——————b a tt at 4 —— Patton Courier. CRIMINAL COURT Si liam Rhode. . ’ Cl ; CE N TRAL - HOTEL, p Cases Tor Trial Friday, September 6, ag % 3 ; Mavisiem aan wi thy i JOHN R CORDELL, Prop’ nelly; malicious trespass; Frank Rod. — Lommonweaitn vy Mcher : > Whnipan ln and Retail Dealer in 2 : gers. 3 OF PATTON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1895. Catharine Melvin and Mot heleroth, . ~~“. | Bar in gtr ction al Li riley Cr Patton Cambria Co. : mB wi tations FRESH MEAT + Sallibrly G0 . nelly, larceny; Frank Rodgers. =~ John ¥. Dewhng, : . 4 : { y a A - w- 1 ¥ : 13 Tya% J . 5 : ; : A. i | ia i P. P. Young & Bre, [First Continued from Fi PATTON PUBL ISHING CoO.. Proprietors. | TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. : 1+ John Kurtz, loreeny by bailee; V SORA Save : Pt. a si George Goneska, false pretes a (CAPITAL PAID UP. tl a OF ALL KINDS. URPLUS, 10,0 als and Banks rece} val vad apo the consisten safeand One copy, one year, in advance, - - . $1.00 Ham Rohde, SF Advertising rates made known upon Henry Me Dermott et ab. malicious application. atari. . Tr oa a : S&S No papers discontinued until ali: ar mischief, Adarh Bcheierotn. iz : Fearages are paid, unless at the option of the John F. Dowlin : wnilt and ba Tee > publisher. : _Entereqd at the Postoffice at Patton as secobd. Aotoiinits of Richard Lewis v : > . ’ . > =r AAT ( ?.. tC. i Steamship tiekets or ly des the : ; Von besa ey : : | ines, Foreign «all the ending oa : | ctiet of the Old W tery. © nse x mail matter, > {tonrge fale £ . ; Morris 1« NUR our promptand COUNTY. 5 > 3 > = \ VENUE, | personal x Bidens ee iasies Alexander, nes 3 1 ; : TIME. OF HOLDING COURT. i Li Bxa i 3{ | ng paid on time deposits. 3 TY; bs in 2 v 1st Monday of Mareh - | Ist Monday of Se ’ : a : : op nf . As jet Mandaey of Jane ; | fst Mond iny OF oh i.e x16 Ae phx £0 a, JATCOTY y at : + : : £3 3 P atton, Pa OFFICERS, ew Monte PRESIDENT Jvpap.-Hen. A.V. Barker Bert LAwWis, passing fonnterfai : ln PROTHONOTARY J. C. Darby, : ee TY Pah { " : : 2 nti Shawn Y( REGISTER AND Recorpen.-11. A. MeGongh. TROREY, F. J. Hughes oo Bie ; 1 TREASURER F. H. Purher. Oharles Teval or Chive praging LU Cd . = : : SHERIFY ER V. Coulter, : . LE : rr. Mg SPRIFFsS--Samuel Davis, Elmer cotnteriait m sy: Bod Ring Davis, : idan T avis. 18 eoniriv i SCH ‘ : ; ; : DISTRICT ATTORNEY B.S, Murphy Frederick Laxton, larceny; J : ; rr En : ; ai CoMMIsSIoNERS- PJ ion, Y. Go Lloyd, Wiaon 34 : 1 : 1 Geo. M. Wertz, : : cs ws : 1] 3 : g Pet] 5 ! Lind . HiT O6ods COMMISSION ERS CLERK John C Gates, OO: P. Galer and J. B. Conrw : : : ri oh ‘3 ds for nothing, yet that COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. W. Leech. goipany J Glunt, ; = : : CC v.to do. Such a scheme is not neces- le entey Boi] FO = ide 0 ER + psh prices at which T sell good will COUNTY RURVEYOR--8, (4 £ OQ. P. fialer, forcibl COUNTY AUDITORS Wim, Berry, James Daily, ih : : at Lo JIRY CoMMISSION ERs — A nulem Weakland Glunt. Wm. Miller. as LC omane for _ CeRoNER-Dr. George Martin. : Hs : : plone « . : £13 ; Poor DIRECTORS. Moore, James Som. Comman sith vs Henry Wilot - : ; ; erville, Raphiel Hite. ia surety of the peace: prasecutor, Jes roel 7 : | | |B J > ’ : . : se * BOROUGH OFFICERS. atte Mowry. : Brrapss-W. J. Donnelly. : a : ] : : Corxci—-Linceln 8. Bell, president; 8. M " George Gillmor Wilson, Frank Campbell, BF. Wise, P.P.| eg Phy or gis ; ‘Young, Ralph Felech, Charles’ Plu 8 RBCHOOL BOARD £54, g Towel, president; G. peace: {ara Rtewrnrt \ H. Curfman, $1. Mandford tree * 0] : ich of the grer: Jesse BE. . k. Harton, ai rite] Mra Wi £ A LE antage O em Edmington. : vi ig So avinad : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Jesse FE. Tie, Jas Lavina Clem, «= : : i - Mellon, Mary (3nlick ST aaa TREASURER W. H. nl re Mary rua * . - : ” CLERK ~ hid Patte Wil HH. Varner. yA shew : - COLI ROTOR hay M : Varner ; Ho a A “Kinkend, H. 0. Winslow, | Edward McCue, assan : Ch Fae Harry Gould, © tes re Tr Junge of Frrorion- Sam’! Bove . Filen MeCae Ixgpporaon.- -Walter w enkiand, 3. AE if Tn for CHIEF OF POLICE--John Royce, : Edward MeCae, stock: of Gener STREET CO sso ERA. J. Jackson and battery; Ellen M RAIL 1C al ry rink niin sth : i William Cook, assan bi : : b ; ray el A YEAR'S INSURANCE BUSINESS x : oo. Emma Russell, ; The fire Insurance companies of 1 Le . lo Awe) ri eS. ey Pennsylvania did a more prosperous : ; : Pp | 1€CS, vey busines in 1894 than in the preceeding : year. They collected pe. (138,330 in premiums, and they 575 742 for losses, The Haven, 4 ih : he er DINING Ce Patton, Pa. —— iE premiums wi says that nm tended to lessen in reali gurance 8 more he bro y about by stri if ding and is tion laws : f defest fines ig res ible for : lowe ont of ave rv fotir A Titel ri that chimneys are vroie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers