otm o. mix, -rnovnrRTOit. t. r. WOO UK, PI IILISMFR. TlIUItSDAY: M arch::::::::: 2fth, 18G7. THB LAST CHAPTER OF CONOVER. We still continue to give our readers ome of the villauics of this disgraceful tradgedy. They will, of course, some day become matter for tliat history Wrdi Mr. Lincoln truly said we were mating, if they have not already bp come so. We have had the first and second acts in this great drama the first in the .assignation of Mr. Lincoln the second in the hanging of Mrs. Surratt and the curtain is now about being raised for the third and. last act, in which the dark mystery iUl be fully disclosed. The following is from the Philadel. phia Age, whic'h paper has from time to time published disconnected chapters of the "great tragedy." Our readers will not tire of the ludeous details of this case. It has not, we are aware, the picturesque in terest of the Surratt trial, for there is no clanking of fetters and no half, fstifled woman to bo immolated. The lierocs of Lynchburg and the Monocacy are not there in full uniform. It is a mere pitiful perjury hi a common eourt, but still it is full of interest as showing the tools despotism is not ashamed to use nd -how they sometimes break in its hands. We left Conover dumbfoun ded before the Judiciary Committee, and a sad, dispirited committee it iras on that May day afternoon. They were disappointed. They were petu lant. " WbyJ" said General Thomas to Conovcr, " why do you say you have " no statement to make ? You have heard " how this witness contradicts ycu." And the dogged answer was : " I have " do -explanation whatever to make, be " cause I do not see that any would help " the ease." And yet, to their shamejbe it spoken, this Judiciary Committee, composed of ex-governors, and judges, and lawyers of high pretension, had not, we wont say, the generosity but the decency to report this patent perjury to the House and the country, trot gloicd it over with wretdhed equivocation. They could not crew up their conrage to say what they knew in their hearts that Holt was willingly misled, Conover perjured, and, on the evidence 'before them, Jefferson Davis was as'itinoccnt of the murder of Abraham Lincoln as ho was of the Gun. .powder Plot. They mildly and meanly said : When the committee entered upon this investigation in Aprillnst, the evidence in the War Department, if accepted at true, was conclusive as to the guilt of Jefferson Davis. Tho Judge Advocate General had taken the affidavits of several persons who pro cessed to have been in t lie service of the rebel government, and who had been present at an interview betweca Surratt nnd Davis and Benjamin. Those affidavits were taken by the Judge Advocate Gencarl in good faith, and in full belief that the aftiants wore stating that only which was true. The itatcments made by theso witnesses harmonized in every important prtaicular with facts derived from documents and other trustworthy sources. The committee, however, thought it .wise to see and ex amine some of .the persons whose affidavits had been taken by Judge Holt. Several of the witnesses when brought before the committee retracted entirely the stat ements which they had made in their affidavits, and declared that their testimony at given e riyinally mat faltt in every particular. Tbey failed, however, to state to the committee any inducement or considera tion which seemed to the committee a reasonable explanation for tie course they had pursued ; and the committee are not at this time able to say, as the result of the investigations they havomude, whether h original statements ot these witnesses e true r false. But for the promptitude and ability displayod toy Mr. Rogers, of New Jer scy, in his minority report, the world would have known nothing of this enor mity, and the iccord of these conglome rate perjuries would have been stowed away along with Booth's diary, in the darkest archives of the Bureau of Mili. tary Justice, perhaps annotated by " dear Lieber," Were we at all disposed to levity on such a subject, wo miht af ford to smile at the spasmodic efforts of Mr. Boutwell, ot Massachusetts, to dis. credit the iccreant wituesses of the gov crnment by such questions as he ad dressed to them and repeated several times. Snevcl is asked by Boutivcll : Q. Are you acquainted with ony person in New York, resident or otherwise who sympathized with the rebellion 1 A. No, sir. Q. Did yoa ever vitit ilit New York Hotel t A. No, sir. And to Campbell it is tims put : Q. Arc you acquainted at the New Turk Hotel in New York City ? A. No, sir. Q. Have you ritited at that Hotel during theproprress of the wr ' any tune; A. No, sir ; I never was inside of it, to my recollection. That Mr. Cranston's generous hospi tality has been more thau ouce abused during the lust five or sis years we do not at all doubt, but we question very much whuthcr persons so disreputable as Holt witnesses ever, in any disguise pet foot in" under his roof. Such folks would b as litt'e at home in that re. fined anil tolerant society as would Gov. ernnr Boutwell himself. If tho Republican Judbiary Commit tee doubted whether Stanford Conovcr committed perjury, a Republican court and jury in the District of Colnmbia did not, but without - difficulty convicted him on the corroborutivo testimony of Campbell and Snevel the only witness produced tor the defense being Joseph Holt, and he being careful, in vkw of all th.it had happened, to say as liti'.c ai possible. As the prisoner Conovcr arid the witness Holt stood in each other's presence in that court of Justice, varied thoughts and memories must have floated across the minds of each. The memory . of the days, not very long past, when the prisouw - was lie pet relied on for everything, employed everywhere endorsed by Bingham, praised by Stanton, introduced at the White House sent traveling ly the War Department : " 1 visited," sajd Conover to the committee, " a number of " places. last .wiotsr in the service of tho " Bureau iu Virginia, North Carolina, " South Carolina, Louisiana and Canada, " To give them all would make a long " list and I would hardly bo ablo to do it "without my notes." His notes ! Per. haps, like Booth, he kept a diary I And then he and his employe, onco so inti mate, though separated by a wido gulf now,iti)ay have thought of the 25th of November, 1865, and tho affidavits im plicating Jefferson Davis, a distant and uclplcss prisoner or their minds, by a common instinct, may have gone further back to scenes ot epaulcttedjjustiee, aid Conover in another witness stand at the Arsenal or to the end of it all, the 7th of July, 1865, when, in the company of brutal assassians and ruffians, for such were Payno and Azcrot, a wow.au, for whom at the threshold of the house where Campbell was afterwards a visitor, and when then it is said Preston King was on guard, a .daughter inter- needed in vain, was hung to oVeat li lt was on the twal of Conover that a curious incident occured, eoufir-niat-ory of the truthfulness of the witness who fixed the perjury on Conover, and whom it was the interest of the government, if possible to discredit. Campbell swore positively that, when he vtwie his Affi davit at the War Department. Holt not only wrote it down, but accompanied the witness to the Justice to have the jurat fixed. Campbell testified thus : Q. Wlicreduccd this to writing t A. Judge Holt.. 0. Were you sworn before you made this statement.? A. No. sir. Q. What was done after you made your statement ? A. We went to a Notary Pub lie on F street. Q. Who went with you ? A. Judge Holt. Holt, when esaminod for his friend.. the prisoner, said : Q Did you accompany Campbell before the Justice or Notary Poblic ? A. 1 didnot. Q. Who went with him before tho No tary ? A. I no not remember. My habit is to send with witnesses the Chief Clerk of the Bureau Whether in this instance he ac companied him or not, I -do not know The deposition was brought back to me certified, as you see Now hero was a positive and fatal contradiction by a high official or an humble any degraded roan like Camp, bell which would probably have so dis credited him as to acquit Conover. But belore the day was over, it turned out that Campbell, after all, was right and Holt wrong, for wo read in the notes of the trial ; The Hon Joseph Holt, recalled I simply desire if the Court please to lie strictly ac curate upon a point, of foot This morning when I was asked in regard to Campbell s deposition, I did not refer to it, but said it had been sworn to before a Notary in Winder's building and thut I did not ac company t lie witness Un looking ai. tuo deposition I find that it was taken as Camp bell states and I have an impression that I did accompany a witness aooirt that ttme defore a Notary, and if I did' so, it must havo been Campbell I felt, it due to Mr Campbell to make this statement All this, however, was relatively im material, for on the full testimony of corroborated accomplices Sanford Con ovcr was convicted of perjury in this : That all he swore on the trial of Mrs. Surratt was false, and that everything bo supplied Holt with, and testified before the Judiciary Com mittee, was false too. And, a new trial having been refused, he now awaits sentence. Why that sen. tence is not pronounced, it is not for us to conjecture. We have done a plain and a painful duty in stating these frightful facts to the public. Tho Emperor of Franco would doubt less much prefer that peace should con tinue in Europo until after the "Exposi tion. He has expended millions in preparations for that event, and ali this would be wasted if war should 'break out during the coming three months. Napoleon also expects to gain ' much in a diplonnt'c point- of view by attentions to and intercourse with tho representa tives ot all tho leadtng European na tions who will be present at this grand srathering of the world to tho capital ol Prance In the art of sounding the motives of men and influencing their ac tions, Napolioi is an adept. In this lino he is gifted like his august uncle. The Exposition, with its files, balls, re ceptions, parades, shows, state diuners and private interviews, offers a wide field for diplomatic action, and tho Em peror will make some sacrifices in order to harvest thut field iu peace. SPECIAL OFFER TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers will be furnished with Demokkst'h Monthly Magazine and The Elk Advocate for one year for 83,50 in advanoo. Subscribers who nave prepaid their subscription to the Advocate, will be furuished with Pis morkst'b Monthly by seudiug us i " ' For the Advocate ' Mr. Etlitor : The answer to my question. " How to combine finite fnc tors so as to produoa infinity ? ", wliioh is given in to day's paper, is nolHtisQicV tory. In tho first rduee I mu net satis fied as to the (Correctness of V.i mrthwlA I have a dim recollcc'ion of " Double Position " in the Arithmetic there tens a rule by that name j but I never could quite understand that multiplying cr.ort is a safe way to search after truth. Let us have a solution by Algebra.- If it is more difficult, it may be more reliable. But a moro serious objection to the answer is this : It does not satisfy the conditions of the problem. A The qucs t:on is, " How to combine finite factors, iVc," but your correspondent unwitting, ly introduces an infinite factor no mat ter whether infinitely great or infinitely small. Now, if the intelligence or vir. ue of legislatures becomes Zrro, then ol -ce-arse the result would be infinite Or if -there should be any doubt that intelligence or .virtue, in the case sup. posed, would become really infinitesimal, yet we havs an infinite factor neverthe. less ; lor it is beyond all question that filling our legislative halls with such men as Timd Stevens would be infinite error. The problem therefore remains un solved, and I hope it will receive that degree of attention which its important practical bearings seem to me to require. EVANGELIST. April 18th, 1867. THE LATEST NEWS Washington, April 20 The Presi dent, Secretary Stanton, Postmaster General Randall and General Grant are to.day in the President's room, near the Senate Chamber, and new nomina tions will be sent in for several of the vacant places, the nominees are bciog rejected to day. It is hardly probable mat the nomination of Raymond and Franklin will be taken from the table, although some Radical Senators desire to reject both. General Hcrron was conCrmcd last night as Marshal of Louisiana -by a vote of 28 to 13. Thaddeus Stevens is writing a pam phlet in support of Senator Sumner's bill securing universal suffrage at the North. Senator Wilson started On his South ern tour to-aay. The stock market is decidedly weak and bearish, owing to the impression that a foreign war is inevitable. Gold, 1381. Saratoga, N. Y., April 20- Benja- nun Ilogan, who- is charged witn shooting gome men in Babylon, in the Pennsylvania oil region, last summer, was arrested here yesterday by officer Case, who has been here for a week hunting him. A large reward was offered for him. He has been commit ted to jail to await a requisition. New Tori;, April 201 P, M Owing to the interruption of the cable lines the gold market is exceedingly dull to day. Gold opened at 139, and is now quoted at 138. The stock mar. kct is also sluggish. ' Ottawa, April 20. -A fire this morning destroyed the houses "of Gal lagher and Murray. Also the cabinet shop of Mr. Dows. Loss $4,000. Wilmington, DC, April 2d Sen ator Wilson started to-day on a Southern political trip. New Orleans, -, April 22 The steamer Talioma has arrived at Calves too,, from Tampico, April 17, and brings the positive confirmation of the capture Puoiilc It is represented that Ortega, who is in great favor with the : citizens of Tampico. -and for whom they would pronounce, has-not the slightest chance of success. ' '-. -.' , Letters from tho Liberal camp ot Qneretaro say thut Diaz shot six general officers and sixty-one of lower grade, captured in Puebla, it is alleged, iu re" taliation for the October decree. San Francisco, April 22. The steamship Sierra Nevada, from' Maza- tlan April 10, lias arrived, with 8211, 400 treasure, and later advices from the Northern States of Mexico. The Lib eral foices, tinder Esoobedo, had com pletely surrounded Quoretaro, leaving no means of egress to Maximillian's forces without giving battle. The ru mors that the Liberals had been in pait defeated and were suffering from a lack of supplies are directly contradicted. The report that a revolution, headed by llerrara, had taken place at tan liuis is also denied. Letters fro'u J uarer, re ceived to-day, day that the loyal men of that place make no mention of any disturbance taking place or being ' an. ticipated. ' Charleston, S. C, April 22. Gov ernor On has addressed a circular to the Sheriffs of the State, suggesting the naming of suitable persons as lequisite under the reconstruction act. He states tho qualifications required with the prescribed oath. The names thus collected are to bo presented to General Sickles The circular concludes as f'ol lowcs ; . " I cannot too earnestly impress upon you the vital importance of promp tly acting upon the request couluiuod in this communication, und of transmit" ting your answer at the earliest practica ble day. It an earnest and energetic effort is not made to procure tho servi ces of trustworthy citizens to dis charge these responsible duties, they will be performed by strangers, who may not have a correct appreciation of the wants 3t the community. A new guano island, 800 miles from the coast has been discovered. """ 'floflccji.' Died On Sunday, the 21st instant, Catherine iMiaabelli, eldest daughter ol C j. and Sarah Burns," aged "HU years, lonths and 27 days. '.- ..' mon " HMvca ft teirs the boci chord: TlmfnAture finest strunj."'' . " Life is but a day at most . , Sprung fram nijU iu daxknetsatsf. Little Liztie hag left us for a .gVorrous immortality. In her death her parcuts have lost a kind, dutifnl and obedient child, her brothers, sisters and play matci, a cheerful companion, and the earth 'ono of its brightest and fairest flowena. But - God has said " Suffer little children to come unto me," and while we mourn the departure of our young friend, let us remember that Uod doetli all things well. - Let us bo thank, tul that ingoing tbvts early to'God, that she has escaped the many pitfitlls which lie in the pathway of life. Her remains were carried to the Court House, wkere th Re. Mr. Par ker administered the iuoeral rkes of the Episoopal Church in an impressive manner. From thence they .were taken to tho cemctry and deposited in their last rcBting-place, from whence they will wake to the sound ef angels' iweet. est strains. -J. Pied On Jimmic, only the . 29th of March kit, child of Henry M. and Mary Gross, of Fox township, aged 3 years nnd 9 months. "God's finger touched him and he slept." . IN MemoriaM. The things ho used to play with Lie in the corner ttiero, And yonder hongs tho pretty cap That he was wont to wear. Alas! the restless, rosy feet '. That pattered. on the floor, ' Deonyinglic, beneath the mound, To romp again no more. Oh, we must call -him -back to earth ' Have him again to wear The little tasseled hnt and cap Upon his flaxen hair. What I ne'er have thy angel lay aside His diadem of light I .grope, Ciiango crown fur oross and blindly A life of toiiKwe eight ? Ask not again, kelp X'acui, O God This bitter loss to bear, To kiss thy lashing rod and live Tond tbeir treasure there, w.w.s. Died At Lake City, ' Minnesota, on the 18th ol March, Josve, son of J. and Elizabeth A. Kodgcrs, aged 0 years, 1 month aqd 15 days. $cui gKlucrjifiemcnffi. JOSEPH WINDFELDIR J OF THE st. jitAnvs nnntrcnr, Takes this method of announcing to the Public, that during the past, season he has manufactured - TEN TIMES MORE LAGER than ho has ever before brewed in one season, so that bo will be able to supply Private Families, Saloons, and Hotels, ",. with a Superior Article of this favorite beverage, at a prico that cannot be undersold anj where on tho line of the P. & E. Railroad. Oa or about the 15th of May he pro. poses ta .- . . , " - grah '. tier Mall " of his vaults, where ha has stored it, and of which tho public are Tespcctfully re. quested to take notice. ' ' ' ' n.Ordcrs shipped as soon as receiv- wuh promptness and despatoh. Address orders to , . , . - . JOS..WIND.FKLDER, ' St. Mary's Bsewerv, ... Benzinger Post Office, ap2otf. Elk County, Pa. . MEYERS' . NEWLY" IMPROVED Acknowledged to be the best I London fmc Medal, and highest awards in Auierico, received I Muludeons, Second-hand Pianos and Music. .. No 722, Arch Street, below Eighth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 'ap2J3m Dentistry. DR. A. FISHER, of Warrkn, Pa. would respectfully inform tho citiicns of Hidgway that he will be at the Hyde House on MONDAY, the 20th day of MAY, 1007, and will rcuiaiu one week only. , ,., Having had some ten years experience in the Dentistry, he flutters himself that he ean give entire xatisfaetion to all. Teeth Inserted on Vulcanite aad Quid, from one to a whole satt. All the late improvements in tilling and saving teeth from decay and further pain. A work to the wise is suffi cient. ap354t ..Dentistry. SAG Ell, ... of . Warren. Penn'a. DR be; lea o to announce to the citizens of Elk county that he will be in Hidgway on the 6ih of MAY, and remain one week. Persons having work to do my line will please call on I lie first or seoond day after uiy arrival, as teeth may have to be wedged apart before filling. ; N. H. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of spray. ap'iitf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin. iHUution on the estate of Anihony llalin hauser, lute of St. Mary's, in Elk county, have been granted to the undersigned. All persona indebted to wild estate are request ed to call and settle, ami those having claims apainst the same will present Iheai duly authenticated for settlement. IGNATIUS OARNEH, LOUIS VOLMEIt, p25 Ct. Administrators. SWii uew OIIN O. II ALL, Attorney at law, Itidg way, Elk county Pa. mor-i!2'r.fl ly. 70B WOltIC of alt kinds and des J criptiotis done at this office' ARVEIl HOUSE, Warren, P., Hull & iUo, lToprietors. aug'J'GO-ly A LriNE HOUSE. St. Marv'a Tier .' man Krets,- Proprietor. rug'J'OO riHE art of JIQ DANCING end BANJO J PLAYING taught by Q. W. DROWN, luugwny, ra. Jsppl4.tr T7XECUTI0NS, SUMMONS. SUBPUJ Ali thm, Wnrrrtnts, &c, on hand -and for sale at tins olhce. TVlt-W. JAMES I5LAKELY Vhvsiclnn and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county R. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and -Surgery, Centreville, Elk counly Pa. mnr-22 Wvly. TVR. A. S. HILL Kersnr. Elk niintv P j Will promptly answer nllprofcssional -1 i . - i . .. uhiih oy nigm or uay. mar-za BO-ly TR. EDEN J. TiVS8. Physician and Sur- X J gena. rv. Mary's LUi eounty ra. June-iifOC-ly. I" ACRIE J. BLAKELY, Atorm-j and j Counsellor ai law, and TJ. S. Cowimis. OBnr. Ridgwny P. O. Elk county. P. mar-22:06-ly. SOUTHER AND WTLLIS AttorncyiTo't Law, Ridgway, Elk county ra., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. mar-22'C6-ly. DR. W. U. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Late of the Army of the Potomac Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. .mar-22'C6-ly. KEltSEY HOTEL. A. B. WHEELEn, PnomtrrOR. This house is conveniently and pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Ccntre villc. Every attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 81 1967tf JOB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Bill Heads &c, done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE tm short notice and at reasonable-prices. II. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer J - - in LatT Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Ta. Mar-22 titi-ly. BORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals Paints, Oils and Varnish . Perfumery Toil. et articles and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'li6-ly. HENRY II. TTIOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Fnrniture, Spring Beds and suitresses, Picture Frames and Coffins. Ridgway Pa- Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and DepotJSt'a. iuy-17'O0-ly. DR. J. S. BORDWELL Elect io Pbysi cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by nignt or aay. uesiuence one door east of the late residence of Hon. J, L. Gillis, Mar.22'6C-ly. WASHINGTON HOUSE, St. MaTj's, Elk county Pa., Edward Babol Pro: prielor. - This house is new aad fitted up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. ' Mar-2900-17. ' . O LIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and i holesale Retail Dealers m Flour. . Food and. Ornin, VAN A L MILLS, ERIE, PA. Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ket rates, augOth-66-ly JOlIN O. II ALL ..........JA3. K. V. HALL. . HALL1 & BllO. Attornovn - at - Law, : ST." MARY'S : BENZINGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1806. ly. QT. MARY'S IIOTEL.B. E. Wellendorf J7V Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. This hnun is new nnd fitted un with esne. eial care for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate rates. Free Hack,- to and from the Depot. Good stabling at (ached. . mar-22'6Cly. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county Pa. Edward Mcllrlde, keeps constantly on hand and tor sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware a'ud Jewelry of all descriptions. B(5kRepairing neatly executed, and done on short notice and rcasonablo terms ' Mar 2y'tiU-ly.'' SOMETHING NEW!. HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. rpilK SUBSCRIBER WOULD K E X spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him Willi Ihui. AitntnM IT? HVlVf PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders loft at this Office or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis& Souther will toe promptly attended to. ' ' - - W.P.WILLIAMS, . May-17'CO-ly. ' THAYER HOUSE, . 1 RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, wilh good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the p-itlio generally. decl3 60 ly . DAVID THAYER. rrlhe subsoriber begs leave to announce to 1 the citixens of Elk and adjoining ooun. ties that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John ginutz, and that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit able style, SA DDLES,niiiDLES,IIA RNESS kept constantly on hand at price toBuit the times. Give me a call shop in the sec ond siory of Drug Store building, ocll-ly. C. LEVIS. The Oirartl JLIic Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. OF PHILAD'A, CMI.tHTF.HEU MV 1836 CASn CAPITAL $ 800,000,00. ASSETS $2,455,805,60. Mutual Insurance oombined wilh the se. curity of capital. For insurance apply to JOnN 0. HALL, febl267tf Ridgway, Pa. J Jklw$ ,?j;i-cdorj. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. TJ"OTlCE.'s U"ehr 8iTen lnl 1 7 en out a licrn.e as auctioneer, and will a.lcnd promptly to the calling of all sales entrnnted to my care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be hold answerable totlieslrict letter of Unlaw. P. W BARRETT DcoL'tlSCCtf. Auctioneer. WUKKLKR Ac WILSON'S SEW. ING MACHINES. Tho nnder signed having been appointed Sole Aircnt for the sale of Wheeler ft Wilson's Sewinsf Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines soid at Philadelphia and New Yor prices Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address ' J. K. WHITMOItE, March 9t.'0C-ly. at R?d(-way, Pa. BLACKSMITHINO ! H. S. BF.LNAP desires to inform the cfti icns of Ridgway and vicinity that he has J- 8- "y's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, od hns employed good work, men who will be ever ready o make any. thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the sIm-mob of horses. All I ask is a fair triaL Maj 17'CO-ljr. HF. OVERHOLTZER, ' MERCHANT TAILOR, Hidgway, Elk Co., Pa. The flllhuprihn,- !.!.. form the citiztns of Ridgway and vicinity ...... . r.M...,ra iu mime io orueras well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the une or his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. BBCloths, Cassimers, Vestings and Trimmings of the latest and most approved R t V 1 ft B t.nl n ............ t l , . . j . v p. vuMnmuiijT u IIHIHI, WDlCn Will be told CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP- v St - . 1 AiifrXfl.v i d J YT SHEBER. Tit Dealer in Vmos, Weiodeons, 0rgqi)3 qri3 $heef MUSIC nnnv.v. No. 45, Ferst Avenue, Corr 'y, Penna. Refers to J. Pnwll n r rt cm Ignatius Garner, Chas. Haigen, St. Marv'sl nn. Ol O 1 1tfeteqriile. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VHBIETY HALL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, PA. l17tc. QUE. STARCH GLOSS, . Is the only article used by first class hotel Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime and labor- Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon- It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best n the world. It is soluble In hard as well as soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the public It U warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New York. NEWSHOP. TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! 1 STOVES !!,t John Sosenheimer & Co., ' WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. MABY'8, PA. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a larjro and well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES &0. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part ui nuiiuuarrAULtJlU COOKING 8TOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WLTEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can bo had at our shop either riveted or groved. Spoutino and roofing, done on short notice and at reasonable rates. Juue 14'tl6-ly. A. H. Gbav, A. I. Wilcox, R. H. Emeksok, E. F. Adams. Q.RAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine House, JElk County Pa. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Kutter, Cheese, Feed, Corn, . Salt, Fiith, Pork, Ham, Powder, Canoed Fruits. Beef. Beans, Nails, r Gla AND STAPLE GROCERIES December 20, 18C6 ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers