IRSHMEN'S NEw POLICY, i Formation of the Trick National Alliance of the Word. FENIAN BROTHERHOOD FIRE REKINOLED. . No Farther Trust In Legisiation -Pledged to the L brat on oi Ireland By : Oiher Means. _ Omicaao, Sept. 26.— Birth wae given by the Irish National convention this. after: " moon to an organization which bas for 1's avowed object the independence of Ire land and a repablic by a poticy of physi “cal foroe. The ashes of the Fenian Brotherhood are rekindled; the National League, witb ite trust in legislatures and its reliance ‘upon parlisments and enactments, 18 bor- ied from sight, and in ite place rises tle Irish National Alliance of the World. Ineidentally too, the Irish Parliaments: ; party across the Ailantio: is repudisted " and henosforward will be deprived of the abandant revenues that have been cop- ‘tributed from this country for its maiv- tenance and support. For the pext two years to coms at Yoish New York will be the seat of operatica of the new movement, Williem Lyman, & wealthy Irish-American of thst city, bav- ing been selected as the first president of ‘the allianes with authority to appomt a - mecretery of his own choice. The plan of operation adopted provides for a central conneil with antherity to ‘ isene charters for state orgarizsticos, Memberchip is imited to people of Ir sh birth or deccent, snd who shail plage themselves to «id in tha liberation «+f 1 land by aby mesus “consistent ih tia laws and usages of civilized rvstiins” The plsn closely resembles. that of the Fenian brotherhood, : - This evening the convention adjonrne | gine die. HAD THE CROWD YESTERDAY. Raln Made the Sport a Little Siow, But | The Fair. Has Been 8 Hainer, . ‘BroogviLLE, Pa., Sept. 26. — In st ite of the heavy rein this morn ng the peor le turned ont to the fair to-day and tre orowd at the gronpds thig «fterncon ws estimated st from 5000 to 6000. The track was made very heavy and as. a con- sequence the time of the racee was away below what it should have been snd would have been under more favorable circumstances. The association is now quite sure of coming on with ut joes ava the peopie have beeu well eatistivd, ali of which is most enconrsging for a coutin- uation cf the fairs on a liberal scale in years to come. The races resulted as follows: “1st race, 2:5 class, trot or pace, purse $150.00. 247, BRO, BHT 7 34 rue, 2:18 class, sk ar yas, pu wn on account of sickness. Time, 234%, 231, 2274 30. ~ ORIOLES ARE CHIRPING. The Pennant Seems to Bear a Baltimers Label - Bavridons, Sept. 26.—This city is fall of enthosissm to-night over the apparent eertainty of the Baltimores winning tbe ~ pemnpant. The champions wen essmly “from Philadelphis, score 10-1, anc they have fone games to play with New York fo close the season. Bhould they win $wo of them the pennant will again come $0 Baltimore. Oleveland maet play two scheduled games with Louisville and a _ postponed game with Chicago, and even though they win all three the penvant - will come to this city if two of the games with New York are captared. Democratic Campaign Opened. Bzprorp, Sept. 27.—The Democracy of Bedford county opened the campaign |® here to-night with a large meeting of Btate and national 1seaes were discussed by B. F. Meyers, Democratic ocsndidate for Btate treasurer, and J. M. Reynclds, . mssistapt secretary of interior. Special stress wae laid by the former cp his pur- pose to manage the treseury, if elected, in the interest of the people, and by the . Intter on the beneficial effect of the Wii. son bill and the wisdom of Cleveland's “course on currency question. _ Ome Shot snd One Chopped. Perry, Ogu, Sept. 27.~A fight oc- - gurred 20 miles east of here yesterday be- ~ $ween John Foote, Jas. Slabangh, Char- ~ ley 8iabaugh and Frank Carpenter, ~ Foote and Jes. Blabaugh were contest- ante for the same property. Foote shot and instantly killed Jas. Slabaungh, snd | Charlies Slabaugh cut Foote's head open - with an ax, inflicting a fatal wound. Cbar- lie Slabsugh was jailed last night. . Thought fits Molher Was a Burglar. WirLkesBaRRE, Sept. 26.—Ohus. Coop- er, sged 18, ot Harleigh, who shot and Hilled his mother Monday night, mistak- ing her for a burglar, was brought into oriminal court to-day on a writ of habeas corpus. The evidence was produced show- ing that the shooting was purely an acci- dent and the defendant was discharged. Mo@ill for N, J. Democrats, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 26.—The Demo- oratié state convention which met here to-day nominated Obancellor A. T. Mo- Gill for governor. The viotory was sn easy one and the convention ended ; ridge; Foreman and Gray. Towns n he Anthracite Country in a Bad Fix. STR:ET MIWA Aho NS QUIT The Game of B11 at Gramipls i Yesterany W « Fallof Ginger. HazreToN, Pa. Sept. 6. — Tha water ping, there not being euch water ob- tainable to run the dynamos. ‘Seversl 1odostries and colleries shut down on the eame acconnt. Over 10,000 men are idle ou account of the droaght. Sam¢ Thing st Shsumokin. SaamoxiN, Sept. 26.--Roaring creek ran dry to-day and this pince ie coufront- od with the worst kind of a water famine. Unless instant preparations are made to parity the sulphar water the mines will be compelled to shut down st a cost of thousands of dollars. Sleeper Smashed. Toxxerrox, W. Va., Sept. 27.— Train No. 1, paseenger, on the Baltimore aud Onis railroad, a: thie piace early thie morning cideswiped No. 4, a passenger £2ain lying on the giritch. A sleaper, crowded with passengers, vas totally demolished, ac 4 the engive of .'1 wrecked, ward on the sled peg, werate-ribly ceald CRY 0 28 wl GT IEEE WETO micas p= feom SC Harry on mx 37. Author, ow ok 3 - ¥ £3 a TE o- Laps of mapgrzine arti cowl hava Top sheir tdm the engl? Sol em ot wen np nrihional question: sud mith and Hartmun got up the scheme, and it was suggested that Mrs McArthur enact the role of the jump- er. McArthur pleaded that his wife couldn't swim a stroke and was mortally afraid of the water, bnt Smith said that that didn’t matter, as all she'd have to do was to allow herself to get good and wet and then feign unconsciousness for a time. They'd fix np the rest | if the scheme, he said. Mrs. McArthur was approached on the matter, and after a good deal of | hesitation she agreed to do ber part. Then Smith and Hartman got John J. 1 Halligan, a saloon keeper, intereited in | the scheme. They told Halligan, how- ever, that Mrs. McArthur would really make the jump, and he agreed to pay all incidental expenses and to back Mra Erie and Lamar io phis. sengers in sleeper for Baitimore and W agin will Le trau»; ig: ¥ Be ] # *Daily. . tWeekdavs. . $10.05 A NM. i Through Pullman Buffet Garde ex teen Clearfield and Philadel cept Sunday, on trains ¥and Through coach to New York, and through Pullman Buffett Parlor Car wo Philadelphia on ; train leaving Williamsport x30 a. m. Connections—At IR pO wilh Patiadel is. SE milroad- At q inion athe Ponnayivania w sud Northwestern western rail FE AG PALMER, Gen’ FH 9 Superintendent. hile Pin BUFFALS, MGHESTER & PITTSBURG B & On and after June Te TAD I. 105, will arrive and depart from eept Sunday, as follcows: TRAINS DEPART. b 55 a.m. Falls Creek. 0 a i Tr LIRIne daily ex- a —, hey and Williumaport and Bradford Ridgway and : Puuxsuta and | ' Run, Clearfield and Phila, atire'a Puaxsutswiey and Big Raa, TRAINS ARRIVE. . Pun xsntawney and Big Ran. : Falls Ureek. Pan xsutawne and Big Ran. Bradford and Ridgway, SCarwensvilie and Clearfield. nis . Cleardeld 2 Phica, Sleeper attached Punxsutawue) and Big Rou Rochester and Buffalo, Punssutawney and Big Run Carwensviile and Clearfield. Iman Buffult sleeping oar for Philadel. plita on tesin leaving DuBois at 20 p. m. pu Doasand Hie eRe oo TOs Passage Det wasn all stations at I cents ver mile, For tickets, time taules and full information call on ol MI tet, M. Landergan, Agent, DuBois, EC Lapey, Gen’l Pass Agent. Rochester, N. Y, a Matthe wa, (Gen, Sapt., Rochester, N.Y. IDGWAY AND CLEARFIELD ny B DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY | SOUTHWARD. 4 STATIONS, P.M. PW. y 12 18 island Run a : Mii! Haven 12 1 Croyland i2 Blue Rock Vine | Run rrier Brock McMinn Harveys R Falls Creek DuBois BRR ERE EB rere SERERRLEBSRE POON AEA NDE BD TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. Eastward - Westwan | Train &, 717 a. m, Train §, 11:8 a. Train § 1:45 p. mu Tmin 1, 3p, Train 4 "55 p.m. Train 2, + 5 m M. PREVOST, i R. WOOD, Manager, . Gen'l'Agt Pass calNBsaERGH J - Cp—— pc A mi i AMS AS RS peste war orc a AIAN oy lon