- - a ne nn AS tn i - — ph. tir Bre i nbn ep prem n VOL. 1.—NO. 10. ~ PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1304. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PATTON come TF. MORECORE THAN ORDERS. ===" WESIUED TO AESOME/___——~— MM ELLONS: ht Overproduction in the| About 10 velock Saturday might But the Mince Did Nor Stace Goveman pr ap oo ER dda i Comselole Field. ET Be a Ho ili ie Pr a ination Or: Suttole = - emi eet Sion A Srp i on. i om ar A ai, : 5 & CO, “GAIN - OUTPUT. one mile north of Lather A POVL PBetimt gl au the dave 40 LL : ; . = The Coxey Army Growing a Little. ~ Tors. | Re g was new; it was built a : Eas i : : = a SR 3 Pamison fede SYN Bet rie in a * Mr, | Sou: haw ot aurd, : 0 : Loameaping reports are shown of the Brockbank had but recently piped Heh men g | coke industry. There isa measure of,» © it from a spring. - Four horses, | MINE and MINERS’ om ced | mh Ban | SU | Gene by competent authority. | 9estroyed. Also a quantity of hay and : SUPPLIES. The most favorable part is the gain 5780. The loss was perhaps $3,000; in- | Our specialties are : made in the present month. The re *irance $600. It is supposed tramps FINE , ._ |portisas follows: | were lodging in the barn and caused _BROCERIES | wi not ins: whe Connells. © Ar eaki ' : ; mes at NTs, She WHITE FAWN FLOUR yA ter last © Speaking of Grondhogs. and McCormick’s mines ail came to # - DUPONT POWDER, |theout | aid Ms. . standstill about the middle of Jewuary | : J y 1 i op | 3 Nh DRILLS, a | “the other day I saw one running monthly ner mn | PICKS, ] : panic occurred. For the week ending Along the railroad, east of town, and the reasots why the mine owners OU% #et the North Carolina poplar; “HANDLES. : | March 18, 1888, the production amount- gave chase to him. TI hadn't run far wanted to pay monthly for the time makss an elegant shade and is not al ey ly 1. : led 0 126,854 tons. It was on the de- when he made a dive for a hole in the being and some returned to work. COSY tree. - Of course you would have MINE AUGURS, cline st the f'me and continued until bank, but to my astonishment, was Other miners came and forced them to '© Pd 0Ut of town to procure them, OIL and ee | Angust 19, when the output was only instantly caught by the forehead by. quit on a demand for semi-monthiy CU! !hey are well worth the trouble. "POWDER, $1.50 per keg. 27,900 tons, the low-water mark of the another and much larger hog which pay. Reilly & Co.'s men joined the LD Most common shade tree bere is CANS, and oo § ey year. Since then the production has 8at in the entrance of the hole. There others and mining at Patton was pract- 3 el maple which is very easy to get. MINERS 8 adually increased, and for the week asa lively tussel for awhile, the one ically at an end until something should rig a" a Nery hice appearance and om. ending March 17 it. amonnted to 110,- | trying to get in; the other one keeping be agreed upon. The operators pro- 80 coun one of the best. : i : ; . 741: tons, or only 15,813 tons less than him ont. Finally the battle cooled posed a written agreement for monthly © A Needed Profession. Our stock of (the output for the corresponding week. down and I run up and caught my ani- pay, but the miners as a body took ex- Dr. 8. W. Worrel has just received a ‘last year. While production incrensed . mal by the hind legs and pulled him ceptions becanse the form did not fix sa complete onulists outfit from Philadel- | SHOHRS Inst week, shipments decreased 75 cars, OU Of the hole. He lost a piece of his limit and specify a date on which to re- 'pbia. It contains a contest. case for ‘showing that some of the prodnct was forehead where the big one had caught turn to semi-monthlv pay, and in- the eyes, having : ifferen abe ; : ’ | g 227 different : | stocked in the yards of the various him, but I got a pick and got the big sisted that all men be re-employed. ‘and prisims for all defocts of ——" i gg | Sompanies. The demand did not im- One and the piece and still another an. Some of the operatiors would have one of Dr. Baumeistér's opthamo- -, u bber ~~ |proveas much asthe aperators antici. imal which was farther in. The old fixed a date » number of months dis- scopes for exam ing the interior of the + pated. Heretofore it bes heen their fellow that fought the emaller one was tant, but the time was not agreeable to eye, which will also be used for general Ee : ' policy to keep the wapply just about the most tremendous groundhog I ever the miners, nor was the time the latter office use. He also has | powsrtl | : pi i a equal to the demand, but hat week saw. Don't know whether this will proposed agreeable to the operators, light condenser, and il. & neg 00 S | they tried to force the demand a little have any effect. 6n the weather or not.” and affairs remained as they were. stinmeats which ar need for ey Si Se ed result was over-production. —Ebensburg Mountaineer. Last : | crooked : \ {bam a Is complete. : : | While theres are sign of improvement Raye Stop Tt. : | Mostly ni A Sdertod, Si " vio rred~tes: Thiniad protomion Ee Call and see them. Cf. Finegan Valley consuming ne attention of the CouRigR has ‘HOD that the men would retarn to ™unities and is a great convenience to | fiy . We are selling a good | points, there was a hl} in the west boon called By prominent Dusiieny | SOPH 424 Accept & vedaetions of § conte | Jtple.. Horctotore sayone need- || 4 Er ivy of "Ou ‘bi oe asion vo the Yirnctios ol itely {a Price < fuiiteg, Vis work to Bo Sie at wu sey 1 # y - : i EL : I gh on our public thoroughfares proportion, } operators : ; v {i Roller Flour i oF rovsmel $30 Show Pe. and requested that something be said 4676® to pay semi-monthly. A meet. SY POL it off until it was too late. pverythir fd. >" LY ny Hy ™ or rv, for lin regard to it. You can go into al IN Was held in the opera house TH €Ye is a very sensitive part of the | jos For $1.00 a Sack. the coke : of Tost any other well ruled borough and Thursday evening and the men voted | Duman machinery and should be ak Bn VLUV a OacK. the acta | snotallowed atall A heavy fine 0 Teturn to work. The time publicly ‘ended at once, whem it becomes 4 ~ “TRY IT. dion Is fm.posed on the viokitors and in some '§1Ven for returning out was last Mon. Weakened or disabled. The Couvmmm eae ya "Places are confined to the public jock- 98Y, and work did commence in a '® Pleased to note that Dr. Worrell has | : itis a dangerous practice in many 08 like a general resumption, bat ; : : are oftimes very seriously injured and And cars running up and down the in some instances they are crippled for Mine branches daily, a considerable | PriCes | jigs At present the COURIER has not Dumber of loaded cars hive been sent | “heard of anyone being hurt in Patton ©0t and there has been a fair resemb- | Commercial, © SR. WILSON, Prop. © Twenty-four Sleeping rooms, | A a uo Hot and cbld water oat evesy/|' ; ji Pitt iil} HH JF £5 i i : thi { 4 : : Hit I i i : if tf : tf : Cos as Ate Wi | | I FURNITURE Stay uw cated in © UNDERTAKING. = sme | RE Cpikeck, proprietor of Hotel law. The following fs what the’ £ We have on hands = complete). BOP 1%: we a= 8 Fraud public opsuing ftainese of Shab - stock of farniture in arged with robbing th | ll give » ree supper to all st $20. © in Patton, end + : its Branches | Clearfield Railroad, and stations at! ™- and after supper will give a a, Carpets, {od at Ebensburg on Friday to 10 years | **cured the best of music and no time wi Me}. Tmylaw Window Shades, |i the pemitentiary. His pa, Couric | S2Penme will be spared in making 4 CO fpglehn BE Meyars and wits took a wip | oy Eee id 1a tr eSSE ; FE ; v . in : = : : | BelP’s Gap road. While in Bellwood ~ Sprin s, Parlor Suits —Spe | following letters remain in the the guest of his brother, L M. Meyers, de 1 Th oD : { qaintance with. He certainly | Saturday, March 2¢, 1904: : | Italians and John says it was a sight he Prices to suit the TIMES. You can | For the special benefit of the | friends where others cannot and is es- | Cheyn Anderson, Ougar Austin, Pat never expects to see again. Among ; in the vicinity of Patton the Covmiex | Pecially a true friend to the working. ; “cheap laborers” driven out publishes the following local market M22, and therefore he bas made Perso | the colored man : a . | arrangements to show them a grand Reed, ] | Wels, i bois DNDERTAKING - ~ ERBALMING. Corn. cf. = = joe the _ BA MR P.M | Review. = = "FISHER & BUCK, |] ee] Call and | Gotothe Kinkesd ant and] T.F. Mellon & Co. will change J Attention, Everybody ty. : i i if i R
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers