'hhn n. uu.t., rnorniKTnn. . MllllRK, t't'llMSIIKK. THURSDAY : liny:::: ::::: '2nd, 1M07. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. The Democratic State Committee, ill its ceting ii January 'J'.l'li, ut llurrisbui g, (liit pil I hp following re ulnl'ions : 1st, That thcrogulur Convention of tlio parly, for nominating n on 11 I il;tl o for the Supremo Bench, hp liiO.l Mt II :ii-riylinrr. nil the 2ml 'IT IS HAY of JINK. 1U7, at 12 o' clock, M., and t li tit. said Convention ho composed nf tlio usual number of delegates. 2nd, In addition thereto, it recommend ed to tho Democracy or Pennsylvania lu FORTHWITH elect, in tlic usual ninnno, two delegates. if recognized position and influence in the party, fnrcnoli Beprescn tntivc and Somite in their respective 'lis. triot, who slmll Intel in MASS CONVENi T10N, t llurrishiirg, mi n dny to lc fixed liy the Chairman of the State Central Com mittee. By oii'.or of the Democratic State Com mittee. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Chairman. B. L Fovstkr, Secretary ggM.III... . ... LIMI .-...ill .1 i.1 TIIECO MUGSTOBM. " Mother Carey's cliickmiH," so the plil Suit- suv, are precursors of a storm, when they fly about loealitcs, with that uneasy, roMlcss inovcnietit wlych be longs to tlif! r nature. Within a low days past, we have observed the Radical chickens flying tiboiit most uneasily tit the present cnudition of tlio material interests ol the country. The labor of the free white man is at a very low ebb. 'JT.r mechanics ore arkiug liighor'wages, work is fearce, tiade is dull, busiuui-.8 heavy, capil'il alarmed, and taxes In- crva.-ing. 'ilo national banks, it is true, arc making large dividends, rag. nioney is easily printed, but it is rags, after all. The internal revenue presses on the manufacturer, the high tariff af fects commerce ; government, as it is called, is now a partucr in every busi ness, and takes in its taxes nearly nil the profits. We look in vaiu for new enterprises in which confidence and coin join to make wealth real wcallli, and pive the industrial nvoeationa full hands an l full mouths. This is a per fect portraiture of tho present state of affairs here at home. The Radical Congress, with it military despotism, and negro equality, and standing army, r.iid rctLIe.s extravagance and waste of the money of the people, is the cause of all this ruin. The Radicals, or the Bo ca, led Congress, arc the authors of this misery, this famine, this want of work. Tho white labor of the country has not eccivtd a moment's attention. The negro, the negro, all for the negro. The real interests of tho white r inducer were not worthy their attention. Nt ; but tho tiegri, his, " bureau," his vote, his idle-nc.-s, his comfort, for these millions and nfuli'ir.ii'of dollars have been squandered, which tho white labor of the "country mu.st first pay before it can get bread. The " loyal " fchoddyites, whatearo they or the mechanic '! Fat on the stealings id tho war, they arc now beyond want. The white poor may starve so long as the national banks pay dividends, not tveu t;,scd to feed the negro, not even laved lor city expenses or State pur. o.-cs. This, all this, will make a storm, md tho Radical chickens feci it coming. 1 hey seek sheltctaway from the perils m,d the tornado. They can't escape Tl c Radicals have done all this ; they 1 -ivo produced the evils we new sec ning daily, as they are, in their pro. I . viioiiH. The retribution is slow, but i lire. " The mills of the gods grind i-lowly, but they grind exceedingly .-i;..-.!l." I'hUul. Ij.hhi Age.. liKCr.NT J KirOTIONK 1 'L.MOl'K ATIC Vt-roiiii;.s The elec'ion.-i in the cities '! Wiliiamsport and Wilkesbarrc held L.st week recuked In the Democrats carrying loth places neither one ol which has elected a Democratic ticket fi-r a " coon's age." In tho former place the Democrats carry the city bv a handsome tm'j;rity, (wo forget tho figure:;), but the gain since last fall is fci-rnty-,;jhi ! In the latter city the I'cmocrnts elect their candidate for Mayor hy u majority of 47 J, which over b".t hYi's eleeli.Ki, id a gain of 000. Serb gains as these are extraordinary. The truth is that the people are getting tired of Radical mi.-rule, tyranny and taxation. Let tlio Peiuuciacv but he caicful in tho selection ol candidates fin the fall election, am our v.finl fe,r it, n year hence, there will not bo rimuuli of Radicalism in I Vnnsy Ivatii i to nominate candidates fr the next one. Oourige, then, Democrats. The re action in favor of tho vindication of light 1m rapidly going on. Keep the bill moving. Victory is mvaiiing vn. Organize nominate good cuudi.la'e: , theu vote and work for them. M. LATENSW3. New York, May 10. Arrivid steamship llalcign, from Now ( Mentis, via of Havana May 11. S.'ar win in lair demand nt 7 n 7 c per iirnba toi .o. 1J. Harrisburg, May 10. Tho voting express mossi'tior, Wil. liauis, who was aec'nletilaily injured on l'ri'l.-iv bv his head C'lming in ceJiilliel with a p irsimr train, is dead. Memphis. May IS. pre.n l tout ti.nnont lor the iion. lit nftl'.o i. lows and orplunm l ( 'iciieilor- ate soldiers conns ufl lure next Wed nesJav l'ror'arutiiins have been made to seal HI,0'J0 persons. Annnpnlis, May IS. Ves, r biy was the eight li dtiy of the Plate (ni-t ttilional Convrntion. The rl iy's srssiun was passed in perfecting the or 'ari'aiioii and transaction ol i-iir-i ness of no general inli'vec. San FratieiM'n, "Vfrv I'i'i. Oovrrnnr l!lai-de'l has nppuliite'il ). Neely .Johnson, cx-j;ivcrmn ol Califor.. tiia, to fiil the v lCatii'V in the S u pre in e Omit, of Nevada, oceasiohed by the d-jtii of Judge lirosUiiH. Raltimorc, May 18. The funeral of Dr. U. (5. Keyser, for many years a member of tho (,'ity Coun cil, and at the time of his death l'resi dentof tho Second IJraiieb, took place to. day. It was attended hy the Mayor, City Councils, and u large number of citizens. New Haven, May IS. The Russian ComniitiMoners, Colonel A. Gosloff and Captain Carl Iluunens, now on a tour of inspection through this country, were publicly received at the City Hall to-day. They were also en tertained by tho lion. Ralph Ingersoll, ex-Minister to Russia, after which they visited the public institutions of the city. They left for Hurtiord this after noon. Raltimorc, May IS. A very important hole. a corjm case, involving tho question of iuvoluntarily apprenticing colored children, and tho right of Judge IJond, under tho recent legislative enactment, designed to take from him the power of deciding JuiIm corpus cases outside the city, is now being argued in the city court. St. Louis, May 18. An Omaha dispatch says that large numbers of Indians are near Forts Sedg wick, Laramie and Phil. Kearney, with hostile intentions, and troops are con. stautly being sent to those poiuts. Gen. Angur is using all tho means in his power to prevent hostilities, or, in the event of war to effectually chastise the Indians. New York, May 18. Hon. Benjamin Wood, Congressman Morell, Gen. Patterson, and fifty others, have gone to Southwestern Virginia to build a furnace and work iron miues. They represent a ciipital of 820,000,000 and have purchased 30,000 acres of land. Ristori has just departed for Europe on the Villa do Paris. Thero was a great ovation on the dock, given by tho Italian committee. Philadelphia, May 18. A new counterfeit 810 bill has made its appearance. The back of this bill will show the counterfeiters' work better than the face. The back of r good bill is a complicated mass of net-work, with the lines intertwining with regularity. Pay particular attention to tho lathe work around the figures, and it will at ouce bo seen that tho lines have been cut by hand ; and although it may be the most ekilful, it can never attain that regularity which conies only from the striking of the geometrical lino. Louisville, May 18. The ear works of the Louisville and Frankfort Railroad Company, at the corner of Jefferson and Wensell streets, were burned to day. The loss is small. Buffalo, May 18. A fire broke out to day in II. 51. Linibu'ner's sheepskin factory, imme diately in the rear of Howard's mowing ud reaping machine factory on Chicago street. Tho building and contents, consisting of 12,000 dressed skins, 4,000 green hides and a quantity of finished leather, were destroyed. Tho loss is about $20,000, which is fully covered by insurance. Tho roof of Howard's mowing machine factory was slightly damaged. New York, May 19. Early this morning a fire occurred at No 47 Maiden Lane, occupied by Rich, nrd Douglass & Co , importers of fancy glassware. The two upper were burned through, and the two others flooded wi.h water. The loss is 20,000 ; cov ered by insurance. Richmond, May 18. Generals Grant, Thomas and Dent arrived here to day from Washington. May 111. General Grant and stafl visited tho battle-fields around Rich mond to day, and will leave for Fortress Monroe to morrow, wliero the General ill leave his family and returu to Washington. The lion. Samuel J. Randall, Gen. Patterson, of Philadelphia, and a party of twenty persons from the same city arrived to day from a tout through the :uincr;.l regiju of Southwestern Virginia Baltimore, May 20. A fni r commenced at tho Coucoidia Opera House tu.day, the proceeds to be a. liud for (he con pk-lion of the He brew Horpital lor ihu benefit of iudigeut peivotw of all denominations, which was begun some limn siuo?, but they were compelled to suspend operations fur lack ofhiiidK. The fair if very well attend ed and promises lo bo a success. Washington, May 18. Hon. W. A. Or. hum, of N. C, has been pardoued by the President. Now Yoik. May 20. About nonn to day a fe.ir'ful tragedy occiired in the club. room situated on the reeund M r of Knox's building, comer of linwdway and Fulton streets, i Milling in tho ii'nioiit instant death of Vxaul 1. Fisher, nil cxamiuing rfli cer whu deliberately rihot hlintelf I h tough tho head- On his person was louud a docuuicBt 'to tUe following ll'eet : " Done by my own wi'-keft hand. Cause demoralized hy plajitig faro. May Almighty God have mercy on my Mill!." Charlo.-ton, May 20. The ship Golcmida cleared to-day for Libera ; will carry out about three hundred negroes aa emigrants. Many more engaged passage, but having since made satisfactory contracts here, or owing to their changed etutns under the reconstruction act, thev now decline leaving. Roston, May 20. -A collision occured in the harbor yesterday between a schooner and a pleasure yacht, by which the latter was Mink, di owning four out of eleven per R( ns on board. The rnmos of the drowned were Mary Polony and child, Mrs. Margaret Garvin and Ellen Quinn. Lew'islon, lc., May 20. Rufus K. Lnrrabee has been convicted before the Supreme Court for this counly'of maliciously mutilating and butchering horse s and eattlo in the town of Durham, whero such niiscliief has been frequently pcrpctai'cd for several years. Schenectady, May 20. The break in the canal which oeenr ed on the scvcn niile level, Dear this city, on Thursday night, has boon re paired, and the levels arc now vapidly filling' Navigation will bo resumed to morrow. New;Ovleans, May 20, The rumor in regard to tho suspen. sion of the City National Rank is un founded. It Fustained a heavy run of two days, paying its checks as usual. It is supposed that women were made smaller than men, to enable the latter to lift thfcm over the gutters when it rains. A gentleman of Pittsburgh has pa pered his room with certificates of foil stock. The novel papering cost origin ally over fifty .three thousand dollars. TriE clerks in tho New York posteffice have sent five hundred bushels of corn to the South. " Mother," said a little six year old, " can't 1 go and have a daguerreotype taken 1 " ' No ! I guess it isn't worth while." " Well, then, you might let me go and have a tooth pulled j I never go anywhere ! " TilE Norfolk papers state that straw, berries made their appearance in the market of that city on Friday, and com manded SliO per quart at retail, Over a hundred quarts wero bought for ship, mcnt at 81 per quart. The hunting party that is going to visit the Rocky Mountains this summer wouldn't let Ren Butler go along, fear, ing that when they would get high up among the clouds he might pot-fa t the silver lining. A drunken rellow, sitting on the steps of a church in Boston, the cold winds blowing chillingly round tho cor ner : "If heaven bic) tempers the wind to the (hie) shorn lamb, I wish the lamb (hie) was on this corner. Tho milliners arc making strenuous efforts to Increase the size of ladies' bonnets. They find that the pen. wiper styles now in vogue are so easily made that one half of the ladies manufacture their owu. A State Puison Scene- The Gov crnor of New llamyshiro recently visited the State Prison at Concord, aud after viewing tho building requested the wardcu to bring a certain prisioner into the room, Iu a shore time Mr. Mayo and the man entered and took their position iu the middle of the com pany. Tho couvic was, of course, astonished to find himself ushered into so lrge a gathering, in which there were Eome twenty ladies, including the wife of his Excelloncy. The Governor rose, took the man by tho hand, and spoke substantially as followes : " My Iriend, about twelvo months ago you wero committed to this prison lor five years for the alleged crime of pissing eouiKcrleif money. Soon after your incarceration circumstances came to light tending to prove that, although a counterfeit bill passed through your bauds, it was used by you in an inno cent maimer, aud that you were uuwit. lingly the dupe of a scouudcral, who lied iho State, aud has never leen'ar. rested. I immediately ordered a full iDvestiai'mti ol' your ca.c, and I am thoroughly convinced that you are an innocent man and serving out an un just senteuce. The Constitution oftht State gives me tho power to open the doors of this prison, and iu the lawful exercise of that power I now grant you a full and free pardon. This very hour tho warden will relieve you of a con vict's uniform and give you a citizen's dress. You have been a good man within these walls, and while I and iny friends here live we will everywhere bear testimony that your impi iouinetit leaves no stain upon your character. A deal wife and loving sister have prayed for your releuse, and I now re store you to their hands." As the Gov. crnor closed his remarks the poor man, overjoyed with happiness, trembling in every limb, aud his face vu wet with tears. Not a person in tho audience looked unmoved upon the sceDe. All present oongratulu.ed the prisonei upon his jut release, and wished him a hap py aud prosperous luttre. j A western paper speaks of a man I' who died without, the nid ol a physi s i.ui." Such instances of death arc rare. " Gentlemen and ladies," paid an auc tioneer, " We sell no counterfeits hero. Those are the srenuine Brussels cat pets, made by Mr. Riussels himself."' A chap who was told by the colpor. tour to ' remember Lot's wife," replied that he hud tmublo enough with his own wife without remembering other men's wivc.. A Memphis paper snys the reason so many man iages occur after a ure.it war, is that bachelors becomo so accustomed to stiifd that they learn to like it, and after peace they enlist in matrimony as the next thing to war. A New York paper says a ninndern undertaker's bill is about as frightful as a visit of the shei ill. To lay out, ice. shioud, coffin, decorate, remove and bury an aduit costs about 5.382. As a consequence people all over tho' country are postponing dying. riYfiiE milli x r. rFiotadli mi iTvr l recently opencl hy Miss DAOGKTT lit the resilience of Mrs. J. V. Hon, has hoen removed to tho rooms over J. V. Honk's Store, where will be kept a nice assortment of Spring od ?tli)it'l iiJilliiitW. DItJiSS-TKIMMTXGS, STAMPED WORK. Stampinilr.aiiil Dress.miilung done. Mrs. .1. V. IIOUK. my2318'J7l-f liidgway, Ta. fURNITURfTORE ST- MARY'S, PA. S ASH, tKJORS AND FCUXITUUE ! ! Tlio subscriber keeps constantly on hand nil sizes of Sash and Doors, also Wardrobes, Bureaus, Washslands, Bookcases, Tdblep, Dc:-kg, Lounges, Bedsteads, Sofns, &o, ricturc Frames, Sash Painted ami Glazed, All work warranted to bo of the best ir.ai lerinl and workmanship. Cull and examine my work nnd prices as I feel confident my work will give satisfac tion and my price arc ns iow, if not lower thau they are in any other market. CIIAS. L. BAY Kit, my23dG7tf. St.. Mary's, Pa. H O W 7 r o d H I (9 m -i a F IF.HELIUS VOOT, Piaetioal Clock & Watohmakor, St. Mary's, Klk county. Pu. Booms next door to Iliiitenach s Clothing Store. All kin.i of work done done iu u satisfactory niiiiiaer, uml war ranted. Consultations in regard to work iu tho German, rcneh or Knglinh lan Hiiiigos. Maieh 11, lSGTtf. DENTiSTRY. DR. A. FISIIKIt, OF w ARRKX, PA., w ould respect fully inform tlio ciii zeiis of VAk county I lint Jio will bo nt the Hyde, House on MO.NDAY, tho '0i day of May, lHei7, und will remain one woek only. Having soino ten yours cxperienco in Dentistry, he Hatters himself that ho ran give entire satisfaction to nil. Teeth in serted on Vulcanite and Gold, from one to a whole sett. All tho lute improvements iu tilling and saving teeth from decay r.ud furl her pain. May IU. NOTICE. TT7"HERF.AS, my two sons, JOHN and Y GliORGIi KKKIG, are in the habit of milking debts without my consent, I hereby give notice that 1 will tint pnv any debt o made. JOKKl'H kltlKG. Benzinger, Yay lO'li, 18o7. -, P W '- 3 vf ' fife!?. I i & 3 d g or ? a ff a LTTYSBCKU ASYLUM "Jf For liivulid Siil.iior. i ncni porateil by Act of Assembly of llie Cni-imiiiiweiilth of Pennsylvania, M.truh (. IW17. Tlio Board of Supervisors appointed by the above Corporation to carry out the ob jects of the net of incorporation, respect fully announce to the politic Hint thj Leg;, liiltno of Pennsylvania has niilhoi m d Hie raising of funds for the erection, establish ment, and maintenance of mi Asylum for Invalid Soldiers of the bite war, to be built on the Battle Field of Gettysburg, n ml as nn inducement lo patriotic cili.ens to con tribute tn lliis benevolent object, h-'.ve em powered the Cm -ponit ion to distribu.'e n-innnr-t C-e rubsorib-.rs such niticloant vnliie n;id inlei- 'st, from association with the bite war, cr any moneys, oileds. property, or estate, rc.il or pcivo'ial, whatever, in this Stale or elsewhere., nt fueh lime or upon such (onus, and in such ay and mrniior whulsoevcr, ns lo thorn shall Koom tit, ney laws of this Coiiiiiioiiv.caltli to the contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially recommended by the rationing named well known gentle men I Miijor General George 0. Moado Kx-Govemor Andrew G Curtiu Major General Galiisha Pcnnypacker Miijor General K M Groguy Mnjor GL-nerul Jolm II Bronko Major General Charles II T Hol'is Major General Jaiiioo L Sclfridgo Brig Gen .lames A Beaver Brig Gen Ilaratio G Siekels Biig Gen Joseph F Ktiipc Brig Gen Win J llolton Brig Gen Sntntiol M Zuliek Brig Gen John K Murphy Brig Gen T F McCoy BrU Gen B H Winslow Brig Gen Henry riensiiiits Brig Gen J P S tiobin Brig Gen J M Campbell Brig Gen Thomas M Walker Brig Gen W Cooper Tally Brig Oon l M M Gregg Colonel F Sliuulmiigh The tite for the institution (thirty acres) has already been purchased, and it is hoped that tho good work may commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will be received at tho office of the association, No. llli, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on and after Monday, the Gth day of May, 1807. For each subscription of five dollars a certiucatc will bo issued, which will en title the holder to such article of value as may be awarded to its number. The first, distribution of awards will be made immediately upon the receipt of 80,000 subscriptions of So each. Tho distribution will bo public, and under the direct supervision of the Cor porators. Persons at a distance are requested to remit their subsciiptions (when practi cable) by Post office uioucy order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de livery. Direct all letters to J. D HOFFMAN, Sec'y I5oard of Supervisors, liox 1481, P.O., Phira. The following is a schedule of the award to be made under tho Erst distri bution. Tho items of diamonds and other precious stones were purchased from citizens of tho South during the war, nnd their genuineness is certified to by Messrs. Ilenlc & Iros., the most extensive diamond importers iu the country, and by J. Hermann, diamond setter, New York. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOil IXVAL1T SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania March Gth, 1807. Office 1120, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FIRST DISPOSITION. Eighty Thousand Subscribers at 3 Each. 1 1 Diamond Necklace, 48 Brilliants, Vuljed at 80,000 2 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Eur Kings 15.00(1 3 1 Award 10-10 Gov't Bonds O,0iK) 4 1 Di.nn'd Cross, set in silver T.f.'tiO 6 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch fi.OOO ti 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 5.HOO 7 1 Diamond Siiif'e St. Ring '1..1UO 8 1 Diamond Ciuter Bracelet 4,1100 it 1 Diamond Single Stone Scarf Pin 4.000 10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 4.000 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 12 1 Pair single ptono Dia mond Ear Kingi 3,500 13 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 3.0 iO 14 1 Awnrd 10. -R Gov't Bonds 3.000 '" 1 Diamond single stone Pin 3,0i)K Di 1 Diam'd single stone stud 3.000 17 1 D:amond Cluster Brooch 2.500 IN I Dium'd Single stone Ring 2,500 1'J 1 Diam'd At Bine'hl Brooch 2.500 20 1 Diam'd Single stone Ring 2,000 21 1 Diamond Cluster King... 1,500 22 1 Long India Camel's Hair Shawl l.uOd 23 1 Choice Emerald Stud l.otKJ 211 Single Stone Diamond lti,g . 1,000 25 to 34-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each 1,000 35 1 Three ptono diamond & Ruby half hoop ring 800 00 1 diamond single stone F.ar Knobs fiOO 371 P'rdiam'd cluster studs COO 3H 1 diamond singlo stone King, star setting f00 30 1 diam'd single stono Pin fl'M) 40 1 diam'd Cluster bracelet 50(1 41 to 50-10 Awards of 10 10 Gov't Bonds, each 500 fl 1 Lady's diam'd set watch 400 52 1 iliitm'd Eingl stone ring 3i0 53 1 diamond und opal clus ter ling 200 51 1 d:am'd single stone ring L'OO C5 1 pair Em'ld scarf Pius 2iM) fiti 1 d'md single stona Kind 150 57 1 diamond Cluster Pin... 100 68 1 cameo and pearl Brooch ami ear rings 100 58 to 108100 Awards 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each 100 159to25S 100 Awards, Gov'mt Legal Tenders, ench 50 8,000 Awards, Government Legal Tcndeas, each... 5 Tho distribution of the above awards will be made in public as coon as the subscription is full, of which due notico will be given through the papers. On aud after May Gth the Diamonds will be on exhibition at the office ol the As sociation. Tho public ran rely on everything1 being conducted in the most honorable an J fair manner. All tho awarda will bo hauded to certificate holders, imme. diately alter the distribution, frc? or all cost, at thr .-ffiee of the company, No 11-0, CUKoTNIJT Street, Phila CERTIFICATE. We hereby certify that re have ex aintned Ihn Diamond Goods, Pearls, I.mcrnMs. Kubi. H, nnd oilier Precious Stones, as described in the above list, und find thcin nil genuine HL'NLH PIIO'S, Diamond Importers, 20 Maiden Lane, New York. J- MKUM ANN. Diamond Setter, 1 L'roome St , New York. AGENTS WANTED. Books run bs had containing 20 certificates ON K HUNDKFD DOLLARS. All orders for certificates must bo audicssci to J. D. HOFFMAN, Sec'y. c 1Jox liS1' I''loffice, -Z1. 1 Philadelphia. VT OTICE.I-A M hTlTr lnTjofthe It otoekholders of tho Kf.hhey Oil anii Mini-: ual Company will be held at, (he oflee of the Collector of Iuternal Kevenuo, nt Wiliiamsport, Pa., on tho 1st day of June next, at 10 o'clock a.m. lor the election of directors and officers of said company for the ensuing year. H. A. Gl'KKNSEY, Pres't. A. N. Donaldson, Sec'y. Wiliiamsport, IV, May Oth, 18G7. I")PUt irstl'V. DTI. J. SAOEH, of Warren, Pcnn'a. bogs leave to announce to the citizens of Elk county that ho will be in RidgwAy on the lith of MA Y, and remain one week. Persons having work to do my line will ploaso call on the first or second day after my urriviil, ns teeth may have to bo wedged apart before filling. N. B. Teeth extracted without pain by tho use of spray. np25tf NOTicIT " TT'OH SALE! FIVE ACHES OF JL Village Lots in liidgway ! Price, One Thousand Dollars ! A small part in CASH balance in ten years. Inquire of J. Powell. Ridgwny, Pa., or C. It. McNULTT; No. 330, Broadway, New York, Cure Lathrnp, Ending ton & t'o., New York City. May f)th, 18o7-4t. STEVENS HOUSE, ' 21, 23, nr. C- 27, r.roathvcj, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. KEPT O.M THE EUROPEAN FLAN. 'THE STEVENS HOUSE is WELL 1 and widely known to Ihu travel ling public. The location ia especially suitable lo nierchnnts and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city is on the oighway of Southern and Western lr-ivel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat De pots. The Stevens House has liberal acemmo dation for over three hundred guests it ja well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for tho comfort and eBlcrtnin meni of its .inmates. The rooms nro spac ious and well ventilated, provided with gns und wntor, lbf niiii,e.no i- r"'"Dt unit respect fill, and the table is generously pro vided wish every delicacy ol'lho searoa-nt moderate rale:-. GEO. IC. CIA sr. k CO. M;:y 9th, lt-67, Oni. Proprietors. TN THE M ATTE U ) In the Court of 1 of tho Iccorpor.i- Common Picas tion of the " Elk Uf Elk County. County Railroad and No. 11, Aug. T. Mining Gazette." J 1?G7. Notice b; hereby given that the cer. tilieate of the Corporators of tho " Elk County II. iiroad and Mining Gazette " has been ft ed in iny office, and if no sufficient ca..5e is shown to the contrary, a decree of '((corporation will be made at the nexi, term of tho Court. GEO. A. li AT II HUN, . May Oth, 1807. Prothonotary. 4 DMINISTIUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice 2. is hereby given that letters of admin istrulion on the estate ofAulhony lluhn hiiuser, lute of St. Mary's, in Elk county, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are request, ed to cull und setile, and those having claims against the same will present them duly autheuticatj.1 for settlement. IGNATIUS GARNEB, LOUIS VOLMER, ap25-Ct. Administrators. IOR SALE. Tho Slore housa and Lot ; occupied by Burke and Wood is offrred for sale. A desirable locution iu the thriving borough of St. Marv'a. Apply . CIIAS MeVEAN, lelii:iuger P. O. Jan. 3, G7.tf. Elk Co Pa. I ELOU11ET ORGANS & MELODEONS. Uiianiiiiouslv nwurded the First Prize A GOLD -MEDAL, "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. Inst., New York, Oct. 1305. ' Being pronounced superior 'il Quality Power and Variety of Tone, nml in .,,.,i.Li of covubinntions. "As the best instrument of America wero there contendiurr. '.iliirl,p,-, i. battle would have nothing left to conn.uer." Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known They have also taken the first premium wheiwer exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one. m,. n.l i bunks of keys six sizes :f0 to $1,500. Without ncdul. single nrl i1..hI,1a t,nk great variety, $()' lo $ l.iO. Theso Organs it-ttli tlti.is umniitli n;,,n.llL n m . ' i -f tiuuijr oi lone, be.llltltlll Solo SloDS. Htll II Mil nt !...... unequalled pedals, and general organ-like effects, are superior for Churches, Halls, Parlors and Schools. They ure put up in eases of Solid Walnul, fancy veneered Wal nut, (new ami unique styles) nnd elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs und finish and of (he bctd workmanship it being intended that each instrument shall bo a model of its kind. All instruments down to a lino octave portable Melodcon, have the b.'iiuliliil Tremoluiilo slop, without extra charge. A large ut-sortmcnt constantly on hnnl nt our Gcneinl Wholesale and Retail Ware rooins. 8M, Bioidway. Our Illustrated Circular and Price LIhIh, with our n?v styles, are now ready, fiend for a circular. PELOUIIET, P ELTON & CO Manufacturers, No. 841, tiiarllOm Broad wuy, N. Y. City.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers