1 .1 TTESTIOX MH.L O HA'A'.N . mpr. v:oi.k turbine ivatihi I WHEEL, patented uly :'!. ll'.7, is Superior Id nry wheel in n-e The under. Kigncd have tin- agency for said wheel in ilie State ol Pennsylvania, ami can rectum mend il ns bring tho best tiiniitil'iiol u reil. For further particulars, nnd circulars, in quire at our Foundry in Kersey, where mnohlnery. mill-R'-itrinp. castings andsteam engines will In1 made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive n good share of nib lie natrouage. ..T. F. ROBERTSON, K. RK1.L. Kercy, ElkCo.. Pa., janllj ISi'.Rp.l. "VI T A NTH D GESTS to sell the chciip est, most practical nnd durable pens over hnnnht before I ho public GnKENK'f Goi.m.N Puns, widely celebrated for ll e'r remarkable tlexibifny nnd anti-coriosiye properties, 'i'lu-se pi ns arc put up in bronze nnd gilt slide hnx.-s. Fell rapidly nnd pay n Urge ptnlit lo thenpctit. Sample raids, with l ens, forwarded m receipt of 10 cents, Circulars free. Address C'llAS. ,S. GREENE, il.l Chesiuit Street, PhiUdel Jdiia. In. Ap41m N"vi rsTsn kepT n inc. fp, v i vets. locks, bulls, nnd nil Kiil.s of builders' nmterUls in general can be hud cheaper at the St. Mary's Hardware. Slore ihanjiny othcrpluce in Elk, county. (n-'H U") I)Tu 0 W A V TTv E H V STABLE! "V, Tlie subscriber would announce to the citizens oT Ridgway. nnd the trawling pub lie thai lie has established a livkry stahlr tn Ridgway. nnd that he hopes by fair deal ing with his customers to merit a libetnl share of their patronage. Terms reasona ble. ISAAC CORUY, Jan. 25, 'G8-ly. J. S. ROHDWEl.L, M. I). MXI.KVTtC 1 Ii J'.S' ! C'f.f t: Illic word eclectic means lo choose or select medicines from ad the difl'erent hchools of medicine : using remedies that arc safe, and discarding from practice all medicines that have nn impurimis effect on i lie system, such as mercury, antimony, lead, copper. 1 lay aside the lance the old blood letter, rc Incur or depletrr. and equal:! the circulation and restore the system to its nuiural slate by alteratives and ti.nics. I Hliall hereafter give particular tittetiti.m to chronic diseases, nieh as Rheumatism, liyspep-ia. Liver complaint. Catarrh. Neu. ralgia, diseases of ll.e Ihroat, miliary or g.'tns, uud all oisea.-a-s peculiar lo foiiiale.-i. Ac. CiTUtRII I treat will, a new instrument of a lute invention winch cures every ease. TKKTir extracted wilh.iitt p.iin. Olhce an I residence smith nf the jail on Centre Si, Ofiice hours from 7 to S a. m 12 to I p. m : i t 7 p m. Dec. Sri".-1y. .1. S. BOV.DWKLt.. G in.-: at ir:i)U(JiioN PRICE OF FURNITURE ! Mr. Charles f.. !lay ly to intern 1 . ;!i '. ,!,.;,. res veifiil ..f Elk C.in.ty thar lie has n tli ' n.u-t i o ii.l 'tc. eh 'apesl. knd best hit of K'.i:nitur.. in the nunty. Mi Fiivnit i'-e iw .'.: n;adu .n his n.vu simp. li can th'.MV'lor Hiii'liii ii tube ll and ilunhle. lie his i !-i'g-i n -nirt'U'-nt n Bui-ems. i,Miir.'e. Sofas. Cniiirs, Tahles. Svai lrobes. Cupboard", li i. ke ic. IS. ok Mauds, Wash-Mads. Towel Hacks, iiali Hacks. What Not". lied -it. ad - of vViiit.-v.ood. 'Valnul and Cherry, ll.a.-kt-ts. l' etuve I'iani-s, and veryihi'n u H illy l.cpt i'lii first class -uiaii lire WaTc-Ho. ui. !lo has ennneete 1 with his est ali'iVitneni li steam turning lnllt. which will fliab'e liiui lu do all kinds id turning ill a :icul and Wuriiiuanhke manner. All he asks is a fair trial, and if hi-, wares do not give nili ifaciion, lie willre lund the moU'.y. CHARLES L. r.."ER. my2218i;71y . st. '"'. l'a. PAINTS for KAUMKHS un i ,i TheOraion Mineral 1' iint C i. are imv. Iiuiiifactiiring the Host ('neapest and inuV durable I'aini in use : two cui' well pu' n, mixed with pure Linseed 'Id, will In 10 or I 'i years : it is i.f a light In-own ri beautiful chocolate e.ilor and can be chnneed to Bicen, lead, sl-ino. drih, .dive i.r crentii. lo suit ihe tuslc of lite con.-uiner. Jt is valuable for Houses, I'.nt u.;. I'eiiees 1'ori.irr.i HM.I C ar-tv ak ors. Tails ll.d WnO'l- til ware. Agi-icu'ltiral Iinplemenl?, Canal l'.onta. Vessels ami ships' F.'.ltonn, Canvas. Metal ami Shirgio Uoois. (il bi-iug Fit-' and Water proof). Floor Oil Child, (one Mann. Tacturer having used 501 K) l b!.', the past year.) nnd as a pniiit for any pu.-po e is tinsuriiassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price S'i per bid. of ;1U0 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years lo come. Wirrented in nil cases as nbove. SeuJ fo- aciru'.!ir which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded iua trade mark Grafton Mineral l'aiut. Addresn DANIEL lil DWELL, 1!V1 l'earl Sirect, New York. For sale by Hyde, Gillis ii Co., a. Itidg ltJ. Sr 5 'i7.-r.in. 1 publibhcd in a tejled envelopo. A Lecture ou the Nature, Treatment nnd Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Kininsio3s, Sex ual Debility, and Impediments to marriage geuera'l. Nervousness, Coiimimption. Kp ilepsy ami Fits ; Mental nnd l'nysica! lu cniiacity, resulting from Self-Abust, ,tc, by Koberl J. Culvemell, M. D., author of the "Ureeu hook, etc, i rite hi a eeaivu i-Dvelopo, only Hix cents. The celebrated nuthor. in this admirublo essay, clearly demons! rates from a thirty years' Buccerbfnl practice, that tho ahirm ing consequences of self abuse may be rad ically cured without Ihe use of internal Medicine, or tho application of ihe knife, lioiuling out a modo ofcure at once simple, certain and effectual, ly means or whiuh every tuifferer, no unit lur what his coudi. lion may lie. may cure himself cheaply, - l rn.li.-nltv. gjul-'dls i.e.ciurc biiuu.u .i ,f every youib and every man in I no land. Seul under eal. in a plain envelopo. lo miy address, posfpaid, ou receipt of six veuls, orlwo post stamps. Also, Dr. Cub verwcll's" Jlarringefiiiide," price J j;euls. Address the Publishers. (.HAS J.C. KLIG CO., I07 llowery, New Voi k. I'. U. Do.v 1,580. janltiiw;7 T)TACK8Mrnrs carpssteii-s and J ) joiner enit lor nalo " cheaper lhaii the cheaiieat' al the At. Jl i Kardwaro fo..- (UOV2VU7) ,r. . . ..l 1.1 ... I., ll.a inn. j r- .it.. . y A LAEOE STOCK OF Tl.cjtitnlcrsioncd have on liam! a laro;e mill vcty dc.-irulilc ctcck of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assort tiionl, iiiclu-linr cvcijtltioy that is wanted to EAT, WEAK, OTl FEED. which thrv will Fell at the very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CAS If. Wo will uo every endeav or to innkp it to the intere st nl our ens turners to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have de'ermined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to l.c the inter est ol both litiyel utid scllor. rOWULL. & KIM E. nid-w.-iv.. A it-. "Sill, 1SC.7 sc. TT F. OVIi KIlil! TZF.lt. I . Mlil. CHANT TAILOR, JlidAvny, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in term the citii' ns nf Kidgway and vicinity that he is prepa.edto make to order as well is ii tan lie luneauywherc. anything in the me of his business. All he asks is a fair rial. ti.ii.d Fits gue.i anleed. t!i!C!ot!is, Cassiuiers, Ve!ings nnd Trimming. .,f the laiest and must approved ayies kept consi-intlv on hand, nhicli will n sold Cllli.Vl'Eil THAN THE Cll EAF l'..T. Ladic-i desiring Hemming. Stitching. Felling, Finding. c , on die eses. canes c vvill find it to their inic. t-s to give mo a call. aug:M tili S IT. iMAUY'a T:.V.M TA.NNEin : IT. F. E.-penhnle & Co. Take pleasure in auuouiicing to ihe public if !vk r.i.d sui -iiuu.iitig comities that they ::v? t'l'.r.. uglily rvf:::ed and rciin.ivate'i his "Id and wuii-kliuwii cstuhlUhmetit, and v.-ongi-..-tulaie tl.cm.-elves that with their ex .etnlvd faciliey, with first-class workman, tht.l they can put out as pond work as ran a- tiiund any where. We have, and keep ioiisl.iin ly "on hand al'.l kinds ol leather ;c!i as in geiiei.il use in ti.is beciiou, ii: ?liiditi2 Sjimiish nml Cimntrif Sole. Leather .' ("tits.i'it, Sliet s,-ins, KifiskuiH ! IfurifHs ( l.'jiper Lenihir 1 KrVAsn pa m ron hides. (iive us n call nnd be convinced of 1 he truili of what v j slaie. marr03j jAMi:S JU-CLOSKEY, U &rxi'A:?, Set., '.V- 11M icspec fully inform the citizens of tin surrounding community that lie M til keeps 011 hand a gu 1 supply of such arti. ch-s as are generally kept, in a country gro cery st 010, i.icia inig I'EAS, FLOUU, SUGARS, TODACCOES, SEG AllS, WHISKEY whi'jh lie flaitrrs himself he can uMl r.g ciieip as Ihey can be bought anywhere in ihe coun'y. I have lately erected a first-class shingle mill, which is now iii operation. Ii is an attested that the shingles which were mnde in this mill and sold in Willinuisporl, nrt .1 first-clasj article, the lumber of which they are made being well seasoned, 1 desire to introduce the e shingle (0 Ihe notice of builders, who will consult their own interest bv giving niea call. May 3d, '00. if It is the best chance ever offered to Agents! One or I wo days' lime will secure a good Sewing Machine, Watch, !ilk Dress, He volver. or some other urlicle of equal value, Fl'.FE OF COST ! Agents wanted everywhere, male and female, forthe best One Dollar Pawnbrok er's Sale in t lie country. Send for circular. 8. C. THOMPSON' & CO. 30 Hanover .Street, jatil-f.mpd Poston, Mass. tcu ! rrcii !'. rru 11 : 1 1 KCRATCA ! KC11ATCH ! ! KntATCII ! ! ! ill from 10 to-lH hmtii. Whcaton's Oiuiinent cures The 1 1 ill. kVheiilou' Diutiiieut cures .calt lthvum. Wheaton'B Oiiituicut cures Tetter. Wneatou'H Ointment cures llarbers' Ilch, Whealon's Oiuiinent cures Old Surer. Wheaiou'a Oiuluiiil curen Every kind, of Humor like Magic, Price, GOcenis a bok 1 by ina'd, RO cents Address WKKKS & rOlTlili, No. 170 Wesliiiigiou Si reel, Doston. Mae', r'or sule 3Uc!s iii'oi'ow'i's' toliOon. MM1K (.MIliA TEST GOOIhS IN THE COUNTHY A re Pold ly W E I S ll ll O T H.'K It Successors lo Geo. Wcis. nCAI.KHS IN foK'icjri sinJ SolijJsiij Dl'jj GooiV, Ft. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. ( ALL AND EXAMINE . OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Wo have no hesitation in faying that in this department of our estahlishtnci:?. we can pivc baijiains to our cusloniers willi vthich ihey ennnot full to Ic wit is Hod. Wo luy our stock direct from the Mannfaeturer, T!itliards(.iib' Cele. brntcd lVot & Shoe Munufnctory, Kltui ta, New York We warrant all goods in this line sold from onr establishment. I EAYY& 81IE1.F II A11DWAHE. wi; af.i. n;i.r.ni:i) to officii To oar customers in this lino barjraitis whieh cannot Lc undersold in Elk coun ty. Our EtDck is large, well selected, and is especially, adapted to :l:c wants of tho eimimuiiily. 'ADIF,S' DKY & FANCY GOODS. An Uuerjuallcd Assortment ! Musiins, Silks, Calicoes, Salins, Delaines. Moird Antiijue.i, Chintzes White Cood Cloths, Flannels Eercgcs, Lacc.i, Corsets, In (act we have everything ccnnccted with Ladies' Wear. We are determin ed to sell lower, ehenper and BETTER Goods than any other fjnu in the coun ty. Give us n call, we'll prove it. KK WELL WHAT WE SAY. He Sll the Jjist, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of iUf qi?0 Soya' 5iii)li)i:i MiU" I i It i n 0 IS IMMENSE, And we coi.fideiilly flatter ourselves that tetter Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do weli to give us a call. KSuXo trouble to show our Goods. QROCEIUES, NOTIONS, &c., ie. In Eudlesa Yarieiy, and CHEAPER than me CHEAPEST i At the Store of In St. Mary'd, Elk County, l'a. pi PI? ESjTCBACCOES it- SEGARS We liave now on hand AN KXCEI.LKNT ASSOHTMEXT, Which will be sold at a V E R Y S L I G H T A 1) VAXCL On rust and rarritnie. t'fOiir Store is in the une Si'one EaU'liiii on .Ma fit Street. July 'll, 18ri7 tf. ' e. cut. $i-tiu'$ eoiiii)i' I MI E W 0 11 L 1) 11 E N 0 W N E D MORNING GLORY! WW mmm ''(- IrfL V - f . FOR SALE AT SEHVIC , EXCLUSIVE agent; for ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand and am now receiv ing the most complete utoek of Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves ever brought fo tin's section. I buy the best, believing they are the cheapest. I have tiic exclusive agency for (he Cel ebrated Morning Glory, nlso, for Spoor's Cooking and Parlor Sloves. I have some beautiful designs from Erie, ISitli'nlo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice any stove made in tho country or parts at stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted 'seventeen years exclu sively to the sale of fitoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron nnd Copper. Ware, I am satisfied that the most fastidi ous can be. pleased at my shop. Don't fail to call before you purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS mpplied with Tin-ware and Stovepipe as low as can be bought in Erie. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Coal Hods plain nnd fancy, nnd everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove tore. Hags, Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lend, Sera Iron, Sheep Pelts and Farmers pro- luce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WHINGER. We have the Agency fur thj UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WHINGER, it it the best, Si-0, 0 0 of them in use. E.icU Wringer wan rai-.ied to be us good at Ihe end of one year as when first purchased. Call Ml 1 take one home with you and if it does not give good satisfaction after a fair trial, it may bo returned and your money will bo refui -ded. SAVE VOI R CLOTHES, SAVE YOUR LABOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, nnd have (smiles instead of frowns on Wash Days. Oct. 3L-t lG7-ly. f l.; ..;j Ml i, it'"-!' ' "1 fe;;i r I fr&S Ffl? 'Uw , U WVV i i s i i) i s a 'i) i i" e c 1 o l t . TOI1N fl. HALL, Attorney at law. R dg way. Elk county Pa. mar.22 (i0 ly I AUIUK J. 1U.AKF.LY, Attorney at law, 1 j and U. S. Commissioner. Ilidgway hlk county. Pa. fmnr-2'2'ii01y. ,1 OH WORK of all kinds nnd dcs. criptions done at this office. II 1-iNltV SOUTHER, Attorney-t-Law, Hi.lgway, l'a. (febJ'.roH) C R. EAR LEV, Phys.cinnand Sur. geon, Karley, Tlk County, Pa. March 7, 1)8 ly. ALPINE HOU.SE, SI. Mnry's Pa.. Her inarv Krctn, Proprietor. eng!)'6(i DR. W. JAMES 15LAKF.LV Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mnr-22'fiH.ly. 1"Yt. SHAW Practices Medicine Jl and Surgery, Centrevi Centreville, Elk county lninr-22'lilily. TTlXKCL'TION.si I J nns' Warran 5, .SUMMON.?, SURPIE. ants, &.c, on hand and for s lie at this (idicc. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lngir Iteer, opposite Ihe Uailroal Dep.it, St, Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22 ii(i-l . DH. W. i?. HARTMAN. St. MyHTiTk county, Pa. Late of the Army of the l olomnc. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. mar-22'i;C-y. rl ROVE 0. MESSENGER. Druegist and X Dealer in Drugs nnd Chemienls, Faints. Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil et articles and Stationary, Ridgway. Elk county Pu. ' mar-22'li'lj-l v. F RANK ENTZ, Mkik'imnt Tiior, Centreville, E'k roiinlv. Pa., desires to inform the citizens of Centreville and vi cinity, that lie is ui. all limes prepared to unworn in a neat ana saiislaotory manner, n'ive me a call. novoTly JO.IXO. II.M.I jas. K. 11 ALL. ! HALL S: UliO. Attopn ''vs - mi -Law ST.' MARY'S : BENZINGEJt P. O. lil k COUNTY, PA. September 20, 18(30. ly. TS. Pord we'll, M. D. Eclectic Physician. , Ollice nnd residence opposite llio Jail, on Centre St., Ifidgway. Pa. Prompt attention will be given lo all calls. Office hours : 7 lo 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 . jj. . , g o 7 P. M. Mar. 22, Oli-tf. mil HAYEK HOUSE, J. RIDOWAY, TA. 1M V1D T II AVER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with f.f.d and convenient Kindling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old fri'c;:iis and the pur lie generally. decl3 0ti ly DAVIL THAYER. P. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF ,v;. .TJ iry's, EJcnzint?cr i. O. El.K Cllt:XTY. P K N N TTTYDE HOUSE, jLjL Ripgway, Elk Co., Ta. M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcretofcro so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor; hopes, ly paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of tho same. Oct 21 180(1. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. "TVTOTICF is hereby given that I havefak ( en out a license as auctioneer, and will oltend promptly to the calling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held answerable fo the strict letter of the law. P. W BARRETT, DeciMlSGGtf. Auctioneer. E EXCHANGE HOTEL, RIDGWAY, PA. J. tIALI-.i Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly siluvted on the banks of the Clarion River and Elk Crce. at Ihe lower en 1 of the village, Mr. Ilea will spare no pains for Ihe coiivenio.ee of his guests, Jfa in vims one and all to giv him a call and try his house. Sept, 17;h'ti7-'ly. "ULACKKMITHING!- II. S. IIELNAP desires to inform the citi zens of Jtidgway and vicinity thai he has leased J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill st reel, nnd has employed good work men who will be ever rendy lo make any thing from a buckle lo tin nnchor. Particular attention given lo tho shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'Gli-ly. SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, Zir-S i. OBNAMINTAL PA1STING. rpiIU Sl'HSCRIU E R W O U L D R E f spei ifully inform Ihe citizens of Elk county tl.r.t he has just slur led in tho above business in Ilidgway, and feci coufi .1. 'lit that he can please all who may favor him ih I1 ' ir custom. GRAINING, PAPElt HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rcost fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this (Ifliccor at the Bunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended lo. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'CU-ly. CT)Al7cokE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of superioi quality, for sale by Iho Tanuerdale Ccal Company, St. Mary's, Elk Couuty, l'a. P2r0rders by mail promptlj ittcnd. cd to. scptlG 3-ti gLLIUl&loi.WLLL No. 1G1 NOHTI! Thikd mukkt, pniLADETPHIA. t'i3" Orders promptly attended to. 2 3m. "T 7 A NT lip ONE HUNDRED ' V OLD CAST lit .N a: the S T'.'NSOF Stove and Ilk t', I'.; .t,W.lv, I'u, lie'- 2 '-'tj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers