| but sendy, good cooking doen it. I Patton Courier. | | ment to lag, and never miss an issue in | my chosen publications. Advertising has made my store one of the largest | in the country.” P ATTON PUBL ISHING CO., Proprictos, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1895. AVSTRALIAN TIN. The staniferous or tin-bearing area TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. | One copy, one year, in advance, . $1.00 Advertising rates made known upon : : ar Raton 2 in New South Wales is estimated at £9 No papers discontinued until all ar '85, 500,000 acres or R500 square miles. rearranges are paid, unless at the option of the . publisher “in, : Up to the present, most of the tin has Entered at the PostoiMce at Patton as second- been obtained in the New England dis- | class mail matter. ‘trict. The value of the tin and tin ore COUNTY. ‘raised in the colony and exported, from TIME OF HOLDING COURT. the beginning of 1875 to the end of 1st Monday of March 1st Monday of Sept | i 1894, was $51,289,250. . Ist X nday of June Ist Monday of Dec. OFFICERS, PresSIpDENT JUDGE—~HONn."A. V. Barker. ProTHONXOTARY--]J, C. Darby. REGISTER AND RECORDER—D. A. MeGough. TrEasURER—F. H. Barker. SHERIYF-—1), W. Coulter. EBENSBURG. - EpENsRURG, Pa. Sept. 17, 1895. The jary commissioners were in town | bo day filling the jury wheel and draw- DereTY SHERIFFS—Samuel Davis, Elmer ing the list of jurors for the December | - | the New York Thrice-a-week World term of court. Lioyd,| . E. P. Baker, one of Susquehanna | few years? One can hardly think they | are trying stock raising for profit, and Lit is not possible for such to keep long out of debt. Let the follies we see be our lessons. The orchard is an exiulient location CoMMIs€10XERS—P. J. Dillon, phy. COUNTY SURVEYORS, (5. Eetterman. hy » Martin | Hastings, ‘drove to Phair on | BOROUGH OFFICERS. %}: hours in town Monday. Young, Ralph Letsch, | es Porter Kimports, one of Cherry- © TREASURER—W. H. Sandford. F. H. Ki Rend, H. 0. Winslow Avorrons.- n ' low & Hite, liquor dealers of Johns- | SIREES CONMIMIONER=A. 4 Jackson. i “W. A. Payd. of Lo mpa- | ties is taken from the New York | who has been visiting her parents, Mr. | to women is likely to puzzle those who | | days. left to-day for Johnstown where | ‘Whatever the immediate cause it is | ‘rode their wheels from that place on attributable to the increasing desire of Spent a few hours and then returned It has been said that the question of burg. Washbarne’ ‘that was merely a question of time. €Vening, both of which were very well of sex, but are anxious that both their Patton “Courier.” AN UNSATISFACTORY RACE. {or other<substances. Wash them for | mains on this side of the Atlantic, but| 17° Hubbard squash may be stored beyond cavil, and it gave promise to teemed of all the varieties of squash, permitted the Valkyrie to cross the ers feed and care for their stock in such | Yankee boat. It would have been vie simply refsed to run, on actount for a poultry house, as the hens have a E. Davis, DISTRICT ATTORNEY —R. 8, Murphy Geo. M. Wertz. . COMMISSIONER'S C LERK John (. Gates. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT—J. W. Leech. COUNTY AUDITORS—Wm. J. Jones, W. C. juror. TORY COMMISION ERS Ansiem Weakland, COROXER-—Dr. Geo Poor SE Moore, James Som- | Thursday. erville, Baphie Bernard Wills, one of Loretto’s BUrGess—W. J. Donnell : . prominent young men, spent a few emo_iseain Bell, proigcor; ran mp! . F. oun, AIpE Lateeh,, well president; “0; Henry McNulty, of Barnesboro, was | H. re ArT. W. H. Sandford, He in town yesterday attending to scme | -urer; Jesse E. Dale, H. E. Barton, Samuel | huginess affairs. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE—Jesse E. Dale, Jas. | lon. tree's influential citizens, spent Monday CLERK Harvey Factersan. night in Ebensburg. ik Tou. H. Ricker. David Costlow, of the firm of Cost- Juba or ELEcTioN—Sam’] Boyce." | town, shook hands with his many] : — Walter Weakland. kgs oy yD oh me: friends here on Friday. HIGHER EDUCATION FOR WOMEN. | Died by his mother, visited Ebensburg The following in regard to the edu- | | and took in the show on Wednesday. cation of women in Catholic Universi- | Miss Edna Jones, of Greensburg, | ‘World: and Mrs. W. A. Jones, who are so- ‘The action of the Catholic Univer- | journing in Ebensburg for the benefit sity at Washington in opening its doors | °F Mr. Jones’ health, for the past few | have looked upon it as the most con- she will be the guest of Miss Quinn. servative of all conservative educa- | Messrs. Chas. . Hibbs, Chas. Noel, tional institutions. | Chas. Rushner and J. L. Lee, of Irvona, hardly doubtful that the action of the Sunday morning and were in Ebens- w.iversity is in harmony with the ‘burg for breakfast and about 9 o’clock * spirit of modern Americanism, and is ‘started for Johnstown where they all educated Americans to give woman 3nd passed through town on their way | the highest education of which she is to Patton. capable, , Wednesday was gala day in Ebens- | higher education for women was settled | With the elephants, lions, tigers, ete, | when the first woman learned the 230d gave two very good exhibitions, g. alphabet. And in the United States the time has Attended and everybody was Pleased. | come when fathers no longer discrimi- | FARMING NOTES ‘nate among their children on account | re Interest to the Farmers Who, Resd the daughters and their sons shall be Potatoes should be cooked for swine; | as well educated and intelligent. as for fattening cattle they can be fod raw | possible.” or cooked when given with hay, meal | in milk, and feed about 25 The international series of yacht OC races for the America’s cup has oi a /POUNds a day. They are not good for disappointment. It is true the cup re- | very young cattle or lamba. | away in the same manner as the pump- it is not at all satisfactory to keep it ‘here under the is actory 0 Ad kin, which it greatly resembles. It is. first race was won by the Defender _ of the most serviceable and es- an interesting series, with great hopes 0 Will keep through the entire eépin Y hy winter. iL 1 kor ig the WH y i ae Send | It is not true that one-half the farm- line first, but which justified the De- | fender in protesting and the yacht committe in awarding the race to the much more satisfactory if a resail had | been arranged. The third event was a | distinct disappointment. The Valky- of alleged obstructions. and the De. | TAE" and in the summer they can fender went over the course alone. 1 | 72% to the trees for shade. Fruit : growers who use hens in the orchards Li JB 0 row pity teh meh, 3 clear conse state that the trees are protected from have been given him; but it must be - remembered that the Defender had precisely the same difficulty to contend | with if there was a difficulty such as | the visitor complained of. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. A cure or consumption has been re- large numbers of them. Some farmers object to animals that are heavy consamers of food, prefer- ring the light feeders. A good appe- tite indicates health and thrift, and aa : the greatest increase is secured when ' animals are capable of consuming large | ported to the State Department by quantities of food no objection should - United States Consul Chancellor at be urged against them. Something Havre. He says the cure was first cannot be had for nothing, and the brought to the attention of the world | best animals are those that have good at a congress of physicians and appetites, and are of breeds that are scientists at Bordeaux to consider the capable of giving corresponding re- question of combating consumption by | sults from the food they consumed. vaccinaton. Professor Marigliano, an Queer Egg Problem. Italian savant, read a paper which at- Some mighty intellects in German- tracted much attention, claiming to town says the Philadelphia Record, are ~ have discovered an efficascions process now wrestling the following problem. for the treatment of consumption by the It is not very difficult of solution, but injection of tubercular serum, which | has already been the cause of consider- he says renders the subjects of this able profanity these warm days out in _ most formidable disease immune. The that pedceful suburb: A woman took ‘consul recalls the comparative failures a basket of eggs to the city for sale. of other attempts to treat consump- Upon being asked how many she had tives successfully, and says this partic- | she replied: If I take the eggs out of ular process is still in the experimental | ‘the basket two at a time, I have one : stage. ‘left. If 1 take them out three at a WANAMAKER ON GOOD ADVERTISING, | ime I have one left. If I take them “I do the heaviest advertising in | | out six at a time I have one left; but if dall times,” says John Wanamaker, in ‘1 take them out seven at a time I have writing on that subject. “Then itis | none left.”” How many eggs had she ~ when people look most keenly for bar. | I the basket? - gains, and are anxious to know how | Children, especially infants, are soon much things cost, and when they can run down with cholera infantum or save money. I advertise particular | ‘summer complaint.” with my stock. One big dinner won’t rely on it. keep up the reputation of the house— | Hodgkins. Use no other. never permit interest in my announce- | | township's prominent citizens, was in| attendance at court last week as a . New York World. The Twice-a-week edition of dhe New York World has been converted “into the Thrice-a-week. It furnishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of One Dollar a year. This gives 136 a . year for One Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight columns wide or 48 columns . in all. The Thrice-a-week World is not only much larger than any weekly or semi-weekly newspaper, greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines all the crisp, fresh qual. ities of a daily with the attractive ‘special features of a "weekly. And x will get the Thrice-a-week World and the PATroN COURIER for one year. Think of it. Call at the COURIER of- fice and leave your name. You can get the PattonCOURIER and | for only $1.50 per year. : The Editor Meant Well. A Western Alabama editor ment recently, and he wanted to be particularly nice about it, so he men- tioned the names of several young | ladies of the town, and wrote, ‘‘they | all filled their parts to perfection.’ Then he went home. When the paper | appeared it was found that the printer ‘had put an ‘‘n”’ in the place of an ‘‘r”’ but it furnishes the news with much : writing up a local theatrical entertain- | 'G. N. Schnell and H. Milton NefY, of | net Sra ir P.P. Young & Bro, Firsthation iBank Ww holesale nnd Retatl Dealerin "OF PATTON, a Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. FR ES H M EAT I ’ - OF ALL KINDS. Lard, "FIFTH AVENUE, Y wy, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. | Bologna, ‘Phoenik BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ete., Hastings, Penn'a. ASSETS of ‘Fire Insurance Companies | Patton, Pa. for - nothing, yet that Such a scheme is not neces- cash prices at which 1 sell 200d» will able you to live cheap =1F = You wil only tile advantage of them CAPITAL PAID UP, 350,00, 00. SURPLUS, $10, 000.00 | als and Banks meeived upon the most favors- Etc jie terms consistent with safe and conservative . et 4, | Steamship tickets for sale for all the leading lines, Foreign Dmafts payable in the principal All Pep ence will have oar Pomp and { A. E. PATTON ‘Wu. H. SANFORD; Presi nt. Cashier ~ Represented ky the Amount to over $25,000,000.0. Best Kind of Protect! Think of getting your goods SL Kg of Protection. is what some people try to do." ACCIDENT INSURANCE « en CO. oF NEW YORK, professional men. Harvey Patterson, Accounts of Corporations, Firms, Individe- banking. | cities of the Old World. Interest paid on time deposits. The best in the world for business or agent. so-t1 Indeed everything after One in the afternoon and one in hole oe ~ | and fidelity. 'a way as to make themselves poor ina insects, and that the fowls destroy Don't wait to. - things, give prices and take as much determine, but give DeWitt’s Colic pains with my announcement as I do! and Cholera Cure promptly, you can’ C. W.| | sor 'in the word “parts. "—Atlanta Consti- | tution. There is no doubt, no failure, when you take DeWitt’s Colic and Cholera | | Care. It is pleasant, acts promptly, ‘no bad after effects. C. W. Hodgkins. For Sickness Get the Best. | Old Choice Wines from Speer’s vine- | | yards, Passaic. The rich Port Grape, | | the Claret, vin. 1881, the Burgundy and | Unfermented are anexeelled for enter- tainments, family use and invalids. | One bottle of Speer’s is worth three of | California wine. JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa. Stomach and bowel complaints are best relieved by the timely use of De- | Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist on having this preparation. Don’t take any other. C. W. Hodgkins. « ress (ods Libel in Divoree. Belle McCormick by her In the Court of Com- | next friend William | mon Pleax of Kiva r wo orig Coumy, : { No. 137 Mar. Term, : | Geo. B. MeCormick, j 1885, Our stock of dry To the Res ndent above named: The Sub-| mings for the late pone and alias Rubpeena in above case having | n by me retarned MON EST INVENTUS goods and trim- spring and early you | Summer season is not equa time to buy.. Come down or send to JAS. QUINN, Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa. | libellant, D. W. CovLTR Shertey # Office, Ebensburg, Sept. 1 ; | Harnes, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, Nets | and Whips, Blankets, Har- ! ness Oils, Etc. Repairing a Specialty. E. d. SEVERIN, Prop'r, PATTON, PA, TRRICE.A-WEEK EDITION. a ——— EN - | gE gual J. F- MCRENRICE, | The Twice-a-week edition of Attorney and Counselor at Law, the New York World has been EBENSBURG, PA. ‘converted win attend to all business with promptness | . | It furnishes ‘week. papers OMce oppotie the Mountain House, CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. Fivat-claus Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. ‘pages every week, at the old price of ONE DOLLAR a vear. This gives 156 papers. a year for Ome Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight - NBtf : : tin all. Reuel Somerville, er than any weekly weekly newspaper,but it farn- ishes the news with much Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. Office in the (Good Building. ness. In fact'it combines all the crisp, fresh qualities of a! daily with the special features of a weekly. Cg Will ¢ W. H. I. SECHLER, Attorney - af EBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. Going out of BU SIN ESS When I make enough to re- tire. But not having made any money on account of the de- pression, which is about over, | and the close margin I have on Hardware,. Tinware, Pumps, Lamps, Cinderalla Stoves - &c., I will have to continue serving vou by giv- ing Value for your MONEY, and from the increased pittion: | | age | expect to receive, I can sell good i as cheap as| F or one year. ee of it. Call at the Cou- A. M. THOMAS, KIER office and leave PATTON, pa |YOUr Name. Law, vet the Thilce e- aw eck \Y orld and the PATTON COURIER Think | { DRY GOODS, MILLINERY. ETC. ard Tri mung St a8 now nor prices so low. Now. is the into the Thrice-a- of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen’ columns wide or 48 columns! The Thrice-a-week World is not only much larg- or Se mi- greater frequency and prompt-| attractive You Could ‘Not find a more complete stock of General ‘Merchandise in a day's travel. Call and examine goods and priees, every- thing you want. =~ GEO. S. GOOD. Patton, Pa. No Superior and Few Equals GOOD BUILDING, ed. Cotton { are notified Jobe at the Foun of Common | | dress goods never were so han was here | Pleas a ‘am ‘ounty on the First Monday s circus jof December, 1885 to answer the x ther of "New York World To our Cook Stoves and Ranges. All are Guaranteed to be perfect workers. Our shelves are crowded with many desirable pieces of ‘tinware and cooking utensils of all kinds. Come in and see "THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE (0. Get the F reshest and the Purest GROCERIES, ig —AT wor i « PATTON SUPPLY co. Here are a few oie mentioned: Iw hité wine fod Pure Oil Cloths, Crocks and Jugs, Flower Pots, Ete. A full line of Flour and Feed. Cider Vinegar, Floor and Table OBSERVE: —We will pay one cent a-piece for signatures from Arbuckle’s Coffee wrappers, Save them and: bring them to our store. Yours for a Bargain, Patton Supply | i i i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers