-, eT i ang ts. an 1 NA AS AAT A 0 Ml seis . - ph yy % : . 2 A 31 ee : en FLO : FR ANe 1 Honig &uica . ——rs fe tom Fa 1 Copia with won hore. : Patton Courier. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. PATTON rem ISHING CO, P Asheroft’s millinery store 44-tf Pe : : ‘Better bread than ever at Letts! 2463 It is fashionable to have a bad oo A — , Row. ; NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. . : . : : The Patton Laundry has a new ‘ad’ 1. subscribers who do not give express : notice to the contmry are considered as wish- in another commn. “i f to renew thelr wt om + riptions, : 4 If sabscribsers order the discontin aa Free P. E. Davison cams down from © of their § sricdieais, the Jrotitaher AY con- rialei mia SU tinne to’ wnd then antl all sromrmges an Fhenshurg Monday. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1884. 8. It #0 beri bers regent or pofiine for take Eii ( YATES, of Huntingdon, stopped al their periodicals from the pestoffies to whi Hotel Beck Monday, they ave directed they’ are Roi peostible un ’ Be Seif bitte ated ordered them Attorny Somerville spent Monday at- dimen aed . . - 4 If subscribers move to other places with- tending court at Ebénsburg. out informing the publishers, and the pps : bn : ; are sent ing lw, address, they are held (". 8. Roup, of Altoona, spent Sal- : responsible. i 3 - % The Courts have decided ihat refasing to 0rday in Patton on buisness. : Andionis from the office or removing . Frank Wag or came over from them anesiled for, is prima uci intentional fraud. Altoona on business Monday. If subscribers pay in advance they sre bound to give notiee at the end of the time if J. P. Thompson, of Fairmount, W. do not wish to continue taking it; other 2 De ae. publheers is authorized to seod It Va. visited in town Tuesday. hseriber will be rewponsible until an Erm moti. with Her of all arrear- All Cambria county people should Agen: 58 dst 36x the pu read the Johnstown Democrat. Local Time Table, Wm. C. Buhl and wife, of Phila The hours of arrival and departure Jelphia, are stopping in town. of trains at the Patton Station are as J. B. H. Johnston, of Altoona, reg- istered at the Palmer house last week. Jas. 8. Dixon, of Philadelphia, was a guest at the Palmer house on Friday. Postoffice hours from x bia Hardware company; all prices. -52¢f P. M. Misses Birdella and Annie Morgan, of Train naombers marked ‘N” Clearfield, visited friends in Patton northbound and “8” southbound. this week. : i Carving knives and forks a specialty dex ‘Fore Crates. at the Cambria Hardware company’s Father calls re William, sister calls me Will,’ | store. _sotf > : Mothes hl me Willie—but the feilers call me wpe ina I ain't a gir—rather be a boy Bell, the hustling ¢ Jothier, ete, is rs Fo = worn by Fauntaoy! lave lo chawnk k green apples an’ go swimmin' showy ‘ad’. the ink Fate 0 take the rastor-fle they give fr belly. Thanksgiving carving knives and : forks at the Cambria Hardware com- pany. -52tf John Gilbert, a commercial tcurist, wd S|port-xik i on i. “weet 1 nay > of of New York, registered at Hotel Fast Shing she ae knows she doesn’t Know where Beck last ) Got a CHpperated. an’ when ts boys gots 091 1 die hate reduced in price at Alice ‘Long comes ithe grocery cart an’ we all hook A. Asheroft’s millinery store up-stairs a ride! Hut sometimes when the grocery man i= wor in Gr od building. Heras me with his whip, and mrraps © C. W. Gould, a traveling salesman, of Somerset, Pa., stopped at the Pal- mer house Monday. : Dr. F. G. Bennett, of Mahaffey, who ma was at one time located in Patton, made It like k des”. Limth i