pos 1 hai w dans LOVELY WOMAN, : mnt have an answer. You see keeping | Of the new fashioned woman there's much something back. Your mistress’ life may being suid, ' hang upon you. Tell me, do you know Of her wanting to vote and a’ that, And of her desire to wesr man’s attire, His coat and his vest und a’ that, And a’ that und a’ that. She m [J wear trousers and a’ that; She muy even ride a horse astride, - But a woman's a woman for a’ thas. Bee yonder damsel pansing by? "She's up to date and a’ that. | 0 Shim a vo what 4e alluded?” : [1] do." x . is to live. What did she mean?’’ “Doctor, 1 cannot tell you.'’ ' might save her life?’ “Yes. a. ‘“Then you are committing murder.”’ The nurse’s eyes were fixed on the fire. - And a’ that and a’ thut, ; - Bis suspenders and cuffs and a’ that, But do what fhe can to imitate man A woman's 8 woman for a’ that. "The modern maid, her form arrayed the flames. At last her courage failed : her, and in distress she cried: - She may wear bloomers for skirts and a’ Wear men's collars and shirts and a’ thet, | ; May wear vests if she will, but the fact 1Dbe doctor moved up to her. a remains still . hai ‘‘Nurse,’’ said he, ‘“‘one thing you woman's 8 worsan for a’ must do. You must tell me what you ; ~William West in Claveland Plain Dealer. | y,.,y If you do not, your life will be : bs made hideous and unbearable by the Shei HER ECRET. memory of tonight. Cannot you trust ee ‘me? You know she looks upon me as a ; i eo friend. The secret, if secret there be, _ Hushed in an awful quiet was the big ' is as safe with me as with you. Yom house, for its mistress lay sick unto must tell me. What did she mean by death. No longer wane it the abode of Linley? Is it a man’s name?’ laughter, for tears had taken its place, ‘Yes Lo and real sorrow had ‘usarped seeming Fir ihn Slanced jivolastarly a joy. Oarricges still drove up, but it was Oy could not hear; - over the straw covered road they came, nesd ict have lowered Bla Voice. and their occupants only tarried for in- a over?’ quiry. : 7 The clock struck, and the woman on ~The mistress of the house lay sick un- 1.4 was one step nearer the un- to death, she who was so beautiful and #0 glad. ‘Strange that she should be som- 6 3 moned when there were others, sorrow 1a this a0 ola affair? 1 mean is it in marked and stricken in years, who wait- “No. * : ed for the calland pruyed it mightcome my, qootor sighed He had brough : » yet waited and prayed in vain. po woman into the world, and be loved ere were others, too, not old nor gray yo. is own child before their time, who might have slip- ““What are we to do, sir?" ped away into the unknown almost un- whee indeed, pirse?’ ~ , noticed, while this woman had so many ties to bind her to earth—-her husband, her child, ber relations, her legion of It was hard she should be called away surely die unless she could be roused #0 early from the rich banquet that Iay | from her lethargy—this Linley might ‘‘But you must. 1 insist upon it. Is | ] that life of no consequence to you? Can | ! BE ws big cravat, you see her die and keep back what | She seemed to be seeking guidance from | “Oh, heaven! What shall I do? I dare He rose and paced the room in his ‘““Then in heaven's name, tell me. She ". must be roused from her lethargy if she | Within the precincts of the throme, And when they dreamed their work : o'er iy He only made them slave the more. Although the conquering king was he Of people who had once been free, No word of praise or promise fell From him his subjects served so well, And none of those who erowned him lord Received a shadow of reward, Obedience to his behest : " Destroyed their pesce, disturbed their rest. Yet when his drowsy eves grew dim No mortal dared to walkten him. They stole about with stealthy tread— “Tie baby is asleep,’ they said. ~Ellen T. Powler in Longman’s Magazine. THE MILK WHITE DOE The sound was so faint that only the ears of the skilled huntsman might hear it. It came from hundreds of tiny hoofs, muffled by the grass in the mountain park. ‘* Antelope P’ £0 - Together we lay face downward, I and my Indian guide, with our long rifles at easy rest, and awaited the com- ing of the band It dszshed over a hogs- back and into full view, a wildly leap- ing, struggling, undulating mass of red- dish brown, white tufted bodies stretched to the fullest speed. Nervous? Yes, for in a moment more the band would pass as within easy range. : . We lay with forefingers on the trig- gers as ‘the timid animals, wild with fear, skimmed along as if wafted by the spirit of the wind. Now they are direct- ty. Ilva We will ns TY Who ws hot Pibswi what| J. 07pite. Wo will n:ver nave such , did it matter? The woman would most another shot. : Onward they dash anc pass so closely by that it seems we can liear their heart- beata Their great, liquid eyes are wild with terror. Another moment aml the herd has swept by us; only the hindmost are in . view. Now they are ont of hearing and ous | of a good mother, let her husband mourn 1€T | the loss of his faithful wife. Aye, let . her die. Yet dare bs take this responsi- she lay in = pility upon himself? He could save her. ; | Of this he was confident. What had he | , $0 do with others? Saving life was bis . business. She must be saved. This Lin- . lay, whoever be was, must be sent for, | and at once. : ‘Nurse, we must send for him.’ But the nurse only shook her ‘‘ Better so, sir.”’ And the doctor wavered. | ‘Better s0; aye, better so indeed. The BiECey : gi 2 X Bs i IE Rf back from the edge of the grave do it. But there she lay, | g life of agony and dishonor. To be held with her great eyes ' in goorn by those who admired her be- and unheeding | fore. To be scoffed at by those whose at- no sign of life, | tentions she had not deigned to accept. Sram} wiih hope sped | To lose her mother, husband and child of i ge ite 28988 ies | “You are right, nurse. It is best she nurse—her old serv- | ghonld die.” He threw himself into a chair, and the nurse took his place at the bedside. 1. “Doctor, ’’ she called out at length. { He stood beside her and noted the “‘Call them, nurse. She will not live the hour out.”’ Again they stood by the side of the | woman, speechless with grief. How ' beautiful she looked! How utterly love- ly! Cb, the pity of it she must die, so a $3 i love which should have chained her to life had been her doom. : seemed even more perfect | jo op wag come, and the woman breathed : ; waa the ohiseling her last in ber husband 8 Arms. clear cut features. Her dark | * Eh ... 3reci “Linley! Linley!’ muttered the doc- tor on his way home. ‘‘I wonder who he { is. 1 should like to let him know his her face. The great violet eyes—her villainy is known, to thrash the life out "chief glory—were wide open, staring of the scoundrel, to break every bone in with terrible fixity into nothingness, or his body. Linley, Linley. Nurse will was it into the something beyond? Her | have to tell me who he is.” | price is too great to pay, even for life, “young and so loved! Oh, the irony that lips had lost their vivid color, but this was scarcely a fault; her hands were outside the coverlet, white marble faint- | marked with blue, her wedding ring | one discordant note. For long there had been no sound in "the room save the crackling of the fire | and the faint ticking of the clock. Suddenly the doctor bent eagerly for- ward. Her lips moved. With eagerness ‘ he listened. ‘‘Linley,’’ she scarcely more than whispered. | Then all was si- | The nurse rose hurriedly from her chair by the fire. She had only heard a sound. : "The doctor raised his hand, and she re- . suined her seat. Long, long he waited, ' - hoping for another sound of returning consciousness, but none came. At last he came over to the nurse. “Did you hear her?’ “What did she say, sir?’’ : “One word only--‘Linley. y 99 The nurse suppressed an involuntary - “What did it mean, nurse?"’ ' But the woman only shook her head. . “Strange,’”’ muttered the doctor, as with knitted eyebrows he reflected and strove to catch some clew. Then he re- turned to the bedside. There she lay an impasnsive as before. “Linley! Linley! he kept repeating. ‘““What did she mean?’’ ; The nurse made no reply, but sat looking into the fire. : *‘Nurse, tell me,’’ he said at }ength, “have you an ideas what the mistress meant by that word?’ : But the nurse did not or would not But the nurse kept her secret and did not tell him. For it was the doctor's own son. — Good Company. A Hint to Bicycle Riders. There is a little arrangement of my | own invention, which many ladies, bi- | cycle riders, have found satisfactory, used to adjust an ordinary skirt to a comfortable riding length. About eight inches from the belt sew on the scams on | the under side of the skirt little brass rings, about the size of an old fashioned 5 cent silver piece. Then put the rings between the seams, so they are about six or eight inches apart; then sew on an- other row diagonally opposite these rings, about six inches lower down on the skirt. Through these rings run a stout, black, smooth cord, the ends com- ing out into the pocket on the right side. By palling this string and tying it in a single bowknot, and concealing it in the pocket, the skirt is lifted, for rid- ing. When dismounted, by untying the it assumes the conventional length. This device is perfectly simple. The rings should be sewn on strong and the string Wheelman. Better Than a Finger String. ; Perhaps the most startling suggestion for a ‘‘reminder’’ was that of the little boy whose grandmother had forgotten his Christmas present the year before. She wished to know what thing she should do in order that abe should not forget is again. ‘‘You might put yoat teeth in upside down,’' said the boy.— “Look here, nurse, '’ continued he, ‘1 Youth's Companion. string and giving the skirt a little shake, smooth. —Mary Sargent Hopkins in tly are lost to sight. Absolute silence, savy for the rustle of the brown grass as the cooling sa- tumn wind stirs it. Not s shot was fired My finger was ' upon the trigger, my ann certain, but I lacked the power even for the gentle pressure necessary to send a bullet straight into the berd. I was under a spell : I looked at Pablo. His dark face seemed almost pale; his eyes betrayed excitement, not the excitement of anger ‘or fear, but of a tender sympathy. _ in shame. - No more was Maxtells just | ern hordes might maks war spon the! tribes of the south and deepoil them of their treasure. - Azul knew the black magic art. He brought his richest treasms = to Maxtel- la’s court. He used his black art that be might sppear pleasing in her sight. His arms and throat were bare. On his head was a snowy white helmet, and his dress was of green feathers. His breast- plate of feather work gleamed like jew- els when the sun shome upon it. Tall and straight was this vassal chief and mighty was his stride. Great blue and blood red stomes shone in the middle of his sword. ‘But . the counselors were wise men They could see his black heart and read his evil mind, and they spurned him with scorn. They would bave driven him from the court. The vassal chief held in his hand a wand, sharp pointed like a knife, by which he worked his magic art. at her and turned pale. Azul's eyes pierced her, but his magic was not strong enough to make her love him. Until then she knew not fear, but pow the evil spell was wpon her. All of Azul’s power was exerted to sabdne gentle heart. ie When she went to walk, a wolf sprang up in ber path, sharp stones cut through the deerskin and wounded her feet. Near by was a spring of healing wa- ter, but when Maxtella went to drink of. it a foul odor of poisonons gases arose. fhe sought her oouch, but Azul bad driven sleep away. When she was alone, the black hearted vassal chief would suddenly appear and with thongs of the deer wonld beat her white body until his savage lashes drew drops of blood All things could he make Maxtella do but love him. False words she spoke to her counselors and did unholy deeds that made her courtiers bow their heads or merciful Cruelty, pitiless cruelty, turned hei: Jove of her subjects to hate. Of her sgtendants who remained faith- ful nome was more so than a little page, a boy of not more than a score of years. These two sat one eve within the pal- ace. The dusky shadows were gathering without, but the night could only bring added wretchedness to Maxtella The boy sang to her, and as bis song died away a black shape entered the room. It ‘was Axal *“Thy song is sad,’’ he said to the “Why do you pot weep, Maxz- tella?"’ : : The rivers of Maxtella’s eyes were dried up. “Now 1 will teach you how to weep, ”’ and be struck her with his cruel thong. Maxtella turned upon him her timid, pleading eyes With a mighty bound | the c and . Its The same power that had staid my | finger when it would lave pressed the trigger had a like effect upon him. - “Sence,’”’ he said, “it is the milk white doe that none may slay.” It was overpowering: curiosity that had rendered my forefinger inflexible, ‘for at the bead of the band was the most beautiful animal ] had ever seen— a milk white doe. She seemed fleeter, more timid and of mcre graceful oon- tour than any of the herd She was the perfection of animal grace and besuty. I fancied I heard a soft, sad 100an as ' she passed before the muzzle of my rifie. I was lost briefly in pathetic contem- plation, and the herd was gone. *‘Come, Pablo, it is alroost dusk, but we must follow. Core, stir yourself, you unenthusiastic son of Montezuma, and lot us be gone.’ ‘‘Senor,’’ said Pablc, in his calm and imperturbable manner, yet with a sol- eémn impressiveness, ‘‘it is death to all who follow the milk white doe.”’ ‘“Nonsense ; I must have her. Let us follow. quick. "’ sh ‘“Have patience, senor, and tonight when we smoke by the campfire I will tell you the legend of the milk white doe.” And this is the legand he told me: Before the white min knew there was a western continent, before the Span- * iards came, even before the reign of the - ancient Quetzalcoatl, lord of the Seven Caves of Navatlaques and king of the Seven Nations, out of which arose the splendor of the Montezuman empire, the powerful tribes lived in the north. They were as the sands of the shore washed by the great oocean of the rising sun, and the numbers of their srrows were great- _er than the twigs in the forest. Their queen was Maxtella Her skin was as white as thesnow on yonder mountain peak, her lips were as scarlet as the flaming loco blossom, her eyes were as blue as the chalchuites in the Minas de las Perdidas, and from their liquid depths heamed truth and purity of soul She was a virgin queen. Her courtiers wooed her in vain. The richest of them all laid his wealth of chalchuites and beautiful shells at her feet. The might- jest hunter brought her trophies of the chase. To all she spoke words of wis- dom and beauty, but her love was for no one man; it was for all her people Her virtue and her beiuty were the mar- vels of those days. : Har counselors were wise beyond their generation. Many things they knew that were unknown to the subjects of Queen Maxtella They kiuew of the eastern poean, of a great country beyond to which their ancestors had gone years be- fore. The northern hordes were at peace So powerful were they that the tribes in the south did not dare to make war with thera, nor would the queen suffer her subjects to make war apou those weaker hordes who dwelt in rocks and caves, {high up in the cliffs that bordered on ‘the green canyons. There was a vassal chief, Asul, of lowly birth and evil ways. He saw the beautiful Maxtella, and the sight of her touched his black heart. He loved Muxteila not for her virtue nor her wisdain. He loved her that he might rule the land, and that | from his blood and hers might come a» | raon of savage kings. nnd chat the north- Coward thon hast ever been; coward thou shalt ever be. Thy spirit shall pass ' ‘and canyons and flees when no hunter is had wrought on Maxtella was broken, draw the wand if it were possible, when | Azul seized her by the arm and buried his sharp, gleaming teeth into the hand extended in mercy. : : Maxtella, unable to release herself, shrieked in pain, for the bite of the sor- cerer was as deadly as the poiscn of the make with the castanets in his tail “Now is thy blood mingled with mine,’’ hissed Azul, ‘‘and of thy own free will! Now are we ane forever. By my living hate and the mingling of our blood 1 have supremest power over thee thou most resemblest—a doe, timid of heart, fleet of foot and spotlessiy white. None may siay thee, yet thou wils ever long for the dart thet would release the spell. Thy speed shall shame the fleet- est of the herd, and thy matchless bean- ty shall ever lure the hunter to his And with these words a milk white _ doe darted from the palace walls, trem- bling with fright It hides in brakes bh. : Hundreds have seen it, and many have been lared to pursue it. The fallen rocks from canyon ‘walls hide the course of many a hunter who sought toslay the milk white doe. None has ever re- turned to tell the story of those chases. And those who escaped the canyon’s ' dangers—their bones lie bleaching in eternal snow. —Chicago Times-Herald. From Minerals, Vegetables. . It has long been a dream of the evolu- tionist that the vegetable kingdom has evolved from the mineral, as he believes that the animal has evolved from the vegetable, and it may be that in the fairy figures on our window panes we are wit- nessing, as it were, the efforts of nature to effect this transformation ‘We are taught that the earth was once too hot to support the life of plants, but that after the surface had cooled, trees, shrubs - and mosses sprang up. Whence did they | come? : A frosted window pane shows us the strange phenomenon of inorganic raatter assuming the shapes of ferns and leaves tape spokes, ‘ni hand The The Semi- "and all her gentleness and purity re- Rtation. dally, except Sunday, as follows: 5 =x. m. —Bufalo snd Rochester HARDER'S | i ‘GUN WORKS. We sell almost any $100 1805 Bicycle | p mp m at §50, $60, $70, $80 and $85, de on the make. We give you the big end of the margin usually taken by agents. Difficult repairing done promptly. Frame brazing done by the new pro- ~ cess, no burnt tobing. Wood and steel rims, tires, covers, inner tubes, mps valves, cement, laciag, nipples, saddles, posts, ni le bars, grips, coasters, foot brakes, beels, ete. “Standard” ani bi o fi pairs b Ship bicycles for repal y express prepaid. Harder's Gun Works, " CLEARFIELD, PA. Two Papers For THE COURIER is pleased to announce its clubbing arange- ments with : Pittsburg Post Penfeyivania and to parsons | en. vania, and to wk ni de the best : or semi-weekiy paper po in the city, we recommend The | Post. The I Per for $3.00. The price of The | Past Line, dail Post alone is $3.00. Bend us your order at once and get sev- en papers a week for the price you formerly paid for one. f | Weekly Post, = and THE COURIER “one year each for only $1.50. Just think of it, The Post twice a week, and your county paper - for the price of one. Write us for sample copies The Short Line between DuBois, Rid .) LIE 8 le : ARIST ae emmeans Cyclometers $1.50, by Mail, $1.60; | rice DAILY POST, and | How York Dontesl Hodes River RR. CONDENSED TIMETABLE. Beech Creek Railroad vi BB wtnananen. | wd us ° 135 Ar... PATTON _._. . In ’ 5 B 3 tine WY OSLOVEY. 90012 iN Rerrmont.. AF reniiirmisn CATER. ocnnrans’” at lee ed Wome HE NE erTmoor in ah digi New Millport........ as ess rnring rine ICDOEES ones ‘Lv. Clearfield Janetion Ar. wien CLEARFIELD. .... ® PBnwR | Sanus) ul 5 » ® WN 8% + aguNy an | 0 Ar.Clenrfield Jonetion Ly. csagayaras | wusne| © ne we 3 383s8C gan 1s Sasa) 818 GREEN! od Ma ue Iv... Monson ....... AT 5% Lv. PHILIPRBURG. Ar 7 ® Ar. PHILIPSBURG...Lv, 700. 8 i | 3 | tml “oe ue v us 19 | | os B17 AY...oonn ® | 3 TuarE?P Be vevnmma wu 93 ravens = % ws w%y Pd we @ 0 i ¥ 9 £ * x 7 ERY HEGRERE 23> > Ju D we rei WOT MBPT LN. Ly. PHILADELPHIA.AY. New Yorkvia Tam. Ar. New Yorkvia. PhilaAr XR sus X8H »8 WENNER cecvans KS GRENAR EaNRENR 8 x¥ SHuxfr ¥S » 2X og. «NORE nT o Bn] $ 1 wv ? 110.10 a. me. iy. Through Pullman Sleeping Car between Dv. Bois, Clenrfield, ail rio points, Philadelphia in both directions daily, eivsept i © Handay, on trains Nos. 33 and 18 CONNECTIONS At Wi 2 ih a t Brook way for . AS with Pennah and Ww ill Hall with Central Railroad of Pennsy) | vanin, At Phill Fania. Only y BO PF oiiaetpiin. Pa. | P.R.R. Time Tables. In effect May 20th, 1805. we 23 o | lor, 358, arriving at Cresson at £15. Novthward, Mahafley at 11 flernoom and Mahaffey leaves Cresson af Xk4ty Readley Junetion, So way, (for Hastings) 6&3 Hastings, Mah fey 84% Garway, (for Mahaffey) 708 West 1.over, THE; i {arriving a1 Mahaffey at: pm. SUSQUEHANA EXTENSION - Eastward. Morning train leaves Cherrytree anction at 799. a train leaves Cherrytres at 208; at &35; Barnesboro, &38; Spangler fis | Road, 7:13, and connects with ran fs Biwdiey J 7 : fNlernoon Barnesboro, 22 Spangler, 28k : Romd, 24 and connects with a Nai , at Bradley Junction at 46. train leaves Bradiey Junction for wn ex, - anges or 5 adi: donna g 8 62 y Bradford, Salamanea, Buffalo, Rochester Ni-| erry. : from thee in the form of the creature 2gam Falls, and points in the upper OU | phensbarg F enabuy. Brash Wain. Wave Region. tm and after Nov, 25 15M, Janse ugier traina will arrive and depart from Falis Creek Tres | Brock wayville, y, Johnsonburg, ML Jewett, Bradford, Salamanca, Buffalo, and - Pochestér connecting at Johnsonbury with P.& E. train 3 for llonx, Kame, Arrven, Corry, and Erie. : = a. m.—Aconmmodation--For DuBois, Sky- ¢s, Big Ran, and Punxsutawney. rr a. m.—Accommeodation from Bradford, Jonhaonburg, Ridgway, Brock wayville, and | intermediate stations, for DuBois and Phnxsntawney. : 2% p. m.—Brmdford Accommodation—For! Beschiree, Brockway ville, Ellmont, Carmu Ridgway, Johnsoaburg, Mt Jewetl, and Bradford. : 10 p. m.—Mail-For DuBois, Skyes, Big Run, © Punxsutawney, amt Walston - Trains Arrive—700 a. m. accommodation from _ Punxsutawney. Saba. m., Mail fron: Wal ston and Punxsutawney: 1:10 p.m. accom- modation from Punxsutawney: ki p. m., Mai! from Buffalo and Rochester. Cs VIS o O17 aume 4 no PM PMS oe oO 4 I'M HW HN I « I’M 210 "id 3% ea “ol BT B08 on 47 *i 11 1 w lh wm ) 3 EE 4 1 M2 “17 e247 R25 Nd fanduet *N od kK #0 Ar AM lv AM 7 Tir He his arkot Kt 8 5% rg ii Dept “ rt AND CLEARFIELD DuBois DuBois Bloon Bridgyx Curwensvi Wn Clearfield, Li Beach Cree © Halen Luthersk . Rock Fulle Creek Jet Anderson V FALLS CREEK . — 4 ERZIZ RE = < rEET® ep r-rr oa ERM -— 23 RANI BR = Bn a —_— and fronds, and may perhaps represent $0 our eyes in miniature a process which - went on on a large scale during the pre- vegetable era of our earth's history. This idea is as old as the Jewish Ca- bala, where we read, ‘‘The breath be- came a stove, the stone a plaut, the plant an animal, the animal a man, the man a spirit, the spirit a god ''—Lon- don Spectator. ; : Enlightening Her. She—Before we were married you nsed to think the world of me. but now you do not care for me at all ; : He—EBut you should remember that we are one now, and self love, yom know, is distinctively bad form. —Bas- ton Transcript. ; A a BR TER DEEXCILRER = Het Rp ESTES * Flag. Daily, except Sunday. Train No. T1 connects at DuBois for Big Run Punxsutawney, Ridgway, Johnsonbarg. Brad-’ ford, Buffalo, and Bochester, : Train No. 72 connects at Clearfield for Ty- rote, Altoona, Huntingdon and Harrisbarg, Trin No. 73 eonneets at DuBois for Bradford and riba and has Pullman Sleeping Car from Philadelphia to DaBeis. Train No 71 connects at Clearfield with "Beech (reek R. R. for Philipsburg, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, William adel phia and New York, and bas timan Sleeps ing Car from DuBois to Philadelphia. : Thousand mile tickets at two cents per mile, vod for passage between all stations, ) R G. MATTHEWS, Epwarb OC. LAFEY, Gen. Supt. Gen. Pas, Agt. : Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. s Passengers are requested. to purchase tickets before enteri the cars. An excess charge of Ten Cents will be collected by Con- | ductors when fares are paid on trains, from all | | Sew at 720 a mm, and [330 p m. Leaves Cressom for Evensbuzy 1 ii of and [ntermediate points on the arrive | trains from Fast and West, both morning and evening. addres Toon B Watt BUA. wD. 1b Einh Ave, Pitt z. Pa. i | M. PREVOST, J. R. WOOD, General Manager. General Pas. Ast. P & N W Railroad. Read u down No is Ror i i ¢ Sr STATIONS goreacanud dS SEer¥RLesdE a m i] 85 ar Punxsutawn’yl iv - MeGees 0X Malaffey? La Joes Berwindale “ode no GLEN gy BHERENRY £ an v Connections—1 With. Buffaio Rochester Pittaburg RB. RB. IWith Beech Creek . iWith Cambria and ( ral . 4With Cresson and Clearfield milrond. § Penn- syivania mailromd. oy : “Cush Creek Branch —Trains leaves MoGees SEB cvuvwwnxs EeBastiRina ‘for Glen Campbell at 10:50 a m and pm Arrive at Metsees from Glen Cam at 79 am and 35 im. . : | Pennsy ivan railroad trains arrive aod leave Bellwoods as Silows: Eastward, 7:81 ma. and 11:47 a my, 1240 218 &21 and Dr Westward, TIS a m, [124 23 TOT and W. A. FORD, Supt., Bellwood, CET THE BEST When you s-zaboat to dura fi do pot be doce od Dy allarine advertisements finest inished an and be led tu Xiah YOu cam gut tae but made, ‘Most Popular for a mere song. See toi that you buy from reliable manne : facturers that Dave gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, vou will then get & ing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura | bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Runni ii can equal in cal come iain ne Tia Deiry appearsace, of BAS AS many D stations where a Ticket Office is maintained. | RR A * 2 Se NER i * hs A A sn st | bpm op
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers