LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. far Time til Iliil gutty. Erie Express East 10: 12 p. m iId do West fbiiOa in do Mail Fust !5: 17 a. ui. do do Vest 10:17 p. in. l.oc:il Freight East lil. 17 ii. m. do do el 6:51 p. io. N OTIC E . Hereafter Hie Tost Ofliee will bo closed" every eveuinjr at S o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from S to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail ClWd at (5 V. M. O. G. Mr.-sv.Nnri!, r. m. tisjr'J'lio ('onimixsinuiTs will meet at tlieir odico in Ridgway, ou Monday, lh !:nd day of September nest. J. K. 1'. II ALL, Cl rl. Bsa5The framing of tlie timber for tlio Episcopal church in this place, u now commenced, r.nJ the work piogrc.viug quite rapidly. ea?Ve would call the nttcution of our readers to the advertisement of W. 1'. Williams, to be found in this weeks issue. Headed ; Something New. House, f?i;;n and Ornamental Painting. All wanting painting done, will find Mr. Williams, to be one aiiotig tlio. best of painter?, that our country afford; Ciivc him a call. - BrA-Mr. Scrvico would respectfully ennouues to the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity, that he has now ou band and for sale, at prices that defy competition, & large stock of Stoves, Tiu-warc &c., lie invites one and all to give him a call and judge for themselves. His Shop at the picseut time, is on the oppo site side of the street from J. V. Ilouk's Store. Sec advertisement on third page. JtSjT'Oii the first and fourth pages of this weeks issue, will be fouud the fob lowing articles : " The Unmeant Rc bukc." " A Seasonable Articlo by Mark Twa:n." " Which Half." " The Setting Hon." " Vat and the Deacon." " The Dutchman's Bony." " It's Had." " Tlie La?o Shore ' Monster." ' " What Every Young Man Should Do-" Besides other "iiiiscellaueous matter. A CARD. The subscriber b'ys leave ' Teachers, School Jireclorsl inform vntl the public ynertd'y, that he has recently purchased directly from the pi'dilishtrs in the Cities of N tc York and P hila dclphia, a Q' liti iil awl complete assort ment of BOOKS A STATIOXAHY suitable for the SCHOOLS o ELK and ailjoiniwj counties. 11a further desires to say, that purclwisliig from the Publisher of School Hooks tf-c, and not from Booksellers, he is enabled to sell lower than those icu purchase in tmallcr piintilic. Also, that every thinj wauled in the aburc Una can be found at onee. or iciti be procured by Mail or E.rprw. A tuwil 10. pr ef. discount will b'- ul'owed on all sums over CIO. ))'. J. BLAKELY. Os tlio L'!id, day of August 107, ut the resiiknec of A. Frost iu Forest l,V, by John Davis, K.-., of Spring Creek towusliip. Mr. lieuhen SVin;(ard of Clarion couiity, to Miss Mary E, Frost of Klk couuty. O.v tlie itist , by A. Vi. Gray, lr., at his effice iu Jay township. Mr. Franklin Stout to Mu-i. Ilellen S. Moore, both of l-Iuiezette, Jiik county. Tut! above notices were accompanied by the regular l'riuturs fee, a " (ireen back," fur which they will p.cccpt our siucero thanks. Wo wish tho happy couples a bufo and pleajant journey through life. LOOK, STATION AllY VA1UETY S T 0 R I.V TUB I'oaT Ot'i'ICE liULDlNlS, 8ai:it Mary's, ELK COU.NXY, VK-V-NVLVAIA. iu gidi'erji.mcni.'i. BOOK. AGKNTS WANTED. To Solicit Orders for a New Illustrated lllliLE DICTIONARY. (COMI'LKTK IN ON E VOI.VMK.) TVis )ii'tionabt embodies the results of the most recent sty. research, mid invest i. pillion, ol about sixty-five ol Ihe most cmi. ni'iit and advanced Eiblical Scholars now living. C'loi'K.vraeii of nil denominations approve it, mi l repaid u as inc nest worn oi it? kind in t he English language, and one which ou;:lit to be in the bauds ot every bi ble render in the Ian 1. In circulating liis Work, Agents will find a pleasant :iud profitable pmploynn-nt. The numerous objection which nre usually en countered in selling ordinary works will not e.it with this. lbit, on (he contrary, encouragement nnd friendly aid will attend tlio Agent, making his labor agreeable, useful, nnd lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, Hohnol Teach er, Farmers, Students, mid all others wlo pc?F?E3 eiicri;v, are wauled to assist in Can vassing every Town ami County til the country, to whom llicmost liberal induce ment w ill be ollercd. For particulars, apply to or address r ARM E LEE '13 HOT HE KS, A'.ij. 29"07.-0t. 722 Samson St. l'hibi, Pu- DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigiiers under the firm name orlloly& Uillisis Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of tho firm will be nettled by W. C. lleulv. W. 0. Hkalv. C. V. UlLMS, Ridprway, l'a., Aug. 15th, 1807. ot. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore cxi.'tiu be tween K. C. iSchults, and Win. O. Scluiltz in t he Tanning liitsinoss, iu the lloiou-;h of St. Mary's is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted in any way !o tlie said firm, will make payment to llliam C. Schultz, and a 11 persons having any claims nguiust said firm, will present tueiu to the same person tor payment. . J.. V. tni!LTZ. Will. C. Sucltz. St. Mary'. Pa,, July luih i8t7. 3t The fiirard Life Insurance Annuity & Trust Co. OF F1UI,AD'A. I A' 1S36 CASH CAPITAL S 300,000,00. ASSETS $2,ir.u,:j'j.',r)i;. Mutual Insurance combined with the c. curily of capital. ior insurance npply to JOHN Q. HALL, P.idgway, Ta "Beyond th KUsissippi." A Coai'i.KTB History ov tub New Status and Tr.r.RiToniES, rno.M the Great lUvi.it to the Gbuat Ocean. I'y .Ifbrrl I. lllchnrdson. Oer 20,OUO Copies sold in one Mouth. TIFE AND ADVENTURE ON I'MAL j l ies, MoiintaiiH and the Pacific Coast Willi over 20 1 Descriptive and Photograph ic Views of the Scenery, Cities, Lauds. Mines, People and Curiosities of the New States and Territories. To prospective emigrants nud settlers in the "Far West," this History of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic nud reliable guide to climate, sou, products, incans or travel &c, &c. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of tho work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 5U7 Minor St., Philu'ii Ta. Augl.lt. 8. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF Short, gall & 0. c St. Mary's, tleuxlnsrer J. O Elk Coi;.NTY, Pesji 6SWE1 LAGER: TOSEPH WINDFELDZR. J or THK st. .w.ifef liiiEn'Kiii", Takes this method of announcing to the Public, that during tho past season he has manufactured TEN TIMES MOUE LAGER than he has ever before brewed in one Reason, so that he will be able to supply l'rivato Families, baloous, nud Hotels. with a Superior Article of thid favorite buvcrao, at a prico that cuuuot be undcisulil anywhoro ou tlio lmoof tho 1'. it J'i. liailroad. Oa or about tho 15th of May ho iuo poses to U Sitah tier WM " ' i of his vaults, where be batistoreu it, and of which tho public are respectfully re. quoded to take notice. B-iiOrdcrs shipped as boot m rccctv with prouiptuess and despatch. frS-Addreis orders to JOS. AVINDFKLDER, St. Mary's Bueweh v, lienzincr Post Office, ap25tf. Elk County, l'a. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, whilo redding in South America us a iMis.-douury, discovered a i-ale and simple, remedy for the Cmo of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Disvasen of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, mid ihe ile train of diiionlers brought on liy lianet'ul anil vioicius habits. Great numbers have been cured hy this noble remedy. 1'ioui.itJ'l by a desire to 1 enetit Ihealttieted and uufi.it uiiate, I will stud ihe recuipo lor preparing and lining llns tnediuiue, in u !.-.iled c uvekpe, to any or.e who nee Is it, the of C'in.-. Addi e. s. JOoKi'll T. IN MAN, fctutiou D, iiiblo ili.u.so. ItW VuikCity. Au0'.X5lJ, '67.-1. uTdlKViS cQit'CiioI'd. J 011N G. HALL, Attorney nt law, Hidg- way, fclk county l'a. Lmar- 00 ly JOB WORK of all kinds and dcs. cripliotis dooo at this office. A LI' INK HOUSE, St Mary's Pa., Her- J man Krctz, Proprietor, ug'J Ou TTXKCUTIONS. SUMMONS, 8URPE. i nas, Warrants, &c, on linnd and for sale nt this office. DU. W. JAMES RLAKELV Pliysician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk comity mar-"- ubly. D". . W. W. fill AW Prnetices Medio no and Surgery, Ctulreville, Elk enmity lninr-iU(J-iy. It. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Tu. Will promptly nnswer nllprofessional calls by night or day. niar-22'Cti-ly. TR. IT. EN J. TtUPS. Physician nnd Sur .1 ) peon, St. Mary's Elk county Pa. June-21 bu-ly. I - .1 T TIT I irft W 111 1 Pninisollnr nt Inw nml II. fl. C:T!T!l. A -M - ' " " osner. llulgway 1'. U. JMK county, fft. mar-22'OO-ly. SOL" OCTHEM AND WILLIS Attorneys nt aw, Iiidffway. Elk countv Ta., will nttcud to all professional business prompt- mar--- ou-ly. n. W. 11. HAK1 MAN. St. Mury'B, Elk county. Pa. T.atc of the Army of tin 'otomnc. Particular attention given to all uses of sur;;ical nature. mnv-UJ'GO-ly. TATTROAr 1TOTTSK. V WHEEIXK C013R, PanriiiETOBS. This house is conveniently nnd pleasant ly loealed iu the thriving villnpn of Brock- wayville. Lvery atteution paid to iuo con venience of guests. Aug. 15. 18G7lf TO II OH PRINTING, suelins Cards, Posters, ri nnd Rills. Rill Dill Ilea. Heads Sc., done nt the ADVOCATE OFFICE the Al and at c7 on short notice and nt reasonable prices. n. VOLK. Manufacturer and Denle in Lngcr Beer. oppo?ito tho Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Depo Ma Mar-i!2 GG-ly. ORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals- Paints, Oils nud Varnish. Perfumery Toil et articles and Stationary, Ridgwny. Elk county Ta. " mar-22'6l3-ly. TT' ENRY It. THOMAS, Dealer in nil kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds nnd Mattresses, Pieluro Frames and Cofhns, llidirway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Muiu and Depot St's. iuAy-17'GG-ly. DR. .T. S. IiOKDWEtLL Electic Physi cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly nnswer nil professional calls by night or dav. Residence ono door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.2'C6-ly. "V LIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale J- Retail Dealers in Flonr. "Foofl air! Ornin, CANAL MILLS, ERIE, 1'A. Orders solicited and promptly filled nt mar ket rates, nug Dth-60-ly J0;1N 0. HAM. JAS. K. V. HALL. T-TATJi & 13 RO. Attornvs nt, Law, ST. M A it i s : BENZINGER V. O. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1868. ly. J. F. MOORE WITII 1QBCHHEIM BMS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING 302 Market Street, Aug8th tf- PHILADELPHIA. THAYER HOUSE, RIDGWAT, rA. DAVID TnAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the pntronngo of his old friends and the public generally. dccl-3'CO ly DAVID THAYER. rrvniE millinery establishment X recently opened by Miss DAGGETT at the residence of Mrs. J. V. Houk, has been removed to tho rooms over J. V. Houk's Store, where will be kept a nice assortment of ?ii'it)il oi)3 8iii)i))el' ?rj!li!ivh(. DR ESS-T UIM Ml GS, STAMPED WORK. Stamping and Dress. making done. Mrs. J. V. HOUK. my2318G7tf Ridgway, Pa. WSHK.ltJGH. . Dealer in lilt KiS. MUSH) ROOMS; No. Af, Fvrst Avenue, Carry, Pe:tn. Refers to J. Powell, B. F. Ely, Ridgwny. Ignatius Garner, Chas. Ilaigeu, St. Mary's. nov 2, 00, duipu. SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, 8TON &, ORNAMENTAL PAINTiTTtl, flllE MUBSCR1UEK WOULD UK- I spectfully inform tho citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the aliuvu business iu ludgway, una leel conn dent that lie can please ull who may favor li mi with their custom. OilAlMNU, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rcont fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Southor will be promptly attended to. W. T. WILLIAMS, May-17'CG-ly. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN! 100 Acres of Timber Land In Elk County for Said at a Bargain! milE ABOVE MENTIONED TRACT OF I bind is Kit oiled about one-hair luilo from Kersev Run, in Jay ttwnship, and is well timbered wiih WHITE PINE, OAK nii.l I! Fl LOCK. Four acres arc cleared mi l under ron.lrtato of cultivation. Its contiguity t' Kersey Run uuikes it nnr-uf Gut most valuable tracts of land in this i. u i i.i' iho count rv. There nru two coal banks opened ou the Ira. l win. h nvn four foot thick, and ihe coal of Iho best quality. 1 l,.,vp i.Imi one snan of horses and one vokc of oxen which will bo Bold eery cheap. For furihiii' particulars inquire of Ihe the su;.eritier or Oliver tmrduer, at caie duiiio Post fltlioe, Lik couinv, 1'. julyBlSUtiSw Jl'SltS WEED. ,l)il'iiioi'l. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. TVTOTICE is hereby given that I have tak- JL en out a lioenso is anetioneer, 'and will attend promptly to the calling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held answerablo to the strict letter of the law. P. WRARUETT, Pcc'illSGGtf. Auctioneer. flKKLKK & WILSON'S SEW" ING MACHINES. The under signed hnving been Appointed Sole Agent for tlie sale ot Wheeler & Wilson b fcewing Machinos for Elk county. He keeps an assortment coustt.iitly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Vor prices. Anv parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. Willi MORK, March 0t.'C3-ly. at Ridg-way, Ta. UIACKSMITIIINa ! II. S. DELNAP desire3 to inform the citi' zcus of Kidgwny and vicinity that ho lias leased J. S. Hyde's ISlacksmith Shop on Mill street, nnd has employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from n buckle to an anchor. Furtienlfi.r fttientiou given to the shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fun trial. May 17'CO-ly. H.1 OVERUOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Tho subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citiztns of Uidgitay and vicinity that lie is prepaicd to make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in th line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaiautccd. BfKuCloths, Cassimers, Vcsilngs and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. augUO.y TiTcrcqnlila. Something pm, A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS The undersigned Lave oa hand a large aud very desirable btock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, OR FEED. which they will soli at tho very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CASH. We will uso every endeav or to make it to the interest oi onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have determined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believiug it to le the inter est ot both bnyei aud seller. POWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 18G7. sc. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY MAIL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T M ft a urn mm A 1 1 si n w li iv Mil I ySllfeJ J JIHI WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, PA. 1 17 to. In tho matter of tho "Elk Hall Association.' 1 In Elk C'c I Com. Pleas J 5. Nov. T. Couuty as, No. '67. NOTICE is hereby p-Wen that tho certifi cate cl Henry Souther or others as corpoi raiors of iho " Elk Hull Association," has been ti'el in my ollioo aud no ohjeeiii.ua appearing, a decree of incorporation will be mado at the uekt term of this Court. OKO. A. lUTHLL'N, PvvlhoiwUry.' Aug. loth, 't7. dw. ' FURNITURE 5I0HE ST- MARY'S, PA- Q1 ASH, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! ! The subscriber keeps constantly on hand all sizes of Sash and Doors, also Wardrobes, Bureaus, Washstands, Eoo'icases, Tables, Desks, Lounges, R'.dsteads, Sofa, &c. Picture Fromcs. .Sash Painted nnd Glazed, All work warranted to be of the best mai tcriiil nnd workmanship. Call und examine my work nnd prices as I feel confident my work will give satisfac tion nud my prices arc as iow, if not lower than they arc in any other market. CHA3. Id. HAYEK, my28dfi"tf. St. Mary's, Pa. ONE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS IN ST. MARY'S BOUOUQII FOR SALE. rpllIE PUCSCRIHER offers for sale the 1 property on the coiner of Mdil imp Vi alnut Etreets, in tho thriving town of St. Mary's. Thehouso is a good, new two story frame building The outbuildings are nil good. There is also a splendid spring of pure water on the lot on which the house is erected. For further particulars inquire of tho subscriber on the promises. JOHN ituxi;. St. Mary's, inly llltiid INTENSE EXCITEMENT! clothing:! CLOTHING ! CJ.OTMl.Va for the Million I A Well Dressed Man BUYS HIS OL.OTIIING AT THE STOKE OF GEO. P. HIHTENAGH, IN ST. MARY'S. ST JS ALWAYS THK P. HINTENACH having taken cn- T, tire control of the establishment formerly occupied by G. P. Uintcnach Sc. Co., would respectfully inform the citizens of Elk couuty that ho is prepared to furnish them with the BestSind of Clothing at rates which defy competition. He has on hand a large, assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS X COATS, which he has lately purchased in the East, and which he will dispose of at a might ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', Furuisiug Apartment is specially adapted to tho wants of his customer, lie has also a large and extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSI.MERE3, VE ST INGS of the latest style and pattern, which he will ma&e torder in a neat and durable manner, aniMis CHEAP as it can be done any place ia tho conntry. U1VU Ul.M A CALL. Satisfaction Ruar- antced, and (roods warranted. All he asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it. 6t. Mary's Pa.. Feb. 14. lbC7. HAINES I5RO S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA ! These Pianos are universally acknowl edged by competent judges equal to the best Piano made. For references, they havo many thousand city and country resi dents, including large numbers of tho High Schools, Seminaries, &c. These Pianos have not only stood the continued use and heavy practice of on 1 year, but havo been used the last Fftccn years to the utmost satisfaction of those Using them. They have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such has been the demand for theso Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Rro's have been compelled to en large their works to the estvat of 21 to 30 Pianos a week. Having now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in the United States, Factories alone covering over threc- tourth ot an acre of ground, comprising a frontage of 210 lcet on Second Avenue. Ihcy are undoubtedly tho cheapest first class Pianos iu market. Fully guaranteed for five years. Send for Illustrated Cncu lar. HAINES RRO'S. 35G, 358, 3C0, 302, 304, 800, 80,370,372 Second Avenue, mar718663mos New York City. F 1011 SALE. The Store-housa and Lot occupied by Rurko and Wood is olfrred for sale. A desirable location iu tho thriving boroueh of St. Mary's. Apply C11AS MeVJSAN, Ucuziuger P. O. Jan. 3,C7.tf. Elk Co l'a. TAKE NOTICE ! A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM. V selves indebted to the undersigned nre hereby requested to rail and settle their accounts at their earliest possible conven ience. JOSEPH S. Ill LU. Ridgway, August 1, li'ii. BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK!! I mm' SIJUSC IlIBEltS J. otter for sale a superior lot of BRICK iu large or small Quantities, at then- new brickyard, ST. MARK'S, Kik f oamy, Fa. HU'lLER & CO St. Mary's, July 11, 1(W7 tf. -VUR MARCH GLOSS, Is the only articlo used by first class hotels Laundries, ami thousands ot rauulii-s. It gives a lieiiunlul po Qu, miiKtug tlio lion pusj smoothly over the cloth, saving much time aud labor- (loods done up with it kocp clean ninth longer, coiiseipiently will not wear out SO Soou- It muLla old lllivll look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUH is tlio best In the world. It is soluble in hard as well as soft water, li is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered lo ihe public, ll ia warranted not to sn eal; the doilies. ; i wanted everywhere, to wl.oi.i (tiJiti traor din iry imUeeiuen's. A el i NEW VOlt" .ST AltCM Cl.OSS id No. 2l8Fultcu: . -v . 3Uci? Jjl-ollfciV tVIhi. MIE CHEAPEST UOUVi IN TlIECOU-NTUl' Ate Sold ly u nis nnoTiifiRD Successors to Geo. Wcis. IiEALKIlS IN foivigi) J)oh):fjitf irij St. Mary's, Eik Cotttit; Pa. C ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OL1 BOOTS AND SHOES We have no hesitation iunyiug that iu this department of our esfulK-hmcut, we can -jive bargains to our castoiucM with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. Wo Luy our Btock direct from the Manufacturer, Pochard.-'.' C!j. bratcd Boot & Shoo Manufactory, Eluii ra, New York Wo warrant d! -oo.l.j iu this lino sold from our cstabii. l,ineu JTEAVY 1 SHELF IIARDWAlii:. WE ARE PREPARED TO Oi TLIt To our customers iu this liuc bargains which cannot be undersold iu Elk coun ty. Our stock is largo, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wauts of tho community. J-ADIES' DRY &, FANCY GOOL'd. Au UncqualLJ Assortment ! Muslins. Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines. Moird Antiques, Chintzes, Wbito Goods, Cloths, Flannels, 3ereres. T Laces, Corsets, Iu fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. Wo are determin ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the couu ty. Give us a call, we'll prove if. ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. We Sell the Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold iu ElkT County. Our Stock of ITI w3 SS" SifahKr- iUltiUt 0 1 Ii t n I) 18 IMMENSE, And wo confidently fluttor ourselves that better Clotbitic cannot bo found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to givo us a call. BSSuNo trouble to show our Goodj. G llOCElUES, NOTIONS. &c.. Ac. i i In Endlesa Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At tho Store of .r. 0 i In St. Mary'ri, Elk County, Ii. L ) ll'F TC15ACCOKS it- SUGARS Vic hive now on hand AN i:X'ELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will bo cold at a VE R Y S L I C 11 T A J VAXCL On e 'St 'nd enrriie. ! . - ,, l i:; I.Ui ; S ;,:.,;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers