8 al i 3 i x VE 2 : SpA trey ls A a i SA Kt HS IASI. 0, 3 lg sg 3 id $s i aig » okt wd AY og he 5 REE Fe 4 ¢ <£ Fl A 8 X J Cr _ Patton Courier. PATTON "n "BL ISHING co. ' Proprietors. THU RSDAY, JUNE H, 1894. TERMS 07 suBscR IPTION. ; (me copy, one year, In advarse, - - . $1.00 Sr Advertising rates made known upon application. KF No papery diseemtinned ontil all ar rearages are paid, unless a at the option of the . publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second cliss mail matter, FEDERAL OFFICERS. U. % sgxarors—f. Donald Cameron, Har- Beaver, Bimyver county : CONGRENSY AX John D. Hivks, Altoona, a. - oy TLR Corypemon- Edward Po Kearns, Pitts barg, Pa. ; : : DEPUTY (OLLFO H.W Prinsmon, Punxsutaw ney, Jy or pon oounty. Pa, siaTe OFFICERS. GOVERN: — Robert FE. Pant ‘Beek, F. H. Kinkead. S. FE Jones, L.. $5. Dr. B. F. Wendell, a graduate of , Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, ‘has opened a dental parlor up stairs (in the Good building over Koller & Co.'s store. Firstclass work guaran- | teed. Teeth extracted without pain. | Prices moderate. -24tf ko or further particulars address the i to SCC the big celebratic On a pict built for the OA Committe of Arrai J. 'M. Robmsop. H. E. Keller | in on the “and “in vehiirh we will ORT TO AMUSE YOO. are invited and will be in the parade ~ [with our Fire Company: lloonists. Fire Works at g o'clock in the evening. Chalrman. FCaSIOH, ngerments -. July at small expense We will treat every all will go home si they enjoyed th mselves. ne alike, and tisfied that rr A BIG DANCE 60x 40—under the =“ COMPY. ; EA Mellon” ‘= JF. Bonner, | Je hn Sch ed. > BELL, Chairrman. »