seat on Satarday John Yahner, Patton's hardware man ix apymg the strangers in town to-day Hous A Gans of Fiton, spent couple of days inst week in Ebenaburg. Chern. Roberts, of Main strést. in hay - ing his restilence beantified by u coat of paint. Mr. John Stough's corps in doing the work, Prof. Herman Jones, of this place, has been slected principal of our pub- fie sohools (rar stpeeta are being improved and cleaned Mr T. Heist, proprietor of Maple Park Springs, is having some axtensive improvements made in that well Brown resort. The house was painted ast week and adds much 10 is appeurinog A number of stodents will be added te the enrollment of our Normal Insti fabs to marrew Some of otir peopl altended Tarps Christi exercises which were eld at and John Boyee, of Patton, were among the But before the Celebration takes place call and see na lve a Poerishd ane 74 2 : hi | Celebration takes place os } 4 & ak We've a Peerless assortment of Men's Boys’ and Children’s ‘lothing to show you. A wonderful collection of the new, the bright ani the beantiful Canatetied anapp | by any other showings of wearing a parel in Patton. Not only are the mite we show you pretty and attractive but they are built for service and will stand the hardest wear. : j ” $1.20, $1.50, $2, $2.50, §3 and $4 for handsome children’s suite. $4.75 Men's suits, strictly all- wool, finaly tallored, the equal of any $19 suit in the market. Hundreds to select from. Handreds of Hata in ail shapes, styles and qualities. Always less prices than othem A store fall of Percale shirts, laundriad white shirts, fancy boson shirts, worth 80a, at 4c Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s, Men's and Boys’, large stock, all grades and all prices; as cheap as any an fine as any: needle, sqnare and ronnd toes. New Tans and Oxfords just in, fine lof, ranging from $1 upward, / : & We Make a Specialty of Fine Dress Goods. the (atholic ehurch in Carrolilown Sunday Connty Superintendent ibn, antiorad Into the daties nf his offi onl Jane lat. Prof Miller, of Johnstown is swstuting Prof. Hermam Jones in the | ‘normal work The Noa S Bop fue 1 Fone Be The frame for the new church being erected ut 88 Boniface was rained] this week, and work on the building is heing pushed rapudiy, saya thes Hapt- ing Tribune. The butiding is ip chime of John Holtz, ax foreman of cwrpon- tors 11 will post bheltwaan for and five thomsand dollars, arid with be sone sitierably larger than the one Brine There are only 40 familion in the con gregation, and they have ontribated in work and cash over BL, Boos thotight hw chnrel wii be cone : se $29 eel Jie 1 Ge For A aoa tion simber Cine Minnte i» the standard time, an i CR AE AT RED CHAS. F. LERMAN, THE WESTERN WRSAER pleted an addition to his store butid- © ing, which is 20x20 feet two ataries, | making his store room 20x80 feet, giv- i I Mr Hodg kins has made several very decided improvements in the store room which greatly adds to its convenience and ‘beauty. He has now one of the largest and best arranged drug stores Jip this section. Any number of teeth extracted pain. fessly by nee of Vitalized Air. arte Dr. Swany Did you ever think how readily the blosd is poisoned by constipation? Bad blood means bad health and pron ware old age. DeWilt's Liltie Faria Risers, the famous lite pills, cone ohatitinate coustipation, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Terrible Explosion at Lily. | Ones hapdred and eighty cans of dynamite exploded about a mile below Lilly Tuesday afternoon with frightiil results. The dead and injured are: Mize Scawniski dead; ANYONIU i MWe carry a full line of STIBLe, GREAHRIOUS SCISKIE, GABRIEL Jewelry, Etc. Ask us to show you our CADGONOSKI, FRANK SMITH, colored: Perm Jacksos, colored: SAMUEL WALTERS : The six last named are fatally no jured, according to the beliet of Dir | The men were at work for contractor McManus on the Pennsylvania road and were getting ready to make a blast, when a premature explosion foliowed, {ing him munch more room to display cha sel wi that it 1a not a and well worth NY any. It sa re sYoahse abe tiny i] S33 05 Chinas, saith tiiieis fie] and soap. ¥ Tur Horton M'e'G Co ~ R. M. Thomas. blowing up 180 cans of dynamite and ; burying the seven men beneath a mass of sand and rock. The steam shovel which stood on the track was hurled 20 feet away. Basket Pionic. Empire Grange P. of H. No. L138 will hold a basket pienic on Saturday | June 20th, 15896, in Thos. Bishop's barn cordially invited. W. A. BAVER, Sec’y. ; {in Allegheny township to which all are Good Building. on our high grade sui fast but still have plenty left for All Men's Boys’ and C red in * 4s oy we 5 IAT ha leleen ROTTEN 5 iy 3s i STE 7 ; 1 ' pian ngures and vou ran deauct the » » # 0 - TT SR I TRACE SE frst 3 it - b i LOR eS 2 4G arsynuare a nice : ; Bronze I. fEIRTN One of these ny 3 : he clocks given wlan H ow hong it 1m onr Hore You get coupons with every parchise:. We want vour trade. We have one price and that 1s An All treated alike with ; ban Pa . Pp re ks 0 OT ieN averrhare id % % NITES . very montis business 1s an crease over tag ast I lhaat SPEAKS vainmes for our yi a 2 5 1 : ETO RII ING and Tie Way we do BUSINESS. . ; i. [ ook around, then come here and 20 per cent. on others « prices. Yours for a One-Priced Deal, Clothier, _Furnishier. Spring and Summer are now Shelf Hardware and all kinds ot Farming Implements —SBuch as— and i general line of BUILDERS MA- See us first before buy- from 15. 1 NT AN An A.00 Th | Le Voi Perfect fits and satisfaction guaranteed. ya be. ERIAL kept constantly on hand. : ry It WEil Tey TINNING AND PLUMBING A Specialty. FHE CAMBRIA HARDWARE CO. Patton, Pa. Give us a Call Ward & Mckelvy, Merchant Tailors, Solomon Bird, PATTON, PA. Mage: Ave.
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