The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 06, 1894, Image 7

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eT i ang ts. an 1 NA AS AAT A 0 Ml seis . - ph yy % : . 2 A 31
ee : en FLO : FR ANe 1
Honig &uica .
——rs fe
Fa 1 Copia with won hore. :
Patton Courier. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.
PATTON rem ISHING CO, P Asheroft’s millinery store 44-tf
Pe : : ‘Better bread than ever at Letts! 2463
It is fashionable to have a bad oo
A — , Row. ;
: : The Patton Laundry has a new ‘ad’
1. subscribers who do not give express :
notice to the contmry are considered as wish- in another commn.
“i f to renew thelr wt om + riptions, : 4
If sabscribsers order the discontin aa Free P. E. Davison cams down from
© of their § sricdieais, the Jrotitaher AY con- rialei mia SU
tinne to’ wnd then antl all sromrmges an Fhenshurg Monday.
8. It #0 beri bers regent or pofiine for take Eii ( YATES, of Huntingdon, stopped al
their periodicals from the pestoffies to whi
Hotel Beck Monday,
they ave directed they’ are Roi peostible un ’
Be Seif bitte ated ordered them Attorny Somerville spent Monday at-
dimen aed . . -
4 If subscribers move to other places with- tending court at Ebénsburg.
out informing the publishers, and the pps : bn : ;
are sent ing lw, address, they are held (". 8. Roup, of Altoona, spent Sal-
: responsible. i 3 -
% The Courts have decided ihat refasing to 0rday in Patton on buisness. :
Andionis from the office or removing . Frank Wag or came over from
them anesiled for, is prima uci
intentional fraud. Altoona on business Monday.
If subscribers pay in advance they sre
bound to give notiee at the end of the time if J. P. Thompson, of Fairmount, W.
do not wish to continue taking it; other 2
De ae. publheers is authorized to seod It Va. visited in town Tuesday.
hseriber will be rewponsible until an
Erm moti. with Her of all arrear- All Cambria county people should
Agen: 58 dst 36x the pu read the Johnstown Democrat.
Local Time Table, Wm. C. Buhl and wife, of Phila
The hours of arrival and departure Jelphia, are stopping in town.
of trains at the Patton Station are as J. B. H. Johnston, of Altoona, reg-
istered at the Palmer house last week.
Jas. 8. Dixon, of Philadelphia, was a
guest at the Palmer house on Friday.
Postoffice hours from x bia Hardware company; all prices. -52¢f
P. M. Misses Birdella and Annie Morgan, of
Train naombers marked ‘N” Clearfield, visited friends in Patton
northbound and “8” southbound. this week.
: i Carving knives and forks a specialty
dex ‘Fore Crates. at the Cambria Hardware company’s
Father calls re William, sister calls me Will,’ | store. _sotf > :
Mothes hl me Willie—but the feilers call me
wpe ina I ain't a gir—rather be a boy Bell, the hustling ¢ Jothier, ete, is
rs Fo =
worn by Fauntaoy!
lave lo chawnk k green apples an’ go swimmin' showy ‘ad’.
Fate 0 take the rastor-fle they give fr belly. Thanksgiving carving knives and
: forks at the Cambria Hardware com-
pany. -52tf
John Gilbert, a commercial tcurist,
wd S|port-xik i on
i. “weet 1 nay > of of New York, registered at Hotel
Fast Shing she ae knows she doesn’t Know where Beck last )
Got a CHpperated. an’ when ts boys gots 091 1 die hate reduced in price at Alice
‘Long comes ithe grocery cart an’ we all hook A. Asheroft’s millinery store up-stairs
a ride!
Hut sometimes when the grocery man i= wor in Gr od building.
Heras me with his whip, and mrraps © C. W. Gould, a traveling salesman,
of Somerset, Pa., stopped at the Pal-
mer house Monday. :
Dr. F. G. Bennett, of Mahaffey, who
ma was at one time located in Patton, made
It like k des”. Limth
i <n missionerer ike ber ¢ ridther. this place a visit Monday.
As aL rr cunnibl's that Fives in ay merchants are beginning to ad
Where every prospec pleases an’ only man yertise in the Patton Covmier. It ie
¥ 2
Bat gran ‘ma she had never een to see a Wild ' the best and only mediam.
y eng § :
Or read the life ov mrited Boone, or else I guess Readers yon will become wise when
shed know you read what Wm. F. Gable & Co. of
That Pome Bill an’ cowboys is good enough ; x
Fixeep Jen jes fore (ristmas, when I'my good as 1A} 10 say Wen
Kinbe! | { Dr. 8. W. Worrell smiles a happy
Most all the time the in year roun’ there
ain't no files on ow
But jes’ Tr me Pin as good ax I kin be!
An’ Ay i "ait ana polier: “Oh. you never
Bt Po on Cnristmas I'm as food ax 1 kin bet |
Gran’ ma says ste hopes that when J gt 10 be |
His eyes ween # anyin'; “What's er mat- not? A bright little girl at his home.
The crite BUTT wn off her perch a-wond. | A- F. Danilson, of Jobnstown, who
fv A Wha bedite 1icrn Guat, une tor | 136 DOME sopping in Patton for 4: Jew
; make things hum! days, returned to his home Thursday.
Put! 315 w) pets avd stick so earmestlike | John ast Rt. who has been fined
Juctlist $e 10 Githet: “Tow improved | 45 his home for the past week with
‘But father, havin’ been a boy hisself, sus | jliness is again able to attend to his
Whe Jo ore (Rrictmast Tm a8 good ar 1 duties.
4 GC Yeager v0. the meat mer-
For Christmas, with its lotsan’ lots av candies, | chants. have erected a new ice house
i kids, and not on the rear of their ot on Hage
a and bresh yer hair, an’ mind SVenue.
An’ Fannie pantaloons, an’ don't | A lot of Christmas toys will be sold
a Tr an’ yeasir tothe men, | DF Letts at your own prices, at ome-.
AR Whelt Shes Company dou'y pan Yer pists half the original cost. They must be
Pat, teas nar § ihe things you'd like to see 80M. -54t3
Tow? “loge Christmas be as wd as yon kin be! 1 J. M. Robinson, will Jenve this week
~Engene Field In ladles’ Home Journal. for an extended visited to his old home
ata : Aberdeen, N. Dakota and other
Waren, the printer. 4oy! I in the west.
For fruita go to Kinkead's.-40t/ | A boy child was born in Juniata last
Doc. Murray ought to set them Up. | week which at ite nativity weighed
LW. Hoy vite Curwensville last only a little over three pounds. It is
week. : | still living and seems to be doing weil.
Elegant skating on the Marks pord | I .——Altoona Tribune.
‘these days. { Joseph Kujawa, a merchant tailor of
Try the CoumiEr for job work. | Corwensville, was shaking hardds with
Prices moderate.
Oysters for sale at the Arlington jaws was very much impressed with
restaurant. —49-tf this place. Every person is of the
. : same opinion of Patton when they
Every business should have ne of make it a visit. They can’t help it.
Warren's signs. -46tf :
ht dae ‘H. P. Dewler, of Glen Campbell, iy
| _— B. Robinson, of PIMphurs, M9P- | employed at E. C. Brown's vou
coil the predent, assisting in mine survey:
See the fine line of dolls at C. W. ing, eke. : 3
Hodgkins drug store. —49-tf
. Fall styles in ladies Hats at Alice A.
J. Asheroft’s millinery store.-44-t
E. D. Clark, of Altoona, registered
at the Commercial hote! Saturday.
C. M. Robinson, the architect of Al-
E. C. Poorman, of Tyrone, and who
was at one time engineer on Beech
Creek engine No 7, at this place, was
lin town Monday. :
C. Piper, Ponting the Atlantic
toona, had business in Patton Tuesday. Re og Company of Altoona, was
: *. seen on our streeta Monday and Tues
H. D. Rumberger, of Philipsburg, 4 =
stopped at the Commercial this week. ~~ ° ; :
D. H. McMasters, of Johnstown, Win | You ought to see the hase ball game
: : . at BE. A Mellon's store. it would make
guest the Commerci Fri-
dn at . al hotel ‘a dandy Christmas present for your
: a friend.
. H.T Snyder, a traveling salesman
of Pittsburg, had business in Patton Miss Grace Bloom, and Miss Mary
this week. | Whittaker, both af Curvwensville, made
The finest line of skates in town at | :
the Cambria Hardware company's | P13 over Sunday.
store. 5360 | It is Printers Ink that gives this
Every man has an idol, and if yon | seasonabl advice: “Advertise! If
watch him a short time you will see | your business is not worth advertising,
him worship it. —Ex. | advertise it for sale.”
Charley Martin, of Patton, spent | Don't stand on your head to read the
Thanksgiving Day among among Houtadale City Drug store advertisement this
friends. —Houtzdale Journal. | week. It is useless; simply turn the
Oysters served in every style st the paper upside-down. See.
Arlington restaurant; also a fine ling | The Clearfield papers say that deer
of confectionery on hand. —49-tf - hunters are so numerous in the moun-
The wire has besa strung up on the | tains of that county that they have to
of the Patton Coal company’s climb trees to allow each other to pass. |
new line and will soon be in operation. The CoURIER can furnish you vi
ft will be to your advantage 10 | the finest line of note heads and enve-
your flour from Letts. “White | lopes for the least money. First-class |
Rose,” “King’s Best,” Buckwhen $a workmen are employed. Call |
Rye.-5u8 : samples. -
Skates! Skates' Skates! at the Cam-
hes, (urls an’ things that's again to the front with another big
{friends in Patton Tuesday. Mr. Ko-
| a pleasant visit among friends at this
A A. Wait, of Philadelphia, wasa
gest at Hote! Beck Priday.
W. H Owens, a typo of C Tearfield,
spent a few days in Patton this week
visiting his brother, Frank Owens, and
while here made the COURIER a very
. pleasant call.
ean Bloons, of Corwensville, visited
his father. T. Jeff. Bloom, over San.
day Dean made manv friends while
here as he is a pleasant and gentle.
maniy young man.
A. (;. Palmer. superintendent of the
Bewwh Creek railway, Miss Stilts, of
Williamsport Mrs. GG. R Good daoghter
Sarah and sons Ralph and George, Jr.
spent Thanksgiving in Patton and
were guests at the Palmer house.
The Johnstown Tribune says that
there is talk of extending the Blacklick
Railroad next spring to Pittsburg,
when the passenger travel! will be over
. the Blacklick Road through Ebensborg,
saving an hour's time from Pst
to Altoona. -
George Myers, the weli-known brake-
man on the Ebensburg Branch, had a
narrow escape from a horrible death
Wednesday of last week. He was
coupling tw cars, when he was caught
between the bumpers, about the chest,
and squeezed. :
Matthew Utler, a. resident of Fru-
gality, this county, died at his home
there Thursday morning of typhoid
fever. He was thirty-five years old,
and is survived by his wife and two
‘children. He was buried on Friday. —
- Rbensburg Cambria Herald.
Alex McAlicher, an engineer of the
Pennsylvania railroad running be-
tween Harrisburg and Altoona, acci-
dently shot himself through the wrist
Thursday morning while hunting at
Birch Island, near Keating. The wound
isa painful one, but amputation will
not be necessary. :
W. McKinney Smith, principal of
the Patton public schools, who is now
lying at his home at Howard, Pa.
with typhoid fever, is reported to be
very low. A large number of his
friends in Patton are very sorry to
learn of his misfortune and hope for
Harry Good, charged with chicken
in Lancaster while kneeling at the
altar st a revival service in Ranmck's
‘ church, Earl township. Good hss been
a fagative firom justice for a year and
returned a few days ago. His arrest
cansed grest excitement among the
Then of Sixers oe ange around. 0 soliam like | smile these bright fall mornings. Why congregation, who took sides with the
prisoner, bet he was gotten away with-
out trouble and is now locked ap.—
Johnstown Tribune. :
given, ~~ Jacos C. CARLHED,
beth Furnace and fell into a small
Yhere will bo offered at Public Sale Dont Buy
at the late residence of Christopher a
Karlheim, deceased, in Clearticid wvn- AN Overcoat
ship. Cambria county, three miles cast
or Pitan, and wo miles sori oS Til] You Have Seen
Augustine, on road leading to Fallen
Timber, December 11, 1394. one team
of heavy horses two milch cows, one -
WHO wagon, one pair of bob sleds,
set hay rake, one mowing machine, My
one fiat hay ladder, one buggy. two _.
eet heavy harness, collars and bridles, ( Oats
one feed cutter, Jot of bedsteads and
bedding. lot of carpet, one heating at
stove, one cooking stove, lot of dishes,
lot of chairs, tables, one sewing ma- : :
chime, one burean, one ~upboard, lot of Dont think of a
-hay and straw, cornfndder, corn, OR,
potatoes, tnroips. bay fork and rope, _. . .r.. L Sn :
one thousand ft. maple lumber, one Suit Til You've seen My
ey grain cradles, mowing acy thes, 25 ae
one cross-cut saw, one hand saw, one
hog. one log chain, two rocking chairs, 017 | WwW : | S »
; y -b . tub and ;
on Twn J) A ool Dress Suit.
tion. Zl
: Boy S Overcoats
Money talks at our Store.
and worth $3.50 at
Terms will be made known on day
of sal and a reasonable credit will be
Killed by the Cars.
Aa mail train north on the Tyrone & - - 2
and Clearfield railroad, ander the cae [3] Assorment to Select From.
‘of Cemductor Farrell, passed Lower
Woodland on Tuesday morning, Mr
McQuiillen, aged 85 years, and futher
of Adam McQuillen, was struck and
instantly killed Mr. MeQuiilen was
standing ten feet from the track as = : : : |
Engineer Gibbs approached with his h t $1 P t $5
train, but, being deaf did not hear it O€S a u o ; "
coming, and it is t he stepped gE : : : :
on the track just as the in reached M : B Ladi i Child :
him. He was mangled in a horrible ens, ; oys, es, rarens.
marner by the heavy trucks —Clear-
field Raftaman Journal.
John ss Terre Souk of
Crema: tr tor mg. py Come and See Us,
streun twelve feet below. He was
taken to the Altoona hospital, where it
was found he was suffering from a
compound fracture of the left leg.
The tireak is just above the left ankle.
The hospital physicians believe the
foot can be saved. Johnstown Tri-.
Two Ribs Broken.
The Spangler sentinel says that on
Toewday morning James Reffner, a
farmer who lives just east of town,
slipped and fell while carrying a bucket
A a Cash--One- Price
the bucket. Dr. Helfrick dressed the
We Solve That
Where and What shall I buy for. ‘Sox08 HAO NA Aouedy
“Hor Al
‘43aHOI38 3 Fo
“013g ‘Apued
‘sasind ‘SAOJUIAN
spas 2 NdIUeiN
‘saseD 12|I0L
‘Syuasalg sew
i. 108 A149 OL ANVH NOTdd 300d 4ANO
And Sec
tion of
Toys, Games,
our Grand Opening Exhibi-
Is the celebrated and well-known CINDERELLA. It
Novelties, Books,
Silve are, Furs, Etc. has been proven to be the verv best and the cheapest.
No Exhibit Like This One
In Central Pennsylvania.
friends to be here this
1320-22 11th AVEN UE,
Altoona, Pa.
One-haif Sock from
-P.R. R. Depot
We expect all our
Is economy. A poor
one 1s the worst
kind of ex-
Cambna County trav
month. ow pr gance.
Se e us First
For all kinds of
General Hardware, Etc.
Patton. Pa.