N" EW CASH GROCERY STORK. D RUG S T o it i: WARDED A GOLD MEDAL ! 8 Nfltf A J3 W w i '3 'U iU JAMES McCLOSKEY, Denier in AT THE Groceries iVc, would respect fully inloni) C3 the citizens of Kersey anil vicinity, (lint lie Ins gone into the (iroccry business, and will open on or about the iniddlt of May. He keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of UORDWELL k MESSENGER, American InstitutcCFair ! TIIU )IC3T DESIRABLE. ASSORT MENT. DEALERS IN OCTOBER 19, 1805. THE LARGEST STOCK OK rpiiF. undersigned offers to tiio put I lie tit his commodious Snips Rooms il? : nlptwiiy. Ilir largest nml best general no sorir.iont of Merchandise that cim be found nt nny Store between wili.iamsport and erie, nnd nt more favorable prices tlinii can l( bought nt either of those points. J i is stock comprises a splendid variety c PRINTS, DEL AXES, SHEETINGS, DRESS.G0OD3, CLOTHS, READY MADE CLOTIIINII, BOOTS J AND SIIOEA, TINWARE, HARDWSRE, CROCKERY, STOXEWAB. GROCERIES A- P'W YJSWXS ,v.(, I C B5tThe prnpi-uior. t li rink fill for the verv conerou- palroiiaire thus far extended 10 liis osiablUhment lv the citizens of Elk end adjoining counties, hopes to merit tuul ieceive a continuance ot the sumo. J. row KM,, 4ug.-lC'Gf5.-1y. F IT 31 XT T TJ 1 IK T rpiIE UNDERSIGNED T A K E S 1 pleasure in n i niim iicttur to tlio citi zens of ltidgwny nun adjoining towns, that he tins pist openmi a lurinture Minn in Eidgway, nnd is pvcpari d to sell nil kind of furniture it tin- low est I rices, liis slock consists in part of COMMON CHAIR?, TAUI.ES, F-EHSTEADS, spring BEDS & MATTRESSES. BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane scat Chairs cf all kinds, BABY CIIAIKS, SOFAS, TETE A TETES, P.EDROOM SUITS cf Chestnut, Mahogany and Black Walnut nnd every thing iisu-ii!y found iu a lirsl class country Ware Boom. PICTURE FRAMES tvf all sizes, an 1 of Mahogany, Rosewood, Black Walnut nnd Gilt MATE TO ORDER. ALSO COITIXS kept on hand, nnd made to order, of every kind nnd description. Please CA I. L nnd examine my stock be. fore purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope by strict niK'Uliou to business, nnd keeping nil :he market demands in my line, to merit the patronnfrc of the public. Warerooms on the coiner of .Main ami Depot sireels. 1IENRV 11. THOMAS. May-lT'liil-ly, "OTK'E IS 1IEREBV GIVEN THAT A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD i rs of the Da.'iiscahoudu Iinproveiueut Conijiany, will behold on the first Tues day of February, ;"t!i day, at the ollico of tho company at No. 50, Trinity buil dings, Broadway, New York, at 10 o'ekok, A. M. for the purpose of choos ing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the lucutin. JOHN S. GRIFFITH, Secretary. 'EAR! v'lils evciywliere os II our iMi'iuiVKi" $-0 Sew t'wing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted live years. Above salary or huge commissions paid. Theoxi.Y machines s.ild in the United Stales for less 'turn $ 10. which nrc Mhi iV.-;iW by Jmie, II he ler .y Wih'iii. (,'rvi'rr ,- IJjkrr, Sihrrr A- ''')., mi I llncht hl r. All other chap ma. ri:;ies afe in fnivjf wui 'a n!)d the r or .--or :.;-e fli-ib'p t't arrr.tft line and l;t'i?i.t,itnunh i dusirated crculars .jent.Vcc Address, or all upon S'iaw & (Talk, at l!id '.eford, Maiiie, or Chicogo, III. fn ay-17'tiil-ly w ANTED, AG F.NTS 275 to200 nnd 83') to for ladies, everywhere, io introduce the Celebrated Cotiitjou Sense Family Sewing Maehiuo, improv ed and perfected. It will hem, fell, Hitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Prico only S20, making the clastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the above waives, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or eail on C BOWERS cc CO., Salesrooms, No. 2.'ij h'.mth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ceil letters auswered proui)itly, with ?!culur:i and terms. May-ol'titi-ly. "IMt SALE. The 8 lore-house and Lot " ututiic 1 bv Borlp ami Wood is ollrred l- i ridis. A desirable loeatiou in the t-. l iving borough of St. Mary'4. Apply to CHAS. MoVEAN, Benzinoer P. O. Jan. 3, 67.tf. Elk Co. Pa. KOR PRINTING 2 NEATLY 1EAPLY& EXPEDITIOUSLY :euti at th An: ocaik Offie TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, nnd everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. 1 will sell for CASH nnd consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER han the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to call nnd atis('v themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY- May 3d, 'GG. fiiu. K r EROS EXE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BORERS. POTS, OIL CANS, ic, &c. GIXI J55? All the. cooking for a "33 J3-m family jiuiy be done with ""Su t-iy Kerosene Oil, or Gas, Et-jT" with less trouble, nnd r.t "aSl less expense, than by nny ";SU other fuel. 'Xi-H Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is enp.niiteed to perforin nil that is claimed for it. ' KyF'Send f"f Circular. "-'JrH LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO TRADE. THE KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO.. 200 Pi-Aiu, Street, N. Y. July-llt'GG.-ly. TTALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned lias laid out a vil. Inge upon his ground adjoining tho Ridg way Depot, to lie called ELK. The lots are 5(1 feet front by Kill foot deep front inji towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold. $110. For the third lot sold, SlliO and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. Ki First purchasers get the choice lot nt the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo mistered in tho or der of their application.. Ten per cent of tho purchase money must be paid at the tone of the application. KfP,Applicat ions will be made to John G. Hall, Es.i., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgw.ir, mar,2!) T,0-tf. ITCH ! ITGIIJ ITCH ! Scratch! Scratch'! Scratch ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cit.e tub Itch is iS Horns Also cures SALT R1IECM. ULCERS. CHILBLAINS, nnd all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price oil cents. For sale by nil di-UL'irists. Bv sending t.( cents to WF.I'.KS M POTTER. Sole Agents, 170 Wnshinpton street, Boston, it will be for warded hy mail, free of oslnge. to nny part of the I nited Mates. (june-i uo-iy. Yl j A OKS 1 LT II IN a ! H. S. BELXA? de.sires to inform the cili zensof Ridgway and vicinity that he has leased .1. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, and has employed good -workmen who will be ever ready to mal e any thing from a buckle to nn anchor. Particular attention given to the .- icing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'CU-lj. r BIRTHS MU.SIC STORE, fiGo. Broadway. N. Thaddeus Firth, successor irth, Sou & Co. Music Publisher, iul'ac turer and Importer of MUSICAL INSRl'M ENTS, PIANO FORTES, M ELODEONS. CABINET ORGANS, And every desjriptinn of M USIC A L M E RCH AN DI S E. Sole New York Agency for the eelebratcd Ciliuore& Co's Band Instru. uients. Our Band department is under the personal supervision of Mr. D. L. Downing Wholesale and Retail Depot for the iliKiViiikO iiWVif CoiiQtK Ci-g 17, which eliallen:;cs comparison ns the most effective Instrument yet offered to tho public. New and fhoico Music published daily. Catalogues and price lists of Iu. struiuetits furnished on application. HfA,Lattst Music from all the lead. in publishers in America. Any piece of Music, or Music Rook, sent by mail, post-paid, ou receipt ot retail price. Orders by mail for Music or Instru ments receive prompt at.d careful atten tion. All poods warranted to prove as represented at FIRTH'S MUSIC STORE, . sep'JO.ly 0 roadway, N. Y fi rFio i Tto c in-: f 1 i,- ORS. The hue lirm ol Burke S Woods of the borough of St. Mary's, Elk county. Pa., having on the olst day of Oc tober, A. U. lWiii, made a general assign ment for the benefit of creditors io the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said firm will please, make payment, and all having ciaims present tl.eni to CHARLES MeVEAX, Assignee. St. Mary's, Beuziuger P. O. , December (ith, 1SGG. Notice is nEi;::iv given that LETTERS (V ADMINISTRATION 011 the Estate of Eddy Hyatt, late of Fox township, Elk couuty, deceased, have bicu planted to the undersigned, therciore all persons having claims against, or are iu any way indebted to said estate are requested to call aud settle their account. J. N. HYATT, Adm'r. ORPIIA HYATT, Ad'x. decI3 Gtpd. DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, IMINTS, LEAD, LUDRIJ r IXO OIL, TN NERS' OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNIII, BRUSHES, DYE.STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGARS. PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS "PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. F O U T Z CEI.rilRATED ',ryiZt This preparation, hn-iw 11, will thor- iMi.k'-n 'l"v. n ana lov-.-pii it'-.i liorscH, hy htiuitjrthcninn nml cU'.iiisiitfj, thd fitninu'.'H und ilitcS- It ij( a sure pre vt ntive of all t'n rnsi' incident to thM nnimal, such as Ll'XO FEYUt, GLANDERS, YKLI.OW TK1I. II K A V KS, C( L (J II S, IMS TK M i KK, FK VKKrt, Kol'XnKK l.MSS (IK AITK TITK AM) VITAL KNKIt(;Y.&c. Its U'O inipinves the wind, increases the apietite--j.'ives a smooth nnd flos.-y skiu aud tnin.-trnrtiis the miserable ekekton into a fine-looking und spirited liorse. , To keepprs of Cnws tliis preparation is invnluaMe. It iucrtait'i the tiumitity und improve 1 1 1 quality 01 tiie urn k. it nus ltoun proven by ac- timl cvnt'riinctit to )'pSvlv - " ' ' v -ill inciva:-.) th1 quart- titv f milk und 1 i'v ;x-. J I ,"" ,ahC !-.-yv "VflM XviR butter firm nnd h'fm3hVl bweil. In fattening vs tlieiu loosens , nnd thrivo much faster. In all diseases of 8wlne, such as Couphi , Ulcers in the I.uniis, Liver, at'ta as n t;H.-cilie. 2-. Uy putiiiiK from i & one-uair u p:iH'r to a p:iper in a barrel of swill the above il i sea sea or entirely pn-vt-iitcd. If Riv n in lime, a certain preventive anil cure for tlie 1U;; Cliiiltr.i. Price 25 Cents per Papa'-, or 5 Papers for tU PREPARED J3Y h. uY. rotiTZ urto., AT THEIR wnoi.rsiF. Diito and MFMriSE nr.FOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Ealtimore, Md. l'or SuIp liy lni!jiitd uud Storekeeiiers through out the 1'nltcd Sutea. Sold ut .Manufactures prices, by oidwell ei Mcsscntr liidway, Aleuts for Elk county. G ISO VEST EEX & CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, -I'JO Eromltniy, N J 'oil,: THESE PIANOS received (he Highcs1 Award of Merit ! at the II o;7u"j Fair, evo1' the, best makers I'rnm Loudon. Paris, Ger nmny, the cities ol New Voi k, PI iln-'elphia. Raliimore nnd liosiou : also i he Gold Sxcdol at the Anttriv'in Jntittitr, for FIVE succes sive years! ! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Anion. ILui Pedal, Over strung l!u.-.- l ull Iron Frame, and all Mod. era Improvements. Every instrument unr rimif'l FIYF imrit. M;:i!- uinb-i- iho su pervision of lilt. J. K. CE0VESTSEN, who has a praclicul experience of ovi-r thirty, live years, find is the maker of aitr e.'erfn ttotisiiHil pinna forti. tlur facilities for iiiiiiiufncturiiir; enable us io sell these in strumeuls tVum c' H'o io SUO cheaper than any fu'ut class piano lone. July-1'.t'Oli.-ly. C10AL, t' KE All) 0t? CLAY1 1 J All of supei ioi ipiality, lor snlo by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. JcyOrdcts by mall promptly tttend- td to. LueptlO .fj-ti Horse ana JJattlo n Qi Ji-J U i'ttle,ilptve -R f F'f&R iJ nn appetite. Io "fL ur j tlu-lr hide, Smit makes them tli Indirect competition with all tlio leading makers in tho country. 'PELOUBET" 0 R G A N.S AND MELODEONS . C PELOUBET i SON, Manufacturers. Rflspeetfullv invito the nttentiou of pur. chasers, tho trade nnd profession, to the ROLL 0 WIXG EYS TR UMENTS Of their manufacture.- Pedal Base Organs, Five sizes, FivcOctave, one lolhrec Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Prices, School Ormns Nine styles, single and double Reed; Rosewood and illaek Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $210. jMolodeonss, rinno stylo nnd Portable, Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Oelnvos. single and double Reed, Rosewood aud lilack Walnut Cases. Prices, ?ii-3to $210. Every instrument is niado bv cnnifieU-nt wiirkmen, from (hebest material, nneer our personal sui ervision, and every uioderu improvement worthy of the nanio, is iniro duced ill them. Aiuonpr these we would call attention to the TEE.MOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can ba found only iu instruments of our own maiiufac tine. From anion;; the flattering testimonials of eminent professors and organists, we give the lollowius extracts ; " The pedals 1 conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. KiiiR. " It is a grand, goodinsirument, nnd does credit to the builder." II. C. Folger, Troy, New York. "They nrc among tho finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or n broad." Win. Herg, J. Mosenthnl, Aptonun ' They have given universal satisfaction.'' W. E. Ilawley, Fon-du-lae, Wis. 'There is a peculiarly sweet and sympn. thetic tore which harmonizes clmruiliigly with the vn: .' W. II. Cooke. I am part icilarly ploased with the nr raiiu'ement of the different regisiers." Wuu II. iindbury. ' No other instrument so nearly ap proaches I he orjrnn." The Chorister, N. V. 'This instruiuen. lias a clear superiority over everything- yet iulroduocd among us." i ndepenileiil , N. V. "The tones and the action are excellent." Rev. W. S. Lcavilt, Hudson, Nctv York. " Tlie 'nore we use it the better we like it. .1 1 Hague, Hudson, Ncwiork. "The two Rank Organ is really a geni.', J W Kiiiiiiciili, Eoslon, M iss. " We have fniiud them excellent in nil pointj constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T .1 Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly," SR ,ixton, Iroy, New-lork. "The most or feet toned Melodeon I ercr saw. Guv 1' No"th. " They fall back on such substantial mer its ns superiority ol workmanship, beauty of ln'.ie and reasonableness of price. And we musi say that ill nil their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. l::sY Every instrument is fully warranted, and bojed and bhipped in New York Cily without charge. Circulars, Culs, and Prico Lists, jjo., scut ou ajiplicatiouto c peloubet;&:son, Eloomfilld, N. J. Or J M Pelton, 811, Broadway, New York ; Conrad Meyer, 7l!J, Arch Street, Pliilud'a ; 5 ilrainard & Son, Cleveland, Ohio; J A Tuckerei Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner 6 Gerard, Cincinatti, Ohio ; Joel II Snow, Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AG EMS. July 2,6-!y AT THE New Stott of TV K I S II n O T II E U 8 at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to George AVeis. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SVAVy S VMM I'll SILKS, M0RIXG3S, POPLLYS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpaca's. A large assortment of Prints, Whits goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. IjADIE'S & C HILDIIEN'S Millinery Goods ; such ns BONNETS, II A TS. CA PS, R1BB ONS, &c ' GL 0 VES it- HOSIER Y. GENTS furnishing groih of every description, CL O TIIS, CA SSIMEEESdc, dc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of PLOUR, PORK, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL, I'ETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we Lave everything needed for family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, cs of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, t if ill Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment of Segars and Tobacco. VttrEBUY OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore wo can afford to sell cheaper tbau any other establishment in Elk county. rjMIH PUBLIC are respectfully in I vitcd to call and examine our stook and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for wo claim to have one of tho most complete stocks and the finest STORE in tho couuty and can sell for less profit, than any other house iu the couuty. AVeis B ROTIIERS Bt-M's, March 10tV6S. RIDGWAY, PiNNl WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CEOTIIINO, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, EE ED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers wiSfi find S T ORES AMONG TUB Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THS COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO G B T Good Bargains (TALL& SEE i March:20th,18G(i-1y. iiOOTrsToTiE: St. Mary's, Klk County JUST RECEIVED BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. coc 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 2,'C GERMAN STORYBOOKS. ,1AT ASSORTMENT OF ALL nd'i . Stationary, Blaak books Timo books, Pass hooks, and School books will always ba on hand. Purchasing our Book.s, Paper, Envelopes &c. diree from the Manufacturers for cash, we arc enabled to sell at tho same rates that they can be purchased inANlr OP THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of ton dollars d upwards. W. J..BLAKELY". June-l-l'GG-ly. A0 E N T S W A N T E D J. T. IIE.iDLEY'ft HISTORY OF 'I HE WAR, NOW,. READY- Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to bo the most nit i-cstiii'i, iii))ul it: and iiiltmljlf His tory of tho Rebellion, which is fully at tested by the enormous sale of 200. 000 volumes, and a large portion ot the country still uncanvassed. e arc obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us to supply our Agents. Meu of character and ability, who de sire a luciativo employment, will find this a rare opportunity. I ho price ot the work in on vofumo is so A.ir, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes. For lull particulars send for circular. Address tnurican labllsli!nsr Coih'i. HSjAsylutn Street, Hartford, Conn. E EMPIRE SERVING MACHINE CO. Principal Oifice, C10 Broadway, .V. 1". GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing Ma chines. Empire Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less inaction. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable to get ovt of order. It is the best Family Machine! Notice is called to eur jew nml Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for uiNrsnnd Boot and Shoe Filter. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be riven. No Connignmentg made. B r EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO-Juljr-ie'CO.-ty.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers