en ats No Displeasnre Shown Against Ministor Eustis. me INJORED [To ARE it WELL. —— ane earn rhe New Ritual Which Wns Sabmitted Tuesday Adoptea by the Order. Wasamsgrox, Jely 11 It is lesrsed suthoritstively to day that no represents. tion has been made to the state depart ment by Senor Dapoy de Lome, or any by suy other person to the «feet that Bpais was dieplessed with sileged ntter- | avoes of Minister Eanstis, concerning Cou- ban affairs. Nothiog bes been received atthe department in anyway offsisl or otherwise, urout the slicged interview. INJURED DONG. WELL. The Eiks Adopt the New ‘Ritual Which Was Submit- ted Tuesday. ArrasTic Crry, July 11.— With the ex- ‘edption of Frederick K 'oproth, of Camden, and Mrs. 8. 8. Japha, of New York, sl: the injared in the collapse of the Cesino are doing well. Cloproth und Mrs. Japhs are in a oritioal cohdition. The accident ‘was due to the centre point of the fioor yielding to the enormons weight upon it. The Elks to-dsy adopted the new ritosl submitted Tuesday. "Aft the concluding session of the grand lodge of Elks W. G. Myers, of Philadel ~ phis, was elected grand exsited raler to succeed Edwin B. Hay, of Washington. The matter of selecting the next place of meeting was left in the hands of the ~ board of grand trusiees, with the stipn- lation that it be not Inter than Juve 1, ol MURDERED FOR MONEY. Badly Decomposed Remains Remains of 2 Russian Traveler > und Near Toledo. * Ponape, O, July 11.—The badly de- * aompused body of s well-dressed man was found on Judge Potter's farm, near Air Live Junetion this morning. From sp- - pearance, the man bad been murdered ‘and dragge” into the busheec. There was _ abullet hole in the ¢Xull, just over the _ right eyo. From his drees the man wa evidently sn individaal of mssns add re- _fivement. Robbery bed been the motive for the marder, as the pockets were forp- THE PENNSY'S PROJECTED IMPROVEMENTS. The Creat Railroad Wil Wii Spend Five Witflons - . Bridges, Eic. PrirapELrHia, Jove 11. ~The os) sylvams Railroad Company this year will spend iv the peigbborbood of $5,000,000 in the way of improvements, siterstions and extensions to ite proper'y east | | EADEAORERS im BOSTON. Day Opened W ith Prayell in 21 “Churches, | west of Pittsbaig. The smonnt mien MEETINGS TAROUGHOUT He WHOLE AY almost equally divided between these two | sections. Last year, owing to the de | A Woria's Union Formed 10 be Composed preesion in business, eopsgiderable work thst bad been mapped ont wes |W 4 wae fa! and tha* which was onder way Was Hied | Stopped for the time tiny . Op the line east of Pittsburg the Ing | | ost sam will be spent in the copetruetion. of 8 pew bridge across the Delaware { River st Frankford This alone will take | | pearly $1,500,000. Besides this thers | wid be considerable third and fourth | track copstrnetion on the main line, BU id additional work besides. Abolition of grade crossings on the New York Divisi on, and eisawhere will aleo be taken in hard. | In all. the amonot to be expended on the | 500.600. On the lines west of Pittebary tbe jure est expenditare will be in the constrict bridge is baing taken down snd prach- cally a new ope erected In its place. Owing to objections by the U nited States officers that some of the piers of tbe old bridge are not in line with the piers of bridges recently copstructed, the company will build the pew piers so as to make the alignment perfect, Thie change will take sboat $600,000. The company will siso revise the Cleveland & Marietts Railroed, making a low grade road ont of thie ‘which will do away with the nnoeli sbout fitteen miles south of Newcomers- town on the Pan Handle Road. Tbe company's shere of tbe construction of the new Union Depot st Dayton, O., will be $250,000, snd a like smount ie to be expended in Columbus in doiog sway with grade cros-ings. On the Pan Handle Line $200, 000 will be spent in the wi Jeniog of the tauvels, of which there are two left in this division. | This change is made so these tunnels mil accommodate a two-irack road. Another expenditareis to be made in the building of 1500 sare to meet the demand for lake iron and ire and coal traffic. od inside out and rifled. © From papers found apon the person it was lezrned that | ' bis name was Andrew Lasilla, a Raesiap, | ‘aged 85. He is supposed to have been & well-to-do tourist, s memorandum found | on bas person indicating thst be bad trav- } ele very extensively. _ Persons of Knowlodge Wanted. Wassisoros, Jaly 11 ~—Any ove de | sion of avimal pathology, buresu of ani- pm industry, » department of of agriculture. . She Usea strychaine. PuiLavELruis, July 1L —Rose Ger- _hett, & young merried woman, to-day killed her four year vid daughter by giv- tog ber strychuine, und then aitempted |: suicsde by taking some of the same poi- j= gon. Mrs. Gerhart is in the hospital io ‘dyiog condition. The womau's hus and deserted ber and the child becinse | be was ont of work end conld no longer | provide for thers, and this wes her reason | for committing the double erime. Reviviag an old 1 Indesiry { Fe i B } i i i i ! i loan of 23, 000,000 mm London at 3'; per cent. per snnnm, the proceeds of which | are to be devoted toward these improve i { ments and pot for the paying off of ivy bonds that mstare, as the compsoy bes thé money in band from otber sources for paying of the bouds which fall dae this year and pext. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. line east of Pittsburg will be rhea? £2, jon of the bridge at Cincinstti. The old | Tae company bas jast effected a vew of Tucividouls net Borieties Besrox, July 11. —Preyer mesting st 640 Lie morning 1 21 ebnrches «of Fos | ton opeped thie dey for the Christian En. desvorers, Meetings were oondnni=d og r the Jipes similar to those of regia : | deavor devotional cocieties, Throughou the morning meetings ware bel ons planes, sind at the Ecdenvor tent : HBowsrd Grove, of the Univeraity of Chi | cago, 8 pr siding officer proce ted the jnoior state beppers sud BK J. Cowan, of Pittshnry, received the first bavoer for | the Penpeylvania anion. Tie benner for | the greatest Iperease Io be na wher of so- cities was jeesented te Englas #15 rep- | recsnialives, At the meting for a eonferencs of state | sud provipeisl eoeities of Christisa o- desvor, Oworgs MeDorsld, of Aloo presided amd directed the discussion. Phirty-five states and Proviones Weye rep: Snsncés of siste unions and extension of pussiopary work, dove efacioally by state unions, . An important meeting for the forme- tior of a world’s Christisn Eodeavor op- nearly 3.000 persone were present. It wae npanimun ly voted to form & world’s late plans. A rough draft of this esusti- be composed of individuals, not societies or unions. That one dollar fee should make one & life mamber snd there shonid president of the united society of Chris- tian Endeavor, was nosuimonsis elertd | as president {or one year of the new asion and it was agreed that toe first ger meetivg be beld in Washington with the anited society cosveniiun : The a comodstion committer this alter: | poot had regnstersd $0 300 from sli the States snd territories, TIMBER VILLAGES BURNED. Forest Fires Raging im Lower Peninsula of Wich z ; : gan. : : Drreoir, Jaly 12.—The opper part of the low:r penipeuia of Michigan was. dotted 'sst pight with forest fires. Al-| ready ie Jamber towns’ of Walling, up!, tion in Pittsburg. iy pranid maseter 8 8, raos aod old grievaness will po! bw ere rasented. The questions discussed were | ‘was not 5 pember of the orgupiz dion, : Sach stories sare lable to bring diseredst 110 the organizetion snd its members. i : 0D- | the statement.” ion wae held this sfterncon at which | Christian Endeavor nuion sod 8 commit- | tee wes sppoiuted with power to forma- | i lisle will be buck bere oo Mooday. There | tation resd st the meeticg provided tbat world’s Christian Eodesvor anion should | | purpose of atteropting the d:feuit tusk of | devising ways sud msane for bracing op | the treasury fSosvos. With a defiert ap be no dues or fees and there choaid be no | ' salaried closers. Rev. Francis E Dodd, | o ery posi ie i uf rh Wits wot Bis SUSY veces. Unie Weeting of the Brotherhood of ae] reinmen. Pirventns, ” v 12—The statement thet # meeting of the ea of Ral way Truipmen was 10 be eld in this city | on Wedneadsy, July 17, for the purpose | of disenesing the muning echedale of Atreinmen, ie dented by Jumee Pitweuy, of | Finunes lodge, No. 225, who is heir of the ocommities of StYéngeTRe!. Mr Pitt "ay BEY “The meetings 71H be held it Davis * Fifth Avepne mosenm oti the gfterpoon snd evening of and us 2oxirmen of the nan revgrernents §owieh 1g was uel culled by the pratd master, | | bot by the deveral Ladpes of the nrgunies- | ; » | nie had pot antic wied & strugale 10 ths, mir. at ary f a bun to be srge pitivg onog encli yeer nud Mostar =. E Ww iikineen regigre tha £40 Angost 1, we thongbt that after 10 yea + of herd work for the organratiop we | ought to show some reRpeet to tam Lj 1 meking Lim to cotoe apd address 8 3pi0t toeeting In Pittabnrg wold Bis roi gtabe that the anestion of wages, | ah sidered at thie meeting. The person whe | gave the wlormsticn did sot koow wha be was teikiog aboalt, sod it 18 sala lo say theral; ite luge the + opportu ity of GEUVILK, 7 TREASUN Y DEFY. Soliars a Day. ; WASHINGT. X, Jaly 12.—Sepretary Car | wii! be a sopsaltation of the treasurer and subipet immediately cn his retarn for the preaching 8 mr Gon 5.cay for the month | f Jniy, the treuenry in a bad wey. Eo. | : sr hosrding the ands | > 3 @OTErLResT b wags ry Pref oy tie ¢ tn avery Collar that Bods Hy war: vised aithont be faat ient 32 nouilersh S#XIrR Serr Fant to sek (3 1 - * i # fh 8 Tr Arve ¥ OW ag i sa gulh Dogs th BOA : 1433537015 Ted Sadia Beg] rou tration. bat ihe sigs tion i& so grave that something muaet bw done and that ms Emadisiels. Its poss. bie that some of Secretary Cerliel e's len- tenants may be able to sagpest & pias for | Nesting in Progress Almost Conlinua®hy Yesterday in Bei ze county, snd Cleary, soother |... ng of an extrsordinsry session of | in Different Parts of the City, little town, have been leveled to the COugress cr an issue of bords. Bat with Besrox, July 11 —From early thie) ground, several people having been badly | | out material increase 1m the receipts or si | morning when mass meetings were beld barned, and ao ove knows bow far the | immediate failicg off of the disbarsenents | in Mechanic's ball snd tents Eodeavor | and Williston until to-night, Christiso | Endeavor meetings wers in progress al- most continually throughout the day in| varions parta of the city. The asvual report of Secretary Baer showed thet) | mirdled with fire; aches and black leaves damage bas extended. The “thumb” has | been invaded, and the town of Kindee is! are sifting down oo the paogle 1m the. | resorts to the Nort. ? Walling. He far ag ean he learred, is dastrov el. «My daricgz the psst year the society aed | van Lamber company’s been increased by addition of 7,700 new | two million fest of societies. The total pumber of cieties throughout the world = is) now 41,220, which bsve as. total membership of 2.473.740. In the Usited States Pennsylvania still leads with a memnership of 4,130 societies. The great. ent andieces of the day ga bared 1p font dens yr to-night, abont 12.000 ng io aud about the tent. coded that 1a 1807 thet the eonventicn would be held in San Francisco if satisfac | tory railroad rates conld be secured. Quays (Claim is Dispoted. H SSR, Ja'y 1L.—Charles E mory SaaRoN, July 12.—-A ting of the | Si. OL. Magee, Charles E. Vo £8 “stockholders of the Aschman Steel Cas ing company has been called to meet Joly | 93, at 8 o'clock a. m. at the office of Hon. | pose of organizing a new corporation io | socordance with the statutes in euch cases meeting is signed by E. A. Wheeler and | John J. ‘Bpearmall. os ————— Sunn mete tens : Track Walker Killed. : 5 "Younasrows, O.,July 11.— Peter Lehn, one of the best known German residents ‘of this city, wae instantly killed by the ~ Wells Fargo fast exprese this morning st Ounk street crossing. He was walking the track, although warned, stopped long enough for the train to strike him. Wages 10 bé Advanced. Psoviprnce, R. 1., July 11..— Notices | have been posted in the Atlantic mills an- _pouncing that an advance 1» wages will go into effect on the several departments of that concern on Monday, July 29. The _ notices do not state the rate of increase, New Pottmasters. : WasaixaroN, July 1lL.—Fourth-class were appuinted in Western LE yiruin to day as follows: Alle- ‘ gheny oounty, W. J. Barchinal, Oreigh- ton; J. H. Barkeit, Remington. -Wash- ‘ington conuty, C. J. Miller, Racine; R. M. _ Miller, Houstou. Olarion county, P. H. Bailey, Leatherwood. Orawford county, Mrs. E.J. Silverthorn, Beaver Centre. ag Bought a Distiliery. Uniontown, July 11.—A. E, Dunway and Obarles Weltaer, of Greensboro, to i any bought the distiliery sad warehouse © $15,000. Johuston closed down hie dis- ~ fillery in May, 1804, when he was refused _@ distiller's license. He sold two hun- dred barrels of whiskey in bond to New t and Eli Vorhees and others Fisd a & 3 li | ence with Governor Hastings st the egee- utive mavsicn tonight. Magee was srked son. The truth is that ont of 135 (dele- ores slready elected, £3 are comm tied | Col. Qnay in claiming a majority of 79 figures of Col. Gilke=on’s mejoritv over him.” : Kev. Dr. McAuatly Dead. 8t. Louis, Jaly 12. —Rev. Dr. MeAn- ally, senior editor of the Chrietian Advo- cate, and o.e of the most promicent m:n in the souttern Methodist church, ded at his residence here last night. He was 31, 1817. He came to thie city in 1851, and assumed charge of the Christian Ad- vocste. During the civil war the paper wes suppressed on account of its advo- cacy of the cause of the confederacy. shoruage found. Jonssrown, Jaly 12.—A sto:taje of $500 has been discovered in the accounts of G. D. Smith, retiring postmaster of ‘Portage, this conaty. His bondsmen will make good the amount. The office was found in a disorganized condition. |... posal Rates Reduced. Crry or Mexico, July 11.—The govern- ment has put into effect the recent decree to 5 cents. Other postal matter is corres- pondingly reduced. Heavy Jaly Frost. QGreExspURs, July 11.—Several sec tions uf this conoty were visited (JF =» York deulers to-day. : Lal Uedvy frost thas Wwotwivy, but no s-ipoas to Col. Gilkeson. The chances are that | delegates for himself has given abont the! born in Granger county, Tenn, August redncing the letter postage from 10 cents | | together with thir the |ittle set! emer f they had, Que by Walling. Tue Cin gan trains are of below Walling | are oorped. sod « Negro nad wn eG il to Marry GREENSBURG uly 12-5 l138nsé was granted bere thie morn 3 : 3 i. - a Witham Aware hie, ponored, BE | (iracs Bteel, a a1} agra 14 ours {ter of Joseph Steele, | Br:d foek. gic] 1 white aud thos ws the of a license being soon io 1 to a colored man aud white warmnan, - father is severely censured for Qo ’ yeysh | consent to the marriage, : ‘ oy ‘about (Juay's statement this morning and | consent to th 12ge ‘E. A. Wheeler, in the city, for the por |“ ee ors 3 : tgaid: “Colonel Qasy claims that cat. tof 136 Siegal already elected he: Carpispare, Jals 12. At tha 101, leaving thirty-five for Gov’ made sod provided. The call for the |b 10L 1 : wh lernor Hasting snd Chsirmsn Gilke- | Fleeted Ant Ousy Dele utes ies beld to-night in the Funrik ve district of Lackawanna, from | roceived so far the indications {the election of snii-Uasy delay i morrow's comveniion th dominate dolagutent to the state eoevention. W DEN! NG THe BREAL! H. | Ingrana Minery and Operat tors as Far From 2a Settlement as Ever, Terre Hacre, July 12 —The Indians operators aud miners are farther spar! to day than ever. The mirers here susmit- | ted s resointicn for fifty-six cents justead | of fifty-one. Tusy a'so ask for compli- | ance with ths laa for weighing coal be- | {tore being scrernsd and for ima ediate | ' J. Cleveland, late of Company F, Fifty. re-ipstatement of men who were discharg- agitators. : a : Tmwyers 1} Season. Beprornp Srerixcs, July 12. —The | morning sess oa of the stata bar associa: tion was devoted to the consideration of | the papers reed aad to some unfinished | business. Samuel Dickson, 6f Philadel | phis, was elected president, Wm. M. Scott, of Allegheny, was chosen first vice | president. Amouvyg thoee elected on the executive committees are Thomas Patter- | soa sod Wm. H. McClung, of Allegheny | and R. H. Lindley, Fayette. Auvether Ten Per Cent, Increase. I DerroIT, Jaly 13.—The Michigan wal- {lable iron worke, which employs between | three bundred avd fear hondred men, vearly all of whom are skilled workmen. | will wi slantarily 1.crease the wages of its | empioy-s 10 per cent,, beginning Aogust key of alin ® oc = : pui-e i days. ed becaase they were accused of being : : mother drew a pension on account of the son's death. She was divoreed from her “Big Moses” gus wall has heen oue of these Iwo siternauives will be ab i solntely pecessary w thin the next sixly PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS OW Ban Retursed #1 1 ». so . wy . . # ON + vi 417 # iia et of the aud Lewis Melver for Wont { to sneoeed Viscount Woolmer, who ‘vended to the peerage as the ear! of Sel i 3 Barn. § A New Pension Decision. Wasaixeron, Jaly 12 Joba M. Regi old: nesistant secretary of the interic Ar, hae Jecrded that the taiher of a d-censed | i i serinalie status ander Jape 27. 184%), duro the {fee time of sacha soldier's mother. The use wes that of the father of W. third Massachusetts volunteers. The hnsbaod, who applied for a pension, bat | | was refused, The mother remarried : | The father again applied for & pension, but pat in a claim from the time of his former wife's remarriage, which was not granted i “Big Moses™ Srevsexvirie, W. Va, Ja Friday evening the dnllers on tie Antho- ny Smith fsrm, pear M struck a flow of gas which blew the tools out of the weil with terrible foree, snd | since then ths well has been towing ges at a rate estin ated st cver ten million cu- bie fast per day. The noise of the well ven be beard for over eight miles. No effort bas ye! heen wade to control the Jus TAL 0. Maows Iiseif Coespeciolly in Center County.’ CONTESTING THE ELECTION ” so. UNCLE SA°S CARIERS. Pecinsoter Gomrst Wises 1 Soputating he Do- Ineny- System. Prerseonc, Pa, July 14 —Postmsster Washington of the permanent euspension of four osrriers, the suspension of O'Donuell yesterdsy received official noti- Sewtion from the postofice deprrtwent at © bers for terme varying from 5 to 30 | Muatrege “nd Capt. Bennison. se Delegates duye, snd reprimands for six ctbers, mak- ing s total of 31 carriers affected. FriiwroxTe Tuly 12. -a prinviest | 10 the State Conyentise. 23 Sion Po meneating way creapfed to 3. when the Inet Jest t nt thet A, A. Die und Vie fe ¥ oy ra am isl eiprnten, Bure A Diesling ihe eration of overpor Hass gv sud i 3B Bestwsun fie Sele inte 3 the State pouvent vu THe ‘wounty, bot Cham #t they have ready ari pombe of preci of 2 governors LINES DRIww on CONDECTORS. | The Penmpvhvania Compwm Chirped With Cutting the Unio Iso IANAPOLIR, July 14. Meanbers of 3 th a Order of mtiwas Couductors say the *wpuey vans company hes commencad 8 | 3 ulematic war on thelr orgacisstion, snd | r thant all cond rotors whe do pot withdraw | are being qaowtly dropped. sod their pls. | Sep seppled with men who are not mem- ITE, It is amid the fuilare of the Atisnta con- vention 1o restore the pon-strike claose ‘to the oonstitnticn hav cansed the com- | | puny to beljeve thst thé conductors oan- | "| uot be relied opon mouse of 8 strike, and for this resson the Somphuy 1s employing | Tew men. ; Expenditures Exceed the fleceipts by Over a Wiiiion | GROWL FROM THE RUSSIAN BEAR. Anviops That Japan should dacate the Chinese Rainisnd. Sr Prremserae, Jaly 14 —Privee | L-bao # Rostovek:, the Rossin miuie- ter of foreign «faire, on the 11th iost., re- gaested Mr Nishi Tcjonko, the Japan- . | #se minister to Raesis, to state within : what period the Japspese would evecn- | tite the Lisotang petioenia. The mimster | replied that Japan wonld retain territory 3 { in gaestion noni fall pes ment of the war itressory « Male, bot ww spite of all thy | indemnity sod compeusation for the re- 4) | pearly two dollars 1k psitd ont evary day | nosseing of Losotang had teen wade by | the Chinese » government. Peslroctive Hai i Bro Baxx, Joly 14 -=A severe thander Cand har storm vistted his section Sstare srogon, Bsilstoties ss Inrge as’ vering the gronod thickly mei der able dam Re. Az Mor- Mrs. Martin wrongtaily ernverted to her. | rievila the beilstones broke sevieal win. | flows io be Ceibedic chnreh, windows in | i peveral dwellings were also Broken: | The | i 3 oh > 1 s oorn sod berry crops were badly dhmsg, ied, The storm lasted shout half an boar. First Birth on the St. Louis New Yomx, July 14 —The American 1 | libe stesmer 8t. Louis arrived st Fire Is- | | lacd at 2:05 Sstarday morning, passing | | Bandy Hook light ship st 301s m., mak. Log tbe run from Soathampton iv § daye, ! 18 bours and 47 minges Ou Jaly 8 the | Sret chill bora on the nt. Loos appear. It ie the child of a etserage presen. : . Btiilipaps hy name, 8 Daesian Pigs dollars wera yodootve ior tise Kw Del H Re . fa Pils Ne * Yo Hasit gs Detex 85 es 5 E a LACRSWATIUAR CORLIY for . | he practically secursd four delegates - | though these fear won their fight on a | loos! issne, posing a8 Judge Willand men | | and sayiog to night that they will vote ju | : convention as Judge Willard desires them | | to regardless of the state fight Has Fasted S1x:v-Kight Days, "Terexsy, Raw, Jay 13 —A M. Kervge 1dy, 71 vesars old, dun yesloriny sfber a | 6%-days fast. He bad parziivuas and was | vigited by physicians far and near, whol could not account {or his prolonged hfe ; Eadeavorers Attesded Chareh, Bosrox, July 14. —No meetivg of the | Christian Endeavor convsution was beld | | today but the Eondeavorers crowded the | city churches wher many distinguished | clergymen from abroad preachad Striking fer an Avance. Beramrg, OQ. Jaly 14 — To-morrow | « moraing 3,000 miners 1m the Ohio coan'y field, West Virginia, will strike for ar ad- - | vance from 51 to 60 cents per ton. Elevator Burned. INviaxarours, Jaly 14 —Eievator D, gitnated on the Indian Decatar and West- eru raliway at the subarb of Haaghville, | burped last night, involvipg & loss ot! sboat $100, 000. : State Seprevenints ve IL Jomxsrowy, July 12 —Hoe. 8. D. Pat- turson, ' member of the tate legisiat are, from this coonty, is seriously ill at Lis home io ¥ alers He wey uot recover. haven and barg postoffice ix the resait of the work of “spotters,” who bave been working in Pitsburg for wesits Their prescuos it the: oly wae Eoows, but Posrwasuster | OF Dosveil hisd po bes that. so savy of { toe carriers ander Bite wars oo the tousk. usd A Bemus: Yoong Mav Pamaoarrais daly 14 — Beri i wan Lew, 8 partiaiiuriy bright, bot romestie jourg man, of 19, shot aed probatily fetally i wonovded hime? ip Feanmonet Park oe Juv becaaee the girl with whom be was {10 Jove bad jilted ! um. Oo Lev was found song letter sddnwerd to “Miss” de plrring ber faithiemoess. Oo the way to bospital Lev recovered oopsricneess and repeatedly expressed regret that he had fwiied to kill bimesl!, At the bospitsl it ‘was suid thet be will probably die. Who i “Minnie” is is pot known. Lev bad s strong mechsvieal best and was the inwotor of & namber of small but | nenfal articles. . He wae employed by the Philsdelpbis Traction company {n saper- ivtend the equipinest of its trolley care with fenders snd is said to have bavn the ! investor of the fender that the ompny | baw adopted. | Callapse sf » Dwetting. 3 Primsncee. July 14.—A fomr-roomed i ward, oolispsed yesterday snd two girls were hort by falling timbers, The house was cecupied by Aston Say- der and cowed by the Denny estate. The building was two stories high. Soyder was making repsire to the house sua bad ened walls were usable to stund the weight of the Yipes sgiry wug Yaof an | foil; with a crash. { | Victorts Wenashall Arrested | Nuw Yomx, July 14—Mre Victoria | Murtin, Vietoris Weodball, was arrested Ssturduy jaet ae she was about to ssil for Egrope on the Mesjestic on a suii bronght by Mire Elia C. Waller, who slieges that own nse clothing, boosehold onds and tronks veined st $1000. The srrest is the resalt of a legal complication over ? | nareusent of Mra. Martin's mage | sive, the Hamavitsriap. Mra. Weller is a viece of Mrs. Martin snd her hosband, Dr. Weller, was the A perican anager «f Mre Martin's 1nagezine. ! rien Spares Suspected Robbers. Egriz, July 14.—-A faw days ago two ying men were arrested in Ene with a | qasstity of stemge wm their possession. “he youug mes give. their names 88 Frank Dec asd Hurry Wilhams of New wo York. Pustoffice [nspector Gorman was gerea Satardsy sod fesis sure thut the § Hag Mian ars the parties who broke into ob robbed the Pittefleld, Warren county, } w last weell of too IK in mo. | Gone ta thie Mounisiaxs, day Th—Ex-Preadest Har vail 18 Aubany poste: SHE froma slugs, scgompknied by bs grandson eredury. ‘They le’ here on sn for te Fallow chsin of dirondacks, whom the ex- 5 Le ill spend tha mouth of Lh Vessel Yael, 14. —\ stip phesiug Wily Nort fi Ses caval to- nly codision with the ¥ reneh Erle and the witter ship sunk mm» The sunken vessel hus greats aroagh the pew water £ Hew Hobbes Nabbed HrLueroxte, July i —Eilwsrd Hane BRAY, ¢ { All GOD %, Ki sd Jumes (PN, of : od iy 14 —Yast terday was a : wil tn BEE. Wee arrested hors inst hight and were tuiay identified by Post | master Parker as {36 men wio robbed the ! posteffoe st Roland three weeks ago. Schonl Miotheds 1 araad, Asan! i phy are 1m fags Sone repared joel Belds did thore are vacation ‘uiiik cures’ fir the siek- aa comes the demand for gore playgrounds poder bftse cme of ex- | perienced te achers rintal hr the City and reg i erred. —Last Re. port of United | States Commissioner of Education WwW. Hara Lifting Power. The growth of a few tiny rootlets, ‘| observed the teacher of the botany class, ‘has been known to lift a heavy rock from its place, and the root of a trea growing out under a stone sidewalk will | sometimes push it up and break it. Oth- er cases of a lik» pature showing the. | strong uplifting: power of Yegetable growth have cocurred, I doubt not, w: in your own observation. Is it mutt “Yes'm,' said the boy with the fu ed hair. “I've heard my paw say his lat | your's corn ovop lifted 8 mortgage oft his farm "Ch cago Tribune Newbern, N. oS, was pamed after Bern in Switzeriand by Baron de Granfewic,, a Swiss. who founded the tow in F732 The geversl shaking up in the Pitts boase on Greenies! street, Thirty-Afth resnoved part of tne frame. The weal tl me SN. A TS sh i. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers