LKTTttliS TO .11 SHI IV IS. MJMiiKit rovii. Mi dear Sir ; At tlie close of my Inst letter wo bad enmc to your citations irom the Apocalypse; ami I proposed to show why thc.e two passages have do More weight with me than tlic others you liftvc quoted in favor of your posi tion. One of tlicfo texts ch. 2, v. 20 occurs in tho messnpo to Thyalira. Christ charges the f;itlif'ul nt Tliyatira to " hold fast ; " " t!i:;t which yo have circaJy hold fast till I come. And he that oveicoii'eth ami keepcih my work: "auto the end, to him will I give power over the nations : and he shall rule thoui with a rod of iron : as the vessel jf a potter shall they be broken to shiv cr? : even rs I have received of my Fa tlirr." As I Mti J before, this seems to me to refer to the future, and not the present time ;" whi n Cinist shall re ccive the lirutiicu tor Ins inheritance and the uttermost raits of thu earth for v is posses Id Psalm. As in the text, " hold fast till J corn When Christ shall a;jraiu " come," he will come as Kiu-i not, as Lelorc, in the "form c.f a servant" and then rule over all nations, as well as the bouse of Jacob. Thm tho.-c who have suffer cd with Christ tbroimh the rprs ol trihulatiou, will rriun ithllim. Then the saints shall jh.x.csp the l-hvjdom whcicas, in all jrievious ncs they have been a "little lLck," subject to various nfilietions, generally poor and despised for '"not many of the mighty and noble arc called; but God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty. And so in eh. :, v. 10, the same thought occurs : The redeemed sin , rii .1 - . . . . i nou art worthy, iur thou wast slain nud bast redeemed us to God by thy blood, and hast made us unto our God kings and priests : end ec dull riiyri n the earh." Just before this is your remaining test Ucv. 5. 8 the four end twenty ciders having " golden vials full of odors, which arc the prayers of the saints : " which symbol I suppose was designed to teach us that God hears the prayers of the saints (A c. His peo pie living on the earth) and remembers them that they are, as it were, pre. serial before him continiialli, to be an. xwered in due f axon. These are etc- ceplcd jietllions ; prayers that have come up like scet incense before God, and have secured for the suppliants un answer of peace. Put what is there here about the " in. vocation of saints?" There is nothing to indicate that these prayers were offer, cd to the twenty-four ciders ; or that they were requested by the saints to of ier up their prayers to God. Umil this is shown, the passage avails uothing i.i proof of your doctrine. I have now cou:idered all your cita. tions from Scripture in support of your position, and indicated what seeuis to me tho true interpretation I cannot but wish you had given at least referen ces to oilier texts, which you say might have bceu adduced ; for I cannot find any except the 2Sth chapter of the first "book of Samuel. There Saul, because God would no longer answer him, seeks help from Saimi"! asking the witch of Kudor to brin him up. Put this exam, pic would not argue much in your favor, lor Samuel ti'inn d in consulting the witch and was punished for it, as ap. ' pears from 1 Chron. 10, 11. And yet this is the only example A have found in the Pible of u person still in the body making a icqucs.t of any kind to a do parted saint. The rich mau in the par able had himself departed this life, when he asked Abraham to send Lizar. us to bis relief. So that ia all the Scripture, so far as I am aware, there is not one pavijz which speaks of the paints ou earth making requests of those in Heaven iu the mariner described in ycur letters. And not only so, but there is uvt one pasfoyc which even mentions your ' doctrine " in a clear aud unn-istakablc maimer. If you lial known of one you certaiuly would Lave quoted it : for one sucfi text would have more weight lu thc argument than -all you could gather from uuiuspircd 60urce3. All your Scriptural proof is mere inference; and that uot from the plain language of tho Scripture, but your (What uppcars to lue) very far. fetched and unwarrantable interpreta tion. You do uot quote u single text from the Old Testament; aud that from tho book of Tobias which I do not dnd in the Old Testament even ou your own showing, coutaius not one word or even allusion to any " invoca tion " of saints or angels. If it were direct proof of augelio intercession," it would prove nothing in respect to the iuterecshioii of taints, uutil you thow that hrfori: the ittr ruction tuiuls trc " oq'ial to the angels " and employed in the same service ; neither of which points have I yet found in the Scrip ture. And your citations from the New Testament, so far from expressly teach ing it, have net even an allusion to uriy such doctrino or any such custom os you describe. In yonr second letter you propose to show that the doctrine in question " has been held ty the Church from the very earliest ages ; " but you do not show that it existed dnr. ing the ages when the Bible was writ ten indeed you almost seem to admit that it did not. If your doctrino had been held by Moses, Samuel and the prophets, we should be likely to find some trace cf it in their writing. If the apostles had held it, aud esteemed it as you do, I think wc should find some distinct expression of it, or nllu siou to it, in the New Testament. You seem to find plenty of such in the cata eonilis aud writings of the Fathers ; but none in th? JiiUe. I cannot but think you hold the doctrine for sonic other reason than that you believe it is taught in the Word of God. Because "it is so beautiful," " so consoling," perhaps ; us if there could bo any beauty apart from truth; or any real consolutiou from an imaginary source. juc inerc arc several otner things continued in your letters, which 1 must defer to another letter. Very truly yours. EVANGELIST. .VA'S ITEJ1S. It appears from recent experiments, conducted by the Loudon Pn cumatic Company, that one hundred and twen ty tons of goods can be feut through their eighteen miles of tubes every hour, at a cost less thin one penny to a ton per mile. The XL Wot Company's quartz crushing mill, at Columbia City, Colora do, was burued on the 10th. It took fire from the blacksmith shop, and was completely ruined. This will prove a great loss to the Territory, as it was one of the lareest there, bavins 50 stamps and containing an engine of 125 horse power. For some time past the company havo been taking out 82,000 per day. The loss is estimated at about e 100,000. The ofiicial returns of the State of New York show the vote ht the recent election for Governor to stand ts follows : For Fenton, Pepublican, 300,317 : for Hoffman, Democrat, 352,510 j majority for Fenton, 13,807. -A correspondent from the Chin. cha Islands writC3 that the shipping at that place averages about ninety sail, nud that the eiuna is disappearing so fast that another two and a half or three years at most will probably Cud the Chinchas deserted. A colored mau drove through the streets of Richmond last Saturday iu an open otic-horse carriage made wholly of broom straw, with the exception of wheels and running gear. The wheels were sawed out of solid timber, and measured eighteen inches iu diameter, and revolved glibly ou their well.lubri- ca ted axles. -The Meadovillo, Penusylvanian, Republican say it is now clearly de; moustratcd thai tho supply of peat in that region is almost inexhaustible. ' It abounds in nearly all tho swamp lands in the country. Iu many places the deposit is twenty or thirty feet thick. liiiuieais think that tho war kept he Southern States iu the Uuion, and that peace put them out. Prentice. Tho preparation oi tho President's message and the leports of the heads of departments aud the chiefs of bu reaus is in a slate of "router forward- ue-v than Lerttoforo, previous to the ke.-.siou of Congress. Some of them are partly iu print, aud tho others nearly ready for tho printer. The probability is that the press will be furnished with copies in advance of delivery. It has been asceriaiucd that Maxi- niillian's teuacity in holdiug on to Mcx. ico, Las been due to tho expectations, cucouraged by tho report ot his late agent in tho United States, Mawavo Degollado, just returned to Mcsico, that a new civil war vas iu tho eve of breeding out in the United States, and that this would certaiuly be tho case if tho Padicals carried tho fall elections. It is expected that all such vissiouarics aro now disappoiuted. Tho f'aot is known here, that Degollado could not obtaiu audiences either from Presilent Johnson or Secretary Seward, while in the United States, all his efforts in that direction have fuiled, his statement to the contrary notwithstanding. ' Sir. West, tho popular chief clerk of the Treasury Department, has nufH. ciently rcoovcred from his late severe sickness to rcsuuio tho constant duties of his iffiec. I JOHN U. HALL, K 1)1 TO II l'HOI'IUKTOR. i. r. u oou E, ruRLisiim. TiiURSDAy,Xo,.,2'M,im. TriE Democracy etill Lives. Tho result of tho recent elections, al though adverso to the Democracy, in all tho Northern States, show u'nmistako ably that this great national party, whose existence is cocvel with the Gov ernment itself, not only still lives, but it actually growing in numbers. It us cd to be said by its opponents, that the Democratic party was held together by tho "cohesive power of public plunder," that to cause its disruption it was only necessary to withdraw from it the pat ronagc of the public offices. For the lust five years all this "power," both National and State, has been wielded by the enemy, and with a spirit more re lentless aud proscriplive than was ever known in any country, and yet to-day the Democratic party is more powerful in numbers, and more coufident in the rectitude of its principles, than it ever 1 I n . ,i ...... was uciore. oav not, then, that this great national organization depends up ou the emoluments of offieo for its exis tence. Like tho sap that gives life, and vigor, and beauty to tho tender plant and the great oak, the pirinciplcs of the Democratic party give life, and strength, and beauty to our form of Government, and without which, like the plant and the oak deprived of their blood, must wither and die. M. eOrThc sccoud cession of the 39th Congress meets at Washington on Mou. day, next. Tho President's message is looked for with much anxiety. The session will be one of the most impor tant ever hcld. It i3 announced that Thad. Steven's couduct will bo such as compared to which, all his former acts will appear to be of tho most conserva, tivo character.' M. BSyThe contest for U. S. Senator, to 11 the place of Mr. Cowan, whose term empires on the 4th of March next, is becoming quite interesting. Cameron, Curtiu, Forney and Stevens, arc the promineut candidates. Curtin has de cidedly the advantage in point of num bers; ;but as long as Simon is able to ploy "wig-wag," it ;is by no means safe to bet your money on the "soldier's friend." The fight promises to be high ly interesting to Democrats, who havo nothing to lose. M. Uss?" The Clearfield Republican came to hand last week very much enlarged, and very much improved in other ro. spects. Friend Goodlaxder deserves cicdit for his enterprise, and the ster ling Democracy of that county, we feel assured will not fail to reward him vith their patroaagc. T SI E JE IV S . LOUISIANA. Xcw Orleans, Xov. 2G. The Louis iana State Fair, though u first attempt, is a great success. To-day is the last but one, yet the interest is unflagging. It has already quickened tho disposition to tho uso of improved iuplements and aud machinery in tho South. The as sociation has resolved to begin immedi ate preparations to hold another in No vember, 1S07, and to erect permaicnt builditigs for the use of the same. The Emory cotton gin takes tho first premium, also, the hydraulio washing machines, Wheeler and U'ilsou's scwius machines, aud tho charter oak cooking stove. 1 ho piano which took the first premium was manufactured at St. Lou is, ana tho second in New Orleans, though those of New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Buitiuiore came in competition with thcin. SOUTH CAROLINA. Colombia, S. O. Ai. 2C The Leg islature met to day. The Governor's message strongly opposes tho constitu tional amendment, recommeuds tho ad option of means to discourage the emi gration of negroes. Tho debt of tho state excluding the war debt is 85,250. 000, FOREIGN. London, AJov. 27, Noon. The Fe nian troubles in Ireland have assumed considerable proportions and there is no doubt that a serious outbreak has oc curred. Two regiments of national troops were urgently ordered to Ireland yesterday afternoon, and transports wore being prepared all night at Portsmouth. A. large detachment of marines Was also seut over to Qucenstown on the war steamer Plymouth. The London Glolo hints editorially that a more serious trouble with the United States is ut tho bottom of the matter, lho excitement is intense, and war licetuH to be inevitable. &Wii5HMtrjill, GliEA T EXC1 TEM Ey T HI O W K O f 7 o o rj H m CIS ft tr- 2 C ti K d C el O H &3 w ft ft 02 H Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, HON. R. G. WHITE, President, and Charles Mead. aud E. C. Sciiultze, Associute Judges ot the Court of Common Pleas, und Justices cf tho Court of Quarter Ses sions and Orphans' Court, and Court of Uyer and lermtner, and General Juil Delivery of Elk county, by their pre- cepis io me uireciea, nave ordcieu a Couit of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, and General Jail Delivery, to be holdcn t Ridgway, in and for the county of Elk on the SECOND MONDAY IN JAN. 1800. being the 7th day of the month and to continue the week. NOTICE is here, by given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county of rjiic , mat they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, und that all Jus. tices of said county make returns of all the recognizances "entered iuto before them to tho Clerk of tho court as per Act of Assembly, passed May 8th 1S04. And those w ho are bouud by their re cognizaos to prosecute tho prisoners that are or shall be in tho Jail of said county of Elk, aud to be theD aud there to prosecute against them as shall be just. J. A. M ALONE, Sheriff. GENTS WANTED ljr the Most P pid ir and list Sub scription Books Published. We ore the most extensive publishers in tho United States, (having six hous es,) and therof'ore cau afford to sell books cheaper aud pay agents a more liberal commission than any other eom pauv. Our books do not pass through tho hanisof Gencial Asents, fas nearlv all other tubsoription works do,) therefore wo are enablea to give tho canvassers the extra per ceut. which is usually al lowed to General Ageuts. Experienced canvassers will see the advances of dealing directly with the publishers. Our scries embraces the most popular works on all subiects of imDortannc. and is selling rapidly both North and South. Old agents, and all others, who want tho lest paving neencies. will nl-aasn send for circulars aud see our terms, and compare tnem ana the character of our works with those of other publishers. jiauress, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia, Pa.. Boston. Mass.. Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Chicago, Ilk, St. Louis, Mo., or Richmond, Va. dov. 29, 4t. BEE XO EVERYBODY! A Largo 5wtm. Catalogue, teaching how to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions and all impurities of the skin. How to torce Whiskers, restore, curl and beautify the hair : renew the age. cure jjruuKenness, nervous Debility, and other useful and valuable informa tion. Everybody send for it. Address, KITDlltfl) BUT1TTO f. fin. Chemists, 285 River Street, Nov. 29th, I860 1 m. Troy, N. Y. 5 fob) fiClKl-fohieijig. r ? h g WSHEHER. Dealer m 'ii.los, ?icloiw, 0fflqijs t)i)0 (jcjt iji-ysie MUSW ROOMS; 5, Pent Avenue, Curry, Xo. 45 Pei.t. Refers to J. Powell, B. F. Ely, Ridgwny. Ignatius Garner, Clias. Haigen. St. Murv's. nov 22,'6C, 3mpd. "IXECUTOirS NOTIOE.-Wherens, let I'j tcrstcslamentary on tlie eslate of Jos. Seel, kteof Benzinger township, deoeasod, have boon granted to the iindcrsignod. they hereby Riven notice to nil persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, add those having claims nsrainst the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. U. r . SH A rH'.'t, Kxecutar. CAUOLKYE SEEL, Fx i, nov22Ctpd. QTRAY 1 1 EIFFE U.-Stray- cd u.vny from the premises oftheeub soiiber about the first of lust June, a B11IN DLIC IPtlFKEH, lias two lurgo white spots on oiuside of each hind leg, small hovus one crooked, a few white spots on belly, and a white star ou forehead, and is two years old. Any pernon giving information of said liciller, will be liberally rewarded. MAHTLV FIUTZ, Xov. 8. I SCO. !lt. Bonzin-or, 1'. O. LA11GE ;AI'Ac1tTG HEAT Stresmh and unei)uallej jpced, simplicitv and cu:nplcteness of operation, are finalities pe. culiur to tho Nonioai-eil Wasliiny la tMiine. It e a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, und the ex perience derived from five years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public institutions proves it to ba of lusting vuluo to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roiavy morion noting ona crunk e'laf't with halnncu wheel,) which moves tho plunucrs iillertn.tuly, is the finiplcs!, legist lnboiioitF and must powerful that cur. be Jo vised fur the purpose, mid accomplishes the work with the greatest rapiOity ami tho Iciiat po.-jsi'jle labor. Tho great Kpeed with which this machine pei-l'oi niH work will be tiudui'Htnod ti uin 'he statement that it is vctir.l in -rlv.. w:..- wi..i-aa of Ihcplungeis for one turnout il.c h imile, ...1. ...1... 1 1..: -i . i- ' wi, -tiiut nuintu iciam-ciy, nnuut inur hun dred strokes a niimiift S. ill' vii, t , i.i. in washed is inaiucd by tho caiiro ubneuco of rubbing. A Ciller bov of fifteen can wnvL-iiia n.n chine, and do a week's washing for a fimily ui ei ui eiai persons in two 10 lurceltOUU' time: audit may be relied on to elennsothe clothinn; thoronphly. without assist anco i'roin hiOiii p- .Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom rxnlnsivn virrM of sale in secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 20,'CG-ly JJOBBINS' Electric Soap ! Saves Tinio, Saves Money, Saves Labor, Suves Clothes, Saves Women, AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is used by cutting into small shavings and dissolving in hot wster, then soak the clothes five to ten minutes, and ft little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of bard machine rubbing would do, with or dinary soap, and the most delicate fabrio recoive no injury. We can refer to thous. audi of families who are using it, aud who could not be perauaded to do without DOBBINS' E LECTRIC SOAP ! Sold by all Leading Grocers Throughout (he A!tate. WHOLESALE OFFICE : 107 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. uovl3m .i h " C tr I I I K 3 5 1 ol? 1&& it0 a mm ma 6 fci 5 5 rtTsftaa w r S 1 . 2 I r- a I Pwtffl - B . a a THE MAllKETS. Ripoway, Nov. 29,1800. FI.OUR, l'OHK... P bM $1100 01.-, Off U'liptnt . i i . ...27 00 "iii.-n, per Diisnct 3 00 'tVE zrr COBN i 05 oats BUCKWHEAT 1 05 DKIED APPLES 4 00 BEANS a oil BUTTER per pound 40 LAUD 20 CHEESE ! MAC'KEltEL Vi WHITE FISH 10 EGGS per dozen .....40 GREi,N APPLES, per barrel 5 00 Erik, Pa.. Nov. 27 , 1SCG. FLOUR ccr lib! S R ifltn 14 OO PORK -1 1)0 to 2350 18 00 to 21 00 HITKFISII Jbbl 0 25 to 0 50 i...ivi.uiu.u 1(1 1 In l' fid " jurr uusnci 2 (0 to V 11 1.- 1 'li . i i . i m 2 00 25 20 17 '"'"a 1 75 to EGGS per dozen 23 tn LAUD per pound i8to CIIEKSK jo ts BUTTER 23 to TO CONSUMPTIVES. rrHE Advertiser, having been rcstorod I to health in a few weeks, by a vcrv simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung affection, and tliat dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to mako knowu to his fellow-sufi'erers the menus of cure. To nil who desire it, lie will send a corv of the prescription nscd, (free of charge), with tlie dircctiot.s for preparing the same, wiucii iney win nnu a aure (jure lor Con sumption, Asthma, Uronchits, &c. Tlio on ly object of tho advertiser in sending the Prescription, is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, &s it will cost them, nothing, and may prove a blenfing. Parties wishing tho prescription, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON", Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. Oct. 25th 13(J6-ly. slLISIiVMl It tlO. Sf CO. Extensive Manufacturers and importers of GOLD, PLATED St, OKEIDE JEWELRY, SOLID AXU X1CKKL SILVER WARE, American, English and Swiss Watches, Cased by Ourselves, And every description of Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions, Especially adapted anu designed for South ern and Western Trade. Circulars and full descriptive Price Lists scut free, Agrnts wanted everywhere. Ad', dress SALISBURY, 15RO. & Co. ol Dorrance street, oct.25,'0G ly. Providence, R. I. INSURANCE AGAINST loss or DAMAGE by Flltli rTWE Lycoming County Mutunl lnsur JL anco Company at Muncey, Pa., eon. tiimes to Insure against Loss or Damage by Firo ou till kinds ef Merchandise. Publicr and private buildings, either in town oi county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Earns, stocks of Grain, &c, at tho lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to tho Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insuranco Company invites an investii gatiou as to its stability. Its capital amounts to $2,800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its patron that their losses will bepromptly and satis, factorilj paid. Its management has always been prudent, as its existence of twenty, six yeacs-fully demonstrates JAMES ELAKELY, Agent for Elk county, at St. Mary's. GOOD JTEirSt The subscriber begs leave to announce to thn oiti7ona nf I'll? n..l nfi;::.. ties that ho has purchased the harness. shot) lately occupied by John Sinutz, and that he iS Prepared tO do all kinds nf nrnt-lr in n en!.. able style, SADDLES,Bn;DLES,irARXESS kept constantly on hand at prices to suit the times. Give me a call shop in tho sec ond story of Ilouk's building. ocii-iy.j (J. LEVIS. Refilied Oil, Good Quality, by Oio barrel, at CO cents per gallon, by oct i fti J. POWELL, II' you want Jano'e or Dr. Ayer's celebrated Medicines, pure, call ' upon the only uuthorized agent iu Ridg way. oct. 11-tf J. POWELL. If ypil want a load of Salt, Flour, or Feed, you can save money byjbuying ol oct. 11 tf. J. POWELL. Groceries of all Kinds, cheaper than cm be bought ul Eric. at wholesale or retail, by oct. 11-tf. J. POWELL. FOR SALE!! Twd Steam Enpines o-iutii uuru biiu iu-incn strolce, with l ii am suuiis anu one snarls, s0. Also, FOUR cylinder boilers thirty long and of sufficient Dower tn ii.-,. fee two engines. Any one desirous of puichns ing Stea-n Machinery will find it to their ad vantage to call upon the subscriber at Porti land Mills. HIRAM CARMAN Ridgway, Pa. oct. 4th-8m. ' th ft I On1, YEAR! w. pl)t)JJ t Agenta everywhere to sell our improved $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper fted' Sent ou trial. Warranted five years. Above icm uuuiuiiosiuus paia. TtieoxLv uiwuiun oiu in me unitea states for than $40, which are fully lieented by J Wheeler Wilton, Orover $ Baker, ,s .1- Co.. ami Hnrh.lJ. All ml,,.. .1 I CIS i;,'er chines are infringement! and the teller i r user m:t. ure rtimoie w arreti, tint ana mpritomueiit. Illustrated ciroulars sentre. Addn-3 or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddi-ford. Maine, or Chicogo, 111. may-17:-;i; ly DR. J. S. BORDW5LL Electic Phy u cian. Late of Warren county Pn will promptly answer all professional call's by night or day. Residence one door east of the late rosidence of Hon. J. L. Gillie Mar.22,C0-ly. -u-uuiw, HYDE HOUSE. Ridgway, Penna. Mrs E. 0. Ciejiemis, Proprietress Not 1,3uj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers