v. f" " HWWW Mtaj t JOHN F. MOwllK, Kimtoii. c?0 MATITHDAY: May Q:-M, :"77: : : : : 10. Foil I'UKSinr.NT IN 1 SO, GENERAL GREENBACKS. FOIl V1CK l'llUSIDENT, GENERAL LOW TAXES. 1EMOORATIJ STATU TICK ET. Fur Aii'li'tnr Gcvrat, CHAS E BOYLE. Of Fyi ttc ( 'mint j. For iSitrv'-i'ir (liuf-ntl, GEN W II ENT Oj Vulu uhln ('.;:,'. THE I'll A 6 J DAW T AVoLl I Till,. It seems t'int we were slightly mi-la-ken last week in ie;!ar(l to ihe result on 1 lie 11th i.npeachuicnt article. We liaJ Lept our paper back until 1 o'clock en purpose to cue our reai.ois the re. Milt. I iititi irninn to llio telegraph nl- fice at that hour, we were toll by the operatot that it was a.- we stMed last week. Tho error was made in taking the ntesMfige IVoui the line by leaving out some word or words. '1 he Senate as a Court of Impeach liicnt, met oa the morning of the Itiih. Every nienibcr was present when the . . .1 11.1 . I r,l vote on me iitn urtic.o wis taiisti. i lie Jiuds professed to be confident of carry ing the 11th article. It was conceded by them to be tiic one which Would re ceive the largest number of votes in :ts Hippurt, and on which ths President would be lound guilty, if on any. The vote was iii for conviction nnd 111 for acquittal not two thirds there lore the charge failed and impeachment with it. Messrs. Fowler, Fcpscnden, Climes, Henderson, Van Winkle, Trumbuil anil Koss, l!;.dicals, voted with the twelve )ejiocrctic Ifeuatois for acquittal. All liouor to thcuj ! The lvuuic.il majority in the Senate, knowing that the vote un the other ten articles would result in a Mill larger number of Senators declar ing for acquittal ihan on the Eleventh, uud unwilling to confess thu entire de feat of their pet project, would not per mit a oto to be taken on the reniaiuitit; articles, but adjourned tnc Court until Tuesday, May 2'ith, hoping perhaps that after they had drawn inspiration from the Chicago Couveution, their ef forts would result in better success. Uli: ClllVAVO COXYXXTIOS. This body r.iot in the city of O.ieapn on Wednesday hist, tha greater pait of which day was taken up in the forma tion of committees and arranging the wires by the friends of the respective candidates for Vice President. , It had bci'ii all along conceded that Ilium IT. (Irani would be the nominee for President, und he was accordingly nominated on the following day ; but the vexed question as to w ho w ill bo his trainer as Vice Picsidetit, has given the wijost heads in the Kadicd camp much tribulation. Wah', Wilson, Colfax. t r.rtin ana J-niton, are. prominently mentioned. Appearances look to us as though Wilson, of Mas-achutetts, will be the man. At any rate, whoever thu lium will be, he would, in ease of l.is party being su ci sslul, be President, i"! rant is lo be used as a mere tool, whom it is designed to u.o on the strength of a pnpiilaii'y achieved by having butchered noont a hundred thousand of his euutilrynicn to gratify a sordid ambition. At one time we thought Grant had a good streak in his c imposition, and that was when he kept his mouth shut ; but his desire lor no toriety at last overcame his reticence his mouth opened, his cigar was re moved, he spake, and ail sensible men set d.iwn the great iliram, not only as the. most consilium ate a-s. in the laud, but its a pimp and spy, and proved u l.IAll by the aili davits of five Cabinet officers. For our part, n.s Democrats, we are glad 1 1 rant is nominated. No man V.mu'iI be easier beaten that has been LnCAL INTELLIGENCE Cat' 'fimtrtJ Mitttuitij. Erie F.xprcss Fast l:'''in. m do On West 4:1):! ii in. ill) Mail Fast 4:lr, p. m. do (In West '2:40 p. m. Local Freight I'.asl 11:40 a. in. do do Wesl (j; IJ p. in. Elk lodge, A. Y. M Stated meetings of F.lk l,otj;j will lie held Tuesday evening, on or before Ilia full miiiiti of each inoiilli, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. YVII ITMOItK, Scc'y. Giacs Church I intcst.i'.)t r;iiicopal. Hi-: v. C. li. ItiTl.ctt, Hector. Services will !m held in t '.e above church every al- ! mute Sunday mni-iiing un 1 evening cuniiiicncintr with Monday, the. lOtli inst. IIothcIjEtEp'scunal. IIhv. F. Vkkson, Pastor, iloriiino Ser vice, in li.o Cuiirl House, every alieni'iie ftue'liy. ce'iieielin.lin willitlie lTlll ilitnu;. M.ii.Nii.i. Wai'I'.ii. A delightful toilet article superior to cologne and at half Ihe price. f. ATKST AltlUVAL ! '. V '".'I'he ( 'ommissioiiers ol Klk county will meet in their ol'iio, iu llid.vay, on Monday next. F. il. l.VNN, fo the past iuentioiici.1 in Ci'iiio:i::ioii with the nomi nation by thu lia.l!eals. lie is certainly noi a tower ol stieiigtli iu his own party. 'J'! i0 pi't leaio rs. iu the lladicai lamp dare not trust hi n. Such abject and fawning hounds as Under, Logan, Forney k Co., with their comparatively I tho low price of per year. Ladie l ight years editor ol too Erie W'ptitrh, has (!isii-se.d of his interest iii that es labl.'. liment, ami desiru to settle at the saint-, business iu some oilier locality. O. Iv. P. 1. i". 1!. This organiza tion has held several meetings during the pas, week, and the i.usubcr of ii'.-w inembeis turoiled io about fifty. e un-lcrstand that tho u!;iiij..to oliject ol instit'itioii is ehaii.y. r.rt.tiijilcy'a jaily' JJook tnc tl 'Tin of lin.iithiis has In en received. The :,c t.uod or is better than any prece ding one. it has i-lti-n been w nilor and ii'.ysiety to us ho.v .-ucii ihi expen sive periodica! Cf'li'id bu joihlitiiied at SPULVG AMD SUMMER GOODS ! ! CHEAP EST G DODO I N RIDGWAY t AT THE STORE OF !i, S, 8 EL NAP for. of Main .y Water, end of llyilc Hons Whore lie 1ms nn liand nil extensive assort nieiil of Guilds, ennsi.-l iiijr of Wooleu (joods, iiats and Caps, lioots uud Shoes, Uuderclotbes, Ladies' I'ress Goo ia, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mus. litis and Cali. READYMADE CLOTHING Palmora! h'kirts, K!a::ket3 and Counter panes, Liulioa' Dress Trimiirngs," Gents' Ftanisl.ing Goods, Groceries, Paints, Glass, and Putty ! ! ! Call and see my stock before purchasing elsewhere ! Pec. f,V7 6. 31). Ser-biiie'a Coiqhi FOR PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES IN 18G8, SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD 1JE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO BU STOVES U W A R E , Vcu'.". l'rtioni.'.e ti e llest. i'OL'H HOUSE FURNISIIINa GOODS, GO TO RIDGWAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, And you will be supplied, and wtll satisfied with tko call. small influence, will bo his. main sup port, lie cannot certainly reckon on such men as Trumbull, Fessrnden, lieiKlcisou, Ross, and the other Radical Senators who reluse.l to perjure them selves. And then again will bo what is known as tha Glia.-e faction, which will light Grant to the bitter end. All Ihe able men who iu the palmy days ol the Republican party were its trusted leadf is-- Sewa.rd, Chase, Fre mont, Fesseiidcn, Trumbuli, Charles Frai.cis Adams, Andrew Johnson, 'J liui'low Wood, have become so r.liruuit. ed that they will plob.iuly never act with the party again. A party which has thus lo.it its brains has outlived its influence. The impeachment is it politieud Waterloo. Tho nomination ol Grant will prove lis consignment to the things that were. It will for a liiile w Idle. wishing to mil-scribe shou'd iiddr, ss L. A. Godey, Chestnut Strict. Phia. r3.Wcslon the pedestrian, now pro pises to walk .from R.ingor, Ma., to St. Paul, Minn., and bajk to P.u.Tilo, N. Y., iu all ."".O.t'J miles, iu otu hun dred consecutive days. The nniii stakes are 0"0,00t), ana the trial is to be jin on tho 18th of Augu-t and terminate on the COth of November. C;-3,.We arj as.-uiel ili.it the firm of Fastniau it T'eudall, (.") Hanover Slice:, Ho.-ton, .Mass., adveitised ,in our col. uioi.s, i-ti u.-twoi thy a:nl relia'tdo For 10 cents they a p-itent M-n fountain, and cheek de.;crit)i!ig an article to be sold I'orSfl. Their club system of sollii.i; io. ! Wr.t tli. .cteistood i . - eiierov of j:i (Mii- Tbe dcws have tent a iuvful thrill , ... . -. , . ( :. "o " " : ici.'Ue ill : u wui oe convui.-eo, ii ion ti... ...i ,.i i.:..i. : 1 ' ' loam at the mouth, it will dash its head throughout the whole country, which will jet til. udder at the knowledge i f the barrow escape it has had from hav. ing its history blotted with the record ol the commission of a great ciime. One more vote for conviction and tho black deed would have becu done. Let heartfelt expressions of praise and thanksgiving 'is up to the Groat Giver of good that he has preserved our couu. try iu its grcaftroi;b!o, and has defci-t. i'd an attempt which would have- result, i d in itt lasting di.-j.race. agaiu-.t the pillars of' liberty ; but s.ah activity is toi n;ilablc only tj itself, and tend lo shorten its daya. LATE!!. liy the papers of yc-ter-wo learn that Schuyler Colfax, of I.uii. ana, was nominate 1 ou tl.ui ticket with Grant, for Vice Prc.-id.'tit. guilds is beeouiing j ui tieub.rly with the ladies, of a trial. popular, par It is wortl.v TlIK P.KiilSTitV L.'.W. Legal Me nre about being taken to test the eon.-tii lutionality of the Registry Act, passed by the last Legislature. Mr. Ohalf'ant, id the House of Representatives, hum Columbia county, deflate that the journal of the House shows that the act as passed ci!,ti,t, ,1 tml l.'i. ic fimi.i, while as printed iu tlie Legislative Rec ord and iu the Pamphlet L.v.vs, it 1'iltis livi-uty urn: lit riimis. Ho charge 1 in thu House that it had been tampered with after it was l as-cd, and a- ked that a committee of investigation be ordered, which, however, was refused by tlie Radical members. Tlie statement is a startling one, and wo are glad that it is going lobe inves tigated. Tho constitutionality of the law will be testid at tho same time. Its sole object is to injure the Demo cratic party, by throwing obstacles in the way of the exercise of the right of HullVagc ly poor men, the mass of whom ui c Ptmocrais, and is in perfect corn-is. tency willi tlie Rad'eal policy of re Mriclinir iu every way the iniluencc ol white iiieii iu tho control of our govern ment, uud isteudiug that of black men. . m t tf"Johu W. l olliey. for ihe. last four years bccrctuiy of the Unite! States Si-ntite, has resigned bis position Camcioti bad tin .Uerad lo ou-t Lim, but Fji'ttev 'ook liiiii! by the loreloek. 7"ln the House of Representative on Friuay lust, after the leading of the journal Mr. Woodward ol this State submitted a ij'ustii.ii of privilege, a res oluiioii demanding that a select commit tee pe appointed to investigate the charge that th j Mi.-hoU:'i niember.i iu the limine of lb jii'c.'entatives have attempted to in fluence, the vote of "Senator lieue.'i-ou, of thai Slate, upon the articles i f im lieaehliKiit. Speaker' Colfax ruled I hat il was not a ouesliou i! priilege. Ol course no eo iiunltei! can z appoiiil..d to invcbtio'ito the corrupt aciiou ol'Renub. lieau me'.uber.-! r-rV-ri.i'.is nnd 1'ev r, Ih-sjiei sia. Liver Cuinpliiiai. an l j'.i.Ine llo'c-i.-es (.'are !. Mi.stii.i::t'.s iu;i:ii i'.rni::;s i!:i" eureil lame iliseases w'.ere it !:iiS Ikipii in .-'I, iii. .ii all oilier medii'ii'es coial.ine'l. It is t'.ie n renieily timl ni!!i iw." 'i'-.v ilm l'-l'jo-l, Mini Inn) iievcr.diiU'il in curing ly-pej'.-ia, l'Ver and Ane, and 1'iseases ut tlie l.ivee. isiil.lli.v i.U I'l'io.-gistsanJ Dealers. H.i. S. 15. ! I . ! . I'M n .t Co., l'l ni'i-ietors, I. lac-ist ' :', reiiusylv.oiia, an.l (,'liicago, Illinois. myl-tfm c!w f?r, Forney aks : lo ihe Democracy think any better of the Pepup!;,-:,ns for iiirin.-i.:.. it,,;,.. ..t.i, "" their tiiiimph of Satuid:i)i"' The Peni ociaes thinks no better of Republicans, and are only t ui pi ised that the party contained seven honest men, v.Iij dared do their duty. The honor of theso meii is uo part of tho Republican party, and wo think no better of it than before. It is the siitue old rotten 1 ulk it ever was. How c.s vi: i-i.o - i ri'.i:-u ano y.'v '.' " ihe "II Se.ii-.-h conjr. How ? Wl.y. (In se who nlm.v I lie l'lmon of lu-atlli ,i:i I lie ir cheeks, I alio limitation Itiiten. wliieli loll tlie power of fovt-i'yin;.' tiie sy--k in lo.ounsl i.liM'ase, anil of rrenlntinv' ilie ill'.-estive up; al'at v.i. Are you '1' J -pit.!, '.v.'.ik, ve'ei el' eaei i' t? Have you liii-.-orj e - iiji'iei.te. lie., l.ielie, eouMim-.l 1 i ? o i timl lep!".-ssiiiii nf -;e i Its '.' T.il:e S. T. Ir'ii ) 'I,, and lii.M.i.i an l lieun'v will iv- ii "ii. T'h; Itinera have Leeonej u liou.-u-hul.l iti-.-n.l. tlx ii'v'hi ';)it'i'!i.':L'l;).,i)is. K'lX'I.W. MifffK. "Arn u.wiffiiiiid it notes,! ry, in oi:lf to kco; t'io na.oii.Ll d-jparwecu jf jj-j i j;vi'.i3 c-n a oc4 iriulituf5'.'v-rf.f."! fi'if 1 1 i'ai.lfor ia a3- Vituo ; I'.ni all id Vo k as soon as C3at)l':'t& bi'.lr, iin.l.'ov.t ana jma.-.K-dloj early iivcitiscia a! the Uvi..is ag cf e -cii quivtur. Eu'oj.'i'i.Hi ui to Ic pii-.'. lar r.va.iably in advaato. ,, vii .Ions 1'. .Moon.:. I'lititism-r tj-'i'ln! F.rie Railroad Comoauy have settled several claims foi damages aiising flour the late disaster at Port Jei ris, the sui.is j'tiid ranging Irom ?ti(l to 61U,(iMH. Maggie lli.ut received S'.,0'dl PeltioiiB of tho briitieli on the PVlaware divis ioa are now being laid with steel rails. AhH UK VALUABLE REAL F.3TAT.I IN ST. .M.MtV'S l'.ui'dicn. N Till'. StifoND MONDAY OF .ir.N'K. til t'.o r,.arl ll-iii-e. in It.'l'-'wa1'. fie i. iii,wnr' joto.erty will ue toiu in t i ...! Sll.ll, S lo! irn er!y is situate in the lt.iroii'.-li oi M. M irv's "ii Si. .'lai.v':- .--'reel, hi. I i' In. an le 1 nil 1 'U-ei i' e I us fi.U.in - : f.o-i-lle'll !I-I el I 111! looiliw,. I con.' r !' II. t'"' lot, iheiiee iiorili ii.oi.sj -!. Mary s . '. O i l, Ihe'l 'f '-. I .-'. te, i l ii :l i-in-li I'.ien.-o senill 'i'.' I'J-'I Kill Corner, Iln-i.: Having 1 1, e lurpest en pit nl, west crpcr ien"ei buyers, inol exleiisive trade of any concern i:i thu l'ollar Halo busin.'sa, wo (ii; AKAM'.'OK SAT ISF.VCTIUN in every instance, an l also tl.e nest selec tion of iroeJi ever oil'-jrcd at UNE llOl.LAlt JiAt'll. No other concern has any show wherever mil- ni.'eiiis are setioor ion niotlo, I'roiiiiil ami Itelhil!.," !a:c und tenmle ngeiiis vv.i-.ito'l in ci y no. I eouuny. Till'. l.Alilli.'i are i.i:rlieu!:ii'lv voqiio-ilrd to ti y etir ri omlar cl'.ili systuu of selling all Kinds ui bry ami Fancy ('ii).iils. Dress f altera:-, Colleu Cloih, Castors, Silver I'luted Ijimds, Watehes, ito. I' sli.blislieil 1 SI.4. "j A patent pea fountain diet a check ibvri ihing an ariiele to lie salil lm-a iloilnr, HI ccnn ; tt'J or!?-: 40 for t;l; UOfurfiS; 10 1 tor ';''i(l ,- seal by nniii. It rco presents in (flier up, iwt.illi ..tl iier cenl iiioru lliitii those s: :ii I hy any other eoucei-n.) iiccoiiiing to size f club, or il n t ilo u t tail to scml or a circa tar. N. It. Oi l sn'.e jlinnbl not lio cla"sej will New York d .liar .tevvelry sales nr Im pus " Tea Ceinpi nies," as it is linihinjr of ihosuit. EASTMAN ; KENDALL, U-i llanov -r Slice'. ni.'.y-j t'nn. lio.-.liiu, Miss N T!!F. IifSTItlCT Ol'KT OP TIIK l'liile.1 Siaies, tor t!i Wc-tern I.'is.ri I ol i navlv.iiiia. A.lnlpli l'a, l.oia.'i', u i'-nnkrupt m.ilei the i 't of lloiigie-s nl M l-i-ii Lt'l. 1st'.,", ioiv.n applied fur u din c'liiire fi'oni uli his ilebis. nml other ciiiinis prnviible under said Act. 15 order of the Court, milieu is I. en by given, to ail persons who have proved the r del I, anil oilier per sons i n ' e i'i ?-1 e , toappeo' on the ":ld itny of .lone, IM!", at u'cl-.ek a. in., before S. h. Woo -irii if, Lsip, iteis.er, at his otliec in Ui IjMv.iv. to sliuvv ea. s '. if any they have, vvl y a .ii. cliaru aiiuiiid ! I:e pruii'i'd to said ll.'iiiki up'. And fan her, iu b u is liereb.- fciv n that Ihe lecond nnd ihlrd iioo t in of jr iliiors of llio snid ltiinkrupt re-iuiriii by ihe ttTth and list li sections ot mid Aet. will be had before ihe said Ueg isliv al the s.ini'-' li-n.i nnd plnee. A. Mi-iNI'i.F.SS, inr.ytt ! '2v C'.crU ol s.ud t'oui t. 1 nl'IilUN ATTACT! MiiNT. rfii u i: n s n -nr e, i FliANClS V. lils'S AND j In the Court of ItFOiKili 1- liLI'O!!!), ! C.iiniiioa IMeas of sin v'.vinjr pMiners of j "Elk Co. No, 1, tiic linn uf SI ni -pe, Veiss AuguslTcriii, OS .V Co , vs il'.iam r.o.-il J RJ.K COUNT i', it'S : Ttie Coiinuenv cullli I of I'eni.' vivniiia to 'lie S!.er;!l'ul said eouu- ty. Ol'.liliTlNi; : i Vi .- eo'ii dud von llial von nitneli AVI!,- I 11AM iiiilil!. la:e of yoar eoi.iiiy, by all an i ' ! at d le ii-n - .evi r li.e s.-.i'ie in.iy bt, so llmt lie bu an i .. jO'eni- I. elm . oar Court of Common i 1-M-. io be hol'Jen lit '.'icjfwiiy, in mid for s aid coiiniy. on the first Mo nhiy uf August iieM i lie e lo an.-wer Kii-totrd Siiurpe, I i.-oi.-i- Wei-:- aad Ueoi-te i'o.-ito.-d, siirviv. io- purifiers ol ihe. tina of Sharpe, V ciss 0; Cu.. of ll plel o! debl, SO.t.'oll. And iiKo liiut yon .-iniiaiou .Itipfpli 8. II v ile, rml any oi aer persons in winine liaiels or pos.-i ssioii Cio iivuperty may uo, so thai I liey .'..e.iiii.l ftiili'y (il ixiigust next, to iill'-'lVef 'ivli.ll shall be objected uiMUl.-t lillll, nnd i.'.ii le liiu judjiai :il ot llie Court I herein. And linvi- vim then and llierc this writ IVITNI'.SS tie- li. n. It. It. V. lliTi", l'l-esi-di nt .Indae of ear sai l Com I, al Uidgwiiy, l his 'J,td ilav of Ap-il. IM'.S. CliO. A. F.ATllllCN, I'rolli'y. l'.e.il rionired in ihu sum of iiO,0!:0. TlieShinil will a l.ieh nil ihe poods and cant leis. I. mils nnd lenenieats of llie lef- ii dant, in i I f li.iinU un I possession of ..' o-e; li t;. i'vde. i, I- ill l'-e loin U.ur po'-sessioll lit i :i i 1 1 1 1 1 r i - -1 - ells v. i-.iu.-oei u:; aim su.nniiiu the ni as .ii losloes. tio.'i una .v A I iiiiiuiit, l'luilitill.i' Auuiuey9. Mev I1'. Hn-. S T OVES, Oral! I"sirable Kinds, always on hand. INW ARE, Of the Latest und Most Approved Style and Workmanship on Kand, aad Made to Order, (a Spcciility made of this Pranch.) All Goods warraated. I U tilers supplied at the Very Lvwett Prices. I'rice List furnished on application. TOILET SETTS, SOME 15EAUTI1TL DESIGNS! spice-uox.es. And all and every novelty in the Jaj tu ned Tiawure Line ! iVire Goods, Toys, French Tiuned Wart, English Iliiniincrsd Ware, Scotch and Yankee liow'i, Sad Irons, Coal Ilodi, Japanned, Galvaniied And l'aiicy. lrou Hollow Ware bj lie Sett or SiDtjle Ticce ! ."liar, los ,too - a.n! cliattels, Inmls ineiils. ill v. ho.'is liand- or iiosr.e-s- FISHING TACKLE, Reus, Paskcts, Flies, Hooks, Ae , Ao. Jobbing in all its branches. I have the agency foi the Celebrated Oriental 15. te Puruing Furnaco. Tb best in the world nr.-' If they fail to give batisfaction no pay will be asked. HOOFING, Flutor Standini;Groove Eave Trough, Spoutiug, and Home work gei.erlly. Ji"Orders by mail promptly attend- ed lo, nr.d wor guaranteed. . Why, says an rxebon-ro. is Andrew Johiisoii like a tree '! Pccuu-e lie Litre thin moii til. AW.v j-'ijit r. Not inuchiy. It looks very much '.h.'.t';h t.s ":! he Met'.' blooln'.tio. li. llllllilll; V II .1 II west lo the pinee of beginniii le ' f ground, np m ei le i I oei nil! O.N Fi'.V M E STOilE 1 'i7-. willi Hone biisenn 10 it III' C X t'l UM" UELNAP&CO., PLACKSMi f l'I.N'!;. rep'eo'd t : 1 1- n.i'v esi .l.li haier.l, J ' I. , .. . ! und I ci.!- ! i.iei .-in, vi . .- ii'1 I - i si ni.t nl ' eai e n io i i-1 it r . s, nn. : a: i. .1 ,; "in lit-. 1 i l.i's i . ' In inerii ii i u o e i l ll Ml -,i:i:i"e Ii o'.'i -re so Cell l I'll.-1. V V'-- imdkiimiii in die si.,v,--l. ' .ill i:c shop, ul the en-a- ,-r: r. j i i a . nd oi' '.la:ll Slleel, J. n!;; vv;iv, I a. CilAlil.t.S VU VI'. V.. 1 l .-l-l,-ll,:ll .iiii il.iiill ' ..v...c V i-1 ' .,! hn,-..-s. All e a.d: i.-a la.rli'ial. ' ! ',:-," 1 T 'if. iy " 1 . 0 O ! I WILL NOT PE UNDELSOLI) '. If your are going to build a Uou:o, Store, Church or Lam, call before joi ntder ymr Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron V.'ovk. Oct. Slat 1837 lj.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers