a a A ak ie LP = SST ieee. oi i A So td a a % = | | a pq 4 Patton PATTON PUBLISHING ce, Fr oprietors. THURSDAY. AUGUST 9] 1564. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS 1 Suteeribers who “do not sive express Betis 16 the contrary ame constdergd as wish. ing to renew their submeyiplions. Z If subscribers onder the dls af their periodicals, the os dishes tine to send! thom unt 311 minus nce may eoon- AITPATHIOR BIY It statwerihers neglect or refyse : hr periodicais from the est toffiol to whie h they are directed, they are respousibie ant they have settled the Ar Bills and ordered them discontinued, 4 If subscribers move to other Jlaces with- out informing the publishers, and the pupes are sent to the former address, they are held hile, 3. The Courts have decided that [nefusing to take periodicals frum the oflee on renmsing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima faci evidences of intentional rand, 8. If subseribers pay in advancg they are bound to give notice at the end of the time if they do not wish to continne 4 akitul it: other wise the publishes is author: ied and the subscriber will be respons express notice, with pavment of ages. i sent to the pub! tsher. {or were it ihte until an all arrvar - Loeal Thné Table. The hours of arrival and departure of trains at the Patton Station are as follows: Train No. Arrives, THY 2 IT2 AN 0-x...... 1082 A XM 700-8, ‘HAP M TOR-% a a Postoffice hours from 7 A. P.M. . Train numbers marked |? northbound and “8S” southbound. © Mail Closes, TR AM ou to 8 Yee are Cycles. It ents no ots, 2 ents no hay, - It's remdy harnessed night and day: It needs no smith, it needs no groom, It takes up very Hite mom Ic ® tempers good, 1 won't get’ [t's safe to trust with any child: It needs no rein, it needs no goad) But little eare on it's bestowed: | It cannot kick, it will not shy, | 12 gives one what no wealth ean try: It needs no physde— will not hits Is silent, graceful, stv red High Iw fights the young, makes glad 1 [Us surely worth its weight in gold, What it is pou ail ean tell, | As E. A. Melton has them to well, What? 7 Cleveland (Cveles Patton, Pa. srited™ The Best Soda Water At Hodgkin's Store. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey * Asheroft’s millinery store, ‘, Pa. Rate Evans Hiller came up from Mahaffey Saturday. ‘For flour, feed, hay, Sam’l Boyce. -23t7 etd, S. 8. ‘Armsbaugh came oper from : Hastings Monday. J. W. Johnston, of Ansonvi Patton a call Monday. When in Ebensburg go to house for a good meal. P. K. Kane, of Philadelphia. at Hotel Beck Monday. E. B. Clark, of Newport, Ph. town on business Friday : J. M. Harr, of Pittsburg, was a guest at the Palmer house Friday. "Pr. F. Orlando Helfrick and wife, of Spangler, spent Sunday in Patton. ie, - made the Blair stopped Was in Barnes Newell, of Pitisburyg, is visit-. ing at Walter Weakland'’s this week. Alice A. Ashcroft is the leading milli- ‘ner, of this section. Go and see her. 24tf Wm. T. Fincke, of Philadelphia, reg- istered at the Commercial hotel SKatar- day. E. B. Robertson, of Tyrone, was a guest. at the Commercial hotel last week. P. W. Marshall, of Troutville, Clear- field county, was a visitor to Paton wife, were guests at Hotel Pat. Fayette and Cambria capitalists have : ton Sunday. heen looking up coal lands in Northern Friday. i Dr. Somerville and Sam’l Kelley and son, of Chest Springs, drove Patton Monday. @G. E. Hipps, of 8t. Lawrence, was in Patten on his bicycle Monday shaking hands with his many friends John H. Newell, of the Barnes. Safe ‘and Lock company, of Pittsburg visited friends in Patton over Sundgy. Try Magic drops for pain, internal i {nd external. Guaranteed by C. W, dfodgiine, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Reuel Somerville, Esq., Patton’s pop- ular attorney, paid’ Ebensboj a busi- ness visit on Jriday. - Cambria Herald. Jas. J. Kay lor, father of Raym d J. Kaylor, editor of the Hastings Tri died at his home near Loretto, July The finest line ladies’ hats and under- wear to be found anywhere at Alice A. Asheroft’s millinery store in Good building. -24tf Ellis C. Howe, who is forernan at the Reilly colliery, and who was|a veteran in the late war received a : pension one day last week. See the cyclorama of the| battle of Gettysburg at the fair, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 28th, 29th, [30th and 31st. Jay Palmer; the genial traveling salesman, representing Marshall-Ken- nedy Milling company, of Allegheny ity, was in Patton on business Tues- day. dames W. Killduff, editor of the In- dastrial vindicator, Gallitzin, mafie an assignment Inst week of his office and real estate in favor of John E. Burns Caurier.! tn take $10 rr ¥. go to lof the Berwind-White coal down to. "i Patton Tuesday. _ risburg, filling the pulpit of Rev. Pay your taxes? Everybody smiles. The strike is ended. Pay vour subscription. Blackberries are plenty Attend the Ebensbarg fair. Drink Hodgkin's soda water. Bargains at Asheroft's millinery store. 24tf For a nice cool drink pure ao-la water . P. C. Waite, of Tyrone, registered at Hotel Beck Saturday. OM newspapers for sale at this office at ten cents a bundle : Hodgkin's try T. Jeff Bloom returned home from Curwensville Tuesday. Pant Just, of Johnstown, at Hotel Beck last week. Edward Strayer came over from St Bonifice Saturday on business. T. B. Shuman, of Tyrone, stopped af the Commercial hotel Monday. Ed Lyons, a merchant of Altoona, was a visitor to Patton Tuesday. C. W. Searight, of Pittsburg, regis- tered at the Palmer honse Monday. Mr. C. A. Buck, of Carrolltown, is’ lying seriously ill with typhoid fever. W. H. Denlinger, of Philipsburg, stopped at the Palmer house Monday. B. 8. Shabarugh, of Carrolltown, spent Monday among friends in Pat ton, C. McCans and daonghter Agnes, of Altoona, visited friends in Patton Sunday. : Was a guest Dr. Rice and wife and (lara Corbin, of Houtzdale, visited friends in Patton Sunday. Haupt, of Patton Pierce and Chas. RB visitors to J. G. Irvona, wera Sunday. A lL. Home, 0, Satords iy. Mrs. J. M. Robinson, atives at Syracuse, N. aon of National an Military business Light, was in Patton is visiting rel- Y., and other points east. Mrs. E. lL. Smale, and daaghter, Mrs. J. H. Miller, of Lock Haven, visiting relatives in town. C.J. Wood and wife, accompanied by Mrs. John Hindle, all of -Barnsboro, drove over to Patton Tuesday. : Are A large number of young people visited Wapsononock, the popular sum- mer resort of this section Sunday. For the finest line of millinery, fancy goods and ladies underwear go to Alice A. Asheroft’s millinery store in Good building. -24tf W. J. Dufton, wife and two children drove down from Ebensburg, Sunday. : Mr. Dufton is one of the leading mer- chants of that place. Miss Bella Reynolds, of Pittshurg, is visiting with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Wm. Leadbetter, of Patton, and is ap- parantly enjoying the Mountain air very much. A nine-year old son of Jas. Mulligan fell off of a dog cart last Thursday morning and broke two bones in his right arm. At present writing Le is getting along very well. : ‘A large number of dead fish were iately pumped ont of one of the mines company near Clayville. The water had been standing in the mines for scme time. * Jos. Rhody, proprietor of the Man- sard house at Coalport, accompanied Mr. Rhody added his name to the COURIER list: while here. - cordial J. H. Beckley, representing, Love, Sunshine & Co., wholesale grocers of Johnstown, made his regular visit to ‘Mr. BReckley paid the COURIER a pleasant call while here. The South Pork Record is the name of a new Republican paper established at South Fork, edited by J. L. Sechler. The paper has the appearance of being well edited and is neatly printed. Sue- cess Bro. Sechler. Mr. W. H. Sandford, cashier of the First National bank of Patton, spent Sunday with his wife and family, who have been visiting their relatives in Philipsburg and Chester Hill — Phil- ipsburg Ledger. On the 3rd Monday of August, Barker will hand down the famous Gallitzin school case which the Sisters of Charity are defendents, and Junior American chanics are the proseculors. The Managers of the Ebenshurg fair have secured a wonderful asronaut, who will make balloon ascensions and leaps in mid-air. Prof. Chas. J. Eddy, in his wonderful mid-air trapeze per- formances has never been equalled. Rev. Harvey Greme Furbay, of this place, preached last Sunday in the Pine Street Presbyterian church, Har- Judge his decision in in the Me- George 8. Chambers, who was on a western vacation trip. Tyrone Herald. John R. Cordell, proprietor of the hotel at Thomas’ Mill, informed the COURIER representative that on one day last week between the hours of § and 11 a. m. he connted 126 people going for blackberries who passed his place of business, not saying anything about the number that came down the rail- Railroad on or before August + W, DuBois as heretofore and the eve train will leave there with sleeper burg, Dr. If you want a good tailor-made suit go to LC. Lerch, Mahaffey, Pa et Ride to Niagnra Falls, On Toesday. Augnst 14th, the Beech Creek railroad will sell special excur- A Fouyi gion tickets to Niagara Falls, via Clear- field and the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg railroad, at the following very low rates: Mi ha Wes, Wondland, Bower, vss BR Waliarton, K fermioor 5 0 Morrisd'le Mines fmrrnin, Mu ; New Millport, : Pailipabeiry. Mitehellin, rm hela i reinite smwt to Je gr ov sbyyree fry rsd thr HEAR coming from east order to make proper 33, Passengers Clearfield, in connections, must take train No. and passengers coming from west of Clearfield must take train No. 30. Excursion will arrive at Buffalo at 8 p. m. and Niagara Falls 9p m Re turning, éxcarsionista can leave Niag- ara Falls on any regular train of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, August 15th, 14th, 17th or 15th, and from Buaffalo on. any regular train of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittaburg Railroad, on or before -Augmst 23d, and from Clearfield on any regular train of the Beech Creek 24th. Tickets will also be accepted on regu- lar trains of New York Central and Hudson River Railroad from Buffalo to Niagara Falls, on Wednesday and Thursday, August 15th and 16th. For further information apply ! to any Beech Creek agent, or to F. E . Herriman, General Passenger er Philadel. phia. A. (i. PALMER, : Superintendent For Magie cough cure. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, roughs, colds and sore throat try (inaranteed by COC Pa.-tf Another Chang. . new schedule went into effect nn Ge B.C. R.R. and the B R and P. R.. as follows: Mail from Willis ec to Mataffey will arrive at this station at same time as hefire viz: 11:15 a. m. At Mahaffey it will ie itil 5:30 p. m., and arrive h for Williamsport at 7: p. m, when a through sleeper from DuBois will attarbed, and the train will arrive Philadelphia at 8 a. m. The morning and afternoon trains will arrive from mung Sunday 4 will here Tor at at- tached at 2:40, arriving at Clearfleld ai 2:30. The triin from Philadelphia will leave at 11:30 p.m. arriving at Willlam- sport at 7:20 a. m.; Clearfield at 11:15. For through travel this will certainly De a greal ormvenience tween this place and Mahaffey, it will give four hours instead of one and a half as it is now. dl] learfieid Rafuman’ % Journal John F. Bonner, who has been ing his father, F. J. Bonner, at Kar- thaus, returned home Monday. Mr. Bonner made the trip to Karthaus on his bicycle. He also rode to Philips- Houtzdale and several other places. Church Dedication, The new. Methodist Episcopal church of this place will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God on Sabbath, August 12. The pastor will he assisted by Rev. D. 85. Monroe, D. D, sider of Altoona district, and Rev. J. P. Moore, pastor of the Curwensville M. E. church. The services will begin Friday evening at 7:45; Saturday eve- ning, 7:45; Sunday morning, 10:30; Sundsy afternoon, 3:00 o'clock; eve- ning at 7:30. We extend to all a invitation to attend these CHAS. W. WassOX. Pastor. services, A. 5. Patton, of Curwensville, enter- tained P. K. Sprenkle, of Harrisburg; Editor Brainard, of the Review; D. 8. Moors, W. CC. Helmbold and Samuel P. Arnold pleasure trip to the thriving town of Patton. (learfleld Public Spirit. Excursion te Ebenaburg. Excursion tickets will be sold at all railroad stations to Eber rg. Special traips will he run daily hetween Ebens- burg and Cresson, connecting with all trains east and west on ithe Main line and also with trains on the Cambria & Mearfleld BR : | Wednesday will be ( hildren’ a Day. All children under 12 years will be admitted free Gilen Campbell is not the safest place to be wandering around these nighta ‘Men with guns. guard every mine and tipplea, the company buildings, the 25- ton straw stack belonging to the com- pany, the large wheat shocks of J W (Mark's, (Mark & Watson's mill, the McCullough eamp and Bennett's mill day and night. »Comet. Notire of Purchase. [ have purchased the dark bay mare, buck-board, spring wagon and all the batchering tools belonging to the late firm of Wertner & Baker. Will leave the above mentioned property with the said firm, and therdfore notify all persons not to disturb gr meddle with such, —36-3t JOREPH A BAKER. July 28, 1994. | : going to offe F the peo ple of Locally, be- Vikit- One goods if Presiding Monday on an outing and ‘deceit than ordinary minds can imagine. There are scores ‘and responsibility. ‘opinion of some experienced wheelsman, even if you have to pay 1 | B16 CLEARANCE SALE! Be ginning to-day, Aue. some bargains. be general sold Of once we dare 2nd, and continuing for 30 davs, I am of this town - ape surrounding country Having a big stock on hand which must going iO Cut prices away down and must and will sell the goods. TO START THE “BALL” we offer 00 men’s : St8 on Cw 1 on Cn OO 00 cut ai a 1 210 suits down price. suits worth ard marked z as : follows: suits cut dow nto 816 « : 06 J kA 14 12 12 10 well worth first named BOYS LONG PANT SUITS. 212 00 Sui ts cut down to SQ 73 i 3 FE “as 6 BOYS KNEE PANT SUITS AS FOLLOWS: — .u - + > - 2 Suits cut down Dd: 51 “hr CX z0 Suits cut down to $1 - wk x). Sits cut down to £4 ah ‘ os “hk “os "MEN'S STIFF and SOFT HATS oy s 20 per cent off on every hav ndr reds of them. One. ta ¢ al be x nats same percentage off, We MEN'S, BOYS and CHILDREN S STRAW HATS wi er CC it. on the dol iar. A Ww ay NEW DRESS PANTS AS FOLLOWS: $5 00 Pants © ut down to $4 00 3 * 3 BOYS PANTS cuT 5 marked that way to sell. MEX'S S AXD BOYS . AAR a “ in this Big Cut Sale. WY Rhoes cut to 8 25 $3 50 Shoes cut to $3 00 £2 50 Rhoes cut to $2 00 prices and all nice and s thea See Lie Ce Ai } S i [hese are almost cost new goods: be wantmy To “sw 1 Shoes to conte StoCK. tals » jaies we 1 #1 + ave nal price €s nar We the greatest chance of a life ime or that were nevere hetore offered 11 know that 1t ee we in plain figures. Boys Knee Pants 20 cents, 25 cents, 36 cents and SHOES vant to mvite you to come and see our stock and buy All overcoats and heavy ®ear will be sold 23 per cent. less than prices. t tacked ull price £s tO come down have the goods and these prices talk any man to secure bargains the down to & 25 $4 (0 Pants cut 9 0 2 SAME RATE. ) cents, worth 25 per ce nt. more and £3 1. Shoes cat to $2 5% $2 00 Shoes cat to $1 65 yught this spring. an y- It will pay scme _ but have the ong ¢ for themselves. Its county. When you all HARD TIMES 1 offer prices . to suit these times. Come and see us. will pay you to come miles to attend these sales. Yours Respectfully, LL. SS. BELL, The One Price Clothier, Hatter, Furnisher and Shoe Dealer, Fifth edi; Patton, Pa. BUY THE CLEVELAND CYCLES. there is as applied ia the basis of more of different kinds listed at high-grade High grade is the accepted term for the best that to Bicycles. [t embraces a few manufacturers aaly, and and different named wheels offered for sale to-day that are prices, advertised as high-grade wheels, and sold by the agent as such, that are false in this respect from the day they were first thought of until the day they reach the junk shop. They are the production ‘of cheap labor; they are so fin- ished as to look well and, to the inexperienc xd, are easily sold w hile the artful salesman recommends them as “Nearly as good,” or “l use ane my self,” or some catchy remark that cements the sale. Rome make the deceit more com- ete by using good materials, but the cost of the construction is very small o manufacturer secures the co-operation of the agent by giving him large dis- counts that permits him at times to allow a concession in price ™™ YOU on! some pretense or other, but more frequently he will stand up in a cold- blooded | manner and convince you, or endeavor to convince you, that a second- grade manufacture is a high-grade wheel. We cannot caution you too much Against | such unscrupulous goods. Beware of false goods! Beware of job lots of bank- | rupt factories). Get your bicycle from the agent of a factory that has reputation If you do not know what a high-grade bicycle is get the for it. : E. A. MELLON, acest Patton, Pa. ROYAL. Looe 10 Good The Patton INSURANCE Represe nts the fallow ng old Fire Insurance companies: rehable of Laverpool, HOME. of New York, GERMAN, of Pittsburg. Also the Equitable Life Insurance company, of New York, the larges* in the world. Dale & Patterson. Bulduy uver st Nat'l Bank PATTON, PA. for the benefit of his creditors. road from another direction. | Soda at Hodgkin's drug store. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers