Fle i WHAT T WOULD COST Soumess | * MAN SOUTHWICK DURING 1896. A A Rs the Empire State Will Get $1,000 Should | He Be Able to Withstand Tesoptation For Three Hasdred and Sixtysix days. H Congressman Somthwitk of New ars the end of his first year fn sOnRTeNS, It will cost him $3,000 and’ “some odd pinteihiat is, unless the drink is a treat. when the odd cents will be knock: ed off Lion the $2,000 will be the price just the same. Champagne or lrsndy, sherry or gio, 8 cocktall or absinth oe whatever the drink, it will come just as high. forget himself and yield to ths tempta- ticme of punch this year, it would be thi most expensive single drink on reo- td among congressmen. - On the contrary, if Mr, Bouthwick ‘doesn’t take that drink until he bas been in oungross 366 days, he will earn 1.000 thereby. Congress matt Southwick fat trp of the ormgres: nn] babes If he fobs varions. ly taken for page, puwsenger boy or gone older member's young son it will be a marvel He is a nics young man, and his recent experience with congress his made him yearn for whiskers like Prffer's and 8 head as bald as Speaker Bess, Sonthiwiok inwists he is 38 years old Jt $2 all he ean da now to pirsasde the chairman of his committee that be is old enitogh to vote. He is thoroughly sick of being called a beardiess youth and insists that his residonion in Albany mod bis scquaintance with ©The Tub’ Cand its inmates ohght to oomnt ws more ripening experiences that those of mem- bere from ecuntry districts where Al _ bany and “The Tub” were never heard “of The congressman is not all ia solid iy baile, has blimd haur and evebrows, ta blase and now tries to be very digoi- Bed to effect his boyisiinoss. He campaigned through his district of comree, and campaigning isn’t a feiaper- “amos job. Before he went to Waning ton a well known millamire who knows tho capital's temptaticns smgaest ed that if was easy (0 rain & congroe somal career by strict attention to the decanter and pone to the house. Ton millionaire wanted to be sare of his boyish friend's scbricty. This is bow be fixed it. If Houthwick touches intoxicants before the expiration af his first year in ccngress, he fo $3.06600. I he doesn’t, the milhon bands over $1,000 to Bonthwick. South: wick told this himeolf : It the comghessman has an enemy, when he reads this the enemy will set his braine to work fo see that oathwick gute n $2, 000 glass of whisky. Some men wonkd be prood to have the reputa tion of having paid that mph for a drink. It wonld quite sarpue the draft of pearls Shakespeare tells about. There are endless temptations in Wasbiugton for new members of con- = This will explain Bouthwick's re to nooept the glasses of fascinating punch already offered him by pretty Fete when he appears st receptions. A temperance society flourishes sing Leow ni abd senators, but Spath- wick, who has a good, firm mouth and mjusre jaw, has no expectation of join- i #6 $0 help earn that other §1, (00, oy Soathwick is um oid Al- Dany newspaper man and still in the business. He ia unmarried and ranks with Bauer and Row land Bletiverhasset | i ibles in New York's dei eatin er York World. Tove bari is ARR su PURE FOODS. i £4 Congresstonn Southwick should NEUDORF CONVENT hon and Where Austrine Female Murderers Leave | The women in the Neodoe! Convent And Expenditu res | HE ol 3%. x i te the Worldl and Start Life Alfresh. an Frat from Constables | for iw anit’ Bende levi niin sh Nw rien. prison were all sm kindly in their ways, | “po peaceful spd good bumored, they | - differed so completely from our prévon- oeived jdeas of criminals, that we were pozzied to imagine what could have brought them info prison. We bad never a doabt but that their offramses were of | rl VIE wii Wg Ls County, lor : Tr. Cam bra the most trivial natore, and we said so bumorons suiies, “Ind yom wetics that woman in the porridor?’ she asked Echneider. That insignificant looking little wom pn. who had etored aside with a gentle deprecative stoile to allow us 0 paw. Marie Schneider! Why, in any other Yirk state takes's drink of whisky be. | Tie superice gave usume of her odd, | 8be is Marie place one weanid have sob her downat nee as the handy wife of 8 strugeiing earate, $i Ne rghle speotatile did she look. And she is Marie Behpeider, a European celebrity with rors murders on ber ormsciemne Hn she has Gogers om her hands! “And you lot hey stay bere 7 “We have Brwhers else to pat her,” the Inspeetor, wha bad ined ns re plisd, “apd we don't hang women in Apstria.’’ Now is she, as we scan fonnd, the on iy notoriety in the place. One of the privondes is 8 delicstn koking girl, with large Yaremn dyes and golden halves type of besaty almost propiiae to Ans. Arisns She hae sn ow, cordng volte spd a singniarly swiet, innocent axpreseion, “What on earth can that girl bave dome to be meant here? 1 whispered. Hone? tha inepeetis rep! ly. Rat a bonse on fire fo the hig of killing = wan with his wife sind five children, = The pir] most have had axtramds. narily sharp ears’ for, gltbough we were glanding at sire Aistancs away, the heard what he sid, and she gave him a8 glance such as 1 hops never to oF ron soe again in nay Die It was stecdately diabesltn; had thers been a knife within resch the man woald have died on the spot. Yet cnly a moment before she had been locking op into my face with 8 soiiie an angel 1oight have suvied Several of the prisoners are in the 00n- vent for killing their own children; some for killing or trying to kill their bastands . ofliers for stealing or emilee. | grees of guilt thers, in fact. snd all ages, from girls of 18 to sworn of near Iy 80. And they all live together om were nf perfect equality, for there ars no distinetions «f rank there—po ope i better or wires than her weighbor When the canvent door closes bebind ing, not only with the outside world, but with their own past. They start life afresh, ns i wore. Cornhill Maga ine. Beil Ating Weapons, ling; others again for po wore serions crimes than begging. There are all de them, they have Gime, for the time bee snem MOTY Was to the effect that | L Jura sa sword was onoe on a time piddged to a pawnbroker. The fellow thought this a fine oppertanity to parade himself 2x a gentleman, and, scoording- ly, on a festival day he wore the sword. Quarreling with some idle fellows he 10 nas the woapon. but hiv nn familiarity with it excited the derision ‘of the bystanders, who unmercifplly ridienled his bungling maoner. Bat the merrimen: of these individuals was short lived. The sword itself tock the | matter in hxrdd, a thoogh the tannts Inspugned its own skill, and soon laid Jow ail its tradocers. Then it taroed against the unfortunate pawnhbroker and killed him. Another story is the basis of a popular Japanese drama, and tells of the adven | tores of a saninral with a strange sword which he bad borrowed from a pawn. broker. Ha lightly Bit a man with the ‘blade withort apparently. woandicg him in the Jeust. Some time after the 2 A recent report of the tes fond com. missioner of Penpeylvapia names 80 many food products which mo adalter- sted as to raise a query as fo what is not adulterated. Among the many fm- pure things sold are allepios, which of- ten ix eainly composed of ground and roasted coeounat shells; baking powder; beef, wine and fron prepared a a tonic; _ botter, bockwheat flour, candy), catehuop, gider, cheese, cinnamon, clovesthe a Intter made almiet entirely from ground rocoannt shells, the wior and taste of cloves being searcely perceptible; coffes —comsistiog chiefly of coffer poreenings or damaged coffee, 131 sold at a high price ss a pure article; fregh Java’ mnde from whest and barley hails, rousted with sugar and containing no coffee; codfish not codfish at all—mere- iy cheap dried fish; cream of tartar sdultersted with flour; fla seed adal- erated with starch; froit Pbotters,” _ anch as apple butter, pasch batter, sto, very seldum pure, being adulterated with starch waste and salicylic acid; the same ix troe of grated pineapples; ginger adulterated with ash, rice hulls, rive flour and cayenue pepper. lard; : maple sirop. made from commercial | thinned with about 20 per cent tan suddenly dropped deed, and it was found that the sword hed inflicted & mortal wound even when it had scarcely drawn blood Upon examination this was found tH be Muramasa, which, though coming from the dishonor of a pawnshop and carried in the hands of au incompetent, had thos meds mani. SEIT LW ; kbs Spot SEE VRE as dee ay gun Tle AWE Foy Earl hokey tepid, adr We i : Farsiwend EE rial cer Ni 3 Ii aT ; fry Aran Aussi ag in Puan iu PEER Ea Ne Lows i FHEMPTION OF LAND Aamo weil J 2 Pell Wong, fa ae nk Wingo, be ae pr $3 1 Cae Sor Aire Bove ei Es tie Fr ; rE HH Mygpwery tile, fr Us oh] (xveet, td an Fis hein Age FERAL 3. Hews fost its power. —Lyman Horace Weeks 3 in Lippincost’ & Pwop Forgings. The machinery for drop forging is ponderons and sxpendye. The pintes that stamp out the forgings are in two sections, one of which fits into the bed of the machine, and the other 4 fas tened 10 the sr, Togedber these wo plates have an opening the shape of the desired forging. The descent of the rm on a pheoe of tool steel stamps oot A piece of the requisite shape. After leav. ‘ing the forging mackune the metal is in a roogh state and bes to be turned down om a lathe and bored vat, esol of which | pperations has to be oarefully done, as the fypished artiche has to be ¢XBCS IR every particalar —Uhicago Tiracs Bere Reuel Somerville, ot water; mixed spices; orange juice, lemon ofl; lemon phosphate, molasses, mustard, olive oil, pepper, vinegar, va- nilla extract, all kinds of proserves, ex. ‘tract of strawberries and tea To 244 to the deception a few apple | seeds are scattered through the so ealied | : fruit jams, or timothy or other seeds | re added to the mixture to represent | , strawberry, etc. The prodoe- | tion. of “artificial colors is particularly | ~ eomunon in confections. Indige, tuiper- He, annotto, logwood and cochineal are used in great quantities, and are proba bly not harmful; arsenic, popper and leads are very deloterions, but are not now used as much as in former thoes, “before sanitary officials made such per gistent attacks on them. Milk and milk | products are often colored. Annotto 18 Sy commonly used by dauymen to give a rich yellow color. In itself an _ notte is probably harmless; bat it pro duces deceptive results —New York | Post. % % Undertaker, Pmbalming a Specialty. | Patton, Pa. ! Fae Semmipey . PH Baewi! berg: ¥ § Ih Bow iE sense lhe Tees A sh ae A CAL A : 2 ; ; Washingion PA iy Fo RR tomnty Tow in a be Tay Sakikud Be : 3 : : £ = PE #3 2 R BT ATE Linder © doweapns E88 x Bw AY HINT Dose Bosse Cnstmblon for JAAS: Fi KE Ue rem mines hiv nd dae of Dany. | Acditon i Berey | SA a a Receipts ind Expenditures. FH Bamxer Tresuarer in seroont with Poor and House of Employ Ba ELST Toso seated Lannie Poms Setoand Bsn x ; ee 4 Sworn 3 PEE Jad pee ie SEE rn £? wirie Sybian Poa Jere Somieeiile Bessy Phos Hoghes AEE iit 32 Ward Pe predate Sew # va of mEihed, PR han oof pee 8, a of whewt, 3 2 of ve ww WE Las of pitas i Lgl WILE, IEF on Geren Hw prmanaie of Sewd. IH pra 4 webu of veml, 0 a li OF ger : . LRT YALUTL BRD on arm » #8 fe rvede of wage ; Lee hm ued a Re 5 oo 1400 3 4 ne Lae Tae : De LEE LER CEE Oe mw ed hE 0 REE TREO ded day of Diatiy y Avditnmg Benay, | : a bartwen, Owe Iwaler in Liquors, Beer. Etc. Phoenij Brewing Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Carts Jugs. Be, - HastingS, Penna. y Living Yet Gives tp PETIA The trsasis of Pe . W.BULL'S CATARRH Rien | wus gute ent np 2 a fast straw a dying man clotched. in bis efforts to redain ifs IT SAVED | HIM, CATARRH Being a4 Constitutional Disevss (atarrh IPE mi a Smad is Does Seed Pies B00 3 belle marvin ER Felli ee Aa R-IFP-ANS The modern stand- ard Family Med cine: Cures the a — common every-day ills of humanity. RE Ta Le
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers