1J Lll '' ' '-- - - - -i -I.L." jilli woiik. Eighth cluct hand bill, 60 copies or loss J'.'.fiO Quarter sheet -band-bill, 50 copies or Ipsa $3.60 Half sheet lintul-bill, 60 copies or less $."..00 l ull f'atct band-bill, fiO conios or less tt'.CO. A ' ' ' ELANKS. For any quantity under tiro quires. S1 , tO per ouire ; on all amounts over that u reasonable reduction will bo made. tehms of r.wiiti.u o: : $1,60 per year i" ndvnnco S2.00 if pnid ititlnn tho your, uJ,$-,uO if not paidwith iu that lime. ' ' Car Timr at IXirig irar;. Erie Express East 1 lido p. m. do ilo West "r'.Oa m do Mail Fast :10p.. fit! do do West 1:23 p. in. Lccal Fi cigfct. KFU-. .....10:00 a. m. do do West '. C;lXlp. in. N O T I C E . Ileroafler tho Post Office will be closed every evening ut 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will bo kept, open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. 31. Mail Closed at C I'- 31. L. LUTHER, P. 31. Br tjWe tiro, rcijtiestoil to state that i?ociab!o i ilk' tm et, at the bouse of the John G. Hall, this Friday evening- A general invitation is extended. CllANCi FOIL A BiRGAIN. Py rcf crence to our new advertisements, it will be seen that the ( splendid .business site lately occupied by Rurke Woods is offered lor pale. CiirThe publisher desires to express Lis thank for tin; handsome present be leeeived from the enterprising aud liber al firm of the tW.ii.s, Profilers, in Saint Mary's. May 'tliry always bo able to do the same thinsr every New Year. True Patriot a Umox. Owing to the fact that, we have not received a prospectus ot this staunch Democratic journal, it is tior'puhlished. 15ut when know ol a good thing wo take pleas ure in recommending it to our readers; and if lo:z ud fjithful service iu the c-iii;o of tight and Pemoefaey, is a re-, cnmwetidati'):i we would most heartily wish that our subscribers, after seeing tj the support of our owa p per, would 0'jbucrihfi for the Patriot &, Union. 'j'F.tt:.is : Weekly. S-, 00 per an. num. Daily. 87.D0 per anuum. . . I.IARI'.IKl --(!.. ll , 20, of December, nt the r iii'';iee i.f f). ( Chamhei lain, V 1 I n lV,v V.. m V.,r!.- !.e Koy. Xew Vnrk, by Ilev. ic--';ier. I!irtor of St. M.ilk's A. ! Chis,.:1.!. Mr. v.tViv. A. RaWITiun, i.f Ri'-'iwRv. Pa . Miss 'ai"M,ine ;. La or !,o -iov, t tie ...'.tjiih; have the kind rnter. . Wc --n.f.wt wishes of that Gevre uill t.:- bid go"'"' ye :.. (.isier su; pers artd k:.",'i." Oi'.reariK st I vis''i is ihiit thn-briyht t-niiles of his par'ncr.a-ay eiadi.'alo any, desire for a renewal of the j!ra.-irc-8 uf "single Hessodticss." PIED : On tin- oOt.h r.lt., in this place, CaR'''I.ink, wife (I'll. A. Parsons, pged 58 fuv.r. 1 months ond l'J days. ' rom p:t i tin n n icw i IrOUSE, SIGH So OENAKEKTAI PAIKTIUj. rnni; sniscKiu e u would ut j fapect lully inform the ciiizcns of Klk county lliat lie 1ms just Vlartcd in the nhciv' luipiiioss in llidgway, and feel confi dent tin! Ik. can please nil who may favor him villi their ciihIoii). GI5A1N1NO, V.ri-.;t IIANOINO AM) OAI'IMISING don;: ox snoi;x notick anu in the Jnot fa.-iiiniiiihlvaud improved iiinnner and ftyl. ' Orders left nt' Hits Oltico or at the Hut: king llou-e of fouthnr, Willis & Souther vill be l.roiiiptly nltenili'd to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Miy-UT.Ii-ly. "TO'PIOI': TO CltEDl'r- O!:.-'. The hue firm of Burke & Woods iT l!ie boronpli of St. Mary'f, Ellc county. Pa., having on tho !!lst day if Ou tol;cr, A. 1. lHiili, timde a eueri.1 nsiu lnent fur 111 Venetit..of o.fdiliirs to t lie un-ler.-it;ind. all persons indthteil to said firm will pleie-tf makb payfnent, lind all'liaviug c!u'.;iii ), resent iJ.ein lo ' i CUA I'.I.K.S :U VF.AX. Assignee. St. Marys, lieuziu-cr P. O. December (iih.'lSdG. YMAI!.! e mj j v "inn -rtg'.'ma eveiywiiere waul j lopell our iMrnnvr.il S.'O ewiiir; Machines. Throe new kinds. . Under and upper feed, fcent on trial. Wai raiut'd five years. Above salary or luiye coimiii sions paid. The only 'iiiacbin"s snlil iu tin' V nited Stiitei f,,r 0.b limn SJ0. which are ill lift In H'ni e II wir , Jluk-,, Siu;,tr " ,"V,C'' S. cal' ""- clinics me iHlrtii;eMf,.r nun tne mitrr or it.vr ftre rtiuO'i- to ttrr.:, ana tinpr'iuimnit. Illustrated c'rciilnri .i-nl.Vvc. Adiins-s, cr call upon S inw ,v Chirk, ft' liid.h'fnrd, Maine, or Ohicogn...li!. fuiay-lT'Oli-ly , , I 7?OK SAJi;! ! . , . j" fw) Fteam Engines h-n:ch bore and M- u:li stroke, withnain shafts and line shaft .'ie. ' ' Also. POL'll cylinder boi lers thirty fee j:i!( and of mtrii'.ieni ...wer to drive til 1 wo ea;;lnc. Any one (b-sirous of purchas ing Jitea-n Machinery will find it to their nd vantaj-e lo call upon tiie subscriber at Porti land M ".Up. ' HI HA M CAlt.J AN, Pti lwoy, Pa. ioci. 4ih.;iiu. , milAVEtt UOVSC, JL P.I1JOWAV, PA. B.tVID TJIATR,' Proprietor. Tirj ntideraigncd having fitted up a largo nd commodious hotel on the snuthweet corner of Centre and Mill street, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully olicil3 the patronage of Itis old; frieudB sad tho p'ir'lie generally. . ' .icol3'0(S I j DAVID tH AVER. LIST OF OAUSKS down for I riii). lor January term, 1807. .1 Powell, adtu'r - V8 Khinca' ndm'rs. Milliliter,, vs forget, nl. Leash vs Wind folder Davidson vs Carman ClcnicuU : , : v3,Amcrct. bL 31clvinc'.n "' ' vS Alexander ct.nl. kena.;eiir vs MeCaulcy ct.al. 31ay vs -Elliott Selio T3, Pen. sell dist. , G. A; RATI1IJFN, 1 Prothotiolury. ISW OF JJiltOHfc j lor January Tei'in, L'i'7. y . drawn (RANI) J CKOUS. Lenezett tie, Ellis Lewis, II D Johnson, James Ov.eriurf. JlenxliKjtr tirp. Jacob Nist. Fox tirp. W J Leahy, Daniel Pin ion, J. 8 Hyde, Deuu.is Egllestou, Jacob M'Cauley, Andrew How. Jay tirp. Charles Webb, Nelson Robinson. Jones tt'-ji. Win K Gallagher, Chris, tophcr Pill. ' RiJitcut tirp. Isaac Ilorton, jr., T 15 Cobb,. Pat Riley, jr., Randall ialou, U D Messenger. Sprint Creik tirp., Wm Algro, G W Davidson. St. Mary's hnromjh. II Foohtiuan, Lawrence Dielz,' George Smith. TRAVERSE JURORS. Fiiuci'.ju-p, 13 J Joucs,D Johnson, John L-arr. jJniziiiff.'r tirp. Jacob Tollmer, Mi chael Neibig, John uoetz, (windfall), Jacob Schubert, ueorge Jiirner. Fox tirt. Albeti Eliinger, Solomon Pochart, James U. Taylor,. Adelphus Kyler, W W Shaw, L Mohan, fcenior. W illiam M'Cauley, John Taylor, E 11 uresh. I lit Monti tirp. Levi Ellithorpe. Jy ;. A E Goff, Wm P Luce, Joseph L-lil. ; . Jones tirp. Edward Souther, Iliotiray tirp. Peter Uraniff, Amos n heeler, J V Dill, John Vanorsdall. Sprint Cri tic ttrp. Jeremiah Elliot, SV. Mary's horomh. Joseph Wind- felJer, Joseph Wiihelm, Auton Pen. 'linger, . Albeit . Weis, Charles Weis, Jernaru Eckel. WiNTE!) , AG EMTS S75 to 8200 PER MONTH for gentlemen and Sofi to STo for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the, , Celebrated Common f,cn?t. Family Sewing JIachine, improv o 1 and perfected. , It will hem, fell, st:tth, fjuilt, bind, braid and enibrohier beautiiuliy. Price only $20, making the eiastio lock gtitch, ar.d lullv war. ranted for three years. Wo pay the above wazes, or a commission, from whicli twice that amount can be made Address with stamp, or call on C. POVE!?S & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South EH'TII Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with aireulais aud terms. May-ill'CG-ly. ra:iE sii.veu skikt. J. MORE DURABLE, 310 Pi E ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will l(oo its shape and retain its place ceiiur than any ctLcr fciart.. This new and l.eatifnl style of Pkirt (Pat cn!cd March 7, ISC.'),) was awardid by the (' : at Aipcricin Institute Pair, held in New V ork, .October, judo, a . SILVER MEDAL, being the Tlighest Preniiuni ever given for a Hoop hkirt. The Steel Springs are wound with fine plated wire iu place of n cotton covering. which will not wear off or become soiled and tho whole skirt may he woshed without injury or feur of rusting, and will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordina ry Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skirt tlie bottom hoops are the same as tho.se uh ed in tho Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones art covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one ot our Skirts, will he willing to wear any olhdr, as the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon injured and soileed. The best innteeials are used in their con structibn, ami, from their durability and neatness they are uestnieu to become a Favorite Skirt. Manufactured solely by the Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, 30 and 32, IL-IIIC'E.IY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. Srnnnv, Sup't. Aug Oih-ly PriOTOCrllAPIIIS. E. I H. T. ANTHONY to CO.. Manufacturers of FhotogvapUic Materials, Wholesale and Detail, Uh IJROADWAY, N. V. In addiiion to our main business of PIIOT'OUKAPIIIO MATERIALS wc or lleadiiuarlers fo the following, vz. STEUESCOPJiS & STERESCOP1C MEWS : 1' A.nericaii and Porcian Cities and Land i sc;1,.s. (;,.,, ,,r,u Sum mrv. etc. STEl'.ESL'OPIC VIEWS Ol'THE WAR, Prom negatives made in the various cum paigns and furniing a complete Photograph iu uisiory oi t lie gieat contest. STEUESL'OPIC VIEWS ON" GLASS. Adapted for.eiiher the Magiq Lauirn or thc.Stcrescoije, Our Cntiilnfiie will be si-nt i to any adilresa on receipt of Stamp. PIKITtHiHAPUtC ALliUMS. We niamilacture more larpoly than any other house, about 100. variefics from fiO cents to iilteaeh. Odr . LliUMS have tho reputation of being superior ia beauty and uuiaoiuiy 10 any oiners. Card Fhotogiapas of Generals, Statesmen, Actors etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND diil'erent subjects, including reproductions ot tho most celebrated J.u cravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cuta lognes sent bn receipt of eUimp. Photogranhers nd others ordering rood C. O. D., will please remit l!o per cent of the amount Willi their onler. trj!Tho priecH and quality of our poodi 1 cami.H full lo satisfy. (June 14 Ob- iy. O R FA T FX CI TEM EX T fi ft Irani ft c C Xffi C s t-H ICT v , H g C KM i-i to C Z ft t Til ft H Court Proclamation. WIl EKEAS, HON. li. (J. ,V 11 TE, President, and Charles Mkad. and E. C. fccnuirzK, Assoe'utfu Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and Justit-s of tho Court of Quarter Ses sions, and Orphans' Court, mid Court ol Oyer and Terminer, and General Juil Delivery ot Elk contitv, by their pre cepts to me direotuJ. have ordered a Court of Common Pleas,' a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, and General Jail Delivery, to be holden ut Ilidway, iu and lor the county of Elk on the SECOND MONDAY IN JAN. 1807. beint; the 14th day of the'mnnth and to continue the week. NOTICE is bete by given to the Coroner, Justices ol the Peace and Constables of tho county ot Elk , that they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M.. nl said day, with their rolls, rebords at.'d inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those things which tiieir ntliees appertain to be done, and that all. Jus. ticts of said county make returns oi all the recognizances entered into belore them to the Clerk of tho court as p.;r Act of Assninbly, passed May 8th 1804. And those who are bound by their ro cojrnizans to prosecute tho prisoners that are or shall bn in the Jail of said eov.nty of .Elk, aud to be then aud there to prosecute against them as shall be just. J. A. JI ALONE, Sheriff. JCi i: NTS V A X T i: I For the Most Popular find Best Sub scription BuoLs Published. We are the most extensive publishers in tho United States, (having six hous es,) and therefore can afford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a more liberal commiisiou than any other com pany. Our books do not pass through tho hands of General Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works do,) therefore we are enabled to give the canvassers the eslra per cent, wh'ch is usually al lowed to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will see the advantages of dealing directly with the publishers. Our series embraces the most popular works on all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly both North aud South. Old agents, and all ottiers, who want the best paying agencies, will plcae send for circulars nud see our terms, m d compare them and tho character nl oii works with those of other publishers Add ress,' NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Muss., ("in cinnati, Ohio, Chicago, Ills., St. Lmiis. Mo., or Richmond, Ya. now 2!) It. 11 E E T O E V E 11 V U O D V ! A Largo 5 pp. Catalogue, toach'nir how to remove. Tun, Freckles, Pinipb's, Blotches, .Moth Patches, Sallnwiies, Eruptions and all impurities of the skin. How to force Whiskers, restore, euil and beautify the hair; renew the Hue, cure Drunkenness, Nervous Debility, and other useful and valuable informa tion. Everybody send for it. Address, ' BERGEil, SilUTTS & CO:, Chemists, 286 River Strrct, Nov. 20th, lS6j.ltB. Troy, N. Y. VS3 ESJ TIIE ? LACE TO "BUY' 18 WHERE YOU CAN BUY ' ' J t The Cheapest. o Q rs- H 6 CD O 5 g; r! c w - - c-jrs.a 5 rS c at F- a F R B -l g c n S. o 5si g"i 2-3 S - i ST 1 ?1 1 5 5b: ? 7. i S 2 3 ? - C !? -S" 5 7- o H C. ! C . ft -I c " - i ai.' Z-ta -; - '-rl - 3 H 5' S S.? ' tu 6 " . 2. w "2 j - " rt f: ty ro ' S i- a a O - F o n a ri C JJ- ' c! '1 . a o n S 5 w '-5 - S ' o cr-( r .- 'X vi O i ki - o o 5 w t.q o a c i ?; 55 B .1': v S.I; O . . , " H yi .a OT - j fc f S ' m Tr"Z h-3 ?1 Si X2 G o !? -i ' 3 O i.i s CJ G 9 ' n j a n -a s 3 8 5? 2' I ' p 4 v c- 5 F o c 35 3-i- 05 n cr a WE SELL viOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN Erie 'City. GIVE VS A CALL. AXD !TE WILL r o v e it AltfiE CAPACITY, GREAT Slrntli l ami uneqitnlled fpeeu. eunplicily and co.npleiencKS of operation, are qualities pe. cnliar to the Nonpareil Wofc-liiiit Ma- Ohine. ; It is a squeezing machine const i -inled on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived from five years extensile use in fcniilies, hotels and public inelitiilion? proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser , , The manner of operating the Xonpareil, by romry motion acting on n crank shaft with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers olternniuly, is the simplest, least laborionp and most powerful that can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes tho work with the (rreatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The preat speed with which this machine performs work will bo understood from 'he statement t lint it is geared to "give six strokes of llie plungers for one turn, oi the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred stri kes a minute Safety to (he fabric washed is insured by tho eiuiro absence of rubbing. A girl ot' boy of fifteen can Work the nia. chine, and do a week's washing for u family of six or eight persons iu two to three hours' time: and ii limy be relied on to elennsethe clothihs thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right ol sale is secureil. OAKLEY it KEATING, 184,-. Wutcr St., N. Y. July SO.'CG-ly . r biiEliEl. T T . Healer in iijtisie. 'r . jJIUSiO ROOMS: AT. '45, Fcrst Aeeniie, Carry, Pcy.na, Refers to J. rowell, 11. F. Ely, Itidgwo'y. Ignatius Garnery'has. Ilaigen, St. Mary'e. nov 'S1,'VS, Ituipd. TXKWTOIt'S NOTICE. Whereas, -let-3 j terslestamejitory on the estate of Jos. Seel, late of lieiizingcr township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, they hereby given notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, add those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. O. F, HIAFFI'll, lixecutor. CAIIOL1AL Ll'.L, l'x'x, nov22dlpd. STRAV I I E.IFFE U .-Strayed away from the premises of llie sub seriber about the tirst of last June, a lilt I X DI.K MKIFf'Elt, has two huge whlto spots on oiltsido of eoch hind leg, small l-orus one crooked, a few white spots erl belly, and a while star on forehead, mid is two years old. Any person giving information of s.lid heiller, will helibemlly rewarded. MAHTI.V FHITZ, Nov. 8. 18C0. St. Denzinger, T. O. noon jrvtrsi rjphe subscriber begs leave-to ahnouncoto llie citizens of Klk nnd adjoining conn, lies that he I ins purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Siiiulz, and that, be is prepared to do all kinds of work iu a suit-libit- style, .S'.-l DDL ES.BIHD L ES, II A RNESS kept constantly on hand nt prices to suit llie times, (live me a cnll shop in the sec ond n or v of Ilouk's buildihff. ocll-ly. C. LEVIS. OonAMOXTiT!-AGENTS fj ) wunlod for nix tr.lin.ly tii!tv articUt, iiit out. Address O. T. O A HEY, City SuiMing. Eiddeford, Me, may 17'36-1t. - J. GURNEY ft SON,- - PHOtOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 707, BROADWAY, N. Y. IX addition to our Photoprnphio Art Gcb lery, eetablislici in 1840, we hnvo fur the ljst Five years hud advantages su perior to any other establishment in o'o. taming Fittings ir'.ni ProniiDcnt Celt biities life, of all the of the day in Card portiaits, and are now publishing a Catalogue of over 2 0 0 0 SUBJECTS. American and Foreign, also a largo list of copies of Works of Art and Engrav. ins. Catalogues sent ou receipt oi Stamp. An order for enc dozen pie. tures fiorti our (,'ntaloguo will be rilled at SI 80. and sent by mail Irce. Single picture) 2." cents e:.eh,. copies of en. graving l.'i cents each. N. li. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for. reproduc ing. r c.'pyiugi old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, uLC. of do. ceased relatives and irieudrf, enlarging them to any size, and finishing in Oil, Wafer Coli.rs, or India Ink, with the aid ol ten talented avii.-trf. Part t?e desirim; con!?s. should there. fore correspond with its direct. Send iyj- a tataloru1). The trad supplied at a liberal diic.innt. Gallery open itv tree inspection, "nd strangers visiting the city will find our Gallery otic of the mohf ngrcr.-ible places where, ill to while awr." an ho-.r. " 'J: GUllNKV U ?ON. sep-20 Orr. '707, Broadway, N. Y NEWS DEPOT AN1 PHPJODICAT, DAILY u'i WEEXIA PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at The Book Store IN ST. ' MARY'S. N. B. Anv work, either American cr Europen. Religious, Scientific, Phil csophieal, Historical, etc., will be pro cured on application as above. Any article, in the Book or Stationery line not iu Store, will be sent for by mail end be received in a few days al'er or dering, jdn. 14-ly. CR STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article'i.sed by first class hotels Laundries, nnd thousands of families. It give a bountiful polish, marine; the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much imc and labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear en! so s m. i.'ju.i;., ., oM linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL P-LT- H the best In the world. It is soluble ip. hard as well a soft water. It is put an in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any ottered to the public. H ij warranted not to streak the clothes. Ap. nts wanted everywhere, to whom w offer ex traordinary inducements Address, MtAV 1 OllK. A'TAllClf OLOK.-J CO. "So. -io ruhon .St., New York. T O G O X S U A 1 PT I V E F3 . r"11IF. Advenlner, .having been restored J to health in a f'-vv weeki-, by a very simple remedy, after having tiuTered sever al years with a severe liui;; ati'eclion, and nun ureau disease, consumption is anx ious to make known toiiis fellow sufferers the mentis of eiire. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescripiicn used, (free of charge), with the directions for vep.irici tb-nn.?. which they will 'i;:-1. r. ;Sirc Cure lor Con sum;';:oii. Asthma, Krorich'ts, kc. The i li ly object of-the advertiser intending the l'resrriptioa, i:. to bcr.rht tio aiilicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable : and he hopes every MifiVrers will try his remedy, as it will cost them noining, anu may prove n blesfing. Farties wishing the pre -crip! iou, will please address F.r.v. FinVAf.D A. V. II.SOX,' Williamsburg. Kinrrs County. New Vork. Oct. li"l li LiCU-ly. f.ii.isssvsii; sita. a cn. Extensive Manufacturers ami' importers of GOLD, PLATE3 Co OREIDEifXEWEtEX, SOl.lll A N I) NIt'KIX fSIEVEll WA11E,' Ameuioas, Hnulish and (fwiss Watch ks. frf b:j tPursfCrcs, And every deseripiion of Fancy Goons ami Vaxkfk NorroNS, Especially adapted ami dusigned for South ern and Wesibi-n Trade.. ... Circulars and full descriptivo Trice Lists sent free, Aprnts wanted everywhere. Ad. diets SALLSBi nV, BUO."& Co. 51 Dorrnnce street, oct.So.'CO ly. l'fovidence, It. I. INSUltAXCE ' AGAINST loss or DA M AG E by FIRE. rniIE Lycoming County Mutnnl Insur- mice Co'npui.y . at "Miincey. l'l., con t'-nues lo Insure against Loss or Diuiiiiko by Fire on ull kinds ef Merchandise. 1'ublic and private buildings, e'uher in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, liarns. stocks of Grain, &c, at the lowest possible rates, consistent with s.af-.'ty to the Insurer and Insured., The Lycoming County. Mu uml Iiibiirancc Coinpany inv.ies an investii gation as to its stability. Its cupitil amounts to 89 800,000! Thus tissuring to every one of its patrons thnt their losses will be promptly nnd sntia factoi'ily paid. lis manuneDienl hasalwAys been prudent, as its exislen.-e of iwenly sis yean fully demonstrates JAMES ULASELV. Agent for Elk txraaty, t St. Mary'. UN 10V Ths AMERICAN ARTISTS' U.N ION established 18o4J i'tiii(.iiire thnt in order lo extend, the wlo t X the lol. lowing well known and highly popular. STFLL 1 'LA TE ENGRAVING Departure of the Pilgr'm Fathers for America, liT z 86 in Landing of the Pilgrim Path. en, 27 x 85 Falstaff Mustering his Re- ' cruiis, 2t) x 3') Sluikespcar nnd his Friends, 27 x 31 Cotter's Saturday Night, 2o x 2S Village Blacksmith, 27 X 32 Manifest, l'estinv, (Fortune Telling,) " 21 x 8 The MusMcre at Wyoming in 177C 28 x S6 Mount Vernon in the olden time, of, Washington at SO :cars of ago, 20 x 8-4 The escape of Alaster ?Iac- Donald from the Massucre of Glcneoe, 26 x 34 The Madonna, 0 x 34 They have deemed expedient to offer to their friends and the public at one dollar and fifty cents each, the price nereriiiore Having ucen two il-ilnn, each, and for the purpose of stilunir.iiiic tui getting up of Clubs, the I avv oi-ter-mined to award premiums i. i.Ttters up of the Clubs, and in tulo-i-. n ibcrnto to distribute! amongst the s.i' .... , j,rrs the sum of SfjO.OtMJ in ,iioi.e ..-.it point ings, as soon as the sale ha!l nave reaeli C'l 1 (Hl,(i00 engravings. As it is onr intention to tulvertiso Vclv extensively, and as the engravings are mil known throughout, the whole count. . e have no -'doubt that With the b iv j rieo WO charge for them, nnd will, ;, vrrfiou v.hic'.i we put forth by our uiin.eious friends, t!ie number will h reachi'd in short time. As soon as it is reached, the subscribers, through their Club Agents, will be notified by a circular letter from us, naming the time aud method of distribution. . CLUB HATES. S.ngle hngravings 5? 1,00 oath, b j man . free. I,r S15 we will send 23 Enir. and the Club Agenf. 2 to " 20 ' " ' ' " 2.") " " 20 " " 30 " " 25 " 4 " 5 " (i " 7 " 50 75 1,10 " W ' u Silver Watch. " SO a Silver Lever. " 110 a IJuiiii.,.. I. ever. The Club packages win b,-' vet y se curely packed anil forwarded l.v i;.jiicii ny iin. lit p ' ; , ': ii, Mii forward the aitiount cither I v Exprcs, Sijht Dralt. Post Oltiee 1 lull r or in a registered letter, and in all eases the Engravings will bo imnieniaicli sent, and for each engraving a ni-in'jt'-et! cir. tijicalc aud teceipt will be -inclosed itl a package. C o; D. ORDERS. 1-i-i,i ! inj to send for Engravings and paV tho Impress l..j. i, ,,;i, ii,,.v Mre Kt.;ved, will he reipiired to send with their oidef .2 to -5, according to its amount,- and this will bj credited on their bill. iList of Prcmimiis To he distributed. One of SI 0,000 in mouey, S10.C0O 5.000 5.000 ; ,.'0'J " 11, - tJIJ " Five of ,000 " Ten of 5U0 " Fifty of 100 One hundred elegant Oil Paint, ings, richly i.iamed, Lands capes, at SlOO each. Two hunlrcd elegant Oil Paint ings, richly framed, Interior Views, ut i'50 each, U,-j0J 10,000 10.C00 850,000 The AMERICAN ATISTS' I'N. ION would add that these premiums arc to be considered on ly in the light of a free gilt to their patrons., us the Eugruviup are furnished liiem Mow their market value, and as the cost of engravings, after the plates are procur ed, is. very trilling, they can easily attbrl to make too distribution as hug.) as it is. We trust that our numerous friends throughout the country and Canada will use their utmost exertions s i that if po.-sible, the-. distribution may bo made soon, mid it can be- liuno i I Hey are at all active. Lad es I.-u-nmoe eseellent Club Aii-i. ; el'..-n -r us, v! ieh i i or and we solicit their kind 4i- -.-1 i.-.t will not go uurewardeu' Let more energetic- persons iu every town or village in the country commence as soon as uiey see tins, uiut get U Club as possible. l!y so will be the means ol in'. gant cngraviii-is into lau a;d iu cultivating a taste i -i I n ge u : l hey 1 g elo. d t'id.S i.e..!iii- Inland refined. Address (. : ;s Sec. AMEIiICAXATIST.s I ' I . I N . Nov. 8, lStiU-3iu, I'ine.t N. y ipiIKELKlt & WILON'S SEW. )V INT.. M ACHINE -The. under signed having been Appointed Polo Agent for the sale of Wheeler Jt WiNon's Sewin-' Machines tor rills county. Ho keeps aa assoriment Consii.utlv on liani'. Miiclrnrs sold at I'liibidelphiaiiiid New r p. ii cs.- Any p-irties desirous t,f obta:i, , ..r .ln-n ca i address J. K. H IIITM )'.Y. Maroh Ct 'CO ly. nt l! l--.qv pv H.1 OVEUIIOI.TZER. MEltCIIANT TAILOR, Fvidgway, Elk Co., Pa, The subscriber desires respe -i ullv t.. form the cilii'iis of iiidguay n' d tn--i Hint lie is propn.edto make to ..-.lv. v, us it can ho done any wlu.nv . . line of his Imsinoss ' All h- . , : -trial. Good Fits giuiisnleed ltCloths, Cnssimers. V 3 Trimmings of the latest nnd iiicj- "-. styles "kept consfnntlv on - ; 1- I n-e I MERICAN A UT 1HK be told CJIKAl'Ett THAN' THE (.'IB '. EST. ( - f.itig:'ij.y 1 j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers