A W Alt DED A GOLD MEDAL!' NEW ARRANGEMENT! D 11 U G H T OPE. W 'II at the 1U DO WAV, i'iNNi WH3IE3A.17S ft RETAIL PEALEU IN PRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOER KOCEHIES, OPEensware, peed hardware, lum:;e SHINGLE AND Buyers will fnnl S T 0 S Jl!j J4 V among Tin: Most anH)2e!e IV XI- h'ES T A PFO iXTED IN THE C 0 U N T R 1 7" am the placid to get CALL& SEE ! i March J0th,lMi5-1y. . I J?OOK SrrORE.x:in!' -t. Itivy's, i:ik County. I " JUST RECEIVED f.OC BEADLES WME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 2SC GERMAN STOllY BOOKS. AX ASSORTMEXT OF ALL id .i Stationary, Blank books, Time bsoks, Pass books, nnd School book will always ba u" hand. Purchasiiij- imr Books, Paper, Envelopes &e. ilircc from tho Manufacturers for 'cash, vc ai'o enabled to cell at the same rate) bat they can be purchased inANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent fcll'twcd on all j'tirtbascs ,( tea duliurs wA .I'pwtrJr-. V.". J. PLA KELY. J UDc-lI'titi-ly. ii v. r r s v v r v. ') I J. T. IIIMDMiV'S JUS TORY OF 'HE WAR, NOW READY. Complete i:i TWO V( LP.M Ii ', !'.) in ONE. It i-'alini:ieil t., bo tho :u-t ;Uttret!irj, tojmt-ti; an. I t'li-'Uh- W'v. to.ry of tho Pelei!:on, v. ';: is i'uily iit (cstud by t!io ciim iii us sa'.e of JiQfJ, 000 vuIiiiik:s, a: i 1 a h.riro pinion oi the eoautry still u!ie:mv.i.-.-c;!. We aro obliged to rts-i .ur i'te:-fes liilit and day to enable us to .-upi.iy our Agentsi. Men of character and .'.hili'y, who uj s'nn a luciativo cinpln nu nt, will find this a rare opporttmity. , Tho price el the work in (me n.'itmz is :i !nc, (compare 1 i:h our Histories) as to briu it withi.i liio reach of u!l classes. IVr loll paitieu'ar. .-end iur circular. Address ,tmtrif(tn i':LlfKi:!iiff i'um'y. 14S A.-yium Strict, IIau'j I'otii), Conn. 11MIMUE tsEiVINU .MACHINE CO. J'rinaj.'il f,'i'r, ' !' ' Virav, A'. 1 . GKiOAT ;Ml'lt( i:;i:.N'r i h'ewins v cbir.es. Em). ire hsuntU'. Crnnk loli(Jn ."cwina Mic'i.'nii'. Ii is ilms nii.l. ic 1 noise less iu uci ion. lis mntiiisi ull j o.-itivu i nut liable to ft .M i t'urilfi-. It in tie 1mk4 t'muily M-i.'iiinr ! .N . .t ii-e is laind to tur jewal.'l liiii'i'ot 'l .OnmitiK ii:ring .Mil cbiuo, fur t.ii' 'i an 1 itu. i i.iul Sin Filler;. Ageuts WMiiici, t j Vlmia a li'.i.ral 'iisi onnt will be gireii. N Ciiiisi'iunifi.is muite. ii r KM PI RE MiWJV'j MACHINE CO at Tin: New StoH) of e: is ij u o t c ri s at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Offer fur sale, nl wholesale and retail, a ttcII selected stockof SWIM! Sl'MMI-.U SILKS, .voiti:, a:s, POPUXS, felaixes, .voLr.URs, Plain and li-uivl Alpacas. A l:ir;;e assortment of li Int.-?, White j;ocd.s of every Josrription. Plnr.reb; of ail kinds, Gitutham, Tit-Lin jiS nrM jWliirting in ;:rc;.t variety. Ladies CX Children's Millinery Goods ; pitch as FOXXETS, hats, caps, ninnoxiW. CLOVES J- HOSIERY. OEXTS f(iruhh:ifj 'j' ii.ls t,f crr.y CL0rlS,CA SSJXERES.--.., Cv. GKOERIE.S AND PROVISIONS. . l:;r t ro .!:, irl'tiAH, t::a, COl'I'l':', fc?IICt :ky.. OiL, V 15 A IX OIL, PETUOPIPJM AM LI S. ,,-OAr OI' ALL U5ND3. wo have ov ', :'i.iin: net i'ud for laliu ('. ('.a;- and Wi'.bnv V,";irj oi" every do' .-ii.iti-.li. t.'i.nfecti'.l.ii: , Pru:d. i-, .i! all kii.-k A U'.'W ii-sort-tin tit tA Stationery, .'a!l Pa ; r, Paj-i-f Cr.ri.ih; , lieau. t'.n;'. Oil Cloth. Window l:a it s. A very !:ir-e a.-s.vt tiient it Ser;;;s ;.t:.l Tobacco. .yKPCY Ol'll ST0CIC directly l'roui tho Manufacturer and there fore we can ali'ord to sell cheaper thai any other establishment in Elk county. MMIE PPPLIC uro rc-poctiully i, 1 vitcd to call and examine our stock and prices ! Whether they wish to buy r not, for we claim to bavo one of tho most complete stocks and the finest STOKE in the county and tan sell for less profit, thau any other house in tbe countv. AVi:iS 13 POT HERS Ft. '.'.n'ti, March lCih'GO American Institute Fair! OCTOBER 10, 18(55. Indirect competition with nil llio leading ii.ikvr in (lie country. PET.OUjJiyr 0 11 G A N S AND MELODEONS. C. I'ELOUUET & SON, Munufacturers. Kcspcetfolly ipvite t!ie nttention if pur. chasers, the tnnlu and ptctwaion, to tlie F0L L O WXC IX S TR FMEXTS Of their manufacture : Pedal Unso Or:n:?, Tive sizes, FiveOetnve, nun totiiree Itnnliii of Keys, tlireetu ciplit setts of lleed-i, Prices, j to i'Oti l. School OiMra-ns Nine style, single and double Keel 1'ioscwouil and Uhick Walnut cases, 1'rh'es, $l0to Mcloelconf--, Viann stylo and Tori aide, Twelve Varie ties, 1'roia tour to six i to!;vM, sijj-j ! jirui double Iteed, Eosewood and Uiaslv V-.!nut .H.'ases. I'imcc. S'i"' to ?2 -Jo. INevy instrument is male by ceirjiete::! wcrkinen, i'roiu t tie best matei in!, u:y. uv our personal supervision, and every i:.'iie..i iinprovcment worthy ol'the name, is in;ro. duued in tlieia. Auionj; tliese we would tall attention to the Tl'XMOLAN'i'E, widen. Inn been so much admired, and can be lound only in instruments of oar own manufac ture. From among the Hutu ring testimonials ot eiaiuciit profes-ors and organists, wegiva mc loiiownif: exiracis : ' J be redals 1 conceive to be unanproacli- able in their beautiful smooth ouaiitv' Wm. A. Kins. It is a grand, good instrument, nnd does credit to the builder." It. C. Folder, Troy, New York. Tbev are amonc the finest Instruments manufactured either in this countrv or a- broad." Wm. l'.crjr, .). r. enthal. Ariouin ' Tliey have given uni versal sati- f,u lion." W. E. llawley, I-Vii-du dae, Wis. lliere is a peculiarly sweet an 1 svinmi tlietic tone wliieli biiriiioniyes eb;..j-mjnly willi ihc voice." W. Ii. Cuol e. 1 r.ia partie'ilarly pl.v.sed with t!,e nr. inpeiiie-.tt of tho dii'.'erei-t lcristcrs." Wm. II. ltr idbnry. .mi utlier instrument o nenr'v r.o- pioac'ies tho orjran." Tlie Ohoriwier, N. t. 1 Ins iiislrumeiii. l:a- ii clear mneriorii v ' ovei everyilnii;j; yet introduced unioiig us." Independent, .N. . The tones and t he action are excellent." Kev. V. .S. Lcavin, lliidsun, New Void;. The 'iiove e r.se ii iho boner wu like il." J 1! llapue, llmbon, Now p.1i. ' 1 he two Hank Ortran is re:.!Mfek irem." J W Kiunieuti, jto.-ton, .Mass. ' Wo have found than excellent iu nil poinij cousiitiitinv: it Lood instrument." J t' t'ook, T J Cool'. It looks and ioimds splendidly." Sit .axtou, Troy, New Vork. " I lie most erlect toned Melodoon I erer saw. Uuv r -oan. Tlicy fallback on sueli substantial incr. its as superiority of workman.-hip, beauty of tone and reasonableness of ju ice. .iu( we must say that iu all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. Jfey Every instrument is fully varranled ud boj-ed and chipped iu New York City iiliout charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Trice Lists, (e ant oc application to ' " CPELOUBET&SON, Bluomfielo, N. J. Or J M re'.toa, 811, Broadway, New York Conrad Meyer, "ii, Arch Street, Pliilad'a 8 lbiunard & Sou, Cleveluiid, Ohio; J A Tucker & Co, Jacksou, Michigan ; Werner & Oerurd, Ciuouiatti, Ohio; Joel 11 Snow, Mobile, Alubauia, WHOLESALE AGENTS July St),3 ly ' TREMENPOUS RUSH TO THE ' new STORE 01' FREDERICK SC'KEXIXC, CENTI'.KYILLE, ELK CO., V ; o NEW 'GOODS PAIL Y A 11 P. I V f . THE V HO PL E AWAKE TO T'.IElIt 1XTEUE3TI As manifested by the daily throiu; ci" customers exchanging ,:G'.''.o jjuckt" for iroods. All the DjMi.-tiv'Cottoa Good. arc li'ii. Customers u.e ttnd t.Il tx claim. HOW C!!L1" VOL'" tr. ess coons am: My slock eonii.-ts ft liltTCOOiJ.S, l'.OCEEIEi, HATS CAT. l':0t;"'o i I CLOTHING. cno'. :-:i:r, HA ED WAR! !. 1 L'TTV, NAIL?, CLA.S;:, I'bt.::.:, 5ALT. It is useless for me to attempt, to j-.ym full list of li.e stock, but invite one aud ail, to drop in and see for themselves. BUTTEII, EGGS, roTATor.?, CHAIN i HIDES, CALFSKINS nu. I all country produce taken at niwkct V price, for goods. FREDERICK SCIKENINQ, Centreville, June lt'e5-ly. PGUP V,' E LI Jt M E S5E X G E 11, liEALEIiS IN DliUCP, ' MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, IMINT'J, LEAP, lubricating oil, tanner's oil, pe::iumj:pils. VARNISH, PRUilllE?, pYE.s'iurrs CONTECTlONERIES, RAISINS, . CITRON WATCHES, JEV.'ELP.Y, PANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEC APS. M EPICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINE-S GENERALLY. I'.O'.IUV.'LLL t; M ESSENCE!:, I; IPG WAY, PA. FOUTZ'S m nun ni n IIJU U.LIUU ;i.vs!i'HV'SY -m ". wl" tl;0' fciiWM"f V ('!! r'b.vigomt ft f.:- ts&k.'Sli t 'i'f tf lm.-ii..lo(vn (in Ilt.l low-ajiirit.-U tiorscd, iiy M.-enttiinliiK and ctfiinsinK ttio stomach and intes tines. .jti-' t-L- - ra-fs incident to this ntujiiiil, such 3 U'.VO TEVLIi, GLAXlEIt3, V EI. LOW WA- . TKIt. It K A V FS, A -VA C'Jl'. It if, MS- ttf'tjlA T K M V K it . 1-K- i''h VKHS, FlCVM-K f''ilVV I.OSS OK Al'I'IJ- iVT k3?Bv t itkaxu vital M :zH " 1ff) wind. incr.a...s A ff VJjC'Y a is ui o o t h mid x.t .-vi'l J traiuforuw t Ii 'S'.'-Ur!J?Sv laiscrul.ti; tk-ltta into a lliic-lookhig and ej.irited llU.S'J. To keeper rf Co; this )."V'i.imtinn U ievaUiat.Ic. U iucieoBLi tl.t; ijU.Ltuil.,- uad ilnijrovei tlju rtiality V of the milk, it had viB tH"en proven by ac- r 'S i , . I, tual exi'riuient to L".'-.. 'J intm, il, i.n. tily of nd V.f ;v Jf3 "V, V"2IU "cum wail, per f ? ,t7 5! I B cent, and make U.e ' S?!Nl.I bull "" "d "J'lW;1'' VV Bff;r,t- I'i fattening ffilT N catilciMvesthem an apatite, looseni their little, ntiu makes them thrive mucn tajtr. b.irre! uf swill t'.,.; - V W Tif " ftiiove disc a e s Ss. - ' 3 " will bradicated Bff.SS'- or eiitir.-ly pr.-vt'ntid. If riven in time, a certain j lirvciitivu aud ej.'u (or tlid io Cholera. .rrice xo Cents tier Taper, or S Papers for 81. TEEPARED SY K. V. FOUTZ UltO., AT TI'EIR V.IIIMr.SUE DltHi AMI .MKDH'INE Dr.PnT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. F-ir Salt, tty llruj-'yits and Slorekeeliers throuKh o il Uio L'uiud SlaUM. '"'-l tit Manufacture j.rie?.', by P.'rJw..;i ic Mc. Lti-tr Ri J j way, Aleuts f.r Eik county. i (iL'NTS WANTED TO TAKE OliDEiiS S. lot the test telliiig ; book now piiblisl tJ, Tl.-iSi3S Etcsie cf tie Great Ecbclliea. Coiiiprifin heroic adventures laid buir bieadth escapes cf t-'oMicrs, Scouts, Sjiics and Kel'ii,i:ees ; ilarinjj exploits of t-mie;. tiers, Cm rillas, L'e-pciadoe ' niid others' Tabs of Loyal and Di.doval wonicii : Sto ries cf the .''0;;ro. .Vi;., v.iih incidents of Fun and Merrii.ut iti Camp und Field. By l.ieutei:ai:t Colcncl ii. Orecue, late ot ihe Vniled Stale- Ain.y. Il.iiid.iomc'.v il lustrutnl with etigfttvinj. j on sieel und in oil cobas. iiiiuau una Slc ttie l.bci'ai lei'i'i-' oi cred. CliAS. S. (HI FEN E & CO., l'ulilishors No. ltM B.'Thiid St., l'liilaJe'.jiliia. I? XT I1A i To I TXT y7- Vi lMl'URTANT TO ,S iLliIEIt.f ! By a rceent net of Congress, nil holdiers v.bo served three years, or those w ho were discharged by reason of wounds received in ner.vico, and the vraow, limoE ciiilpeen cb taeekts of any buch soldiers who died iu the service of the Foiled Amies, or of disease or wounds contracted while iu Ihe borviee, are emitted to nn additional 1 oiuity of SUM. By giving this matter your immediate at tentiou, nnd cal'iug on or writ ing to the um dersigncd, these claims will secure prompt lueiiunn. - juji.n u. HALL, aug8()(f. ltidgway, l'a. in alt diifftscs of Swhu1, buc'i aa Coughs, Ooers in la Luiiai, Liver, SZfJcTnv kc, thU urtiela gyiitf.A- n.-nasH ttweitic. Sjfi ii.!- k'-jA,. vViA Hy .-4ttin from j.Vfc.tjj j 1ACASII CRCK J.KV CoVc. Groceries &c, would rcspettfully i!ljriI, tho citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he litis gone into tho Grocery busii.cm and tvill open cn or about the tnidd! of .May. lie keeps constantly on hunt an extensive stock of TBAS, flour, SUGARS, TOBACCO ES, SEGAR3, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and cvcrj;.ifV connected with a first chf- ' - .. Store. ' I will sell for CASH and c, t. , (. ly can afford to sell CHEAP;,;. ; ,a the CHEAPEST. I invite evcryui.lj to call aud sati.sfv themselves. JAMES MeCLOSKliY- May d, '6(1 Cm. J-EILOSENE AND GAS 3T0VEs! TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUfi, 1'OIS, OIL CANS, Sic, Ilq. All the cooking for a -a JE'if family may be done with t2r Kerosene 0:1, or Otis, H'iy with less troublo, aiwl tit t-t7 lots expense, than by ar.y -i tf" other luel. -4,j Each Article manufactured by ti is Com pany is guaranteed to pcrforoi a;l 1 1.. -it ig claim-d for it. i?3"Scnd for Circular ". LIBERAL DIKCOUX i ') 'HE TEA EE. KEROSENE LAMP II !'..' , . 10., -U0 Pkael Sa-ei-t, :.. ;. Jrjy-I :.l'ii j.-I y, I f ATjI : ABLij LUT-J !'OR SALSiH X The u'j h.r-iL'UL.I h bid ul . vil. bi;:o iijiou Lii jrrouutt .rib.-iuu.g the itilg. way l.-!..;.ot, to to caEed !'.;;! '.!:e iota i.io Cti f.-et fr.'ttt byl'.tl ic -l n.ittl itiJt torar '. ' ''i" rai'.rot. 1. T..:!o. -'.,rllie first !'.' .-.ld, $11:0. Fot tho M.c-:id b-t sold, OlVt. For the third ! t. f., ..'.'--:. t d .v.. c:i ir.sr?a.i2i ia ptif. ,:-vl.ate -,11. ;. ; . I m::y!.;..-ti ;v.; Jie chcico lot : I !... fii.-i.;,". t i 1 .ii '':ri:-i rs v, be lev;!: -Ted ill the or der .if t'to-::r i. ; vi!-: iott Ten per v.eut of '. . : per ;:; lr.ottey marl be paid at the t'.r:e of lac- if :d'' atiun. tI" ..--M ! i. ' ub. ns w.ii 1 o uad." to John 'J. lull, bio., uldgvity, l'a. J. .. .:.::. lii.tjjway. tnnr.i'.ftu-tf. ITCH! ITCH! r; -i VniZiYTOZ''! 01-,''' V-:i i ft :: vn., I ..! ' A' -o en - S ."' .'.:. "... i i '.ll. : . '. .1 1,1 L . .' i : " ! ' b'. i -jo com ;i dru-'-. .-. -i i! v seudi. : .'.- itiTfiit:, So. .'.i-d-.itiff.a st: .:o. .at.,.,, i arid i;v ir.ad, free of eostn . ' 3r . art of the C ii. ted states. I iui.i-' oo-.v. ULAOKSMITHIXG! If. S. BKLNAT desires lniii'.,m tl.a .oii. tens of Bide way nnd vicinity ;!i.il lie has lease 1 .1. a. ilvdo's Blaeksm::b Sbep on Miil siro"f, u:d has employed l v.ork- ui'. u -.m.j v. .ii eve.- ready t.. t !:e any tbiii'j ftoiii a b,.,.!..ii. to at' .-.uchor. raitieiiiai- , ... ;v:t ;,iv.'i lo ;..e f !:..-. .'.I. 1 -.: I: i.s u fair tri ll. oUig NEW SHOP." IX .STOVI'S : .-'iO YES ! ! ST" '::s !M JoLii Soccnliciiaer ."- Co., WiiOLI SALE & RETAIL BE -.;HtS. ST. MAttv's, PA. keep;; constantly on L: nd ifud j' r sale, a !a:-''!i and will s'lt. :,.: ;;l'itd. fTfV 'V'wlM. STOVES eve. U'c have i verthllitr "ciiciul.v I,. i.t in E.1 Shnn. ( Iur ."-'toek d' S'J'O Y . comi.-t; i.i part 01 '. 1 lli IM' I' ; .c i- COOKING STOVES, ALSO I HON GATE & WIIEAT HItEAP STOVES. STOVE PIPE cu-i bo had at our .Pen either riveted or proved. .St iii 'i i.-.ti a.m i.ooi iN'tj, Jouo on .short notice and at re .-..ittcble rates Jutte lPtiG-ly. f i BOVESTEI-N f; CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, VM E.-ouJiru;, X'r: York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of .Merit ! at tho Vorlfa Fair, over tlie be. t iu;iki r fi(,:n Lombiu. Paris, Ger. many, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and boston; also the Gold Meda at the JnrroiN Jumllute, for FIVE aueces sive yenrsl ! Our Pianos contain the French (Iran i Action, Harp Pedal, Over Mi ang Ba-s, Full Iron Frame, and nil Mod. cm Improvement!!. Every instrument triW itir.lal lIYi: trar. .Made under the su pervision of X3. J. IT. CROVESTEETf, who has a practical cxperienco of over thirty, live years, and is ihe maker of over ticvm l!i(ui.',iu l j.iunu fortrt. Our facilities for manufacturing enable ti to sell these In struments from t-100 io i?iU0 cheaper tliaa any til si elites piano forie. July-! 'j'Oti.-ly. job printing""' chi:aply& NEATLY KXPESIITIODSLT Executed ci the Advocate Office C1CAL, Cf KE A?U 1LEE CL4YM ; Ail of stipeuoi fuality, lor sale by the Tannerdalo Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk Couuty, Pa. C-50rders by uiail protuptlj itteni cd to. septlS --tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers