0 ;iThe (rill adiorntc, -' A vyleku' newspaper, TVvoY :1 to ths Iiii ;o-,:z c. the People ot Elk Co is ri III ! III'!' 1 li'lY SATl 1MIAY, us .km in ; mo im:, i'V(Ve 'in' (' "' ;. Tr.r. t-.(!-.? 1- il m- nr..? Fifty Com 9 per N iimviii, inv.uVii 'V :i'la;.. o itcvia- I lieu Ircii tl.cf lr.v.1-". Tnmiui! A.V- i-- ' " 'T 0 ( til U.H- or U-:' . 1 ... '.' Il"l 1 I I'..-': " I" ?1 on 11 1 J"tr ca :ii sn'i"-t' ' .Adi.'ini-: r; J" ' :" .. : liiot-" 11. i;y.J'.:M'.a . i' ii. -it 1 Hi.i.-Proles-io'.iai :, ' Ml .. 1 S'juaiv 'J Solon e- !t -o.;m..... .. Yin 1:' -, 1 1 t . Ill "VS. Eur tin ... f 0(i ...r?J(l Jill ... :'." ni 1 ... i.'' 1.11 u 1'ier' l 1 "1 - - '.nihil.. 1 u m 1 : . . !m.i ...''. I '111'. t. sheet. Nov. 1 r I 'J-1 .if !..-. ,Mi .,. '.. -! i' !. UN c MOORE, : im 1 !', ,,:,: ) tor. d'ih (fcrn Wrcrtcn;. i :! a 1. .. : '. v 1'.. i. White. JXU I'.il'.u'. Wi'liv,, A-.'. I.:.- J0:':'-0 K ', li I'. J.-IV-' I U'1;j.: II. YV. C. Sil.uii,c, District Alton.-" J. K. '. 1 1 nil. She. id' i .uncs A . Mnlono. Protiimioturv, ivc. G A. Rathbun. Tioasurer v'i.uMiiis V. Giili.;. C. Slip liili. .ini.lCS Jliikcly. Comi.il..; ii -li. Worst r, J. W. Tujkr. !..,h:.. v Audit..,- ("t.nk Wi'.tos, Jlyron J. Jones, .Ja'"ib L'.':.ulvy. County Surveyor Geo. WahusUiy. . W.V --.ffv. - mil; ok i! li.iii.Nc col i:t. Second AIinu;iy i.i Jaiiutivy. J .tint Mi-inli-.y ia A fiiil. First Mon-hiy iii Attgisf. Filot M :rnl;: V ill N"Vt lliliOl". I-'OUKIUIY k MACHINE SHOP IX ST. MAUY'S r OTIS IT O .MINER U loavo to cull j lilt tlilri.lion lit' the cili.lills .i' .k lllf l liiijuiiiin?' citni)!"' in iii' fuel I. ml lip lias jniu'liase'l lint f t'.n.l- y. fnr'jii i-!y l-iimun ni? Mcdill's Kuiin li v. iiml tliiii lie Im-iciilU'il lUe i'sl:ihlislnii''iii w 1 1 1 1 now uu.l iii..ruvcd tiiacliinc. y, wliiuh untile liiin to turn mil nil wuik in liii liiii" in a uiamiiT kuvIi us will ttuinpiLi-e InYonil.ly v.illi any wuik ia the country, lie iruur.i.ici uws MILL-UA'J Jrf AXi) STINGS, I'LOUG H-l'OlNTd, WATKIMVIIKKI ' ai.i, KINDS, AVINDOV.'AYJ-IGIIT.S, TV-'AS'n.NCS OK A.NV I'.TTKItX. lie ? t'l.-n ii'ruiil Cm' ilriiiy Jnii uki'f Jtrnsx Kniiutli'V. :t Kiif, mni cmi liii uisli 1 1 win i!.:st i -l il 'i. !::iu ni I; 1 :!.-. l'; t i:i. nl nuv 1I1 --iii-.. ! ; t:.-iii i n sinn'i n.iiivc. 1 1 ii 'ii ii ,'i . : .11 ;.;.iil l i 1 ni. Ranf.! of onl ..-v:....r-. '.:!!' ! c.-.r-v. Injils, nxvt nllil .!'ii'.- li'l ;;' -ii.'.l uli'l i...l.!r In i.i.K'r. Sit:.:'!- 1 ' ii ii ; .! in a tluru- t ( llll'i ill :ii 1 .; 1 : i . ' !". A v :vi-l ...! 1 . ; .)! : 1 ..r.n iiiilu- ' -! v.:..i i- .-if j ii '.ition ii, if; ;.' :r - of a'.! -t'Asrr. .ni.-iln .- -. . V. I: J m'iV v : 'i r; VM:1 Mi; r.;-Tf ; i:T, 3:c:yrx;;KH 3'. O , i-Iik. Cuttu'y, Pa 1 plU A 1 . i IN UE !iO A : :i..1' I5 S cio rcMiv.ii.-is sio?ic:i B'Xieesi A. K.J-, HAVIN.i 1 iil.N l'.'-::i) OYKIl TWKN ty v. -r- ii;. 1 i- it." tiyl of Old l o jiiini'iLi l,.l'.vi, 1 1 n .y .;.io neii -ct iuoi l'nlitii r, ir.r 1: . , vn I - v .'iriniaie, :.:i 1 erti.m em" v I" .v .i.i .Iim-.-i-i-.s :iris!n:r trniii dcrmi j.'Wtivi. 01' liif t.iimu-li, I.iv.-r or KM Jiey. A i-nu- i . im ly I. i-.) :: an iiri'. C'ii'O'.i io Diui'i rho n m.il lj-t.ili:y re .ill: in from liny cause v 1 ..'vcr. i.y it, toe appetite IS tl,el:;rt lleiK '!. liii'l il JK'i.llliy Inue all vi'nr lu.p'tiU.l lo i.ie v!:'j..:- i-wlem. Ciiiiu tiliea of ic.-iiiiioiii.'ii. ami i-i -. :i!'.ja:..; Leeu sent nil :-J . .-.!:inn hi cniaiueu I.i tion of llic Lei.elieial i l'i'ieis of nil.- Hitters. Aim WC nave no !ie:'i'.ai;i-7 in a.'.-cmii:' in at if thev an; o:n-i- 1 mpl..ve I, ll.eir lire wi Jc reeniiniu'ii I Le evei v i.iivdia.-cr. 'J lie lire cheap, a Ya: i .i .t.1. f.ile .111 1 sun-, 1 n coiupoeil ol iii: ri 1 1 , .-1: : . pin e ami h irnile.ss. Try them uinl I. enviiu e. I of their virtues. i'or-K.lc I.y i.U ihv ; iiiieipul Dn.iti au'l Men h:ii.: -. Do le.t tail to c-xaiuinr' well the r.rlivle you buy in oi'u'T t o el th'j genuine. iStu tra le n'iivk. 11YYNIIS i 1.0YK1!, Pule I'ropiveloia ii M.unufael urcrp, niayl yia. L; ie, Pu. INSUJLYNCirAV.UNSr L()SS OR DAMAGE 15 Y FI Hi: ! TIIK I.ycoiuiui; Coumy Malual Insur ance CoLii..i.y at Muin-y, l'e..na., con limica to !ii.-:i;e p.f'i.iiit I.., -t- or Iduiinne hy J'ira 011 i.'l l.iu N i-f Men -liainlis.i. PuUic and .r'.iiia i.il.liii..-, eiii.er in town or County. AU11 un Miiis, 'j'-iino ries, Ihirns, Htoel-s of GiMMi, e., n. ihe lowe.-i polb'c vales, consisieiii wiih v.al -iy 10 liie Insurer an J Insured. The Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company iiiv.iei an iuvestii gation us iu iia sta'aility. Its caoital auiouutH to ! fi. H O (). GOO! TliiiB assuring 10 every one of its patrons fuat tlo-ir liases wili bi promptly ami satis factorily piihl. Its ioTinii;eiueiii lias always liceu pru leiil, as its ei. uii-0 of twenty. Kixycars fully d'ono'istrai'ts JVIf r.LAKI'.LY, Apent for K'k ouiuiy, ut ft Mary '3 '!. Is. ' EW I I RM AND NEW GOODS 1 1 NKW GOODS! JUST IlKCT.lVIXa AT T1IF. STU1IE OF iiydi:, 0IL1.IS & CO. 1 1 a i u w a v. , qui: v. n s W A R i : , OANDIIv-!, .NUTS, &c. DRY G0OD k G 1.0 (J UK IKS. Ti.1'.-: V.KiT AND CIIK Al'EST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND JJF, CONVINCED THAT YVE SELL CIIEAPEIl THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AN1 SEE US. TT001I.-, N'nlji.is, ninlrtll Kiinls of Woolen I y (iuoils ut (lie uliviip ctore nf 1IYDU, OIL LIS &C0. Do yuii want to niri'linc a silver waluli Aniel'ieau or I'lireif!" 1 it so. go to vsr, inni;, ui 1 lis x co. '1ri-li Oy.-iters cm.-ilanily on kuul ut the s! . . 1 o ui .2"-;7 JlYDi:, GIL1.1.' &C0. "T oiioiiM of all kin .Is iu cMvn.sivo variety at the r"tuic ot "liiV 11YUK, GI1.LIH 4 CO. n cxtciisive nsur ;it the store of n extensive assortment CLOTHING VI o JiltJii, till.LlS 4 CO. S VOTS, SlIoKS and G AITI'.LS every S ) kind, tityleaiiil variety 111 the store of 12X7 llUL, OiLLIS i. CO. lar-p and complete stock of Hardware iii.d cutlery ni llie slorv of 12'07 HYDJ), G1LL1S& CO. rpollACf'O The finest, brands for smok ? in;; uud thewiti'r, at the store of 12'07 Itl l'IO, GILLlSi CO. U1ILN.SWAUK an extensive assort tnenl, at the store of 1C o7 IIYUK, GILL1S & CO. TVTewest Styles of Hal mural Skirts at the I cheap blur ! 12 07 HYDE, GlLLIS &C0. T odies' Press Goods latest and mos I j fashionable figures, nt tlie store of 12 07 11YUU, GILLIS & CO. Tla's Caps ond furs, in great variety 1 I mid al the lowest price, at lliestoro o 1J 07 in LiL, GILLIS Jit CO. T Tens' woolen nnd cassi-uci" Shirts a 1 sensation prices, at the stoi c nf 12 07 11 Y LK, GILLIS i CO. Tiiderslitiis and drawers, cheaper tlian Bl tlie cueupesl, al tlie store, ot 12 07 11 YL-L, GILLIS CO. Oct :'lst, P?f'7 iv- for ni esi den r of THE UKITED STATES IN VWi, SOME EMINENT JS1AN SHOULD IE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO EUY s rr o v e s t IIOUS K IT UN I SUING G 00 DS, GO TO R IDG WAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, Anl you will lie supplied, ond well i-ati.-licd with tlie call. S T OVES 5 OP all Doiiiiuble Kiudi, always on hand. tfs x am 11 Of the Latest nod Most Aproved Style and Workmanship oq hand, and Made to Ordur, (a Spcci tlity uiade 0!' this Uranch.) All Goods warranted. Dealers supplied at the Very Lowest Priocs. Priee List furnished on ap plication. TOILET SETTS, SOME REAUTIFUL DESIGNS ! SPICE-BOXES, And all and every uovelty in lbs Japan lied 'i'iaw.'.ic Line ! Wire Goods, Toys, French Tinned Ware, English Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yaukco Rowls, Sad Irons, Coal llutht, Japanned, Galvanized And Fancy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Siusjic 1'ieee ! FISHING TACKLE, Rods, Raskets, Flies, Hooks, ,Y.o,iV.c. m. Jobbing iu all its branches. I 'mivo the agency lot tho Celebrated OricMal Rase Ruruini; Furnace. The best iu tho world pm tablo or brick set. If they fail to give satisfaction uo pay will be asked. ROOFING, Flalor Standing Groove, Eavo Trough, Spouting, aud llouso work generally. fifcJf'Ordora by mail promptly attend ed to, and work guaranteed. I WILL NOT 1SE UNDERSOLD ! . m 0 tm II ytiur arc going to build a House, Store, Church or IJaru, Cull before you order your Tin, Copper or Sheet Irou Work. 0;t. :jlst 117 lv. I The .-ijli.-'Ci'ilieio lmvt just 'opuieJ iu ST. MARY'S i,i-w iunl Cninl'K'te ;:luek oi' llciivy & fhull HARDWARE ! .! v. Ml Ucn e'.iMtunity mi haul a great vai'U'iy i.'f coo wan!) ;;;.! rixa sto ykh .hi- Iron, Slr'l Anrilx, JhUo.cf, Xuh, Jf'iriu: (S'ocs, iSpr!ii;i, JJuihl iwj llnrJu arc, S'(C. ('' J'trs 1 if E(rg )isrr!pt!in ! GLNS. PISTOLS' AN iJ I'AIITUIUGES, Cutlery, Platcil Ware ami llouso Kuriiisliiiie (looiU. AU Tonls ! C TINWARE Oi i.m.'V i'k..ci i fitinn, Y.liieli will lie eold ut the UIWKST CASH I'HICKS Tin!, liavii ulso tlie i xelnsiv ngi-ncy in St Mary's for Ui 3 IMPROVED ORIENTAL 15ASE.HU!NING COAL STOVES AND PAULOK l'L'HXACIiS 1 ESSSe I'.V:,.."' . Wliich have rccivi"! Four pirsl Class Pie. iiiiiuns at the New York State and oth er Kail's ; Also, the Great Silver Medal nt the J'uir of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, lKtiu. They arc Perpetual llurners, only nne fire being "iuired to l e niiido uurins the siufion. M. UCBClIf". .In. IV M. 11. COPKLASD. r.ov28'7 1y STOVES AND T I N - W A H E AT John Sosenlieimcr fi: Sons., WHOLESALE it RETAIL DEALEKS. ST. MAUV's, PA. lvieps ciiiistatttlv on hand aud for sale, a lari:e and well selected stuck of TIN WAKE, STON ES &c. fj have cverytliuii;' generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOV ES consists in part of SPEAKS A NT I DUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATi: & WHEAT-SHEAF ST ) V ES. iVc a!so keep on hand uiol for sale the MOi.'XIXO' (,H)R A lavjrc sto.-,- of 'iLt'l'.K 1 1 EAT KISS with I'.us.-ia ton is among our assoi luieiil. which are iiiiu :lie best sloees iu u-c, and can' be sold ii-1 hei.p as i i' sr. SCIIAP IKON taken iu excIuniiTS for III. IS. " SPOCTIX'.i HOOKING done on short notice, (iivc us a call, nnd satisfaction lararitee l. Sept. t!i li7. If. PATI.OMZE HuML YnSTITLTIONS. FLOUR., FEED AND GRAIN. rBllI'l suhseiibers huviiipr completed their f Niv.-G.ist Mill in P.idjrwny arc now prepared 10 fiaiiish the people of the sur rounding country villi Flour of the Best Quality, ind of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to our labilities for t'liuiisuiiig them with FEED OF ALL KJXDS, eheapfr than it ran bo bought any other place 111 the county. :0 "'CASH l'AJU TOR till.MXtJjR. .1. S. II YIH. J. V. IKII K. .1. K. WUITMOr.F Ncvpinher 7, IS07tf LOOK HERE ! WATCHES, JEWEL11Y & SILVERWARE. C1IIAULES HOLES, Praetie.il Wutehina 1 ker. Jeweler ami llnjjriiver, ltidgway, Elk county, Pa. The subseiiber bens leave lo annoiince to the citizens of Bidii' way nnd vicinity that he is prepared lo do all work tn his line on tiiort notice and at reasonable rules iu liie very best maimer Shop in II. S. llelnap s Store. Special uttcu lion paid to rner.ivin. Ho has also on hand a buyo assortment of Cl icks, Winches, .leweli y sad Silverware which he oilers lor su.e ou reasonable terms Give hiia a call. nov7'iitf. r L'NS, PISTOLS, lUKLEfl, KNIVES I f pn. lut and lable cutlery, of the best iiualitv an t most approved palteins, vei cheap at 'he Jiar ln .ie Slorc ou Uibcrjjcr' trl corner in M. Mary s. 4 1! iinleri for Sloves timt Hardwar J will be I'l-mupi ly attended to aa soon as received, at Hie i: I.7 St. MAI' 1"S HAEDWAUE STOI'.li. I1E CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A rc Sold by iv 1: 19 II It (I T II 1; II I pueetssnrH tu CtO. AY eta. "J JiK.M.tllH !. St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES We Lave uo hesitation iu sayiug thai in this department of our establish nient, we car. "ivc banrains to our customers wiih which they canuot ftil to be satis ficd. Wo Luy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Hichardsous' Colu. brated Root & Shoo Manufactory, Elmi ra, It'cw York. Wc warrant all goods iu this line sold from our establishment. ir EAV Y & SHELF HARDWARE WE A1!E PHLPA HK1 TO Ol'FLi; To our cUstoiiierd in this line bargains wliich fanuotbc undersold iu Elk coun ty. Our stjck U large, well selected, and is especially adapted to tho wants of the community. jADIES DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Uuctpualled Assortuieut ! Muslins, 'Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaiues. Moire Antiques, Cliiutzcs, While Goods Cloths, F'lanuela, Rcroiics, Laces, Corsets, Iu fact wc have everything cctmecttd witii Jjadtcs car. c arc determin ed to sell luiccr, chctijirr wad BETTER Goods than any other Gnn iu the coun ty. Give us n call, wc 11 prove it. M ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. lie .SV,' the 7'c.;(, ihcrrfure THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNO i Sold in Klk County. Our Stock ol i .0 :t .11 n g IS IMMENSE, nd we confidently flutter ourselves that better Clothing canuot be found AXYWJIERE, Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to iiive us a call. KfUNo trouble to show our Goods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c.,&e. In Kudlcss Variety, and CUE AVER than me CUE A EE ST! At the Store of In St. Mary's, Elk Couuty,Pa. E Il'ETCRACCOF.S if- SKGARS Ve have now on hand AX EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a YE R Y S LIGHT A D YAXCh On cunt ond riiiriuie. Iky Our St'iifi in I he iw id S.'Oiic liuililni' un Mmn Strut.' July 13, lSUT-if. JOIhS (.. II A LI., Attorney t iUW( ytil. way, Llk county Pa. inar.'ii;'i;o ly 1" Al l! 1 K J. Ill.AKIil.'i , Moniov nt liw" l and V. S v t ,.,'nissi. :ier. llt.l-wav Kik eountv, P. I'lnur-1 I OH WORK or all kin'!- uu'-i' h.Z ,) i;i-i:tioiis iliitui tit t Ii i.i nfliie. 0, J 1 K, KOLTIIKU, Allot! 'V :.!. XJ. lG'l:,'ay, Pa. A LI'INK, I!1U."K, .!. M ,-.rv j Pa.. Her. nttiii Krctr, Pi-oj.: iu! o . ...n,rr.-i;.: DU. W. .1 A M ICS LLAKKLY Physiemn uud Pm-fe-cuii, ."il. .Mary's, Klk county finar-'JU'HC.ly. DK. W. W. SHAVV liahJcVMedicitio uud Surgery, Ccif.revillc, K!l; rounlyr Pa. fmnr-22'(;i.ly. I? X KOt T It )SS, .S ! ! M M ONsTsClilVK", j nas. Warrants, kc, o;i hand and for sale at th:.1; iitliee. If. Vol.K, M.ii!.ii,i... uvei- .".11.1 Dealer in i.11-1 r lieer. opposite Hie Laiiroaa Hi'iol, S'. Mary s, Llk Ooiinly 'a. Mar-2J'-'i;-l . DTi ,W . I!. 1 1 A 1ST .1AX 8 t'Tf a .V7 K, f. counly. i'n. J.ale of the Army of !ho 1 oioooiu. 1 .'imcui.'ir atlention f.ivcn to nil cases of surgical nature. mar-22'C'j-l v. H0li G. MKsi,;!:!;. lrfr7ml J L'e.'iicr in In ujrs and Cheinieals, Paints, Oils. n.d Vanish . lVrfumci-v Toil, et nrficlt s uud Stationarv, Lidivay Klk comity Pa. ' nr,ir.f,i.-y, 1? 11 A X K KXTZ. MBIimfAXT TAItlTi. ( cnlrcviile, Till; counly. Pa., desires 10 inform the citizens of t'entreville 11 11 1 vi cinity. Dial he ism. allti.s prepared to do work in a neat and wtUfaiitorv mnnner. "vejiie-ae:i. . m.vi'.Tly io.ing. 11M.1.T. ZZZTir7nir. I I A I T . A'. A t t 0 1 iK'VS - : 1 f - J ' .-, bl. MARY'S P.F.NZINGi' ii p.o. mi,, corvrv t September 1' Ii S. Herd we M. I. Lcieeiie I'livfiontti Otliee au l jeideuee onpo'iite the 1 11 Cenive St.. Itid'-.vi.v. l'a. l',.., Jail aitenlion will be iriven lu nil calls. Ofhoe. - ..' , " -1' i ' - "'- I'- : and G 10 1 P. M. m.. .-, ,f rpiIAYEK HOUSE, L 11 1 UG WAY, PA. . VU) TIIAYKli, Proprietor. ThcitiidersjgMed haviiij; titled up a l.irL'H id coininodious hotel 011 (I.e. similori'H. corner ol Centre and Mill sheets, win, g',l and couvcnir.nl slabling all.tc.hcfl. respect- fllltv Giilw.itL. t'.n ... I and the put lie generally. ucci.iijoij . KAVID TIIAYEU. S. SHOUT. JOHN G. II ALL, LOl.IS vot.i.Mi:rt, J AS. K. P. 11 ALL. HAXK1NG-IIOCSE OF hori, it- oj-o. Hi. ; Cot NTy. PesKA HYLE HOLSK, RiimwAY. Ei.k Co., Pa. M. V. Mooue, -Proprietor. T!ii nhful for the patroine heretofore so liio'ially ln sio.ve 1 upon Iiiiu, the. new prrpii-t.ir. In. pes, ry p.iyinv: sirii i at- leiinou 10 uie eoiiiiort. mil venu-iiee n f ,i;iiesis, to merit a coii-iii'iaoe.- nf t!.j same. Oct L'! I-siifi. 17 HA N !CI j.n' 1 i t ) US I X. St. Maiiv's, p-. I.AUtil'Y a- MAI.ONK.' Piioi'ii's. The ) r..;.ri, tor.. ri-.,efltii;ly :isk lln ilten ti.01 ..1 1 heir friend.' nnd tl;;- j.itblje in jren eral to ihelr lar;;e i.nd co'iinio lions iiotel. Eierv alt', iition 1 aid to llie cm 1 onicuce 0? gue.-is. !!. I.AKliKV, may l!0 l'aiS.Jr aiAI.O"E IxciiAMGiniu;;;:, J I! i U AY, PA. .1 1T.-M.F.Y Propuelor. 'Iiii i ii niel is lluasiuil lv situated on flo- j l.i.n'xs of llie Clarion River and Elk Y.-- L al the lower end oi'ih village. Mr. liealv will spin e no pains fi r llie co vo;.:c n.i 0f his iiuesiK. 7e in itos one 4,!. l..'.i :vo him a call and lev Iii- house, Sept, 17lh ,"-'ly. ."MI'UHaU'S VOitT. Pi li, a'l cioek Wat.'htimker. St. M irv's. I'.lk coitiilv. Pa. Rooms next iloor 1.1 Itiotenai Ii s Cloihir.' Sim e. .Ml Ivin ,'s of work done' done iu a Mitisf:i', ti ry inaimer, and w :ir ranted. Consiib.itions i,i reirar i to work in the Gel mar, lentil 01 Ene'.idi l..n- uaL'e-;. M.inh J. IhOTlf. SO.MFniJNO nj:v! HOUSE, SIGN &, OENAiHUwIAI, PAKTING. 'PHE SITiSClilli 11 il W o 1: 1, it k !;. i speetiully inform ihc citizens of Elk County Ihi.t be bas ju.-t s'arle:! in the iliove business in Ridjfway, and fuel coiifi lenl that, he can id. -use nil whomav fin-oe him wiih ll.eir custoiii. Gil.MN'INO PAPER 1 1 A Mil X ( i A CA l.t'l M I N IVG hone on shout notice am. i the riosl tiisliioiuilile and improved manlier am style. 1 inter toil ni Has Ollb-e or at lie 1. miking House ol bom her, Willis & Suullici will be promptly uilended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'Cl-1y. C10AL, C)KH AVI)KUtE-C,.V ! Al! of fiiiperioi iU.iliiy, lor sale by tin Tannerdale Coal Company m. .uury s, J.lk County, l'a. I Scolders by mail prompt!? jttei.d. Cd tO. iMlilli,' '-I-i! 4-1 HEELER Y WILSONs'"si.v7 V ING MACHINES. Tlie under MJrucd liaiiiii; been ntu oinied Sole Aireli! for the Side of Wheeler .V Wilson's Sewiu? Mai hint s for j.'lk county, lie hi eps 111 assortment com li.ntly on I, ami. Machine soul at 1 niiaoeipiua ami ah lor prices. Any p-iriies Ucsiroiis 01 ilii it in 1 njr liieiucui: uddnss J. K. Wlil I'MiHUl. March Ot 'l'ill-ly. al Roh'way, pa. J OllS 11. GARNER, . PRACTICAL MACHINIST. Can be toiin I al lii6 Konndry at ;-i. .Mary's w here h: is ready to have all Uiop o. U v ins line iloue 00 short notice. ill. Marv Lci-iiarei i. 0',J Llk w., IV. u'yl'o- 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers