i ' , J on work. tJj'1 tl"(rt 'nni bill, 6" copies or less t;C!..nitor sheet hand-hill, f,0 copies cr less Half shoot liatid liiU, CO oopics or less J.I, (Ml l'lill sheet handbill, 60 onpics or less t ,tJ0. : ' m.ANRS. For nny quantity umler five quires. $1,. fiO per onire , on nil amounts over that reasonable reduction will hp made. TERMS OK PAPER. Sl.fiO per year in advance. $2,00 if pniJ within the your, nnd !r"2,.r0 if not raid with in that time. Cnr Timrttl HUtgtcnij. Ilvie Express Fust. ..11 :)) p. ... :'.:Oa do do West...., do Mnil East , do do West Local Freight East do do West .. :::1p. m 1:-' i p. ni .. .10:110 a. ra .. I i; lio p. ni X U T I 0 E . Hereafter the Post Office will . be closed every evening at 8 o'clock. On outmay n win do kept open from K. to 10 o'clock A. 51. ,5Iail Closed at T- 51. L. LUTHER, 51. EIS-J. S. Hyde oilers a splendid two Iici'fc sleigh for sale. Sec advertisement. JPThc Sociable meets at the Louse of Mr. Jffnry Souther on Priday even. injr next. All are invited to bo present Lxcki.lknt. The fiiow which fell on Sunday niht last lias made excellent slcit;!iinr, and our town wears rather a lively business appearance. it e mis wcck issuo our paper m nuvancc or the regular tune, so as to get. ahead for the llollidays. Our next paper will probably be issued on Mon day next. iM'UEASl.Nil. Wo are happy to state to our .readers that our advertising's well as subscription list, is steadily in. creasing. Iu auothcr year at tho iar. . 1 ... tnest, we intent to enlarge our paper to a seven column sheet. IIoi.uoay Goods The atteution of those desiring to make presents dur ing the Hollidays is directed to the ad vertisement of E. T. lla.eltiuc & Co., of Warren, iu.to day's paper. lVis ins vis ing Warren should noi inflect to give them a call. They have a large stock, and ure prepared to sell cheap. Insuunck. C. V. Gillis, of llidg. way, h is been appointed agent for the Homo Insurance Company of New Ila vtu, Connecticut. The Home has a capital of a million with a large surplus, and the uioulhiy receipts are over 8125,000. Policies are wr'ttcn and delivered Ly the local agent, and the losses uro equi tably adjusted and promptly paid by traveling agents, who also examine and direct the work oi the local agent.:. The The Home issues policies for over three or five ycats on buildings and merchjn. disc at as low rates as can be done by any siafe company. Also issues perpet ual policies on dwellings, chinches and public buildings.' Perseus desiring insurance should prefer the Home, instead of insuring in mutual companies with a premium nolo. fici"AYe call the attention of our rea ders to the card oi (J ray, Wilcox- & Co, Wholesale Dealers at St. Mary's. The establishment of a home exclusively wholesale iu its buisness is a new etiter pris3 in this County and illustrates the repaid development of our country. We hope the enterprise will form a sue. cess and unless the peopio are stone blind to their own interest it must be a success. They proposs to furnish to their customers all articles in their line, at less, than they will cost them if pur chased at wholesale houses iu Erie. This they can do. Gray, Wilcox & Co. are a branch of the extensive wholesale house of Gray, Wilcox & Emerson, iu Erie. They will sell to customers here for the same price as in Erie, with the cost of transportation only added. Do ing a large business, and getting their goods always by the car-load, their flights are at reduced rates. It is cvi Jciit therefore that if a man wants a wagon load or two of goods, or any amount less than a car load, he can buy them at a lower price, at St. Mary's, than to buy in Erie, and pay tho freight himself. We hail the establishment of this homo among us as the advent of a substantial benefit to our public. IJ" ' - mmi HI . . (joint .vjo ii '.s The subscriber heps leave to innoiiiice to the chums of Elk mid adjoining conn, lies lljtit he lias piu-cliaed the harness shop lately occupied by John Eiiiuiz, Hint ilott he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit nble si vlo, -V.l i l LEH.llR ',1) LES.UA itXESS kept constantly on -fin n J at prices fouit the limes, (jive me a call shup in llie oec oudMory of Uuuk'a building. ocll-ly. . . C. LEVIS. JOIl PHINTlNCx. CHEAPLY & NEATLY EyPEDlTIOUSLY ii.ecuusl it tie Advocate Ottc C SEA T E X C 1 T E M EN '. - H O W M O o o en O I I rr. H re m O o S3 Xi H 5 35 Court Proclamation. WHEitEAS, HON. 11. G. WHITE, President, and Charles Mead. and E. C. ScuiLTZE, Associnte Judoes. of the Court of Comniou l'leas, and Justiies of the Court of Quarter Ses sions and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Ji.il Delivery of Eik county, by their nie- cepts to me directed, have ordered a Couit of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, and ueueral Jail Delivery, to bo bohlcn at JUUgway, in and tor the county of Elk on tho SECOND MONDAY IN JAN. 1807. being tho 14th day of'Jthe'mmith and to continue the week. NOTICE is here, by given to the Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county oi Elk , that they are by these prcecnts commanded to be then and there in their proper parsons, at 10 o'clock A. 51.. of sua day. With their roils, ree.m s m.,1 iiiijuisitioiis and other remembrances. to do those things which tiieir offices appertain to bo done, and that all Jus. tiees of said county make returns of all the recognizances entered into before them to the Clerk of tho court as per Act of Assoiubly, passed 5Iay 8th 18(i4. And those who ure bound by their re. cogniaus to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of said co-inty of Elk, and to bo theu and there to prosecute onanist thein as shall be just. J. A. 51 A LONE, Sheriff. C J 3N-TS WANTE 1 Eur the Must Pupuhir tnl Erst Sl Kcnjttiun Books Eullahal. We are the most extensive publishers in tho United States, (having six hous es,) and therefore can afford' to Sell books cheaper and pay agents a lmre liberal commission than any other com pany. Our books do not rnss thron"h tin. hands of General Agents, (as nearly till j wiucr subscription works doj therefore u uib cnaoieu to give ttie canvassers, the extra per cent, which is usually al lowed to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will see tho advantages of dealing directly with tho publishers. Our scries embrace tho most popular works on ull subjects of importance, and is selliug rapidly both North and South. Old oschtfl. and all others, wi.o want i tbe best pavins a-encies. will nlea.o ! ... , paying a-'encies, will plea-o ,,,,,1 , 1 . , .-. on ior uiieuiars auu see ouriernis, anil compare them and the character of our works with those of other publishers. ' Address. NATIONAL PUPLISIIING CO. I'btiadelphia, Pa., Poston, Muss., Cin cmnati, Ohio, Chica-o, Ills., St. Louis, -Mo., or Kiebmond, Ya. nov. 21). 4t. JjlREE TO EVER V Ji O D vT" A Largo 5 pp. Catalogue, teacbiu:; how to remove. Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Ulotches, Moth Patches, Sallowuess' Eruptions and all impurities of tho tkin! How to force Whiskers, restore, curl and bcautily the hair; renew tho age, euro Prunkcuness, Nervous Debility, and other useful and valuablo informa tion. Everybody send for it. Addrets, PEUGEIl, SIIUTTS&CO-, Chemists, 285 Iliver Street, Nov. 29th, 18G6.1dj. Troy, N. Y. T 1ST. OF C, A USES wi down t .1J lorinni 101 jamiin y terin. ISliT J Powell, adm'r vs li bines' ndm'ra. Vs Sorbet, nl. 51illingcr, Lcali Davidson Clements ( 5IcKingon Kemmerer May Sella vs Windfeldcr vs Carman .Vs.Arnerrt.nl vs' Alexander ct al. vs 5IeCauley ct.al. Vs Elliott vs Pen. sch dist. ' A. EAT1115UN, Prothonotary. List or .Ttttiors uwn lor Junuury Term. lsiiiT. CHAM) Jt ltOItS. Urnrxrtf. i'-y Kllis Lewis, II D Johnson, James Overt urf. Jimzt'iitrr .'). Jacob Nisr. Eo.r tir,.V J Leahy. Daniel Phn Ion, J S Hyde, Dennis Eglle.Mon, Jacob 51 Catiley, Andrew How. J,t,f f Charles Webb, Nelson Iiobinson. Joe t,rJKX;m K Gallagher, Chris, topher Dill. Eiihiira! dm. Is.iae Hnrtnn. ie T P Cbl), Pat Piley, jr.. Pandall 5'lalon. U D 5icssciiL'cr. Si rir ti (J reel ivp. Wm Algro, G W Davidson. .S'.'. .h'nn'.t Inrou-ih. IT Ponhf m.nn Lawrence liieiz. (Je.ir.re Smitli TKAVERSt: JlTKOItS. E nrxrtt tirn. J J Jones. D J,,!u,.;on. John Parr. EnrJuirr twp. Jacob Volhner, 51 i L'harl Steibig, John Goetz, (windfall), Jacob Schubert, George Pirner. Eo.r tirn. Allien KlUim-pr R.ilnmnn loc!iart. allies 1! T;ivl,,r A.l..l.,l,i,J vler, W W Shaw. L '.Mohan se:,.r William 51'Ciiulev. John Tnvlnr. K 11. Gresh. EnjUrnul ,rp',ox Ellithorpe. J'l.'t tint. A E G off. W m li T,nee. Joseph Uhl. .foiir tirp. Edward Souther, Eohiir.iii tirn. Peter 1 Irani IF. A inns Wheeler. J V ). John A'.niio-fld-jll bprtnj Crrrh trp. Jeremiah Elliot V. Jltiri f Ooroitoh. Josenb Wind- r i i r " ' . . i ieiuer, joscpli Wilhelm, Anton Pen linger, Albert Weis, Charles Wei, Pernaid Eckel. NTED , AGENTS r PEll MONTH f, 875 to S'00 for oentleniin and .!?. to 8(0 for ladie?, everywhere to introduce the Celebrated Common ense family Scwiii'' Machine, imnrov c:t ana pcvlectcd. It will hem. fell stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. I'nco only 8-0, makin; the clastic lock stilch, and fullv war ranted lor three years. W, lay th aoovo wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be liiade . 1 V -Auuress witti statiip, or call on C. JJOW ERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 125: South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa ii ie tiers answered promptly, witl; irculurs and terms. ii u'-o 1 'bO 1 y . THE SILVKll SKIIIT. MORE DCUABLE, MO UK ELASTIC, MORE CiltACICFL'L ! And will keep its shape and retain its place uciier man any ollerf-knt. This newand heatil'ul slyle of Skirt (Tat er.;..(l March , lxiio..) was nwardid liv the (real American lnsliluta fair, held in New ion;, (,'ctolicr, ltoj, a SILVER HEDAL, heinc; the Iliirhest l'reiniiim ever given for a Hood Nkirt. The Steel Springs are Wound with fine plated wire in place rf n enit..n covering wlneli will not wear off or heenino soiled, and the whole skirt may bo wn-dicd wilhnut- ln.iury or lear ot rusting, and w.'d be as gooj us new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with I he onlina ry .-i:irt t lie nilTantaftes or our Kilv.T Skii:l tlie botlom hoops nro the same ns those us ed in tho Silver .Skirt, the covering of which " " ninieiiie unner ones urn covered with cotton. No laclv having once worn one of our Skirts, will" be willing to wear any oilier, in Ihe lower hoops of ull uiii.-i ni nreso.ni lnjiiri'it ami soileed. The bcsl iiinteeials nre use 1 in their con struction, ninl, from their durability ,lml ui'uiiicss niey nre iiostmea to liecoine a Favoi-ito Skirt. Manufactured solely by too Silver kirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, aO and 32, 1L11U,E.1Y ST. NEW YOllK. T. S. Ei'Kimv, Sup't. Aug 'Jth-ly l'HOTOCrliAPIIIS. E. &, II. T. ANTHONY &. CO., Haaulacturers of Photographic llateriali, Wliolesale and Retail, CD, RROAinVAV, N. V. In lol In ion to our "main business of i iioiouiuriuu -M.ir.uiALS we Headquarters fo ihe following, viz. are :.1.,:ltl'M 1' PTEKESCOI'IC VIEWS ui Aincrican nml l-or c c YL"" 1 anJ Uind' "i"-'. 'j"i'-, mini iir., nuiii?, ciilllMIU V, fit", STERESCOPIO VIEWS OPTIIE WAR. From negatives made in the various c iin- I paigns nnd forming a complete Photograph ic niMory 01 1 no greni eonicst. STEItESCOPIC VIEWS OS CLASS, Adapted for eil her the Magic. Lnnlern or the Stereseope. Our ( 'atnlognc will be Bent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALliUMS. Wc manufacture inoro largely limn any other house, about I'OII varieties from fu cenis to SGOeucli. Our ALliUMS have the reputation of being superior iu beauty and durability to any others. Card Fkctograpai of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE TllOL'SAXLl different eubjeelH, including reproductions of tho most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues iieut ou receipt of elamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit lio per cenlof the amount with their order. tsi)'"The prioes and quality of our goods cannot fail to tatitfy, (June H'tiC-ly. mj six i : ss' ( i a ms. wny, Klk county l'a. nmr'GO ly? Attorney nr.d oun?ellor nt law. and U. Commis losner. Ridgwny V. (). Elk county. I'n. mar- "''titi-ly. V'in iii.il AXI) WILMS Attorneys nl i-aw, i.t.igwny. 1.1k county Pa., wilt tiltend to all professional business prompt mar-. uT-Iy I)' It W. 15. IIARTMAN. Si. Marv's. i 'k county, rn. l.nto i,e tl lit Ariiiir r.F ti l. . .ii .mini,-, l arncuinr stter.tinn given to all cases of purgicnl nature. iimr-L''t'iO ly. R- W. JAMES m.AKlXY I'lnsician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, I- Ik Vounty mar-ilL'Tili-lv. I'll, DR. W. V,'. SHAW 1'raHiee Medicine and Surgery, (.'cutreville, Elk county niar-L'J'Oiily. DR. A. S. HIM. Kersey. 1'lk county Pa. Will promptly answer nl!pr'f:Mnna calls by night or ,.,V- niar-T.C-ly. R. EHEN.l. IH SS. riivsiei.iti ami Sue. I peon, St. Mary's F.Ik county Va. .lune-oi'(;i;.iy. ER.S'i:V I HIT EI,. Cenlnvil Klk .dim aug'j'uo' y. l'a., C. I!, llvatt. Tr. C1-Y'VER IiOUNE, Warren. En.. Hull & Ilali, 1'roprietors. uu.'r'.i'i) i-ly A M'l.XE IIOU.SE, ,Vt. Mary- man Kretz, rroprietor. ' I'll.. TI.T- ru"!i'il''i 1 Q1 MARY'S IliiTi.T ti v v-.ii..;. i - -.-' iiu, i,, it. II f icillllll i ) Proprietor, St. .Mary. Elk c umty Pa. TIN house is new nr.d fitted mi wiih e,i.. cial care for the convenience nnd eonifort of guests, at moderate rales. Eree Hack, to nnd from the Depot. (Jood slaliling at ncl'Pd. innr-L'rt-.O.iy. A SIIlNfl TON IK)I-SE77r"jrary7s. V f Elk county Pn., Edward I.abel Pro' pnetor This liouse is new and filled up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stahling attached. Mar-2!) Gil-ly., T)ORIWi:r.E AM) MESSEXtiElt Drii,. gist'', Dealers in Drugs nnd Chemicals. Paints. Oils and Varnish. I'erl'iin.i.i v 'I',, it. et articles and Stationary, P,i lwiy :iit couutyj'a. mar-L'2(iG- ly. CJI. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd Dealer . in Eager lieer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mnry's, Elk county Pa. Mar-l.-',ii.ly. J(AAaIONTIT !--vc, exts O V V'wantcd for u entirely new articln. 'u-a- out. Address O. T, building, Diddcford, Me. OA REV, City niay-17'b''i-J v. J. -Mil li. THOMAS. Denier in -iiler in nll kinds nt lurniturc. Snrinir Redi nml Mintrt C-. I'lCtllle I l-Mlniw ntnl Pn(V..,u i.iir.-iy in. 11 are Itooms on Hie corner 01 .mii:ii nml Depot St's. 111 iy-1 T'lid-Jy IJitACTIt'AI, CLOCK AXI) WATCH. B. .MAM-.lt. ST. MXRY'S. Elk county Pa. Edward Mc Rride. keens cnnsinnflv m. hand and for sale. Watches. Clocks. Silver 1 laicu w are nnd Jewelry cf all descriptions. RGO.J'.epniring neatly executed, and done on snort nonce and reasonablo terms. Mar aiftiO.liv Ton rr.TXTixo. Hand Polls. P.il neh ns Curds, fosters, Heads &e.. rtmin nt. the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice una at rensonnlile prices. .Mct.'cy.WKLr,. ITousc. Sicn nnd Ornamental Painter. All order 1.101:1. uy ntteiuleil to Willi ncatues nud ile-patcli. Iniiiiie at this oftice, or of the sin.scrilicr at Kane Station, nugtlOUIy TW. DAI . Mary's, ii,r, 1 , Mircnn Dentist, Saint ty . .Mary s, i.!k county, Petmsvlvania, of fers his professional services to the citizens 01 r.ih. couniyuiiice . opposite Coyne tl Mc Venn's Store ( July -J'VCIi-l y (fy.IVER & 15ACOX, Maniifncl urers nnd Wholesale Retail Dealers in J-iom I ((! and f Ira in '.I - I T mil r .no. i.,111' ''...ii .nijio, r,nin, 1 w. Orders solicited nnd promptly filled nt mar ket rates. . nugtith-fiii-ly a . r.t. l riti .s, ,s-i;mm)X,s. suiipie, JlJ nns, Wnrrants, &c, on hand and for sale nt this otliee. J UJJ WORK' of all kinds nnd des criptions done at this office. :-i t-j . iMIXGTOX & SOX?. MAXCFACTrr.E I!S OF Revolvers, Rilks, Muskets and Cnrhincs, for the United States Service. Also 1'OPKKT AN'I) liFI.f HIVdl.VKRS. Kepeaiinp: Pistols, Rifle Cnnes, Revolvinp; ..00-3, i.iue nun 1101 friin narrcis. nun eruu niuteriiils sold by gun dealers nlid the trade generally. In llieo ilavs of honselirenkiuK nnd rou.. bdry, every liouse. store, bank, and office, should be supplied with one of PEMIXtiTO.VS llEYOLYEPS. arties desiring to nvnil tl'emselves of thf Into improvements in Pistol, and snperio' workmanship and form, will find all couibinij iu the New l!cininj;ton Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. SIX0LE KAMI EL SHOT-GUX. . Now Pat torn. Light, Convenient and Cheap. Manufactured by the undersigned, nnd sold, wholesale nnd retail. A liberal discount to dealers. E. REMIXOTOX & SONS, llion. X. . pril 5th 18UU.-y M ILL1XERY & M AXTL'A-M AKIXU ! ! Mrs. M A Cruiidail tawes pleasure in an nouncing to the ladies that slut is now pre pared to do nil wori in llio above line in a neat and satisfactory manner. All work entrusted wiih her will be guar anteed to give satisfaction. novlu'Oij. 1 v. 1 "1IDELICS VOGT, Practical ("lock and ' II alchniaker, St. Man's Elk county, Pa., takes thisuielhnd to inform the public that he is prepared to do all Ihe work they may favor li:in with iu a neat nnd substan tial manner. Ila is prepared to converse with his customers iu 'jeiinan, French or Euglish. His shop is in Iliutenach's build- iug CD Centre street. ot. 8 66,tf. J. niJKNEV & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiST3, 707, UllOADWAY, N. Y. I?T addition to our rhomgi-aphio Ait Uab lory, etab:ishcd in l-l i,Ve have for tlio la.-t Fivo years bad advantages, su perior to any other establishment' in (,ii. taiuipS si'titiL'3 fr.mi life, of all the Prominent Celdnitits of thi day in Curd portraits, and arc now publishing a Catalogue of over 2 -r) 0 (l S U P. J E C T S , American nnd Forei-Mi, tdso a laiye list of eopiei of Works of Art uti l EiilThv. in.s. Cataliues sei t on receipt of Stamp. An order for one do:;-!! pie. ture.s limn our Cnialoti'm will be filled at SI SO, nnd S(.:t J v n ail free. .Single pictures '2- cents cm-Ii, copies ; f j. grarinjrs li cents racb. N. 15. A"e also desire to call acromion to the :idvant:.t;e v,e have for re;, n, due in;:, or copying, old l'aguencnlyj.es, Ambrntypes, ("anl l'ictuics, ,lic. ut' de. erased relatives and friends, e!il::r-iiii-them to any nzo, and fiiiishin in 0:1, V.'atrr Colors, or India Ink. with the aid of ten ta'.enkd artists. Parties desii iiiL" opies, slmuM iboro. fore correspond with im direct. Send f'..r a eatah:.-ue. 'ihe traile supplied at a liberal di-c.r.int. Caiicry open for free inspection, and siivnuoi'i visitin;: the eitv nill i'r..) , r i:.,ll,.,. me of the most, a-recablo nlaces wherp' in to while away an hour. J. gui:n;:v & son. dr.. 707. llo::dw::y, N. Y AND PJ-JKIODlCAIi S T 0 R Ji , DAILY (C- WEEKLY PAFaS will be for stile bcreafter. ;Ui:iry at The " Q jo ok ijroin; 1 x ST. MARY'S. X. P. Any work, cither American or Europen. Pcli-i-ms, Scientific. Phil osopbieal, Historical, ,c., will bo pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Ih.ok or Stationery line not in Store, will bo sent, for by mail and be received in a few davs sifter cr-de-ring. j,,,,. 14... VU STARCH GLOSS, Is .ihe only article used by first ela" .hotels Laundries, and thousands of familirs. H gives a benulilul polish, maliinjr the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime nnd labor. loads done up wilhlt keep clean much longer, consequently v-i':l not wear out so soon. It makes old linen look like new. OUT. IMPEU1AL ELUE is the best, in the world. It is soluble in hard as well as s.ii't water. 1: is put ,:o in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any otl'crtd to the public. If is warranted not to s'reak the cl.uhe-i. A';cuts wanted everywhere, to Hum wc lilcr ex traordinary i in! 1 ic-'-inr-n t .Vidro"', NEW'VoRK S'l'. !('if G!.( )SS (',) Ko. lilS l'ulton I it., .New York. TO COXyUAlPTIYES. TITHE Advertiser, hnviui; been retoi-,)d hcnllh in a lew week", by 11 vtrv sii:iile rcmeiiy. alter havin j Mi'lored sen r ai years with a severe liinir .-ifieel iim, and that dread disease, C'liisui!, ja urn is unx--ions to inuke known to his fellow si:!'.'.-i ci s the means of cure. To all who desire i!, he will send a copv of the prescription used, (free of chare:,.;', with the dircciions for preparing the sun,..,' whieh they will find a Sure Cure fur Con suls;, lion, Asthma, l',:-..iu-lots. c. Tl,.. ,.1, ly object of the ndvwtiser in -I'nd.'n the Prescription. U 10 henelit the ntiiicu d." and spread in foi-oiut i ..11 which ho coi.ccivi-. to be invaluable : and 1 e hopes every sulli.n.rs will try hi-i remedy, as it will cn.-I li.cia noihing, nud may prove a hlosMn,:. larue w:-l:iU; te pi-escriiiiio:i, 'win 1'icaso nuurcss Rf.v. EDWARD A. WII.SilV. Willianisbur r, Kings Counly, Kew i'oi k. Oct. liolh loU'i-Iy. tL!SA2t ni', STHO. i CO. Extensive Manufacturers nnd importeis of COLD, fLATED & 0EEID2 JEWELSY, SOLID AMI Mi Klit. SILVK-lt WAPiE, Ameiucak, Excr.isii ami Swiss V.'atciiks, Casfsl It tj eiirrsrUrt:, And every descvipiimi of Fancy (.loons axi Yam;i:k Xhtiosj, Especially nd.ipicd ,n desiirned for nth- em and Western Trade. Circulars nnd lull dc-criinivo Pricn I.Ui.. sent free, Agnus waiile I tvervwhere d dies SALisnntv. i;;:o.".v c. ol Dorrance street ect.25,'60 ly. Pn.vidutcc, R. I. INSUPAXOE AGA1XST loss or DAM AC K by V IU). rilllE Lycoming County Mutual Insur I nnco Company at iur.ct-v. Pa., con tmues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kin-Is i f Mcr.-ha.i.'ii.-e. Public and private buildings, cither in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Ilarrs. stocks of Grain, i:?., nt the lowe-t posslblu rules, consistent with safety to the Iiuurer and Insured. The Lycoming Counly. Mu tual lusuraiico Ciuiiiany invites an inveti. galion as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 82. HOO.O O O! Tliusnssuriug to every olio of its patrons tliat their losses will I. cjprumpity an t satis faotoi ily paid, lis niunu-'viutful bus alu-m-H been prudent, as its existence of Iwiuy six years fully demonstrates JAMES E LA E ELY, Agent for Elk county, ut Si. .Mary's. rnilE art of 1G DANCING end l',AN() J l'LAYINli tuught by O. W. EKOWX, Uidgwey, Pa. fscpll tf MEI'JCAX ARTISTS' UNION ! Tbo AJIEUICAN ARTISTS' UN ION established 18j4 announce th ., in order to extend the. fain of the h i. lowing wel known and highly popular ' STELE I 'LATE LWO'EAVIXGS Pep".rturo of tho Fiigriin Fathers for America, J 07 x yt; ilt Landing ol the Pilg,ini Path. ,r ' 27 x GO 1 al.-taT clustering b'.s He- Miaki-ipcarnP'l )m Fiiendt, 27 s :il ('otter's Saturday Night, 1 lllage filaekstnith, , Mauilest Pesiinv, (Fortune Telling.) Tl 0 Massacre at Wyoming; in 177H, -Mount Yeinnn in the olden time, or, Wusbiugtuu at '') l cars of ago, 'llie escape of Ahiste;- line- Donald .r;oi:i the Massacre of (ilcneoc, The Madum;;:, 27 x 32 21 x 23 28 x CG 20 X 6 20 x 34 2G x 3 1 They Lave ueemed expedient to offer to their fii- nd., :,:,d tl.,. ,,u;,ic at c dollar nnd fifty cents each, tho price heretofore ba i.ig been Iwodolhnt. each, and lor tho ptirposa of simulating the '.ttiiu' up of Clubs, 'ihey have deter mined to award premiums to the getter:' u; of ihe Clubs, and in addition thereto to (.i.-.tribute tinoiipst the f iibseribets the sum of t.'id.li.Mi in money ,n,d liaint lligs, as soon as the sale slu.il have reach ed i 1 M -,(Hi(J engravings. As il is our intention to advert i.-u very csteusivcN . ?u as tiie cngravit.gs arc well knowv. lliioughotit tho whole country, wo bav no doubt t!iat with the low prieo v." (diarge for them, and with the cxcitio:-. which we put forth by our initr.crnr : friends, the iruml.t r will be reached i" short t i mo. As sr-oii as it is readier . the snlwi iliers, th rough their CluV Agent, will be noii.'ie.l hy a circular letter -from u, nainiug thu time ar 1 method of distribution. ClA'JJ llATKS. Single Engravings 5 l,i-0 cadi, by 111a ; I free. For 81") we will send 2" Eng. and 2 t tho Club Agent. " " 15 " 4 " 'E " " i;o " 5 " :m " i'. (( (j " ;;5 " ;jtj 7 " 50 ' " 5il "a Silver ( " " " " a Silver " l'.'O ' ll!J alltintintr l.evc-. The Club paekaircs will be very tr curely packed and forwarded by Express ny person may get up Clubs and forward tho amount either by Express'. Si-l.t Pratt, Post Office Order or, in : registered letter, and in all eases th-' linravino.s will bo immediately set:!, and for each euur.ivin a uumhrrcd r, tijini!,: and receipt wiil be enclosed in a pack a 5c, il. O. P. OKPECS. Persons wi.-b in,; t. send for Eeqravinos and pay tl. Express Co. when they are receive.', will be required to send with their ord. 82 to S5, according to its amount, an i tins will be credited on their bill. .;.s.' of Vt To be (lis r . .a ..... . iblited. vne 01 c Ii,lm kj in nionev, " 5,. 0:1 ' Five of 1,!KI0 " of 5(10 " i'illyof li.K) One bundled eh"-aiit Oil 1 eio.f : 5,0' 5,iif 1 injts, licbly f.:aitieu, L;:uds caj.es, at -iSl.'ld each. 10,00 Two hundred e!ea!it Oil Paint, inirs richly framed, Iuteiior Yiews, at f50 each, 10,00". 650,1, The AMEKICAX ATISTS' VI iOX would add that th(..:e preniiuii. are to be considered oniv in the li.rl of ti free fiifl to llieir patrons, as t'. . 'iu-i-a.-iii-s are furnished them !, their market value, and as tho ee.-i e' c;irravins. alter the plates nre procur ed, is very triilii'-, they tan eas::; a:f,ir.i to make the distributiou as laro as it ! Wc trust that our iiumcrous f riend throughout the country and Canada; will ue t lit Ii- utino-t exertions, so th: if po.-sible, ttie distribution may b made soun, and it cm be done if the" are at all aeiiv.?. Ladies have ofte mace excellent Club A-eii's, for u-'. and we solicit their kind i forts, whie' will not o i;ii;-c.-;.rdeii- Let one ..-i;:o;-e (iier-i.-tie persons in every town . v M tlu country c-ouimeiieo as so,- as they see tbis, and ct up ns lare -. (.le.b as o.-siido. J'y so uoin the. will be the mean.-; i j int r.i.Inuiii- el .il:t i.ii;:raiu;s into families, and th;: :rd in cnltivatiti j; a taste for the beau-., fill and r. fined. Address Orders Sec. AMERICAN A.'TlSTf,' VXIO.X. Xov. S, lMiti-iJui. 25 1'iiie St. X. V. SOMETIUXGX i-: W ! HOUSE, BIOS &. 0EHA5IEXTAL PUNTIX 'Mli! M iim i; i; v. o u i. y i; ; 1 specifully inform tl.o ciliens of lv county lhat ho 1,MS jut started in I, a'i.ivo bu-iness in Rulgway, and foci eon' dent-lhat he can pic i-e ad who mav "fav him with their ciislom. (;;; MXINlj l'API-.i: HANGING AND CAU'I ; I V , : LONE ON SUiiliT XOT1CE AND IN 'ti; mo-t fas'nion.iMcaud improved manner a:. . style. Orders left i,t ibis Officii or at I Dunking House of Souther, Willis Jt South.' will be pi imptly ulteiided to. W. P. WILLIAMS, M.iy-17'O'J-ly. J (IEELEK & WILSON'S SEV . ISd MACHINES. Tho un.b f igncd having bi-en pointed Sole Ag. n for the sale of Whecl. r & Wilson's Sewi Macliincs (or Elk county. Ho keeps . n.-s irtiui nt constantly (m j,,,,,,). Maciii, soi l at 1'hilutlclphiii and New Vr price- -. nv pu:ies desuous of obtainieg ihemci i U,1J J. K. WIHTMOKE, Much Ot.'Od-ly. t Uidray,rtt. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers