The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 03, 1895, Image 2

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Formation of the Trick National
Alliance of the Word.
. No Farther Trust In Legisiation -Pledged
to the L brat on oi Ireland By
: Oiher Means.
_ Omicaao, Sept. 26.— Birth wae given by
the Irish National convention this. after:
" moon to an organization which bas for 1's
avowed object the independence of Ire
land and a repablic by a poticy of physi
“cal foroe.
The ashes of the Fenian Brotherhood
are rekindled; the National League, witb
ite trust in legislatures and its reliance
‘upon parlisments and enactments, 18 bor-
ied from sight, and in ite place rises tle
Irish National Alliance of the World.
Ineidentally too, the Irish Parliaments: ;
party across the Ailantio: is repudisted
" and henosforward will be deprived of the
abandant revenues that have been cop-
‘tributed from this country for its maiv-
tenance and support.
For the pext two years to coms at Yoish
New York will be the seat of operatica of
the new movement, Williem Lyman, &
wealthy Irish-American of thst city, bav-
ing been selected as the first president of
‘the allianes with authority to appomt a
- mecretery of his own choice.
The plan of operation adopted provides
for a central conneil with antherity to
‘ isene charters for state orgarizsticos,
Memberchip is imited to people of Ir sh
birth or deccent, snd who shail plage
themselves to «id in tha liberation «+f 1
land by aby mesus “consistent ih tia
laws and usages of civilized rvstiins”
The plsn closely resembles. that of the
Fenian brotherhood, :
- This evening the convention adjonrne |
gine die.
Raln Made the Sport a Little Siow, But |
The Fair. Has Been 8 Hainer,
. ‘BroogviLLE, Pa., Sept. 26. — In st ite
of the heavy rein this morn ng the peor le
turned ont to the fair to-day and tre
orowd at the gronpds thig «fterncon ws
estimated st from 5000 to 6000. The
track was made very heavy and as. a con-
sequence the time of the racee was away
below what it should have been snd
would have been under more favorable
circumstances. The association is now
quite sure of coming on with ut joes ava
the peopie have beeu well eatistivd, ali of
which is most enconrsging for a coutin-
uation cf the fairs on a liberal scale in
years to come.
The races resulted as follows:
“1st race, 2:5 class, trot or pace, purse $150.00.
247, BRO, BHT
7 34 rue, 2:18 class, sk ar yas, pu
wn on account of sickness.
Time, 234%, 231, 2274 30.
The Pennant Seems to Bear a Baltimers Label
- Bavridons, Sept. 26.—This city is fall
of enthosissm to-night over the apparent
eertainty of the Baltimores winning tbe
~ pemnpant. The champions wen essmly
“from Philadelphis, score 10-1, anc they
have fone games to play with New York
fo close the season. Bhould they win
$wo of them the pennant will again come
$0 Baltimore. Oleveland maet play two
scheduled games with Louisville and a
_ postponed game with Chicago, and even
though they win all three the penvant
- will come to this city if two of the games
with New York are captared.
Democratic Campaign Opened.
Bzprorp, Sept. 27.—The Democracy
of Bedford county opened the campaign |®
here to-night with a large meeting of
Btate and national 1seaes were discussed
by B. F. Meyers, Democratic ocsndidate
for Btate treasurer, and J. M. Reynclds,
. mssistapt secretary of interior. Special
stress wae laid by the former cp his pur-
pose to manage the treseury, if elected,
in the interest of the people, and by the
. Intter on the beneficial effect of the Wii.
son bill and the wisdom of Cleveland's
“course on currency question.
_ Ome Shot snd One Chopped.
Perry, Ogu, Sept. 27.~A fight oc-
- gurred 20 miles east of here yesterday be-
~ $ween John Foote, Jas. Slabangh, Char-
~ ley 8iabaugh and Frank Carpenter,
~ Foote and Jes. Blabaugh were contest-
ante for the same property. Foote shot
and instantly killed Jas. Slabaungh, snd |
Charlies Slabaugh cut Foote's head open
- with an ax, inflicting a fatal wound. Cbar-
lie Slabsugh was jailed last night.
. Thought fits Molher Was a Burglar.
WirLkesBaRRE, Sept. 26.—Ohus. Coop-
er, sged 18, ot Harleigh, who shot and
Hilled his mother Monday night, mistak-
ing her for a burglar, was brought into
oriminal court to-day on a writ of habeas
corpus. The evidence was produced show-
ing that the shooting was purely an acci-
dent and the defendant was discharged.
Mo@ill for N, J. Democrats,
Trenton, N. J., Sept. 26.—The Demo-
oratié state convention which met here
to-day nominated Obancellor A. T. Mo-
Gill for governor. The viotory was sn
easy one and the convention ended
; ridge; Foreman and Gray.
Towns n he Anthracite Country
in a Bad Fix.
The Game of B11 at Gramipls i Yesterany
W « Fallof Ginger.
HazreToN, Pa. Sept. 6. — Tha water
ping, there not being euch water ob-
tainable to run the dynamos.
‘Seversl 1odostries and colleries shut
down on the eame acconnt. Over 10,000
men are idle ou account of the droaght.
Sam¢ Thing st Shsumokin.
SaamoxiN, Sept. 26.--Roaring creek
ran dry to-day and this pince ie coufront-
od with the worst kind of a water famine.
Unless instant preparations are made to
parity the sulphar water the mines will
be compelled to shut down st a cost of
thousands of dollars.
Sleeper Smashed.
Toxxerrox, W. Va., Sept. 27.— Train
No. 1, paseenger, on the Baltimore aud
Onis railroad, a: thie piace early thie
morning cideswiped No. 4, a passenger
£2ain lying on the giritch.
A sleaper, crowded with passengers,
vas totally demolished, ac 4 the engive of
.'1 wrecked,
ward on the sled peg, werate-ribly ceald
CRY 0 28 wl
micas p= feom
SC Harry on mx 37. Author,
ow ok 3 -
TE o-
Laps of mapgrzine arti
cowl hava Top sheir tdm the engl?
Sol em ot
wen np nrihional question:
sud <Iviow them g elesror soneeption ©
enone ti to toaeu npou Bll pstivoal. quest
fons of gen ral intarpgt,
it now appears that Gen. Harrison gave
all of his time between der Lants whi a
tee Adirondacks to hig work and be
ie stil busy sud wil be for some Weeke,
with his secretary in gettirg the materials |
readyfors Philadelpbis putiliehing honee. |
Grampisn Beats Cutweneville.
~ GraMpIAN, Bept. 27 —Carwensville wae |
compelled to lower her baseball colors to
the home team this afternoon in one of
the closest games played on the [fair
grounds this week. Miller, Daoiels,
Heidrick and 8shwem, of DaBoie, played
with Grampian snd their hitting was
a feature of the game. “Pud” Schwem
pitched an elegant game throaghoat, |
keeping the hits well seattered. The
final score wa3 9 to 4, favor of Grampiao.
—— st tr trae Se
Water Two Hours Per Duy.
ArLTocNA, Pa, Sept. 27..— There is now
only one day's supp!y of water io the new
reservoir bailding for this city and bat
little in the old one. Beginning with to-
morrow the consumers are to be given
water bat two honrs al dey.
New Camberiand a Bany. ‘Place.
New CuoMBerLAND, W. Va., Sept. 20.—
The Standish clay works here resumed
operations after a shut-down of over a
month. They employ over 200 men.
The Wheeling Gas company has com-
menced operations on a large pump sta-
tion at Buffalo village.
I—————————. . |
Planing Mill Bire.
West CaestER, Sent 29, . 11, Blask’ 8
| planing mill was bur =a t. day Causing
aloes of $8000. A 1 z u houses osught
fire from the intense Leat, bat none were |
entirely destroyed. Dwellings a square or
more away caught fire by Spares,
ser i——————— i
are the results of the National League
games played Satanrday and to day:
" At Philadelphia
PhRHaAeIpIMD. ivi ad ve 3 83
Batteries- Orth, Bus Eley ¥ Cand. Gry vy: Abbey |
and Grim.
At Philadel phia--Seoond Game,
Brooklyn i erin Strong rena tid
Batteries Carson and Grady; Daub, Kenne.
dy and Grim. :
: At New York.
New York... ion ae de 3
Batte Float ark a and Fa arrei; : Hote rand Hobe
inson. .
At Washington.
Washington ...
Boston ak es
Batieries- “James and McGain:: N
At Louisville.
Cleveland .. — on 2
Batteries 0 unningham, Spies and Wi ammer:
Y ousg ‘and O'Connor.
At St. Louis.
Kt, Louis.............. Rapin vn ied Rds
Batteries MeDougal and Otten; Moran a and
At Chicago.
Cincinnati a
Batteries— Parker, Terry. Donahue and Kitt-
Sunday Games.
At OC Henge
CHioago ..........covcininsinss Shara Sr
Cincinnati. & dee YH
lh Terry and Donthue; Parrott and
i CAt Loutsvil: e. :
Louisville. ai 3 een 38 8
Cleveland.. asia rs -Rf
in harmony, as seen from the out-
side, and with much enthusiam.
i i
famine prevailiog he ® revo A ClinEX
to day when the (rl ey eur= stopped ran-
Coited States Marshal Garden, of |
Wheeling, W. Va, anid ex-SBeeretary of |
Kiste Wm. A. Obley of Charleston, «i |
govervment affairs, They will be wide
. developed a scheme for the eetablichment
New YORK, Sept. 29,—-The following it the bo
Brooklyn reivioe 18- F
Philadelphia......ccoon. i ll a. o]
Baltimore... ... — BHT]
{tary John N: White, to appear before the
| Coach With 24 Passer gers Rolls
Down an Embankment.
ip burg Ex Ronte 10 the Ramey
: ff oevantiion,
tiow, Within three niles of this cty, on |
the Altona, Ciearfisld apd Nostbern
accident ocrured this evening. An en:
gine and one passenger coach were com-
isg down the monotain from Wopeonock
aod hed just crcesed a bigh trestle, when
8 sharp curve was struck, and in some;
way the conch overtarned, was torn loose
from tbe engive and was thrown down a
steep ~mbankment. There was 24 pess-
engers aboard and all were more bruised
an cat but pove serion-ly injared except
B. M. Beck and Joseph MoManany, both
. | of pear this city, who received ghastly
-cxip wouoda and possibly fractures of
ue skull. The train was ronning slow
st the time or the accident won'd doubt
{ess have heen munch worse. ; :
Walter Rinsley and ‘Bernard Rice on Their Way fo
Sunday's Convention at Ramey.
PurLresgoec, Pa., Sept. 27. Wait
Ainsley au d Bernérd Rice,’ repregenting
tha DaPBois miners, srrived hers todas
Way | to the {ls arfiald FRZWOn,
paling hss been esllied
v next Nand AY.
Cyagte the terest
5 Rosebery, oF ii
a Epeech st Bear Sireiah, ard it is eX
cotod that he will then ontline the 1'b
i .
ern) position, The marquis ¢f Salisbury |
i speaks at Watford on Or rber 3), sed B [on
. H. Aequith, Sir George O. Trevelyan, G.
N. Curzon, nuder foreign secretary; W.
st. John tederick, onder secretary for
war, sud 4 number of otbeérs are ao
roaoeed to re appear in the same arenas
before the end of October. :
W hat the country chiefly awaits ie an
exp .~it disclosure of the governmeaot's|
: proj «cts for the coming seeeion of parlia-
ment. Everything poiace not only to ove
but to two sessions devoted chiefly to Ire-
land. Ascordiog to the Timee, the land
question will be settied in 1896, and this
will be followed by an Irish local govern-
‘ment measure in 1897, which will probs-
bly ipclude the creation of a central coan-
cil is Dablin.
Horses (Curson Plankett, who secom-
panied Cleraid Bal’our on bis recent tour
of Ireland. and who ie now recognized as
the adviesr of the chief secretary, bas
of sn Iriel board of sgricuitare, which
is sertain to lead to toe formation of otber
special Irish departments. The West
mineter (Jugotte avd otber liberal orgsve
admit that the . zionists have begun their
administration of Irisb affairs with a set-
tled determination to evuid coercion by
adoptiag the lines followed by their lib-
eral opponents.
Walter Rinley urd ssernard Rice at Phil-
ALT oxa, Sep. L7.—Near Homer sta-
railrond, » serious spd yet fortapate |
Altoona ans Philijhirg Cen.
nec-inz Undir th: Hammer.
Joh Desroiph. of Rideway Miown i? ely
Feel by Goue
yrTooNs, Pe, Sent. 29 — The shen of
the Altona aud |
i Poihipsbure Ci i ii ratiroad on Wad
The road 1& new in cp ration het ween
Fh lipsbory, Centra onnpty, sand Ramey,
Ciearfirld couuty. The stock couststs of
three engines, seven passanger cars, fifty
freight cars and thres haggage cers. The
road was destined to be part of the Heech
Creek ayetem when comn'etaii.
Ceritre conpty will =
john Dearolph Badly injured at Ridgway by 2 Gs
. : ! . : -
Ringway, Pa., Bept. 20.— Joho Dear-
olpb, aesistactenperintendent of the udg-
way Light and Heat Co., was serirasly
injared by an explosion of was at 11:30
He was cnlking a new four inch line
when it bursted and blew him forty feet
away tearing hie shirt, hat and owirali-
into small pieces and leaving him raked
§ and very badly braised.
He was broaght to town by men
wera within a mile of thea scene
i s
taceident and want to bis sud.
Enrsthidngy rasnvar
ty Fael
~warthiner Santi’
{ i so iE
gi] hioh for a mya timna
nnet has been
3 * ’ \
2 I DiavIngt one-night stands my tha pune
| towns within a radios of 30 wm laz of itis
borg ard making thar has lquarteis
this city. I! is what'is known re 8 wai:
show. That is, the jamps made Jats
| pot being over 10 or 12 miles, the ajpgre-|
| gation drove from towd to town, ssvieg|
Iarge sums thst would be given to tr. |
railroad companies, besides the exjen-e
of haviog 20 or 30 men to care for th.
train and load the eircns at the close of a |
night’ 8 perfo rmance, a |
Clash Between the Catholics and the A. P. 1's. of |
~~ Pana. lNinois.
Pixa, Ills , Sept. 29. —walter Lyford, |
aged 19 years, died yesterday. Rev.
Father Wiegand performad the lust rites |
of the Cathohe church. The futher of |
the boy ot jected and ordered the priest
from the house. The latter informe! the |
Catholics who say as tha dead boy i= a’
member of the Catholic faith, they will
take the hody. Layford’s father, who ie
8s member of the A. P. A, eslled on the
order for assistanes and 25 members re-
sponded. The A. P. A’a bave charge of
the body and dee'are if anv attempt ie
made to take it blood will follow:
The I. 1. of I. V. Springs Up.
SprinerieLD, O., Sept. 29. The Loyal
Legion ~? Independant Voters iz a new.
pations! political organization started
bere. [t hua been chartered by the state
and the following «fers chosen:
“Irishmen,” says the Gazette, ‘who, in
their haste onl! the parliamentary movs-
ment a failu--, speak prematursic. I
the unioni t p .-gram 18 carried on’ '* w;
give = nopclens of bome ro, Gat
will be the work of the libe:. + xud the
! Irish gradually to sorotdiaite the Irish
local bodies aod end..w them with fresh
| powers notil the country wakes ap to find
"home rule established with the consent of
_&ii parties,
The marquis of Salisbury has promised
leading Irish unionists that he will visit
i Loodoa and the south of Ireland in July
gineea «f the season will
| permit. ()ownonsly tte proposed tonr 1s
Ia part of the government's conciliatory
Supreme barrister, J. M. Cathouon; vice, |
T.~?avesra Bancroft; golden dukes, How-
1 KR charcson; floavecial prince, Miushae!
‘ruunor; gnight of the sword, Jacch
Koble; kiog of the pen, Churles H.
The latter is also supreme OrgAlzar,
Nos. 1 and 2 are here, while No, 3 wil be
instituted at Lima, October 3. This or
groization takes in everybody. The local
branches are made ap of Irishmen,
the organization is in the interest of
ator Brice.
A! the Point of Death.
BerreroxTr, Pa, Sept. 99, Constate]
Curtin, the only surviving brother of the |
late Hon. A. G. Curtin, is lying al the
| its Engineers Rrrdsted on Their Engines at Wash- |
WasmINGTON|, Pa., Sept. 29. ~The Bol- |
“itimore & Ohio Railroad company and
' Washington bgroagh ccareil are at log- |
| gerheads, sod on Friday United States
Marshal Walke: served notice ou Bargees
John F, Carran and the borough secre-
United States cirenit court on the first
Monday of October, at Pittsburg, to san-
swer the complaint made by the railroad
company. The cunse of this is that dor-
ing the past few months the police force,
auder direction of the council, has
been enforciirg an ordinance against en-
| gineers whistling or blowing off steam
within the boroagh limits, Several times
men in charge of engines have been taken
trom their trains and taken before the
burgess. In each case where the offense
was proved, the violator of the ordinance
was fined $20 and costs. :
The railroad company now says it will
| test the validity of the arrests in all the,
courts, and the council has been so stir-
red up by ths complaints of citizens
against the unnece:ssry noice on the rail:
road that it has ato berome stubborn,
‘| Schofield.
i point of death at his residence at Rcland,
| four miles north of here. Hes well known
i a!l over the State as oue of the oldest and
most eXleps've iron manulactnrers in|
Pentsylesuia, La Gir:
General Miles Sacce: ds Scho Id.
New Youk, Sept. 20. —Msjor General
{ Nelson A Miles, at present commanding
the departnent of the Atlantic at Gov
ernor’s island, announced officially to-
night that he woald go to Washington a
the successor to Liententant.(Gémersl
Placed Under ¢ German Protes to.
] LoDo, Sept. 29. —A Berlin dispatch
to the St. James Gazstte says that a
squadren of German war veesels have
bean orderad to Swatow, and that the
Catholic missions iu the district of Shan-
tung have been placed under German
protection. . :
The Rtheiwynn's Victory Confirmed.
CexTER Isuasp, Sept. 29..—The regat-
ta committee has decided against the pro-
test made by Mr. Brand, of ths Spruce
IV. and yesterday's race stands as sve
tory for Ethalwrnn.
Dr. Paatear Dend.
Paris, Sept. 29. —Professor Louis Pas.
Batteries-<MeUreary ‘ and Spies; Knell, Cone
nor and Omeara.
and the members say they will cee that
the ordinance is enforced strictly.
tear, the distinguished chemist and die-
covecer of & care for bydrophobis, 1a Cead.
eiomon AR» be exhibited in the museum as a life
| you mean?
| thar, and the i he told Halligun the
| whale story of the imposition. Halligan
| But If Yor “ee It In The Sus Jt Ks Not
Always So Claims That the Affaly War
an Amusing Frand-—A KNingular Story
From Gotham. Tre
The story of the latest Brooxiya
bridge jump is thus told hy the New
York Son:
Mrs. MeArthnr's hoshand is am ex-
Phlinatiph t+ and Erie Railroad Division
fime Table. Trains leave Driftwood
we AM Train Ba sxcept Sugaaz. Sox
tunvary, Harrisbu
ons, arriving at
New York, wisn
A sth on « TR p, ia Palio Par
rn amsport an r
rom Kane to Phadnis eye!
y 9 P M.—Train 8 dally except Sunday, lor
Ft So and intermediate stations, arrive
coat Iaiiadeliphia at £ 0a. mo New York
Hl. a Paliman Sleeping cars from Hm-
rioury Ww Phiiadelphis and New York
Priadeiphia 1% Can remain in
: Aung unt 7 wher
prize fighter, und two of his intimate |.
friends are Jack Smith, also un ex.pogi- |
list, and William Hartman, a Hurlem |
ite. >mith and Hartmun got up the
scheme, and it was suggested that Mrs
McArthur enact the role of the jump-
er. McArthur pleaded that his wife
couldn't swim a stroke and was mortally
afraid of the water, bnt Smith said that
that didn’t matter, as all she'd have to
do was to allow herself to get good and
wet and then feign unconsciousness for
a time. They'd fix np the rest | if the
scheme, he said.
Mrs. McArthur was approached on
the matter, and after a good deal of |
hesitation she agreed to do ber part.
Then Smith and Hartman got John J.
1 Halligan, a saloon keeper, intereited in |
the scheme. They told Halligan, how-
ever, that Mrs. McArthur would really
make the jump, and he agreed to pay
all incidental expenses and to back Mra
Erie and Lamar io phis.
sengers in sleeper for Baitimore and W
agin will Le trau<Srred into Wustiingoy
«per +! Harrisha
rom alte a © Philadelphia Williams |
port i Bal
vw a, od Tiras many we Bow nou nu
6.37 P M. Tain daliy excepl sunamy,
Kane ana Tio 11 dally except ay
Ww IN 11 leaves Bal
Wilkesbarre, i033 a “3
Suys are arrivi on Fo? at Paws Rt wt
(RAIN 3 leaves Now York at :00 p.m. Fas
p.m. wit)
| McArthur in a theatrical! tour after the:
=i. | papers had made her famons. In retarn |
{ ho was te ) receive Taper cent of Mrs
Me "Arthur's salary 5s an actress. Later |
eid Cn
in, 11:90 p. m.; Washi 0am ,
Baitimore, 11:3 p. m.; daily srrl at Drifl.
woid at #5 a. m. Pullman. Ry
froin Philadelphia to Erie and Vash.
ingion and Baithinore 1g Wilf rl and
thrnegh passenger conches from Phi de phe
C0 Ene, Baltimore to Williamsport,
TRAIN | lvuaves Renovo at 835 a a tall
© Axeept Sunday, arriving Dirifbero od 7-38
(lmily except Sundsy
| TRAIN 19 ‘enves Ri
f sapd and
the hridge with Hartman
| They crossed to the Brooklym
then drove-to a dock where Smith
| arranged to have a boat in waiting All}
i three got in the boat and rowed out into |
i midstream. Ata SIgnaj from Smith |
t some ene, whose identity is still wrap |
red in mystery, Ln! wha, it is suspect
i A Ts by 3
ted, was Mr. McArthur, dropped a dum-
my from the bridge, and then. Smith |
| told Mrs. McArthur tofall into thariver
from the back of the boat. Mrs. McAr-
thar, who had been getting very pale as |
the time for her act approached, locked ae
at the water and said that she gnessed |
| she’ d had enough.
‘What !"* gasped Smith. “Do vou
mean to spoil everything now?’
“I can’t swim a stroke, and it's ta
ribly cold!’ pleaded Mrs. MeArthar.
“Jump right in, aud we'll haul you
out,” said Hartman. *“*It'H be all over
in a minnte.'" :
“1 don’t want to,” said the woman,
and she began to cry.
“Yon must, and right away toq,"”’
said Hartman, and grabbing the fright-
ened woman he held Ber while Smith
fastened a rope around her waist. Then,
without a bit of ceremony, he threw her |
jn the river and juinped in after her.
Then Smith hauled them both in, and
the men rowed to the New York shore,
where a call was sent in for an ambun:
lance. From this time dn Mrs. McAr
thar played her part admirably.
Ske feigned uncopscicusness and
fooled the ambulance surgeon. and the [an
police completely. When she had recov-
ered and was ready to receive reporters,
she told of the sensations experienced
by a bridge jumper with remarkable !
plausibility, snd the next day was ex- |
ploited in all of the papers as a truly
remarkable woman.
It was cue of the mest successful
fakes sever perpetrated, and the only
mistake that Messrs. Smith and Hart-
man made was not providing some sors.
of employment for Mr. McArthur. It
just began to dawn on thet worthy that
he was cut in the cold when the affair
wak all cover, and in great indignation
he went to Halligan and demanded that
saver with Smith and H: artman,
“Not on your life
ih ou're no life saver. You didn’t save |
he woman's lif a i
‘* Neither tid they,” replied MeAr- |
“What?” * gasped H: Mligan. “What do |
‘Just what ‘I say.” replied MeAr-
sent for Sy wing who acknowledge a the
truth of Mc Arthur's statement, and then |
the saloon keeper made bath men make |
affidavit to the effect that Mrs. McAr- |
thur bad not jumped from the bridge.
Then he sent for the men from whom |
he had won £2,000, and at last accounts k
was still paying them back donble what ye
be had collected from them. |
Mrs. McArthar is still making weak !
protestations to the effect that she really |
jumped and has threatened Halligan
with legal proceedings unless ho keeps
his promise to exhibit her in a maseam
Halligan, however, says he 1s through
with bridge jumpers in general and
Mrs. Me Arthur in | partic ular forever.
Substance of Metals.
In consequence of the discovery of |
“argon, ’’ ‘‘helium’’ and other like sab-
stances it is believed that still greater |
discoveries are about to be made. Some |
expect that the apparent diversity of |
metals is a result merely of different |
combinaticns of a very few simple sab- |
stances or possibly of only one. IY 1s on |
this line that researches are likely to be
conducted for some time to come. t
* wad Halligan, |
wat 3 BE GG
ip M, A.M
(TD Iw Ride
| 12 1 Shorts Mills
1p pant ok pot pt BED
sobnrg at 68. m,
edi am, in,
RAIN 20 lon ves Iarmont at TI iM. we
ri ving at JOOS rr al ¥
Kid Fa i 3 ama
Beeeh (‘reek Railroad
N. 7. C & H.R RB R. Co. Lenses
8 gd { Po Bead-Lowia
io RATIO see
WEF nse
AFAR. zesennsi isin ¥
asa aaa “Mitehells fin pain 4 8 ¢
Lv _ Clearfield June... A
£3 en reid...
y 11 4 Ar. Clonriieid June...
58 Wood pediang oon
me Bigler.. crane
10 € ns... WALBOSION 1. eeeseeree
3 10 32 Siorriadate Miner,
I VlLv......... Monson ———rE
Lv 1
10 masi.
510 17Ar...
wid mo] mow
Ricivrumadis “EEE “asd
Wiameport.. «AFT
Lv ¢ ”
%i guat
*Daily. . tWeekdavs.
. $10.05 A NM.
Through Pullman Buffet Garde
teen Clearfield and Philadel
cept Sunday, on trains ¥and
Through coach to New York, and through
Pullman Buffett Parlor Car wo Philadelphia on
; train leaving Williamsport x30 a. m.
Connections—At IR pO wilh Patiadel
is. SE
milroad- At q inion athe Ponnayivania
sud Northwestern western rail
Superintendent. hile Pin
On and after June Te TAD I. 105,
will arrive and depart from
eept Sunday, as follcows:
b 55 a.m. Falls Creek.
0 a i
daily ex-
a —, hey and Williumaport
and Bradford
Ridgway and :
Puuxsuta and | ' Run,
Clearfield and Phila, atire'a
Puaxsutswiey and Big Raa,
. Pun xsntawney and Big Ran. :
Falls Ureek.
Pan xsutawne and Big Ran.
Bradford and Ridgway,
SCarwensvilie and Clearfield. nis
. Cleardeld 2 Phica, Sleeper attached
Punxsutawue) and Big Rou
Rochester and Buffalo,
Punssutawney and Big Run
Carwensviile and Clearfield.
Iman Buffult sleeping oar for Philadel.
plita on tesin leaving DuBois at 20 p. m.
pu Doasand Hie eRe oo TOs Passage Det wasn
all stations at I cents ver mile,
For tickets, time taules and full information
call on ol MI tet,
M. Landergan, Agent, DuBois,
EC Lapey, Gen’l Pass Agent.
Rochester, N. Y,
a Matthe wa, (Gen, Sapt., Rochester, N.Y.
P.M. PW.
12 18 island Run
a : Mii! Haven
12 1 Croyland
i2 Blue Rock
Vine | Run
Harveys R
Falls Creek
Eastward - Westwan
| Train &, 717 a. m, Train §, 11:8 a.
Train § 1:45 p. mu Tmin 1, 3p,
Train 4 "55 p.m. Train 2, + 5 m
Manager, . Gen'l'Agt Pass
pc A mi
i AMS AS RS peste war
orc a AIAN oy lon