V ' ' VHlf ill Hi. '. ': East 1 :-'.! ;i. ''I '. .i West I " '' "' i . i i ; i: t !' ! .(.. v.. i i'. m- .! .-. ;r i.t I'.isl .i.) il... Vc;t 'i.'"' I'- ; loiigp, a. y. n .J!t;,. 1 ,t. , "I' elk I," .1;:-- V-hll he ... i-l Iho i ; evening, oil or I -rt'.ii I lie !' ;'! . u ..i' . i ii ni'iiii h. on.v eve ,-v tv - y , i k . .1. K. whitmoui;. :'-.u'y. C;j'e ("h -.roh rrotcs'int Epi:.-m1. I:,. '. K. Drii.r.u, Hector. Services w;!i I'll 1' I I in t he above church every al-i-i-oai" .ho.day morning an 1 evening. Methodist Fpiscopal. 'Mv. F. Vkhnu.;, Faster. Morning Por vio, in I'.ie Court liouro, every n'tcruaic Sunday. . Tin. L.uutr.hT Tot; vono M.i:;rr.',c tory. The Lnrillnrd Manufactory ia the largo: ! una in the world, and pays. inoe Internal Jifvonu.-; lax 'tan a score of other establishment, combined. Tli.it t he reader may gain some idea cf the vast extent of their business, we append a few figures. At the prevent time their, lasts are about 8100,uihl a month, or tu-.i-o than ? 1,000,000 a year. Their ri tit: itir bills far labels, eve, amount to 1 1 ,000 a month. Th e average amount of stock on bund reaches the enormous figure of 1,800, UiiO pounds. 1 he nni'.iio! it stock on hnud.4 fur the year IPG'S. niched 3,000,000 f pounds. In Ir-thj over 1,0011,000 pounds ot snull aii-iiC wrc packed by this house. No ic-s thai 41,87") stone jars, averaging I I-1 : i J s each, nt-iiiii' turned out, be. 5- j00,)0C hmk of Ki-iiV. hi K. -jaunt of l In? n-.!!:ra! pit j itdice in t'ne public mind ng'iiust a'! auv To baccos, they Imvc lictoniiii.od, soinc t'iiij sine-.', to induce a trial, to pack or tiers for psuuitie Mi-crsciiiiU.il pipes in 'p.nrt r. halt', and pound bags of the ' Yacl i Club " an i " Eureka " Ftn..k insr Tobacco, ai:-l ibc lot n'.urtte t'ui.icrs thereof" will have obtaii.ciaiic.it and ('h'ge.ti'.ly Cut, grnuiuo MoCihchauiii Pipe, carved nfier an original and rp pri.'priatc de.-igu, valued at i-r. Ol 'course, there an) some who doubt as to the ger.u'iK.-i.er s of I 'lis cole. ; i : e. V.'o would say that I heir bouse is an old one, and lias retained a i '.-puta' ion that lie Hundred years el lair deu.'ii.v liris stabiisiicd. .ii;;sei!:ent v. ('ii d lot prcjudiieby lsi.- issert;.iw, their businos reputation, for the purpose of intrc.iiuetuy any one i.nielo o! llo-!-faanufactm-j. V.'e ehii tee lor ourselee.;, here i:i our own to.vn, an cvidctuM of their evt. n pive mode of adve.rtising, on cur IV i.e. .-, barns, &c. A Tkmi'LU i '..'.i"i.r u .-:!. i)eur 'raw, jrcncralW !-pcakiy;;, j.ro p- ::b'y titSj.oso J, yet we have to record i;u iu sl.mee of one of them " oing tbronli " ;i Tcmjilc at 5i-'. ekwayville on toe '4:.h of SeUember ie.st. It must not be inferred that this Tewple wrs t st-rwturo devoted to the worship of the True Go J. Xuy, M.i Tcwple is a tlructurc devoid to iii: worship of ye Ulaek Idol. Jt bappeiicd that in ihe te:;th ino!:!h of the year in which Heym-iur was e".-3-tcd President a', lbs Ucitcd ftvM.-.i, that tlie Democrats went ir.to the cT.'.ntry of Snyder in great numbers to ru:.-e a pole on which to hoi; t their Ibifr. And the Radicals of Snyder were ex ceeding wroth, a'.d ai-ked themselves " Why are the Jleuioerats con;e upo:i us now, that which they !::;ve never lsv2d to do b .'l'orc ? " And aniiiiu the Jlaiieals was oac i -om the country oi VaJaA, who uras a law giver iu thai country. This man's uauio was Tomrdo ;it: Tcmj,i--. Aud this ii.i-.u bi'uiijdit with iiiiii wine which the laws of Knyder 1-jibid to be sold therein, i'.ut the people of .Snyder wore dry from long lasting, aud drank from the bottles which the Tc.njJc had brought from the land of Warsaw, and they diank until they had eour.itre. And the T .i j.k; l.uii ilio bottle 'iclder, drank .v. in ueh that ho became very brave, and ,aL, iu a loud voice, .-rvin-, be e -u!l thia-h uny of the I'om. i Is who bad en.,,,, iv. .in :be Jand id .J. 'joy. ill. -J l.li Mil. lli; .ua-t And tl.j ji ii, Ac I -i"i lb . ,vi. . i::'o ;-;,!. man .' !.-'.. v. . v ; 1 .. and v bn . ., -,!-. 1:1 ;!. i.i- ! , !' ';'.-i..-, W-u a :;.! :;.;! t:,.- .-'liioy ( iimr Fi i : -, h. i , .. , a- M..-.S. evfu JW that of l.-vid, who hle'.v l.ic!iiit!i. And tJip youth t'.led, " Why arc ii,,..,- liiii;'-i lh:t" 't" ion! ('.rlhv.-'ilh '. led bis j.ieke.t. fur ::u cueouiitrr with ilic 'i'ij:i: And the 7. j.-i) '., i t.-.od for a few mo. iiu tits bi fore the youth, when the nn ibepiiiniiip; pave way, and the i" - t It II heavily to the ivniij. And the " i.i.,.'..- n.-.iin pro -, :::,', s'ond before the valiant youth, who .i::;i".i 1. nocked d,,v:i the T "', 'id "mote j--.ii its wiinlo'ss tuitil they were completely curtained in black and blue Aud the Ttmb: proccckil to Lis hoiue in the country ol Warsaw. fr'o mote it be thus always. Amen. Tln.ro will be a pole ra'.-ine-and Deniocratia nieotin et (.'entervillc to-morrow. A delcrratieu will go from this place. The westher for I'ee pt few daye., b.as been pleasant. Ib-pe it will conti:. tie. Oar ir-ual atnumt of local matter is crowded rut this week, owing to a press vf job.v.oik. Quite an interesting ncclinc; was held in the schcol bee o. 'it Wiko last Thnralay nib.t. ::rs. llc.-n-n-gcr and Hall addressed it. The meeting held e.c St.. Mary's on Friday l;l. was a decided fuccet-s, bcinr; well attended, and very cnthu.- i:v-tie, - c-ti: the Pcmociatie Ticket, and you vole for the perpetuation of Ameri can inlitutiop."'. Vote ihe 1'adieal ticket, and you vote to pcrpeiuate the alarming coudificn of tl;s couctry which the lUuiie;;:.; have inaugurate i. Ji'jou woti.! 1 !i ive an bnnc-.l rv.an to l epve -eiit you in the next t'ongi e; :--, you cm do so by ea-;i:og jnr .baikits for Judge iSrev.'n. Ifyoj would have a mail who cares '.'.r naught but hi:; own rersit-a! aggian-disi-iii.-iit, voto fcr Gljnr.i W. Se-field, the po'icca: trtclcrtor. .-! n.-i ':c.u. w.i ';:!: Acc;-:rr::.'). Ha i n. Aoeu.- t L. I no: : in the 7.'.:.;t id An;':::-: '.'7, thst r. Xi-w Jer si'V ib.'pubiiei.il ',v;:iio to W:i.;vv ';' 1 .3,0'.'') as' f.-llows ; that J-.hn J. J-lair wil; be ehje:ed ' ioveiijoi' oi Meiv Jei.'ey: .. that ('uxut v';ll g.-.t twice the ':!iUi-r lin.t 'i-i:;our viii ; il. ;.!, t; at lh mi. will e.irry :ho election ; i'ii be -liin: i:i k: be.?-'--i:-"d i.u c: eh p"np -.sltieli. f liimply s;iy to him to give hii addie.-s and hi:i!.e the money v. here he may cho--e, and I. will cover Ms pile. have always 'uc:i a ller.iib:ican,iiid served through llu; war, bv.t aiu now for Soyniosir cud Uk.ir to the hfit of oiy sword. Voiirs rtreef luily, T-I..i. i"l'i- :-: Mfir.'us. N. Is Other ih-ui .cr.itio p-pers are reijilested to ciey. Tub 'iiian.i iiiroiiT a Pi :'..:.;:. The 11 idior.l )..i. ty co.;e tiS.ated ail lour i ifiet.: m I'tiiin up a mo;;::trr m.v-f. moetii-g i:i j'l.;ia.h,!:.I-.:a of t-.ddicr? and M.iii i:;. Tor weiks they labored to f.cet iu iii h t Ins. They expended money r-intrv.t st'ut. Tiny -,. aid for nrdfirm?, th'-y p-.'d c:.v tare, tie y paid for bed and ixai l. They hin d beardless boys to wear the. cap and hadiM boys who bad nevtr bees in the service their liberality '."en in duced many I'ei nv.-: ?.ts ( ior the fun of :hetoi g'i from New Yo:k and e1.-';-vrherc, to j") with them to j-hiladi-1-phia, acd yet t'ne whole itlbiir wea a P .! 1: .'..i . Th. y 'railed for they cnpeeled they probably paid for, !r'y or ui'ty theu-a:id. What was the result ? Why with offers of " Irec whiskey, free living, and Iree things generally," the S". ; Mercury reniar!;?, " just .r),2.3J per fciis by actual count, tr.iupcd des pondiugly through" the city. The 'fame oi bogus '-ILys ia Plue" is played our. All genuine soldiers are cpfoscsl to lladicai and negr ) rule : IV.niirr in t hi: Act'. Ohas. Klcck ner, Kadieal cundidatc for A-sembly iii the firth district of i'hiladclphia, was arro'ed on Saturday last on the charge o! con. piring to colonize fraudulent vo-tt-rs into ihe SiMtii ward, and. alter bias ing, M'-is held in SI , . 300 (or pricari!:cc at court. The proufol' t'uilt wr.s liior-t ....:iuve, and fully confirms the su-j i cions previoii.-iy entertained by Pcnio eiats, that the lace Rolditrs paradi was rojeeted for the Sob; purpose of Co!-.:ni-i.'w.'i fraudulent voters Let all honest i.itn ! joiet! at this triutii'.hant exposure. !i" the lunei t vote'..-: of the : ixib. distiict wdl .bi th'.ir.iluiy now, they v.lil give Mr. Klckner notice to go somewhere 1-e f ,r vnters. Tha "Montreal wiiggle"iias attack. e.l the ladies of ('tiiiuda. ::;.m, r.i T'n:- Uh '1, . 'o. 'J t ! . i in-.-1 .i. I. : in mi .'ii1. ..I i'h- j ,li-iivi-.,l v .-I' : i.e l ' joio'. o v.-. ;!; !i of j V.-U'is-, ''. ii i :e::li 1 ' An '. v j in i to i-i.-i-; I'Ois i I' i he '-.i- . v ':. ;'. ii,'' in). u--'.e ' I .' ..- i !' .', y. . . I !. i .1 A . ' !' -. ' A 1 ' M . Ji1;;l, S;-.-i.:. ..I 1 i c e.i'ly (l !.;:., .-i.-.!e .-!' I'v'.o -v. :'. ', in :' ' v Oi,. 1- i mi i i !' i ! 'i' I i t-U-:oV r-:' . -Mi;.lt-, if..,! a C.'M'i-.'l !,!-e-ii. :i "''11 I i; M in 1-.1U e.-im';; ' f M! ': !) TV I' A V, t, i 'i - Tii"t '1 :'!:;. t"l 'v .il' I, -in! it, i'-o.-i, r.i v ! 'L-l. ; lj'i' ir !..;i.-v. :!.ir.-!;ffr:t uv-1 ..!.- il . h- I; (yee j '.i .-.oii i..r .' ..I vi ;. ui' I li i.'.'i a! ot ll.e (" i:.:.!o:iv. c'i'!!i 'of P.-nnvlvania : (r. "lsua ;' Av.i'.it. r Ifonctal ( f the ('oiio,n'oivi."iilii i l I'e.itisvlviini'i ; (:. .: .-. en tor r.)ii".';s;, in l-' pi i1 Till I!. e cuiiMiics nf (.'iiiiii'Viei, ("i.'.iilii'i 1, Kik, t.iir, l'iosl, J ellVrr-dii, M'ican an J l.l-tT 11. (In" jii'vu'ii f n-State Pel. ate. to repr;"rtit Iii- r mtilin j if Cnincvi'ii, t':ii'i-.-.n, ( ".ear-fii-lil, i'.li: anil l'oii-st ; One person fur .V'soniWy. to rrpnen! the coiinlie.' ot't'li'ui-i;.-!.!. I'Ak mid Fore.;! ; ile V-'1' 1 ir f-'li'.'i-i:i of c.ir,niv ; Oi: person for County Commhfsdonfr cf t:k cMiinly : Oiit; K'i-'Ui fir County Auditor of Llk Ai"i liic ,;e:,!-to"l o1'.'!-tV' f.f !! ciir.ty of Kik v.i'.l liuld ilieir election" in I lie :-evcr-nl iK'ii-.-Pts. us foil'iv.-.o : lVii'.?eUe lown.-liiji, at Hie linii -ii of Ij'.i-.a- lielh V.'iie l.'.v : l'i'ii:-ii:eT t.iwnsi.ip, at the imboiillioitfo en .,'io'ij".i 1 jilrtef, m the i.!k er.-e 'o ! : I'e;; luv.-ii'-liiji, nl Ilic Cemvcviile sliool- loe.s.. : ;KtM.".'' 1 tn-viicbip, r.t the house ef Levi i.i!;!1!: r-e : 11. riot: iniMiOiip. ni the Ecbool'ii-.u.-'c near llin-kia'i II' vi .a'.- ; I'.i'V v.-.iy lowiisli-p. nl t lie Cuurt Heu-e ; ;!. .''. rv's i'.oi'ongii, at the lioose ol Clias. S'.-'eisit" : i'j'Vin," t're.-k township, at. the Iioumo of ,':ii.el. iiiH', j''..wner & Coiar iny ; J ;i v tii'vi.bliiii at the house ef Alfred i'eai-.-i.ii : Jo!). towii"ii:p, at the scliool hnue iu V- '.'.cox. 1 n's.) iieike known mid givo no! ico, nn in :.!i;' 1'v the !iiivlee;oii se'-linn o! the nl'O-e. . "g 1 a:. I liireelvl. " ti. it every i.er-jn. i---:--." ;-' .! iistic 'S of : j;e Tciee, wioi 1 li-oi i. -'l-l a'.y I'iii'.'C it n j 'Vi'i ' .1 ii . .'ii I lo -;'.''',! ni-tio.-1 :u l..'i- It.C (ioverniiient of ihe l'r.i:i"i ;- ; . i ; : or . : (liis ; 'oil.-, or u::y ci.y ia ci'i'j' '"e.l.'.i 'iLjli'ii;, v. iietl'i.M n. c e 1 : '.'...-.- er ot!iei-v.-ie. a :;ii 1 mti' u.. -t ' '.' "V n .-'.o.t, wh-i is ors'.'i.ll ho iin;:t..yt -! U".' ; iC ' h 's.'i vi1, jiili'. i.;-y, "V li-. o i'..-j.:.rt.iieii'. t'.iis .Sniie. or t'.ra.; Si.iii-: , ;'ii i . sir ir i 'ip-O'i o.-o I il.-'rii-: : .in.: .'.'so. :h".i r.-i'y eiomli, r vt" Ceng! .- s up .-'iiite i.'-ie.-laovi'. :..l'' i'i;; --Li-c1. r.' e.'iini : ii e 'iii.-.i oi i'i;y ' iiv. i ::".s. v.:-..--s o1' .- ny 1 .... .1 " .5 i I l.-.l 1 i. f.v i.iV i I .: j "(: r '.f !.' !'li:ir: c.S' -"ci.-vag i'.i Cic .:;..'.e line. ;.' ni'icv or iij'i viotiiii iii '.t'oul ' '. fn-j-ee-ti'.-. or i.'l r!- nl i-i.y li'- ii'-'i ' i i : :. s cn iii. i'.'A-cr-.hh, I'.ii'l t ;:..t I'u ii.. '.c.'i')i- .,T .U'iiO vr c:?i r iv-.r.-r ef any iieh ticelio-.i sh ill be r':i 'it-!.' to e.r.y t.i.ive then ti; he voled for. A! ;i I, Tii-it in the f.n;.-l.h tvelion of Iho Ac: et A-e-coi'ly eiiiittiiii in Act relafin,; .... e'e . iui'1 i'V.-..t!.rv i.:riwes,'' iip r..vc A;--il ii;-.:., 1:1". it isi enVlet that ii. o the :!dr:sc!:!i section " rimu net bo i' .i.'l a-io j rev cut e.ny rai'.i.in iii'e.-er . i i .e.uiiifii oi.-ie', friii.i serving i.ij Jtule. I.i-; ;i or Cl.u k. ei any p.-iior-il nr sj.ee. ii.l i-ieetioii in tills Coniiiejuwc-iiih.'' ALSO, That in th 1"f ?oc:ion ofsiid Act it is enayed Hint " every (.-eiieral nml :--ee'al e'ei : ion sh.it! he '.j eee i 'rctweeu the l'.ooi-s nl fight nml tea iu the i'.ii i-iejeii, mi l si.,U eo'i'.iii'.e v.-: 1 1 i n i ;n! .n iiteiou or a 1 jui.rn.iieiii, unti' : ev-n u'clnek in the cven iiif . viu'o til? I".'1 ; sh.iU 1.? elv-'i;.;." 'J'h.t: g. iU-i ii1, s .-:i;ih eily, iiic.;!-!".;-.!': 1 1 i :-i r: s :.-. 1 -iiie eie i :i-:i':, ;ie I ail e1.-.'''.:..ii- l'f e! i-iui'srl I': t si'iviii .'in I Vice !'!' '. "...Rt of I h-. V lit'-l ::0.tVS. ,:iii i-e b.-' ! and i rulit-e-' tvi'ie : n ;.i- t ..r-i :'..i.'.... '.. -.-inl a. r.:-:'-..:.l. :n.d I y ciwk.-: a-.;-i:nt-d f. !( .:..;''er ) i-ovi.-.c !. ' No r.... s!- :iH he y-ei ::':: le.! vr,ie nt man i-f lh.- f.e ol t v ;i:y-".'ie y. .ii.o-i v.-hu ;,: il i: .'vo l .'-i.'.e 1 in Co t i.i; : M h'.;: l i i:e ye-.',', a:. ', in the f lect'em !:-: '; v l.eiv he ('e,,'r.j to vl'i e, a! h i-i i.;:i iJays iii'::i;".iiiO iceciii-ir tiu-ii ej'.t'i..i:, and v.-:.-i.in f.v a y.-a-.M paid a JLial-j or county tax, wli'f Ii tio'.i hu; i.een in.--ci.su I :,! Ii 11 t Ml il.'gv; I i'ri,vi-. ihe e'ctlhi.'l. I'e.it .". ciii.o.n of i.ie l i.i . '. i'taius wl.. Inl-' yievi-ou-.ly le tn a ii.,V.iU'l v ter of mis .Stale ill i IV.. . ".' ! : .:;-l'tl .0.'., l.lol lvf U'tled, .'Old v....) si .i:. h i'.o ri-.i.lci i.i ihe t-.i.-e; i';ii ins ult. ... i ill 1 I'.Xl : ll.-i llf'. rii i i.i, sh lij i.e eii-:i..'-i in voie : i ; er ixs''.ilng in liiid S(aie six u-..:iik-. 3Vi.i-i.p.'.l, Xi'.it ihe vhi.e lieeiiiiii, ..iiizor.'S i f li'.e L'ehe i K.at'j.j. a.'e I vlv.-c.-n li.t'i gos oi l ...!i,,v-.-ie i.'.i'i '. v.emy Iv.o years, ea-.! .'....'. h.iva reM.ii-d .hi lh-.' el eeti'j'.i ill..! 1 1 '. : i."i days as afoi-c.'.i'.l, sha'd i.'.t h-'ve :,'A la::cs. ' I'ursv.ant to the proviaiens contained i:i tl'e -lili F-'eiiun ef tiie A -t uniru-aiii, the .iii '.i'es of tin at'ircaid iH-ii'i.jis ,-iia! 1 ru qi'.'cmc'.y take ehevee of tho ceiiiKeatos or i-.'iu'. ii of e'eeii ois ni' .heir n-ffpeoiive Uis triets, i.e.l ; i-.i.'..ii;e i'-iea nl a. n.eetinic of on,' .la !ge f.-c:n ei.'di ili.-i rief, n.1 lie C'uinr House In Ki l'.'Mey on ihe third thiyaiicr i. rthe .'1eciii.ii, heing for the j resent year '.n i'l-i'l iy, ilio loiii u.-iy of (.'.-,i'"i.r no:;, ih.iii !.:: i there to pel f.,ria the Juliw re- quiivl i y i.iw el s no oiiiloi's , io-o, wheie a Jo I y hiehi c. 3 or na.u uiilah'.e atei ileu!, is unable, to atlen.l said nice. hoc of flteb'c.-'. then the ceititiea'e or return nl',. re Said .-hall oe lakeii iiieiiarge hy one of iho Jii.sp'.et'ji'.' or Ciei ks of the eleuiim of s ii 1 !ii trie!, v.!:a th-iil ilo and perforin i!ie il'i lies I-ijiiifo-i -.1 1 :i iu J it' he, uiial.'.i; '.o ul lend. AN ACT 1 igid niii .Oe li.oi-tu 01 veline al all eieiti'.ms, i.i Cic ioveial counties of lUis Cu.iii.ioui.ci'.iili. s'lienu;; 1. He it viia.-tcd hy the f-'e-aic cud llou--e of I'.ej .resenlaiives i f the C"l:i taoiiweulih ..I l;eiiiis-,!vai.iii iu General As seu.Lly me!, and it i.-- hert'ly eiiiieicl hy au thority of ihe siin.e. Thill the iii;iU!icU Yo-ter- of ti.e tever il eo.m'.'.es of ihis 0''!'im.!i-v-e.'ih I:, at all g.'ii(-"tl, lor n-hip, I ;.. iLf : an.t :-;. e'.-.cii'.as, ate here I .y lieV'tfie.', aull'or''zed am'. ie.,iiii-e'l le v..l'.,hy r'.e!:.:'.-, lii.ted or vi '. iiten, fev rally e! .s-if.ed, as j'.iM.i..- : One ihkr! - h:.!i eno ia".! the ll!'lll"s of f.'.l f'i.ll'l r 0.h i .- Vi (r ! f en 1 l i hi' hil t'.h-d (if si ".il U;l'i.l: 1 : :' ..:.; tieke! ihi'.H'eiiihi :o-o i'i;- Hani,-, of i il Shre.e ollii-i s v.ee i !"!, i.'id Hi. .ii 1-e. h. il 1, " iS'i'ATi: : " oio; :i -kri ihi'il ..hiv.c.' the diiioc? 1 f r.'.l oaat . .-Veers io he i .e.- i :', , i.'lilu iiiiii o:-.ei. of t'h nut or, liii iii'h ! and in. mil- r. of Assi-iiih'.-, j-; v. 'e l f-r. ae 1 iu. i.i).,-! ef C...1 o-." if v..te.l f -r, nti I 1 Lil-eih 1, "COCIClA : " "lie il h. i !..! ei.t- hriico do nnau s of all lo,-. i' !;; o i-s in he vote 1 for. alio h.-eih-i, ' iV'X.'ll 1 1' : ' one tie'.. el I hi!! toil I'll i.".: lh. :;. ' "1 :.'! horoii.'h ohlee;.i Vjicd l'oi, .'U'.'l ho lh-l.-. .!, . i Y.'sY.i.. .:.')"!': ; " nn-l '"'i i;l:.f ii' .led in si i n I Lai : text -it i -- IVKN in..', r n.y lom-l and f '.i,,i ii '' i v .'tin- in l:-l"v,py. s i , i : :. ; .1. .- 1 -1 ' . 'n I In1 r r !' i "i- I .-inl. aii'l i'i.o.t i: i-. ! ;"; ; . i.i M.!..s . m i'.i : r, S'''i'V'l. I'i' i' l, i I--; :..r :'li !. .'' ' :;.'ii!,'. n i bm-!-m-, 'J. ljtcL-vSt,..v-;:iJ i (POaRESXOFP.!? Ar.i. A d. a Lit i? U nk&J EY ITS UfUIJ Gray or I'ii:l:d Ihiir is ,p.iiei;!y restored to its j-ouiliful eel 'i-aud beaiiiy, and with the first iijiiilicttiou a tcittlifttl gltKts a:nli1elig:itft;l fraranco is given to the Hair. It will ca-uiC Ilaif ta p'ow on raid Spots. It will proiuete luxtuiiir.t growth. FAMING lUIX is iimnolUtsly ehcck-el X'or Wniv ty nil ru;ial. ril'.l'OT r incvoit I'.-uiii Oi'mii' li St. to SS iiitriiny bt. ii CO i'ark l'iucc : .'. hir ... ' . t .f 1, 1 . - v - -g .,: - t , 1 " .. i. -. -.' .. -' i o ... . : -ii!y we: i.'n in t'.o Iv.-: lilO".'. C.l.'l .'.ill'," d ceiai .11' .'.- j .'.-'. .:iy in i:.e ."r:u . iid y.'sin n r wit' ill li.e I' i.. a", ihe :,i'e;i;.ih i ihe ; i:. ! en 1 luiher- o:i 0! r l ; -1 I hisiiie. '1 r Ill's ;;iJ hy the A!,i';:i.N i'ii::--', 1" North lh oi! '-tree!, Ls-i-i---o.iv s"!i a ni;,r. X'ii'.U. ::'v,i i'iil..-.'h'li:ili;l. l Xi.t'L'TOlthS XOT1CK. Wli-.re a-- h- -I 'jleri lesl.'inieiiliiry t'.i the i-lul.-; .f lie .! ".' le as. -!i. r, ''vi.'!', i .- . ' i'i. n. 'i:;--er lev. .J-:iii'. til'-: Co;::.ty, i'i!.. i:e.vi:i:; hei a p-r.u.t .1 to ihe oo'levsij.-;.. .1. :.'! t ".'.'sons in-ilc'-tid t- f'.'ii.l eenie, u.i.I all ionhn.' ehiitns a;;::':"is' i!. iivft re gir U ' g to e '.:e 1 orv,-u.-.l nml u-.ttle ia.i'J io;'1'.-. (.i-;i :i.'.;; KJic.'.cniiK, All". CVnS ii;.. (.a;..!'. A laAHQi: STOCK OF r ;. The utidciviigncd have on band a large and vciy ib'ii.iible utock t-f OOOF'.-i, and will constantly keep an exieii.-ive a.-sor'iuenl, inciuJii is v.T.ntc-1 to everything; that i:.vt, v.'EAR, on fi:ei. which they will sell tit the very bottom figure ami Irons Ibis dr. 1 3 will sell only for CI ,'-)'. We will uc every eoJeiiv or to make it to the iiitercet ol er.r ens tcnvjii! tu adopt the uuivuvul CASH SYSTEM. Ve have de'ermiued to .ivc iho a f;ir trial, believing it lo be the inter est ol both buyei and se'ler. i.'.'i'i . 'CO. il v. 0Vi'.i;;i')t.".7.i:::, M L' 1) i " I l VI' ! t 11 ATI I j itlLI'.t Jl.l.i 1 i . V 1 U ' u , 'cicl.;v;.y. j:ik Co., l:t. I '-"' '-U 's v: ';V .;. i.'es Jts I r-. ti e eh..". n el' I'i i'-v.-."-: and vieinity , ii. . oe j ;-. ; a , ; :,i r.-iKe i ,-, ,.r i-.-m., v.-( ;. :. i ii i ia l.c !. in ii i. vy; here, ai.-'l.ii.-r in ihe hoe ,.f i.i,- l.i.sii,.. :." All he J i'i a fall j !:hh li. d 1 i l -; n -,,:f rd. j t.-:. .'"lo-hf, l a - I.;., -s, Ve-a;,),. l.ll'l I Ii i... mil.;; - of t he !,,'e-t na 1 r..j : 'ippr . te.i s'y.e-i hei-. e-.n-. ..10 I v i.a hand, tthh h n ili i i . o i t.iiKAfiat in an Tin: anus- i L e.h I I i ,H .1 '.!..- Tie- 1. ' v. ill hti l it i: t..i ir ii.u c .11. l -i'.i': o-., IMMENSE ltEUUCTION ..'til t'ty i.r-J"-- ry ..... I r ... sr . i'.i . - r.lr ' - V" ' ' ' -A'--"- I r- . " '.W."i i l ', 'V." ' .- :9 W--i.i----it'i: - JLji IIKNUY II. rtmx it n n Alove comer oj M July Sf, 1SG8. I Ni-'UKANGhi ACAlXSiM.OSS ti: DAM. 0 !i l'-Y lilt i-l ! THE !.vcin.ijir County Knliie.l lnwt. nr.ee ('oioimny nl Muney, renna., .con holes lo Injure against I.o-s: or Daiio'ei-e hy Fin; on all kino if Merohamliir. I'll!. lie in:.! private uiMin;."., ither in town or county. Also cn Mil!-., Tanuei ie;., Ihirns. stocks of Cram, .'lie., at the hjiv.h t p. ssiV.'.c riles, con siMont Willi safely to the Insurer and lii-.nied. The Lycoming C'ounly. Mn tu.'l Insumnco Cwa-jciay inv.tcs tiu iovestii ;ra:i"ii as lo its stability. Its capital atnuuiits to 8 2.00,000! Tlmsr'sr.rinp; lo overy one of lis pnlron! tl:at their losses will he promptly and Fiilis factorily paid. Its management litis always hecn prudent, n.s its exislen:o of twenty siryc.in fullv denior.'ilraie? JAM KS iifiAKELV, Aent fir fl'lt couuiy, at St, Mary 'a Oct. IS, lK.7'ly. Ct All V'rj .STiAeIH:,Jii!A"! O II . F. l.-pciishaao A Co. Teke 'e :-;r,'e in iiiinoiinrjlti- lo the pttlilis ! il','; Mel siirr'TiU lin-' couislh:: llnil they have 'h..T'0'diiy rihiite l and i 'inti ivati-.l this ,- i.i ,,,, ! w-.-il-kiiomn c-v '.MNhi.ic:.', en 1 e :ii -i-iiiihil. ,h"M-e!:..-. that v ; t ii Coirrx l.n.lid f.iei'.i. i, with ti-. a-ehis:; vorkiaan. that tlo-y eat; i -e on: as : ." i w.v.k as cau he IV 1'!:'! : c-.f "ant! We have, :;.! keep if letulter eii-iii, iu- !:-:. 1 '..'. klo ; in this - ia .'.ii'i:i:i 1 CV-tih-.y C'll -.'..(.-, ?-' ' ' . !"'. . '"'.'.':'' '.f,'.-.o;'.'' ;. '. 'irnih-,- ! Oi?-CASH i i .y i'i) 11 1'. 1 D JJ S. ':ive n. i r. call an i he convinced of lao trt.ili e!'v.-h;,l we state. tnarurO;' X AMI', v-T.'.llle ct. a'... (i.'.r.-.i-'.r.;--. In j ih.' 'oeiiuoi. rices; of Ills Coi'.nty, No. i "; A pi ii Tii i.i. is ..-t. 'i'iie o.:idersi;iied havi.'iT heen nppoitiled Tr-.s-iee in the a'.mvc ear.'o heivt y "ivc ivt'c t nil j'eryi us hohling properly ol tiio ili'leii hmi, or ir.dehied lo linn, are re quire! lo make payment lo the undersign ed an t ili-liver ihe siiid pivipevl to ll:eia, erei'.ili-rs of defendant w ill also prerent to tiie uiidorjrijno'l their claims duty authen t iciitcd for set lenient. F11KTC PriKKNtNT',, JHir.AC'i MTl'I.K, nt Iii hj'.vey, or T.. Vi l.h'.iillt.V-h. Maw's. L. .T. r.h. hTi.V, l'laiiiti!!":: Atieniey. Aei-ii-t :;h. 1M;3-i.:t. T I' dl" i'. t-iiiX AS J 0':AM!'.-'i'Ar, 0. V.WNT!Ni. The n':.hvs:;-i.e.l hav eoiu: uided t o ban? up for a while in I'.i .'g.viiy , v.euhl l-.-spi'Ctf't'iiy inforiii its ciiizeiis nml those oi hs 'iri'e.i.nuiu vi.-iiiily. that they ii-. e I'l-i.-pi ri d t .id.) nil "i s in their line in a i.iauiier -e'.ii runted lo suit their etist.oi.er.s and at ie veaseni'.'i'.e a price as. it can he done hy :,i:y ...'!:, : ;,.;:n. Our motto i . tu ' Live aud h ! live.' A. lie; 1 ',- .'lll.l.'i 'it': Ii. i 10. J.VCK't'.i'Ilt'lXt: CO. i!:'l.'.? :a. A l.hCTUUli Iii VOL'N'.l MBS I IT ST Xb:. ptih'-'- heil in a Felled envelope. A Lecture on ihe Niiture, Treatnieut and Kadknl cure of Sperinaiori lonv.. or Semi i.:.'. W i kiir-ss, involuntary Emissions, 8ex '.ti.I le'' iii-.y. and Lope hoi'-nis to marriage geii'jiai'.l. M;iv.jiisuis.s, ( u!i sui" ;t "u.it. V.t lU'psy and 1 its : Men'al teid 1'hysieal iu eapaeily, vetili iitg frota fte'.f-AtmM-, .''e., hy Itohert .1. Culvenvell, M. lh, nuihoV ef the "tireeii Hook," e!e. l'riec iu a eealed envelope, only six cents. The ee'chvale-l author, in this nrlmirnlde essny, elciu-ly d. raOTielratcs from n thirty years' sneeersful prnctie.', that the alarm ing eoui equeiiees of self n'onse may he rad iiii'iiy cured without the use of internal medicine, or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of cure at once .simple, cci tV.u and tiVcctit-il, l.y means of which every siiifercr, no matter what his eoudi' lion may he. May cure himself cheaply, prr.-atc-V, and ri lieal'v. 1! 'i iiis Leeiuro t'cceilj he in Ihe har.ihs of every ye-aih and every man in tha land. Sent under seal, i;iu plain envelope, to any iii U'c.-s, otp:iid, c.i receipt of six cent--, or two po-t stamps. A!o, Ot. Cul v -eiveli's " Man iii.te (juid '," price '.i j-.'eiit.i. A hlre.i the Cuhllsh. rs. ciiAS. !. c. i;li:;e o., 127 Dowci-v, Ne-,v Vork. 1'. 0. Eax -1,5m. j.i'il 0-1 7 ("iTUAYED. Eeor.i Iho rt-iid.-nee oflhe 3 siihscriher near the former re idicce of Ihagiire I.iiejeuoitli it. Ihe ri.tvl he', w e. n Cih'ilonin IhiK-.-.eite, a lU'.O AND WUlTi; TOW, more red on Ihe sides tlnn vv Iii; o ; uhoiit ten year-; old : has long iioru., an I was tatssed i.hoiit ti.'iceii days sine.'. Any oue briniriuu: her home, or ;. viiiji, iiif.ii niatiou where the can he found nill he biiital.lv icv.aidcd. JOHN LULU. I:eiL7.'.lle, Aug. .COlli, liSi'.S-.-'it. OL1S JJ. CAiiNliU, I'PACTIOAI, MACHINIST, he I' end at hi.-. i' tlii'ii y al St. Mary's re lie is reads' to lane :.;l , IhooV. in k ill iii tiite ij'-i.e lo. ,h e. t e.oiice. lhi.'n,;"!- 1'. II.. Hil.; ea., I n i I. Man's, n.yl oi. Jy i it . li:-, ai I'.-.iU for ,..!c at this J I he IN THE HUGH OF RE THOMAS' AT n' C- Depot Streets, RIDG'WAY, I'KNX'A. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT ,-.,rr 1.1 I J'j ltiiATWAI hps n qtopp KKI'T nY GUOVE G. JIliSSPNGER, Oil, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lump Oii, Tnr.ncr's Oil, l'cr. fi'.ineries of all Kinds, The purest A'urui.sh, ISrushcs of every Style aud Size Dye S'lulTs, Pure Confectionaries Citron, Paisitis', Patent Medicines, ".Vines, Ywitche.c, Jewelry, lli'-igs, Tcbaecocs & Segars Pure Liipiors for Medicinal pur poses only. A large: assortment Of Everything Useful Ps,itaiu:u- to Ilic Prwg- Business Gen erally. I'nrc L'rug.'i a!. Low Pj iccs ! l'urc Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Motions in Endless Variety American and English Ytitches '. American and English Watches Lrdcst Styles of Jewelry, Pings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Pings, &e. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novell 1 Paitey Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, I'ird-Cagcs! Albums, News, Stationery, Pird-Cages I Violin, Panjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Panjo and Guitar Strings,! niarOP-Oa IHiLALIXFICA ES1E KAILROAD. V. INTER TIME TABLE. H'Jl.i irh c;vZ Dlrc-t llmiv hrticcr.n l'liii.-nh fjihti', Dnftnurc ifurrix Itny, Wi'uiinspi'i, mid the a i: e a t oil ii u a i oy of 'Pennsylvania. i: l j: g a n t "sleeping gaps Ou all I.'ight Trains. ' and after MONDAY, NOV. 21ih, the trains ou. the I'hihidc'.phiii & 10 rid I'.ailroad w ill run as fo.low : w csrwAiin. At iii T.'t.m leaves I,hiladelphia..lO. 10 p. in. i. " i' Kiduway ohlil p. in. " " arrive tit liriu !h-: p. m. Erie Exp leaves l'!iiladelplii.i...l 1. HO noon. i' r.idgway 0 -7 a- m. " arrive at Hide f oU a. in IIAKTWAHI). Mail Train leaves Uric 10.00 iv. m. ii " llidjrwny 4. (Hi p. in. " " nrrive at Thihidhi... 7. CO n. m. Erie Express leaves line 7.o") p. in. " I'i.iway... l.tltl a. m. ii ii nr-al riiilailelphia 5.1.10 p. m. Mail and Express connect willi Oil (.'reel; and A'ilerheny I'.iver Hail Itoid. 1 AC! LiA'110 CliECREl) TIHitil (ill. ALi'llilii I.. TVI.F.U. General .Siiperiiilei.denl. 8"iSTi!AY. Ciimo to the residence of the idence ol'lhis fuliscrihei' ill lien- zuirer tev.u,hip, AN OX, with white head, hie.li In rnr., V or b years old, and 7 feet phllt. Tiie owner of said ox is reiptostcl I ) -. a!!, pay charges, nml tale him nw.-iy, ritiie.'u i- e he will ho disposed ot according to h-iiv. JO II N' TKEEDLE. It'eiii'.iner, Septemher 'J;i, lOH-iit. ALTiAljLE L'lTS l-'Oll SALE. The undersigned has laid Suit a vil. n-i upon hi-i prijiiii 1 iiujninini; the Ilidg way Depot, to he called ELIv. Tho hus uro -j(J feet front. Iy lot) fcot deep front iup towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot dohl, $100. Foi Ihe second lot sold, 5110. For the third iut eoll, illM and eo ou iccreasing in price as lots arc solJ. First purchasers get tho choice lot, at the thee est rates. 1' inch a tiers will he registered in the or der of their application. Ten percent of the pin chaso money must he paid ul the lime of the application. C-vU Applications will ho made to Joh (J. tlail, Haii., llidgway, I'u. J. S. HYDE. l'.Mgv.-iiy, niiir,2'J'Cd if. -RTAl'-S, SI'IICIIS, II '.NCI'S, It I VETS', lucks, bulls, and all kinds of builder's i, at.rhi.ks in eenerai can be had elienper ut Ihe St. Mary's Hardware !?iuro Ihaii liny oihei phi-'c in liik couiily. (n'js'r,7)
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