LOCAL INTKLUf.Oa:. Vr Thine til ISitt(?trui Erie Exprca Fast 1:-" a. m do ilo West '1:01a m. ilo Mail Fast 'Itl'lp. in. do do West i.':-IOp. m. Focal Freight Fast Ida. nr do Oo V est t;: T- '' Klk Into, A. Y. M Stated meetings of Elk l.o lgo v, ill l.o hold Tuesday evening, on or before tlio lull tnoou of each month, ciii'-i- every two works thereafter. .1. K. WIllT.MoliF, Sec y. ' Ortics CUnrch I rotrst.int Epiicopil. 1'cv. ('. E. Iii.II. (Ml, 1! Ctnl'. Surv'lC'B will b-J lieldiu tbo uliovc church every al ternate S.iiiday morning and evening commencing willi Monday, Ihe l:nh inst JIoUiCilistEuiscnrJ. T!iv. F. Yr.ttsos. Pastor. Morning Ser vice, in tlie Com t. ll.oisc. every alternate Hominy, commencing with tin- 17th instant. iemo.'utic rovMiTTi:;:.;. We publish below til" naairs "f the 0. ilcmoii ror.in swing tV si'1" and Work ing I 'onmiilto.'s. This is ii'ne " erl-rt.i J-.-J voter know to . in-ai 1 "-av apply lor documents. ,-. tlo. i. .i':.-r.v:i."t. ' ,;r nn. I-:. V.f.. -. -ere! '.v- C. V. ( i I ..LIS. Tl'e.l-I!" IT. srMi!.'i r.i'.Mn i c:. Petieret. K. I;. .il- i:i : !.!', m ;rr. -b'-c ili VoliiiMT : low .la'u A!. " !;v : Highland. W. .1. Siitbi. : l!.r!.. McAllister: .biy. .luo.-'i t v Vol ; : Kidfurnv '. V. r.mu : .1 !!'. :. M .!..seph Wilholtn : . i:;ii'Vt. lbni-net..,!!. . W.iinrichl, Julim -ring t ivi J. hi. in t'.irr. Ibnziti;;er J : 'n!i Y.i! Joseph l.i."-i .l-iiii S.o Hitter, M .r:in Sir,:, A ! i'i b..:-tiall I i . '!.. I'i'X ....J.l at','-' Met 'in- k:'V. A. .'.'( i i'. W. Ii.iv. "l, liidihoi d...Wm. Fi'uUi-c be'.!. ' . MIL i.'.i;: i: irt.p....i. c. m-:i:-i. M.-i l.'.lan. .l;r.-i .-'I, da r!.(i -I --Jin . i.. oi, .1 -'lU-r- ii i'av'oir. i ( 1'. al, cti.ii 1 1 1 i i : ,i!ui 'I'looa l '. !:im '' ok. cli liraian !'. V. liii..-. oasr-a.. t. v ilia u ; h. 'i'a' .1 a -tiiiidi l .1. OH'... aaiu ' W.i d-rt. C. ('. Il:i;.-.v IV...1 Mfoiiiiao. 1'ro .N'l'lson i i a isla Wli'.-vil Si. Mai v ......; ,.r.i !, iirr.rni , I i I.-or. Yi'illinm .'oil i!io. Air.1. lii.'l f:ir, .' uinv i ny n.i. Siri'ii; l'i-'rk....lcrt'mi.i.h r.lloi'.:, tl.ni;--iiinii : .Man in IVrrin, .Nvwtoa l,.nii,-i..rrv, Vi iliiiiin .1 av!;i.ii, (io iri' Siiidord. Cm; M i:ki !.nii I'Hryiirit to notice tiven the Democratic and Conservative citizens of Ki'brway tnwnsbip met at the CotltihotiHo on Monday evening last for the purpose of organizing a I) tno. vr.itic CamiMign f 'tio. Tim nueiin was well tiitcii'lisl, and the ! is p,( I--; oi t lii'y '.jisrii.ii- opeueil I !:ic:n!'er-iv ei ait the ' iu-;;:i; names wi-n ttoti. 'I he su'-hcnhci l'liiii'.viriL to orj then mule. J'resiilent J.ihn (1. Had. ecretiiiy I'led. 1 iickins-in. ('nr. (secretary In'in 1 i-. i.i TO- C. r.-c. i.o in. ti. j .iiii v;. f-'ctvice, (i. ti. Mtssin'cr. Com. on Constitution and l!v Law Cr. Ii. larduer. M'Craekeu, .1. L Dill, du:, Tlio C'ub then adjourned to meet on Thursday evening following. The tlub met pursuant to adjourn went. Mr. II nil in the chair. Minuses lead. -Executive Committee reported that tbey bad secured the .ood Tern, plur'u Lodge, to be used as n Club I.ooni. 'J'hfiir report was r.cceptel, Hon. 1). C. Scbu'-tze, being present, was culled upon, and spoke for about tin hour. His speech was listened to with interest. After tmiio other business being transacted, the Club u-.ljonrued to meet at the. (J nod Templar';) Loljo Koom on Thursday evening nest. Let ivary member be present. sS""A Laboring loan recently wrote to the Uangor, Maine, I-'emocrat as fol lowfc ; For fom day? work in l."fi I could buy a barrel of excellent il-mr. For an equally good barret now I havo to work eight days. For nnc day's work in l'-if! I could buy five pounds t.t tea. The same day's work I can now buy bi;' two pounds. For ono day's work then T cue,! 1 buy thirty pnunds of su-ar. For a djv's Tnrk now can get hut fifteen p-Mmls. For a day's work in J ;,:) ,.,,U!J buy eight jiotinds 'd tol aeco. J'or a day's work now c..:i buy but throu pounds. F'or a day's v.'urk in I ;r.l f ceil 1 buy fifteen pounds uf c- lit e, i'w ; days work now I can buy but live i-.u ,1 j. J'or one luoiuhs work in In.cI e.el'J clotlio inyselt' and fi'niiy for inie i-ar. To du the s.iine now I am obliged io Svork two month and a half. I might thus go tliroirrli tho whole ist of . articles that a Lib iriuLj man aud bis f.imily consume. Im it nut tiuij l-ir me an I my fllmv laborers to look upi'ind us, ti-cerlain the cause of this robbery uf labor an 1 iij'plv tho remedy '! Certainly, look itr.'inl, applv tl.e rem !y, ari .. !'.,. v. ! millions Stevens 'lied nt Washington on tlio nilit oC llio lltli inst.., in ilic Tilth year of It is nc. Mr. Slovens lias figured in Amciican poli. tit's for ujivtiri.s of forty years, and vc 1'dicvc was the only public man in the State who had notiMstcntly opposed the Democratic patty throughout, liia long lease ol life, lie wa3 a luau of earnest couviction, altliougli those convictions in most instances, were against the host interests of the country. Let him rest in peace. Two more beautiful frescoes havo been discovered at Pompeii and removed to the museum nt Naples. They were found in tlio vestibule of a Itouso in the Via fc'tui liana. 2?" Democratic Clubs in different partd of the county ,ue requested when they organize, to send us the names of tlio officers, so that we may publish them, and tlut neig'ib.iiin clubs may !;nnw w!io they may address v.-hnn wr'tiiii; o'i j-oiKTil bnsitie.-s cuntiected with the cmtduct ol the campaign. 7!-.-r'',l,il!"'u" Monthly, for September .iron receive 1 lie reaimg mat. tor i nie:, out. j i . lo'i is cnt-.Tin-.Mntr, rnd toe v.'riu vs he employi r.re the best in tbc. c.'tintry. Tiio.j'i wis Win' to sn!- i i ! i sh.ni 1; Mi..- address Hal tou'a Mouth ' 1! o.--t on. r.-(.-ne of tb v ev.p t fi-he:mcn, n nc ba.-s weigb 1 1 wns in the few days siiite, hunKci io tibeiit ful ly pnuud i.ci. of tiit'ging it to Ian:'., when a shark sc'.sed it !td seve nd it in the middle, car: y;ng :. ttic largest pa lier. :iT ins ciiii tQT"n 0';io rseh-in-e says some tiling is tlio matter with the lues tins summer. ilo'V re I;; so to Eetnl out t-warms or make any honey. To i im Viit:;iis n i:; been pciieii e i 1 ill.K C-U-.-.TV. ni v 1 1 : in.irf . -ill f both Otte: im Indepeiideiit Caodi Ohio :i.r mhi .11 at the tipproacmn ulectimi 1 iiavj i oiiciioU-1 ;o obey iheir wisln-s,. and icsp-'ctlii.ly ii Mi tac support ol ad w!io umy l'cel inclined to vole lur inc. L.. C. OYSTEi!. Pkmoukst's JIdnthlv for SeiteinTler, prompt to lime us usual, and full of pood t b: ti i: s to oversowing for the ladies. .Ma.i.le hast varies " i. worthy the peru sal of every mother. Its fashions, Mu.-ie, I. iti r.iture, J'un. Art, Il.insvi.ul 1 we can lo.r eiii'.mer.-He lo.lt' i;y l)U,l tilings j. render il Ml- most .ittraelive mid useful '.Monthly 1'tii.disliod tor a taii'.i'.y. You need to see it ! know its vibte. yc-irly. Addre-s. t'.'. .U.si.m;s 1'i.mii:.j:st, -iTii llroadway, New Vork. t.y' Viv have feeelve-l I he Cat.-.h-pic of tae 1 :tt.V:viiFc!!iiie Col!e;re thriaih the cyiate-y , i.i-y. i. i: I'cishii.v-. its 1'rin-cq-.il. Too Ihtalupue shows nn aiti'iidancc -I three iien-lie-l mi l fnrty-seicn young tndii--, ;.-niuer.l from twelve .States. The ca ny.-. re K's.u than one-halt those of many ,-eho-jls having fewer leachi'is and lest ficiliiies. The Fall term coiniiicn CBS Si-i-iembi-r Liu I. tsen-l to Kev I. C. I'e.-shiiig i'ittsbtirgii, l'a., lor a caialogae. ir . ' 'y3eyna:wgari'.'jt.--.ffji-.'jRWitt'Oi.'ijj rM) IHlil-MfAlilTAXTS or l'.UiAY. SOMETHING NEW. Th" lindersicnnl havin,i tnade arr.inro-n-eot- to open a .Meat, Fish and Vegetablo Market in Kidgway, wishes to inforio the public that he will be found in his place of business in the basement of tr. Fuller's residence, where he will have FKKSU Ml'AT lor sale every Monday, Wednes lay and Friday; FllKsA FISH every Tuesday and Fridiiy ; VKliTAl;j,ES always on hand. ..'uiv :10. 13ilS.f JNO. MAMPIIAXT. 1'. is. Next vei.-" being Conrtwoek, will hav.i I'resh ioai on Mjnday, Tuesday, Thtirs-lav and Friday. " J. M. T V"' SF, SIC.N AN1 iKN.MF.NT.r, JLL 1'Al.NTlN'i;. The uthIh signe t hav e. aid tided : h an i iiji i'ir a while in Itidgway, would res eclfiiby ii.'l'onn its citizens iti'id those of it s .-uriT.iiii ling vicinity, that they are pre; '.red tod.i all work in their line in a iieii.tu r wavraiiiedm stdt their ctistoinors and :;t as reasonable a price as it cau be done b i.ny oil.cr hot n. IHtr laotio isto Five and let live.' All orders promptly intended tc. J.M.K T. .SIlL Tlic; CO. 3v.'.y2-"n. A' I.FCTl I'.M Tt) YOl'Xil y i;n jrsr envelop..-. 1 tilde he I in a sea!--l . beet uro on me .vittire, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakno-s. lav.-iutitary Ftidssi'.tis, Sex. io, 1 I J : y. :i:i-l e lini'iits to ma'.'ri.'iL'e II. N''l'Vo"-TieSS, Co'lSIOC.Vt'.etl. I p- t.ii 1 Fi: j : M oital and Fny.-ieal lu v, vo.iilii.M- fi-.,.., S.?lf-AI.'u,i, ill capav ! y lb. rt J. t'.'horn.-ll, M. r., atiih, f ce.i 1,-o.k, eta. 1 rue ill a, tea. e I :('' . only : i; cetits, celebrated author, in this admirable , cle uly demon-irate;; from a thirty ' suevr.-fu! prai-iii'i. tlmt the alarm- feu i in -' ' (ti- iiees oi s- !:':,btise le.'iy be rad- i-' .!ly citivil willinni ihc r..-e f ini-.-rtial m -dieia.-. or ihe appiic iii-m of the knife, ; u'. n tin;: mii n laodc of cure at once simple, ei rtaiu and eil'i eltml, by moans of which every . iiilerer, no nuttier what I. is cunde lion ii. ay be. may rare himself eheai-ly, 1 rivalely, an-! radically. Y.- v- ,'j his Lecture sli-.ti'd be in the hands ol' every y.i.uli n:i-l every man ill t DC land. .'"in coder in a plain envelope, lo an ', n l In- pos; p:ii I, i ii iveeipt of six cent oi- I o , l-'st .stamp.t. Also, Dr. Cub Vel-I ,'l '. Man- age l uu-b-Addle--, the Fid : idlers. jericc ...;euts. i II s. I. r. Ki.ivn CO.. I s-r).II(iii XO TICKS. Has Nature nn nntidolc for nc'inircd dis cuses? 't'I'C 1'i.antat:on.1!itti;iit, prepared ly Dr. Dniko ol' New York, liuva no dmilit benefited mid cured more pprsons of Dys pepsia, Norvonness, Hour Stomach, Loss of ipolile, Sinliini; Weakness, (Ictirral llchility and Mental llcsprindoiicy tlinn any dtlier drticlc in exi.'lcnce. 'J'liey are enm posed of tlie purost roots and herbs, enrc tiilly j reparad, to he ttikcn a a tonic mil geiule suiauiaiit. Tlioy arc adapted to any ajce or condition of life and nro extensively popular with mot hers and persons of sed entary habits. Macnoma 1Vm a del'ifrlitfiil toilet ar ticle superior to cologne, and at liali tlie price. A Nf.w K.Mt:nr in CoNsrMrrioN. A Physician who hid Consumption for eevcri al years, xith freiiniit bleedinps of the liiiip, cured himself with medicine un known to the profession, when his case ap peared hopolc'sn. Jle is the only physician who has used it in his own person, or who has anv know le liro of its Tirtnes ; nod he can usei ihc the degree of health lie now enjoys to not Man but the use of his nicli cine ; and im; li i lur but. utter deriiair and cut ire extinction of all Impe of recovery toirethir with a w ant cf coiill-lencc in nil o'i lievs iniloc'.'.l him to hazard the expel inieiit. To those su"Vrin:; with any dis ear-eoftao lan-rs he lirnti'rrs a trealiiiont !r.' rontideullv bclievcK will era liea'c I he disease, l'riec j l.i'li m-r 1-ottl half dozen, k lit by express, t'vnl lorn circular or call on Int. V.. I'.oyi.stun Jack son. .No. ".-VI, .Nirth Tenth Street. 1'iiila dolphin, l'a. 'ianjMi.c.S-ly (-.-i"."'j .-T ."ti. f -jc-i.. . jr,-.f.".T.l Lh YOUNG DEIISONS J Can and Kor pari lo- nlars. ail-l a s. J. A. COUI'K il. l'rineipal of the s.;i;t. orr.ial freaoul, hdinbcro, l'a. for F.MlMFbS an ! ot'.e-.s 5. 'J'ii el !o:t .liineral 1 aiiit l.o. are how i.i.infae! I'rini' the 1 !. t (,'heajiest and mo. t ilarabli. Faint inusotiwo eoais well jeit on. luixe 1 wiln pure Linseed I i, will las' 10 oy 1 ") years : it. is of a lie'ttt brown or beautiful chocolate color al can L charge I lo green, lead, sor.o, :ir;ib, oliv or im earn, to - tut ttte t.-te I loo consumer. it is valuable for Jlor.;eJ, Jhtrn, Folic ( '.: l l i.i r; and Car -maker;'. Fails and Wood en v.a'o, Agricultural Implements, Canal lio.ats. Vessels and ships' l'uHtoins, f'ativa Mel: 1 and Sitir.gle llools, ( it be'.ie,' Fir:- and Water proof), liter nil Clo'.Iis, (one jl.-um. fa-eeea-r iiaving use 1 bbls. the past vc tr, iiii-l it? a pamt or any pin-nose is tiiisi:i jta --e-l for ii-idv. durability, elasticity. and i-.-l hesive. less, l'riec tfii nr bid. of oin) Fox., whicli will su.p)y a farmer for years to come. Vfarrcntcd in all cases as above. .Send fi" n circular ivhieh gives full particulars. Sonc genuine unless biatided in a trade mark (j ration Minevnl FiiniU Address DAM F. b HI D W KU-, l!f4 l'earl Street, New Vork. For sale by ilydc, liillis J: Co., a: Hidg w.ay. 6el. 5-'C7.-t'.m. D.MIMSTJlATlllX'f) NOTICE, i'j. Notice is' hereby given tli.it lettets ol admiiiisfriiti'tn havitig been grante-l to the undersigned on the estate of V, m. J. Denny, late of St. Mary's borough, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate m e i-eiiie.'!t-ed tocouio bo-ward and make iiuiac-liaU' pay men!, and liaise hnviiiL claims against the same v. iil present litem duly aiuhelicutod tor sett lenient. FI.I3.F.i:Til.T. DF.NNT, July 2, ISOH-Ot. Administratrix. 11. S. Mahsiiai.'s Orncn, Wkstkiis DistiKct or Pknn'a. rjlIUS IS TO (UVi: Nonet: : That on the ISth day of May, A. D. ISliK, a ft arrant in Fiaukruptcy was issued against the estate of Frederick Rudolph, of St. Ma ry's, in the comity of F.Ik, and State of l'ennsylvitnm, who has been adjudged a Uankrupt, ou his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery cf any property belonging to such Ihin'krupt io him or for his use, and the transfer oi any property by him are forbidden by bnv'; iliat a Meeting of tho Creditors of the said Fmnkruiit, to prove their Debts, am! to choose one or more nrigtiees of liis Fslate, will tc held nt n Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden al the Hyde House in ltidwwiiy l'a before S. K. ,VVuodi uir Fsip, llogister. on the -1th day of August A, i). 1S0S at 4 o'clock, F. M. Thomas A. Kowi.kv, U. iS. Marshal, as Messenger. FyG. P. Davis, Deputy. July 11, -li. I XSIUIANCK ACAIXSTLOSS OK DAM AG H UY FIRH ! T1TK J.ycomiiig County Mutual Insur ance. Company at Miincy, I'cnna., con funics to Insure aiMin.-'i Loss or Damage by rire on all minis et .Mercliandise. 1'ublic and private uildings, either in town or count v. Also on Mills, J anneries. I'c'.rns. stocks of (Irani, .'Vc., nt. the lowest posslb'c rales, consistent with safety to tiie Insurer and Insured. The I. yeoiuing County, Mu tual Insurance Company inviu-.i nn investii cation as to it j stability. lt$ capital amouuls to 62.P.OO.OOO! Th'i a-stiving to every one of us pit rem It.at their losses will I c promptly and satis. faet.-rily pai l. Its nianageineiit luualw-iys been pro. lent, as its existence, of twenty. sixycu'S fully dceionsiraios JAMFS FLAF.FLY, Acent fir I'-'k cuuii.y, at .Ji, Mary's Oji. IS, M,7-Jy. Crr. MARTS STEAM TANNER k ! 0 1 E P. EsslX'llslKUlo & Co. Take pleasure in auioiuiicing lo the ulilio of F.Ik and surrounding colonics that they have tboroogh'y refuted iin-l renn-i'. uted this i-l-l ai.-l wetl-kn-.H ii i's.i! lislimeni, and con-, ret ula.ie t hi'in-eiv.-s ih.ai s ith ihelr ex ten i---l l.U'ilics, with first class woikm.an. that they c s i put out as good work as cm be found any where. We have, and keep coii-ttinily unhand alll kimU of leather siteii as in general use in litis section, in cluding Sjmitifh unit Ciriifi-y AVc ltntitrr ! Ci '.' i'n., iS7i-. yi.N,'.iis, Jiifjskt'.ii .' ILi.-ik ss 1'j n r Luithtr ! 05-CASH r.i.'l) t'Oll JilDL'S. (.live us a call an 1 bo corvineed of the truth of what we state. mar-l'lis 7f.N.i ,lt-H t- r Something Jlciu. A IjAIIQU STOCK OF "3 Vjvj ''i'liii 'ci3 i Tbc undcr-igned luve on band a large and very desirable stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAK, OH FEED. which thry will sell at the very bottom figure ami from this date will sell only lor CASH. We will uc every endcav' or to make it to the interest of our cus tomers, to adopt tho universal CASH SYSTEM. Wc have de'ermiued to give tho GA SYSTEM a frr frinl. believing it, lo be. the inter est oi both buyet and seller. Ridgway, Aug. lo'.b, lb'6't.--(. S i f. ovi:ii!;oi.i.i:!!. XL. M F itC 1 1 A X T T A 1 L( i; , The subscriber desires resiiecllullv to in. ferm the citijf ns of ltidgv.ay mid vicinity mat ne is prena.cit to malic to order as we is il can be doneanywherc. anvlhinc in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial, (iood Fits ciiaiantced. B,Cluths, Cassiniers, Vesi;n?s and Trimmings of the latest and most improved styles kept .constantly on lintid. nhieh will I"! sold CIlllAFFU THAN THE CHEAP K.ST. I.adici desiring llemmina. Slitehinc. Felling. Funding, ,ie,, on dresses, canes, ,tc will had it to their interest to give me a call. rau:!tl-t;ii TAMES MiCEOSlCEV. ti ii) i'i-o::W:s, Set., w on. ! re-'pectfiilly iuforia tho citizens of the Hiirroimdiug cotiiniunity thai, he still keen on hand a good supply of such arti. cles as arc generally kept, in a country gro cery store, luciuilmt; TEAS, ELOUR, sua a rs, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY which ho flatters himself ho can sell as cheap as they can be bought uuywhero in tho county. I have lately erected n first-class shingle mill, which is now in operation. It is on ittested that t he slnntrles which were made in this mill and sold in AVillianisport, arc a tirst-class article, the lumber of which they are made being a hrst-cbiss article. J desire to inM'odiice there tdnnglo to the noticu of bail lers, who will consult their own interest by giving me a call. May oil, 'lit). tt TCIl! ITCH!! ITCH! II (cii.TCA ! scitATciT ! ! sntATCii ! ! ! in from 111 to lls hours. Wliealon'a (liniment cures The Ttcli. IV It-iit oil's (liniment cures Salt Hhcuin. Wheaton's (liniment cures Tciter. Whciiton's Oin'.nicnt cures llarbers' Itch, Wheaton's Ointment cures IHdlt'orcs. Wiieaton's (liniment cures Fvery kind, ol liuni.ir lute Magic. Price, odcenis a link ; bv mail, (50 cents-Adtlrcs-i V, F.FKS l'Oi'TKI! No. 170 Washington Street, Fusion, Mass. For sale by all druggists. cpt. 17'ti" ly. .1. S. F-OllHWFI.b. JlT 1). TJhc word eelee'tio means to cliouso or J select iri 'd'-iiies from all ihe ditlerent s,. .10 -'s ol' lao-lieiue : using remedies that are safe, and discarding from pracliee all liiidlcines iht't have an impitrious e-fect on l lie system, : au-ii as riereury, antimony, le id, copper. i;e. I lay aside the bince tho old blood lelier, relueeror depleter, nii-1 ecjitalize the c-iyeuhi'i o; and reslore tile system to irs n.iiural si-ite by alteratives and tonics. 1 shall here:i;'ici- give particular nliention to 'ironic diseases, such as Ilheiini.it run, li sj,ei-d !, Fiver e-niiplnini , Catarrh, jSen ralgi.i, disea-es of the throiit, urinni'y or gans, and all discuses peculiar to tfcMKWs, e. ('AYARRJl I treat i!h auyv iiistrnmcni of a I. tie i-ivetitieii. which enreseferj case. 'I'FKTII cxtraeie-l without pain. Oiiiee au-l residence south of I he jail (in Centre f'l. litfiee hours from " to s . ni ; V2 i.i 1 p. m : fi to 7 p. m. lice. 23'G7.-ly. J. S. 1 111 iiVf ?A.. W JIF. ELK 11 A WILSON'S SEW 1XG MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Pole Agent for ihe sale of Wheeler A Wilson's Piwiug Machines for l.'lk county. Ilo keeps no assort nieiii ci'iislfititly on hand. Machines s.-id at Pliiladclphiaaud New Vorpiiecs. Any ptr'i. s d--ire,-;s o( o' t iiiiiit" t'u ;.t e..a al u's-i J. iC. Will I'Muti:, M n-'-Ii 'J-.'ij My. it K;d;:ay, Pi. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT TllEHIDOWAY -I ?r a KF.I'T II Y GROVE G; MKSSKNQUJl, Dealers in Dnisn, JIcdiciEM, Pcints, Cily White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lnuip Oil, Tscncr's Oil, l'cr. funieriefl of all Kinds, Tlio purest Varnish, Brushes of every Stlo and Size Dye Stuffs, "tire Oonf'eef ionarics Citroo, llaisin.n, l'atcnt Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jewelry, Fiitigs, Tobaccoes & siguru l'ure Liipiors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to tho Drug Business Gcu orally. Pure Prims tit Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Trices Notions in Endless Variety! Motions in Endless Variety American and English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, ltiimsj, kc. Latest btyles of Jewelry, Jtings, eie. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Album:!, News, Stationery, Hird-Cnges! Alliums, News, Stationery, Lird-l.agcs ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings'. niai-U FSI.IG EIIADHUKIA & EMS. RAILROAD. AVINTFK TI.Mi: TAF.bK. Thrrvijli ami Di'rat Runic hcti;n 1 Ii ii 'j iij,ii, I'lc't'in'rr f film's hiirij, Yi!liai))sim t, mnl tin- G R K A T O 1 L R E (1 J O A of 1'cmisylvnuia. E L E G A N T SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 2'th, (he trains on t lie Philadelphia & Fria ltailroad will run as follows : wits TWA no. .Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..! 1.1-1 p. m. " " " llidgway 2.10 p. in. i . arrive at Frio S.oO p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..1.00 noon. " ' llidgway -l.Od a. m. " " arrive at Erie 10.0-1 a. la. llASTWAllll. Mail Train leaves Erie 11.00 a. m. " " " Ilidgway -1.10 p. m. " " arrive nt Pbilad'n... 7.10 a. in. Erie Express leaves File 7.10 p. in. " " " Ilidgway... l.l'.o a. in. " " ar'at Phihob lphia 5.00 p. in. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny llivcr Hail Ilo id. 1AU 0 A(jE CHECKED Til llOL'd II. AM'lllll) L. TYLER, (leiieral Sujierinteiidcut. NEW GOODS ! just itEGi:ivi:n and MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE J. V. IIOUK, Main 5trect, Eidgway, Pa II AVTNG just returned from the eastern cities where I have purchased a largo and well selected assort incut, of goods, 1 invite the attention of the public to call and examine ray slock, consisting uf Dry Goods, Notions, Clothiti'', Hardware Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoo?, (J u o c n s w a r is PROVISIONS, &c, Sc. BUYERS WILL FIND MY STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted lo the wants of the community. J. V. IIOUK. iRidirwny, Dcc.'i ly. 'IALU ABLE LOTS FOR SALE. V The nii'lci si .'m il has luM'tuit a vil. ngo upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way l'eiiot, la be called F!K. Tho lots are GO tevi from by loi) (Vet deep front itig towards the railroad. Terms -For t!, tir'l lot gold, fli'O. Foi the second lot s.dd. s,l. For thn third I. if sold. 10 and so en inere-asing in pi ice as l.-is are sold. F-'A.. First prchasers gel tho choice lot, al the chenpeM rate. Pnrchasei'S will h r"gi.-tere l in Ihc or der of llterr Application 'J'en percent ot tho purchase money must bo paid at toe fime of iho appiient ioti. P.. ;..-plie.itio'i will hn made lo Joh G. Hail, Fs.p, Kidgu-ay, Fi. J. H. II vim. Ridgway, nmr.'J'.l'iir, - if. N j. i ' s. i'lKFS, IllSiii;,, KlVIT'rf 'ills, and ai! kin Is ol builders etl- i' il e.t-l i-i- had clle.lper ,il Il.r.'-ii'.iro biore liiauan, ha. k--, ..... . , .ii liic ; :. M.tr uliier J 1....C m i.U Couu: (uJSulj JATEST ARRIVAL ! I SPRING AND SdMMF.R GOODS I CH E A P EST GDODii IN 1UD0WAY ! AT TIIE STOKE OF i is ''O im. Ms Cor. of Main J- Water, end' of ITydo Ilousa, Where lie has on hirml on extensivo assort ment of Goods, onsisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Crips, Boots and Slioca, Underdoses, Ladies' Dress Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mas litis and CalL C 0 c s I HEAD YMADE Uahuoral Skirts, Blankets and Counter panes, Ladies' Drcs Trimmiugs, Geiitu' Furnisbing Goods, Groceries, Paints, Glass and Putty I ! ! Call and see uiy stock before purchasing elsewhere ! Dec. e,V7 ly. c ) AO(M CUSTOMERS IN FUR. . Years. Patronize the lcst. Having the largest, capital, most, crtfu'i1 ieneed buyers, and extensive trade of t;3t concern in the Dollar Sale bniness, wo 'cv: (il.'AUANTFE SATISFACTION V in every ins'anec, and also the best sle(V ti.m of goods ever ottered at ONE DOLLAPV vv EACH. -JV No other concern has any show wherever our a-rentu are selling. Our motto. " Prompt c1 and Felialde," J'nle and fenialo agents wauled in city and country. 'I'll F LAHIKS arc pariicularly requested to try our popular club system of selling all kinds of Hry and Fancy (Joods, Ureas Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated (lood.i. Watches, Sc. Established lNi4. A patent pen fountain And a check describing an article to be sold fora dollar, 10 cents; HOtor'J; -10 for!?!; lufor?0j 100 for 1(1 ; sent by maii. Free preseuta to getter up, (worth 00 tier cent more man those scut by any other concern,) according to size of club, or if not do not fail to Bend or n circular. N. 15. Our sale idiouhl not be classed with New York dollar jewelry saleii or bo gus " Tea Comprn ies," as it is nothing of the sort. Ji AM T.MAN : KF.NDALL, do Hanover Street, mavL'-l-t'on. lloston, Mass. . L F VOU WANT TO HUY W.rw.vc for the Million t Go to A. DL'RLACHf.Pv, Agent, PEATjER in CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &o. ST. MART'S, ELK COUNTY, PENliA. .Tan'ilSGSIypd .t TTEXTIOX MILL- O V.'XfRS t fnini i:riLi; Tuni'iiNt; watkk I WHEEL, patented .inly .10, 18C.7, id superior to any wheel in use. The under signed have ihe agency for said wheel in ihe Stalo of Pennsylvania, and can rcconu iiiend it as being the best manufactured. For further ii.irtieuhirs, and circulurs. in. ipiire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings .Uldstcam engines will be made to order at reasonable juices. Wc expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good shin e of pub lic patronage. 1 J. F. TtOFiEItTSON, It. HELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., janlti 160Sd. "(J A II I) TO THE LADIES.Dr. Dupon co'sdOLDFN PERIODICAL PILLS tor fciua'.cs. Infallible in correcting irreg. nlariiies, 1'emoviog OKstriictions of the .Monthly Turns, from whatever cause, and always sueocssfiil as a preventive. One Fill is a dose. Females peculiarly situated, 1,1' thor-0 supposing themselves so, are cau tioned against using I hcs? Pills while ill thai condition, lost I hey invite miscarriage, alter which admonition tho Proprietor as sumes no responsibility, nlthoiigh their mildness would prevent any mischief to health; oll-erwise the Pills are recomnieiu led as a Musi InvalnaVilu Remedy for tho alleviation of those Hiill'eiiiiji from nny in regularities whatever, as well us prevent an increase of family when health will not permit it ; qnielin.' ihe nerves and bringing back tho-i'..sy c.d-.r of health" to the chiM'k of the mot delicate. I'ull and explicit direciioiis accompany c.'i-h bos. Price SI per box ; d boxes, $5. Hold in Ilidgway, Ph., by 0. (I. Messen. g"r. Druggist, sob- iigeni. tor Ilidgway. La. dies, by i-onding him 1 to the Ridgway P. O. can have the Pills sent (coiilideiitiully ) by mail to any purt of the country, free of posing-. Sold also by Swayno .t licyiiolds, St. Mary's, and by one Druggist in every village in the Luion. S. D. IIOWF, my'J (is ly. S.dc I'reprielor, N. V. j; OFIS 11. (iAItMilt, IMtACTD'AI. M U'MINIST, Can bo I 1 1 m -1 lit hi Foundry at St. Mary's where he is re cle lo have all shop'V.oil; ill bis line dune on .-tieil n-iliec. St. M-irv't-, 'eti.'.iu -er P. O.. Elk ej.. Pa. niyCiiS'l Ylt-l'llXi CAill'.' li ui (bis elijC. S SxiA'i'LV EXF.Cl'I.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers