The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 14, 1894, Image 2

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    8 al i 3 i x VE 2 : SpA trey
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Patton Courier.
PATTON "n "BL ISHING co. ' Proprietors.
(me copy, one year, In advarse, - - . $1.00
Sr Advertising rates made known upon
KF No papery diseemtinned ontil all ar
rearages are paid, unless a at the option of the
. publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second
cliss mail matter,
U. % sgxarors—f. Donald Cameron, Har-
Beaver, Bimyver county :
CONGRENSY AX John D. Hivks, Altoona,
a. - oy
TLR Corypemon- Edward Po Kearns, Pitts
barg, Pa. ; : :
Punxsutaw ney, Jy or pon oounty. Pa,
GOVERN: — Robert FE. Pant <r. Harris-
burg, Pa. ; ]
Er GovERsoR-—-Louis A. Walres, Semn-
Stewart, Norristown, Pa.
STATE FREAST rEr-—John W. Morrison,
Harrisbu a
AU to GENERAL]. MeGregg, Harris
burg, Pa. : . .
SUPT. PUBLIC IN eTioN —N. . Sehaelfer,
Harrisborg, ;
SEX ATOR P. Gray Meek, Bellefonte, Pa.
AssEMRLY J. J. Thomus, Carroll lownship;
J. C, Stintroan, South Fork: i
ist Monday of March | 1st Mondity of Sept,
ist Monday of June {Ist Monday of we,
PRESTOENT JU rGE- ‘Hom. AV. Barker
Treas nen—F. H. Barker.
wHERIFF—J. M. Shumaker,
‘DEPUTY SH ERIFY—Samuel Draavis,
COMMISION KR -P. J. Dillon, Gi. Liosd,
Geo. M. Wertz,
CoMMmsioN g's Crenk John © _ Gites.
COUNTY SURVEYOR Henry seanian.
Corsty AUDITORS Wm. J. Jones, Ww. C.
Berry, James Dally,
CORONER Pr. George Martin
Poor DixpcroRs—John Long, James Som-
erville, Raphiel Hile.
BupGEss-W. J. Donnelly. :
Covxe 21~14neoin =. Bell, preside nt; 8. M.
Wilson, H. C. Beck, B. Wise, P. P. Young,
J. F. BE
[Keon Boarp--Dr, J.B. Noonan. privcident;
- Jesse EB. Dake, scoretary; W. Samdiord,
treasurer; Wm, Purcell.
TREASURER W. H. Sandford.
CLERK — Harvey Patterson.
CoLLECToR—John D. Jones.
Asspssor-—J, R. Cornelius,
Avnrrogs—F, 3 Kinkead, H. 0. Winslow,
Will I. Thom
Jopae ov BEC TION ~A. Abbot,
INSPECTOR Abraham Byer
Carey or PoLCE-—-Sam Jones.
The finances of the country are gov-
erned between New York and Wash-
ington. Every statement of conditions,
causes and prospects, if of sufficient
value to command credit for being
near to the root: of national finances,
treats of what is, has been done andis
being done in New York and Wazhing-
ton, reserves and shipments in the
vaults of the two cities, ete. It is a pe-
caliar, yet a perfectly natural condition
that at present, while money is so
scarce in the channels where it is of
greatest benefit to the masses, itislying
in bank vaults in sueh sarplus amounts
that much of it is earning nothing,
That condition is due to lack of busi-
ness ventures and industrial stagna-
tion. People will not draw money out ’
of safety vaults and put in circulation
. by enlarging or renewing enterprises
while there is so little prospect of get-
ting back a profit or even the amount
: brought into use. A New York writer,
in treating of finances as they are’
found at the present time, says:
“The amount of gold in the country
is estimated at $665,000,000,0f which the |
national banks in this State hold
nearly $86,000,000, or about one-eighth.
Nevertheless the New York city banks
with $100,000,000 of specie in their
vaalts, will not part with gold, but
supply orders for export by sending
paper money to the Federal treasury
for redemption. Consequently the
gold in the treasury shows a constant
decrease, and another issue of bonds—
on doubtful anthority—is even now
under consideration. We believe that
this is precisely what the banks are
scheming for. There is no little de-
mand for money for business purposes
that the vaults of the banks are filled |
J — from ist Page)
| intent to kill, | but guilty of both charges
of assanlt and battery. Defendants |
were senténced to pay $10 jointly and |
costs and 15 days in jail
Just before the jury in the case
. of Joseph Crack were charged it was
discovered that John Knish had been
arrested and tried in place of his
brother Frank, and John was dis
charged. Ludwick Owistneswick was
found guilty of larceny and the others
of receiving stolen goods. The judge
said he would not call these defendents
before him again, but would enter the
. sentence in the bench book
risburg, Imuphin county; M. RX, Quay, of
There was a serious hitch when the
case: of George Kieta, Vincent Spruch,
and Vincent Bartoll, charged with riot
by Annie Rushnak, was called. No
interpreter could be found-—in fact, the
nationality of the defendents couldn't
even be ascertained -and the judge
disinissed the case, saying the county
wotild have to pay the cost anyhow
Newt Devine and George Brooks, :
charged by Wiserman with assault
andl battery were found not guilty, but
the jury decided that Newt. should pay
the costs
The case of J. 8. Connors, charged
by Thomas Smith with malicious mis-
chief in shooting the latter's $8 hound,
was taken up shortly before noon
~The grand jury found true bills in
the case of Robert Pugh, alias Robert
McClure, aggravated assanit and bat-
cosis of prosecution and to undergo |
ten years imprisonment in the Western
Daniel Bradley, convicted of felon- |
jous assanlt and battery, was sentenced |
to pay $25 fine and costs and 9 months |
in jail -
Tu¥ DEMOCRATIC platform demnnded
‘the repeal of the State bank tax, the
New York World advocated it before
the platform was made, and last week
the Democratic house of representa-
tives voted down a repeal by 170 to
102. The Democrats will not fulfill all
of their pledges and it will please men
of all parties alike that they do not
faifill some of them. Even the Popu-
list congressmen present when the
voté was taken voted against the re-
peal of the bank tax, and in a general
way they are the greatest clamorers
for money by the cart load without re-
gard to stability of value.
A ——————
Muarringe Licenses for Cambria.
The following marriage licenses were
issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’.
"| Court for the week ending Thursday,
June 7, 1884:
C. W. Mosholder and’ Minnie G.
Lavely, Johnstown.
I. J. Wissinger, Adams township, and
tery, E. E Felton, prosecutor, and in
that of J. 8. Connors just mentioned.
In the case ¢f the sornmonwealth va.
Elmer Carland, William Cariand,
Frank Daugherty, John Carland, and |
- Elmer Dougherty, illegal fishing with
nets, Jacob Mouse, prosecutor, the de- |
fendents entéred a plea of guilty.
Sentence by a fine of §6 and costs
“The jury in the case of the common-
wealth vs. J. C. Conners, malicicus
mischief, Thomas Smith, prosecutor,
returned a verdict of not guilty and
the prosecutor pay one-third and the
defendent two-thirds of the costs
The case of the commonwealth vs.
Joseph Ferran, fornication and bas-
Hannah Knepper, Croyle township.
John W. Gocher and Eisena Men-
ocher, Johnstown.
John T. Miller, Lovett, and Ada
Wonders, Croyle township. Sa
. Howard F. Hayet and Minnie M.
Schrock, Johnstown.
Joseph M. Switzer and Agnes Arble,
Carroll township.
Jethro B. Jacoby and Nellie R. Feath-
ers, Stonycreek township.
tardy, Alice Werrick, prosecutrix, Was
then called. Ferran pleaded guilty.
‘The couple were married in court
[nn the case of the commonwealth va.
* Duniel Bradley, felonious sssanit and
battery . with intent to kill, Adam
Stith prosecutor, the jury found Brad-
ley guilty of Telatticia assanlt and
The following ¢ases were held over
until the next term of sourt: Common-
wealth vs. Clara Miller, assault and
‘battery, Hannah Dawson, prosecutrix;
commonwealth vs. Thomas Dawson,
assault and battery, Joseph Miller, pros-
ecutor; commonwealth vs. Robert Mil-
lef, assault and battery, John W. Miller,
prosecutor. The three cases all came
from the same fight
"The case of the commonwealth V8.
George Arthurs, murderer, was called.
When the prisoner stood before the
ecurt to plead he made known to the
court that his name was George
Arthurs Anderson, aad Distriet Al
tcrney Murphy moved to amend by
adding the last name to the indict
ment .
Following are the names cof the
twelve jurors who will have this yoang
man’s life in their hands: Webster
Griffith, John Walcher, john Ott, Vin-
cent Rieg, R. J. Youthers, Jas M.
Towle, Joseph Miller, Jonas J. Yoder,
Martin Seymore, Samuel Pebley, Geo.
i L. Davis and M. D. Bearer. The jury
‘was procurred after having drawn
twenty names. Following are the
names of those who were refused either
because they had formed an opinion or
on account of -concientious scruples in
regard to capital punishment: Sheri-
dan Bennett, Leander Bush, John W.
Engle, Michael Marphy, Edward
Pringle, Robert Moore, M. D. Jones,
W. H. Trefts
Satards y's Proceedings.
The trial of George Arthurs Anderson
for the murder of Thomas Cush, in
Johnstown began at 8:30 o'clock. Dis
trict Attorney Murphy conducted the
‘easesalone. Andersan had for his at-
compel the government to issue more
bonds—and they retain the gold in
order to muke the purchases when the
bonds are offered. - Last week the ex-
ports of gold from New York City
were $5,179,860, bringing the total since
Jannary 1st up tc $47,081,949, and in
the five months the imports have been
only $9,119,104, so that the net loss so
far this year is $87,962,845. Most of this
gold has been drawn from the Federal
treasury. The banks have secared it
by demanding the redemption of the
pape money. At the beginning of
the year the gold in the treasury less
the gold certificates, was $31,335,-
486, or about nineteen millions less
than the $100,000,000 which the secre-
taries have desired to keep on hand as
a reserve. The supply decreased to
$66,813,381 on January 26th. Then $50,-
000,000 of bonds were sold for gold and
the net gold in the treasury increased
until, on March 10th, it was $107,108,
. 7086—or seven millions in excess of the |
customary reserve. Since then the
reserve has been steadily decreasing.
and on Saturday last, to only $78,651,
617; so that the condition of the'treas-
ury itself is actually worse now than it
was five months ago, notwithstanding
the huge fact that the national debt
bearing interest has been increased
torneys Messrs. Shoemaker and Mec-
Kendrick, they having been appointed
"The jury went out 11:20 o'clock and
George W. Wagoner and Gertrude,
' F: Suppes, Johnstown.
Michael Morley and Mary Kear,
~ Martin Malatin and Anna Jankral,
Boyd W. Hawes, Cherrytree, Indiana
county, Pa., and Rose Patrick, Burn-
side, Clearfield county, Pa.
Everybody is Coming.
. To Patton to see the big celebration on
the Fourth of July. We want your
presence and your money, and in re-
turn we will give you a good time.
There will be plenty of sport to amuse
you. Grand industrial parade at 10
o'clock. A dandy fantastic parade at
10:30 o'clock. All the fire companies
of surrounding towns are invited and
will be in the parade with our fire com-
pany. - Baloon ascension at 10 o'clock,
by one of the leading baloonists. Fire
works at 9 o'clock in the evening.
If you want to spend a good 4th of
July at smail expense come to Patton.
We will treat everyone alike, and all
will go hone satisfied that they. enjoy- :
‘od themselves. A big dance on a
platform built for the occasion, 80 x 40
-~under the auspices of the Patton Fire
i. 8. BELL,
Specimen Cases,
% H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis, was
tranbled with Neuralgia and Rheuma-
tism, his Stomach was disordered, his
We want your prese nce and your money,
ie give you a good fime.
Grand Industrial Parade at 10 a'clok.
A dandy Fantastic Parade at 10:30 o'clock.
All the fire companies of surrounding towns
Balloon Ascension at 10 o'clock,
By one of the Leading B3
— F
If you want to spend a good 4th of
Liver was affected to an alarming de- ©
gree, appetite fell away, and he was
terribly reduced in flesh and strength.
Three bottles of Electric Bitters cared.
him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg,
Il, had a running sore on his leg of
eight years’ standing. Used three
bottles of Electric Bitters and seven
boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and
his leg is sound and well John
Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large
' Pever sores on his leg, doctors said he
was incurable. One bottle Electric
Bitters and one box Bucklen’s Arnica
Salve cured him entirely. Sold at Dr.
Belcher s City Drug Store,
Assigner Notice.
Notice is hereby given that T. F.
Mellon, doing business as T. F. Mellon
" & Co.. of Patton, Pa., made and deliv-
court adjourned until the ringing ofl
the bell. After about four hour's de-
liberation the jury returned a verdict
of murder i in the second degree
Monday's Proceedings.
Monday was sentence day at court,
and the prisoners who were convited
last week were called before the bar to
have final judgement passed upon
them : .
‘Lawrence Fletcher, alias Feltzer, the
boy who pleaded guilty to the charge
of rape on the person of Miss Hoch-
stine, of Upper Yoder township, was
‘sentenced to the Huntingdon Reform-
- John O Ream, William Reimer, Frank
Beamish and Patrick O'Connell, who
pleaded guilty to receiving goods
stolen from P R R cami, were sentenced
to the Reformatory
Harry Marsh, the companion of
(George Arthurs Anderson, who plead--
ered a deed of voluntary assignment
for the benefit of his creditors to the
endersigned. All persons indebted are
requested ‘0 make immediate pay-
ment, and those having claims to pre-
sent the same properly authenticated.
: Assignee.
Patton, Pa, May 28, 1364.
© Bucklew's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts, :
bruised, sores; ulcers, salt rhenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
tively ctires piles, or no pay required.
i It is guaranteed to give perfect satis-
ed gu’'ty to carrying concealed weap-
ons, was fined $20 and costs and sent- |
enced to the Western Pesientinty for
one year
Charles Kennedy, convicted at last |
term of complicity in the robbery at!
Kaylor's and sentence suspended, was’
called up and sentenced to the Hunt-|
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale hy Ir. CE
Belcher, city drug store.
Penmsyltvapia I'ensions
Pensions (issue of May 23 have been
granted the following Pennsylvanians:
Original John W. Kerr, Purchase
Line, Indiana county.
Additional — George P. Kringe,
Somerset. ar
Increase —Joshua Bard, Oteiia, Han-
tingdon county.
auspices of the
H ( > ‘Beek,
F. H. Kinkead.
S. FE Jones,
L.. $5.
Dr. B. F. Wendell, a graduate of
, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery,
‘has opened a dental parlor up stairs
(in the Good building over Koller &
Co.'s store. Firstclass work guaran-
| teed. Teeth extracted without pain. |
Prices moderate. -24tf
ko or further particulars address the
to SCC the big celebratic
On a pict built for the OA
Committe of Arrai
J. 'M. Robmsop.
H. E. Keller |
in on the
“and “in vehiirh we will
are invited and will be in the parade
~ [with our Fire Company:
Fire Works at g o'clock in the evening.
July at small expense
We will treat every
all will go home si
they enjoyed th mselves.
ne alike, and
tisfied that
60x 40—under the
; EA Mellon”
‘= JF. Bonner,
Je hn Sch ed. >