LOCAL' INTELLIGENCE. Car Time at llUtgway. Eria Express Fast 10:1 p. m do do IVwl Jo Mnil East do do Vcs(....i.......i Locnl Freight East do do ; Wast. 8:02 a ni. 4::H p. in. L':4ri p. m. i:4l)n. m. 2;'25 p. m. Wilcox, Local items boing scarce about home during this week, wc con cluded to take n ride to the village ol Wilcox to sec what improvemeut was being made in that section. So, getting aboard the train, we were soon at out destination. Wilcox U pleasantly situated . on the nonnern Dans or ine-western orancn 01 the Clarion. We should judge by its appenranco that the placo is not very old its houses all looking new. The ground on which it is built rises grndu. ally back to a chain of high hill? in the fear, and from the railroad presents a beautiful appearance. The soil in the vicinity is said to bo excellent for rais ing all kinds of crops peculiar to our c!L mate, but is more espec:ally adapted to tho growing of hay, of which large quantities are raked und shipped nnnu ally. The leading business ot the place however, has heretofore been lumber, but which is now being superceded by the business of tanning. Some New York capitalists about two years ago, learning that hemlock tract were plenty and could be purchased very chap, de termined to buy 20,000 acres, the great er part ol which lies iu Jones township, extending down to Johnsonburg, at the , confluence of the cast and west branches of the Clarion. They have already built since October last upwards oT twentv.Cve neat and substantial dwelling bouses for employees who have families. Besides these they have built large bark sheds, engine houses, stables, &c, and are now about finishing a store house, which whea completed will be tbo largest in the county, b. ing 90x35. and 30 feet high. The grinding ma ehinery is now run by a lorty-hoise engine, which is sood to be replaced by a hundred-horse power, the one now in use not being adequate for the work re quired. Tho tannery when cotnplc'.od will contain one thousatid'-vats, and will give constant employment to about one hundred men, and during the barking season to upwards .of .Uee luiudrcd. The names ot the parties composing the firm are M. M. Schultz, Jackson L.. Schultz, and John Ernhaut. They arc nil men of capital, energy and enterprise, and we have no doubt but that they vill reap a rich harvest as a reward for their liberal outlay. It is their inten tion, as soon as spring opens to creot ' ttit ..A.v.,;nnr i A...;a ...i, (.,.... ------- O I - - J planing mill, ouo gang mill, and other improvements tending to advance the interests and prosperity of the county. While at the hotel of Mr. A. Ilorn beck, (which by the way is a well kept And orderly establishment.) we were shown a specimen of kidney ore which had been picked up somewhere in the . vioinilv : it is said to ha a vsrv fine specimen. Witoox is destined to bo a place of importance. We were reliably inform ' ed that tho directors of the proposed railroad from Groat Valley to connect with the P. k E. Road were very f ivor . able to the locution ot the road via Wil. cos. and ara nulv uw;iilin" the disnn , j - ci l pcaratice of the snow to put a corps of engineers to work, Mrs Pautinutox Inslltki). The White Mountains of New Hampshire are evidently a great institution very high, heavy frosts, beautiful view, fiur dollar dinners. Hut tho practical eye of a certain renowned Drake saw those smooth. faced rocks, and thereupon adorned and variegated the bridle path to tho Tip-top House with his familiar R. T. 1R00 X- Plantation Hit ters. This raised the ire of the Mrs. Partington composing tin Legislature of tho Grauite State, who got their wito hoads together, outlawed lr. Drake, and make it a penal offence to ply the tho artist'ibrush on their beloved hills. Verily, the Gut arts are at a discount in Kcw Hampshire. Query. Did Drake pay them for his splendid ad vert Uo. rueut J Maonlia Water. A delightful toilet article superior to cologne and at half the price. A building ia shortly to bo erected in this place of bricks taken from the bata of eccentric young men. 'There will be no lack ot building material. I&.Spccial attention is invited to the caid ol Sellers & Fulwcll, iu tbu issue. Horton Township Ki.kotion. At the late election in Horton township the following officers wera chosen to fill tho vaviuiis positions : Justice of the Peace, Charles K. Bo mau J Constable, D. C. Oyster ; Super visors, John Winkelblech, Daniel Pin lin ; Judge, lion. Isaac Horton ; In. Kpcctors, John C. AMcllister, Joseph S. Chamberlain ; School Directors, . S. A. Olmstead, 0. P. Kelts, Clark A. Wilcox, P. C. Oyster, John C. McAll ister, Joseph S, Chamberlain ; Assessor, Hczckiah' Ilorto.t ; Auditors, Joseph W. Taylor,- Horace Little, G corse S. HimcsjTowii Clerk, Allied Short; Town Treasurer, C. A. Wileox. Godey's Lady's Book What la dy does not wish to lead this invaluable magazine? Its beautiful toajiion plates, with patterns for making dresses, &c, and its instructive and interesting liter ature, combine to make it an indispen sable desideratum in every household. Term'', ?3 yearly. Address Godey's Lady's Book, Philadelphia, Pa. i m m New York npent, 15,000 on fire woiks for a display on Washington's birth-day. There is no accounting for the conduct of the Gothnmitcs. This amount of rufltiey would Iced the poor ouo day. Washington would think more of them if they would purchase food with it for theee poor. K'OTICE OF APPEAL. Tho t'ommii, fiuncrs of Llk County, will livid ap peals, ut die time and places mentioned us follows : Feb. 18, for Spring Creels, nt Invins., " 10, for Jones, nt tlic IVilcox House. . " 20, for Highland, ut Charles Stuhhs. ' 25, for Horton, nt I), tlystcis. " for Fox, at John K.k-lis. ' 27, for .lay, nt M. Spnugli r's. " 2H, tor Pener.ct, ut Alizn Wiuslow's. M.ir. 2, for St. Mar's nt M. Wcllcn !,.i-i a. " ;, for Ioniniort At J.. Winilt'cidei's. " 4, for llidgwny. nt Com. Ollice. On tlic "tu of March the appeal on un seated In ml -i will be held nt liidgway. p R OP O S A LS FOll L U MB Ell! The Columbia i-idgc Company will re ceive proposals, addressed to C. . Holl ers. Chief F.nginnoer, Office Pennsylvania ffai'rond Company, Philadelphia, until February 20, IKOtt. for about , 3,3GO OOO Feet White Pino, D. M. 7(MIMMI Feel White Onk. IS. M. 1,000 000 Short Joint Shingles. To bo delivered on tho framing ground, nt the A'ridge iu Columbia, l'a., on or be fore t lie 1st day of August. 1',S. The lumber to b of the best qitnlily of bridge lumber, and .subject to tho inspec tion, measurement, and approval of ciieh Agent ns the Company may appoint. De tailed bills mid specifications oin be pro cured by addressing G. H. KOJKHTS, Penn'a it. K. Oilice, PhiUd'u. Feb. 8, '08 :it. "F YOU WANT TO UL'Y CI.OTi21.va for the .Million ! Go to A. DUIlLACilElt, Agent, DEALKR IX CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, DO0T3, SIDES, TIU'XKS, TRAVKMNG HAGS, &c. ST. MAttY'S, ELIC COCXTV, pi:xx"a. Jan21808lypd 'IMIF, EAGLE TURl'.INE WATER i WHEEL, patented ouly3. 18117. is superior to nny wheel iu use. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel ia the State of Pennsylvania, and can reeomi mend it ns being the best iiinuiif.-iriured. Fur further parlioulurs, and circulars, in quire nt our Foundry in Kersey, where iiim-hinory. mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will ho made to order nt reucouable prices. We expect, by giving sntisfacti-tu in our work to receive a good chare of pub-i lie patrouago. J. F. ROBEltTSON, it. ih:ll. Kersey, Pa., janlO lSiiSpd. It is the best chnncoever offered to Agents! One or two days' time will secure a gnod Sewing Machine, Watch. tilk lre.-"i. Re vnlvcr, or some other article of equal value, FREE OF COST ! Agents wanted everywhere, male and female, for the host Ouo Doll-n Pawnbrnk cr's Salo in tho country. Send for circular. S. C. THOMPSON' & CO. 30 Hanover Street, janl-3mpd i'oston, MSJ. tcu : iTcliTTrrcfi TTT-" scRAxrA ! scratch ! ' scrtATC'ii ! ! ! iu from 10 to 18 hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures The Iteh. Wheaton's (liniment cures Salt Khviiin. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tetter. Wheaton's Ointment cures lliirbers' lloh. Wlielon's 0: nl iiii-u t cures (!'l Surer. Whcatoa'B Ointment cures Every kind, of Humor like Magic. Pric, 50eenlx a br.k : by nia'l, lid cei ls Address WEEKS & POTTER, No. 1VO Wehington Street, Uoston, Mass. For ?ule byalldruggiBig. ; Sept. 17'7 ly. GUN'S, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, pocket and table, cutlery, of the beat quality and inoHt approved patterns, very cheap ut tiie Hardware Kioreon lliberger's old curuer ia 6't. MaryV. ' LUMBER. WE ARE PREPARED- TO FURNISH upon short not ice I he following kinds of Lumber of the best quality. FLWmiNGi'ANI) SIDING, dressed iu the best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Abo, lath nnu'LASKraisTr We w ill put on ears when required. -jy-All orders nddsessod to ns tvl this place promptly attended to. SOUTHER, WILMS & CO. juii2107tf . Eidnwuy, Pa. AMIODII: How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a new edition of I'r. CulverweH's Celt bralc-i IN.-uy on the radi. cal cure (without medicine) of Spei in.itovr lioeu, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Se:niti'ilIHS!.s, liupoleticy, Ment-l and I'hysiearlncnpncity, Impedim?nis m M.u; ringe, etc., alsp, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced' by ' self-indulgence and sexual exlt-iivgirnioe. C-ay" Price, in a se ilod enve'o)ief Six cents The celebrated author, in this u-lmirnWe essay, clearly dcuuuisl rates t'roin a thirty yeui-H' Buecessfid practice, that the alarm ing consequences of self-abuse may be radi cally cured without tho ilnngcrnus use of internal medicine or the application of tho kkil'a Jointing out a mode of cure nt ouco simple, certain nn 1 effectual, by means of which every sull'crer, no matter what his condition may hp, may cure him self cheaply, privately, nnd radically. EK)U,"'his Lecture should hi in the binds of every youth und every man in tlia land. Sent under ?e,i 1, inn j.laiu envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, lh Oil. vev ell' " Marring" Guide," price 2-:eiits. Address the Publishers. (.HAS. J. C. KLINE CO.. 127 Howery, New York. P.O. liox 4,i".SC. janlii 1;;07 .always Tin: 'U,i' '-Uul Lli (Jull.J dli-Mjl '-.J ''ki. OURNrnUlK. COFFINS, PIC- r 'n'iti:-Fi?AMi;s, &c. The undersigned having sold his interest in the wagon shop, now intends devoting his time exclusively In tlic Furniture trade. lie iias just received a large stcck o.' the BEST FUHNITUHE MADE which he offers nt prices thai -cannot fail to please. His slock consists of Bedroom Suits, Uphohtered Goods,- Bureaus, Wnshstands, Commodes, Lounges, Redstends of Maple, Oak, Whiiewoo-1 nnd lilaek Walnut, Spring Reds nnd Mat trasses. Extension. Pining. Rreak f jsi. Tea Parly noil (juartetie Tables, Chairs of every kind a. id description. The largest, assortment of Cane Seated Chairs ever brought into this section of the country. Farmer's Secreta ries, What N'ots, Brackets, nnd everything usually foil nd iu a First Class FURNiTURE WARE ROOM Picture Frames of ev k;nd size or Qu.iiity, kept on hand nnd mudo to orddr, Looking Glasses, Looking - vl'ass Pinto and Pictures. We would call at tention to our largo stock of Collins, con, sisiing of Pine. Whiiewood, Cherry, Chestnut nnd liinek Walnut, any ; one of which we can lin-nisli in three hoiirstime. trimmed iu any style to mil. Metallic cases of nny kind procured in three hours' time. Feeling confident tiia' with a liberal pat ronage, wo shall bo ah le to keep up a First Class cslaUi: hment, wo appeal to the peo ple of El county, to say if il is not belter to keep their money in circulation at home th.n to send it off to the cities where if they buy link lit Ho they nra sure to get cheated and pay a good round sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, nevi-r buy away from home what cau bo had just as cheap nt home, and the cheapest place to buy Furui t ne in Western Pennsylvania is nt H. II. Thomas' Ware Rooms, Excelsior liuilding, coiner of Main and Depot streets, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. Oct. 81, I8fi7-ly. If. II THOMAS. I N S V jTt A N C K AGAINST lossor DAM AG K by FIR IS rilIE Lycoming County Mutual Injur ia nnee Company nt Muncey, Pa , con t i ii nes to Insure against Loss or I'amaiio by Fire on nil kinds ef Merchandise. Publio and private wildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of drain, tio., nt the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the insurer nnd Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company iltv;tes nti invcstii gali:i as lo iu nubility. Its -capital amounts to Thus assuring to every one of Its. patron that ibeir losses will bepvoiuptly and satis factoi ily paid, lis management has always been prudent, as its existen.e of twenty oi X ve-irs fully demonstrates. JAMES JILAKELY." Agoul for E'k countr. at St. Mary's' LOOK iiElii: I WATCHES. JEWELRY it SILVERWARE. C1IIARLES HOLES. Practical Wiiiehia-i- kcr, Jewel 'i- and Engraver, Ridgway, Elil c-.iiiily, Pa. 'ihe subseiibcr begs leave to announce I o the cil ly.ens of llidg way and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his line ou t-hoi-t uuliuc an (m reasonable rates iu ihe very bent munitcr. Shop in II. S. Relnap's Store. Special atten tion paid to engraving. He has also on hand a largo ussm tmcnl of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry sod Sitverware which he offers for bale on reasonable terms, (iive linn a call. nov7 7tf.j V 1 SI I'l XH II lf.N EAT 1. V EXECL'T d at tUio otoc. JOHN O. II ALL, Attorney at l.-.w, T.idg wny, Klk county Pa. niar-22'tj(i ly r A ERIE J. RLAKELV, Attorney t law, i and U. S. CouTnissinn.-r. Ridgway Eik county, Pa.- 'innr-22't)r.ly. I OB WOKK of uuTkitids and" dc7. J criptinns dotjfe at this olSce. : 4 LPIXE IIOII.S!-:, Si. Mary's Ta.. !1 nian Kiel., Proprietor. r ugO'ti Her- DR. W. JAMES RLAKELV Physician and Surgeon, Su Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-2'J'6i-1y. R. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntrcville, Elk county n:u"--2'r,o;iy Pa. T EXECUTION."?, .SUMMON'. SL'llPtK. J mi".- Wnrrnnt, fee., on hntid and for sale at this office CI If. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd Penle y. in Lagrtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, Si. Mary's, Elk county Ta. Mar-22T.tM . ' . . , r SOUTHER. AND WILLIS Attorneys M Law, Ridgway. Elk county Pa., will attend to all professional business promptly- mar-22'tiH-ly. "TR. W. R. II A RTMAX, St.. Mary's, EIk I J county. Pa. Late of the Army of the Potoiinc. Particular attention given to all cases ol siirgicnl iiatmo. inar-22'flG-ly. HOVE 0. M E S S E XG E r7 I)rn apNt ii d X Pcaler in Drugs nnd C'he.niienlH, Paints, Oils and Varnish. ' Perfumery Toil, ct articles and Stationary. Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar '22'G(3-ly. 17 R A N K EXTZ. Mmkmunt Tailor. ' Centrcvillc, E'k county', Pa., desires to inform the citizens of Centrcvillc nnd vi cinity, that he is at nil times prepared to do work in a neat and satisfactory manner, riivo me a call. nov7 ty 10. IN (I. II A 1. 1 .i as. K. V. IIAI.L. , I f A TjTj & J3UO..--Attovnov-naw, BEXZIXGER P.O. EI R COUXTY, PA. September 20, 18GG. ly. TS. Rnrdwcfl, M. D. Eclectic Physician" . Office nnd ic-idence opposite tho Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, P.-i. Prompt nttention will be given to all calls. Ollino hour.M 7 to A. M- ; 1 2 to 2 P. M. : ' nnd 0 la 7 P. M. MnrV2-2, CC tf. rgIIAYEIt TlOEs"i-V . ' ' X ' ' ' - EIDGWAY, V.. ' I DA VID TII VYER, Propvicfor. The undersigned having lifted up a larg hnd oornnioilious hotel on tho southwest corner of Centre nnd Mill streets, with good anil convenie nt stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends nnd the pnHic generally. decl3 (iii Ij DAVID THAYER. S. SHORT, JOHN G. hall; . LOUIS VOLLMEK, JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF horf, gall & Ota St. ,U irj's, SicnzUtzer P.'o. El.K CoUliTT, PBSNA HYDE HOUSE. ; . Ridcwat, Ei.k Co., Pa. M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for tho palronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new prcprietor, hopes, ty paying strict at tention to the comfort an ! convenience of guests, to merit a cantinuanco of th same. 0;t 21 IStiC. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. "VfOTICE is hereby given that I have tab en out a license as auctioneer, and will a. tend promptly to the cnlling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling Miles without alieensa wll- be li .-Ul answerable to the strict letter ol the law. P. W PAR RETT, DecMlSGOtf. Auctioneer. "jjVXCHANGEIIOTEL. RIDGWAY, TA, J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the banks of the Clarion River nnd llu Creek, at Ihe lower end of the' village, Mr. Healy will spnre no pains for the eonvcnie.ee ol his guests. Ve in-, itos one and all to gW him a cull and try his house, ISept, 17th'07-ly. - " 1 1 IjA C KS M IT 1 1 1 NG ! II. S. IIEl.N AP desires to inform the citi zens of Ridgway and vicinity lhat he has leased J. S. Hyde's. Blacksmith Shop on Mill -it reet, nnd has employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle lo nn nnchor. . Particular ai loul ion given to the shoeing of horses. All 1 ask is a fair trial. May U'CG-lj. , .. . HF. OVEIUIOLTZEU, . MERCHANT TAILOR, Kid-way, Klk Co., Pa, The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prcpa.ed to make to order ns well ns it can be done any where, anything in' iha line of his business. All ho asks is a fair trial. Good Fits gumanteed. B?,Cloths, Ca.ssimers, Vesilngs and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will hi sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. aug.lO.y HOUSE, SIGN i, ORNAMENTAL PAI5TIN0. 'MIIE Sl'BSCIUIiER WOULD R E J spccifully infoiui the citizeus of Elk couuj-y I hut he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that ., he ca.n please all who may favor bio with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMIXIXG DONE ON SHORT NOTICE A XI) IX TIIE i-.e-t fashionable and improved diauner and style. Orders loft at : Hub Ollicu an. at Ihe loin king House of Souther, Willis & 'Souther will he promptly altt ii-led to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'tHI-ly. C-.AL. COKE AND FIRE-CLAY! All of superioi quality, for salt ly tb Tannerdalo Coal Company, . St. Mary's, Kit County, l'u. . t-fOrdcrs ly mail promptlj jttcnd-i-d to. -eptll - THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THK HI I ) WAY DRUG ' STORE. GROV15 O.. MESSENGER,' f'ealen in Vivif, KedJeicw,' TS'nta, Oila, White Lead, Lnbricattn Oil,' Lamp Oil, Tanncr'a Oil, Vcr. 1 funieri.iB of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, . .IJrusfics of every Style and . , . , Siio Pje Stuffs, FureConfeotionarics Citron, Knisins, Patent Medicines, 'Vines, Wntshea, Jewelry, Hinps, Tobiiccocs k Si'srnra I '- , 1'nre ' Liitiori fur ' ", ' ' ' iJcdicinnl pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything UJoful' I'ettuiuing to the Drug Business Gcn crally. Puio Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low TVices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in :Kndkss Variety American nnd Khglindv Watches ! Amcricun and English Watchtes' Latest Styles of Jewelryj Ilinas. i&c. Latest Styles of Jewclily. Hinps, Ac. Fancy Articles,. Toys, Latest Novels I! l'ancy Articles, loys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stutronery, Dird7ageK! ' (Albums, News, Statimncry, PirdJCacs ! ' Violin, IJtitjo and Onitar Strings! iViiiliki,- Datijo and Giiitur Strings ! mar2018f6! N EW- CASIIROCEIiY STOR E. JAMES McCLOSKEr, Dealer in" Groceries &.O., would respectfully inirnu 'the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, tbatc ho h is gone into the Grocery bhsii. and will open on or about the middle of May. Ha keer constantly on hhndc an extensive stuck of . TEAS, FLOUK, SUGARS, TOBAO00ES, . . " SEQARS, wnisKEr by thcbarrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. ' I will sell for CASfl and consequent. W can afford to sell CHEAPER than tho CHEAPEST, I invite everybody. to come and satisfy themselves. JAMKS McCLOKEY. May 3d, '66. Cm. NEW- GOODS ! JUST- RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT THE CJIEAI" CASH STORK J. V. HOCK, Main Street, KiJgway, Ta H AVISO just returned from tbe eastern cities where I have purcliAsed a largo mill well sctoetcj iiKsorttnent of goods, invite tue attemion of the public to call and examine ciy stuck, consisting of . Dry Goods, Notions, . Clothins:, Hardware LTats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Qa.ao.w.r. , . PROVISIONS, &o., Ao. BUYERS WILL' FIND M S T O C K FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants of th commuuity. J- V. IIOUK. Ridgway, Dee5 ly. A LI I ABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned lias laid. out a . ape upon bis ground adjoining (ha tUdg way Depot, lo be called ELli. The lots are 60 feet front by 100 feoi deep -front iug towards the railroad. .- Terms Fur l he first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot Bold, $110, PoC tbo third lot aold, $10 and so on increasing ia price as loia are Bold. B, First purchasers get the choice lot at the chenpest rates. Purchaser will be registered in the or der of their application Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid, at th time of the Application. BApplictuionii will he mad to Job, 0. Hall, Ebij., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. IITDE. Fidgway. Biar,2fl'fi6-tf. TAHfl, SPIKEsT IMNOES, RIVKTS. locks, bolls, and all kinds of builder' materials in general can !e bad cheaper at the Si, Mary's llnrdwar 8tore iha aoy othor pluue iu Elk eouuty. (ni9'6T)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers