J ',U':JV. -. ""'!''i"T--i .lui'N n. imi.i,, i-irmr i lu'.oritn.t'e'.i .1, i .Meotic. r ; 1. 1 i ,mi i i:. 'riii:i;siAV: tljVUlKU'V ! 7i IK '1 0 ' ' ve i, v hich v'H .niiiiH. d Km v.-1 (.!;. i-i v. ; I'uritt! cdir.iin "ii' ;!. vjiicui'. ami no- ; li i lit t. ili" fi.i.-iii:.: .1 ' -i' t.n' ' i vd ' Sl-iU'S iis'wi-c i ii 1 m.-'i'riifi' j.rovi-iiii:.' Very Wa . 1 1 ! 1 . 1 ' I . .liahie. 'i .'Id; clauso, eciudiv;. nil w ,.n i'ii.::i vd hi Je. 1 bedimi. ha iiv pi vinm iv sv.iirn t.i -a - ' , ., '.. ' ,i, , ' ; i p'U't till! (,.il.Uhl'S.I- in I ll.! i "I'T'l ; Sta, os, from ',.uif:.s. from all I'. ofuoes 'ivll and ni:'.i;:..-y. titel u.l .::! : otili'O ( X. TV V!' nr j'l , . vw.Mi.y ; ro ler in tliiM' wmt li i'.i' uisvu'iy -i ,;u.' ; iliis tliiiiL-. a-i woii a" i- li.' " 'viio ls.-ty j (In it IllTfll tier. i !' ' '"' . W M ,.r ; i : i. I ;n" l.i;' -. mi l-.'snoi'l Li tin :-. iv ', Mi f'.fl-i !aM', iin ' !.- 1 A-,.r..-y ;.:uaujiii''.. ; I woiiM li'v i..U.nv;i.'.l.!Tinl! i. i prcnic ( oiirt wc.'i:! in-! .;m i-y i clans : r.'li'ir. u in, v .i i ' . i , . ' ( . , . j o,) to rt'sfr':;"- ;m: ,''V!' n "i iiiin'riiliiii'iii (ii i":'-' "i py-a-;" tliose v. hn ii::i y '. ' ' in lo.iviiii; car ; i" i u: u in-..-- t'1 1 in n; 1 it m ol stal'it' S Vidcilr" Pal.i-' (in tlu' in. ilt. ; '1 .ipp'.ios ln'1 ;. 1 ('.'.'.' i ' ' ' ' : taken pail i.i l!.'.; 1 v "Hik.i ' an i ,. t, ' i.'i :'.!;. inn i :.:.i.' i i i. !'. mat ! ii'.ve I lei.il Ki.l'J.Y. -if t"e nnu'iriiin.'i.f r '1 : '. (.tub idled in an the law of anv S::i but they w.illd lie in vi.ii ition of li: c'lvse ol' the ('uii-!:!'.,i .1 v, hieli pre! ' . . . . , ,. , : ; '1 l.e lieeiM'.ns e. tan - nan, ue- . i bveiv'l on uie i -..u.., ..i i..oea." , ., .. , , ,. . cs, dee: le iv.s eM'U'l.'. i no oil:: V.a .. . ... . tho ei!::e of .,' ii..i A. t 11 wns, a i a. '.o- I ,. . , . ,1 j 1 , ,r ,: ..,.: ! lie pries;, a::.:..:: c use - i .'...-ui..., involving tho : m-ii: viunality of tho the test c i:ii of tint: J;i sio. Tin: oilier, the petit II. ! i arlauil, an ex- her nfliie (' ' ale b' -:'e ;1 n!:res, to be admitted to pncivo in tiie Supremo Court, i;:i'v.i:!t:;itlii:.r the teat oath prescribe.! by net. nf Coitre., ''-tid which be was iiiiaii'e to take. Tiie Cuurt held that these tost oaths were in the nafv.'o of ; uul.-lia; ails, and beio;- llllp isc 1 liy lll'VS pi.s-e l ((' v.etc uiienti.-:tii'iitioni.l and void. In. our "xt i.-siic wo will five, asynop is of these . (lech-inns, vyi;!i adet.iilel state inent of t'ne l.iet.i, 'i'he (pie.-tiun pripose 1 by (,'iv.s, h;.".v cver baavs a ('.niovent a :p::-'t, ill tats, t'oat ir is net l:y an act nf (.'onttres., or la'v of a i ate that ii is intendc I tn i;n-po-e tin' pu'.i.-lll.e ll1'. but by lie: Con i.iitiiti.'n t " . i i -1 . '1 lie e!.uo in.liii.i!iee.' .itoeii Imet.t, a.t-.'i'a i in and rcpciii, at .... ..' 1 ., . ....I 1 1... ,1 '' ' ' 1 .' I (ii,;r., it Would repeal t:te sai'i e.an.O 111 I sn lnuen US AVbile it won ;::'0 UK ellSI.-ieiit. ! '. ' . ... I lie lin ii -r. 111 v ui. .. 1. . with the first prlnelpl' s of ju-t:ee, and while it wniiid be i. i ii:s. in nut ayntii on to Ihe spiiit-and evii ; nf the Amerie in .-ysieiii, it is evident that when tna lo a lintnftlie Coi.'.:.:ilin!! itself, it cviid lin Inn lni)f;er bo iiiifni I I "' lom't . Vo ar; tnld that th'vy luee.me'.'s 1, ( nti'.-ri -.s 1-eive l e 01 no. a Iiohdav tan tl.i-.ii... 1 1 i: -t.ii.:!:M-ii flates. to Ne'V. !r leans. 1 01 i this a c ur. 'iciu j' ev 1 ! 1,! tiie r.aeiii ir.m ol to" S e.ith would bar.iiy have ;:i-:v tlicro in ti.iv ol I v.ar. I Ait. . i t X,'n 1 was .b c'd.'d'y .-harp, I ; when in line ..(' ins h-'.t-. :'s In the Lntidnll ! ': runeii. he said : '! 1 ail: at vmir i i-t 1'ar- j lianient. mi l 1 can'.' s. e tin. I. a .1 . speech was e, ''.--'.' li I'. 11 ;' the CUnl'e .si-s.-inii. 1,'ink at C. vv'l.-s b'lt un, I'd rather tint look at Cn vr,. t is I lie ('.iiiviciinll nt tho Liui-'.'iiv .loii'.'nal tliat ii the Nerlb oii pe e.le shall treat the i-nut lien: .e e)le a i "': ee iind 1 rplal eiii.eiis, and. i,..t cnnvicl '," I Ivy can c:i-i',y ho alnn-h:- ..the Cov. nn titisi tiie S-.'itl. ho t her. by tran-j'sili:: '. ;;i:, th"li. will that l.apubli.-ui imrty, l.e perpvavod. Tbt-t's tho ou.'-tinii. Hen. Under say- tliat J'resM.eit Jnini .mi ,; (bu s te.L like t i sle.w hi- h i.id. I'lTll' If ll wore to slioW leiill n.s litmus, mi-i an bis pneitets, i'.ll l till' ill.iidl! !' his inc. bis cock-eyed assailant would sco no t,to leu snnons ill them. ' U th : r'b. ri .n nf Shays in M assa chu etf. and ol tb Whisky People in .!' .i.i-yivania, had been )iiui.hed, a-' it ; : i. e.'.' prnpu.-od tn puui-ih the rebels of :-'.en!i. linlii M issachit:-eits and i . in--, iv min ni'v t 11 i'.v Li) in-ie Tt r. 1 - i'-ics, in lieu of Stales. .' iv Radicals imp-.se tvrnutiiea! Cinil: i : .-is mi tlie .Soul h, an'! then make her - 'u-al toaee. t such c vi litimi a pretext v ,r iuiiio-iii": i tiU nmio tyrannic d ones, la.jmiiiimoit-; fellows are du Radicals. ' i i cy remind us of Ma.-tt'f hveu in the isi-ry. ' ), Au.it v' ii.ako riC'Mybe ,e liim-cil ; every time I hit Liv no i . 1 . - ! 1 1 ..'I i. .. i ..!, (1. in ri I. !oi' -v out . ;' ' K l.-v. ,: ; ;r-''vi:'. -!b"l. .''.'.,':',' ().M.-'!.lN S. I'vi-V.- mi the Mr. :. v vis (l,-,-!ed 1 " im-l. His ( nciio i nn t'l J ' " j ,ii suee:-.-:-. .r -t .dr. ,1 ',T.,.-V, ..... ... ! i iiv.i'i. nn ! I;' sir, ;i" y .. In' trv ,...tll information i:i r-iUtUm t.i tho v.minoo of tli'i n.';i!)lii?.in e:incn'. ! ! Pepniiiiuf.i!; advortlu'.': in tlm Wash-f.-nliii..' Curtis', f-'l.n-en. n:v1 f.'-ow, tho I '"'i'"11 VJ 1'ap'vs. Ordered to be vn!i in o:;iii".is, r-t i'i ';v 'J 7 ""''1 '. "i ivm IV r "'i. Y.'hvi it i viuo'iiVr." I llrit i;i i'.it cen'e i;:..., a p('iti.;i '... i.Mit--.r-.j.l jiriy f.r ,-ir-(':iin"Tnn fn e:-iMl;i i, n'.-: :t s'nuV ; vrj o:t.'-. -w, wur.! nt.i.r.ijiriaicly i ", :! T i . i i- i, iiv m nf the li"i '.'V. of V i pvtv. fi'." in-i i -ii twin nThls ; : i tii ; .a is tho more m vifo-it. l?vh ('ii '!'; 'ii.;' mill the iii"i"ii;i:ncr C, ivm-o-o- Thi,! l-tpvec-l VI. 1 TIP'lllv the . . , . , entire l-ir1' !.,'-''!! ' ''ii'.'''.' -."vil ir i"r t- 1 ti.w. !-tc!;H I-v Tw. .;(" ,ny. and r.-? or t'.vo cr"'.i:.-.", liia entire n,v,:,:i i, rr ilio fl-ilo, worn ar- ('T ,r.v-i i'i" T"1 -:n "rr "! i 'i r r nolli. i;v.. .11 , . ... c i ii ,':"'! i i':; l'.-'ii., 'inli'-:.' it ij r revtlicV !.v,i n, I, in .i-ivmrr tn f !!s; , ,.;,.;; ,,,,.,;..,;,;! in. I . . , , I i (V .-f rraii". i.i, l ...nieron :n 1 VI 1 1 . ! S- S'eiy.le. vil' 1 iiion far ii'"!-:'' strai-ilit-'V!' i'l'' t'v ui.'i-t olirnv'ni-; rf ' i t'.an vrouel b: r,ny ' ,,,.. j V'o :i il'crV.irv of ":!, Canieron w.is tlso n t r-1 to r.-eo:r.r.:e:iil V.i.i n.-iii'j of . war. i-or :nis. as coinpelloii to lonv.i the CabiiiT i ... r. ' . .1 i 1 ..:..' i ... ! Ci '1 : ami ..i ii i.u: i'.a; (.. i.ie . -. 1 1 n. a : i:-i : a i ' 'ii. i ', . -it . v L 1 1 . . . . , , untie. ivClcrred to too unaue-j coui- , ,i, , i am Ins entire inr!r. ;:leii'"i m.l earridt j . .v. e.'i.-r ei or i lie ; i i t i:,;t .in-, lib; CM Vl.v. ! o-t bis I'laii. Hut wiih ail tni :, v.o have Mr. ITowo presejite 1 a petition for re .. t ( , vet to lev'.i !b::'. ('amerr.n is in favor of i construe! ion on the lm . vl t-rjtial viiii i. ' ' ' ." I .! .ridir.- the 'vh'to i-."f liv ',' the ! Hebrr-M to tin: eyiumiitou ou llecon. ' :s dK'-Jl j " ' r " " " ' ' i strititu-n. . . . . . t li t .vi .)' ,;,. it I. .,': ,) .. .. .vr hnvn 1 ' , , ' '' .,' yV to lean, la V i nivvoii, .Sevens. J '"i lri r-iiil '.'.ivii'v. is in f.'Vi.:' r.f o- :n.i iho mvvo a v.iu. and r 'ilu.e'1 : lor S'afos ...... ( -oV i to .'I'll .irn". 1 iiYan- I . f'n - iv' t'leii- '.vlnte eiti'tii. li lieis , .... , 1 nel, hii'ii, i.iiloe.l have toe I .niioit'acv ' ixi-1 milliinu'. i We rem ptnber well that wlirn in tho 3eiia'e in t!ie f-'esi.'oTi of Vet-Til, as the C'ilie:n;i;o of (low ii;;l(T, he was no cx- "''''"' ' ,,lnt ,,f! W"-1 s'd 'vinhwo and fivorcd, or at loa-t, vrefomle l t o, :;u i mli'islmrnt: bn? thrmifh tlm assnraivo I of I-'ewr.ril anil otheis ti.a1: " tl.ero was i no ilavrer. ami t li? asuvanco oi la'coni inya moiubri- '.' tho Tuieohl C ibinet, ho wa imlu'.'e 1 In i-an'-lioii the falal eon- duet of bin pirly. A f.-v week, will '..,.,11 ( ,1 1 ' 1 ti-.il u- ir !if-r hn v.'.-is n'ii ct ne i O'fie-.eei or ,1 c ivnr.-:. ,1. '. . IK 1! l.e! A n Its. T.C:it our readers sliottld j bo inlsii"! i:.; to Mr. Camei'iiu's p i-iiion, by the views above expressed, wo doom it on;' di::-.' to .-iv t!at the ho; eful anti. cipalmns 0; oi. ,..1;. aro itMinnuw. Oil tiie day ol' his el.ictinn be made a , i-hort svieeeli in r: "uv to tin: contrratuht- I linns oi 1 Vi-mls, in which he took ! lii-i !..: ion ma i.i;: ihe rxtroueo la. n ct hi- m rt". 't think it fully a s credit a- to!..- . . ,. 1 b'.o t.i the cniiservativo liorti-ju of our ' oeni.ie t'iat .Sitmrn Cameron is. not oi'i , ,, lu.-ler to any part v. K11. v.-el- uo.'iir setn Is ll-. th" iv. , ae !";: 111 iv i;ci- iio :;iii ; . I le; ili mi ; .ciiv.: .I 11 1 ;;.-. Any nf our readers j I:e; nn I s-ilmi m tn ci'hcr or hvh j 01' I'lien, l-. iM .'..if', r a i':'--ii. ( . :Zr t.-j' .7i f rri S u i i to us. : ;-'ilia:: ' '). : j . 1 . 1. :n'.' 1 11 (!i. ihv.i ..r tin- ; .v.. cm -, :i'..'i 1 li c i! ii-.' were ;e! led in s an. .nvV i".' mi .' c I I" ! ' . 1 i" o'V-r. !l'a the H'.'i I:--.-' we re add"-', t-i the ;m Ve:' ill :. in e.ie.i ' -a--; u-nnl I li .me linn- dr. 1. o.'li-i ;. ... 1 . :::imv r I -' .Vi:' nt 1 i-'.' I'm- b'e T.-s'tin-i, I'... '. 1 ': "f V- HI- la .;,c v. ill .jive cilia 1. 10. .'. nl'il .'' lad . V it and in I '. :i 1 e .1 ,i I I : : -a, ilnih'.l 1 ilieu .- :.-ai: ! ,i" i.i ' ' p v "'.' ee .I "ii 11:1 i it la" at re-t : .-'. .! '. 1 , A a'el . V.i'.lV I. 'te.l I ! ' ,-. 1 .',' v ai.' c.-; !i ta i.iv ii:n.k-.:s i-rei-e "M." 'i'iti. :- .-lie s-na (,:' I'l'-ney my packet w.uild A. . 1 1 :i - 1 1 !. I1 '. ! r ai'-e v.'en! 1 enK v.'.i ::i v f:i"e: 1 1 :i n M h nt' vi.ii 1' .1 en- v, (:-. :i hh' I 1 .1 la'ai", ; .'. 1 C n ! :': 1 ; i ' I in. an I n.. i-i-v;n', I'-.r ihi- -.::. I" : .il:i l.t' tiil.!:i.- 1 iil-.'il :-!l.iuhl i a. I". c ',: ii. 1 i.iv on:-- I ;i i ; i- : i -. i tn ua'.'.il 1. V -.' . : 1 1 i :i-i '.-. ha 'L.arii-.e; a :i I - ai: as are li! ' in: r of d V.'.avs e:u"i man did P: Vt'ii'i ii lii-ni-i I'd', ( f IV'.c, id-hin, I'll rlvo v-i.i lay ha-i !, Aa ! ,-.:y i!nn i'nsir.i:a y ni will uad'-rs' oid. -i. II. ' - , ', - ! 1 11 i "IS 1 "li :! "d. (ili ai '.'al 1'tiilley, now in comatid r.t " d.-ino v, Mi.-s. attended a dinner re. cet.'.lv ,'iveubytho merchants of that nil v mid e.'ivo as a t eiiime;it : ''i'he C Ill.a-I-Vatil 0 ei' llli lit nf tiie CiClll'ry too li lllil Veil ei bvh llilliie.e" The I'ics.iJent oi' I'evi has taken a chr.niiiii method of iusurim; b.i-re-clec-tiou. lie has arrested the opposing can didates and sent thciu on! of the country. l.e is pattei'iiiy; alter the iiuutc.i.s uur- L.oi.;:i'iitee iny; dm war. .,lr. Siie!laljr.'i'.;.er, a bill directing the Let the warning be borr.o in mind by profc-timi of certain privileye:; o! citi all stiiL.'.mieu, that mi ercat patty, of V-'.en.-hip ler acls of rebellion tooainst the nay purpose of expediency or personal I United States, and provid' . ,' fer the pi'.it, cm afford t'l sacrifvo iv.'b", nod 1 restoration ot lliesi) privileges in cenain "It oi vii) ratrr v.'itn tin: name to j which it has s.L .Mily talhered. . 'i.7J tfV'.S'ffjf.t. Si nat::. V'asu;n(1t.').v, .Tin). I I. The ( !;-ali' laid hol'tire tin .S.-u ilea c:j ii in n:i I i iii. 111 I mm tiiu .Secretary of t !io 'J' r i - ur v , i i rt; !d:i ton resolution V,'. '.'.ui'.! jiro-onlc.'l :i ii'ili-'nn IV i'v; in tin' i-iriil' .';li m.iv I' M ii;!::; Iiu:i ujM.ii t,u! I ass i i o.'ial ru;iit.i, v.-!i;i v;:i ; r:l':n'ol tn tin: Coitutiiituo oil iU::: el: tj'l'clv.l. Mr. .S : i '.: 1 1 1 : i r pvn-:o:if.i"l t!in piil'li in of (no ciuav in ilii'is, : luiinaiuiii of tii'i irri".'"i'::'.ily ot llm ruvo:i'.i ; Ja'.vs as (,'.; tin .', aii'i ui'ui! fi'.- r-ii-f. .11' I'urrt'l ( t',:o J.'iii,in;.'i! i;.i:ii.'iiii;o.'. Ai.-'i, a pufi. l!na r.ii' r.'is j-!nli:ti.i.l on (.in: lia-isoi' C ji'.al ;i..;ii!.!, v, l.i.-'ii va:i referred to iHo Ci'.r.iiiti.n on li(j'.;.)!is!nii.-:!')ii. Iifi1. i'liiaiid prosciiio t a io: it :o:i for inere.'so I ''.vies m wo ' ivli.'ri wa.i -iliVi'! :o III.' l..'Uiiii:t.;u li I'iiiaii': '. Mr. iia'.usi ", ( iT'ircl tin: iiiciuorial of til.' MimioMifa Lcii'iaiurc i'or an vi- pviutoa r,.r tho iinprovomon: t:u ; - iWisii;i river. itcicrnsJ to tiiu Cu:u- iiiitieo (iii I'laanea. '.!; ieiii.1 lirs.v'iilod the .iio.no. ri ;; :,f tvi i-'.-w i;:,il;i:i'.i fur a evilly: in t'1 !'! Iv.;' t,i::i:::'.' e;:iirs. 11 ji'oriiji to i'iii-meo 'J.n.iaii'tco. Mr. H ii ris lii'i.s n A-l ft,n t;; ( ! P ma oiaers, lor 11 reoe.u 1 . ol t ie I.'t'.v aivvslim. ru ur i ni 'ii t I bvi'is. Jlei 'i'ie i t) tho Miiit.-.rv cov.iuillee. -ir. ..er.'.an pre-tcitcu a nuin cr oi iie.insii.-5 nn uie hiij Miv: u. iai i.ia aiei .'.::'. i'herai.iu ln'c-eiite toe petr.rjii flf.;l(. i;,,,.,;,, cll,.,ycM 0( t!l0 (;oVcm , ai.... r . .... ,,f pav. iioioireil lo .no I'.'iianeo Loi.itni;- i1-'-'' . fr. Cnu'.n, from tho ( oinivltee 0:1 . ' .. , . , t.ia net proeee Is m the internal 1 jvenue, , ':,.,.;. . ;,, ,;, . 1 .; ;,; 1.1 1...: j c.i!n..i tn the je.u . I - )'.!, ! ' i V an 1 i.v:,iS, i'.n' the ere.-lio 1 .ii' ;n-:i- '' u .... n ident. Ii naseU air.l M to jlr. Anthony, i'roni tho ( '.iinini: too on litil.n.', veportei! aovi v -eiy on t i tl-.ti to j.se.seiit tho p.etiiion nf the Now I'.ihai'.iiil eiiiiufaiit ai l .-"eieiy li.r muoiu- iinieiiliim P.r property uetrnyel by a tnol'i in .I'.an M.-. Mr. t'.iw.i'.i nresente 1 u n, ';l: :i lu'iiimit. ! tiie (a nl I a:-iii.:ii n. lb : cv ret c V, and fa' V:, - ! au... ( U . ,,.. A .elerrcd to '. iio finance tl in::.:; ve. j Mr. l-ane ei.l.od tip tho hiil t.ic!::t:.-e IV I 11' 0 l i ll.'i.-l. ill !!.'' IC11..K111 Uf 'U S V . .- i ,, . . : ,, :,.,...:.:.. I .. ( ;i.l.ue ai:.l eonseilt ol til-' ;.''elia: . 'f';.: .jiij.-ii.i.i v. -; trim .'.ir, .viiaue! nine iid.nent, l'tipiiriiif; till (a.i-e: ,-; to ; ! inveninn a: :, wimso ri:.::'; nr irrs i-xei'.:,! a:.e la.a: ,:iid dollaiv. i-iiail Iv an. , ,;:.. I ;,y ',-..,U':ciit, !;y am! v..:; fii;. ae.vico an 1 ...:..-:. :tt oi liu ,"etia:o. ."! :'. i. i:.e a; . ke iif .tinil t!;o amend !"' ':'e1::- w-'i t,i-u1' it"'f liuneai-lia: ai: le'o'ni i;;o:i. .V r. t'lianvr ,n!.e I mo nm.'tt tin ul: ..rt;oi: in '-t he amen. in. ear nf Mr. i-'ui-inor r, V.,.;,. ; ve;e, : L'. i,:.v s :: 1 . , was ; .1 cii'U.i l;iJ tartii;. cni.s'.aerr.'.i: j th.! hiil, tile m .iii'iii:.' limir c:;pii'id ..ml the Ifiii'li-iii'd !;.!! ri.i.iy. wav.i v. is 1 . ic no i in r. nauo 1 .111 lei 111 o: u.i.oc, Wa-i taken no. Mr. i'ni.md :ai I l.e had -ivetl lio-iee I Unit no v.'.W e.li up tin: L.i:i..iVe mn I t i.d.iy. iio !. 1 11 'i '..V'-u pevrer u i.a llrtiei.' with 'In' p. villi"; im-sa.:e, : .:: ; lie v.vuM c.i.l i:p'::e baoarilp.. 111.1 '.v,-. u j tlmf :.o-V L.ef.ve fi.e i-.'iiaie Mas Ul.-'. id J j ''' - 111 o;i tho loii t 1 em ten a re 1 1 n ''' 1 i:ne, v.-: .- '..in: inn : i li. in Co: ti.i:-. I sce.i.'U laa loj. .v.-.n wards;! "An I if no npnnii. in. ,:,'. by and v.ih I it has been leased l.y the l'ennilia die . -Ivice and cioi. . n' i t too eu.ito, j , j;,,,; Jivn.l e-!jMii, and is opera siiail Iv va-v iV site.i nfi.e sn V.O-..V .',- ot ;,y tnem. it i:p'".a:v ,' h'i-.'d. as a Lire, am, dunm; lis entire lenuth was opened for pas Mi.v . e 0 i -. t..e . i-i aie, i-in-ii ''.liv s .a.l ieint.iti in a a . .inee, WillMlil any salary, :eei or emaiumvits aliaciv I thereto, 'iiii.i cc s.one sanil : inh: a lialioe'it d.-.r.-V, : an.i v. ;di ad .'ic-,; an .iiiriiiy such time all the powers and du- tn s belo vtii:"; t i such olive, shah oo ex. cre:,( ,l by such other Viver as may by :av c.eici.-c sji.ii ii.n.ci.-: iiun tiiiiies in C:ve of a vacancy to sucli oiliccV Hots;.;. The joint business order beim; (lie call ot Siatcs, lor bills tuiil joint rcsolu dons to be relerred. bills were introdue. cd, read twice am! referred as follows : Mr. Taylor, joint i evolutions directing tho PresiiliV.it of die United .States to causn uischarp'.s, written or printed, to bo i .iniished to all volunteer cainmis sioncd oiiicci'i who have served in tin: army ami navy, ami been honorably (lis chanted. Rilirred to the Committee on Military Affair .Mr. I In ft. a liiil providing lor the ', .ayment of Inmuty tn tho repre.-enta. lives of soldiers who were- killed or died in the military trrvice ol the United Service whose term of service was less lh:i:i one vc-il'. li.derieil In the s-:iMio I causes, iieii.i'iva to tuc i,uuiui.ltee on j the J ud viary. Mr. '.'v'a li'uini. a liii! to nvti-.taMi'ii civil troveriim-snU ill t.ho States l.tte'v in relnjliion, i.'xenptinjx TonnosHea. Ili't.'i'. re l to the joint coiumittu3uti Rusoinitru? t'ui'i. '1 lie call of till SlatOH for liill:( lijln eonoliiilol, the State:) were culled for iTM'lviun s dm v tho rctniiind jr of the. .novnin Injur:'. Tlio resolution offered last Monday by Mr. l.i.an, tin. I nfierwurds hy Mr. Kelso, cum; up as i'lliow.s : J!rMir-rrl. That, for 1i r- pnrposi: of mo. eurin'; tho Iruil.s of tho vietorie.-i ri:ined on l.ho part of tho Republic dnritrj; the 1 al.o war v i j I 1y tho rebels ami trait, nrs I'.ij-ihist tin: lifoof the nation, and of j.'iviii,; o'i -ctto tho will of tho pcon'o us e:i;iie.-se I at till polls during tho late election by majoritio. nuriborin in the aL.- ; .(.:. ,( ,.!.;;, j tllAll fdtl t ll till (lr(l tllOU- s i l l vii os, it U tho duty of the Thirty iiint'i t.lotive.w to tako without delay suaU I'.elioa as will accomplish tho l'ol lowii: olijoeto, l;o. iIr. I lOiui read a lon- speech, in which ha in e.Te.;t uiiared IVosidcni, Johnson with hiiviii',' knnwlada of tho plot to v-a-slni't': Li.ieolii. , point of order v.'.s raised by Mr. ifalo wi.icih was over, tnlci by ihu .Speaker. Finally the w I:. do matter went over until Monday :ii':i'.' ';Cl)0l'iisiii)i'ii3. OTIHA'VFCOURT S ALE? virtue ol' en (jnler of tho t Irplmu' h S !i l.'a'ir: o!'!)':li c'.iiintv, Va. I will sell '.' "1' ' ""' in Uiiifjwr.y, l'a., (in i-.u:- ..-iv. l' e 1 1 1:1 v (it l- v. 1 "aiirv. .. ,v, - ,,, ., 1 ...... (... ..'..i..,.i, i m 1 1 1:1 e a'tain trie', of land in .lay townsliiji, In :',: '1 li'S: o.mi ty, I'lUitiiinia;!; "') acres, !!. ii? !".!, l"i.i;j tho one-hull' jmrt. of tiae' .Nn. "1, us 1 . -j I ll '..?! in A lain Djller'a ii'i-iivi -: hi ;.'i:ih nf lainl in said County. Tunas cash, en (urlii'ntalhm (.f sale. .M.'.itV .MeKKKXl'.V, Ae'in;. of (:.!. i'.c (if i'. .MclCei'ii'.'y. due'd. I.. .1. ;i!!:.:l", ..!lv. 1st in. 'lTth d-.")t. C.. J- J 3 iV WINDOW SHADES A T ,1 i y !,! ii 1: i. t J 1 ,:J i: :;j;.J 'V'.'i jf $ v? i.i to r? WAltUKN. l'A. Ti I !s-s-in in 1 1 ro ow SHAD! A T AVAUIiKX, l'A. 1 R.UST!', WINDOW SHADES A T ifiifiiETif nay liZ AVAPvREX, TA. l.17te. UP! i?, LL r.ei'sons i'.miwi iv themselves in- delved to .3in;di Wilhuibi of St. Mary's, are rc.pie.-t'.'d to call and settle tlieif accounts before the lut of Februa. ry; or they will be put in the hands of j proper porsoiv.' lor collection. Iio stiil earriss on Ivistacss at,:the old stand, where bo will bo happy to see all his old customers, aid as many new ones :is may iir: lut 1. dOS. WILI1ULM. St. Mary's Jan. 10th lSdii. c'd7 1SG7 I "MULAlM.i'MTA .t ERIK HAIL j ? Rt)At). 'i bis ureat iino traverses ! tiie Murthern ami Nnrthwest counties of j 'i' i ; ; i'.-1 vatiia to tho city of Erie, on ,.,;,. i.'-..:,. i fo!i;;or n'M iieiy!:t badness, October 1 Tj .. V U v v 0p n yAl T1AIg AT J. lid.; WAY. .'.I ll t c iM.SiV'.Vil. Ib'le Mail 'J .ai i 47 r. in v,nV; ,; 'Pr .in 11 05 p. m j ,..,.,. l;i-s;:'(.'v7. j yit,; ;j.;il Ti ain 1 21 p.m. . in-.,. . i.i-r s 1 I'-in .. iill i m iv.-vivor car: re.n ihroevh without haw both ways between i'hiladelpha alio, l.rio. NMW YORK CONNECTION. i Lo ivo New York at ii.OO a. in., Arrive t i .lie i). 1 ") a. m. Leave Erie nt 1.55 p. ui., arrive at New Vork It) n in. Ei.i-:oi:xT iSi.i;kmn! Cars on Esoress Trains bnlh ways between V, illianisjiort and Jhtiliiuore, and Williauisport und 1 iiiiaiiclphia. for iniormntion resroctin" l'ussentrer Ij ii :incss apply at the S. E. corner UOt'u ; and elarite! .-its Ami for I'.-ji'.ht business of tho Com pany's Agents: ei. lb KiiiLC-don, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. U Reynolds Erie. AY.Rrown, A-ent N. C. 11. H. llul- tiniorc. II. II. Houston, (Iru'l. 1',-ri.jht Ji'f. Vhil'a :r. 'ur. Cvinnf!!. C-'.aiV. Tirl.-rl A-jt. VliVa. Ai.i'itL'i). L. Tyi.i'u, efeivO! S'iji Wmi't. c Cottar's Kxteriiiir titer, Mxlei'lniii.itor, Costar's I'lxtenniinttor, Kxtci initiator, (lostar'.s fixteriniiiaror, J'jXtermintitor, Costar's .lixterniitiator, jlxtoitiiilie.tnr, Costar's llxterniiiitilo;', ihtU'i'itiinalnr, Costar's Mxtenuinator, I'lxlt'nninatnr, Collar's Hyterininiitor, J'lxlermtii.ilor, ('ostar's I'lxlcniiin.itor, J ixtcniiinalor, Costar's Jlx terminator. Fo. Itnts, Mice, llnnehru, Ants. Ilcd Hugs, Flca. Mollis und Furs in Woolens, insects on l'liuits, Fowls, Animals, etc. ' IS years eetuliishcil in N. Y. City,' ' Only infal'nMe remedied knovvn.' Free fi'niii Inji.vrm.' ' IioiiluiigL'ious to the Human Family.' "liveware"! of ail worthies:! imitations Hue that " COSTAIl'.S " iinnie in on ciicii I'oi, L'ud':c, imd Flask, heturu you buy. Aduross lii'.vr.rr.. rosTAit, 481 llro ul-.Tiiy, N. V. josTAii'y L'iat:;i::AXKi Euckthora Salye ! ForCiits, Hiirnii, llruij-es, V.'ounds, Unils. Caiieii-s, broken Urcasts, Soro Jiipplon, l!leedin,2, lilim ninl l'.iinl'ul piles ; .Serol'u lous, I'liuid ami ill conditioned Sores; t'l. cers. (ihiiuliilar Swellinis, Eni;i! ion, Cuti;" neons Ahections, llinjjwnrni, Itch, llitcs of fcjnilL'rs, Insccils, Aiionals. iiu. lloxes, ti- cauls, nil cents, and bl sizes. Sold by all l)i u:isls, every wh en: and by lil.Ma It. UOMTAlt, Depot '1S5, liioadwny, X. Y. OST All'S UN IV Kl'.S A L Corn Solvent ! For Corns, Humous, Warts, &e. Bores, 2"i cents. ,ri0 cents, nnd ?1 t-izes Sold by all Ili'ii'L-isIs everywhere, and liy MK.MtY 11. COSTAlt, Depot -IS 1 lSroaJway, N. Y JOTAU'S PKEPAUAT10N OF Hitler Street ami Oraiife 1jIos.ohis, fur Braxitifyiivj th; ( 'urn fit. r ion. Lhsed to soften nnd lieautify I ho skin remove Freckles, Pimples, liiuptions, &c J.mlies lire now usin it in preference to all otners, nice M per holtle. Sold by nil Druyprists every n hero, nml by ill..Mtl It. CO.-sj'AK, Depot d!vl liroiidway, K. Y J C O 1' G If Ji L1 MED Y, For fhiurjhs. Tolds, H.mveitess. Soi'-i-Thront, Croup. '.'I'liiinpiio' ('ent;hs, Influenza. Airthnin. Ciuismni'i inn, l.ronchial All'i-c: i..n---, nnd nil diseases of the Throat and I. titles. Pottles, 2" cents, oil .veil--, and $1 sii'.es. .Sold by all Druii'.'iii s every wliere. and by ' 11 UN It V It. CtlSTAIl, Depot let Pi'oadwny, X. Y. lOSTAlt'S CK1.UUU.VTKU Eisliop Pills! .1 Unicersal Dinner Pill ! .' For Nervousness nnd Pick Headache, Cos livene.ss, 1 iidietion, Dyspepsia, Dil lioitsuess, Constipation, Diai'ihoeii, Colics, Chills, Fevers, tint general d ern n ;je m en t of tlie Di'iesiivo (lltG.VNS. EoTesi 2.") cents, ".it cents, nnd $1 s,izos, and sold by all Diua.'ist everywhere, nud by HKNUY' P.. I'flSTAP.. 101.3m Depot Mi l!rodWi:y N. Y. Viii'ctiirilk'. liii; 1' JAtJ'i 'lu 1,1. V IS vTii;'iijJ YOU CAN ;t;v The CkeupeM. r Z, as.- n o CO W fj .J 4 n r" r o - w -i o 11 U ; q vt li ? tt- J '- w .: ? . s- C -a- t k-q 1 S'. i"" t. rrl Z. -3 5- ?! ? 4i z i c m gin q ti:5 ?i ft :c r. - -h n - :' z as 3 -W 31 n ." tl? i-r-'i 4 T) t - - -3r!. U V H H P"""' V '4 V '-- O - 2 h- y UinitJ -c i-l i 1 Tj ?- IT? rJ k"-l rV " &'j rj ri-o3 m V 7 i "t ... I ( J- K'ii c- '" 5 i" -3 ri. o n ei 2 "2 rr. 3 Ji . r-t- O O CD a h in 0' y CT" ". ri S If 7r- V.'E SKI.L liOOIls! AS LOW A3 THEY CAN PK UOl'lillT IN - y GIVKUSA CA 1,1.. AND '.7:: WILL Mf r o v & 'q. v. . T,2 C, G li V.A T K X CI TKM U X T o o o to vti'Jty pir6i.;..'.J tv.rj v.' ll 1-4 ZP. r Ftt,v o k0 O OVV2u"-jci KJ t'J "v 5'2 evJ INSIJllAXtJi 1 AC, AINST loss or DAM At J 11 by 1' 1 1 i:. riilK I.ycoaiin.'; County lutunl lnsur. g mice (.'iniipni.y at ir.ucey. Pa., c.iu tomes to Insure a.iinst Loss t.r l):una.;e ,y I'ire on all kinds ef .M. ivhan iise. Publi'o und private I) nihlin;:-, either in town or ci.iitilv. ,:i, mi Mills, T.-uiueries, llarns, Mocl.s of (iriini. e., at iho lowe -t jm-slblo rui.'S, c-.u.-i.-lciii ivilh tnl 'iy to the Insurer and Insured. The I.vc.ania j; Count v. Mu tual Insurance. Company invites nn "inveait gathai ns to hi tlability. Its camtal aiiioiinls to HO O.OOO! TliU3iis.-ui''.ii. tu every on a nt' its pafrir.s tliat iheir hi.-M-j wnl l.e proiujaly and s.-uis factori:;.- p iid. l,s inauaj.eiiH'ii'i has ahvuvs t'l-i'ii iii.n-iit, ns i.s exisvii.'u of iwcuiv. : tU vc.o s fiilly d, ,t ,- ii i s " J ' ICS 1;L VI' V 1 Y A-eut for t Ik county, Rt Si'. Mar. O fit 'j lj t' L. s? H w i pwt -i CT!) Jd5 o 5 f rr. u r 1 I f H I's--1 1-3 4 t;A S - f , -r-r ;j . r: 4J .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers