r p 1 1 e vv ."s if Mi ton Ti 1 1 iTTirvT m - PASS V, Phiiide'phia, is chartered I y th State of Pciitisylvaii'-u . nml organized in aid dftlio Riverside Insi itiil e, for ediicat injt f-rnln:toi:.-!y Soldiers' and Sailors' Or phans, lue.urrioriiied ley the Slate of Sew .ler-cv. A;iril Ct'i, yi7. Subscription Oi.c Hollar. The WVMrp-tnn Library Company, hy virtue oT their charier. nul in accordance Willi its provision, will ili.-lriljiilo Throe Hundred Thousand Dol'ars in presents to the shareholders, en Wednesday, t lie btli of .limitary, ncM, at 1 ' li'i n !! j.h l'u., or ll liie Institute, Eirisido, S. J. One Present, worth i-lO.(VH) One Present, worth 1'(.0 !- Olio l'lesoiii, worth lOOlHI One Present, worlh fj.ODD Two Presents, worth $2,ii00 each fi.UMI One Preset.!, value. 1 at lo.OMO Two Presents, valued at $15,000 each WMinti One Present, valued at lO.i'DO Four Prevents, valued at 5.000 each '- Two Presents, valued at il.t'tKl each (i.fitlH "1 liree Presents, valued at l.oilOeach :t.i'('t Twenty Presents, valued at ")l.H)ouc!i Pl.'.HMl Ten Presents, valued at .'H'!) each D.tM'O Time Pre'-ents. valued til -"" c.ieh 7 'it' Twenty Tremens, valued r.t j cu h -1. fit hi Fifty five Fi-csi&tj.vjlucd ut Ml each 1 l,;UO Pifiy Presents, valued ut 70 each f.T-'itl Oiic'liiindrod and ten Presents, nt 1(10 ll.O' lit Twenty Presents ut Tocarh .."iUO T'-;i Presents, vilucd ut Ml eadi i.uu Tl e rcniainirj: Presents consi t rf rriiele of two and value, upper. tr.uiingto the dilliisinn ol Etlcru- tin-e and die Pino Arts, M.0O0 Eaeh f'eititieale is accompanied with a Fcat-ttful Steel Plato Engraviii(r, worth n.i '.e at retail than the cost of certificate, Mid also insuics to the holder u present in the (.Irent Disli ihution. sniscr.iPiinx one dollar. Any person "ending us One DoPnr, or pnyiug the Mine local Ap-uts, will rei.civc immediately n line Steel 1'hitc Ener-wiuj;, at choice irot.i the following list, t-nd n:.c ('( rtilieate id' Stock, iiisiiriui; oiiu present in Ihcpreat distribution. One Dollar Pn;if.vins. No. 1. "My C l.il 1 ! My Child ! " So. " -J. Ucv'i .-aved ! They're SnTrdl" No. :! -"old Seventy. six ; or the Parly days of the Rev olulion. Any person paying us will re ceive either of the following Steel I'ktes, al choice, And two certificates, of Mock, thin Leer.Uiin or.ti'.cd lo two presents. Two Dollar l.i'ravin,' --. No. 1 " Wa-hin'on's !c urn-hip." So. " Washington's Last Interview with hi s MJ: her.'' Three Dolh.r Pnrnvinis. Any person pnyiajr Three Poilarswi'l retoivclln- bi-uiitiiul t-W eel Plato of ' Homo from the Vi'ar," and three cer tilicatts of slock, becoming entitled lo three pic.-ems. l our Dollar Engravinjrs. Any person payin,; i'our Dollars shall re ceive t lie huge and splendid Steel Plato of " The Perils of our Forefathers," and Four Certitic.ilLs of Stoel;, entitling them to four prescits- Five Foliar Enjiravins. Any person who pays Five Dollars shall receive ihu large and sp'.eimid Me;l Plate of "The Marriage of Poc.ihoui.is." Tho Engravings and Certificates -will be delivered lo each .subsevilier nt. our Local Agencies, or ten I liymail, post paid, or ex press, H5 may I u oidercd. How to obiaia Shares find Engravings. end orders to lis l,y luai'.. enclosing from 1 to 20, either ley Post olfico orders or in a Registered letter, r.t our risk. Larg er nmounts should le sent by draft or ex press. 10 shares with Prifrvanngs, $ 9 CO. 25 shares with Pnravings, 2.1 .'0 fiO shares with Pngiavins, 40 fit) 75 shares with Ko;vr.v;ns, G'J 00 100 shares with Engravings, W 00 Local npenis wanted throughout the U. f , TIJE 1UVKP.S1DK INSTlfL'Ti:, situate nt liiverside, liui lingion county, S. J., is founded for the purpose of gvatuitou-Or cdu caiing the sons of iie?..ased tioldiei s and Seamen of the United States. The Poin d of Trustees consists of the fol lowing well. known citizens of Pennsylvania and Sew Jersey : lion. YV. P.. Mann, Dlst. Att'y ef Philadelphia ; lion. L. 11. I'.roomall P.x t.'hief Coiner L', S. Jlin,, and llecorder of Deeds, Philadelphia ; Hon. James, ,M. SpovcU, New Jersey; Hon. W. W. Ware, Sew Jersey ; Henry Gorman, Esq., Agent Adams' i ijpress, Philadelphia ; J. E. toe, Esq., of Ji.y, Coe & Co., Philadelphia. Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, April IS, 1SU7. Office of Internal Rev enue Having received sat isf.ictory evi dence that the proceeds of the enterprise conducted by the Washington Library Com pany will bo devoted to tliaritabli) uses, permisoion is hereby granted lo said Com pany to conduct such enterprise, eqei'ip! from all charge, wlu t her from special lax or other duly. E. A. KOLLIXS, Com. The Association hivo appointed as re ceivers. Messrs. George A. Cooke .y Co., 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, who-e well-known integrity and business experi ence w ill be a suflicient guarantee that the money entrusted to them will be promtplly applied to the purpose slat jd. . Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, ISC". To the Cftieers ami Members of the Wash ington Dibrary Co., X. S, Dead, Sec'y. Gentlemen : On receipt of your f.'ivor of the 15th instant, notilying us of our ap pointment ns Receivers lor your Coinimuv. we took tho liberty to submit a copy of your cliariir, Willi apldi ol your enter prise to eminent legal nulhoiity, and hav ing received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathizing with the beneuolent ol-jcct of your Association, viz: (lie education nnd iiiainlenanee of tho or phan children of our soldiers an-1 sailors of the Riverside lnstitu.e. we havo concluded to accept the trust, and to uso cur best ef forts to promote so wo; !hy iu object. Respect fully, yours. Ac., CEO. A. COOKE & CO. Address a'l lolleisand orders to georce a. cooiu: ;i co., 1; ankers, v-i South Thir l ?;ret t, Piii'i'a., Pa. Receiver ; for the Wash. Lib. Co November 21, 18G7, i'm. pv W. IIUTCIIISSOS, Attorney at I,w 1 , Girard. Erie County Pa., will attend frpecially lo business in Hankruplev before the Register iu tho District at his office in Girard. Sov. 7'i;7. li. WIIKKLKll & WILSON'S SI7 IXG- MACIIIXKS. Tho under iigned having been appointed Sole Agent for the sa'.c of Wheeler & Wilson'B Sewing Machines for Elk county, llo keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines fo'ti at Philmlelphiaand Sew Yor prices. Any parlies desirous of obtaining theuican address J. K. WlllT.MOltE, March Ot-'CC-ly. at Ridcway, Pa. E " I It. ...I nl..l , . , I, 1 . . . tiJifJcll.'iiKOiM HJl'Cl'ti'liici?. PHUADEti 3IIA &, ERIE HAILKOAdT WINTER TIME TABLE. T !u" ii'Ji emit Direr t Rovlr between rhilaiieljihiti, Jtnfinurc JLirriit hunjy Wilfiitinpart, nnd the, GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. V. h U G A X T SUPPING CARS On a1.! Sight Train". N and after MONPAV, OCT. 1 lib, the train on the Phila le'.pliia &, Erie Railroad wit! run as follows : wturVAiiii. Mai! Tra;n leave? l'hi!nd-. l.!r,i,.l 1.15 p. m. " " " Ri-lgwny 2. I'i p. in. ' " arrive nl Erie H.-15 p. in. E.-io Erp leaves Philadelphia. ..12. Of) noon. " " " Ri-lgway 3 52 a. m. " " nvrivc at Eiie ; 9.45 n. in. i: vstwai'.I). Mail Train leaves I'rie 10.10 a. in. " " ' Kidgwny -t.-IS p. ia. " " airlvent I'hild-.-lphia 8.55 n. m. Krie Fnplee.es ilr'.e -1.25 p. ni 4t ' " llolwtv !l..1o p. la. " " t-.i-r. n' l'l-ila h-lVh'ri... 1.IO n. ,u. Mail Ctrl -.'.'.- Inii-m cm crl vi:h c.ll 'rnintoii 11 ii o:.it I'r'uillhi finih'.uiti, J'ftf.lirrr! an'hj t'ti-lin!r'j-tiia tit S'-I.OO V. .-rViv -it n-i7. n at li.-l a. in. vud Oil t I'.oOf. i l. J.'lti'iltl 1'hihlil' lpiiilt nt ,Si ( . m. arr'ff nl till ViUi nt I. .'15 . j. All trains on Warren & Franklin Railway make close connections nl Oil City with trains for Franklin nnd Petroleum Centre. EAijtj AG E CHECK El) THROUGH. A I, HI ED I.. TYLER, General .Superintendent. -,. .y -Uir.flt '4...U '.'..I oj STOVES A S 1) T I X - ' A 11 E AT John Eoscnheizncr & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS;. BT. MAUY's, PA. Keeps constantly on lianl and for snip, n Juno nnd well sclccte'l ftovk of TIN WAlli:, PTOVK:? tie. V'e have cvcryllutio' pcnpraily kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stuck of'STOVKS consists, in part of SPivAKS AXTil)!:ST l'AKLOit & COOKING STOVI'.?!, ALSO IKON GATE & WMKAL' SIIEAF STOVES. iVe also Iicep on hand and for sale tho MORXLXG GLORY, A -large stoct of GLOI'E HEATERS with liussin top is nmongour assortment, which arenov '.lie Iiest stoves in use, nnd. can be sold ns cheap as ev ?r. SCRAP IRON' (alien in exchange, for toods. GOODS CASH. SPOUTING K ROOl lSG done on short notice. Give lis a call, nnd natisfaetion guaranteed. Seit. 20'07. tf. Y)MNTS for FARMERS JL" TheGraton Mineral Pair and others. 'aint Co. nvi now nianfactui-ing the Rest Cheapest and most durable Paint in use : two coats well puf on. mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 j ears ; it is of a light brown or beautiful ehocolato color nnd can be changed to green, lead, elone. drab, olive or cream, to suit the Usto of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Earns, Fences, Carriage ami Car-makers, Pails and Wood en ware. Agricul: uial Inii-leiiienls, Caual Poals, Vessels ami ships' Bottoms, Canvas. Metal and S-hingle Root's, (it being Eire and Water pwnf). Floor Oil Cloths, (one Maun, factum- having used 5000 bids, the past year,) nnd as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price S'i per bid. of oOO lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. W.-irrentcd in all cases ns above. Send fo- a cirular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded ina trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL lUDWKLL, 254 Pearl Street, Sew York. Sel.l. 5-'(17.-fim. N EW CASH GllOCEliY tsTo'uE JAMES McCLOFKEl', Dealer in Groceries ic, wnulii respect f 'ally inform the citizens of Kersey nnd vicinity, that lie has prone into the Grocery bush iss. nnd will opeu on or about the middle ofMny. He keerj occslaftly on hanc an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUlv, SUG TOIJACCOES, SEGAUS, WIIISKKY by tucbarrel or quart, nnd ev- rvl ' in-.-, connected with a first class Gror-i r Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent, ly con afford to sell CIIEAl'Elt than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to coiuc and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'GO. Oni. X71EDELIUS VOGT, Practical Clock's ' Watclniiaker. St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Rooms next door to Hintonaclfs Clothing Store. All kims of work done done in a satisfactory manaer, nnd war ranted. Consultations in regard to work in 1 no vjermat; frencii or English lan Kuages. March 14. 18li7lf. The tilrurtl Annuity Life Insiirmicc & Trust Co. OF PHILAD'A. CH.lllTEHEn IA' 1S3G CASH CAPITAL S 800,000.00. As-"' KTf $2, 455,355, 50. Mutual Insurance oombined with the no. curity of capital. For insurance apply to JOHN G. HALL, Ridgway, Pa. VIS1TISQ CARDS NEATLY JEXECUT. d at thii oifieo. . flj3i!, tJillls & Co'?., Golth)l). N EV FIRM A$D NE W GOODS 1 1 NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS! NEW GOOD3 ! - JUST RECEIVING JUST RECEIVING JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF AT THE STORE OF AT 1T1E STORE OF HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. ' HARDWARE, QU E ENS WAR E, HARDWARE, QNEENS Yv'ARE, II AR I ) VA RE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &c. CANDIES, NUT3, &o. CANDIES, NUTS, &c. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES DRY GOODS & GROCERIES.- THE REST AND CHEAPEST THE DEST AND CHEAPEST THE REST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COUNTY. IN ELK COUNTY. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTIIER STORE THAN ANY OTIIER STORE THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK ADDING TO OUR STOCK ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANI SEE US. COME AND SEE US. COME AND SEE US. Oct. 31st, 186My. G. OJJ. JcH)iei'3 Golili)i). THE WORLD ltKNOWNED MORNING GLORY! IV XV If.y -ri' i'.i '.V mm pyjfltW. FOR SALE AT SERVICE'S, EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR. ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand nnd am now receiv ing tho most complete stock of Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves ever brought to En's section. I buy tho best, believing they are the cheapest. I have tho exclusive agency for the Cel ebrated Morning Glory, also, for Ppccr's Cooking and Parlor Stoves. I have pome, beautiful designs from Erie, EulTalo, Troy and Philadelphia, nnd am preparing to fur nish on short not iqe any stove made in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted seventeen years exclu sively to the sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Varo, I am satisfied that tho most fastidi. ou9 pan bo pleased ut my Bhop. Don't fail to call beforo you purchase elsewhere. JIERCHASTS .supplied with Tin-ware and Stove Pipe as low as can be bought in Erie. THIS IS NO IIUJ.IEl'G. Coal Hods plain and fancy, nnd everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Eags, Copper, Brass, Pcwlcr, Lead, Scrap Iron, Sheep Pelts and Fanners pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES AVniXGEU. have the Agency for the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is tho best, COO, OOOoftheiu in use. Each 'Wringer wan ranted to be ns good nt the end of one year as when first purchased. Call and take one homo with you and if St does not give good satisfaction after a fair trial, it may bo returned and your money will bo refua dcd. SAVE YOUR CLOTHES, SAVE YOUr. LABOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, and have smiles instead of frowns on Wash Days. Oct. 31it lSC7-ly. . ..'ii" 1..;.-. .:. 111 MSmi it, rpiIE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A ro Sold by WI3I8 ntlOTlIKKg Successors to Geo. Weis. ' dk.m,: t,s in St. Mary's, Elk County, ra. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES 4 We have no hcsitaiiun in sayingha in this dcp.v.fir.cnt of our csl!ilji;slinicijt we can give bargains to our cu.stt.mct3 vfith which they canr.ct fail to lo satis EeJ. Wc Luy our t-lock direct from the Manufacturer, Richcrdjons Cclo. brated Loot & Shed Manufactory, Elmi ra,NcwY.;rk We warrant all goods in this liuo sold from our establishment. JJEAYY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE ril EPA RED TO OFFER. To our customers in this line bargains which canuotle undersold in Elk coun ty. Our bUck is large, well selected, and is CFfceiaHj adapted to the wants of the community. JADIES' DRY FANCY COODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins. Silks, Calieoe!" -atins, Delaines. Moir-j Antique?, Cliinl.xs. White Gooda, Cloths, I'lanncL; xeregcs, Laoes, CorsctH, In fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Vi'car. Wc arc determin ed to cell h'xt i; cltctijitr am! LETTER Goods than any ether rm iu the coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. JJARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. lie SJl tits Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold iu Elk County. Our Stock of Vfi 3' i!lt)t)cl- qqd (S I 0 1 It i u IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, beloro purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. S?fi,No trouble to show our Goods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &o.,ic. In Eudlcss Variety, and CHEAPER than tie CHEAPEST! At the Store of In St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. pII'ES, TCRACCOES & SEGARS Wo have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be cold at a VE R Y S LIGHT AD YANCE On cost und carriaje. ISf Our Store is in the new Stone BuiUinij oil Muin Street, July 11, 1807-tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers