procession to supply New England for 50 years with plowshares. — — Boston | P— and Hypaotiom Affect Twe Young Men Queerly. A startling tale of spiritoalism, hyp- notism and religion was unfolded re- eently at Pittsburg by the detention of two prominent ‘young married men. According to the stories told by the friends of the young men, they met at a seance of sepiritoalists some months ago. They are faid to have exerted hyp- motio influences upon each other to such an extent that they both deserted young and charming wives. The two men are Marris Renben and | gret for the coarse of history. : The Parthenon was the best fruit of | | man's highus$ deiellectual achievement. | : Its ruins sodmy are a tribote to his im- H C. Koerner, both German. In addi- tion to deserting his wife Renb ny was | induced by Koerner fo renounce ihe He. brew faith and join the charch of whieh Koerner is a member. Reaben had only recently married, and his wife's parents | have taken her to their home In Ohio Mrs. Koerner savs that Reunl ben hv “ized her husband, while a friends claira he was hyvpnofis Koerner, There seems to he po that cach stravgely inth i Reuben is el largest clothing merchants in the Unit ed States. The two men wera arrested, through Mrs. Koerner, who made com- % int to © 3 lice eo ao are sad piaint to th Pf w.- The men TE 1nd : temple. Pevoaias, wi saw the temple t0 have indnlged in many vagaries, Until about a year ago Koerner is de- scribed as having been a devoted hns- ‘band. Koerner's peculiarity began at that time, when he attended a meeting of spiritnalists. After the meeting spiritualism absorbed his attention to the exclusion of his family and the det- riment of his business. Koerner claim- ofl to have seen a visiof, the figure of a man clothed in white, carrying a Bible, and which told Koerner that he was commissioned to save a human soul. He became acquainted with Reunben, and idea possessed him that Reuben was person he was to save. Renben ap- pears to have fallen under the £pell — 3. Louis Globe- Democrat. - FORTUNES FOR TWO. ue For a Life Poni , the Other For a aker. ; Harry Brows of Portland, Or., a oamric opera comedian, while filling an mmprofitable engagement in Cleveland i cognect ee] being tha : ? ¢ th ¢ LTD brother of ¢ sles Henben, one. of the | dist gurement of th arian. { : | Parthenon 48 gd abso omred a boy named Kellogg of suicidal menia. Kellogg laughed for the first time in his life when he saw Brown, and when Mrs Kellogg died recently | #he bequeathed a comfortable fortune to the comedian. : Parker Pearson Valentine, who was | last heard eof in Colorado, is heir to | $100,000 left him by his mother, Lucy | Valentine, who died in Wisconsin re- | cently. Valentine. left iment iis to | escape arrest for murder 25 years ago. Young V:icntime married against the wishes of his mother and in a few months digpovered evidence of his | wife's unfaithfulness and killed her lover. He obtained no sympathy from his mother, and he left Minneapolis | pmever to return. She sought for him in vain. In making her will besides be- | . queathing him all her property she - es- - tablished a fund to be ased in searching far the missing son. If he is not found, the property all goes to St. John's home | mn Milwaukee. —New York World. What Peru Js Doing. In Pern it has been discovered that | 4,000 rifles have disappeared from the’ national armories during the lafest rey: olationary dis sturbances which brought about the overthrow of General Caceres | ‘and the advent of the present president, Dr. Nicolas Pieroln. There are there fore in the republic at present 4,000 armed men who do not belong to. the | regular army, which is a menace to “phblic geace in a country where there are always people dissatisfied at the po litical results of any revolution. ~ Still the new government intends to take good care of the material and other | interests of the republic, and it Las re- | cently appointed Senor Rafael E. Val- | buena to finish the map of Peru, a scien- tific and nseful work which had been in- ‘trusted to Senor Raymondi, a celebrated * . geographer, who died lately in Paris. — New York Tribune. In Lieu of » Son Serpent. . A correspondent at Red Oak, Ia., re- cently rent out the following story: "Mr. Lidwell, living several miles north of here, had a surgical operation ~. for cancer of the face performed in | .Qymaha a short time since in which it | was found pecessary to turn a flap of the skin back on the wound, turding the hair on the inside. The hair keeps | ing, and at regular intervals Lid- | well has to go to a doctor -to have the | ‘inside of his mouth shaved, the hair | growing from the reversed flap throng to the mouth.’ : An Aged Woman's Remarkadie Feat. Sugar Valley, Pa., comes to the front | with a remarkable specimen of the new | ‘woman, only in this instance the wom- | an is just six years past the allotted | ‘threescore and ten in age. It is Mrs. | Mary R. Zimmerman, who recently went into the oatsfield and cradled two | swaths 100 yards in length the entire | distance without stopping. Pittsburg Dispatch. Michigan's New Park. Secretary Lamont has igsned an order transferring the possession of the | grounds of the old Fort Mackinac, on | the island of Mackinac, to the state of Michigan. It is to be used as a park by | the state, and the grounds, if given up | by Michigan, will then revert to the federal government. “ Its Chance For Usefulness. It has been found that molasses mixed | ' with sand makes a better pavement than | asphalt. The popularity of this new | paving material, however, will depend | an the amount of sugar there is in it for | the contractors. —Chicago Tribune. At the Parade of Knights. ‘There were swords enough in the ‘Globe. { telicus, woich oveil | They sung a hymas or two, an thin— the GREECE'S PROUDEST TEMPLE TO oe | " RESTORED. : Disfigured by Wars and Vandals—Erected to the Worship of a Woman —Cost Mere Than Any Temple Except Solomon's. The news shat the Parthenon at Atheps is to be restored awakens deep . interest, for shore are no other ruins on | the face of the earth that inspire such! mingled feelings of admiration and re- | | ished the haveeed becility and stupidity. It was the f fice on the @uest sits in the wa ind hallowed by the noblest. pecoll | tions that cm (heart. The Gree! heritage of Qpeinsi] “1 more wish had be £1 + handid daven without rust of time or the blemisl ration. of the te impossibility, Tt is himpoReiledd from ¢ © fact he conrfste 1 FUNDER STRANGE SPELLS 0 RENEW 8 GLORY, ‘STORIES OF THE DAY. A Yew Yarns Picked Up In the Streets of Chicago. Hoy was waiting for a erosstown elec: tric car at Thirty ninth street and Indi- | ana avenne and looked as if he had just | | ons two or three miles for the stock and ‘for househeld purposes, and it's so blown in from the drought stricken dis- trict of Logan county, where farmers sometimes have to hanl water in wag- scarce that the children aren’t allowed to wash their faces oftenér than once a woek. The first car that came along was pulling a track sprinkler, and it ast GW PH, 1°11 he switched,’ ha himself, “ef thevain't in water, an they hain't got ser ter keep ir fr ey esa bed half a mile an tf ful of watar i PATA i was very particniar with nt was trying toe » Lit t.the little child by [ hand. Tha child's obj that there is no detailpd Mistoric: I acconnt of this | in its origimed Beauty and glory, never thought it westh while to describe it in | detail. He wiete as if ho expected that { the temple wagmld be preserved eternal | and unchanged. From that time on the | Roman, the Gth, the Venetian, the Turk, the Greek himself, the English- | at the man with an inquiring lock for man and in fapt everybody else hus put | his vandal hands npon this most glori- ous creation of man. While its eomiplete restoration is not dreamed of, the preservation of the ruins, which means the practical res- toration of the structure, is what the Greek Archmelogical society bas un- dertaken with great enthusinem. The society has raised $200,000, and hopes to raise as mask more, which is believed will be ample $n preserve the ruins from disintegratios. The work on the ruins is goon $0 be eemmenced. all Athens woedhiped a wornan. It was a strange idea for the Greeks to wor- , have been graduated? At the timad the Parthenon was built | - ship a virgin, for neither virginity nor | ‘womanhood was highly prized among | the Greeks. There is much better reason for » Parthenon or templa to Athena! or Minerva ® New York than inf e | Athenry at that time, fir our new wi | an’’ is very muuch more of an At to 1A than the maid or matron of Athens ever 4 | among the passengers who climbed | | be anscrapnious, hat it is fel was. + But this glorious temple was Sodien od to a woman who was born from the i jnmped np and offered her his seat, She brain of man In the days © f Then { tocles, the temple on the semmit. of th Acropolis, dedicated to tha vb dess Athena, was destroyed by After the Greeks defeated the Per rsial on the plain of Marathon, Pericles, the | ablest statesman, abont 420 B. C., or dered Phidisg, the greatest and Ictinas, the greaicst aro! build a ne® temple on the old one. Thia is the Pari from the marble quuorics whose marble is a: x The building of t! have cecupted 6 was not the largest bat it must have ancient €o Lee . temple. — New ¥ Witle washed Cond, ‘We are carvy'uia our passion for cléan liness pieily a £1 WE tithe tu washing the eo in rine Thi’ was the oom Friday when tho 1 her dar ante i Jo! Osborne. Onsy ! whitewashed, fe supplies fram at the tender. —Lanid fie Got the Chromo, A New Yarkar who marr ing picture’ lst June has sus divarce. Well, it's not alwar matter to distinguish a wl fram a chrome aficr suns Digpatch. The Bloomer Mestin. They had a woman's meetin ut Piitvil the-Blow. The subject up was, ‘ Bloomers—=2hall 7 Stay, or Shall They Go: The gpeakin, it was Jively, the orators sable, With Bister Wilkins in the chair, hut me $1 on the taba 2 The meetin opened with a prayer § direstion; up a colleotion To make the meetin © rthodox, an ther came the gavel An pitched the gestion in the crowd, =} blocmners stay or travel? ’ Mirandy Spriggtms started out with: © ters, laws ‘8 mossy! They ain't no qusstion ‘bout these styles in bloomers bel sassy. I wouldn't nevee put ‘em on for this her: whole creater! They're goin to run your husbands off an ruin this bere nation!’ : Then Chairman Wilkins took the floor an went for Sister Spriggins. Bho said a woman Weak as she should gallop out the diggin’ An then a Banoo women rose, an in the speechifyin Spriggins fiyfn. Then Sister Bolter tock the stand when quiet was a-reigoin; t Bbe said there wasn't any use in women folks compl ainin > ‘Bout bleome Byles an biey kiles an these new fangled twitches, . For, since she'd wnowed herself, she'd been a-wearin of the breeches! : i She got three cheers, or, maybe, six; the wo men throfged around her i An put her ou jhe table—she, a big two hun dred por An then the table it came down, an furniture wus flyin, Till ft was dangerous to ‘be round, with all thern women cryin! ! You bet that it was Bvely! The house turned upside down; | Somebody rang tovdipe bell an summoned | half the town, _* The buildin was GRPFAUWS ied, an with hair all out of comb i They canght them bloomer women, an their bushands led 'em home. —Frank L. Stanton in Chicago Times-Herald. eh er A op mA A A +1 jr to this lady who is carrying a baby IL eagd holt “#8 well known ip Chicago as | * home-—Peoria, Bitehbeock was as . erally ready to bite, for Hitcheo i ¥aostly On his desire to YAKS INO 3 the atte sitio < of a passenger, 3 ed over and tenderly Lftéd the to a seat. The child was polite enon) to say, “Thank you,’ bur the woman, did pot deign to notica the man, When the ear stopped at Yectiuria avenus, 1iie short, broad woman tombled off "and told the child to come to Wiggling down from ber seat, the little girl gazed a moment and then said: “Help me down, man.’ : “Help yon down? Of course I will,’ he replied. “Thank yom,” said the child when] ghe was placed on the ground. The short, broad woman did not look at the man, but taking tha child by the arm she paid: : “You mustn 't do that way. It ain't polite.’ From what school of good or bad manners could that short, broad woman The polite young man had a seat very much crowded Cottage Gr nue car. Several strong looking 3 womeR were hanging on to the straps, but the polite yoonng mun kept Lis seat beeanse. he was very tired amd had an jdea that an old er a weak lonking! woman might get on the car after] awhile, and then | T d get up. The card stopped at Twenty-secon river | Hine street, and! aboard wags a tired Jook ing Woman carry: ing a hai vy. The polite young man looked at the place where he had been gitrone and said: “ Derd va€ no room. The pilite young man turned, and in the seat he had just vacat<l was a Chi cago hog. : “‘See here, my friend,’ said the p. ¥. m., ‘I just got out of that seat to give | ‘‘Dot vas all right,’ said the Chis: ' hog. “She vas my vife.' The p y. m. inserted the fingers of] ! his right hand down under the shirt ! ¢ollar of the Chicago hog, jerked him] i out of the seat and pushed into it the! i woman with the nbs, nog vy $y y 3% 1- Om can act the vith your wifé! in your own house,” said the p. y. m.,| “brit pag in my seat on a street car. “Dot vas all right. She vas my vife,’ : was the only eoniment ade by the Chi-| The Lite Frank Hitebeock was 1 * 1 : ina Battln on In a paiitacal tattia as xy ping down thieves, and when he edria snd wanted a little wodld play a joke on ivy. well known distiller. ' The last time Hitchcock ran for mayor i vf Peoria, Easton as usual was against 3. mp OO 58 cn Se SC AA SH A kim, and Frank knew it. Frank was| sare he would be elected, so he pat up| an elaborate job on Ed. About 9:30 on election morning (it wae bofive the day | of the kangaroo ballet) Hitchroek drove; rapidly down Washington strect to the a board of tigde, next door to which is Easton's office. Ed saw him and ran out to ask him how the election was going. | ‘Bully,’ said Frank. ‘I'm just go- ing down to the south end to corner a lot'of men.'' And he drova off. At 123 o'clock, when he knew Ed! would be about leaving his office. Frank drove by again. Easton ran out into the street to ask him what his chances were. “Oh, taole.ably good,” answered Hiteheock, looking as if he was trying to be cheerful. ‘‘Still,’’ he said, as he’ drove on, ““Iwon’'t say I have a sure thing.?* . About 4 o'clock sev eral of Hitcheoek's friends posted themselves in places where Easton would be likely to go te bet, and Frank drove slowly and gloom. ily down the street by Ed's office. East on went out and asked how he was making it. : Frank didn’t stop and didn’t say any: thing. With his hat brim pulled down i over his nose he drove slowly along, | They rashed her to a winder an—sent Sister | shaking his head. Easton reached for | his hat and sailed out to nake. 8 bets against Hitcheook, ‘He to give odds, and Hiteheock's friends were willing to take them Hitehooek | was eléeted by his usual big» and his gloomy drive down Washing | street cost Easton abonr $1 500, —Ch- ! and the galop! No. The imag ‘chaos of legs reigns. The ago Post. i He's Agin "Em. " Bloonier elad sylphs in the schotti 1 aia recoils, reason reels and an ipsxtricable floor manager + at Jackson park had the true westhetio { xi bi li he bloomer mast hl gensibility. If the bloomer mast bloom, let it be a wheel by the wayside. Beauty | and the beast may consort in fiction, ' but the beautiful and the bloomer are divorced by the absolute neompatibili- ty of their characteristics, —Chicago Evening Journal. | he has dione some things that he should | tions with. But conversely it is realized i and intimately concerned and intarasted +1 in proraoting - the material prosperity tof the Iman race. _{ more pressing, his methods or aflilia- | tions were not always such as a consci- ‘theater coupon is a duplicats ticket that i duplicate of the coupon that the thanter fo goer helds is left with the. tutket taser at ! THE TOOTHSOME SHAD. CPi ‘sg Bk 5 Kr” wo Se a RE SNR THE NATIONA A Few Particulars as to Their Appearance An Amocistion of Mea ant Wonen te Some Wall Muown People Relate » Pew. on the Atiantic Coast. The shad begin to appear in the rivers ‘about ‘March 18, and they contimme to arrive until the middle of June. Jt isa remarkable fact that each oolony is'in- variably divided into three grand divi- gions, which arrive at different times, thus making three smocessive shoa’s, or, as the fishermen call them, “runs” The first run is both small in nninbers and especially poor in guality, and 1t is interesting to observe that this is truoe ‘of the herring as well ag of the shad This advance guard 18 largely OMPORE +d of what are known as’ and they Qitfer oi m the others. in such nay. legree as to form a « istingt va- hickory'' shad, i TIER To {fishermen in the (Cnosatidaxe d o N : . bay have an nu- dosnt B asa (ral Mt Gyver accent enid. weather, which, in rine arriving, wiananse pen to seek the protection of the mind at the bottom of time river, wiiere they redialn ; nntil the chill has left the water. It 18 impresible to estimate the mumber of | fish entering a river in one of these y | : rans. Tae estimate of 2,066 000, which | has bear, made for the Delaware, is we ory | mode ate, in view of the fact that more ley, who is secretary and president of Foster Art and Culture. Mr. E V. Smalley, sa newspaper worker of great success and wide expe- rienoe, is interesting his fellow laborers in the journalistic vineyard in the pro- spectus of the National club, an sssocia- tion of men and women who recognize the value of edncation, art and enlture. It appears that the club is incorporated under the general laws of the state of Illinois for organizing corporations ‘not for pecuniary profit,’’ and its charter is perpetnal. The location of the clubhonse, which, | by he +) ita wvmtain 1.000 bed- al Ty rl of 35 acres, inn Kane rail from Chi. , costing 8300 dnes and en v to the priv. wich the. ife ers The snnuad merahership wv $35, with annual nos £5 Whew 16 anpears feas) ble, and information eoficerning it ean be had from the Rev. Samus LG =mith, D. D., president of the provisional board, St. Paul, Minn, or of Mr. Smal- & the St. Paul Press club. —Howard in New York Recor ler. head of the fan Peg Yerus. ‘“Were one in se rch of canine imal ligence,’” said Re -resentacive Ma ‘Aurelius Smith on: dav lust sossic @ a cloakroom conversecion, ‘‘ha or ld pe no better exhibition than is fur- nished by the shepherd dogs of Arizona and New Mexico. Over in the San. Simon country, out where I live a friend of mine has a sheep ranch. I was on a visit to his flocks one day. | There are men with the sheep, hot ail day long, while the bunches are oat . grazing, they are entirely under the care of dogs. he dogs take tha hicks + out in the mworming and boing them back at lit. Ome ) ind visited gos charg: ¢ HOLLY and Ber three pups ¢ oprirse the yong dns. were fell grew iid as big as their parent, her greg def- erorce and perfuct cbedidnes, sad” it not. only the v, tut In Supreme obs mand of the flock My friend toidiine that sometimes the pops grow las and wouldn't haif do the duty. The mather dog would remonsirate with growls and was leat . attempt to compel them to be alert and THE LABOR BUREAU. Pushing Anvestigations In a New Field of Inquiry. The barean of labor has recently un- ‘industrions. As the flock was graziog along the pasturage, a handful of siep might point out from one side and begin to stray from the main bane The pups would notice it, but, being listless than 10,004) shad have been taken | dertaken am independent investigation and indifferent, made no sign of going | in one haul of the seine in the waters of | that river. The third run is sm}, like the first. and though the fish are fine in | quality it receives little attention. It is probably composed of stragglers from | | the maia body who are somewhat tardy | in their arrival. — Lippincott’ 8 The Devil Up to Date. The popular contemporary conception of satan is of a highly suocessful man of the world. It is admitted that there are shady spots in his past history, that regret, that he is a hazardous assoviate and an unsafe person to have transac- hat he is rich, powerful amd attractive "He is known 10 be | full of anterprise and publio spirit, dis- posed to make things pleasiit and pow- erful in carrying tlie enterprises with | which be 1% conoerned to a profitable is- sue. It is true that he is ur derstood to t that sue- | that vhen ¥ cons exenses very much, and § ¥ > wa itvy an) fog x i Ck Wag an individual has attained a position which enables him to be useful fo the | public it is a mistake to be overnioe | about rejecting lus good offfces in early life, when his necessities were Iw pure | entions person could approve. —3orib- ner ‘8 —— gm sia te 6 Bad For un Doctors. The latest wrinkle in the way +H a will enable the visitor to any theater to be feund and called away from the an dience at any time during the perfurm- ance ‘without attracting any undue amount. of notice or disturbing his] neighbors to any material extent, A the entranee. A messenger seeking the | a | theater goer gets this daplicae and | { hands it 5 an usher, who (uletly not SET fies the man Wa Bi mmebody Nails VO 8 him. A gunpiy of ven to the ticst taker [« srformance, and he gives | é ‘ho ask for them free of | | have fallen mito the cans in a field of inquiry which it has not be- fore entered. The work of American; seamen in the merchant service is the | subject to which the officials of the bu- rean are devoting a part of their atten- tion during the present season. Agents | have been stationed at five principal ports of the country—New York, Bos- | ton, Philadelphia, Baltimore and San | Francisco—whose bnsiness it is to in- vestigate the conditions of the life and | service of the common sailors employed | in the merchant shipping carried on under the United States flag. The terms upon which seamen are’ employed, the wages paid them, the treatment accorded to them at sea, and incidentally the rations and accommo dations furnished on shipboard are be- ing investigated. Particular attention is being paid to the contracts made. | with seamen and to the enstom whieh | largely prevails among ship captains of engaging the services of n tiddiemen to | enlist they crows — Baston Herald. A Girl's Bicycle Feat, Miss Belle Steele of Deposit, N. Y., ig a bloomer gir! whose conrage i8 not lanking, even in dangeroas places. Dur. ing the last twa weeks ten whenimen while trying to pass on the wide towpath underneath tha old white bridge at Tracevville. It was thought to be a hoodooed spot for | cyclers. But Miss Steele, as a taunt for the male riders, declared she could pass under the bridge on her wheel six times | within one foot of the water's edge for a wager of $10. The money being put. up. she undertook the feat on Wednes- day night. The six trips were made in less than ten minutes, the rider going within a few inche# of the water's edge each time. A big crowd turned ont to gee the new woman dissipate a sapersti- tions notion of the men, and they were {delighted when the » placks wheelwomun got the money. — Bu alo » Bsprese Why Be SL ok the Child. fA man riding im a Braga sr i pas of these SPeIdd Counen | “ig 3 i Pea £34 SRT TUL EY © wr, § {7 fi : g ' nora Riad In TORI NI LE Lie Las { he plan is. now on trial at the lg & ¥ rk, ud 1s Likely to be} pear 1- 1 ¥ovr 511 tha rrry i don aap tes! y 8.i the theaters A440 Geek kh ; . | y - i oer ww 3 has been patentéd by a theater goer wa ! has made a la JZ study of ; dl inthe aa dience, and who says he make raoney out « ot | it. —~NewY rk San. Pat, Fair and Rorty: Amtihe he, m Fete ries whith sire plst- office pfrtack ities wer requastell to fath em racintly wus to fa wl te rénei per gon to deliver a letter to. © As the aande and the address are not known, th's be- comes 0; very difficult task. The letter is addressed thus: Widow lady, 38 years old, -light hair aud gray eyes. weight 180 or 163, name forgotten.’ The person writing the letter lives in a small rown in Indian Territory. and asks that if the postmaster canna: find the woman that the letter be rerurned in 20 days. —Cincinnati Commercial Ga- An Cabrolien Becord. Statistics are given to show thas “'there are 967 women employed in the national and state banks of the United States, and no woman so employed has ever yet been found to be a defanlter. ™ ‘Bat men have alwars contended that women did pot know the valve of money. Na xl Phin Dealer Worse Than the Bicyete Face. Mrs Edith Sessions savy the: new man as seen in New XY rk 18 No wonder. swing him oat 2etle, eh, L Yt 5: vo and caney | De jan a eres. —Chweago And Her Name Is Moore. Mrs. Henry Moore of Monroe alls, }., has given birth to her sixteenth i i thild ir. 15 vears. They were all s ngle | § 1 births, and 14 are hving and healthy Mrs. Moore is 86 years old. : This Is In Illinois, If that 10-year-old boy who is in jail | for Sten} ing 20 cents were only older and had stolen more, he would be more likely to be in the legislature thun in 1 the jail. —Chicagoe Post : 8 goirg to} 3 ! | stop, and” its head wonld nod sleepily | street, says a Washington * | she staid. y defanlter among them! | ! second iit when HEA ‘1 and sand mean wd itd 3) HEIL WG ¥ 3 he | father wat a waried look, and the baly continued to ery. Socasionally it would 5 | Then the father wonld shake the young- | ster vigrrously, waking it up and start ing 118 tears al Fially aw 1, wha had been ners ously wat: he npnateral faths walked over ai im why he was maltreatiug the youngster. ‘Why said he, '1're ; hake her to heey her awake. She of a drug, and if she goes tas die.’ Just then the bux stopped. at allowed some Kind i leep she'll Broad amd Th aapson, and the father] and child got off and entered the Chil- dren's hospital — Philadelphia Reeord His Notion of Hospitality. There 1s nothing like making people feel at hore There 1s one man in 1 writer, wh prides himself on it. My friend Lauer ealled at bis homse pot long ago, and, as evervhody urged her to stay to dinner 1 3 fo » vy y I beefs teak for dinner 3 i ’ » 3 » yy poo 1 we i hat night, and if woimpiy ideal beet: teak. The host urged Luevy to take a | after politely Se ! murring she aceented 15. Ne was eating 10 tune said his fa hod rininess for you. Yoni r with a smile of erent expect. ‘An Example. The eodore—Tell me, now, what is the meaning of the expression, “peiling your ” zg: Richard—I can’t tell YOu in sO many | words, but I will illustrate.” You haven't | $10 about you that you can let me have | for a week or two? Thanks. — Boston Tra WECTIPL A Misfit Name. doesn und will. He ought to have S weit the title -—Chi after the delinquents The old dog wonid offer a few short admonitory yelps, which was her way of ordering her childeren to turn in those stray sheep. If they dallicd along, neglect ful of their plain duty, after that the old dog would suddenly land pedimell | upon one of the offenders, and, seising bim by the nape of the neck. give him a prodigious shaking op. ‘* After being ‘punished, the law pop wonld hie after the sheep angl rind them back to the flock and proveed to its duty with the ntmadst ardor. The old dog had to whip ber pops about tree times a week, however, to get pétfdes work. She was very strict with them. being a conscientious dog, who felt ber responsibility to her master “These sheep were confined in a wire oorral nights to kvep them from Ding abroad on moonlight oo Asie ns arid fail. ing a prey to coyotas There wer 5.864 sheep in the bunch. About early disk each evening the old dog and her Dupes would bring im the floc K on tury tiem through the bars into the corral They conld do it all except put op the bas Just as the first of the flock appivashed the corral the old dog wold rot sronnd to the front and toge wr ab stand by the bars and review the Boca as it filed into the corral Yes sir. She was counting the sheep. If one were missing from the whale 5,000, she would know. it the moment the last eiitered the sor ral She wonid give a yelp of critictsm and lead her pups out dpom the dark pastures to find that ke at sheep And they had to find it She wonll «dri them all night if seed Se Ordlingrily they could hunt it ont at once, snd "hen the four dogs wonid bring in the taint ‘on the ran with mach cimmor and bei ing, as if to reach It not-to » lag again.’ “Upm Nes s Jo ser. obwerved Bok Murray whe rad he stl tii nha, *Ywa have a couple of dogs un our farm: Une is. a small scofeh terrier and the otis a giant Newfoundland They am fale good friends, and one . thelr pies pleasant exercisas-—to tiem at Binion: 4 to lie cut in the front yam aril Pees down to the gute id bark ar orPy WAROD ana CUTiag 1 wo Bh peyer oma § voriTorous cRreTenY and seen fo dery eval VR Irie th : “Tha th dav tan fers : Wik re i ing on the gra g 1 midday dnd hot, ait the farrier wis of rest. Wad denly the Newfonndind came pon ihe scene with a luscions ham bone ta bis mouth. For the very evident purpose GI ADNOYIng the little tener, Jack: - the Newfoundland, spread himsell altng the grass with his ham 09 (of Rone feet from the riers SCUSILIVE BOSS Then he procesiled in” an aundihie dud anctuons manned to gnaw the ham bape. It was maddening to the ham boneless terrier. At last he tinudly spproaabed his oid friend Jack Wonld Jack object if he niblied his . very excellent and aromatic han bane with him? That wis about whats the terrier asked. : i Jack ceased mumbling the lane long enough to show sll his white umth ‘and growl sthunderously. He objecsed. |r Like many other rich people, Jick was ‘selfish, and did not propose tw divide | his ham bone with the poor “The terrier drew back. aud rem a if unable to bear the sight of Jack's Mun ' bone, 1m which he had no part, he sway tered around the coraer of the bedpe to the driveway Here be was oot of sight | of the miserir Jack, licking his hone. “ Without word or w i the ters rier, the moment he as hiddim Seow view, began to split Ee hearvis wath : his barkings. Clearly a carringe Roe coming, and from the aprour of ‘the #r- , rier Jack thought it must be iv oonch ‘and six. The ruse caught bir. He | sprang up, and, leaving thé ham € for the instant, came the hedge to bay the coach and. ‘alas, all was vacant There coach and six... Not evem a bu ‘was in sight. Ink stood state of dase. Then he | his ungnarded ham ¥ | nneasiness gripped Bin. | to the rescue. But he | got there just in tim | sharp friend. far away | ‘chard on the keen | was in his { i that it was n | bunko s | joined me f the pacing world! Ig | tarned | Ing my A BL Co Sl AR i A MN A bes ans al . i
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