Spree i a = RAR REL Ws le RAR ier reste aaa ocd aris mm Jon a —— - : ta : : ni . BEL OND IONS oN CHI : = ‘ mupder. Lt gl Pa p= WREYLY ANTA ai CHAI EARN WILSON OPEAKS indication br Te Winter Promine More Emptor | : 3 pu g riage wars nite : Ix By WON, 5, WE 5 : ] meat lor Labor. 3 the escert Pu Sadetphia and Fatr That dt : r : ; Yorsasr wx, O., jawmsry 8 : : TT LIX OSWALD ON 1 ER beadllz ngled. Theor: ob SOREg Tiene Table. Tuuiie To co g WV oi £31 GIRCIPL 3 gh £ $ha i oh T © Ci : f HUD g & £ TO CBN JE ns - PARDO Po or KBs LRT » HE IS SURELY A TRUE DI5C PLE tha emg of the new year iron mOSD GF| $C £ TO of erapeston and brokem | 999 A M—Truin duis ; tr " faitrrprs raniirh ner and § ingo Irie tren i td ETT! EE MT bap ———— . Ranoary, OF CLEVELAND : n of o) dl ad ee! roe { thw explosion IBY | } Paris on gage i tie pT redaction spe i m the fact that it shot | Ingenious | Inventions of Men of Diz nmeed Re a ; : ein bica who are prepanng ty resume i - . : Taras Thnlesaie Slanghter Mads Pasi. om ‘hy rg f oto .adjorent pom eo RAWAL BISCUSSER iH THE SENATE, opritiae There ia a feeling move | THE CASE TERMINATED LLEBALLY. over sixgibeinms Portents of Misap bomses, killed some 3 persons aud fora Kane Ls : : iron operators that within the next | : : plied Fijill—A Partial Consolation. : ‘ Hg ebsd ry ated The Whole of This Week May be Given to | uy: the iron market wili improve on the : eo Wena Special Correstridence.] Naku isi work CE Te | Teritl Debate. prsnraption of ether fines of basizess, Mr Heel Fun elon = : Paliv Oreing Pla arpa hie sttentata with ER ts CW ASHISOT w, Jan. Bln his speech on Stoke wers never so low in the bistory | Lh —y_- Reapeaed tee ta: fF bill in the poges, Wikon sid Loft the iron hasipess, the warehouses ha. vey Your Jan RB I'he the ways snd mens sommittee tried todo | | samtieilly empty. The mili owners | (. .. ofthe New York snd Bris: : their duty by rehsrsrug from taxation the gre trying to i vide np the work amon | brides bus throngh John GJ ar ns Sipe lon t loa py but st a safe distance from the WK dys and | great interests upon which the dustrial camployes so tout oh will be able toearn | pi 100 1a given notice of St GRIDS pe pba nr heat EFL omomeh EABdpoint of the fanatic, who, but for ig #: prosperity and well beitig of Americans go umhing notil there is a general revival | y ho BE. DnBes, exadntor of the tins ; o . : : : ¢ the shrew Seen f the Parie police, wonld ! E Ens were most dependent. So they pad pull prude F Jone DnBois to reany -r 83.608 nad 0 The Bave sscaped with all his secomplices. | roguok will | on the free ligt wool, iron ors, coal asd | Pug Brown-Booel) Tron company 49r-| go or, res ne matt of toe Dao " Asit was, be had to picad guilty under] TOR amber. He believed 1f every other feat 0. the poet week wrecked the Fairon : wn wil iF erence to the wiaty of bi hide. His bombs were bristling with: projections and percimsion caps and ex- ’ plied with precision at the intended mo- > 1. the weight of circtnrsetuntial evilemecs, | 0 os Baim ’ 3 . i 4 ped 4 iw $3 , are of the bast wire shindoued e306PE|tarpune, blowing op the sslsmander nn Bi Brooklyn. owning the bind iio | RE A a wi in gr an heap OF putting woul on the freq list wr I redn- i wrth dynamite The Falcon wis the 51d £ Fox bow of] fo? A, wih as he a : ar i ; is Larger. : cing ths taxes on woolen goods 8 great est farners in the va ley, haviog . beep Painted with The Russian nihilists appear to ha ave | i beneficent ¢tap won qd have bien 18KeD | Laat 4 iver forty Years ago, god for & York, in the pres Ft % te bom’ that ter- in the work of tunf reform. Regarding |p tune wis 8 money mauler. Af 8000 |, 0 makes o so fron aud steel ipdustriee, he £88 it there] gq te debris can be removed the COB: 14 4 rege jo! [ plate againts the wiles “ew York snd ERR fore: | pu ebipriation is nr:y trade to which we could throw, ey will erect 8 mamm: &h mode n dowu to day the tariff aw, defy the we rid Be Gl the 8) int pnd tha ent and mara: forth to segaire pew felde, 1] fae Yonsgstows Bridges work ig in the preat ITO: steel indasiries of | paged bnsioss ; the iniss. Wirh wears pgm Anise with indications that the employes wii Oars LA i t ued 3k . saan § gs wy MK Kinley bill wh ent 3 0 i BNL thet suy whee in the United Sintes Com y \ Fy Se 1m . the oust of rating go heyor 1 7) conte. | per ton wave 6nd Means Comm mies og f minivg 8 ton gill be 4 i ig SFY ENT WES tr ona 57% ¥. 3 a Beye ing . Teg mices in the Mahoning ye 3 & tax of th (oh las bi Ey this . 3 iw : ? : i 3 a 2 : : : Banus Le pet tor, Arto lambir, be sid | re lnced the gelling pride of fos 204 | wid was cntith : Frdon | pus ; ; ZR is ; : EM a tw : do & 0 he balicyed it conid be exported to Bu- there’oie tiers ia no jostics | Crops, Santh Ampiicy, West Indies aid | Jown wages. { & = pantral markste and compsts thre with- It was expected ths put tha shatter of w tard : twhirk 43 to be rau On It cond certainiy compets here withoat plan, wonld be lighted to morre tariff. animes wages depend 00 uy the mén baving comps the prodacts of los oir; what wer RO | orovements bat Ww BEERESLE EATING y Gedo that Tibhar ne tax on the ssutetis]l be. jase wins nes i= oo ranch dimisniion of his wiges. “fhe ra With antezad iron and etest in crader [ution it forme, wd inelnde oust snd wool end you the lense fo allow tha workmsa fo. pal his finished At the fabrics on the murket at a rate that will ever increase the number of ESEent is apt and secures Lo him abun dent work and. ” ereseel wages n Keep ransivg steadily. Wasa, Aun. 8.~—In the howes | > wy was on Inet week and will be PEE cored : nigh &? to-day the ra waz more diflenity en. this weak 1 thie assembled Fauges Ee | and reputation of the three referien, Mr. ter o voting amoruie aod! jut : = SuRtered ae fo ¥.Nolisg 3 . MOORE'S MANSIO on MOUSE SOLD Brries allegations sre extraoedinesy, | Caess Fl. when sfter a controversy tetweed Bon. Hig ot Vain ut: ea | wonndsd two oles. | The New Owner « obtemplates Building cu [18° stement that He is anton for the {oo , cond bo made (0 exp telle and the speaker r we the Vote on Lesial of th ¢ 3 AR i ‘ £¥ ti 5 th 5 bir Hae QB sti be the te i the hd Cormer. i i tna v Ed sail Oo recnver the 85, i trons Lives ution uf Perea #3 ; ; CARLY Es ; it to onde = d Ho 3 we te the. CLRaARY IRL, Jan, 6--A deal has | Mr PaBow Joes not, howover, harmon | pagzls a aliens the assagsn us post of Hise Sq. on Po. i been | elosad for the 3 anstan hous: prop fms with a statement smanaling omy the | frie “HEY a n ' ¢ tariff bill. it wan carried by 189 yeas to no | } iow paople that the Du Bis party has | Town [more renil) naye--all Demoersts {tens mors than a 1 3 quoram’ voting in the sffirmative and the erty, corper of Market pd Second | : Be 3 ? - : § TRL al Teme #8 rte « Gpposite | 16s enor house, owned ; Ta + Proposiiion for a cotaprommise, a | Bm § SHEE SECRER 2 by J: H. Moor “Ta wn parchuser isi. A. 1 The report of the reformas wis wnam i ; Reunhiicsns bot voting ut al il.. Then the | y 5 oa pal i : " . | Walther, f Puiladzlphia, wbo recently | BIISG egainet the Dabs class, wh ¥ dified ave the i ¢ 2 \ i'd th ¥ ~ a Akai. Ta gigi] $e : Odes Re \ nl . = 4 on | O7oed. tbe Lduyd Boues, Philipsburg. | Was for over 39 UAL kx dadge G : . , taupe’ of tHE axles tho tar bill and to Yet the Bve minute | Toe Phce to be pedis olosg to SZT008. | bt, who was Remed by the ciimant « La ; pc oa i BRp pa The Masalog honse corpef. is on of the | 09a of the referees, jorped wah Messy | x RL gp Eh ai y if hie £atsil . o APE TR THO debate tan on duty] Moaday Janay 20} dest tote] sands iu the monntry sud White 1 ud Clancy in the advarse verdhio: Bt ae 2 gs Cpa 3 : ee gi ads "ia at af oan ro pan The debate was obend Bt 3 16% Wilson, | _ of the best. ft whe the site of a | The lswyam for the trades deny Mv. | ~ 1 RPT ae Br 3 ind sasdiv 2 chairman of tha eommitiee a8 Were and | {| Maver” ag early a8 1580 uod & pubhe | a statenys nts in toto means, but he hud not concinded bis | bouge has beer thors even simse, The | Tos PeBois clam dates baal fo 15 i, | remarke when the hour for sepa gnme. | jy covering the corner was burned | When Join DuBow began an seticn in| He will finish 28 fed fo pmiros: {two or three tines apd in 1808 the pris He United States cironit comet to recover Wiestinurton. Jan. 8. The seoata de font hou» wae built’ In ite day it was froma the cities of New York aud Brooi the floest honse in all this pat of the Iyo the amount saved by the latier by the voted pearly two hors to day to & dis | country, but it ie pow inferior to ‘the | sileusd unlamfal nee of Bispamat in the cussion of the resolution cffered fast needs of such i prominent tend. The conetroetion of the bridge Mi. DuBose | wick by Hoar, (Mass) eslling on the | "= prepnetor contegar ston the rempors) | obtained his patent in 1962 I: covered tresenry department for a statememt of If thie old Bou its to muke 100m for o Sew } 48 pro moment iu the ait. of deddice i have i wie # risky trade bef payments made to Blouot &s commission 0 0 beiding, and will perkaps | piers in deep water. Mr. DaBois clatosed ups I a el er to the ‘Hawiien islands nad of the begin the work in the spring. 1 that evary elemant «of hie patant wae need ; pits RFE ; ; ; WE NN : Sn id — i law or sthority ander which sock pay- Mr. Moore, this retiring proprietor, will | in the cosetraction of the foundation of | opiioalEe 1 © io 3 A Dear OW Spot Revisited mente were made. The resolation wes go 10 Tamaqua, Ps. the New York pier «f the Brookiyu | ‘ferris’, <3 hs tari Shera: : finally referred to the commities on for- : bridge io B71 sod 1872. The litigation ‘off AES A0Raihi®: iss SIE RavExsar oon, N. ol iatioss be on ory ind Re A « wrtuarine - was finally by consent of ail concerned, | ee bE; LPN | committee is carrying nDoovers A Parker Dentist Formerly Localed in Ouliois.— Ht ] points raised by Hoar. Frye's resolution : Besious Charge. Flare A 35a alt Ste i of last week declaring the sess of the| Krrraxxmva, Pa. Jan. 8 -—An officer ? ht po] Titdiass TAS shires fur is Da { aldermen a bet seuate iu favor of strict rou irtervention | m between the Queen wind provisional gev- ernment, was laid over till Wedoesday next, to give Davis, (Rep, Min.) an op- Hackett, a dentist of that place, formerly of DuBois. Sechett is held on a serions charge preferred by his wife's sister. He from Parker brought to jail bere W. C. ded that, Wm the event of a decwion ad verse to Mr. DuBois, the claimant, the action in the United States court should | be ithmediately discontinued. It will |. yard Nn ier portanity to speak upon it. Avother | Was serested last Saturday. probably ba news ta the tridsw trustees | toe *,2> lation on the subject, which w ee scvminam— 2s ani the authorities of the two cities that T solatic n SHB wb an fm portant Rafirosd Link. Mr. Ecoles claims that “alse report of ‘he also laid over for present, hats offered BY | The Goodyenrs, the lumber kings of | pefarees csm not be regarded ss a compli Chandler, (Rep.; N, #.)) the object being | Northern Penrsylvania, have located the ance with Mia act of the legsiutam or | to get a report from the jadiciary com | i line of their Dew railway from Gaines, Pa | with the Sestard of the atipalstion, and mittee as to the constitutional gut of of | {to Ansome, Pa, and settled upon the | there is some foundation - the president to mppoiat agents or com- {terminal station «nd arrspged for side | cin that tha re reforoce ware grit missioners to foreign governments with | trucks and connections with the FallBrook | condact, The report iw out the senate’s advice and consent. The ‘fourth resolution in relation to Heed | Was .« ered ry Turpie, {Dem,, Ind} « ” 4 “ legai railway at Ansonia. The Goodyear road | Por these reasons 3 woid Lv @oastroo: 18 10 te known aa the Boffalo and Sasque- | 1, ssame that the claimant id either deo © bas : i: wd ita 1: w Hi RIF OF Gd iy an 13 3. 3 hme i claring it nowise aud ipexpedient to cou: 2 ve ay a Be Will be fFOI hily of sordly bound 9 i, of wnder ; 8: ke | Keating SBuesit, In Potter county to An- | guy obligation whatever to Liseontinas sider further at thie time either the | conis, in Tiogn county. Work 16 to be | bis case m the Ugited States circa tresty or project of annexation; that the i... maneed on the rock cuts ulong the biwe | aourt ™ ; proviziosal government bhaviog been #9 | between Gaines snd Ansonia about th cognigad, shon!d be allowed its own line gmiddle of January and it is expected that { of policy sud thet foreign intervention! ihe road will bn» in complete ranning order would be regarded as an ect autriendly to | about the frst of next September. The the Uvited States government. This was | proposed railroad will traverse Potter laid on the table snd will be galled up| county from west to east and open up a tc-njorrow or next day as B basis OD | territory now ubsolutely devoid of modern which Tarvie will addrece the scnate. | conveniences of travel. It will greately Chick Gets it in the Nee. ' aid of the northern tier of counties and Beckum, J an. BC Edvad ie Chiek | be of almost inaalcnlable advantage to pewspapsr mas who want George | McKean snd Tiogs counties. Its route is Gould to give him $100,000 with which |, the tn jaet i 1 by the be proposed to efit a magazive With | we on 3p} by, Mre. George Gould ss editress, wes Department of Internal Affairs. o: | mre to-day committed to thejinssne wri Won : The " Pertstyle Burned. Major Corter, who keeps a restaurast sod dridking emporiam comer Soath Second and Froot streets, wis arrestad this week on the complaint of a gentle man of color, who claimed that the Mr jor had robbed him. The evidence in the Lin i : : and case developed that the Major was play: {| sort it would nord rrusiio ds compui- do wd all, and ¥ ing erape, or some other equally barm tion of aver v anil the only alterna. ina mad heap! less game, when the aforesssd 2. of o. | baht on pa kt i in bos ives scam. came along and grabbed up a handfal of the Major's money, abd was promptiy di , : : - Thist plan St. Regent, the conspira- wasa boy. knocked down for his familiarity. The... ar Bt setae aatunly to Tp = have & oe jury acquitted the Major after ceveuring = giqpted wilh entire lisregar tof his per- wade hinnev is oil, it seems, forever. : _ | him for not breaking tie darkey’s veck.— | sonal safety, and thongh be darted oar It dnin't ses e the long pond of the Latest From Hawaii. CHicaGo,. Jan. 8 8.—The Casino, Music | Velasco, Tex., Times. of the way at breakueck speed, after ap- pasi—the landmarks were gone, pokey Copynighthy United Press, Hall and Peristyle in the World's Fair "Am Unprofitable Strike. | plying the match, tio explosion knoclesd join the hatr that used to flourish cn” Vioromia, B. O., Jan 8. ~All iw quiet St grounds were burned to-night and the WELLSBOEO, Pa, Jan. § —After being him flown, or rather hurled ; ast ¥ bead, and | felt lonesome Hotoluln. - The provisional government : roof of the Manufacturer's building was | op a strike ten days and losing $35,000 a lamppest with a fo 08 Ht tron his ani homesick as 1 pressed on my way, have a force nnder arms and the palace on fire at 9:30, The fire department is | in wages the cogl miners at Arvot, Fall fers pe The Solif 8 Stacpran YW etl longus fo go back 20 severnd Tiny Mtufotet Willis mate: | working fuside the Memutasturer's| Beco snd Morrie fam fal the Blosebors | Lo pr Et be am oeipt of dispatches entered upon renewed | building. There is » large number of { coal region, went to wosk th: mo mig | p reece x Rag intercourse with Lilioukaleni. exhibits in the building. acceptiog a 10 per cent. redach Rm MOA, Lite a - ol ATLA MAE + i «l
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