Pada Cw on a ARR Pato n Courier. : PATTON PUBLISHING (CO. Proprietors. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1895. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . One copy, ope year, in advance, S@-Advertising rates made known upon application. . g#No . papers discontinued ‘until all ar rearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Entered it the Postoffice at Patton as second- class mail matter. COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 1st Monday of Sept. 1st Monday of March 1st Monday of Dec, 1st Monday of June OFFICERS, PresipzNT JUunar—Hon, A. V. Barker. PROTHONOTARY J. C. Darby. REGISTER. AND RecorbpeEr—D. A. McGough. - TrEAsSURER-F. H. Barker. SHERI¥F—D. Ww. Coulter. . DEruTY SH RIFFS—Samuel Davis, Elmer E. Davis, DISTRICT ATTORNEY--R. 8, Mur phy. COMMISSIONERS —P, J. Dillon, Geo, M. Wertz. CoMMIssioNER'S CLERK John C. Gates COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT J. W. Leech. COUNTY SURVEYORS, (3. Fetterman. County Augiions- W m. J. Jones, W. C. Be: ames Daily. Tony Louis ANNE Ansle m Weakland, Wm. Miller. Goro ERD. George Mi Martin. DIRECTORS — Moore, Jamex Som- ervitle, Raphiel Hite. BOROUGH OFFICERS. BURrGEss-—-W. J. Donnelly. CovxcrL—Lincoln 8 1, president; 52 . Wilson, Frank Campbell, B. F. Wise, Young, Ralph Lelsch, .. ScHoor BoArnp—C. C. Cowell, president; GQ. H. Curfman, secretary; H. Sandford, treas- urer; Jesse E. Dale, i E. Barton, Samuel | Edminston. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE—Jesse E. Dale, Jas. | Lloyd, lon. CC TREASURER—W. H. Sandford. CLERK —Harvey Patterson, COLLECTOR Jas, Mellon. Ricker : Sm H, Kinkead, H. Harry Gould. an or FLEcTIoN—Sam’] Boyce. NSPECTOR-- Walter Weakland. CHIEF OF PoLICE—John Royce STREET COMMISSIONER—A J. Jac kson. HOW SHALL THE CHILD LEARN? The New York World says that the | growing importance attached to the | scientific study of the minds and habits of young children is illustrated by the fact that both the September Forum and the September Popular Science Monthly have leading articles on the ' subject. The abet tption at the bottom of the study is that the mind merely develops childhood to old age. Along the lines worked out 2 complete revolution in - the education not only of childrens but - adults. It was the belief of the old philoso- phers that the human mind can grasp all important truths merely by reason- _ing logically. - Modern science and all its results have followed the partial abandonment of this idea. They are based on the ‘kindergarten method,” ing, but through looking, handling, comparing—through such mental pro- | cesses as those by which the young child begins its education. This ob-| ject-teaching : and object-learning as- | sume not the natural strength, but the | "visited Ebensburg several times was : Winslow, ') were at that hour busy at work in the | the New York Thrice-a-week World reading as any of the first fully set forth by Lord Becon, who asserted that the way to knowledge is . mot through severe metaphysical think- | ; EBENSBURG. EBENSBURG, Pa., Sept. 24, 1895. Messrs. H. J. Buck, of Carroll town- ‘ship, and David Edwards, of Vetera, shipped a car load of sheep to Phila- 'delphia yesterday afternoon. 1 "Jos. A. Gray, Wm. Schroth, of Car- . $1.00 rolltown, and J. W. Conrad, of Dean, drove from Carrolltown to Beulah on Friday, returning the same evening. Joe Wherry, a young boy about 14 | years old, was arrested yesterday for breaking into the station here on Fri- day night of last week. Forty Hours Devotion will’ be ob- ‘served in the Catholic church on Thursday and Friday of this week, be- ginning at 8 c¢’clock on Thursday morning and continuing until Satur- day morning at 8 o ‘clock. The Italiap orchestra which has been traveling through the country and has with us again yesterday. A number of our young people held a dance at Fenwycke hall on Wednes- day night of last week which was an ‘enjoyable affair. Refreshments were ‘served and all report a good time. L. A. Craver, of the Blair house, ac- companied by his wife and daughter Miss Ida, spent Sunday in Wilmore, the guests of his aunt, Mrs. M. Wolfe. . On Thursday afternoon a man with | ‘a piano on a cart, the piano having a | crank attachment by means of which he operated the instrument, caused our streets to ring with music thereby | causing considerable attention, es- pecially of the school children who school room. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. poor farm, | .! Winnisheik county., Ia., says: Last | winter Mr. Robert leach used two | ,n4 the fixtures for a grocery and | boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve | ' and cured a large running sore on his {leg. Had been under care of physi- | cians for months without obtaining re- relief sure cure for piles. C. W. | Hodgkins. ; “The air 1893. The COURIER is pleased to announce its clubbing arrangements with The Pittsburg Post, the great home news- but undergoes no radical change from : ‘who want the best of this theory there is being gradually mend The Post. and to persons ily or semi-weekly paper published in the| city, we recom- | - The Daily Post, a large eight-page . paper, and The COURIER one year each | for $3.00. The price of The Post alone is $3.00. Send us your order at once and get seven papers a| week for the price you formerly paid for one. ! The Sunday Post, twenty pages every Sunday, containing as much nthly maga- zines, and The COURIER one year each for only $2.25. The Semi-weekly Post d The Cou- | RIER one year each for only $1.50. Just | think of it, The Post twice a week, and your county paper for the price of une. | Write us for sample copies. Diarrhcea should be stopped prompt- natural infirmity of the mind, and |1y- It soon becomes chronic. De- adapt education to it. As the minds of children are better | | Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure is effective, safe and certain. Hundreds ' Prince Wilkes?’ was the query. “Sold . for $100, what do I hear for this pic- . the difference bteween civilized and un- | givilized races, insisted upon three things as requisite for civilization— | to & civilized man?’’ she asked. | lection entirely. Finally, after the ques- 13eat the Law. Up at Hampden Park, in Springfield, [ when the Massachusetts antipool law | was rigidly enforced a few years ago, | Uncle Ed Morse and other pool sellers cleverly evaded it by putting up for sale | Deal at '‘anction’’ cards having printed on e thern the picture of a horse. ‘How | much am I offered for this picture of | "Wi Nes, er in for $100 to Mr. X. Prince Wilkes =old | ‘Beer. Etc. ture of Patron?’ It was easy enough. All the change was that the auctioneer Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer. had to say a few more words —Hart- ford Times. Flasks, (orks, Jugs. Erc.. Waived Responsibility.. H 1 S P ! Wiggles—If anybody inquires for me aS Ing 3 enn a . within ten minntes, will you tell them that I'll be right back? Waggles—No; I'll tell "em you said ASSETS of Fire Insurance Companies “you would. —Somerville Journal ese ew cs ign sw PATTON INSURANCE AGENCY Represented by the Pretty Good Guess. teacher, i xplaining to h ils s B eIDAINING oo her ups Amount to over $25,000,00.00. Best Kind of Protection. food, clothing and shelfer. ALSO THE PREFERRED up again by way of review. Liquors, Bologna, Lard, P. P. Young & Bro., Wholesale and Reta Der in o PATTON, FRESH MEAT |Ptton. Cambria Co, * CAPITAL PAID UP, gjt000 Accounts of Corporations, Fin | als and Ranks a - Upon the ost ae Et C. ble terms consistent with sfe and Sonservative OF ALL KINDS. banking. Steamship tickets for sale for al the : lines, Foreign Drafts paynbie hn the cities of the Old Worl J All correspondence will have our prompt and personal attention, i Interest paid on time deposits. Wi. H. SANFORD, FIFTH AVENUE, ALE. P Patton, Pa.! AON You Wouldn't Think of getting your goods for . nothing, yet that ‘is what some people try to do. Such a scheme is not neces- ‘sary fand the low cash prices at which I sell good will The next day she brought the subject ACCIDENT INSURANCE enable you to live cheap: ‘What are the three things necessary CO. oF NEW YORK, Several of the children remembered food and clothing, but the third requi- ite seemed to have escaped their recol- - professional men. Harvey Patterson, Agent. tion bad been repeated two or three Uf times, one little fellow lifted his hand = JAMES QUINN, Whether the teacher sent him to the bead of the class we are not informed Johnstown, Pa. DRY 6800p, | RILLINERY, ETC. q YS : J fp - for only $1.50 per year. : v 2 29 You can get the PattonCOURIER and . — i : For . Rang. \ A suitable store room, 20x36 feet, restaurant, for sale very cheap. A splended cnance to go into business with very little capital. On principal street in Patton. Call or write to the ' COURIER office or you will be too late. 92-tf Severe griping pains of the stomach ‘and bowels instantly and effectually stopped by DeWitt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. C. Ww. Hodgkins. For Sale or Rent. One pool and one billiard table, in - ress fs code ard Tima S ' room centrally located in Patton. Ad- dress P. O. Box 291, Patton, Pa. _90tf cellent and rates moderate. -69-tf. : : : JAS. QUINN, Notice of Application for Charter. linton St., Ntice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 55th day of October, A. D., 196, ‘by FP. F. McEifresh, A. = Patton, James Kerr, fyeorge R. Good, WwW. H. Sandford and E. C. Brown, ander the oe y Assembly, entitled, “An act to provide for the incorporation and ew [or or regulation of certain cor tions,” approved - the th day of April, A. 1574, and t > sup- plavsents thereto, for the “charter of an in jendied) corporation w. be ealled Fane Patton anufacturing Company,” the ¢ BIRCLEY ren of which is the mining, quarrying. THRICE- A- WEEK EDITION, and denitng in fireclay, and manufacturing and selling brick, firee y building materials, firebricks, and other articles manufactared | from fireclay, and for these Fp have ] possess, an enjoy a the rights, nefits, and’ privilegés of the sald Act of Assembly and the thie New Y ork WwW orld bk as been supplements thereto. . RoLAND D. Swoork, Solicitor. converted into the Thies Cruirwensville, Pa., Sept. Mth, 1865. 415 i ‘week. It furnishes 3 papers: L ibe In Divoree. The best in the world for basiness or GOOD BUILDING, Our stock of dry goods and trim-. Ww oi take 3. trip to Ebensh mings for the late spring und early hen you Ia 84 Hp NEOUTE | summer season is not equalled. Cotton stop at the Blair house and yon will be 4... goods never were so handsome used all right. Accommodations ex- as now nor prices so low. Now is the time to buy. Come down or send to Johnstown, Pa. The Twicod week edition of “VE = You will only take advantage of them You Could Not find a more complete stock ‘of General? Merchandise in a day's travel. Call and examine goods and priees, every: (thing you want. GEO. S. GOOD. Patory, Pa. No Superior and Few Equals To our + Cook Stoves and Ranges. All are Gua ranteed to be perfect workers. President. Cashier. understood it is hoped that it will be- | Of testimonials bear witness to the come possible for the older people to | Virtue of this great medicine. It can see just what are the difficulties in the 81Ways be depended upon, its use saves way of developing their own intellects ‘me and money. C. W. Hodgkins. ~ as well as those of their children. bE : New York Word. The Hindoo sage who sits on a black The Twice-a-week -edition of the Sitelope skin sg looks at fhe nd of New York World has been converted nose year r year while | into the Thrice-a-week. It furnishes 3 a - every week, at the old price of omnipotence of reason. The chemist ' One Dollar a year. This gives 156 a . who handles a test tube ‘and looks to year for One Dollar and every paper Ee Len it oie col - | 60 umns in all. The Thrice-a-week garten method of object-learning, by World is not only much larger than which a child in the cradle begins the any weekly or semi- weekly newspaper, f study of the science of the universe. | but it furnishes the news with much Ang in this differerice of methods lies’ greater frequency and promptness. In difference between Oriental and fact it combines all the crisp, fresh qual- Caucasian, between the old civilization jties of a daily with the attractive of philosophy and the new civilaza- special features of a weekly. And tion of science. | $1.50 will get the Thrice-a-week World 0. 8. PRISON SYSTEMS, and the PATTON COURIER for one year. An interesting comparative study of {Think of it. Call at the COURIER of- | prison systems in the United States and | fice and leave your name. abroad was presented in a paper read! Cholera morbusis a dangerous com- at the convention of the National | plaint, and often fatal in its results. Prien SEHORIaon » in, recently, | To avoid this yon should use DeWitt’s ; e rinkerho president | Colic and Cholera Cure as soon as the | Tn, Sr Ta fr © - i kins. nation of prison systems abroad, said | -" his observation of European prisons | ‘brought him to the conclusion that The president of the Baltimore Med- whatever superiority they have over iCal college, who has tested Speer’s . those in the United States is due to a | Wines and brandies says: superior administration rather than to 13M prepared to bear testimony to a superior system. In short, it seems | the value of Speer’s Climax Brandy as to him that the American system of | a pure and valuable article in all cases dealing with the criminal classes, as a | | of disease in which a reliable stimu- ey is better than theirs, and ’ that | 1ant is required. I regard it superior | our greatest lack is in administration. | 0 most French brandies. - In Europe everybody connected with | HARVEY L. BYRD, M. D. prison administration is trained to his, resident and professor of Obstet-, work as army and navy officers are | Tic8 and Diseases of Woman and! trained here, and their term of office is | Children, Baltimore Medical college. A President on Brandy for Sickness. 'W. H. SECHLER, Belle McCormic k by her In the Court of Come next friend Wifliam mon Pleas © Klmsman : - Cambria County. No. 137 Mar. Term, - oy, ren, B. MeCormick. } {ES To the Respondent above named: The Sub- wens and alias Subpeena in above case having wel by me reta MON EST INVENTUS vou are notified to be at the Court of Common Plesis of Cambria County on the First Monday i of Iecember, 1586, to answer the Surgplaint + of libellant. D. W. Cor LTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's OMcee, Ebensburg, Sept 12, 1965, -te Harnes, Bridles, Saddies, Collars, Nets and Whips, Blankets, Har- ness Oils, Ete. Repairing a Specialty. E. d. SEVERIN, Prop'r, PATTON, PA, J. P. MCKENRICK, Atorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, Pa. Will atténd to all business with promptness and fidelity. ; Office opposite the Mountain House. « pages every week, at the old CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop’r. Accommodations the best. First-class Bar in connection. RATES $I. 25 PER DAY. wr Reuel Somerville. Attorney-at-Law, | PaTTON, PA , Office in the Good Building. - Attorney --at - Law, : EBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. aT of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen : Py re Our shelves are crowded with many desirable pieces of ‘ONE DOLLAR a {iAwars and cooking utensils of all kinds. Come in and see * THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE CO. pr rice ot year. This gives 156 papers a year for One Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight, columns wide. or 48 as in all. The Thrice-a-week World is not only much larg- er than any weekly or. semi- Get the weekly newspaper;but it fe ishes the news with much greater frequency and brompt- Freshest and ness. In fact it comtines all’ the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with o attractive special features of a weekly. will) ERE EG week World and the PATTON SUPPLY CO. Here are a few Specialties mentioned: WW bite wine and Pure Cider Vi inegar, Floor and Table Ol Cloths, {Crocks and Jugs, Flower Pots, Etc. the Purest just as secure. In Paris, at La Sante prison is what is known as the warder’s school, where the chief warders from rovincial prisons come annually, Be six months, during which time fey receive instructions by lectures classes in various branches of knowledge pertaining to their work. They are Slo ta taught the practical ap- Phication of i of the Bertillon method of on. With such an STiininal saomii in America, he said, the evils which now vex us would soon disa , and America would lead the Wi in her as she does in her benevolent institutions. Easy to take, sure to cure, no pain, nothing to fear. DeWitt’s Little Early | Risers. Best for sick headache, bil- liousness, sour stomach and constipa- | tion. C. W. Hodgkins, Will Buy Goods. Miss Alice A. Ashcroft, the milliner, | left on Saturday for the eastern cities where she will purchase her fall | millinery. Her store will be closed | until her return. Don’t fail to see the | new line when it ArHiYes. Prices | WM DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, | EBENSBURG, PA. | All legal business promptly attended to. | Office in Armory Hall. Think R L. GEORGE, For onc year. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, of it. Call at the Cou-| and leav el GALLITZIN, PA. RIER ofhce A full line of Flour and Feed. 1 : OBSERVE: —We will pay one cent a-piece for | signatures from Arbuckle’s Coes wrappers, Save them and ‘bring them to our store. Yours for a Bargain, Patton Supply Co! oo {RR ua a A Ag A A AH Sr ETA LT “ { x Lo. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers