V) ill" r if ..-i-v-. v PdlLtni.M'UM, Pa. 7 -V rrralat kmrutn rrme.tU'S fitr Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Deliility. JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Ki keys, ERUPTION or the SKIN, nwil nil lllm-r,-..- nrUIni from a Din ordered l.lver, Stomach, or lMvvniTv or run nr.oon. R.ei.l ' i- foilnwivn tuirtm. nn-l if yi, fi,,u tUit y-i.r ,,'. -i ntTc:.xl by mi, nf iT,.-;n,. ,,, H ""i v" rmnm'ncrtl its aitm-i: un tht -.,. rr,.i, Of ;. fnf , KftU llT. JtW rtvi fry lit, i y,,,,...,!,,! T.,i..l-,,n HimNl iA-, uwi rvimUiitj in i!, ., mi 6e f' r,tf. Constipation, Flntnlonon, Inward Tilos, I ulnossof Ulooil to the Jluiut, Acidity ! L,!, Stonini!h, AitiuHun, Jleiirt Dun, 1'iMitfit lr. r Foo'J, FnInoKS or Weiirht in iho HUvimoh, , Hour i Initiation:;, Biuk- in or r-'luttorini; nt the Pit of tlie (Stoim'cn, fcwiuimiiu: oi' thii Head. Hurried or Difficult BreHlhniK, l"luttvrh)K nt the ilnnrt. thokitiK or ufibon'mK Sousationa when in r,yiiieP,pturt,r)iiiiiH"ssof ViBion. Dots or Wcb nntoro tlio 8is?iit. Hull Pulu in tho Ilc-ml, Uell-cicn-:y o!' rVrynir.if ioil. Yel lowness o:- tii'i Miin uvul K.vsH. Puin :n tiin Side. Hark, tJliOKt, T.i--'l fir.. Sud den I' lushni of Burning in tho FIchIi, Cuiv.i.-iijt lMinininjB of tvil, nml Ort.nt Ddprrmiiou of Upirits. .U ''' i.i 'n ...rii. , ff r r Ihtpjtict Oryins, tvii jit,- ir,,Vi i,iurt ihW. fjcciflanVo Ocnnaii Sitlcrs i nillirlj' vp.'rrt alil, ,ul rotitntiiii mo Il.j'ioi. Jt Is rnmpiiui-d of Klnlil Ri. ""''i' Tf'e lt-otn, llt-lis, r.ml Unrkn Iriim wlili h Hint citrai'in ure mmle m e Kill in rt il In Ucrmml). All the in. i!K 1 mil virtue nre extrrtted from llK in l- n nelenllrle. e li'.antal. 'i'tiei 'Illici t nre llien lorivnnlril tn tklt 4'nnuli-y in he uetl ex preaitly fur llie liiaiiufiictili-e. of llieite kiltfern 'lliere 1h no aleollollu HiiliHt.liiee of any liiml viMetl in i:oiiifioilii(lliii; tlie. JiFltterH. hem e II Is Hie only lliller t hut mil lie iiMeil In cnNesivhere nlcoUolIc Htllll ulanla ure not artvl&nhic, ticof.anb's Ocnium Conic ittimntiivulit'-i i. n't the tnvr.-Ji.Mtt nf thn Utttnn with i-HKB .',-.-t ,'', (vn.,.,.-yo." ItuufJ far th.- ..'. ,1-1 . tl,.. , , wl)fre j:ir - ,!lo.'i.'li,- stun ,t-t U r.-.i,-. y l,mr in M.ui fi ',. .v . div I'lilinly iliiTiTunt from . rUt : Hi,, nm if ll.c di'taw '' 'i'''." M'i'iV ;r-. ir itiinm um, Jicinai 4 ,1,-. I , iW(,'tV A. ,..',... I;rr l.i-.di.mnnf rum m , ...r !. T. t:;i.) J - i l .thj nr cflht A I ,.ir , n: I ,,?' r.a-li.l n;r ..iTfTed to the 1 thin-. Ii tut'. ,. T-iui.:-.;. Jt is a l..i!ure tn take ", '';?i'' ". ;'"., 'shil'irMivtf, unit miliriiml tl'i.t.'ili. . tj',i. J a' (y k'lioitm utf tilt greatest of Oil f 'ni:-:. CONSUMPTION. ThoiisnnilK of eases., tvlu n tho pa. leiil ,i(iMaetl he wan Hlllleteil wllli Mils teeriltle illneaK, linvr heen rnreil liy I he ur of I hese reiueilies. ICitn ine e: in. I.uiiui, lieliiliiy, uiiil Viii(.-!i nru he n -,ii nl nlleiKlnnta u.,u nevern f 'Mp. i,ia or tllKeimc of the lls-tlve oriuiM. Kvrn In eiiHes of Ketiulite t'un .million, lhee reineii- ill he i.mui.I of Hie BniKist l.eneft:, l rcligl)ie:ilnR nml In vigor. illnir. DEBILITY. Ti'-rr i! ni vu -Heine -it li trr.,iflniTs Grrmnn Hii-rriir T-,-v: in .i.. i.f l. '.ili'i. n-uimp-lrt a l.m nwl riii-r to tl,. i, . y.-'. M, sir. hitii. h tlie ri -'-, iwra i ';;'.' ' i.f Hi.- f-'-J, rr.a'ik this I--II-I.!, I t it, l-lil f.V yii g, ' i,:. I. hull:!. I ,u.;,l. ,:. ,.r-tilin,tt thr yctl;m tirim .J, -it ti.r in, ,ii.-rt a v., mi l l.t.-cl.iikr,, andclitii-j in. i-i-,.;.i ,,, ,. i.iJ.,,ti,.,l ematitW, K', ' ' "' 1 liiH-rtcul,t:.iu, nut Tijir. Weak and Delicate Children ire imi'lr nti"iill( hy lining the Killer or Tciulf. Ill l.iel, lliey lire Kuinlly .Miilli li,. Tbtymii l,e nilmliimlereil W illi pert, el snfc ly to A ehlld llirrt iiiomlia ol,l, the most Uillriite leiunle, or ii n-.ati of li!:t:ty. Thrsf R.incii-s itr l'n- l?st Jilooil JL'ui-J Hers ri-.-r l-non-v, and Kill cure a'i 'iiVii.v.t r.stiXilc frim lint t.h.'-ii. K-.p..n-tr l-ht jmre ; yr,tr .it ynttr ii;;,- . 'li'r niy ,. ,. :.. nt l, '"- i-V t'--' tit. i -i-v, -jitii irir afsnil y-.u. ' n rJ-r; '.'.; - iiyi-i:- I. mill m .-.!; iv.'ul. :i I" f.i i ...lij food eo.ii,,!, ji i,te l, iu n ellotv .llll.ii;, u;iT..ll i,.ln il' iiui iiinil, Klioitiil tine ilne run :! oeeuklon nH . The I.I n i In iierlert order, and llie Mood pure, -.!, i rei.n'.; tn ni ink ling e t ui.tl liliiiiniliig cuceUn. C !K I'TIO.V. IT-i'tin-Vi C'.in-ni llr.,i.lirt ..r rrurtrr-r."'ti'il. Tli' i in.; In,, i ti-iuatvr.-. i,f ( M, .l,i,h,i vi th-: fnii.t nf tin nutsitii u-riij.fur if viilIi bntil-:, mnl tl-i- mimr n f tl.e arloM Uim-n in itu-h'tm'tir. All -then art ifr.tittcrjctt. TIioiikhii.U of leKerd Iiave been re. eel vert, tentlfy ijlf,-1 o tl.c ill I lie ol llli mv remeilleh. A EE40:.TIIE KE0OJISrN?ATIO?:3. HOJT.GK0..W. WMODWAIII), Clili'f JiMi.u t-.t ti?utiiia Ci'iirt of I'. i tiivivanu. l uiiAMLrniA, Maiiou lmii, Ivy. 1 flint "Il-,lhl,i fi Citium llilti .-s" is ih t mi Mil, ii-t-ini t,,,,r,,., bu! '. i .,.,i.,.( tt.nir. ia.ru! in Jisur tt.rs if t'a ..'i i-f'ii-.: fn-i;,i.is, r.ii-t tf ir'tit ln-ii-lU in rii.j , ilMun ""J i - Hit -.' niri-Mt jcuu.i nt tut '' j t-ir., ,,,!., ut.o. n. vroonwAUD. FR'I.M IIH ,)AMi:- TIIOMI'iOV, Jiiilo ul' tin hnjir-nif r w, 1 ..f I.-iirvyh.ti:i'i. I'iiiii:if;i'i ., Ahkii. i:lj, 1 ,iA I onslder " tC.iolliid'a f.i i i.i;ni int. ei'" a i:il:uii,u- .i.i.il in- i,i ,., f at. tiieksnf Iik'I-vki Ion or ln,e; lii. an etrllly liiU Irmn m 'ejj.i rl nee "fit, lours, m Ii Ii respi if, J.UKS 'i liO.'Ii'SOX. I'r. Di I5EV. JO'lW'il II. Kr.XXAIUi, D P., Putir of Hit. Tei.ili l!jiii, I fiiunl , l'::.li.l, !t,,t. Itt..f aKHiix Iir'.liMii: Ihiu 7,. Ir- iit.n'lyr. '''' nt'''t I" -' i-.i n '.is. m .'. r- ..i.'i.ij-itf.m it uif.rr.J liii-h ..' (,.,,;. ., .. I,;,; ,, ...,. ., , . r,ti,-e ""' " '"J i',"7'"ir:i,' ,..., l, it , :l rates it. -1ult. it ; but with ,t rl.ur i .,-,t i ,-,n ,,i,- i;.i,-.i.,.: ; , avil t-.ii-tiriil,irl,f i tv-it.tc.i iu.il,-,4, i t: , .. . ,,,) itr. It' "ft Illlt'S uVlMlUl Illl.JS, i.l.,:, 'J. 1 i,.f r, '.ry mi. '-; I.. -i.i-. s -,u-i fi-lt t 'n-i.ii .n' th, it, i..r li'iii i;il ,1. i.iliiv of ilie iu-i:i. nml . , i;i 1 1 i,,r l.iv. r Oii!.li.iirt,iii, , ,.; ua,:iM, :, ,,ur.li m. In t- in.: ait, I ,t m.,yf.l ; I,.:! n .l.i'J,. ,... .,t. it will ttrilbui.jui.il t ll,...,), Cl-.r,,. ., (,,, uijullt CtUtiH. iuui. t,, i re.ii,.-iVi,' J. 11. Kri.WATtn. M'jt.th, I !o.u C'ja.'tj St. Prioo of tho Hittois, n.oo per bottle I Or, a halt d.izcn lor ?5.00. IPrico or thu 'iouio, 1,1.1,0 per bottle Or, a half rloian lor 5.7 60, Tlie nfc w put n;. in .ii;ivl li.it ii,..,. J.'r.-M-,-t thai it is p,.llrll.,-. ,;..,.. tli.it ure in UHir. rt,'l'y usi.l m l s,t ;,i.ti,i ,.-rmmnJ. t.l; nwl 1I.1 U ait iw Ha- th, n,,,, 1 , ,,,,,,.'" t'0 tuhe anil Lhit,:i ,,.: Uuti h- m-t'i i.jyt ,'tt,f ,,.m c-iiLie he miikes a tur-.i'.- i,i;lit ,,,t it. Vi.m If.,,,. i',','t u-ttl be nut l.j e.-i-iij t at. 'i l ie ilitj iii ,u v-i'lfji-.ion tit tin Pit I Nt I PA I. OFFICE, AT THE CEHMAN MEDICINE STORE, -V. s;l A lit 'I I sriir.HT, ti.-li'l-li.iiiii. C1IAS. II. BVA.il 3, Propiibtor, roruerly C. !I. JACZSN L CO. Theao It, in. , Ii. H arc for bale by "'"U"1". diiii'i kti ii rt, und McUI. clue Ueali rt e 11 wllci t. ilo li.'t f'-y i' t In . rniniite will the ar'.ide you b y. in tr.l'r In .t In, ,. !,,,.. . " f'nr s.ilu ai ;Uj .. l iry'b li.ug 'iurj JOILVF. MOORE, Editor fc Proprietor. srsrcn op GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIX, CN FINANCES) Long Branch has its General Grant Albany U3 convention Saratoga its Judge O'mse while Clifton Springs lias its Georgo Francis Train. His BwinsiDR round tho circle with John son to Chicago, and 15en Wade's party througn the veatern btates, seems to have sent him into tho water euro for rerun's. Tho moment ho arrived ho was Elated upon by a committee of clcr, gvuien from all parts of the Union on behalf of tho lr.dics to address the sev cr.il hundred gueats at the spring, but Mr. Train sai.l that he was on the blue li fit. Organizing Credit Mobiliers Credit Fouciers building Pacific rail tvayr- establishing cities, and putting up a hotel in sixty days on his princi pality at Oumhs, and making speeches nit won" tno line, wo should think would use up most any constitution. Ilut Mr. Train seems to be fire proof. I 1 r an (artnnfnM nrnmietti tit ennnir which had not been fulfilled, ho came to time on n eunesday .night to a crowd ed ha!!, and made one of the most extra ordinary speeches we ever recorded. lshini' to caution the nation airainst demacoirues, lie said for once ho would personify the demagogue in order to put Hal men on their guard.. V o do not iutcud to give au elnborato report of the speech or the interruptions, but we have caught sullicient to inako it point ed and pi interest. Mr f!rmr.r,,in nf St. Louis, was called to the chair. l .i i ; ' Mr. Train, who was received with ap. plausc, commenced by reading tho fol- winj; resolution : luwoivea. as our national debt was contracted by inflation, by inflation it shall be paid. Mr Chapman, of ct. Louis What do you mean by that proposition f Mr. drain Wo tncaa "up with greenbacks and down with specie pay mcnt. I l.iau filter and applause I. All hose in favor of Krecubaeka sav avo, bouu cries ct ayej. It tho people pre er greenbacks without interest, why iorce thuui to take bonds and notes with uterest : ihat s eo. iihe statistics how that out of thiriy-six millions of people only half a million pay an income las on a thousand dollars. Hence it is ir to suppose that the number will cov- tho bondholders. Ihe question ari- es is there sufficient virtue & generosity the other thirty bve and a bait uni ons to vote to tax themselves to pay n?.-e five hudred thousand bondholders. Cries t.f yesl, The deuiagague will make uiuch of this point. Lau''hter.l And j-.-iix wait meet him tqnavely or o will have the art?nment. laoAcw or!: Herald closed one of its leaders on he national bunk by saying since IIoi- ice (urccly by bailing liavis admits that bore is no such crime art treason, our natioud dtbt is a national swindle. A voice "tho Herald is no guide to publio opinion." You are mistaken. Beu- utlt always looks ahead. His hot shot . .. . . I nto the national banks are riddhn" those pet piesideutial making institu tions. . He is the first to see a change in the minds of the public, and an experience of thiny years has made him a prophet as well us a fortune. I Applause. I Xtlany yours ago he told me that a panio was a gooi th n for a city or a nation. Chi- oago was built out of inflation. The panio came, bankruptcy followed, but the substantial stor?s, t'ns mugnificeut residences, the stilendid eitv and two hundred - i ,j thousand people remained there fLoud nrnilaiiBel i.ivn ns applause. I Oivo us rcenlacks, wo say, nud build cities. plant corn, open coal mines, control rail- nnvn 'annrh nhins. rrnw cotton, fistf.1.- Huh i .ntm-ioo nr,n m.U nl tilvr.r mines, erect rolling mills, start the su. r Miir : nm unronni nuri tohacr.fi nimn I - . I mote. Turn iviara calls into a iuau,- chester. Lou-1 ipplause. vote ten inillioi.s bonus if wo finish tho Pacific railroad before 1S70. Cheers. Vote subsidies for steamboat huesito iuropo : dig a caua! from lake Miohigau to the Mississippi applau.--e and remove the capital ot America from tho corrupt and iJod-for.sakeu sink of iniquity, Wash ington, to Coluuibus. Nebraska, ninety wx units west ot U.uaha, tho geograph ical cciKi'o ot our lour million squnro mile nation. Loud cheers. Carry my resolution and there is sun shine in the 'sky. Applause. Veto McCul- luch'b Knglish plau of paying English, wcu one dollar for what they paid f'or'y cents ior ami disaster wrecks our bnan cial ship. Greenbacks will start us a l.tad again at forty miles an hour. fcpeciu payment will produce a regular 6ina.-su up. Fredrick tho Great, built up Prussia on paper, and Knglands power was bas- cd on greenhaek currency. That is ti '-io. Put Wived EugLnd by greeu- Mr vi Wff FOR THE RIGHT AT ALL TIMES. RID G WAY, VENNA.y JULY 25, 13C8. backs. McCulloeh would ruin Ameriia with specie payments. Rev. Mr. iVino, Brooklyn Do you advocate repudiation 7 Mr. Train Repudiation ! God for bid. If any man talks repudiation "shoot him on the spot." Laughter and applause. Let mo repeat tho res. olution . "As the national debt was contracted by inflation, by inflation it should be paid." Applause. How strauge that you should mix up greenbacks with repudiation. Laugh. tcr.j lou might as well call a Copper head a JJemocrat. daughter. Bluchcr and elhngton represented distinct nations, yet they closely rcpre sented each other iu wax figures. I Laughter. lake care that tho dema goguo docs not seduce you with h siippory-ciin tongue. Jie will argue that it is cheap to savo the Union an preserve our nationality even at the price. 82,700,000,000 according to McCulloch, $12,000,000,000 accord ing to the demagogue Oh. lie v. Mr. I alkner, Uridgcport, Con necticut where do you get your 51 000,000,000 ? Mr. Irain From the debt vnsblo and tho debt invisible. Laughter. bays McCulloch a statement. !2.- 700,000X00. 0 Increased salaries of members of Con, gress and the bounty bill. 300,000, UUU, vouui vi luwus, oitic;-, uu juuub, ami ii-Li.. t i . .!: it I btates, to be added in due time to tho national dobt 1.000.000,000. Claims from loyal men in the North, and con tractors and pin money for the next presidential election. 1,000,000,000 Here you have for the North, 51,- 000,000,000, And the bogus southern debt for war, pestilence, famine, and no. groes,7,000. 000,000. And you have 812,000,000,000. I his, the demagogue will argue, one way of repudiating. This is only for the prinoipal. To pay it off in thirty years, as McCulloch proposes, we must raise from the poor more than from the rich 810,000,000,000 more in Taxes. (A voice Why tho poor?) Because the poor are the many Labor always bears the burden. Bondholder legislated to have no taxes on their bonds. Henco the rich man can send his ohildrcn to school where the poor man pays the echooluiarnv Ben Wade was right at Lawrence. He said the poor man must be bettor paid ior his fabor. Seymour, of the Now York Times, reported fairly : but it wos Raymond who gave the start on the agrarian interpretation. (A voice did you hear tno speech O its, sir, I introduced Mr. Wade to his Aansas audience, and endorsed all ho said Wade is no agrariaa. He is a bold, plucky humanitarian, not afraid of man or Democrat. He believes, as I do.that the laboring man should divide his day into eight bours labor .eight lor recreation and improvomen t, and eight hours sleep : r i : , nr. i . if he requires so much. Wade is more of a statesman than a politition. Mr. Paine asked if I proposed repudiation. By no means ; but the demagogue will tell you that repudiation has been the policy of the government from the first. You don't agree to that. Let me prove it. Ihe government commenced tho war by making contracts in gold. They repudiated gold and gave legul tenders. They then repudiated legal tenders and avo certiacates of indebtedness, and S ooutractora seven-thirties. All your ingenuity is required here to meet tue demagogue. lor ho will-wsure J that evcn now tho endorsement on ycr greenback, agreeing to exchange loT a hve-twenty, is repudiated. Take hundred dollars in greenbacks to Mr. ?Ir- pmilocli and see it you can get a linn-!..-? !.! nH . r.t mnaia V, . 1 II. uuuuiuu uuuui uic-incui. uuuu. no win repudiate at once, xou must pay the soveuty or eighty dollars premium for it ; for repudiation is the order of tho day. (Somo hisses, and "What else have they repudiated ?") Mr. Train What else? Why Con gress has repudiated thj Constitution repudiated the executive, and lepudi- ated the idea first asserted, that tho States wcro in the Uniou. Then they repudiated tho Supremo Court, repudi ated the constitutional amendment, and now they intend repudiating the rccon. struotion bill, and iu voting the bounty bill commenced repudiating tho national debt. You see repudiating L fashiona ble.. Hence nothing can save us but greenbacks. For insolvency is the strongest point in tho American char acter. Professor Evans, Hamilton College, Buffalo H'hat do you estimate the wastage of the war, and do you not think that tends towards repudiation ? Mr. Train Mo3t certainly. In my Pliot Knob speech I put down tho fig- ADVOCATE ures in Iopb of life, labor, shipping, nud property, estimating ten thousand dol. (are each for whito men, nnd one thou sand for black, at nbout thirty billion dollars, tho accumulated interes and la bor of a century. As so much has al ready been thrown into the boiliug cauldron of revolution, the demagogue will argue that our national debt had better go in with the rent. Oueo the North held tho club of Hercules. Tho South rebelled. The West joined the North to save tho Union. Right and numbers conquered. Now tho West holds tho club of Hercules, but not many bonds. A western demagogue might say : Oneo upon a time the Pouth built an oligarchy bused on black slav ery. Tho Almighty decreed that it should not bo. rour hundred thousand slaveholders owned four millions of blacks. Presto, Providence, and Jeffer son Davis liberated them. I did not mention Mr. Lincoln, for the demigod i..i ... . . oi me newspapers never existed, lie tried to snvo the Union by saving slav ery. His emancipation proclamation was an accident. Having taken care of the bouth, says the western demagogue, look to the North. Four hundred thousand bond.holders have thirty millions of whites in bondage. Will not Providence break their chains as well as tho blacks'? Suppose the dema gogue was addressing fifty thousand la borers in Union square in poctio strains 1 iko this : Work! Work I Work I With pick, and shovel, and axe To pay fiewaEngland'g contractors. Tour own ana the b o nd -h older j tax ! Work I Work ! Work Thore are miMions of negroes to feed. And cost is hitched oa with the bond -hold er's claim, And the sum of New England's greed. (Hisses.) You ought not to hiss. You know I am only giving you the speech of a dom. agogue. Ihe country will be full of then by and by, and it I show you be forehand the plausibility of their ar gument, all loyal people like this audi enoe of distinguished olergymen can be prepared and fortify themselves against such disloyal practices. The dema gogue will arouse the people into fury by such appeals : Work ! work I Work ! From dawn to the dusk of day. ' For your hopes are crushed with a weight or aeui, That toil of your li tt won't pay t -(Dissent.) I agree with you who Lies. S uch doctrines should lie put down by the Etrong arm of military power. When a man talxs repudiation shoot him on the spot ; for Greely has done a christian not in liberating Davis. The demagogue always catches up some popular idea. He will appeal to his audience in union squrre on the question of substitutes where the rich man showed his loyalty by paying a thousand dollars to have an other man shot. Again ho will resort to rbytno : Tou gave your son to tlie war 1 The rich man loaned Lis cold ! And tho rich man's son is happy to-day, And yours is under the mould 1 (Sensation.) You did not tbiik, poor man You can scarce believe when you're told, That the sum which (he rich man loaned to the war. Was the price for which you were sold ! In this way the real demagogue will set the poor man to thinking, and as it is a free country he will be allowed to vtto as his pocket and his reason dic tates, lie will think of his wife, his children and his future, and then the orator of the people will pile on the gony : Tour son was a good us his ! And as dear, perhaps to tou 1 But yoursdiod for hiB ! and your daugh ter now For bis must trash and Few ! f 'ay, do net panne to tUuk, Or sigh for your children or wife. For yuur moments are mortgaged to hopeless toil, The rest of your weary life I The orator having aroused their pas. sions will say: "It you are in lavor of pay ing off the debt iu groenbacks.say aye'" 01 course it is carried by acclamation. What can four hundred thousand bond holders do against a Congress who owns no bonds ! Against six hundred thou- sand negro votes, one million southern whito votes, and three million of north ern and western men who hold no bonds, but hanker alter greenbacks in order to make their property more val uable ? The speculator advertises his gains seldom his losses, and his assets are us ually rotten eggs. The rich knowing this have passed for their order a bank rupt bill. That saves them- The poor who live from hand to mou'.h have but one remedy, that is a bankrupt law for the people. (A voice, "What is thai?' ) i VOLUME EIGHT X CM Universal greenback.), said Mr. Train (Laughter.) Rev. Dr. Kendall, of .St. Liiuis- What did the uatioml deb i n- Eii gland ? Mr. Train- Reduced her pe )'!; ! serfs, one man in sixteen a pnu-ici-, an and one child in twclvo a bastard. !:';:, ty thousand drunkards dio there ever . 1 l l :ll ; i . year, mm omy ono cnn-i in eiiiiiium: goes to school. So you see what ii- national curse abroad is a national ble.-s ing at home. England was ono hundred and sixiy years in rolling up bcr 51,000,000,00!. P Tli- . I'll ., oi uout, iimenca accompiifucu iu same result in four years. When they accused America iu Loudon debatin halls, of rolling up an immense nation al debt, I replied yes, but what rigli had Euglaud to monopolize all the na tional debt of the world ' We will have a national debt, I told theni,one of these days that will make you ashamed ot yourselves. No national debt was ever paid why should ours be f It costs us uvo times ns much to day for peace nnuamcut as formerly it did for war. Our nationa disease is politician on tho State, blood sucker in the trcasuiy, and office on the brain. A national dobt is a national tax. It never was, it never will bo paid. You seem to forget that I am making at your request the speech of a demagogue or, in other language, put ting up a man of straw for the loyal man to knock down, lou lorget that 1 am again9t repudiation, as Lowell would say. I am for greenbacks twenty five hundred million of greenbacks-one cur rency instead of sixteen different dates, vide McCulloch, and one kind of in terest, that is no interest at all instead of a dozen different rates as at present Mo Culloch's whole policy is in the in terest of Europe, of England aud, of the bondholders. He has triedto break Wall street a dozen tunes, and nearly broke bimso.'t. lbrco months moro and the crush would have wiped out the debt. Like ballast in the ship, you must keep the national debt steady to avoid shipwreck. A pilot can run a thousand passengers into eternity, bo McCul loch, by specio payment can steer our financial cratt into the breakers Wc Culloch believe in the lancet, tho spooulem, and bluespiH kind of finance. He bleeds to restore strength. He pur. get to add stability. Ho vaccinates to head off disoase. What a wretched state wo must ho in to havo tho whole question of our Cr, ciai future depend upon two t-nngs the state of MoC'ulioth's ttonijeh and a good crop. juco our peoplo had sc-11-relianoc. Now the conversation is on the Secretary of the Treas-iry. Ilo is selling gold. Up goes the piivie. Ilo is contracting. Down go stocks. He is negotiating a loan abroad. He wants one hundred millions at home. He is bearing tho market. No, ho is a bull to day in Wall street. Oue man says Jay 6'ooke is his partner, that Lanier does his foreign business, that Mcyor, his brother-in-law, manages his gold. Auother, he is cheeking out his deposits or is locking up greenbacks. This is Wall street. Never bofoio did man wield such power ouo thousand six huudred national banks, and when they fail Mr. fc i. inner guvs he will each the bills. We could wateh old Bid.i'o and one national bank : but sixtocn hundred is too much for us. I gave statistics iu my gold room speech showing that it waa fair to presume that most of our natioual tanks were rotten, and were only organized for presidential purposes. Why, as tho Herald says, should wo be taxed twenty miliums a year for this puipose.' liown, then, with tho na tional hunks, and give us greenbacks. Every inuu who owns a fai m a houso a ship wants higher prices. Two thirds of all our property is mortgaged. Let Mi lift it oil with greenbacks. Buy property, nnd mortgage it up to your , throat. Thou buy nrnro and repeat it Bgein ana the greenbuck mania will re move the moiigae and make you rich again. P.emembcr that industry, commerce, agriculture, luanafactun-s, create prop erty, und theso can only come with greenbacks. Remember that no ships ou the slocks produce no shipbuilders. No lactone guing up require no labor, ers. W'liat we iu the pit ask for is high wages, plenty of work and greenback?. V c want one currency without inter est. Now who can tell what is our debt, how calculated, bow mauy kinds ot notes and times of payrxent. 'i Like the gobeliu tapestiy of Ptds like the mosaic work oi Ivomo tho mixiig of legends, or the veins in the human body, our debt is so confused, so entangled, so obscure, that, unlike these acnlogits, it irannsnciti'w has ocly been orcalcd to bo dcatroyi , There can bo no financial sccurit; commercial intcrcourso without pro; reconstruction, and that day is not elf at hand. England is owned by thirty thntrao families. The national debt did it. NV as wo must be taxed $10,000,000,000 i pay off our national debt, wh" not thrr it all into tho pool and show our loya by paying it all off at once ? As Mch , of tho World, says, our policy is to ma. .. tho rich richer and tho poor poorer. Our bondholders will bo prince. Th.) Inoney-leudci's will be divided into v bobs hm! nohob;;. As the debt was made so let it i paid an eye for an eye a tooth for . tooth. Gnulaud paid 8:!00,000,OOU 1 SiiOO.OOO.OilO of bonds. What a shav.i ' The Alabama destroyed about that am omit of American shipping. Why no. biilanc.o the books aqd pay them off it. greenbacks wi;lnmt interest ? Every body will vole, except a few bundhold. ers, for placing greenbacks in the place of 8:540,000,000' national bank bonds '! $20,000,000 saved is 20,000,000 gain ed. Insolvency is general. When I saw t'le. gold brokers buying and selling 370,000.000 a day, I a":.ked what it wa lor ? What do they do with it? 1 found only two outlet.-; one to pay tho interest on five-twenties, the other for export, both amounts only Sti0,0(J0 a day, or 3400,000 a week. I then came to the conclusion that somebody was behind this action that the loreign. exchange brokers, the importors and tho Englihh manufacturers were all combin ed to hold up war prices in time ot peace. Hence they sold gold short in order to hedge against high priced iru. ports. If gold goes up, they savo loss by rifo in goods. It gold goe3 down, they make on gold what they would loso on goods. But this holding three balls iu tho air is fatigucing. Did you ever seo the Ravels roll that big ball up nu in- med plane I He stopped to take breath and the wheel went over him crushing him as flat as a pancake. So with insolvent merehnnts holding goods or if solvent banks holding up bogus stock. They had hard work rollinjr that big wheel up hill, until McCulloch cumo to their assistance aud backed down from his specio paying policy ot contraction. Public credit can only bo I used on industrial prosperity. A war, pestilence, a famine, always places tax-payers and bondholders faco to face. Universal suffrage is our great hobby. An American Astor bus but ono vote. An American swoop is equally rich. licnco somo day the pit may vote out the dress circlo. McCulloch will never forget that lead- er in the Times calling him tho Amori. can Neckcr of Finance. How can ho get another ? Simply by paying tho 8600,000,000 bonds abroad at par by Bpeeie payments. Now we have to ex port 800,000,000 n year in hard gold to pay tho interest thereof. e were one hundred years in accu mulating what4 Commodore Stebbins calls the pabulum of capital. Sfiy in railways, 81,000,000,000 Factories, caunlo. foun dries, telegraphs, und ' other industrial" work 1.000,000,000 City, county, State, and other securities, 1.000,000.000 Then came a new customer the war. and th:s S;,0o,000,0(0 was absorbed as with a 8ioni:o bv the' covernmunt. d,000,000 a dav our treasury checked 'or, so that in five years wo wiped out be killers c-f a century. Me CuHnch's whole policy was his ort Tlayne speech, -iltiecio ravnientd next Ji.lv, 1?08. He w-.uld make En- land and Germany, and break Amcri- J hat ha been our financial policv. That would make our debt a biessin to vurope, and cu cvctlastlnj curse to A- CICllCU. " H'hy will you porsist in forirettina that I nru anting the part of damugoguo to your lvqnri-t, eo that you caa always be ou your guard. Iu ccnchiion Mr. Train stated that the great politie.,1 qveitiot.s of tho fu. ture were women voting, labor better paid and greenbacks. Thai, nono of tho annates Jo'" the presidency now be fore the pcopta can bo elected unless en dorsed by the most powerful of all se cret associations- "The Council of the Eagles." Mr. Train was loudly applandcd,' and would have been much mora severely hi:ed h id he not continually nstured the i.uuicnee that he was acting tho part of a demagogue for this night only. But when it is remembered that' tho audience wr.s composed of representa tives, men from all parts of the country, mostly Radicals end Radical clergymen, the ocaajiou and tho speech are signifi. cant. Among tho Democrats at, Dr. Fosters were Mr. Brush of Cuuanuiagua, Judgo Paige, of Schenectady, Professor Evans of BuiVnk, and three Catholic fathers- Mr. Chr.rmr.n, at tho c!of,e, offers an amendment that the sense c-f this meet ing repudiates all acts of repudiation iu whatever form they appear. Z'. Thh sentiment was .received with rouuds cf applause, aud evidently shows the feelings d'this portion of tho com munity upon iho subject mj admirably hauled bv Mr. Train.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers